

June 12 and internet shut down: What Nigerians and Protesters should do

Nigerians are Planning to PROTEST against the Government on the *12th of June 2021*. Which is this Saturday, all over Nigeria. But most especially Lagos 

And the Powers that be have planned to Shut down the Internet on that same *12th of June 2021 to prevent Social Media usage and disabled the whole world from having Immediate knowledge of the happenings and atrocities that will be committed against the Protesters just as the Endsar and Lekki toll gate massacre.






will not work on that June 12th So, that their agenta of death Can KILL PEOPLE* that comes out to Protest. And no one will hear or know or find evidence about it.

Why it may seem to be a good plan for the Buhari led APC Regime, but whenever the internet is restored, the whole world will still hear and see whatever happened in NIGERIAaa the Protesters and lovers of good Governance and democracy will have to take pictures and record videos of the events for later use and broadcast.

Internet was the Major Tools Nigerians used to be heard during ENDSARS and NOT even our Television Stations... so they have restrategized.

Telecommunications network too have been commanded to shut down networks on that day or lower it's capacity as many will find it very difficult to access the internet, according to sources with the intention that when they release *Soldiers and police to Kill people for coming out to Protest, there would be no SAVING GRACE or EVIDENCE. Because social media and phones will be disconnected.

Please tell your friends and family members to prepare for Saturday 12 June 2021 and ensure that any evidence is kept saved.

Right to Protest is constitutionally guaranteed by their so called unitary federal constitution.

As we pray that God should save our country, Nigeria from the terrorists led Government, so when you hear there is protest, be glad. Don't panic. And come out. 

Never say they would kill people, if however you say so, you are a terrible weak human being. 

If Protest is constitutional, why should they kill people and if they have been doing it they it's our duty to put an end to it by going out to Protest more that ever,  protect those protesting as much as we can or stay in and call out the govt not to try anything foolish against the armless Protesters in the face is Social, security and economy failure if this regime.

 We must not surrender our country to cowards and terrorists in power who think they can scare us with guns and tear gas. 

What do we do. We move. #June12Protest #RevolutionNow #BuhariMustGo

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