


Showing posts with label Coup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coup. Show all posts

Attack on Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is appalling — Ukrainian President

Attack on Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is appalling — Ukrainian President





As 239 Army Cadets Get Presidential Commission

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Nigerian Army (NA) Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja has declared that 'the only thing better than democracy for Nigeria in this modern era, is more democracy'. The Army Chief made the declaration today Saturday 5 August 2023, while addressing Officer Cadets at the Passing Out Parade and Commissioning  cum Oath Taking Ceremony for Executive Commission Course 1/2023, held at the Major  Bulama Biu Parade Ground, Military Cantonment, Jaji, Kaduna.

Speaking further, Gen Lagbaja averred that all officers and men of the Nigerian Army must be reminded that subordination of the military to constituted authority remains the most fashionable means of promoting military professionalism. He emphasized that the desire of every Nigerian is a flourishing, uninterrupted constitutional democratic governance, that promotes national values and the interest of every well-meaning Nigerian, irrespective of ethnic or religious affiliation. "I therefore charge all Nigerian Army personnel to be proud champions of our flourishing democracy and remain apolitical in discharging their constitutional duties", he unequivocally added. He reaffirmed that the NA remains committed to ensuring the security of lives and property across the country, stressing that the Army is working assiduously to protect the territorial integrity of the nation and support relevant security agencies in ensuring the security of lives and property within the country. 

The COAS, afterwards,  conferred Presidential Commission on the Passing out Cadets, to the rank of Lieutenant, after which the Oath of Allegiance was administered to them at the Lieutenant General Ihejirika Auditorium.

The 239 Passing out Cadets comprising 12 female and 228 male Cadets were already in service as soldiers and were drawn from various Corps of the NA, before they were selected for  Executive Commissioning, after three months of intensive military training, spanning1 May to 5 August 2023. In the passing out ceremony, three Cadets emerged in flying colours amongst their contemporaries. Cadet A Saminu came first in order of merit, while Cadet SC Nwokanta came second and Cadet OY Yahaya bagged the third position. 

The Commandant Nigerian Army School of Infantry, Major General Oluyemi Olatoye, who superintended the training of the Cadets, noted that they have been imbued with requisite skills to function as officers. He pointed out, that the newly commissioned officers have been trained to be loyal, courageous and dedicated in their service to the nation.

Highpoint of the event was the presentation of Parchment of Commission to the newly commissioned Officers.

All after the Commissioning ceremony, the COAS paid an empathy visit to officers and soldiers who were wounded in action during operational engagements at the 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna 

More Photos;


Brigadier General

Director Army Public Relations

5 August 2023

© Latest News Plus®

Admission Into All Classes are in progress at A1 PREMIER MODEL ACADEMY LTD, OSOGBO, OSUN STATE, NIGERIA


WHAT'SAPP; 08080895259

As 239 Army Cadets Get Presidential Commission

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Nigerian Army (NA) Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja has declared that 'the only thing better than democracy for Nigeria in this modern era, is more democracy'. The Army Chief made the declaration today Saturday 5 August 2023, while addressing Officer Cadets at the Passing Out Parade and Commissioning  cum Oath Taking Ceremony for Executive Commission Course 1/2023, held at the Major  Bulama Biu Parade Ground, Military Cantonment, Jaji, Kaduna.

Speaking further, Gen Lagbaja averred that all officers and men of the Nigerian Army must be reminded that subordination of the military to constituted authority remains the most fashionable means of promoting military professionalism. He emphasized that the desire of every Nigerian is a flourishing, uninterrupted constitutional democratic governance, that promotes national values and the interest of every well-meaning Nigerian, irrespective of ethnic or religious affiliation. "I therefore charge all Nigerian Army personnel to be proud champions of our flourishing democracy and remain apolitical in discharging their constitutional duties", he unequivocally added. He reaffirmed that the NA remains committed to ensuring the security of lives and property across the country, stressing that the Army is working assiduously to protect the territorial integrity of the nation and support relevant security agencies in ensuring the security of lives and property within the country. 

The COAS, afterwards,  conferred Presidential Commission on the Passing out Cadets, to the rank of Lieutenant, after which the Oath of Allegiance was administered to them at the Lieutenant General Ihejirika Auditorium.

The 239 Passing out Cadets comprising 12 female and 228 male Cadets were already in service as soldiers and were drawn from various Corps of the NA, before they were selected for  Executive Commissioning, after three months of intensive military training, spanning1 May to 5 August 2023. In the passing out ceremony, three Cadets emerged in flying colours amongst their contemporaries. Cadet A Saminu came first in order of merit, while Cadet SC Nwokanta came second and Cadet OY Yahaya bagged the third position. 

The Commandant Nigerian Army School of Infantry, Major General Oluyemi Olatoye, who superintended the training of the Cadets, noted that they have been imbued with requisite skills to function as officers. He pointed out, that the newly commissioned officers have been trained to be loyal, courageous and dedicated in their service to the nation.

Highpoint of the event was the presentation of Parchment of Commission to the newly commissioned Officers.

All after the Commissioning ceremony, the COAS paid an empathy visit to officers and soldiers who were wounded in action during operational engagements at the 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna 

More Photos;


Brigadier General

Director Army Public Relations

5 August 2023

© Latest News Plus®

Admission Into All Classes are in progress at A1 PREMIER MODEL ACADEMY LTD, OSOGBO, OSUN STATE, NIGERIA


WHAT'SAPP; 08080895259

President Alpha Conde of Guinea and the lessons for leaders, politicians and public officials

President Alpha Conde of Guinea and the lessons for leaders, politicians and public officials

Some time in June this year of the Lord 2021, just about three months ago, commander of the elite Presidential Guards, French-trained Col. Mammadou Donmbouya, held the umbrella for his boss, President Alpha Conde of Guinea. But just last Sunday He ousted his boss. TRUST NOBODY.

Lesson 1: 
Don't overstay in power. It's not your father's chieftaincy title. 

At 80+years, the old man should be a respected statesman guiding younger politicians.

Lesson 2. 
Don't overstay your welcome. When hand is paining the umbrella holders they can put the umbrella down. Then *rain* will pour on you.

Lesson 3.
Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso was assassinated by his closest friend and colleague, Blaise Compaore' in the coup of October 15, 1987. 

Meaning; Always watch your back, trust only in God....... 

More different lessons to be learned

Some time in June this year of the Lord 2021, just about three months ago, commander of the elite Presidential Guards, French-trained Col. Mammadou Donmbouya, held the umbrella for his boss, President Alpha Conde of Guinea. But just last Sunday He ousted his boss. TRUST NOBODY.

Lesson 1: 
Don't overstay in power. It's not your father's chieftaincy title. 

At 80+years, the old man should be a respected statesman guiding younger politicians.

Lesson 2. 
Don't overstay your welcome. When hand is paining the umbrella holders they can put the umbrella down. Then *rain* will pour on you.

Lesson 3.
Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso was assassinated by his closest friend and colleague, Blaise Compaore' in the coup of October 15, 1987. 

Meaning; Always watch your back, trust only in God....... 

More different lessons to be learned

Whitewashing is a waste, History has already judged Babangida

Whitewashing is a waste, History has already judged Babangida

- Owei Lakemfa.

Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, retired General and former Military Head of State turned 80 tomorrow, Tuesday, August 17. 

I congratulate him primarily because I also pray to grow old. But I do not pray that in my old age my Children will organise gatherings where People will try to whitewash my deeds.


One of such occasions was the August 12, 2021 pre-birthday event. The summary of the endless speeches which were relayed live on television is that Babangida is a reliable, kind-hearted Statesman who never neglects or betrays his Friends. But that is not what the records show.

Yes, Babangida comes across as a comely, friendly, charming person, but so does the beautiful, cunning, crafty Fox. 

Those gathering for the whitewash of Babangida know that Nigerians gave him the sobriquet Maradona. 

This was because like the famous Argentine Footballer, Diego Maradona, who was a great dribbler and seller of dummies on the Field, Babangida was dribbling Nigerians, selling them dummies, was quite crafty, deceitful and unreliable.

A great difference was that while the real Maradona never shifted the Goal Post during play, Babangida was always shifting the Goal Post post whenever he thought a goal was to be scored against him. 

For instance, he promised to hand-over power to an elected Civilian Administration in 1990. When the date drew near, he shifted it to 1992, then January 1993, later to August 1993, and ended up not handing over power before he was disgraced out of Office.

While claiming to be a Champion of mass participation in decision-making, he declared a public debate on whether or not, the International Monetary Fund, IMF, loan and its conditionalities should be accepted. 

Nigerians in overwhelming numbers rejected both. 

On December 13, 1985, Babangida addressed the Nation acknowledging the undeniable choice of Nigerians and even declared that “ …the path of honour and the essence of democratic patriotism lies in discontinuing the negotiations with the IMF for a support loan”.

Nigerians were ecstatic, but the cunning Babangida did the exact opposite by going to bed with the IMF and imposing its criminal conditionalities christened the Structural Adjustment Programme, SAP. 

When Nigerians protested against this imposition, Patriots like the labour Legends, Michael Imoudu and Wahab Goodluck and Lawyer, Gani Fawehinmi were detained.

Many Tertiary Institutions shutdown and Protesters were shot in the Streets.

As to the claim that Babangida was loyal to Friends, at least two of his close Friends who believed that, were sent to early Graves. 

One of them was Mamman Vatsa, his Childhood Friend, High School Classmate at Government College, Bida, and a Fellow General. 

In fact, Babangida signed Vatsa’s marriage Register as his Best Man. 

Vatsa was accused of harbouring the thought of overthrowing Babangida, was tried in a Military Tribunal, tied to the stake on March 5, 1986 and executed.

Another Babangida close friend, Chief Moshood Abiola, won the June 12,1993 Presidential election, fair and square. 

But Babangida annulled it and later claimed he did it to prevent a coup. 

Is that not treasonable felony ? 

What a Friend he had in Babangida ! 

Abiola while fighting for his mandate was detained under the Abacha regime and eventually died.

 At the Babangida whitewash last week, a former Director of Military Intelligence, DMI Haliru Akilu, a retired General, mentioned Babangida’s relocation of the Capital from Lagos to Abuja as a monumental achievement adding: “This was a great decision that only leaders of IBB’s capacity can make.” 

I am not sure about this. Abuja was being built by previous Governments and partially under Babangida. 

Not a few attribute Babangida’s December 12, 1991 relocation to Abuja as a fall out of the Orkar coup which exposed the vulnerability of the Dodan Barracks State House.

In fact, the haste and disorderly way the Capital was relocated was like a Man fleeing a City. 

For instance, many of those who had to relocate, had no Offices. As for Accommodation, it was in so short supply that many lived in their Offices for years, while many desperate Female Public Servants, some of them married, shared Rooms with Males lucky enough to secure accommodation. This is the origin of the popular ‘Abuja Marriage’ syndrome.

Businessman, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, talked glowingly about Babangida as a dependable Friend. 

Babangida, he claimed, made him Leader of the Raw Materials Development Council, and stayed by his side for a whole day when he buried his Father. 

But he only narrated one side of the story. The other is that the same Babangida sent armed Security Agents to traumatise Journalists and Staff of Iwuanyanwu’s Champion Newspapers and shutdown the Publication without any warning or Court order. 

It was simply the application of brutal force against a non-Military Institution.

The Babangida regime had no regard for fundamental Human Rights. People were detained without trial. 

At any given time, under that Dictatorship, the Cells and Dungeons were packed full of Patriots. 

When the pro-democracy protests broke out with demands for the de-annulment of the June 12 election, the Regime sent out well kitted Soldiers led personally by then Chief of Army Staff, General Sani Abacha to repress them. 

On July 6, 1993, a total of 118 Protesters were shot dead on the Streets of Lagos. Almost all were shot in the back which meant they were running away and not confronting their Murderers. These are crimes against Humanity for which the Regime should be held accountable.

When the pro-State Candidate, Takai Shamang, could not win the 1988 Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC elections, the Babangida Regime banned the Congress under a nebulous ‘Economic Recovery’ decree. 

When Senior Staff of Nigeria Electricity Power Authority, NEPA, went on strike against the poor state of Power Infrastructures, the regime seized eleven of them and hauled them before a Military Tribunal tribunal demanding the death sentence. 

Eventually, the Men were sentenced to life imprisonment for going on strike which is a right !

In 1986 after the Police murdered four Students of the Ahmadu Bello University, ABU, for protesting. The regime shutdown virtually all Tertiary Institutions in the Country for protesting the murders. 

It also proscribed the National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS. 

The Babangida regime was a lawless one which not only ousted the jurisdiction of the Courts in many decrees, but also did not obey Court orders and rulings. 

Those gathering around the Country in a vain attempt to whitewash Babangida are just deceiving him and deceiving themselves; history has already judged him. 

The wise in Africa say even if a Man is being deceived, he owes himself the duty not to deceive himself. 

If Babangida does not apologise for his atrocities against the Nigerian People, he should go to a quiet spot in his Hilltop Mansion to pray that God forgives him his sins..

- Owei Lakemfa.

Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, retired General and former Military Head of State turned 80 tomorrow, Tuesday, August 17. 

I congratulate him primarily because I also pray to grow old. But I do not pray that in my old age my Children will organise gatherings where People will try to whitewash my deeds.


One of such occasions was the August 12, 2021 pre-birthday event. The summary of the endless speeches which were relayed live on television is that Babangida is a reliable, kind-hearted Statesman who never neglects or betrays his Friends. But that is not what the records show.

Yes, Babangida comes across as a comely, friendly, charming person, but so does the beautiful, cunning, crafty Fox. 

Those gathering for the whitewash of Babangida know that Nigerians gave him the sobriquet Maradona. 

This was because like the famous Argentine Footballer, Diego Maradona, who was a great dribbler and seller of dummies on the Field, Babangida was dribbling Nigerians, selling them dummies, was quite crafty, deceitful and unreliable.

A great difference was that while the real Maradona never shifted the Goal Post during play, Babangida was always shifting the Goal Post post whenever he thought a goal was to be scored against him. 

For instance, he promised to hand-over power to an elected Civilian Administration in 1990. When the date drew near, he shifted it to 1992, then January 1993, later to August 1993, and ended up not handing over power before he was disgraced out of Office.

While claiming to be a Champion of mass participation in decision-making, he declared a public debate on whether or not, the International Monetary Fund, IMF, loan and its conditionalities should be accepted. 

Nigerians in overwhelming numbers rejected both. 

On December 13, 1985, Babangida addressed the Nation acknowledging the undeniable choice of Nigerians and even declared that “ …the path of honour and the essence of democratic patriotism lies in discontinuing the negotiations with the IMF for a support loan”.

Nigerians were ecstatic, but the cunning Babangida did the exact opposite by going to bed with the IMF and imposing its criminal conditionalities christened the Structural Adjustment Programme, SAP. 

When Nigerians protested against this imposition, Patriots like the labour Legends, Michael Imoudu and Wahab Goodluck and Lawyer, Gani Fawehinmi were detained.

Many Tertiary Institutions shutdown and Protesters were shot in the Streets.

As to the claim that Babangida was loyal to Friends, at least two of his close Friends who believed that, were sent to early Graves. 

One of them was Mamman Vatsa, his Childhood Friend, High School Classmate at Government College, Bida, and a Fellow General. 

In fact, Babangida signed Vatsa’s marriage Register as his Best Man. 

Vatsa was accused of harbouring the thought of overthrowing Babangida, was tried in a Military Tribunal, tied to the stake on March 5, 1986 and executed.

Another Babangida close friend, Chief Moshood Abiola, won the June 12,1993 Presidential election, fair and square. 

But Babangida annulled it and later claimed he did it to prevent a coup. 

Is that not treasonable felony ? 

What a Friend he had in Babangida ! 

Abiola while fighting for his mandate was detained under the Abacha regime and eventually died.

 At the Babangida whitewash last week, a former Director of Military Intelligence, DMI Haliru Akilu, a retired General, mentioned Babangida’s relocation of the Capital from Lagos to Abuja as a monumental achievement adding: “This was a great decision that only leaders of IBB’s capacity can make.” 

I am not sure about this. Abuja was being built by previous Governments and partially under Babangida. 

Not a few attribute Babangida’s December 12, 1991 relocation to Abuja as a fall out of the Orkar coup which exposed the vulnerability of the Dodan Barracks State House.

In fact, the haste and disorderly way the Capital was relocated was like a Man fleeing a City. 

For instance, many of those who had to relocate, had no Offices. As for Accommodation, it was in so short supply that many lived in their Offices for years, while many desperate Female Public Servants, some of them married, shared Rooms with Males lucky enough to secure accommodation. This is the origin of the popular ‘Abuja Marriage’ syndrome.

Businessman, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, talked glowingly about Babangida as a dependable Friend. 

Babangida, he claimed, made him Leader of the Raw Materials Development Council, and stayed by his side for a whole day when he buried his Father. 

But he only narrated one side of the story. The other is that the same Babangida sent armed Security Agents to traumatise Journalists and Staff of Iwuanyanwu’s Champion Newspapers and shutdown the Publication without any warning or Court order. 

It was simply the application of brutal force against a non-Military Institution.

The Babangida regime had no regard for fundamental Human Rights. People were detained without trial. 

At any given time, under that Dictatorship, the Cells and Dungeons were packed full of Patriots. 

When the pro-democracy protests broke out with demands for the de-annulment of the June 12 election, the Regime sent out well kitted Soldiers led personally by then Chief of Army Staff, General Sani Abacha to repress them. 

On July 6, 1993, a total of 118 Protesters were shot dead on the Streets of Lagos. Almost all were shot in the back which meant they were running away and not confronting their Murderers. These are crimes against Humanity for which the Regime should be held accountable.

When the pro-State Candidate, Takai Shamang, could not win the 1988 Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC elections, the Babangida Regime banned the Congress under a nebulous ‘Economic Recovery’ decree. 

When Senior Staff of Nigeria Electricity Power Authority, NEPA, went on strike against the poor state of Power Infrastructures, the regime seized eleven of them and hauled them before a Military Tribunal tribunal demanding the death sentence. 

Eventually, the Men were sentenced to life imprisonment for going on strike which is a right !

In 1986 after the Police murdered four Students of the Ahmadu Bello University, ABU, for protesting. The regime shutdown virtually all Tertiary Institutions in the Country for protesting the murders. 

It also proscribed the National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS. 

The Babangida regime was a lawless one which not only ousted the jurisdiction of the Courts in many decrees, but also did not obey Court orders and rulings. 

Those gathering around the Country in a vain attempt to whitewash Babangida are just deceiving him and deceiving themselves; history has already judged him. 

The wise in Africa say even if a Man is being deceived, he owes himself the duty not to deceive himself. 

If Babangida does not apologise for his atrocities against the Nigerian People, he should go to a quiet spot in his Hilltop Mansion to pray that God forgives him his sins..

Blabbing IBB: A hater of democracy, a murderer, a thief who should be in prison now - Sowore

Blabbing IBB: A hater of democracy, a murderer, a thief who should be in prison now - Sowore

Conman, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (IBB) killed students, killed Dele Giwa, Killed Mamman Vasta, killed Gideon Orkar, killed a generation of young army officers in a plane crash so they won’t reach their prime, now he’s blabbing about the quest for a younger generation to lead. A hater of democracy, a murderer, a thief and dissembler,m who should be in prison but here we are with one of these blockheads just running his mouth and getting undue airtime! #RevolutionNow

Omoyele Sowore

It is an indictment on the Nigeria's system which allowed characters like IBB to move freely like a saint.

And indeed very unfortunate that character like Major General Muhammadu Buhari will almost make him a saint.

Comrade Dele Abiola

Conman, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (IBB) killed students, killed Dele Giwa, Killed Mamman Vasta, killed Gideon Orkar, killed a generation of young army officers in a plane crash so they won’t reach their prime, now he’s blabbing about the quest for a younger generation to lead. A hater of democracy, a murderer, a thief and dissembler,m who should be in prison but here we are with one of these blockheads just running his mouth and getting undue airtime! #RevolutionNow

Omoyele Sowore

It is an indictment on the Nigeria's system which allowed characters like IBB to move freely like a saint.

And indeed very unfortunate that character like Major General Muhammadu Buhari will almost make him a saint.

Comrade Dele Abiola

What Gideon Orkar Said 31 yrs Ago

What Gideon Orkar Said 31 yrs Ago

 "Fellow Nigerian Citizens,

We wish to emphasize that this is not just another coup but a well-conceived, planned and executed revolution for the marginalized, oppressed and enslaved peoples of the Middle Belt and the south with a view to freeing ourselves and children yet unborn from eternal slavery and colonization by a clique of this country.

Our history is replete with numerous and uncontrollable instances of callous and insensitive dominatory repressive intrigues by those who think it is their birthright to dominate till eternity the political and economic privileges of this great country to the exclusion of the people of the Middle Belt and the south.

They have almost succeeded in subjugating the Middle Belt and making them voiceless and now extending same to the south.

It is our unflinching belief that this quest for domination, oppression and marginalization is against the wish of God and therefore, must be resisted with the vehemence.

Another major reason for the change is the need to stop intrigues, domination and internal colonization of the Nigerian state by the so-called chosen few. This, in our view, has been and is still responsible for 90 percent of the problems of Nigerians.

This indeed has been the major clog in our wheel of progress.

This clique has an unabated penchant for domination and unrivalled fostering of mediocrity and outright detest for accountability, all put together have been our undoing as a nation.

This will ever remain our threat if not checked immediately. It is strongly believed that without the intrigues perpetrated by this clique and misrule, Nigeria will have in all ways achieved developmental virtues comparable to those in Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, India, and even Japan.

Evidence, therefore, this cancerous dominance has as a factor constituted by a major and unpardonable clog in the wheel of progress of the Nigerian state. It is suffice to mention a few distasteful intrigues engineered by this group of Nigerians in recent past. These are...

The now-pervasive and on-going retrenchment of Middle Belt and southerners from public offices and their instant replacement by the favoured class and their stooges.

The deliberate impoverishment of the peoples from the Middle Belt and the south, making them working ghosts and feeding on the formulae of 0-1-1- or 0-0-0 while the aristocratic class and their stooges are living in absolute affluence on a daily basis without working for it.

Other countless examples of the exploitative, oppressive, dirty games of intrigues of its class, where people and stooges that can best be described by the fact that even though they contribute very little economically to the well-being of Nigeria, they have over the years served and presided over the supposedly national wealth derived in the main from the Middle Belt and the southern part of this country, while the people from these parts of the country have been completely deprived from benefiting from the resources given to them by God.

Long live all true patriots of this great country of ours. May God and Allah through his bountiful mercies bless us all".

April 22,1990.


Major Gideon Gwaza Orkar was a Nigerian military officer who staged a violent coup against the government of General Ibrahim Babangida on April 22, 1990.

 "Fellow Nigerian Citizens,

We wish to emphasize that this is not just another coup but a well-conceived, planned and executed revolution for the marginalized, oppressed and enslaved peoples of the Middle Belt and the south with a view to freeing ourselves and children yet unborn from eternal slavery and colonization by a clique of this country.

Our history is replete with numerous and uncontrollable instances of callous and insensitive dominatory repressive intrigues by those who think it is their birthright to dominate till eternity the political and economic privileges of this great country to the exclusion of the people of the Middle Belt and the south.

They have almost succeeded in subjugating the Middle Belt and making them voiceless and now extending same to the south.

It is our unflinching belief that this quest for domination, oppression and marginalization is against the wish of God and therefore, must be resisted with the vehemence.

Another major reason for the change is the need to stop intrigues, domination and internal colonization of the Nigerian state by the so-called chosen few. This, in our view, has been and is still responsible for 90 percent of the problems of Nigerians.

This indeed has been the major clog in our wheel of progress.

This clique has an unabated penchant for domination and unrivalled fostering of mediocrity and outright detest for accountability, all put together have been our undoing as a nation.

This will ever remain our threat if not checked immediately. It is strongly believed that without the intrigues perpetrated by this clique and misrule, Nigeria will have in all ways achieved developmental virtues comparable to those in Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, India, and even Japan.

Evidence, therefore, this cancerous dominance has as a factor constituted by a major and unpardonable clog in the wheel of progress of the Nigerian state. It is suffice to mention a few distasteful intrigues engineered by this group of Nigerians in recent past. These are...

The now-pervasive and on-going retrenchment of Middle Belt and southerners from public offices and their instant replacement by the favoured class and their stooges.

The deliberate impoverishment of the peoples from the Middle Belt and the south, making them working ghosts and feeding on the formulae of 0-1-1- or 0-0-0 while the aristocratic class and their stooges are living in absolute affluence on a daily basis without working for it.

Other countless examples of the exploitative, oppressive, dirty games of intrigues of its class, where people and stooges that can best be described by the fact that even though they contribute very little economically to the well-being of Nigeria, they have over the years served and presided over the supposedly national wealth derived in the main from the Middle Belt and the southern part of this country, while the people from these parts of the country have been completely deprived from benefiting from the resources given to them by God.

Long live all true patriots of this great country of ours. May God and Allah through his bountiful mercies bless us all".

April 22,1990.


Major Gideon Gwaza Orkar was a Nigerian military officer who staged a violent coup against the government of General Ibrahim Babangida on April 22, 1990.

Bolivia’s former interim president Jeanine Anez arrested over 2019 coup

Bolivia’s former interim president Jeanine Anez arrested over 2019 coup

Jeanine Anez, who seized power in Bolivia as an interim president after the November 2019 ousting of then-president Evo Morales, has been arrested on suspicion of sedition, the new government has announced.

Anez's arrest warrant was issued by a court on Friday and was executed on Saturday morning, Minister of Government Carlos del Castillo announced on Twitter. He hailed the development as a step forward in giving the Bolivian people the justice they deserve.

Bolivian media showed images of the politician being taken into custody. Anez and other members of her government have been accused of sedition, terrorism and conspiracy over the way they took and held on to power. Meanwhile Anez denounced the Bolivian government, saying her arrest was “abuse and political persecution”, denying that a coup ever happened in the country. A number of police officers were spotted around Anez’s home in the city of Trinidad, northeast of La Paz, on Friday after the news of her imminent arrest broke.

Police have arrived at the home of Jeanine Añez in Trinidad, Beni. Local residents have also arrived to witness the imminent arrest of Bolivia's former coup President.— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) March 12, 2021

Anez served as the leader of Bolivia after violent mass protests in 2019 forced Morales to resign and flee the country. The uprising was triggered by allegations of election fraud, which were later revealed to be largely unsubstantiated. The Anez government deployed the military against Morales’ supporters, who staged counter-protests, and it temporarily gave the troops immunity from prosecution for their actions as they quelled the dissent.

Morales was forced to go into exile after the Bolivian security forces sided with his opponents, with Anez’s 'interim' conservative government later taking power in the South American country. However, she withdrew her candidacy from the next election in 2020 one day after polls showed the pro-Morales candidate in the lead.

The Movement for Socialism (MAS), Morales’ political party, made a comeback by winning the November 2020 general election and securing the presidency for Luis Arce.

Jeanine Anez, who seized power in Bolivia as an interim president after the November 2019 ousting of then-president Evo Morales, has been arrested on suspicion of sedition, the new government has announced.

Anez's arrest warrant was issued by a court on Friday and was executed on Saturday morning, Minister of Government Carlos del Castillo announced on Twitter. He hailed the development as a step forward in giving the Bolivian people the justice they deserve.

Bolivian media showed images of the politician being taken into custody. Anez and other members of her government have been accused of sedition, terrorism and conspiracy over the way they took and held on to power. Meanwhile Anez denounced the Bolivian government, saying her arrest was “abuse and political persecution”, denying that a coup ever happened in the country. A number of police officers were spotted around Anez’s home in the city of Trinidad, northeast of La Paz, on Friday after the news of her imminent arrest broke.

Police have arrived at the home of Jeanine Añez in Trinidad, Beni. Local residents have also arrived to witness the imminent arrest of Bolivia's former coup President.— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) March 12, 2021

Anez served as the leader of Bolivia after violent mass protests in 2019 forced Morales to resign and flee the country. The uprising was triggered by allegations of election fraud, which were later revealed to be largely unsubstantiated. The Anez government deployed the military against Morales’ supporters, who staged counter-protests, and it temporarily gave the troops immunity from prosecution for their actions as they quelled the dissent.

Morales was forced to go into exile after the Bolivian security forces sided with his opponents, with Anez’s 'interim' conservative government later taking power in the South American country. However, she withdrew her candidacy from the next election in 2020 one day after polls showed the pro-Morales candidate in the lead.

The Movement for Socialism (MAS), Morales’ political party, made a comeback by winning the November 2020 general election and securing the presidency for Luis Arce.

African Union lifts post-coup suspension of Mali

African Union lifts post-coup suspension of Mali

The African Union on Friday lifted its suspension of Mali which went into effect after a military coup toppled the West African nation's government in August.

The decision comes three days after the West African regional bloc ECOWAS announced it was ending its tough post-coup sanctions on Mali, saying it wished to back the country's return to civilian rule.

The sanctions included border closures and a ban on commercial trade and financial flows but not basic necessities, drugs, equipment to fight coronavirus, fuel or electricity.

"The Peace and Security Council, in view of recent positive political developments, has decided to lift the suspension it had imposed against Mali," the AU's 15-member security body said in a post on Twitter.

The 55-nation AU quickly condemned the "unconstitutional change of government" after president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was forced out in August by mutineering soldiers following mass protests.

The coup was bloodless but triggered widespread alarm among Mali's neighbours.

A coup in 2012 was followed by an uprising in northern Mali which morphed into a bloody Islamist insurgency, claiming thousands of lives and threatening neighbouring Niger and Burkina Faso.

This year's coup came after months of protests over the country's bloody jihadist insurgency, economic struggles and chronic inter-ethnic violence.

Under pressure from tough ECOWAS sanctions, Mali's junta endorsed a "charter" to restore civilian rule within 18 months and appointed a committee which chose 70-year-old retired colonel Bah Ndaw as interim president.

On Monday Ndaw appointed a government, headed by former foreign minister Moctar Ouane, in which junta members were given key positions.

Defence, security, territorial administration and national reconciliation went to colonels.

But civilians were also appointed, including former prosecutor Mohamed Sidda Dicko as justice minister and former ambassador Zeini Moulaye as foreign minister.

Former armed groups that signed a peace agreement in 2015 are also being represented in the transitional government while members of Tuareg groups that led a rebellion in the north were awarded portfolios.

Despite its concessions, the junta, which calls itself the National Council for the Salvation of the People (CNSP), has still not met all the ECOWAS demands.

The regional bloc on Tuesday reiterated its call for the CNSP's dissolution and for the release of civilian and military figures arrested during the coup.


The African Union on Friday lifted its suspension of Mali which went into effect after a military coup toppled the West African nation's government in August.

The decision comes three days after the West African regional bloc ECOWAS announced it was ending its tough post-coup sanctions on Mali, saying it wished to back the country's return to civilian rule.

The sanctions included border closures and a ban on commercial trade and financial flows but not basic necessities, drugs, equipment to fight coronavirus, fuel or electricity.

"The Peace and Security Council, in view of recent positive political developments, has decided to lift the suspension it had imposed against Mali," the AU's 15-member security body said in a post on Twitter.

The 55-nation AU quickly condemned the "unconstitutional change of government" after president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was forced out in August by mutineering soldiers following mass protests.

The coup was bloodless but triggered widespread alarm among Mali's neighbours.

A coup in 2012 was followed by an uprising in northern Mali which morphed into a bloody Islamist insurgency, claiming thousands of lives and threatening neighbouring Niger and Burkina Faso.

This year's coup came after months of protests over the country's bloody jihadist insurgency, economic struggles and chronic inter-ethnic violence.

Under pressure from tough ECOWAS sanctions, Mali's junta endorsed a "charter" to restore civilian rule within 18 months and appointed a committee which chose 70-year-old retired colonel Bah Ndaw as interim president.

On Monday Ndaw appointed a government, headed by former foreign minister Moctar Ouane, in which junta members were given key positions.

Defence, security, territorial administration and national reconciliation went to colonels.

But civilians were also appointed, including former prosecutor Mohamed Sidda Dicko as justice minister and former ambassador Zeini Moulaye as foreign minister.

Former armed groups that signed a peace agreement in 2015 are also being represented in the transitional government while members of Tuareg groups that led a rebellion in the north were awarded portfolios.

Despite its concessions, the junta, which calls itself the National Council for the Salvation of the People (CNSP), has still not met all the ECOWAS demands.

The regional bloc on Tuesday reiterated its call for the CNSP's dissolution and for the release of civilian and military figures arrested during the coup.


Venezuelan Juan Guaido signed $213 million contract with US Silvercorp group to topple Maduro: report

Venezuelan Juan Guaido signed $213 million contract with US Silvercorp group to topple Maduro: report

The leaked document bears the signatures of the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaido, and his advisor, Juan Rendon, and the opposition Venezuelan parliamentarian, Sergio Vergara, on the one hand, and the head of the U.S. Security Police, a former member of the U.S. Special Forces, Jordan Goudreau, on the one hand

 Juan Guaido
An American newspaper, Washington Post in a new report revealed there was talks between the Venezuelan opposition Juan Guaido and the private American security company, Silvercorp, to topple Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro.

The newspaper in a 42-page document published on Thursday, which is a contract between the security company and the Venezuelan opposition to “provide services” worth $213 million, which the two parties discussed last October. “Service Provider Advisors will advise and assist Partner Group in planning and executing an operation to capture/detain/remove Nicolas Maduro (heretoafter ‘Primary Objective’), remove the current Regime, and install the recognised Venezuelan [self-proclaimed] President Juan Guaido”, the 42-page document said.

The document bears the signatures of the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaido, and his advisor, Juan Rendon, and the opposition Venezuelan parliamentarian, Sergio Vergara, on the one hand, and the head of the U.S. Security Police, a former member of the U.S. Special Forces, Jordan Goudreau, on the one hand.
"These funds will be for the purchase of communication, planning equipment and travel. The estimated total project cost will be 212,900,000.00 USD for 495 days," the document read.

Guaido’s press office did not comment on the published document, while Juan Rendon said in an interview with CNN that the deal with the American company had not been completed, and that Silvercorp had undertaken a “failed suicide operation” in the absence of support from Guaido.

The “Justice First” party, and the “popular will” to which Guaido belongs, published a joint statement Thursday, stating that “democratic forces do not support or finance militias, violence, or paramilitary groups.”

On Wednesday, Venezuelan state television broadcast the statements of two members of the aforementioned security company, who were arrested along with more than 10 others who participated in the operation, which was foiled last Sunday, in which they confessed that the operation was aimed at kidnapping Maduro and transferring him to the United States.

Silvercorp claimed responsibility for the operation, but Juan Guaido denied his relationship with it and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denied any “direct official relationship” to the U.S. authorities in this process, while Maduro accused President Donald Trump and Pompeo and Colombia President Evan Duque of being behind the attempt to topple him.

Maduro said on Monday that the maritime invasion was "a terrorist attack during a pandemic", and that his administration had evidence that the arrested militants had been trained in neighboring Colombia in an operation funded by Bogota and Washington in an attempt to murder him. The Colombian government has, however, denied the accusations, descriving them as an effort to drive attention away from the ongoing internal turmoil in Venezuela.

Venezuela has been mired in an ongoing political crisis since early January 2019 when Juan Guaido was elected the head of the opposition-led National Assembly that all other government branches have refused to recognise since 2016.

In mid-January 2019, two days after the Venezuelan Supreme Court annulled his election, Guaido proclaimed himself interim president challenging legitimate President Maduro, who was sworn in for a second term on 10 January.

Guaido's move was immediately recognised by Washington, with other countries around the world following suit, while Maduro slammed the opposition leader as a US "puppet", and described the entire situation as a coup attempt staged by the United States.
The leaked document bears the signatures of the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaido, and his advisor, Juan Rendon, and the opposition Venezuelan parliamentarian, Sergio Vergara, on the one hand, and the head of the U.S. Security Police, a former member of the U.S. Special Forces, Jordan Goudreau, on the one hand

 Juan Guaido
An American newspaper, Washington Post in a new report revealed there was talks between the Venezuelan opposition Juan Guaido and the private American security company, Silvercorp, to topple Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro.

The newspaper in a 42-page document published on Thursday, which is a contract between the security company and the Venezuelan opposition to “provide services” worth $213 million, which the two parties discussed last October. “Service Provider Advisors will advise and assist Partner Group in planning and executing an operation to capture/detain/remove Nicolas Maduro (heretoafter ‘Primary Objective’), remove the current Regime, and install the recognised Venezuelan [self-proclaimed] President Juan Guaido”, the 42-page document said.

The document bears the signatures of the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaido, and his advisor, Juan Rendon, and the opposition Venezuelan parliamentarian, Sergio Vergara, on the one hand, and the head of the U.S. Security Police, a former member of the U.S. Special Forces, Jordan Goudreau, on the one hand.
"These funds will be for the purchase of communication, planning equipment and travel. The estimated total project cost will be 212,900,000.00 USD for 495 days," the document read.

Guaido’s press office did not comment on the published document, while Juan Rendon said in an interview with CNN that the deal with the American company had not been completed, and that Silvercorp had undertaken a “failed suicide operation” in the absence of support from Guaido.

The “Justice First” party, and the “popular will” to which Guaido belongs, published a joint statement Thursday, stating that “democratic forces do not support or finance militias, violence, or paramilitary groups.”

On Wednesday, Venezuelan state television broadcast the statements of two members of the aforementioned security company, who were arrested along with more than 10 others who participated in the operation, which was foiled last Sunday, in which they confessed that the operation was aimed at kidnapping Maduro and transferring him to the United States.

Silvercorp claimed responsibility for the operation, but Juan Guaido denied his relationship with it and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denied any “direct official relationship” to the U.S. authorities in this process, while Maduro accused President Donald Trump and Pompeo and Colombia President Evan Duque of being behind the attempt to topple him.

Maduro said on Monday that the maritime invasion was "a terrorist attack during a pandemic", and that his administration had evidence that the arrested militants had been trained in neighboring Colombia in an operation funded by Bogota and Washington in an attempt to murder him. The Colombian government has, however, denied the accusations, descriving them as an effort to drive attention away from the ongoing internal turmoil in Venezuela.

Venezuela has been mired in an ongoing political crisis since early January 2019 when Juan Guaido was elected the head of the opposition-led National Assembly that all other government branches have refused to recognise since 2016.

In mid-January 2019, two days after the Venezuelan Supreme Court annulled his election, Guaido proclaimed himself interim president challenging legitimate President Maduro, who was sworn in for a second term on 10 January.

Guaido's move was immediately recognised by Washington, with other countries around the world following suit, while Maduro slammed the opposition leader as a US "puppet", and described the entire situation as a coup attempt staged by the United States.

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