


Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts

Bandits abduct Catholic priest in Kaduna

Bandits abduct Catholic priest in Kaduna

Bandits have abducted the presiding priest of St. Thomas Parish, Zaman Dabo Community, in the Zango Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Rev. Father Gabriel Ukeh.

The parish priest was said to have been abducted at the parish rectory in the early hours of Sunday.

The Vicar General (Pastoral), Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Kazah, disclosed this on Sunday in a press statement obtained by PUNCH Online.

He said, “While we solicit for fervent prayers for his urgent and safe release, we equally condemn this act of incessant kidnappings for ransom of innocent and defenceless citizens of our communities, and we call upon the government to horn its security intelligence as we approach the celebration of Sallah.

Source: Nairaland 

Bandits have abducted the presiding priest of St. Thomas Parish, Zaman Dabo Community, in the Zango Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Rev. Father Gabriel Ukeh.

The parish priest was said to have been abducted at the parish rectory in the early hours of Sunday.

The Vicar General (Pastoral), Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Kazah, disclosed this on Sunday in a press statement obtained by PUNCH Online.

He said, “While we solicit for fervent prayers for his urgent and safe release, we equally condemn this act of incessant kidnappings for ransom of innocent and defenceless citizens of our communities, and we call upon the government to horn its security intelligence as we approach the celebration of Sallah.

Source: Nairaland 



 Wednesday, 21st February 2024.

An Open Letter To:

Pastor E.A Adeboye,

The General Overseer,

The Redeemed Christian Church of God,


Dear Sir,


 Apostasy begins with the perverse drive in man to push beyond the bounds of what has been revealed by God as the basis for His way of life- John W. Ritenbaugh.

Conscious of our human tendencies towards spiritual ineptitude and consequently canal adventurism; God warned us through his servant Apostle John in Revelation 22:19; "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book".

Man, all men were created to fulfill God's purpose. To that central purpose of God in Christ all persons of faith must gravitate as individuals and groups (denominations). We aren't expected to craft a purpose for ourselves as individuals or groups in the name of Christianity, rather we are to find His purpose for our lives and Ministries and live to fulfill them.

Our background as Africans makes the aforementioned warnings a watch out for, we can't deny the impact of syncretism in our songs of praises and worships these days, eulogy fitting for our ancestral deities are found in songs we sing to God Almighty. Theology of music is of essence as we grow choirs and worshipers in our churches today. The ministry of Levites, Minstrels and Psalmists must be rediscovered by men and women, boys and girls whose songs are inspired by the spirit and letters of the scriptures to give life.

Syncretism, the blending of practices from paganism into mainstream Christianity is not limited to our songs, even our prayers have taken battle structure in patterns not found in the Bible; particularly in the Gospels and the Epistles. The consciousness of Satan and his operations far outweigh that of God and his ways. Making many believers to live as if we are at the mercy of our enemies.

Only the revelation of God shows how He will be worshipped, and he will not be served in imitation of other god's.

God's ways, we must never forget, can't be "improved" by human sincerity!

Talking of imitation, it is the pattern that appeals to our creative gullibility as humans. The tendency to be someone else is the evil attraction derailing many away from the path of life and of the kingdom but of God's purpose we must constantly remind ourselves and stick to! Even the Master was drawn by his disciples who would prefer that his ministry be patterned after that of John the Baptist.

Luk 11:1 KJV And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

Sir, even the Lord's pattern of prayer was despised by his own Disciples who observing his prayers concluded that John the Baptist model was better and was recommended for adoption by the Master.

The Master however stuck to God's purpose to reveal the pattern prayers will from then henceforth take.

Sir, a depraved church can't save a lost nation, Nigeria is lost! Most unfortunately however is the depravity of her saviours, who have gone wayward without knowing it.

A common rhetorical question in our society today is how did we get here? That question you may need to ask concerning yourself and the church under your oversight.

Where is the RCCG and I in the purpose of God for which Christ became a sacrificial Lamb for our sins and his life given in exchange for ours. 

Sir, few years ago you shared with the world how you saw in a revelation that handful of the multitude thronging to you at the Redemption Camp made it to heaven, is this revelation cast in iron, that its fulfillment is inevitable or it is a warning of a coming drift that can be averted? Your revelation made such great an impact on me and has become a reminder of the need for self examination from time to time. It is from it that the inspiration and courage is drawn to admonish you and call your attention to WITCHCRAFT and IDOLATRY practices and their influence on Christians and Christianity today which we might have been subsumed to unknowingly.

The flesh is the door way to witchcraft operations and equally a ready altar of idolatrous practices. 

How do I mean?

The capacity of our flesh to be drawn to evil and sustain and promote same was revealed in the book of Galatians 5: 19 - 26.

"Now the work of the flesh are manifest"! Listed as works, our flesh can work are hatred, strife, jealousy, anger, self ambition or self seeking, dissensions, envy, sorcery which is also WITCHCRAFT, without forgetting to include on the list IDOLATRY and anything similar.

The life of the flesh is contrast with the life in the spirit and fruits of the spirit life are also listed; life from which our songs, prayers must be drawn; after which our life must be patterned is love. How much of God's love does our songs communicate? How much of it is loaded into our prayers? Aren't we self seeking in our songs and prayers?

The trend of unscriptural prayers across churches in Africa is worrisome, not just to Bible believing Kingdom minded and Christ centered Christians, but by the understanding of the word of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are worried about the trend that streamed out of the Nigerian church "in the name of prayer revival that are gratifying to the flesh but are grieving the Spirit; if we still have Him".

Concerning the works of the flesh, we were told in advance that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. The church in Nigeria is obviously under this judgement, with so much in common with nations roundabout us, priding ourselves in exploits done through things we have bought with money in our obedience to Mammon! Folly is what it is when the poorest nation on earth is housing richest churches and arguably the 1st 10 richest Pastors in the world. The rat race to out do one another and the ungodly results gotten in the process are yardstick for success in life and ministry. This evil has become the motivation for our prayers.

This may be difficult to accept but witchcraft is the practice in many places in the name of prayers.

All due respect sir, you are a father figure, not just in the church in Nigeria but to this generation. Your influence and to what it is deployed is therefore of interest to God and his kingdom. Your pattern of prayer lately should worry anyone who sincerely knows the Lord and understands God's pattern.

Sometimes not too long ago, you were seen in a video that has gone viral praying for a gathering I want to assume were members of RCCG that all other members of the family of God, that is denominations will bow to them. I need not tell you sir, that the wall of denominations are collapsing; that of course includes the wall of RCCG. God is moving the church to where it started from; the upper room in a house. 

Before the most recent prayers, you have prayed for members of RCCG that their family, friends and colleagues will not be able to eat without them. I wasn't surprised though, because the level of canal adventurism in that prayer is better than many places where, friends, families and colleagues that Jesus died for and left us behind to save through a life of love and preaching of the gospel of the kingdom are daily killed by fire.

Your latest prayers Sir, is my concern; "I decree in the name that is above every other name; Christians from every other denomination will bow before you"! It was followed as usual with the thunderous echo of Amen!!!!!

Amen of course means so be it, or thus saith the Lord. It is therefore important that we look into the Bible to establish that this prayer qualifies for what we can declare as Amen! Thus says the Lord and so shall it be.

The name above all names in which you prayed sir, is the name of Jesus and I will like to call your attention to how the one in whose name you made your request to the Father handled a similar prayer while he was here on earth.

In Matthew 20: 20-28. A Mrs Zebedee, moved with mother's love had approached Jesus in company of his two sons; James and John worshiping him and desiring for her two sons what you "philially" and not "agapely" desire for all your children under the umbrella of RCCG.

What wilt thou, the Lord asked her.

Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right and the other on the left in thy kingdom.

The Lord answered; Madam, unfortunately it has been given to them for whom it is prepared of my father!

The request was not granted, but the news of the prayer divided the disciples just like the news of your prayers which by this pattern the Lord may not answer is dividing the body of Christ.

For when the 10 heard it, Easy English Version says they were angry, International Standard Version says they were furious and the King James says they were moved with indignation. 

Self seeking was listed as a work of the flesh, a self seeking prayer as seen in the Zebedees, activated anger in the other 10 Disciples, they were furious!

The master was smart at saving his disciples from witchcraft operations. He called them to himself and taught them how to have such a place of honour with God! 

"You know that the Prince of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority but in this kingdom it shall not be so. Whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister! The word minister is the Greek word "diakonos", a steward, particularly of the least steward of the house. 

Sir, what you desire like Mrs Zebedee for your children in RCCG can only be gotten in the humility of stewardship to the body of Christ.

Dr Bolaji O. Akinyemi is an Apostle and Nation Builder. President Voice Of His Word Ministries, Convener Apostolic Round Table; ART. 

[email protected]


 Wednesday, 21st February 2024.

An Open Letter To:

Pastor E.A Adeboye,

The General Overseer,

The Redeemed Christian Church of God,


Dear Sir,


 Apostasy begins with the perverse drive in man to push beyond the bounds of what has been revealed by God as the basis for His way of life- John W. Ritenbaugh.

Conscious of our human tendencies towards spiritual ineptitude and consequently canal adventurism; God warned us through his servant Apostle John in Revelation 22:19; "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book".

Man, all men were created to fulfill God's purpose. To that central purpose of God in Christ all persons of faith must gravitate as individuals and groups (denominations). We aren't expected to craft a purpose for ourselves as individuals or groups in the name of Christianity, rather we are to find His purpose for our lives and Ministries and live to fulfill them.

Our background as Africans makes the aforementioned warnings a watch out for, we can't deny the impact of syncretism in our songs of praises and worships these days, eulogy fitting for our ancestral deities are found in songs we sing to God Almighty. Theology of music is of essence as we grow choirs and worshipers in our churches today. The ministry of Levites, Minstrels and Psalmists must be rediscovered by men and women, boys and girls whose songs are inspired by the spirit and letters of the scriptures to give life.

Syncretism, the blending of practices from paganism into mainstream Christianity is not limited to our songs, even our prayers have taken battle structure in patterns not found in the Bible; particularly in the Gospels and the Epistles. The consciousness of Satan and his operations far outweigh that of God and his ways. Making many believers to live as if we are at the mercy of our enemies.

Only the revelation of God shows how He will be worshipped, and he will not be served in imitation of other god's.

God's ways, we must never forget, can't be "improved" by human sincerity!

Talking of imitation, it is the pattern that appeals to our creative gullibility as humans. The tendency to be someone else is the evil attraction derailing many away from the path of life and of the kingdom but of God's purpose we must constantly remind ourselves and stick to! Even the Master was drawn by his disciples who would prefer that his ministry be patterned after that of John the Baptist.

Luk 11:1 KJV And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

Sir, even the Lord's pattern of prayer was despised by his own Disciples who observing his prayers concluded that John the Baptist model was better and was recommended for adoption by the Master.

The Master however stuck to God's purpose to reveal the pattern prayers will from then henceforth take.

Sir, a depraved church can't save a lost nation, Nigeria is lost! Most unfortunately however is the depravity of her saviours, who have gone wayward without knowing it.

A common rhetorical question in our society today is how did we get here? That question you may need to ask concerning yourself and the church under your oversight.

Where is the RCCG and I in the purpose of God for which Christ became a sacrificial Lamb for our sins and his life given in exchange for ours. 

Sir, few years ago you shared with the world how you saw in a revelation that handful of the multitude thronging to you at the Redemption Camp made it to heaven, is this revelation cast in iron, that its fulfillment is inevitable or it is a warning of a coming drift that can be averted? Your revelation made such great an impact on me and has become a reminder of the need for self examination from time to time. It is from it that the inspiration and courage is drawn to admonish you and call your attention to WITCHCRAFT and IDOLATRY practices and their influence on Christians and Christianity today which we might have been subsumed to unknowingly.

The flesh is the door way to witchcraft operations and equally a ready altar of idolatrous practices. 

How do I mean?

The capacity of our flesh to be drawn to evil and sustain and promote same was revealed in the book of Galatians 5: 19 - 26.

"Now the work of the flesh are manifest"! Listed as works, our flesh can work are hatred, strife, jealousy, anger, self ambition or self seeking, dissensions, envy, sorcery which is also WITCHCRAFT, without forgetting to include on the list IDOLATRY and anything similar.

The life of the flesh is contrast with the life in the spirit and fruits of the spirit life are also listed; life from which our songs, prayers must be drawn; after which our life must be patterned is love. How much of God's love does our songs communicate? How much of it is loaded into our prayers? Aren't we self seeking in our songs and prayers?

The trend of unscriptural prayers across churches in Africa is worrisome, not just to Bible believing Kingdom minded and Christ centered Christians, but by the understanding of the word of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are worried about the trend that streamed out of the Nigerian church "in the name of prayer revival that are gratifying to the flesh but are grieving the Spirit; if we still have Him".

Concerning the works of the flesh, we were told in advance that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. The church in Nigeria is obviously under this judgement, with so much in common with nations roundabout us, priding ourselves in exploits done through things we have bought with money in our obedience to Mammon! Folly is what it is when the poorest nation on earth is housing richest churches and arguably the 1st 10 richest Pastors in the world. The rat race to out do one another and the ungodly results gotten in the process are yardstick for success in life and ministry. This evil has become the motivation for our prayers.

This may be difficult to accept but witchcraft is the practice in many places in the name of prayers.

All due respect sir, you are a father figure, not just in the church in Nigeria but to this generation. Your influence and to what it is deployed is therefore of interest to God and his kingdom. Your pattern of prayer lately should worry anyone who sincerely knows the Lord and understands God's pattern.

Sometimes not too long ago, you were seen in a video that has gone viral praying for a gathering I want to assume were members of RCCG that all other members of the family of God, that is denominations will bow to them. I need not tell you sir, that the wall of denominations are collapsing; that of course includes the wall of RCCG. God is moving the church to where it started from; the upper room in a house. 

Before the most recent prayers, you have prayed for members of RCCG that their family, friends and colleagues will not be able to eat without them. I wasn't surprised though, because the level of canal adventurism in that prayer is better than many places where, friends, families and colleagues that Jesus died for and left us behind to save through a life of love and preaching of the gospel of the kingdom are daily killed by fire.

Your latest prayers Sir, is my concern; "I decree in the name that is above every other name; Christians from every other denomination will bow before you"! It was followed as usual with the thunderous echo of Amen!!!!!

Amen of course means so be it, or thus saith the Lord. It is therefore important that we look into the Bible to establish that this prayer qualifies for what we can declare as Amen! Thus says the Lord and so shall it be.

The name above all names in which you prayed sir, is the name of Jesus and I will like to call your attention to how the one in whose name you made your request to the Father handled a similar prayer while he was here on earth.

In Matthew 20: 20-28. A Mrs Zebedee, moved with mother's love had approached Jesus in company of his two sons; James and John worshiping him and desiring for her two sons what you "philially" and not "agapely" desire for all your children under the umbrella of RCCG.

What wilt thou, the Lord asked her.

Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right and the other on the left in thy kingdom.

The Lord answered; Madam, unfortunately it has been given to them for whom it is prepared of my father!

The request was not granted, but the news of the prayer divided the disciples just like the news of your prayers which by this pattern the Lord may not answer is dividing the body of Christ.

For when the 10 heard it, Easy English Version says they were angry, International Standard Version says they were furious and the King James says they were moved with indignation. 

Self seeking was listed as a work of the flesh, a self seeking prayer as seen in the Zebedees, activated anger in the other 10 Disciples, they were furious!

The master was smart at saving his disciples from witchcraft operations. He called them to himself and taught them how to have such a place of honour with God! 

"You know that the Prince of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority but in this kingdom it shall not be so. Whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister! The word minister is the Greek word "diakonos", a steward, particularly of the least steward of the house. 

Sir, what you desire like Mrs Zebedee for your children in RCCG can only be gotten in the humility of stewardship to the body of Christ.

Dr Bolaji O. Akinyemi is an Apostle and Nation Builder. President Voice Of His Word Ministries, Convener Apostolic Round Table; ART. 

[email protected]


Benedict XVI - Counting our losses!

Benedict XVI - Counting our losses!


abiodun KOMOLAFE

On January 26, 1998, I authored an article, entitled _‘Lessons from the Dead’,_ in one of Nigeria’s foremost newspapers. In the piece, I attempted to eulogize the late Mother Theresa of Calcutta for her avowed commitment to the advancement of global development as well as her giving an everlasting face of honour to humanity. As a member of staff of the _Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria_ (CSN) later that year, I came to a striking realization that _‘Catholics are made, not born!’_ 

As a writer and public affairs commentator and, much later, as a leading member of the production crew of _‘CSN News’,_ the official newsmagazine of the administrative headquarters of the Catholic Church in Nigeria, yours sincerely was able to read widely in a bid to know more about the Church and its leaders. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, then, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was one of them. In 2002, I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of visiting the Cathedral Church of Our Dear Lady _(Frauenkirche),_ Munich, Germany, which served as Ratzinger’s seat as Archbishop of Munich and Freising, between 1977 and 1982.

Indeed, one of the attributes of the Catholic Church is its ability to train its people. Well, the Church believes that one should always be at the top of one’s game. That’s why the institutional prowess of the Catholic Church is unparalleled all over the world. It is also the reason an institution like that can raise a pope like Benedict XVI. The Church is supportive of its members and adherents of the faith. It is also pro-intellectual like no other Church; and it is wealthy enough to see its projects through anywhere on Planet Earth. That’s why we seldom have a wishy-washy man becoming pope.

The Catholic Church must actually be commended for the selection process of popes because enormous responsibility is placed on it to ensure that the right candidate is chosen. Ideally, the Church can afford no error! _Ceteris paribus,_ it has fared better! So, raising a brilliant, charismatic and resourceful priest like Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is also a sign of the shrewdness of the process of the selection of popes.

To be sure, one of the shining attributes of leadership is an individual’s ability to thrive in untested waters – navigating roads that were hitherto never travelled and how specific leaders fared at the end of the day. Indeed, Pope Benedict has demonstrated to the world what the ideal profile should look like. He was a pragmatist; and, like former President J.F. Kennedy, the Bishop of Rome and Sovereign of the Vatican State understood the huge responsibilities of power and its functions. Therefore, he would not stick to power for the sake of power. Instead, he carried power gingerly throughout his tenure. And, when it was time to let go, he didn’t need anybody to persuade him. He knew his health was failing and he decided to let go. Whereas other people would have been beating a wall with the hope of transforming it into a door, the pontiff opted for the path of honour. Even with the clergy in Africa, they wouldn’t have let go of that sweetness of power!

When Benedict resigned as pope on February 11, 2013, the world was taken aback while some people felt it was rare and unheard-of. Indeed, in the preserved historic account of the Church, only one pope had attempted such; and did resign, hundreds of years ago. Pope Benedict lived above his peers! He glossed through life with abundant grace and vitality because he has an understanding of the intricate details of life and the inevitability of death. Like King Hezekiah, whose resolutions were based on the convictions of his faith, the Holy Father was a man of uncommon courage and a sure symptom of manly tenderness who, until death, was developing. Unlike others, who’d never want to listen to the topic of death, Benedict XVI was able to speak truth to power and face any situation because he knew that he would be here only for a while; that he would one day take the exit route of life. And, by so doing – not living for the moment – he would surely live forever in the hearts of a lot of people.

Abraham Lincoln! Nelson Mandela! The tragic truth is that the world is fast losing its best with striking vengeance and opportunities for their replacement are waning with each passing day. Unfortunately, Africa is the worst hit! Therefore, welcome the African continent, where leadership positions are held in a _‘till-death-do-us-part’_ fashion. In the African setting, it is considered normal for leaders to stay put in positions of power. The point is: in our clime, leaders don’t quit; they don’t resign; and they don’t retire! Of course, they are not even supposed to leave, courtesy of the alignment and accommodation found in the cultural contents of most African societies. Unlike Giovanni Martinelli, the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli who, despite repeated threats to his life, preferred martyrdom to betraying his community, the story of leadership in Africa has been one of unutterable desolation, indescribable poverty and wanton destruction of innocent lives.

Let’s face it: leadership in the African setting doesn’t have the same root in cultural foundation with the rest of the world. In a continent where people with neither decency nor honour dictate the pace of affairs; where conspicuous underachievement and struggle for power crudely compete for space; of course, where poverty increases with the same proportion as the national budget, why won’t times and things get messed up? That’s why you have a leader like Paul Biya and Yoweri Museveni who will not want to go after spending 40 and 37 years in office respectively.

Nigeria’s case is even peculiarly worse! Here, the society and the social structures are ambivalent; and successive leaders understand this! That’s why they can afford to mess up in public office while the society debates the pros and cons of the alleged misdemeanour. To get out of this doctrinal mess, the Cultural Revolution and new orientation will have to start from scratch; that is, from the youths. The youths need to learn that, when they are in a position, they should do for their country something great because everyone has an expiry date!

Generally in Nigeria, the leadership and/or ownership structure and the preponderance of diverse denominations have actually divided the Church more than unite it. The personalization of the ownership of the churches for pecuniary conveniences has made cohesion and control of the Church a difficult venture. Take for instance, a General Overseer (G.O.) somewhere may say something to his or her members and the leader of another denomination may be opposed to it! It is this lack of cohesion amongst the denominations that has made it easier for the political _‘King Kongs’_ and socioeconomic swallowers to factionalize the Church. If God is God and the same One, it is common logic that the doctrines coming from the denominations should not be different.

Undeniably, the Catholic Church and, indeed, the world, has lost a star; not only because the Successor to the Throne of Peter shined as a noble priest, but being someone who through his life and death has contributed significantly to the leadership and institutional attributes of the Church globally. May the generations of Pope Benedict XVI abound, even in the future!

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, rest the soul of our beloved Pope Benedict XVI and comfort the Church he left behind!

 _•Komolafe wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State, Nigeria ([email protected]; 08098614418 - SMS only)_


abiodun KOMOLAFE

On January 26, 1998, I authored an article, entitled _‘Lessons from the Dead’,_ in one of Nigeria’s foremost newspapers. In the piece, I attempted to eulogize the late Mother Theresa of Calcutta for her avowed commitment to the advancement of global development as well as her giving an everlasting face of honour to humanity. As a member of staff of the _Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria_ (CSN) later that year, I came to a striking realization that _‘Catholics are made, not born!’_ 

As a writer and public affairs commentator and, much later, as a leading member of the production crew of _‘CSN News’,_ the official newsmagazine of the administrative headquarters of the Catholic Church in Nigeria, yours sincerely was able to read widely in a bid to know more about the Church and its leaders. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, then, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was one of them. In 2002, I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of visiting the Cathedral Church of Our Dear Lady _(Frauenkirche),_ Munich, Germany, which served as Ratzinger’s seat as Archbishop of Munich and Freising, between 1977 and 1982.

Indeed, one of the attributes of the Catholic Church is its ability to train its people. Well, the Church believes that one should always be at the top of one’s game. That’s why the institutional prowess of the Catholic Church is unparalleled all over the world. It is also the reason an institution like that can raise a pope like Benedict XVI. The Church is supportive of its members and adherents of the faith. It is also pro-intellectual like no other Church; and it is wealthy enough to see its projects through anywhere on Planet Earth. That’s why we seldom have a wishy-washy man becoming pope.

The Catholic Church must actually be commended for the selection process of popes because enormous responsibility is placed on it to ensure that the right candidate is chosen. Ideally, the Church can afford no error! _Ceteris paribus,_ it has fared better! So, raising a brilliant, charismatic and resourceful priest like Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is also a sign of the shrewdness of the process of the selection of popes.

To be sure, one of the shining attributes of leadership is an individual’s ability to thrive in untested waters – navigating roads that were hitherto never travelled and how specific leaders fared at the end of the day. Indeed, Pope Benedict has demonstrated to the world what the ideal profile should look like. He was a pragmatist; and, like former President J.F. Kennedy, the Bishop of Rome and Sovereign of the Vatican State understood the huge responsibilities of power and its functions. Therefore, he would not stick to power for the sake of power. Instead, he carried power gingerly throughout his tenure. And, when it was time to let go, he didn’t need anybody to persuade him. He knew his health was failing and he decided to let go. Whereas other people would have been beating a wall with the hope of transforming it into a door, the pontiff opted for the path of honour. Even with the clergy in Africa, they wouldn’t have let go of that sweetness of power!

When Benedict resigned as pope on February 11, 2013, the world was taken aback while some people felt it was rare and unheard-of. Indeed, in the preserved historic account of the Church, only one pope had attempted such; and did resign, hundreds of years ago. Pope Benedict lived above his peers! He glossed through life with abundant grace and vitality because he has an understanding of the intricate details of life and the inevitability of death. Like King Hezekiah, whose resolutions were based on the convictions of his faith, the Holy Father was a man of uncommon courage and a sure symptom of manly tenderness who, until death, was developing. Unlike others, who’d never want to listen to the topic of death, Benedict XVI was able to speak truth to power and face any situation because he knew that he would be here only for a while; that he would one day take the exit route of life. And, by so doing – not living for the moment – he would surely live forever in the hearts of a lot of people.

Abraham Lincoln! Nelson Mandela! The tragic truth is that the world is fast losing its best with striking vengeance and opportunities for their replacement are waning with each passing day. Unfortunately, Africa is the worst hit! Therefore, welcome the African continent, where leadership positions are held in a _‘till-death-do-us-part’_ fashion. In the African setting, it is considered normal for leaders to stay put in positions of power. The point is: in our clime, leaders don’t quit; they don’t resign; and they don’t retire! Of course, they are not even supposed to leave, courtesy of the alignment and accommodation found in the cultural contents of most African societies. Unlike Giovanni Martinelli, the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli who, despite repeated threats to his life, preferred martyrdom to betraying his community, the story of leadership in Africa has been one of unutterable desolation, indescribable poverty and wanton destruction of innocent lives.

Let’s face it: leadership in the African setting doesn’t have the same root in cultural foundation with the rest of the world. In a continent where people with neither decency nor honour dictate the pace of affairs; where conspicuous underachievement and struggle for power crudely compete for space; of course, where poverty increases with the same proportion as the national budget, why won’t times and things get messed up? That’s why you have a leader like Paul Biya and Yoweri Museveni who will not want to go after spending 40 and 37 years in office respectively.

Nigeria’s case is even peculiarly worse! Here, the society and the social structures are ambivalent; and successive leaders understand this! That’s why they can afford to mess up in public office while the society debates the pros and cons of the alleged misdemeanour. To get out of this doctrinal mess, the Cultural Revolution and new orientation will have to start from scratch; that is, from the youths. The youths need to learn that, when they are in a position, they should do for their country something great because everyone has an expiry date!

Generally in Nigeria, the leadership and/or ownership structure and the preponderance of diverse denominations have actually divided the Church more than unite it. The personalization of the ownership of the churches for pecuniary conveniences has made cohesion and control of the Church a difficult venture. Take for instance, a General Overseer (G.O.) somewhere may say something to his or her members and the leader of another denomination may be opposed to it! It is this lack of cohesion amongst the denominations that has made it easier for the political _‘King Kongs’_ and socioeconomic swallowers to factionalize the Church. If God is God and the same One, it is common logic that the doctrines coming from the denominations should not be different.

Undeniably, the Catholic Church and, indeed, the world, has lost a star; not only because the Successor to the Throne of Peter shined as a noble priest, but being someone who through his life and death has contributed significantly to the leadership and institutional attributes of the Church globally. May the generations of Pope Benedict XVI abound, even in the future!

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, rest the soul of our beloved Pope Benedict XVI and comfort the Church he left behind!

 _•Komolafe wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State, Nigeria ([email protected]; 08098614418 - SMS only)_





TEXT:-        MATTHEW 16:18,1 CORINTHIANS 3:6


“Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day’ or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.” – Isaiah 66:7-8A.

The best thing that can happen to any church is for the Almighty God to visit and dwell in that church. Our local assemblies can never be the same again after a divine visitation. The change and transformation we need in our lives, family, church and nation will surely come when God visits us.

For GOFAMINT to experience rapid growth; we need divine visitation. Divine visitation is not a one-off thing. Divine visitation is not meant to be a one time experience but a continuous experience all through our lives.

Abraham is the best example of someone in the Bible who experienced continuous divine visitation. God didn’t just visit Abraham once, but several times in Abraham’s lifetime. From Genesis 12 to Genesis 22, there are at least 8 different instances when God visited Abraham. We pray that GOFAMINT will continuously experience divine visitation for open heaven and growth in Jesus Name.

By divine visitation, God revealed to Abraham the next step he needed to take in his life. This year we need such clear and specific directions from God. When God visited Abraham, he made Abraham understood that at that point in his life, he had no business being in Haran. Divine visitation reveals where you ought to be, what you ought to be doing at specific times in your life. We pray once again, that God will visit GOFAMINT  and reveal to us the next step we need to take, the next major thing we need to do to experience an open heaven and growth in Jesus Christ name.

We must take this prayer serious, because it is the heart cry of our father in the Lord, the G.O, who witnessed the initial exponential growth of this church at inception,  but now seeing us flattening out like a plateau in our growth curve, The Lord must help us re-engineer that feat by our next generation through apostolic discipleship multiplication.


1. Let the glory of this church be returned by fire in the name of Jesus. 

2. Let the glory of excellence and visibility return to  GOFAMINT in Jesus name.

3. Let the glory of the latter house be greater than the former in Jesus name.

4. Every power of reduction and failure over GOFAMINT be scattered by fire in the mighty name of Jesus. 

5. Oh God, arise and enlarge the territory of your church in the name of Jesus.

6. Let every gate of hell against the GOFAMINT be broken in the name of Jesus. 

7. Let the presence of God overshadow your church O Lord in the name of Jesus. 

8. Father, let signs and wonders become the order of the day in GOFAMINT as we worship you every day in the name of Jesus.

 9. Let every worker and minister in GOFAMINT be a career of your presence at every service in the name of Jesus. 

10.Father, let every minister be empowered with the Holy Ghost to minister in truth and in spirit in the name of Jesus.

11. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mighty hand that is behind the continuous growth of GOFAMINT world-wide.

12. Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for divine visitation in our midst all through the year; resulting in signs, wonders and divers miracles.

13. Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy all interference of the devil against the continuous growth of GOFAMINT.

14. Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for unusual strength and fresh oil upon all GOFAMINT ministers to drive the church growth agenda.

15. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you send your reaper-angels to draft multitudes of men and women into GOFAMINT in the name of Jesus.

16. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you breath  Holy Spirit upon all our flyers and tracts, turning them into anointed sickles of harvest, thereby drafting multitudes into GOFAMINT in the name of Jesus Christ.

17.Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in GOFAMINT to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into the church.

18. Father, in the name of Jesus, release your reaper-angels to take over our harvest fields, appearing to all our contacts in visions and revelations, thereby drafting them into this church.

19. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Mystery of the Passover Blood, let every captive ordained for eternal life this year be released and established in this church.

20. Father, in the name of Jesus, let your master reaper angel, cast his sharp sickle into our harvest  and mission fields to thoroughly reap every soul ordained for salvation.

21. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, we cast out every evil beast seeking to manipulate our new converts, new members from being established in this church.

22. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be manifestations of apostolic order of signs, wonders and mighty deeds in our services all through this year; resulting in massive influx of souls into this church 

23. Father, in the name of Jesus, let GOFAMINT continue to experience supernatural growth after the order of the Acts of the Apostles, thereby turning this church into a city without walls.

24. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Blood of the Lamb, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of GOFAMINT. 

25.Father, in the name of Jesus, invade all our services with notable miracles, thereby drafting multitudes into our church.

26. Father, In the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, we disarm all forces of opposition to the continuous growth of this Church.

 Closing session for the day: Your personal prayer requests for 2022

Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.



TEXT:-        MATTHEW 16:18,1 CORINTHIANS 3:6


“Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day’ or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.” – Isaiah 66:7-8A.

The best thing that can happen to any church is for the Almighty God to visit and dwell in that church. Our local assemblies can never be the same again after a divine visitation. The change and transformation we need in our lives, family, church and nation will surely come when God visits us.

For GOFAMINT to experience rapid growth; we need divine visitation. Divine visitation is not a one-off thing. Divine visitation is not meant to be a one time experience but a continuous experience all through our lives.

Abraham is the best example of someone in the Bible who experienced continuous divine visitation. God didn’t just visit Abraham once, but several times in Abraham’s lifetime. From Genesis 12 to Genesis 22, there are at least 8 different instances when God visited Abraham. We pray that GOFAMINT will continuously experience divine visitation for open heaven and growth in Jesus Name.

By divine visitation, God revealed to Abraham the next step he needed to take in his life. This year we need such clear and specific directions from God. When God visited Abraham, he made Abraham understood that at that point in his life, he had no business being in Haran. Divine visitation reveals where you ought to be, what you ought to be doing at specific times in your life. We pray once again, that God will visit GOFAMINT  and reveal to us the next step we need to take, the next major thing we need to do to experience an open heaven and growth in Jesus Christ name.

We must take this prayer serious, because it is the heart cry of our father in the Lord, the G.O, who witnessed the initial exponential growth of this church at inception,  but now seeing us flattening out like a plateau in our growth curve, The Lord must help us re-engineer that feat by our next generation through apostolic discipleship multiplication.


1. Let the glory of this church be returned by fire in the name of Jesus. 

2. Let the glory of excellence and visibility return to  GOFAMINT in Jesus name.

3. Let the glory of the latter house be greater than the former in Jesus name.

4. Every power of reduction and failure over GOFAMINT be scattered by fire in the mighty name of Jesus. 

5. Oh God, arise and enlarge the territory of your church in the name of Jesus.

6. Let every gate of hell against the GOFAMINT be broken in the name of Jesus. 

7. Let the presence of God overshadow your church O Lord in the name of Jesus. 

8. Father, let signs and wonders become the order of the day in GOFAMINT as we worship you every day in the name of Jesus.

 9. Let every worker and minister in GOFAMINT be a career of your presence at every service in the name of Jesus. 

10.Father, let every minister be empowered with the Holy Ghost to minister in truth and in spirit in the name of Jesus.

11. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mighty hand that is behind the continuous growth of GOFAMINT world-wide.

12. Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for divine visitation in our midst all through the year; resulting in signs, wonders and divers miracles.

13. Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy all interference of the devil against the continuous growth of GOFAMINT.

14. Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray for unusual strength and fresh oil upon all GOFAMINT ministers to drive the church growth agenda.

15. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you send your reaper-angels to draft multitudes of men and women into GOFAMINT in the name of Jesus.

16. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you breath  Holy Spirit upon all our flyers and tracts, turning them into anointed sickles of harvest, thereby drafting multitudes into GOFAMINT in the name of Jesus Christ.

17.Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in GOFAMINT to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into the church.

18. Father, in the name of Jesus, release your reaper-angels to take over our harvest fields, appearing to all our contacts in visions and revelations, thereby drafting them into this church.

19. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Mystery of the Passover Blood, let every captive ordained for eternal life this year be released and established in this church.

20. Father, in the name of Jesus, let your master reaper angel, cast his sharp sickle into our harvest  and mission fields to thoroughly reap every soul ordained for salvation.

21. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, we cast out every evil beast seeking to manipulate our new converts, new members from being established in this church.

22. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be manifestations of apostolic order of signs, wonders and mighty deeds in our services all through this year; resulting in massive influx of souls into this church 

23. Father, in the name of Jesus, let GOFAMINT continue to experience supernatural growth after the order of the Acts of the Apostles, thereby turning this church into a city without walls.

24. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Blood of the Lamb, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of GOFAMINT. 

25.Father, in the name of Jesus, invade all our services with notable miracles, thereby drafting multitudes into our church.

26. Father, In the name of Jesus and by the blood of the Lamb, we disarm all forces of opposition to the continuous growth of this Church.

 Closing session for the day: Your personal prayer requests for 2022

Special ministration for the day. As determined by the pastor.

Turkey's Erdogan converts another former church into mosque

Turkey's Erdogan converts another former church into mosque

A month after the former cathedral Hagia Sophia was converted from a museum into a mosque, another Istanbul church-museum, renowned for its exquisite Byzantine mosaics, will undergo the same transformation.

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ordered Friday that the 700-year-old Chora Church -- currently the Kariye Museum -- be turned into a fully functioning mosque.

The building’s history mirrors that of the famous former Byzantine cathedral Hagia Sophia.

Holy Savior in Chora is a 4th-century Greek Orthodox church whose structure was originally part of a monastery in Byzantine Constantinople.

The church’s current form, instead, dates from the early 14th century. It is highly valued for its masterful mosaics and frescoes.

After the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul in 1453, the church was taken for Muslim worship, and the wall paintings and mosaics thinly covered with dye and lime.

In 1945, the secular Turkish republic declared the building a national monument, and extensive restoration and conservation work was carried out on the former church’s artworks before it opened as a museum in 1958.

Like Hagia Sophia, the building is designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.

In November 2019, Turkey’s top administrative court, the Council of State, ruled the structure should return to use as a mosque, on the basis that the museum was unlawful for violating the Ottoman declaration that the building be used for Muslim worship.

This ruling was used as precedent for the court’s controversial July decision to convert the former cathedral Hagia Sophia from a museum back into a mosque.

Erdoğan ordered Aug. 21 that Chora Church, a much-visited site in the Fatih district of Istanbul, be turned into a mosque and opened for Muslim worship.

Other church-museums in Turkey, including less notable Hagia Sophias in the towns of İznik and Trabzon, have also been converted back into mosques in recent years.

Historian Fabrice Monnier told French newspaper Le Figaro that he believed the situation with Chora Church was different from that of other mosque reconversions, because of the size of its paintings and mosaics.

“Its beautiful mosaics and frescoes cover almost all the church’s walls and domes,” he said. “It would be hard to imagine it being returned into a mosque without totally covering them over.”

The Hagia Sophia and Chora decisions are thought to be an effort by Erdoğan to appeal to Muslim voters after the president’s party, AK, lost the Istanbul mayoral election in 2019.

By Hannah Brockhaus
A month after the former cathedral Hagia Sophia was converted from a museum into a mosque, another Istanbul church-museum, renowned for its exquisite Byzantine mosaics, will undergo the same transformation.

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ordered Friday that the 700-year-old Chora Church -- currently the Kariye Museum -- be turned into a fully functioning mosque.

The building’s history mirrors that of the famous former Byzantine cathedral Hagia Sophia.

Holy Savior in Chora is a 4th-century Greek Orthodox church whose structure was originally part of a monastery in Byzantine Constantinople.

The church’s current form, instead, dates from the early 14th century. It is highly valued for its masterful mosaics and frescoes.

After the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul in 1453, the church was taken for Muslim worship, and the wall paintings and mosaics thinly covered with dye and lime.

In 1945, the secular Turkish republic declared the building a national monument, and extensive restoration and conservation work was carried out on the former church’s artworks before it opened as a museum in 1958.

Like Hagia Sophia, the building is designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.

In November 2019, Turkey’s top administrative court, the Council of State, ruled the structure should return to use as a mosque, on the basis that the museum was unlawful for violating the Ottoman declaration that the building be used for Muslim worship.

This ruling was used as precedent for the court’s controversial July decision to convert the former cathedral Hagia Sophia from a museum back into a mosque.

Erdoğan ordered Aug. 21 that Chora Church, a much-visited site in the Fatih district of Istanbul, be turned into a mosque and opened for Muslim worship.

Other church-museums in Turkey, including less notable Hagia Sophias in the towns of İznik and Trabzon, have also been converted back into mosques in recent years.

Historian Fabrice Monnier told French newspaper Le Figaro that he believed the situation with Chora Church was different from that of other mosque reconversions, because of the size of its paintings and mosaics.

“Its beautiful mosaics and frescoes cover almost all the church’s walls and domes,” he said. “It would be hard to imagine it being returned into a mosque without totally covering them over.”

The Hagia Sophia and Chora decisions are thought to be an effort by Erdoğan to appeal to Muslim voters after the president’s party, AK, lost the Istanbul mayoral election in 2019.

By Hannah Brockhaus

Company and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) biggest threat against Christianity, gate of hell won’t prevail – Fani-Kayode blasts Buhari govt

Company and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) biggest threat against Christianity, gate of hell won’t prevail – Fani-Kayode blasts Buhari govt

A Nigerian former Minister of Aviation Femi Fani-Kayode, has described the Company and Allied Matters Act, CAMA, recently signed into law by Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari as the greatest threat to Christianity.

He said nothing can bring down the church. Recall that the World Council of Bishops had emphatically described CAMA laws on churches, religious bodies by Nigeria’s Federal Government as an illegality.

 Buhari signed the CAMA act which has generated a lot of controversies, into law earlier this month which the Christians Association of Nigeria (CAN), had also described it as satanic, demanding that the President halt the implementation of “the obnoxious and ungodly law until the religious institutions are exempted from it.”

Also the founder and General Overseer of the Living Faith Church, also known as Winners Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo, was one of the first religious leaders to warn the President Buhari government against the application of CAMA in churches.

Adding his voice, Fani-Kayode tweeted, “Though the legislation known as CAMA represents the greatest threat to Christendom in our history, those behind it fail to appreciate that the gates of hell SHALL NOT prevail against the Church. No matter what they do, Jesus remains Lord and the gospel shall continue to flourish.”

A Nigerian former Minister of Aviation Femi Fani-Kayode, has described the Company and Allied Matters Act, CAMA, recently signed into law by Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari as the greatest threat to Christianity.

He said nothing can bring down the church. Recall that the World Council of Bishops had emphatically described CAMA laws on churches, religious bodies by Nigeria’s Federal Government as an illegality.

 Buhari signed the CAMA act which has generated a lot of controversies, into law earlier this month which the Christians Association of Nigeria (CAN), had also described it as satanic, demanding that the President halt the implementation of “the obnoxious and ungodly law until the religious institutions are exempted from it.”

Also the founder and General Overseer of the Living Faith Church, also known as Winners Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo, was one of the first religious leaders to warn the President Buhari government against the application of CAMA in churches.

Adding his voice, Fani-Kayode tweeted, “Though the legislation known as CAMA represents the greatest threat to Christendom in our history, those behind it fail to appreciate that the gates of hell SHALL NOT prevail against the Church. No matter what they do, Jesus remains Lord and the gospel shall continue to flourish.”

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