


Showing posts with label Ghana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghana. Show all posts

Scam Alert: TrustCoin Africa Limited, registered in South Africa out to defraud across the Continent

Scam Alert: TrustCoin Africa Limited, registered in South Africa out to defraud across the Continent

A Registered South Africa company

TrustCoin Africa Limited is out scamming across many countries in Africa and beyond. Notably the so called company is operating and receiving investments from unsuspecting citizens of Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya  and South Africa among others.

 The company is registered in South Africa with number SA83377770, according to the website ( )

Aside receiving payments in a cryptocurrency Bitcoin, in Nigeria the scam TrustCoin Africa Limited is also receiving cash through a Sterling Bank account number: 8511001179. The Account Name is EDIRI VIGHOR.

For BTC, the company is using an account with Luno. It has three levels of investment circles: three days, seven days and thirty days.

TrustCoin Africa Limited claimed it's offices are located in South Africa and United States:

South Africa — 47 Openview Drive, Hogsfront, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

US —  8145 Beechwood Lane, Plymouth, MA 02360, Massachusetts, United States.

 Phone: +1 5143124165

Name of the Principal Officer: Francisco David.

Reliably gathered, the site has not been paying any investors for the past 4 weeks and still counting whatever current payment claims are just computer manipulations via algorithm.

All other online reviews by the Scam Alerts clearly revealed the organisation to be a scam as it offers unrealistic returns on investments .

The Nigeria's anti corruption agencies especially the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC ) should look into how to halt the activities of TrustCoin Africa Limited in Nigeria and through interpol bring the perpetrator (s) to book.

Latest News Plus 

A Registered South Africa company

TrustCoin Africa Limited is out scamming across many countries in Africa and beyond. Notably the so called company is operating and receiving investments from unsuspecting citizens of Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya  and South Africa among others.

 The company is registered in South Africa with number SA83377770, according to the website ( )

Aside receiving payments in a cryptocurrency Bitcoin, in Nigeria the scam TrustCoin Africa Limited is also receiving cash through a Sterling Bank account number: 8511001179. The Account Name is EDIRI VIGHOR.

For BTC, the company is using an account with Luno. It has three levels of investment circles: three days, seven days and thirty days.

TrustCoin Africa Limited claimed it's offices are located in South Africa and United States:

South Africa — 47 Openview Drive, Hogsfront, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

US —  8145 Beechwood Lane, Plymouth, MA 02360, Massachusetts, United States.

 Phone: +1 5143124165

Name of the Principal Officer: Francisco David.

Reliably gathered, the site has not been paying any investors for the past 4 weeks and still counting whatever current payment claims are just computer manipulations via algorithm.

All other online reviews by the Scam Alerts clearly revealed the organisation to be a scam as it offers unrealistic returns on investments .

The Nigeria's anti corruption agencies especially the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC ) should look into how to halt the activities of TrustCoin Africa Limited in Nigeria and through interpol bring the perpetrator (s) to book.

Latest News Plus 

Ghana Is Eating Nigeria’s Lunch

Ghana Is Eating Nigeria’s Lunch

By Bámidélé Adémólá-Olátéjú  

“Twitter is now present on the continent. 

Thank you Ghana and Nana Akufo-Addo”. 

Those were the words of the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, in a tweet yesterday. 

Within two minutes, yes two minutes, the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo tweeted: 

“The choice of Ghana as HQ for Twitter’s Africa operations is EXCELLENT news. Government and Ghanaians welcome very much this announcement and the confidence reposed in our country”.

Why Ghana? 

Jack Dorsey gave insightful reasons for their choice of Ghana. 

The statement reads: 

‘’As a champion for democracy, Ghana is a supporter of free speech, online freedom, and the Open Internet, of which Twitter is also an advocate. 

Furthermore, Ghana’s recent appointment to host The Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area aligns with our overarching goal to establish a presence in the region that will support our efforts to improve and tailor our service across Africa.”

It important to note that Nana Akufo-Addo sealed the deal in a virtual meeting on April 7. 

It takes foresight, digital literacy and continuous interest in learning to engage in such deals. 

Can our president understand the nuances of cutting edge technology and its import for jobs and innovation? 

Can the stone age polymorph, Isa Pantami pull off a deal this juicy? 

Will Alhaji Lai Mohammed make any sense of the future without recourse to the consequences of free speech?

Nigerian Twitterattis were downcast on seeing Ghana trending, preening, and basking in the euphoria of their win. 

Their win is our loss. 

Nigeria is the market, Ghana is the hub. Nigeria has 25 million Twitter users, while Ghana’s combined social media presence is a measly eight million. 

How did that uppercut feel? 

Michelin left for Ghana, 

Dunlop left for Ghana, and many others. 

Soon Nigeria’s monied elite will start buying up Ghana the same way they financed Dubai, instead of fixing Nigeria. 

Twitter will, of course, hire many Nigerians and they will have Ghana as their base.

Twitter’s advertisement for several positions requiring deep knowledge of Nigeria’s major languages is already out there. 

The major benefits will go to Ghana. 

Businesses follow reason and facts, not emotions or wishful thinking. 

They exist to make money, not to feed fat cats or go to risky places. 

Why would smart money choose Nigeria when Ghana gives incentives such as 15-year tax holidays, free land and other policy initiatives, which would help drive their businesses? 

Why would Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) go to Nigeria with a rank of 131 in the ease of doing business, compared to Ghana’s rank of 118?

In Nigeria:

Insecurity ✔️

Religious strife ✔️

Unfavorable regulatory and legal environment ✔️

Unstable Macroeconomic policies ✔️

Why would any business choose Nigeria, the home of Boko Haram, the second deadliest terror group in the world to Ghana? 

When Fulani herdsmen wanted to start their murderous rampage in Ghana, it took a single policy directive for them to know Ghana is a no-go area. 

No good company whose best assets are its employees, would want to spend an unreasonable amount of money on life insurance and armed escorts to protect those in its employ for fear of kidnapping and outright slaughter.

How about the see-saw monetary policies, high inflation and unemployment? Only last week, Governor Godwin Obaseki lamented the printing of sixty billion naira (N60 bn) for sharing by the three tiers of government to finance the budget deficit. 

Are the consequences of unguarded quantitative easing lost on the government? 

Are they unconcerned with inflation depreciation and loss in bonds caused by their “ways and means” abracadabra?

Is a place notorious for religious hypocrisy, and ethnic strife the best place for a social media behemoth? 

How about our arbitrary, knee-jerk and counterproductive regulatory environment? 

The whole world paid attention to Nigeria’s treatment of Uber and Gokada. 

They could be business school case studies on how not to stifle innovation. 

If Twitter were to consider Nigeria, what our folks would have demanded in bribes would have killed any enthusiasm the company may have had. 

Nigeria’s reputation precedes it as a prodigious and prodigal consumer, instead of a shrewd and calculating producer. 

From a political and economic perspective, our commitment to the rule of law is a charade and the world knows it. 

Same for our understanding of property, intellectual and contractual rights.

Ghana is eating our lunch and we seem incapable of defending our portion. 

The crises facing Nigeria are extraordinary, requiring the smartest, and most patriotic minds to tackle. 

We missed the mark long ago and we don’t seem to realise how big a hole we have dug ourselves in. 

How we respond, going forward, will set the trajectory for coming decades. 

Nothing can save us except well meaning reforms and restructuring. 

No one will take a country enmeshed in selective policies like closing southern borders, while the northern ones are open seriously. 

Most of West African trade pass through the Seme/Odiroko border. 

Nigeria should reopen all its land borders.

Playing favourites with the foreign exchange rate is not only wicked, it kills competition. 

Let the naira have a market-driven exchange rate and ease forex restrictions on business. 

Subsidies for the rich and the middle class must end, to curb luxurious consumption. 

This can be done by the complete floating of petroleum product prices. 

Efforts to fix the power sector is commendable but a lot still needs to be done.

Finally, the rent mentality has to be erased from our memory by reforming the tax system. 

If we pay reasonable taxes, chances are, we will demand accountability and responsibility. 

We will be able to reject a system of collecting taxes in Lagos to fund projects in Yobe State. 

Let each State eat, what it kills. 

It will be painful at the first but the pain can be assuaged by direct cash transfers to the vulnerable and poor. 

By all indicators, Ghana is leading. 

Will Nigeria fold its arms?

Bámidélé Adémólá-Olátéjú a farmer, youth advocate and political analyst writes this weekly column, “Bamidele Upfront” for PREMIUM TIMES.

By Bámidélé Adémólá-Olátéjú  

“Twitter is now present on the continent. 

Thank you Ghana and Nana Akufo-Addo”. 

Those were the words of the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, in a tweet yesterday. 

Within two minutes, yes two minutes, the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo tweeted: 

“The choice of Ghana as HQ for Twitter’s Africa operations is EXCELLENT news. Government and Ghanaians welcome very much this announcement and the confidence reposed in our country”.

Why Ghana? 

Jack Dorsey gave insightful reasons for their choice of Ghana. 

The statement reads: 

‘’As a champion for democracy, Ghana is a supporter of free speech, online freedom, and the Open Internet, of which Twitter is also an advocate. 

Furthermore, Ghana’s recent appointment to host The Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area aligns with our overarching goal to establish a presence in the region that will support our efforts to improve and tailor our service across Africa.”

It important to note that Nana Akufo-Addo sealed the deal in a virtual meeting on April 7. 

It takes foresight, digital literacy and continuous interest in learning to engage in such deals. 

Can our president understand the nuances of cutting edge technology and its import for jobs and innovation? 

Can the stone age polymorph, Isa Pantami pull off a deal this juicy? 

Will Alhaji Lai Mohammed make any sense of the future without recourse to the consequences of free speech?

Nigerian Twitterattis were downcast on seeing Ghana trending, preening, and basking in the euphoria of their win. 

Their win is our loss. 

Nigeria is the market, Ghana is the hub. Nigeria has 25 million Twitter users, while Ghana’s combined social media presence is a measly eight million. 

How did that uppercut feel? 

Michelin left for Ghana, 

Dunlop left for Ghana, and many others. 

Soon Nigeria’s monied elite will start buying up Ghana the same way they financed Dubai, instead of fixing Nigeria. 

Twitter will, of course, hire many Nigerians and they will have Ghana as their base.

Twitter’s advertisement for several positions requiring deep knowledge of Nigeria’s major languages is already out there. 

The major benefits will go to Ghana. 

Businesses follow reason and facts, not emotions or wishful thinking. 

They exist to make money, not to feed fat cats or go to risky places. 

Why would smart money choose Nigeria when Ghana gives incentives such as 15-year tax holidays, free land and other policy initiatives, which would help drive their businesses? 

Why would Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) go to Nigeria with a rank of 131 in the ease of doing business, compared to Ghana’s rank of 118?

In Nigeria:

Insecurity ✔️

Religious strife ✔️

Unfavorable regulatory and legal environment ✔️

Unstable Macroeconomic policies ✔️

Why would any business choose Nigeria, the home of Boko Haram, the second deadliest terror group in the world to Ghana? 

When Fulani herdsmen wanted to start their murderous rampage in Ghana, it took a single policy directive for them to know Ghana is a no-go area. 

No good company whose best assets are its employees, would want to spend an unreasonable amount of money on life insurance and armed escorts to protect those in its employ for fear of kidnapping and outright slaughter.

How about the see-saw monetary policies, high inflation and unemployment? Only last week, Governor Godwin Obaseki lamented the printing of sixty billion naira (N60 bn) for sharing by the three tiers of government to finance the budget deficit. 

Are the consequences of unguarded quantitative easing lost on the government? 

Are they unconcerned with inflation depreciation and loss in bonds caused by their “ways and means” abracadabra?

Is a place notorious for religious hypocrisy, and ethnic strife the best place for a social media behemoth? 

How about our arbitrary, knee-jerk and counterproductive regulatory environment? 

The whole world paid attention to Nigeria’s treatment of Uber and Gokada. 

They could be business school case studies on how not to stifle innovation. 

If Twitter were to consider Nigeria, what our folks would have demanded in bribes would have killed any enthusiasm the company may have had. 

Nigeria’s reputation precedes it as a prodigious and prodigal consumer, instead of a shrewd and calculating producer. 

From a political and economic perspective, our commitment to the rule of law is a charade and the world knows it. 

Same for our understanding of property, intellectual and contractual rights.

Ghana is eating our lunch and we seem incapable of defending our portion. 

The crises facing Nigeria are extraordinary, requiring the smartest, and most patriotic minds to tackle. 

We missed the mark long ago and we don’t seem to realise how big a hole we have dug ourselves in. 

How we respond, going forward, will set the trajectory for coming decades. 

Nothing can save us except well meaning reforms and restructuring. 

No one will take a country enmeshed in selective policies like closing southern borders, while the northern ones are open seriously. 

Most of West African trade pass through the Seme/Odiroko border. 

Nigeria should reopen all its land borders.

Playing favourites with the foreign exchange rate is not only wicked, it kills competition. 

Let the naira have a market-driven exchange rate and ease forex restrictions on business. 

Subsidies for the rich and the middle class must end, to curb luxurious consumption. 

This can be done by the complete floating of petroleum product prices. 

Efforts to fix the power sector is commendable but a lot still needs to be done.

Finally, the rent mentality has to be erased from our memory by reforming the tax system. 

If we pay reasonable taxes, chances are, we will demand accountability and responsibility. 

We will be able to reject a system of collecting taxes in Lagos to fund projects in Yobe State. 

Let each State eat, what it kills. 

It will be painful at the first but the pain can be assuaged by direct cash transfers to the vulnerable and poor. 

By all indicators, Ghana is leading. 

Will Nigeria fold its arms?

Bámidélé Adémólá-Olátéjú a farmer, youth advocate and political analyst writes this weekly column, “Bamidele Upfront” for PREMIUM TIMES.

JJ Rawlings, Former Ghanaian President Dies @ 73

JJ Rawlings, Former Ghanaian President Dies @ 73

JJ Rawlings

Former Ghanaian President JJ Rawlings Dies @ 73, He led Ghana to a dramatic reforms and transformation that has made them to have stable Electricity and others Socio-Economic reforms.

Meanwhile, the useless, lifeless and criminal presidents in Nigeria for over 50 years  couldn't achieve common ELECTRICITY and they have all refused to die.


Rawlings who was the founder of  the National Democratic Congress (NDC) confirmed to have died in the early hours of Thursday, November 12, 2020.

The leader of Black Star Nation passed on at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, where he was on admission after falling sick. Reports circulating in the local media suggests he died of COVID-19, although that is yet to be confirmed.

This comes just two weeks after the 73-year-old buried his mother Victoria Agbotui who died last month.

JJ Rawlings served as Ghana’s first President in the Fourth Republic after agreeing to return the country to democratic rule.

He remains the single longest-serving President in the history of Ghana, having served as President from 1981 to 2001.

Despite serving eight of those years as a democratically elected President, the other years were served as a military leader when he came to power through a coup.

JJ Rawlings

Former Ghanaian President JJ Rawlings Dies @ 73, He led Ghana to a dramatic reforms and transformation that has made them to have stable Electricity and others Socio-Economic reforms.

Meanwhile, the useless, lifeless and criminal presidents in Nigeria for over 50 years  couldn't achieve common ELECTRICITY and they have all refused to die.


Rawlings who was the founder of  the National Democratic Congress (NDC) confirmed to have died in the early hours of Thursday, November 12, 2020.

The leader of Black Star Nation passed on at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, where he was on admission after falling sick. Reports circulating in the local media suggests he died of COVID-19, although that is yet to be confirmed.

This comes just two weeks after the 73-year-old buried his mother Victoria Agbotui who died last month.

JJ Rawlings served as Ghana’s first President in the Fourth Republic after agreeing to return the country to democratic rule.

He remains the single longest-serving President in the history of Ghana, having served as President from 1981 to 2001.

Despite serving eight of those years as a democratically elected President, the other years were served as a military leader when he came to power through a coup.

COVID-19 infection cases in Africa top 23,000, WHO reports

COVID-19 infection cases in Africa top 23,000, WHO reports

As of Tuesday, the number of coronavirus cases in Africa has reached 23,029, while 1,142 people have died, the World Health Organization (WHO) Africa branch said yesterday.

While South Africa accounts for the biggest number of infections (3,300) and 58 deaths, Algeria has the biggest COVID-19 death toll (384) and 2,718 infections.

Egypt has so far reported 239 fatalities and 3,144 cases, while Morocco identified 2,990 and 143 deaths.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, Cameroon is ranked second after South Africa with 1,163 coronavirus infections and 43 fatalities, followed by Ghana (1,042 and 9) and Ivory Coast (879 and 9).

Nigeria has also reported more that 700 cases and 25 death toll with the virus spreading to more than 24 sates and Abuja which is the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) out of the 36 states of the federation.

On Monday, Ghana became the first African country to partially lift lockdown restrictions on two biggest cities of the country, including the capital Accra.

Factories and shops are cleared to resume operation, people movement restrictions are lifted so that they can go back to work. When announcing the easing of lockdown, President of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo underlined that there is not a single blueprint to resolve all problems.

In late December 2019, Chinese officials notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, in central China. Since then, cases of the novel coronavirus - named COVID-19 by the WHO - have been reported in every corner of the globe.

Globally, over 2,484,000 people have been infected and more than 170,000 deaths have been reported with United states leading in both numbers of infected persons and death toll followed by the deaths in Europe, Italy, Spain, France and the UK accounted for more casualties and deaths after the US.

Since Chinese officials notified the World Health Organization (WHO) in late December 2019 about the outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, in central China, cases of the novel coronavirus - named COVID-19 by the WHO - have been reported in every corner of the globe.
As of Tuesday, the number of coronavirus cases in Africa has reached 23,029, while 1,142 people have died, the World Health Organization (WHO) Africa branch said yesterday.

While South Africa accounts for the biggest number of infections (3,300) and 58 deaths, Algeria has the biggest COVID-19 death toll (384) and 2,718 infections.

Egypt has so far reported 239 fatalities and 3,144 cases, while Morocco identified 2,990 and 143 deaths.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, Cameroon is ranked second after South Africa with 1,163 coronavirus infections and 43 fatalities, followed by Ghana (1,042 and 9) and Ivory Coast (879 and 9).

Nigeria has also reported more that 700 cases and 25 death toll with the virus spreading to more than 24 sates and Abuja which is the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) out of the 36 states of the federation.

On Monday, Ghana became the first African country to partially lift lockdown restrictions on two biggest cities of the country, including the capital Accra.

Factories and shops are cleared to resume operation, people movement restrictions are lifted so that they can go back to work. When announcing the easing of lockdown, President of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo underlined that there is not a single blueprint to resolve all problems.

In late December 2019, Chinese officials notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, in central China. Since then, cases of the novel coronavirus - named COVID-19 by the WHO - have been reported in every corner of the globe.

Globally, over 2,484,000 people have been infected and more than 170,000 deaths have been reported with United states leading in both numbers of infected persons and death toll followed by the deaths in Europe, Italy, Spain, France and the UK accounted for more casualties and deaths after the US.

Since Chinese officials notified the World Health Organization (WHO) in late December 2019 about the outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, in central China, cases of the novel coronavirus - named COVID-19 by the WHO - have been reported in every corner of the globe.

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