
traditional ruler


Showing posts with label traditional ruler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traditional ruler. Show all posts

Sokoto State Government to MURIC: Remain apolitical, your accusations on deposition of Sultan untrue, baseless, biased, unfounded

Sokoto State Government to MURIC: Remain apolitical, your accusations on deposition of Sultan untrue, baseless, biased, unfounded

The Sokoto State Government has rebuked the Muslims Rights Concern (MURIC) over a publication made by the body alleging a plan by the sttate government to dethrone the Sultan of Sokoto,  Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar. 

A statement signed by Abubakar Bawa who is the Press Secretary to the Sokoto state Governor said Sokoto State Government wondered how a responsible body like MURIC, claiming to be protecting the rights of the Muslims would descend so low and cheaply as to join hands with deluded mischief makers and enemies of progress to fabricate such a false and unsubstantiated story just to create an unfriendly atmosphere and fear in the minds of the law-abiding and peaceful citizens of the state. 

Full Statement: 

The attention of the Sokoto State Government has been drawn to a malicious publication credited to the Muslims Rights Concern (MURIC) alleging a plan by the sttate government to dethrone the Sultan of Sokoto,  Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar. 

The state government wondered how a responsible  body like MURIC, claiming to be protecting the rights of the Muslims would descend so low and cheaply as to join hands with deluded mischief makers and enemies of progress to fabricate such a false and unsubstantiated story just to create an unfriendly atmosphere and fear in the minds of the law-abiding and peaceful citizens of the state. 

We believe that MURIC is not the type that will be dancing to the tunes of enemies and mischief makers who are trying to take away the attention of the good people of Sokoto state and Nigerians on the transformative initiatives taking place in Sokoto State over the last one year. 

We also like to assure MURIC that the present administration just like the previous administrations in the state cherishes and respects the Sultanate Council long before MURIC was established. 

The Sultanate Council, which has a long standing historical importance is so reverred to all the people of Sokoto State, therefore we still hold the institution in very high regards and esteem. 

This is not the first time stories such as this  were fabricated to show that all is not well between the state government and the Sultanate Council, as some few months back we had a similar obnoxious story which the state government categorically condemned and denied in whole.

From the look of things, those nefarious  detractors and distracting enemies of progress have not relented in their failed efforts  to smear the cordial relationship existing between the state government and the Sultanate Council. 

MURIC should have cared to find out if there was ever any query, warning or any threatening documents served on the sultan by the state government. 

We equally like to remind MURIC that promoting Islamic affairs is the second item on the Ahmed Aliyu's nine-point Smart Agenda, therefore Islam means so much to the present administration, coupled with the fact that Sokoto being the Seat of the Caliphate, is a 100 per cent Muslim-dominated society.

It is on record that no administration in the history of Sokoto State has done to Islam what the present administration has done in just one year. This we say without any fear of contradictions. 


Therefore, for any one to think that the present administration could engage in acts or actions that could jeopardize the development of  Islam is not only unfair but unjustifiable. 

To put the records straight, we would like to tell the world that the relationship between the Ahmed Aliyu-led administration and the Sultanate Council under the leadership of our most respected monarch, Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar has been very cordial. 

The present administration always consulted  with His Eminence, the Sultan on issues affecting the state, and his invaluable contributions and inputs are always respected and included in policy implementation.


On the issue of sacking and transfer of some District Heads in Sokoto State, MURIC should know that the affected District Heads were  accused of some unbecoming behaviours, such as land racketeering, aiding insecurity as well as insurbodination to the constituted authority.

In order to give them fair hearing the committee summoned all the affected District Heads, after which it came up with a whitepaper report, advising the government on what to do. And it was based on that and also in the public interest  that the state government acted in conformity with the recommendations made by the whitepaper committee. 

It is equally important for MURIC to note that nobody is above the law, therefore, the sacked District Heads are just reaping what they sow, and that the action taken by the Sokoto State Government was indisputably in the best public interest.

Abubakar Bawa

Press Secretary to 

Sokoto state Governor


The Sokoto State Government has rebuked the Muslims Rights Concern (MURIC) over a publication made by the body alleging a plan by the sttate government to dethrone the Sultan of Sokoto,  Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar. 

A statement signed by Abubakar Bawa who is the Press Secretary to the Sokoto state Governor said Sokoto State Government wondered how a responsible body like MURIC, claiming to be protecting the rights of the Muslims would descend so low and cheaply as to join hands with deluded mischief makers and enemies of progress to fabricate such a false and unsubstantiated story just to create an unfriendly atmosphere and fear in the minds of the law-abiding and peaceful citizens of the state. 

Full Statement: 

The attention of the Sokoto State Government has been drawn to a malicious publication credited to the Muslims Rights Concern (MURIC) alleging a plan by the sttate government to dethrone the Sultan of Sokoto,  Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar. 

The state government wondered how a responsible  body like MURIC, claiming to be protecting the rights of the Muslims would descend so low and cheaply as to join hands with deluded mischief makers and enemies of progress to fabricate such a false and unsubstantiated story just to create an unfriendly atmosphere and fear in the minds of the law-abiding and peaceful citizens of the state. 

We believe that MURIC is not the type that will be dancing to the tunes of enemies and mischief makers who are trying to take away the attention of the good people of Sokoto state and Nigerians on the transformative initiatives taking place in Sokoto State over the last one year. 

We also like to assure MURIC that the present administration just like the previous administrations in the state cherishes and respects the Sultanate Council long before MURIC was established. 

The Sultanate Council, which has a long standing historical importance is so reverred to all the people of Sokoto State, therefore we still hold the institution in very high regards and esteem. 

This is not the first time stories such as this  were fabricated to show that all is not well between the state government and the Sultanate Council, as some few months back we had a similar obnoxious story which the state government categorically condemned and denied in whole.

From the look of things, those nefarious  detractors and distracting enemies of progress have not relented in their failed efforts  to smear the cordial relationship existing between the state government and the Sultanate Council. 

MURIC should have cared to find out if there was ever any query, warning or any threatening documents served on the sultan by the state government. 

We equally like to remind MURIC that promoting Islamic affairs is the second item on the Ahmed Aliyu's nine-point Smart Agenda, therefore Islam means so much to the present administration, coupled with the fact that Sokoto being the Seat of the Caliphate, is a 100 per cent Muslim-dominated society.

It is on record that no administration in the history of Sokoto State has done to Islam what the present administration has done in just one year. This we say without any fear of contradictions. 


Therefore, for any one to think that the present administration could engage in acts or actions that could jeopardize the development of  Islam is not only unfair but unjustifiable. 

To put the records straight, we would like to tell the world that the relationship between the Ahmed Aliyu-led administration and the Sultanate Council under the leadership of our most respected monarch, Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar has been very cordial. 

The present administration always consulted  with His Eminence, the Sultan on issues affecting the state, and his invaluable contributions and inputs are always respected and included in policy implementation.


On the issue of sacking and transfer of some District Heads in Sokoto State, MURIC should know that the affected District Heads were  accused of some unbecoming behaviours, such as land racketeering, aiding insecurity as well as insurbodination to the constituted authority.

In order to give them fair hearing the committee summoned all the affected District Heads, after which it came up with a whitepaper report, advising the government on what to do. And it was based on that and also in the public interest  that the state government acted in conformity with the recommendations made by the whitepaper committee. 

It is equally important for MURIC to note that nobody is above the law, therefore, the sacked District Heads are just reaping what they sow, and that the action taken by the Sokoto State Government was indisputably in the best public interest.

Abubakar Bawa

Press Secretary to 

Sokoto state Governor


Kano Emirate and the irony of innocence

Kano Emirate and the irony of innocence


abiodun KOMOLAFE 

There is a ticking time bomb in Kano and President Bola Tinubu has to move in quickly in a statesmanlike way to diffuse it. If centuries of upholding the tradition have brought peace to the ancient city just as we have in Ibadan, why uproot hundreds of years of history? Of course, that’s why Abdullahi Ganduje, the immediate past governor of Kano State, has to accept responsibility because he triggered this crisis.

Like it or lump it, Governor Abba Yusuf and former Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso also played politics. But then, Yusuf didn’t hide it, that he would remove Aminu Ado Bayero if he won the governorship election; and that promise enjoyed popular support among the people. For him therefore, he only sees Muhammadu Sanusi’s reinstatement as a fulfillment of a campaign promise and that’s what democracy is all about! Nonetheless, the irony of innocence is that nobody should be extricated from Kano’s current plight because they’re all involved!

Ganduje shouldn’t have deposed Sanusi and upset an Emirate structure that dates back to 1805. If God has structured everything to be in the right place, the former governor ought not to have kept repeating the same mistake. Instead, he should have tolerated the Emir and his excesses – real or perceived – just as former Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala of Oyo State tolerated Lamidi Adedibu. Had he done that, the nonsense currently on rampage in Kano would have been avoided. It’s a real shame and how the state is going to get out of the quagmire will obviously now depend on the courts. One just hopes that the courts would now behave sensibly and do the needful.

The ‘wahala’ in Kano has again reinforced the urgent need for a constitutional court in Nigeria. Had there been one in place, the tendency is that it’d originate and get the matter resolved in a matter of weeks. Tragically however, the Akire stool in Osun State has sufficiently shown that only God knows the shape, size and duration of the search for justice. To put it succinctly therefore, unless God takes control, Kano is one case that’s destined to be rotating between ‘upandan’ and ‘dananup’ for a very long time to come. This is where we are and it is unfortunate!

The conflicting injunctions from the courts of concurrent jurisdictions and forum shopping by the counsels are also unhelpful as they have further de-marketed Nigeria’s judiciary which, already, is not taken seriously by the international community. One of the advantages countries like South Africa and Kenya have ahead of Nigeria is that the perception of their competitiveness is stronger than Nigeria because the world sees them as countries with very strong, independent judicial systems.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost, it becomes imperative for the gladiators to be cautious because it may be tempting for some people to contemplate a state of emergency in the state. Of course, that’d be dangerous because, unlike states like Plateau and Ekiti where a state of emergency was awarded and nothing to show for the show, Kano is a very politically explosive and threateningly sophisticated terrain. So, any government that will think of emergency rule in the state must first think of the country’s democracy which, even at 25, is still teething.

Let’s get it right, what is currently playing out in Kano is politics; and it’s always like that! From the deposition of Alaafin Adeniran Adeyemi II in 1955, to the dethronement of Oba Olateru Olagbegi in 1966, even the reduction of Oba Samuel Akinsanya’s annual salary to one penny by the Ladoke Akintola-led government in Western Nigeria, politics in this part of the world has always been a platform by the bourgeoisies and the capitalists to grab power, secure the spoils of office and pay back the favours that got them (s)elected; and it is the resources of the state that they’re leveraging. In the case of Kano, the only culprit is ambition. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with ambition. However, when ambition drowns deep in dirty politics and vain desires, it takes on an identity of significant tensions, and, if left unmanaged, the representations of its subconscious may have nothing to do with humanity.

Unlike Sanusi, that the dethroned Emir Bayero decided to return to Kano “amidst tight security” smirks of mischief and this is where Tinubu must rise above partisan politics by choosing the timing as well as what’s happening on the weather front before the crisis ultimately consumes everybody. Presently, it might look like a local Kano issue but a blowout is something that may ignite all kinds of hidden forces and, for a country already sitting on a powder keg, one cannot predict when, where or how it will end!

Let it be noted that, in terms of population and all kinds of social forces, Kano is ideologically and politically divided. Thus, any violence in the state may be another problem to contain because the country is already fragile. There could also be a domino effect in neighbouring states. Regrettably, Nigeria’s security forces are already overstretched and overstressed. Added to this is the lack of sophisticated munitions to prosecute the kind of war that’s already in our domain. So, it is a dicey situation!

The effect of the perception of Nigeria abroad – that the country has very weak institutions that can’t contain and diffuse this sort of thing – is already dire. So, Kano provides an opportunity for the president to prove the naysayers wrong! A mass showdown in a key state like Kano will not help Nigeria’s investment ratings for no man will want to invest in a country where his investments are not safe. A credit risk analyst who sits in London, analyzing the prospects of investments in Nigeria will definitely factor in a situation like Kano and come to the conclusion that the country’s climate is not conducive for investment and the spiral effects will not spare even those in Ijebu-Jesa in Osun State. All the more reason a government trying to attract investors must nip the tussle in the bud before the enthusiasm becomes uncontainable.

The beauty of the bash is that a template has already been set. But how have these ‘two-fighting’ distractions that politicians always use as a tool impacted the people and how has imposing or deposing monarchs improved the GDP level of our states? In Kano State, poverty level is very high and unemployment is also nothing to write home about. Come to think of it, state funds will be used to boost the egos of these monarchs, fight the battle in the law courts and underwrite security for those who have been deployed to keep the peace. So, what have the people gained? If Nigeria is truly a Republic, what are the roles of Obas, Obis and Emirs in this dispensation and what’s their centrality to the socioeconomic morass that is currently pushing the limit?

In practical terms, Kano is just part of the political economy that has sprung up to give Nigeria a disheveled appearance. It is nothing but a diversion of issues from the real issues of sustainable development and that’s part of what led to the abolition of the Maharajas and the Maharanis in India by Indira Gandhi and heavens did not fall! Of course, that’s what happens when people push their luck. That’s how it has been throughout history. Yes, that’s why the Bourbons are no longer on the throne in France. Pray that, one day, a power-drunk leader would not get to power only to make mincemeat of these excesses. After all, nothing lasts forever!

A word should be sufficient for the wise!

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _•[email protected];_ 

 _•08098614418 - SMS only._ 



abiodun KOMOLAFE 

There is a ticking time bomb in Kano and President Bola Tinubu has to move in quickly in a statesmanlike way to diffuse it. If centuries of upholding the tradition have brought peace to the ancient city just as we have in Ibadan, why uproot hundreds of years of history? Of course, that’s why Abdullahi Ganduje, the immediate past governor of Kano State, has to accept responsibility because he triggered this crisis.

Like it or lump it, Governor Abba Yusuf and former Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso also played politics. But then, Yusuf didn’t hide it, that he would remove Aminu Ado Bayero if he won the governorship election; and that promise enjoyed popular support among the people. For him therefore, he only sees Muhammadu Sanusi’s reinstatement as a fulfillment of a campaign promise and that’s what democracy is all about! Nonetheless, the irony of innocence is that nobody should be extricated from Kano’s current plight because they’re all involved!

Ganduje shouldn’t have deposed Sanusi and upset an Emirate structure that dates back to 1805. If God has structured everything to be in the right place, the former governor ought not to have kept repeating the same mistake. Instead, he should have tolerated the Emir and his excesses – real or perceived – just as former Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala of Oyo State tolerated Lamidi Adedibu. Had he done that, the nonsense currently on rampage in Kano would have been avoided. It’s a real shame and how the state is going to get out of the quagmire will obviously now depend on the courts. One just hopes that the courts would now behave sensibly and do the needful.

The ‘wahala’ in Kano has again reinforced the urgent need for a constitutional court in Nigeria. Had there been one in place, the tendency is that it’d originate and get the matter resolved in a matter of weeks. Tragically however, the Akire stool in Osun State has sufficiently shown that only God knows the shape, size and duration of the search for justice. To put it succinctly therefore, unless God takes control, Kano is one case that’s destined to be rotating between ‘upandan’ and ‘dananup’ for a very long time to come. This is where we are and it is unfortunate!

The conflicting injunctions from the courts of concurrent jurisdictions and forum shopping by the counsels are also unhelpful as they have further de-marketed Nigeria’s judiciary which, already, is not taken seriously by the international community. One of the advantages countries like South Africa and Kenya have ahead of Nigeria is that the perception of their competitiveness is stronger than Nigeria because the world sees them as countries with very strong, independent judicial systems.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost, it becomes imperative for the gladiators to be cautious because it may be tempting for some people to contemplate a state of emergency in the state. Of course, that’d be dangerous because, unlike states like Plateau and Ekiti where a state of emergency was awarded and nothing to show for the show, Kano is a very politically explosive and threateningly sophisticated terrain. So, any government that will think of emergency rule in the state must first think of the country’s democracy which, even at 25, is still teething.

Let’s get it right, what is currently playing out in Kano is politics; and it’s always like that! From the deposition of Alaafin Adeniran Adeyemi II in 1955, to the dethronement of Oba Olateru Olagbegi in 1966, even the reduction of Oba Samuel Akinsanya’s annual salary to one penny by the Ladoke Akintola-led government in Western Nigeria, politics in this part of the world has always been a platform by the bourgeoisies and the capitalists to grab power, secure the spoils of office and pay back the favours that got them (s)elected; and it is the resources of the state that they’re leveraging. In the case of Kano, the only culprit is ambition. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with ambition. However, when ambition drowns deep in dirty politics and vain desires, it takes on an identity of significant tensions, and, if left unmanaged, the representations of its subconscious may have nothing to do with humanity.

Unlike Sanusi, that the dethroned Emir Bayero decided to return to Kano “amidst tight security” smirks of mischief and this is where Tinubu must rise above partisan politics by choosing the timing as well as what’s happening on the weather front before the crisis ultimately consumes everybody. Presently, it might look like a local Kano issue but a blowout is something that may ignite all kinds of hidden forces and, for a country already sitting on a powder keg, one cannot predict when, where or how it will end!

Let it be noted that, in terms of population and all kinds of social forces, Kano is ideologically and politically divided. Thus, any violence in the state may be another problem to contain because the country is already fragile. There could also be a domino effect in neighbouring states. Regrettably, Nigeria’s security forces are already overstretched and overstressed. Added to this is the lack of sophisticated munitions to prosecute the kind of war that’s already in our domain. So, it is a dicey situation!

The effect of the perception of Nigeria abroad – that the country has very weak institutions that can’t contain and diffuse this sort of thing – is already dire. So, Kano provides an opportunity for the president to prove the naysayers wrong! A mass showdown in a key state like Kano will not help Nigeria’s investment ratings for no man will want to invest in a country where his investments are not safe. A credit risk analyst who sits in London, analyzing the prospects of investments in Nigeria will definitely factor in a situation like Kano and come to the conclusion that the country’s climate is not conducive for investment and the spiral effects will not spare even those in Ijebu-Jesa in Osun State. All the more reason a government trying to attract investors must nip the tussle in the bud before the enthusiasm becomes uncontainable.

The beauty of the bash is that a template has already been set. But how have these ‘two-fighting’ distractions that politicians always use as a tool impacted the people and how has imposing or deposing monarchs improved the GDP level of our states? In Kano State, poverty level is very high and unemployment is also nothing to write home about. Come to think of it, state funds will be used to boost the egos of these monarchs, fight the battle in the law courts and underwrite security for those who have been deployed to keep the peace. So, what have the people gained? If Nigeria is truly a Republic, what are the roles of Obas, Obis and Emirs in this dispensation and what’s their centrality to the socioeconomic morass that is currently pushing the limit?

In practical terms, Kano is just part of the political economy that has sprung up to give Nigeria a disheveled appearance. It is nothing but a diversion of issues from the real issues of sustainable development and that’s part of what led to the abolition of the Maharajas and the Maharanis in India by Indira Gandhi and heavens did not fall! Of course, that’s what happens when people push their luck. That’s how it has been throughout history. Yes, that’s why the Bourbons are no longer on the throne in France. Pray that, one day, a power-drunk leader would not get to power only to make mincemeat of these excesses. After all, nothing lasts forever!

A word should be sufficient for the wise!

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _•[email protected];_ 

 _•08098614418 - SMS only._ 


Emir of Kano Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II Reinstated , His 7 key moments outside the throne

Emir of Kano Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II Reinstated , His 7 key moments outside the throne

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II has been reinstated as the Emir of Kano, following the Kano State House of Assembly's resolution to dismantle the four new Emirates established under a controversial 2019 law..

 Despite no official announcement, credible sources confirm Sanusi's reinstatement, marking a potential shift in traditional leadership dynamics amidst political maneuvering in Kano. 

7 key moments of Sanusi outside the throne by Daily Trust 

Muhammadu Sanusi II, the newly reinstated Emir and ex-Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, is a figure whose life has been marked by a blend of traditional authority and progressive thought.

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State announced the appointment of Sanusi as the new Emir of Kano on Thursday.

He made the announcement after signing the new emirate council law at Government House, Kano.

The governor signed the law alongside his deputy, the Speaker of the State Assembly and other principal officers in the government.

Former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje had dethroned Sanusi in 2020, following a personal rift.

After his dramatic deposition in March 2020, Sanusi’s activities continued to capture public interest.

Here are seven key notable moments in Sanusi’s life outside the throne.

1. Banishment to Loko

Following his removal from the throne by the Kano State government, Sanusi was banished to Loko, a remote village in Nasarawa State, a move that was seen by many as a politically-motivated punishment.

Despite the challenging conditions in Loko, Sanusi remained composed, using the period of confinement for reflection and planning his next steps.

The legality of his banishment was widely contested, with many Nigerians seeing it as an infringement on his fundamental rights.

Eventually, a court ruling declared his detention illegal, and he was freed from confinement.

2. Academic Pursuits at Oxford

After his release from banishment, he accepted a fellowship at the University of Oxford.

At Oxford, Sanusi was appointed as a visiting scholar at the African Studies Centre of St. Antony’s College.

This opportunity allowed him to engage in academic discourse, research, and lectures, solidifying his role as a thought leader beyond the confines of traditional rulership.

3. Disputing ‘Former Emir’ title 

Another notable moment after his dethronement was Sanusi’s assertion that he should not be referred to as the “former emir.”

He argued that, in the tradition and culture of Kano, an emir remains an emir for life, regardless of their deposition.

He stated this in 2021 in Kaduna State, when Muhammad Sani “Dattijo” Abdullahi, the then Governor El-Rufai’s Chief of Staff, at the Kaduna Investment Summit, referred to Sanusi as the “former Emir of Kano.”

When Sanusi spoke afterwards, he publicly rebuked Abdullahi, indicating that calling him “former emir” was unacceptable and hinted at consequences for the chief of staff.

Sanusi’s remarks made it clear his ego was bruised by the title.

4. Mourning Herbert Wigwe

Sanusi showed his deeply emotional side when he publicly mourned the death of Herbert Wigwe, a close friend and former Chief Executive Officer of Access Bank.

In an emotional tribute, Sanusi described Wigwe as a visionary leader and a brother, highlighting the profound impact Wigwe had on his life and the banking industry.

A clip containing a part of the speech in which he was shading tears went viral and sparked a lot of reactions with many saying what Sanusi did illustrated the human side of a seemingly stern and unyielding public figure.

5. Advocacy for economic reforms

Post-deposition, Sanusi was vocal about Nigeria’s economic direction, leveraging his experience as a former Central Bank Governor.

He frequently critiqued government policies, calling for more sustainable economic reforms and better governance.

Sanusi’s speeches and writings often emphasized the need for transparency, accountability, and the eradication of corruption.

His persistent advocacy kept him in the limelight as a significant voice in Nigeria’s socio-economic discourse.

6. Role in the Kaduna Investment Promotion Agency

Sanusi’s commitment to economic development found a new avenue when he was appointed to the board of the Kaduna Investment Promotion Agency (KADIPA).

In this role, he was instrumental in attracting investments to Kaduna State, aiming to boost economic activities and create jobs.

7. Championing Girl Child Education

A long-time advocate for education, particularly for girls, Sanusi continued to champion this cause since leaving the throne.

He partnered with various organizations to promote educational initiatives and empower young girls.

His advocacy focuses on breaking the barriers that prevent girls from accessing education, such as child marriage and cultural stigmas.

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II has been reinstated as the Emir of Kano, following the Kano State House of Assembly's resolution to dismantle the four new Emirates established under a controversial 2019 law..

 Despite no official announcement, credible sources confirm Sanusi's reinstatement, marking a potential shift in traditional leadership dynamics amidst political maneuvering in Kano. 

7 key moments of Sanusi outside the throne by Daily Trust 

Muhammadu Sanusi II, the newly reinstated Emir and ex-Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, is a figure whose life has been marked by a blend of traditional authority and progressive thought.

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State announced the appointment of Sanusi as the new Emir of Kano on Thursday.

He made the announcement after signing the new emirate council law at Government House, Kano.

The governor signed the law alongside his deputy, the Speaker of the State Assembly and other principal officers in the government.

Former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje had dethroned Sanusi in 2020, following a personal rift.

After his dramatic deposition in March 2020, Sanusi’s activities continued to capture public interest.

Here are seven key notable moments in Sanusi’s life outside the throne.

1. Banishment to Loko

Following his removal from the throne by the Kano State government, Sanusi was banished to Loko, a remote village in Nasarawa State, a move that was seen by many as a politically-motivated punishment.

Despite the challenging conditions in Loko, Sanusi remained composed, using the period of confinement for reflection and planning his next steps.

The legality of his banishment was widely contested, with many Nigerians seeing it as an infringement on his fundamental rights.

Eventually, a court ruling declared his detention illegal, and he was freed from confinement.

2. Academic Pursuits at Oxford

After his release from banishment, he accepted a fellowship at the University of Oxford.

At Oxford, Sanusi was appointed as a visiting scholar at the African Studies Centre of St. Antony’s College.

This opportunity allowed him to engage in academic discourse, research, and lectures, solidifying his role as a thought leader beyond the confines of traditional rulership.

3. Disputing ‘Former Emir’ title 

Another notable moment after his dethronement was Sanusi’s assertion that he should not be referred to as the “former emir.”

He argued that, in the tradition and culture of Kano, an emir remains an emir for life, regardless of their deposition.

He stated this in 2021 in Kaduna State, when Muhammad Sani “Dattijo” Abdullahi, the then Governor El-Rufai’s Chief of Staff, at the Kaduna Investment Summit, referred to Sanusi as the “former Emir of Kano.”

When Sanusi spoke afterwards, he publicly rebuked Abdullahi, indicating that calling him “former emir” was unacceptable and hinted at consequences for the chief of staff.

Sanusi’s remarks made it clear his ego was bruised by the title.

4. Mourning Herbert Wigwe

Sanusi showed his deeply emotional side when he publicly mourned the death of Herbert Wigwe, a close friend and former Chief Executive Officer of Access Bank.

In an emotional tribute, Sanusi described Wigwe as a visionary leader and a brother, highlighting the profound impact Wigwe had on his life and the banking industry.

A clip containing a part of the speech in which he was shading tears went viral and sparked a lot of reactions with many saying what Sanusi did illustrated the human side of a seemingly stern and unyielding public figure.

5. Advocacy for economic reforms

Post-deposition, Sanusi was vocal about Nigeria’s economic direction, leveraging his experience as a former Central Bank Governor.

He frequently critiqued government policies, calling for more sustainable economic reforms and better governance.

Sanusi’s speeches and writings often emphasized the need for transparency, accountability, and the eradication of corruption.

His persistent advocacy kept him in the limelight as a significant voice in Nigeria’s socio-economic discourse.

6. Role in the Kaduna Investment Promotion Agency

Sanusi’s commitment to economic development found a new avenue when he was appointed to the board of the Kaduna Investment Promotion Agency (KADIPA).

In this role, he was instrumental in attracting investments to Kaduna State, aiming to boost economic activities and create jobs.

7. Championing Girl Child Education

A long-time advocate for education, particularly for girls, Sanusi continued to champion this cause since leaving the throne.

He partnered with various organizations to promote educational initiatives and empower young girls.

His advocacy focuses on breaking the barriers that prevent girls from accessing education, such as child marriage and cultural stigmas.

The implication of the Judgment: Famoodun lost in court — Osun Govt

The implication of the Judgment: Famoodun lost in court — Osun Govt

In the case of Prince Adegboyega Famoodun filed at the Federal High Court2, Osogbo, Osun State in Suit Number: FHC/OS/C5/61/2024 between Prince Adegboyega Famoodun and IGP & 10 Ors.

These are the prayers of Prince Famoodun before the Court: 

(a) A Declaration that the Applicant being a citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and an indigene of Igbajo, Osun State he cannot be banished, removed or expelled from Igbajo forcefully by any of the Respondents.

(b) A Declaration that the Applicant is at liberty to remain in Igbajo or any other part of Osun State he desires and his right to freedom of movement cannot be curtailed or limited by any of the Respondents.

(c) An Order of Injunction restraining the Respondents from banishing, removing, ejecting and/ or expelling the Applicant from Igbajo Town or any other place in Osun State.

(d) An Order of Injunction restraining the Respondents, especially the 1st-4th Respondents, whether by themselves, or through their officers, agents, servants, privies and otherwise from inviting, interrogating, questioning, arresting, detaining, intimidating, arraigning, and/or harassing the Applicant as a result of his presence in Igbajo Town or any part of Osun State, particularly at the instigation, direction or prosecution of the 5th to 11th Respondents and/or in connection with or in respect of any enforcement of the White Paper of the 5th to 11th Respondents gazetted on the 25th day of January, 2024, but released to the general public on the 5th February, 2024.

(e) An Order of Injunction restraining the 1st to 4th Respondents whether by themselves or by their officers, agents, servants, privies and otherwise from intimating the Applicant or threatening to unlawfully interrogate, question, arrest, detain, arraign or harm the Applicant’s life and properties or any other manner infringe on the Fundamental rights of the Applicant and/or in connection with or in respect of any enforcement of the White Paper of the 5th to 11th Respondents gazetted on the 25th day of January, 2024 but released to the general public on the 5th day of February, 2024.

(f) A Declaration that the 5th to 11th Respondents publication of the Osun State Government White Paper gazetted on the 25th day of January, 2024 but made available to the general public on the 5th day of February, 2024 was done in breach of the Applicant’s rights to fair hearing guaranteed under section 36 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (CFRN) (as amended) and therefore unconstitutional void and of no effect.

(g) A Declaration that the Applicant is entitled to the protection of his Fundamental rights to personal liberty, dignity of human person, fair hearing, freedom of peaceful assembly and association as well as his right to freedom of movement, all guaranteed under the CFRN.

(h) A Declaration that the proceedings of the Osun Government’s Chietaincy Review Committee, the Report published by the said Committee and the 5th - 11th Respondents’ acceptance of the Report of the Committee as it relates to the Applicant is unconstitutional and a nullity for being in breach of the Applicant’s right to fair hearing, hence liable to be set aside and nullified.

(I) An Order of the Honorable Court nullifying and setting aside the White Paper of the 5th to 11th Respondents gazetted on the 25th day January, 2024 but made available to the general public on 5th day of February, 2024 for being in utter breach of the Applicant’s right to fair hearing.

(J) An Order of Injunction restraining the Respondents, particularly the 5th to 11 Respondents, their agents, agencies, employees, privies, assigns, persons acting on their behalf and/or instruction, from enforcing the White Paper gazetted on the January, 2024 but released to the general public on the 5th February, 2024 for breach of the Applicant’s right to fair hearing.

(k) Cost of this application.

(l) Such further Order or Orders the Honorable Court may deem fit to make in the circumstances of this case.

The Legal Issues involved.

1. The trial Court granted prayer A to E for Prince Adegboyega Famoodun.

2. The trial Court dismissed prayer F to L of Prince Adegboyega Famoodun and ordered that if Prince Adegboyega Famoodun committed any criminal offense, he should be arrested.

The implication of the Judgment:

The implication of the Judgement is that Prince Adegboyega Famoodun has failed woefully in the case, the impression given to Prince Adegboyega Famoodun by his team of Lawyers is that the Federal High Court will nullify the White Paper and return him back to the stool of Owa of Igbajo when they know fully well that the Federal High Court does not have jurisdiction over Chieftaincy Matters and they based Prince Adegboyega Famoodun case on this legal falsehood which formed the bases of prayer F to J which was dismissed by the trial Court.

The general public should know that there was never a time the Osun State Government is planning of banishing Prince Famoodun from Igbajo or to arrest him. He just want use this case if he succeeds to be parading himself as Owa of Igbajo when we have already have existing Owa of Igbajo, HRM Oba (Dr.) Ademola Makinde duly recognized by constituted authority and if Prince Famoodun does that, is highly Criminal in nature. I want the general public to disregard the fake news being peddled around by Prince Adegboyega Famoodun and his APC supporters. My best regards.

In the case of Prince Adegboyega Famoodun filed at the Federal High Court2, Osogbo, Osun State in Suit Number: FHC/OS/C5/61/2024 between Prince Adegboyega Famoodun and IGP & 10 Ors.

These are the prayers of Prince Famoodun before the Court: 

(a) A Declaration that the Applicant being a citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and an indigene of Igbajo, Osun State he cannot be banished, removed or expelled from Igbajo forcefully by any of the Respondents.

(b) A Declaration that the Applicant is at liberty to remain in Igbajo or any other part of Osun State he desires and his right to freedom of movement cannot be curtailed or limited by any of the Respondents.

(c) An Order of Injunction restraining the Respondents from banishing, removing, ejecting and/ or expelling the Applicant from Igbajo Town or any other place in Osun State.

(d) An Order of Injunction restraining the Respondents, especially the 1st-4th Respondents, whether by themselves, or through their officers, agents, servants, privies and otherwise from inviting, interrogating, questioning, arresting, detaining, intimidating, arraigning, and/or harassing the Applicant as a result of his presence in Igbajo Town or any part of Osun State, particularly at the instigation, direction or prosecution of the 5th to 11th Respondents and/or in connection with or in respect of any enforcement of the White Paper of the 5th to 11th Respondents gazetted on the 25th day of January, 2024, but released to the general public on the 5th February, 2024.

(e) An Order of Injunction restraining the 1st to 4th Respondents whether by themselves or by their officers, agents, servants, privies and otherwise from intimating the Applicant or threatening to unlawfully interrogate, question, arrest, detain, arraign or harm the Applicant’s life and properties or any other manner infringe on the Fundamental rights of the Applicant and/or in connection with or in respect of any enforcement of the White Paper of the 5th to 11th Respondents gazetted on the 25th day of January, 2024 but released to the general public on the 5th day of February, 2024.

(f) A Declaration that the 5th to 11th Respondents publication of the Osun State Government White Paper gazetted on the 25th day of January, 2024 but made available to the general public on the 5th day of February, 2024 was done in breach of the Applicant’s rights to fair hearing guaranteed under section 36 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (CFRN) (as amended) and therefore unconstitutional void and of no effect.

(g) A Declaration that the Applicant is entitled to the protection of his Fundamental rights to personal liberty, dignity of human person, fair hearing, freedom of peaceful assembly and association as well as his right to freedom of movement, all guaranteed under the CFRN.

(h) A Declaration that the proceedings of the Osun Government’s Chietaincy Review Committee, the Report published by the said Committee and the 5th - 11th Respondents’ acceptance of the Report of the Committee as it relates to the Applicant is unconstitutional and a nullity for being in breach of the Applicant’s right to fair hearing, hence liable to be set aside and nullified.

(I) An Order of the Honorable Court nullifying and setting aside the White Paper of the 5th to 11th Respondents gazetted on the 25th day January, 2024 but made available to the general public on 5th day of February, 2024 for being in utter breach of the Applicant’s right to fair hearing.

(J) An Order of Injunction restraining the Respondents, particularly the 5th to 11 Respondents, their agents, agencies, employees, privies, assigns, persons acting on their behalf and/or instruction, from enforcing the White Paper gazetted on the January, 2024 but released to the general public on the 5th February, 2024 for breach of the Applicant’s right to fair hearing.

(k) Cost of this application.

(l) Such further Order or Orders the Honorable Court may deem fit to make in the circumstances of this case.

The Legal Issues involved.

1. The trial Court granted prayer A to E for Prince Adegboyega Famoodun.

2. The trial Court dismissed prayer F to L of Prince Adegboyega Famoodun and ordered that if Prince Adegboyega Famoodun committed any criminal offense, he should be arrested.

The implication of the Judgment:

The implication of the Judgement is that Prince Adegboyega Famoodun has failed woefully in the case, the impression given to Prince Adegboyega Famoodun by his team of Lawyers is that the Federal High Court will nullify the White Paper and return him back to the stool of Owa of Igbajo when they know fully well that the Federal High Court does not have jurisdiction over Chieftaincy Matters and they based Prince Adegboyega Famoodun case on this legal falsehood which formed the bases of prayer F to J which was dismissed by the trial Court.

The general public should know that there was never a time the Osun State Government is planning of banishing Prince Famoodun from Igbajo or to arrest him. He just want use this case if he succeeds to be parading himself as Owa of Igbajo when we have already have existing Owa of Igbajo, HRM Oba (Dr.) Ademola Makinde duly recognized by constituted authority and if Prince Famoodun does that, is highly Criminal in nature. I want the general public to disregard the fake news being peddled around by Prince Adegboyega Famoodun and his APC supporters. My best regards.

Federal High Court Upholds Fundamental Rights of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III

Federal High Court Upholds Fundamental Rights of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III

 Congratulations To The Tradidition Institution In Osun . Congratulations Kabiyesi. 

A Federal High Court sitting in Osogbo, Osun State Capital Upholds Fundamental Rights of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III . This is Highly Interesting. It is a landslide victory against flagrant Use and abuse of power against Traditional Institution In Yoruba Land. 

In a groundbreaking ruling delivered today at the Federal High Court in Osogbo, the fundamental rights of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III, the esteemed traditional ruler of Igbajo in Boluwaduro local government of Osun State, have been staunchly defended. The honourable judge presiding over the case highlighted the crucial distinction between the unilateral dethronement powers of the Colonial Era and Nigeria's current legal framework, emphasizing that dethronement can only be justified in cases of criminal charges or constitutional violations.

The court unequivocally upheld the prayers (a) to (e) set forth defence, emphasizing the sanctity of traditional institutions within the constitutional framework of Nigeria. The court ruled that the government or its representatives are prohibited from taking any actions, including arrest, detention, dethronement, banishment, interrogation, or questioning against HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III.

Furthermore, the court highlighted the violation of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III's rights, particularly the lack of a fair hearing during the committee's review of his enthronement. As a consequence, the gazetted White Paper resulting from this process has been deemed null and void.

This judgment signifies a resounding victory for the preservation of traditional institutions and the protection of fundamental human rights within the Nigerian legal landscape. It underscores the importance of due process and fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of their position or stature within society.

Moving forward, issues (f) to (i) have been advised to be argued at the State High Court, paving the way for further legal recourse and the continuation of this significant legal battle.

In the wake of this judgment, HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III and his supporters celebrate a triumph for justice and uphold the resilience of Nigeria's legal system in safeguarding the rights of its citizens.

 Congratulations To The Tradidition Institution In Osun . Congratulations Kabiyesi. 

A Federal High Court sitting in Osogbo, Osun State Capital Upholds Fundamental Rights of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III . This is Highly Interesting. It is a landslide victory against flagrant Use and abuse of power against Traditional Institution In Yoruba Land. 

In a groundbreaking ruling delivered today at the Federal High Court in Osogbo, the fundamental rights of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III, the esteemed traditional ruler of Igbajo in Boluwaduro local government of Osun State, have been staunchly defended. The honourable judge presiding over the case highlighted the crucial distinction between the unilateral dethronement powers of the Colonial Era and Nigeria's current legal framework, emphasizing that dethronement can only be justified in cases of criminal charges or constitutional violations.

The court unequivocally upheld the prayers (a) to (e) set forth defence, emphasizing the sanctity of traditional institutions within the constitutional framework of Nigeria. The court ruled that the government or its representatives are prohibited from taking any actions, including arrest, detention, dethronement, banishment, interrogation, or questioning against HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III.

Furthermore, the court highlighted the violation of HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III's rights, particularly the lack of a fair hearing during the committee's review of his enthronement. As a consequence, the gazetted White Paper resulting from this process has been deemed null and void.

This judgment signifies a resounding victory for the preservation of traditional institutions and the protection of fundamental human rights within the Nigerian legal landscape. It underscores the importance of due process and fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of their position or stature within society.

Moving forward, issues (f) to (i) have been advised to be argued at the State High Court, paving the way for further legal recourse and the continuation of this significant legal battle.

In the wake of this judgment, HRM Oba Philip Adegboyega Famodun III and his supporters celebrate a triumph for justice and uphold the resilience of Nigeria's legal system in safeguarding the rights of its citizens.

OFFICIAL: Osun Government Approves the Appointment of Owa of Igbajo

OFFICIAL: Osun Government Approves the Appointment of Owa of Igbajo

The Osun State Executive Council has today Monday morning, 11th March 2024, approved the appointment of Prince (Dr) Ademola Stephen Kayode Makinde as the new Owa of Igbajo in Boluwaduro Local Government of Osun state. 

At the Executive Meeting held at the Exco chambers, the nomination, as forwarded by the Boluwaduro Local government, was approved in line with due process, chieftaincy law and tradition.

The kingmakers had earlier approved Dr Makinde in line with chieftaincy laws and tradition.

Governor Ademola Adeleke at the Executive Meeting congratulated the new Owa of Igbajo and tasked him to heal the wounds of the selection process by ensuring inclusive traditional governance.

“I congratulate the new Owa of Igbajo. I urge him to embark on reconciliation and restore the dignity and integrity of the traditional institution”, the Governor was quoted as saying


Oluomo Kolapo Alimi,

Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

The Osun State Executive Council has today Monday morning, 11th March 2024, approved the appointment of Prince (Dr) Ademola Stephen Kayode Makinde as the new Owa of Igbajo in Boluwaduro Local Government of Osun state. 

At the Executive Meeting held at the Exco chambers, the nomination, as forwarded by the Boluwaduro Local government, was approved in line with due process, chieftaincy law and tradition.

The kingmakers had earlier approved Dr Makinde in line with chieftaincy laws and tradition.

Governor Ademola Adeleke at the Executive Meeting congratulated the new Owa of Igbajo and tasked him to heal the wounds of the selection process by ensuring inclusive traditional governance.

“I congratulate the new Owa of Igbajo. I urge him to embark on reconciliation and restore the dignity and integrity of the traditional institution”, the Governor was quoted as saying


Oluomo Kolapo Alimi,

Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Ooni of Ife Commends EFCC on Tackling Illegal Foreign Exchange Operators

Ooni of Ife Commends EFCC on Tackling Illegal Foreign Exchange Operators

The Ooni of Ife,  Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi  has commended the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on its focused sting operations against currency speculators and street hawkers operating illegal foreign exchange markets across the country.

He gave the commendation on Friday, March 1, 2024 while receiving the Acting  Ibadan Zonal Commander of the EFCC, Assistant Commander of the EFCC, ACE I Halima Mustafa Rufa’u who paid him a courtesy visit in his palace in Ile-Ife,  Osun State.

According to him,  “the EFCC promptly swung into action and for the mere fact that the EFCC acted, the dollar came down in favour of the naira. This shows that the situation is artificial and deliberate but can be controlled if the EFCC, in collaboration with other government agencies consistently face and tackle the situation”.

He said the EFCC, "as the most vibrant anti-graft agency in the country, under the leadership of the Executive Chairman, Mr. Ola Olukoyede must not be discouraged from working towards sanitizing the economic space in the country".

The foremost monarch, while appreciating Rufa’u for the visit, urged Nigerians to stop amassing illegal and unexplainable wealth but  focus on growing and developing the country’s economy.

In her response, Rufa’u thanked the Ooni for receiving her despite his busy schedule. She decried the level of damage being done by illegal miners and the sabotage of solid mineral resources meant for the economic growth of Osun State. She, therefore, called for effective collaboration in tackling the miners in the state.

 She also sought  the monarch’s support and  collaboration in tackling the scourge of cybercrimes among students of tertiary institutions in Osun state and Nigeria at large.

She was accompanied on the visit by top officials of the Ibadan Zonal Command of the Commission.

Source: EFCC

The Ooni of Ife,  Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi  has commended the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on its focused sting operations against currency speculators and street hawkers operating illegal foreign exchange markets across the country.

He gave the commendation on Friday, March 1, 2024 while receiving the Acting  Ibadan Zonal Commander of the EFCC, Assistant Commander of the EFCC, ACE I Halima Mustafa Rufa’u who paid him a courtesy visit in his palace in Ile-Ife,  Osun State.

According to him,  “the EFCC promptly swung into action and for the mere fact that the EFCC acted, the dollar came down in favour of the naira. This shows that the situation is artificial and deliberate but can be controlled if the EFCC, in collaboration with other government agencies consistently face and tackle the situation”.

He said the EFCC, "as the most vibrant anti-graft agency in the country, under the leadership of the Executive Chairman, Mr. Ola Olukoyede must not be discouraged from working towards sanitizing the economic space in the country".

The foremost monarch, while appreciating Rufa’u for the visit, urged Nigerians to stop amassing illegal and unexplainable wealth but  focus on growing and developing the country’s economy.

In her response, Rufa’u thanked the Ooni for receiving her despite his busy schedule. She decried the level of damage being done by illegal miners and the sabotage of solid mineral resources meant for the economic growth of Osun State. She, therefore, called for effective collaboration in tackling the miners in the state.

 She also sought  the monarch’s support and  collaboration in tackling the scourge of cybercrimes among students of tertiary institutions in Osun state and Nigeria at large.

She was accompanied on the visit by top officials of the Ibadan Zonal Command of the Commission.

Source: EFCC

Birthday: Governor Adeleke Adulates Timi of Ede, Tags Monarch ‘Pillar of Wise Counsel

Birthday: Governor Adeleke Adulates Timi of Ede, Tags Monarch ‘Pillar of Wise Counsel

Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke has on Saturday described HRM, Oba Adesola Munirudeen Lawal, Laminisa I, the Timi of Ede Land, as a strong pillar of wise counsel in the ongoing extraordinary delivery of good governance across Osun state and a royal father of impeccable finesse.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, who is the spokesperson to the Governor confirmed this in a statement.

Adulating the frontline monarch as he celebrates his birthday today, the state Governor who is the awaiting Asiwaju of Edeland affirms that Oba Lawal is ‘a repository of wisdom’ and 'a manifestation of the best in the nation's traditional institutions, declaring "our royal father embodies all that is good in the royal class, within and outside the country.”

"His carriage is royalty per excellence; his outing is that of the finest of blue blood; his style is people-centered. Our King is a leader devoid of selfishness. At every point, his viewpoint is never narrow but broad minded.

"Our Oba  wakes me up at odd hours. Early morning linkage is not left out. At every point, his admonition is fair to all. Deliver on your promises. Show the world the best of Ede through the state and Nigeria as a whole.

"A broad minded king with a deeply cosmopolitan outlook, his royal majesty is a persistent advocate of pan-Osun agenda, a Kabiyesi who always warns against narrow minded programmes and policies. In our infra upgrade projects, he insisted on spread and accommodation of all segments of the state.

"In difficult state matters, Kabiyesi is ever ready with impartial recommendations. In several cases, I gain a lot from his depth of wisdom, spread of experience and his novelty of ideas. We are proud to have Baba on the esteemed throne of Timi of Ede Land.

"On your birthday, I am therefore short of words as no clause or phrase can express my commendation, congratulations and felicitations with his royal majesty. You are God sent to Edeland and Osun state. In this historical space, Kabiyesi, we are blessed to have you as "Baba Gomina" at a time the state is witnessing unrivaled development.

"As you mark your birthday today, I join the good people and well wishers of Edeland and that of his royal majesty to pray for more blessings and prosperous more years on the throne. You are a pillar of this administration. We will surely have more years to rejoice on the throne under the Imole good governance model", the Governor was quoted as saying.

Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke has on Saturday described HRM, Oba Adesola Munirudeen Lawal, Laminisa I, the Timi of Ede Land, as a strong pillar of wise counsel in the ongoing extraordinary delivery of good governance across Osun state and a royal father of impeccable finesse.

Mallam Olawale Rasheed, who is the spokesperson to the Governor confirmed this in a statement.

Adulating the frontline monarch as he celebrates his birthday today, the state Governor who is the awaiting Asiwaju of Edeland affirms that Oba Lawal is ‘a repository of wisdom’ and 'a manifestation of the best in the nation's traditional institutions, declaring "our royal father embodies all that is good in the royal class, within and outside the country.”

"His carriage is royalty per excellence; his outing is that of the finest of blue blood; his style is people-centered. Our King is a leader devoid of selfishness. At every point, his viewpoint is never narrow but broad minded.

"Our Oba  wakes me up at odd hours. Early morning linkage is not left out. At every point, his admonition is fair to all. Deliver on your promises. Show the world the best of Ede through the state and Nigeria as a whole.

"A broad minded king with a deeply cosmopolitan outlook, his royal majesty is a persistent advocate of pan-Osun agenda, a Kabiyesi who always warns against narrow minded programmes and policies. In our infra upgrade projects, he insisted on spread and accommodation of all segments of the state.

"In difficult state matters, Kabiyesi is ever ready with impartial recommendations. In several cases, I gain a lot from his depth of wisdom, spread of experience and his novelty of ideas. We are proud to have Baba on the esteemed throne of Timi of Ede Land.

"On your birthday, I am therefore short of words as no clause or phrase can express my commendation, congratulations and felicitations with his royal majesty. You are God sent to Edeland and Osun state. In this historical space, Kabiyesi, we are blessed to have you as "Baba Gomina" at a time the state is witnessing unrivaled development.

"As you mark your birthday today, I join the good people and well wishers of Edeland and that of his royal majesty to pray for more blessings and prosperous more years on the throne. You are a pillar of this administration. We will surely have more years to rejoice on the throne under the Imole good governance model", the Governor was quoted as saying.

Official: Olu of Awolowo Remains in Office says Governor Ademola Adeleke

Official: Olu of Awolowo Remains in Office says Governor Ademola Adeleke

Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke has on Friday affirmed that the Olu of Awolowo town (Garage Olode), Oba Yekinni Olayemi Olasoji Omisore, remains in office

The Governor urgede members of the public to ignore any rumour of the monarch’ s suspension or removal from office.

The spokesperson to the Governor, Mallam Olawale Rasheed in a statement issued in Osogbo, Osun State capital, the State Governor said the insinuation that the monarch has been suspended following the release of the white paper, is not true and mere fabrication.

"White paper is about due process and rule of law"  

The Governor posited that the release of the white paper on chieftaincy issues is to foster peace, progress and serenity in affected communities and not about confusion.

"It therefore became imperative to emphasize that the status quo in Awolowo town must be maintained since the chieftaincy issues around the stool are before the court of competent jurisdiction."

The already installed Monarch of the town, Oba Yekinni Olayemi Omisore remains valid until otherwise pronounced by the courts of competent jurisdiction.

"Every insinuation, rumour or hearsay concerning the stool should be disregarded as it does not reflect the true position of the state government."

The Governor noted that the state is aware of  an amended writ of summons by Prince Adeposi Adewusi, since 11th May 2022, held at Ifetedo, in the Ifetedo Judicial Division in the High Court of Justice, Osun State but that the status quo should remain until conclusion of the court process.

It would be recalled that Oba Yekinni Olayemi Omisore was previously elected by the kingmakers and his name forwarded to the Ooni of Ife, HIM Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi, who approved and forwarded it to Osun State Government through Ife South Local Government.

Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke has on Friday affirmed that the Olu of Awolowo town (Garage Olode), Oba Yekinni Olayemi Olasoji Omisore, remains in office

The Governor urgede members of the public to ignore any rumour of the monarch’ s suspension or removal from office.

The spokesperson to the Governor, Mallam Olawale Rasheed in a statement issued in Osogbo, Osun State capital, the State Governor said the insinuation that the monarch has been suspended following the release of the white paper, is not true and mere fabrication.

"White paper is about due process and rule of law"  

The Governor posited that the release of the white paper on chieftaincy issues is to foster peace, progress and serenity in affected communities and not about confusion.

"It therefore became imperative to emphasize that the status quo in Awolowo town must be maintained since the chieftaincy issues around the stool are before the court of competent jurisdiction."

The already installed Monarch of the town, Oba Yekinni Olayemi Omisore remains valid until otherwise pronounced by the courts of competent jurisdiction.

"Every insinuation, rumour or hearsay concerning the stool should be disregarded as it does not reflect the true position of the state government."

The Governor noted that the state is aware of  an amended writ of summons by Prince Adeposi Adewusi, since 11th May 2022, held at Ifetedo, in the Ifetedo Judicial Division in the High Court of Justice, Osun State but that the status quo should remain until conclusion of the court process.

It would be recalled that Oba Yekinni Olayemi Omisore was previously elected by the kingmakers and his name forwarded to the Ooni of Ife, HIM Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi, who approved and forwarded it to Osun State Government through Ife South Local Government.

Governor Ademola Adeleke Pays a Condolence Visit to Ogiyan of Ejigbo,Family of Dr Adeoriokin

Governor Ademola Adeleke Pays a Condolence Visit to Ogiyan of Ejigbo,Family of Dr Adeoriokin

The Governor of Osun State Ademola Adeleke on Sunday visited the Ogiyan of Ejigbo, HRM Oba Omowonuola Oyeyosin and the families of late Prof Richard Idowu (Adeoriokin), describing the incident as “a highly disturbing occurrence”

According to a statement signed by the spokesperson to the Governor Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Adeleke said, “ Kabiyesi, I’m here with mixed feelings. We are supposed to be celebrating but the sad event is a sorrowful dent. I am short of words.

“ I was on a national assignment as a member of the National Minimum Wage Negotiation Committee at the time of the 50th anniversary. The next thing I heard was the unfortunate incident.

“ I am here on a condolence visitation. I will still come back”, the Governor told the frontline traditional ruler.

At the family house of the deceased, the Governor prayed to God to grant the families the strength to bear the loss.

“ What can I say? The whole affair is beyond shocking. We return everything to God and law enforcement. The good Lord will comfort you and grant his soul eternal rest”, the Governor told the grieving family.

Responding, the Ogiyan of Ejigbo said he never expected his 50th anniversary to end up with such unfortunate happening.

“ The deceased is my son, from a royal family also. I have asked why and why even as I look up to God over the entire matter”, the royal father who was short of words noted.

The Governor was accompanied on the visit by the Speaker of the House, Right Honourable Adewale Egbedun, Commissioner for Lands, Hon George Alabi; Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon Dosu Babatunde, the Special Adviser to the Governor in Security Matters, Mr Samuel Ojo and other top advisers and permanent secretaries.

The Governor of Osun State Ademola Adeleke on Sunday visited the Ogiyan of Ejigbo, HRM Oba Omowonuola Oyeyosin and the families of late Prof Richard Idowu (Adeoriokin), describing the incident as “a highly disturbing occurrence”

According to a statement signed by the spokesperson to the Governor Mallam Olawale Rasheed, Adeleke said, “ Kabiyesi, I’m here with mixed feelings. We are supposed to be celebrating but the sad event is a sorrowful dent. I am short of words.

“ I was on a national assignment as a member of the National Minimum Wage Negotiation Committee at the time of the 50th anniversary. The next thing I heard was the unfortunate incident.

“ I am here on a condolence visitation. I will still come back”, the Governor told the frontline traditional ruler.

At the family house of the deceased, the Governor prayed to God to grant the families the strength to bear the loss.

“ What can I say? The whole affair is beyond shocking. We return everything to God and law enforcement. The good Lord will comfort you and grant his soul eternal rest”, the Governor told the grieving family.

Responding, the Ogiyan of Ejigbo said he never expected his 50th anniversary to end up with such unfortunate happening.

“ The deceased is my son, from a royal family also. I have asked why and why even as I look up to God over the entire matter”, the royal father who was short of words noted.

The Governor was accompanied on the visit by the Speaker of the House, Right Honourable Adewale Egbedun, Commissioner for Lands, Hon George Alabi; Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon Dosu Babatunde, the Special Adviser to the Governor in Security Matters, Mr Samuel Ojo and other top advisers and permanent secretaries.

Adedoyin, his son, others kill Timothy in Hotel room (Video)

Adedoyin, his son, others kill Timothy in Hotel room (Video)

According to Oriyomi Hamzat in the above video, the Nigerian police confirmed after retrieving of the deleted CCTV footage of the hotel where Timothy Adegoke was killed .

The police have established through the footage that Prince Ramon Adedoyin who is the chairman and owner of the Hilton Hotel in Ile Ife, Osun State, his Son and one other, both currently at large physically involved and masterminded the killing of the MBA Student Timothy Adegoke.

Our other sources also confirmed that some traditional rulers in Yorubaland who may later be implicated by this eventuality are working round the clock to ensure that the case die down. A traditional ruler has reportedly reached out to the one of the elder brothers of Adegoke asking for settlement. 

According to Oriyomi Hamzat in the above video, the Nigerian police confirmed after retrieving of the deleted CCTV footage of the hotel where Timothy Adegoke was killed .

The police have established through the footage that Prince Ramon Adedoyin who is the chairman and owner of the Hilton Hotel in Ile Ife, Osun State, his Son and one other, both currently at large physically involved and masterminded the killing of the MBA Student Timothy Adegoke.

Our other sources also confirmed that some traditional rulers in Yorubaland who may later be implicated by this eventuality are working round the clock to ensure that the case die down. A traditional ruler has reportedly reached out to the one of the elder brothers of Adegoke asking for settlement. 





November 24, 2021

My name is Omolara, and I am Adeola Ogunwusi’s mother. She was born in Akobo, Ibadan, in May 1994 as a result of a teenage relationship I had with Adeyeye Ogunwusi, now the Ooni of Ife, who was then also a teenager, neighbour, and family friend.

The relationship was short and uneventful, but certain matters of late have forced me to break a silence I have held since 2015 when, shortly before his coronation, Ooni Adeyeye Ogunwusi concocted a self-serving tale about his role in our daughter’s life. A couple of weeks ago, on his Instagram and Facebook pages, he once again wrote that he was a “single father” to my daughter — a mendacious claim that has no basis in fact, but has gone on for too long.

I want to put it on the record now in public that there’s not an iota of truth to that claim, and I challenge him to prove me wrong.

Yeye Ogunwusi was never present in Adeola’s life for the first ten years of her growing up which makes the “single father” narrative shocking, annoying and disrespectful to hear by all who know the truth of the story. I, Omolara, took care of my daughter physically, financially and emotionally, with the moral support of my mother and my siblings.

I was a pregnant teen, but he was nowhere to be found, and I bore the responsibilities for our child, and paid the physical and social cost of raising her alone in my mom’s house.

Yeye Ogunwusi saw Adeola for only five minutes at the hospital when she was born. The next time he saw her was when she was already four years old and ten years old respectively.

I got NO monetary or material support from him or ANYONE while raising my child. I could not have, because he was also just finding his way in the world.

Adeola started spending holidays with Yeye Ogunwusi and his then wife (Bukola Bombata) in Lagos when she was thirteen in 2007, and started living with them when she was fifteen in 2009. This was when he began any financial and personal involvement in her life at all.

All these years, I have kept quiet in the belief that all is well that ends well. I decided to be an adult in this situation for the sake of my daughter. I have also kept quiet since the first time he made this outrageous claim because I hate unnecessary publicity, and I wanted to keep my private life out of public glare.

However, it appears that Yeye Ogunwusi has taken my silence for stupidity.

In spite of every private outreach to him to stop repeating the lie that he “raised my daughter as a single parent since she was born”, he has continued to say so. It is not true, and no amount of repeating it will make it so. I was the single parent. He was, until our daughter was old enough, an absentee father. Unfortunately, a lie goes a long way around the world before the truth gets a chance to tie its shoes. So, this is my attempt at correcting the record.

If Yeye Ogunwusi has any photos of him and our daughter, or the receipt of any expense he bore on her, before the age of ten, let him present them to the public right now.

I refuse to let someone else define me or tell my story. It is a story of triumph over fear, over shame, and over doubt. It is a success story, but with several bumps and obstacles along the way. But it is mine, and no one else’s to tell.

If Yeye Ogunwusi is proud of the daughter we have raised, he can say so without any attempt to minimize or denigrate the very foundation on which he’s now attempting to build, and from which he cowardly fled when the going was tough.

For our daughter’s sake, enough is enough. For the sake of truth and justice, enough is enough.

I will not allow ANYONE to disrespect a lifetime of hard work that I put into raising my child no matter how powerful, famous or seemingly influential they claim to be.

I am also making this public to put on notice any media organisations to stop repeating Yeye Ogunwusi’s lies without proper verification and qualification. You, also, have a duty to be truthful and factual. And now, you can.

Omolara Olatubosun

Adeola’s mother



November 24, 2021

My name is Omolara, and I am Adeola Ogunwusi’s mother. She was born in Akobo, Ibadan, in May 1994 as a result of a teenage relationship I had with Adeyeye Ogunwusi, now the Ooni of Ife, who was then also a teenager, neighbour, and family friend.

The relationship was short and uneventful, but certain matters of late have forced me to break a silence I have held since 2015 when, shortly before his coronation, Ooni Adeyeye Ogunwusi concocted a self-serving tale about his role in our daughter’s life. A couple of weeks ago, on his Instagram and Facebook pages, he once again wrote that he was a “single father” to my daughter — a mendacious claim that has no basis in fact, but has gone on for too long.

I want to put it on the record now in public that there’s not an iota of truth to that claim, and I challenge him to prove me wrong.

Yeye Ogunwusi was never present in Adeola’s life for the first ten years of her growing up which makes the “single father” narrative shocking, annoying and disrespectful to hear by all who know the truth of the story. I, Omolara, took care of my daughter physically, financially and emotionally, with the moral support of my mother and my siblings.

I was a pregnant teen, but he was nowhere to be found, and I bore the responsibilities for our child, and paid the physical and social cost of raising her alone in my mom’s house.

Yeye Ogunwusi saw Adeola for only five minutes at the hospital when she was born. The next time he saw her was when she was already four years old and ten years old respectively.

I got NO monetary or material support from him or ANYONE while raising my child. I could not have, because he was also just finding his way in the world.

Adeola started spending holidays with Yeye Ogunwusi and his then wife (Bukola Bombata) in Lagos when she was thirteen in 2007, and started living with them when she was fifteen in 2009. This was when he began any financial and personal involvement in her life at all.

All these years, I have kept quiet in the belief that all is well that ends well. I decided to be an adult in this situation for the sake of my daughter. I have also kept quiet since the first time he made this outrageous claim because I hate unnecessary publicity, and I wanted to keep my private life out of public glare.

However, it appears that Yeye Ogunwusi has taken my silence for stupidity.

In spite of every private outreach to him to stop repeating the lie that he “raised my daughter as a single parent since she was born”, he has continued to say so. It is not true, and no amount of repeating it will make it so. I was the single parent. He was, until our daughter was old enough, an absentee father. Unfortunately, a lie goes a long way around the world before the truth gets a chance to tie its shoes. So, this is my attempt at correcting the record.

If Yeye Ogunwusi has any photos of him and our daughter, or the receipt of any expense he bore on her, before the age of ten, let him present them to the public right now.

I refuse to let someone else define me or tell my story. It is a story of triumph over fear, over shame, and over doubt. It is a success story, but with several bumps and obstacles along the way. But it is mine, and no one else’s to tell.

If Yeye Ogunwusi is proud of the daughter we have raised, he can say so without any attempt to minimize or denigrate the very foundation on which he’s now attempting to build, and from which he cowardly fled when the going was tough.

For our daughter’s sake, enough is enough. For the sake of truth and justice, enough is enough.

I will not allow ANYONE to disrespect a lifetime of hard work that I put into raising my child no matter how powerful, famous or seemingly influential they claim to be.

I am also making this public to put on notice any media organisations to stop repeating Yeye Ogunwusi’s lies without proper verification and qualification. You, also, have a duty to be truthful and factual. And now, you can.

Omolara Olatubosun

Adeola’s mother

ISESE DAY: Osun govt. Declares Friday work-free day

ISESE DAY: Osun govt. Declares Friday work-free day

The Osun State Government has declared Friday, a work-free day in marking this year’s Isese Day, even though the celebration would be without fanfare as Covid 19 pandemic still remains a threat.

According to a statement on Wednesday signed by Osun state Commissioner for Home Affairs, Alhaji Tajudeen Lawal, the celebration would be low-key because of the increasing cases of COVID-19.

The statement congratulated the traditional worshippers in the state on the occasion of this year’s Isese Day and appealed to them to be peaceful and law-abiding in their conduct before, during, and after the festival.

Also the statement enjoined them to continue to support the Oyetola administration and emphasised the need for the residents to continue to embrace Omoluabi ethos.

 “On the part of the “Isese Day” participants, we urged
them to observe the COVID-19 Protocols especially the use of nose mask, social/physical distancing among other safety protocols before, during and after this year’s celebration.”

The Osun State Government has declared Friday, a work-free day in marking this year’s Isese Day, even though the celebration would be without fanfare as Covid 19 pandemic still remains a threat.

According to a statement on Wednesday signed by Osun state Commissioner for Home Affairs, Alhaji Tajudeen Lawal, the celebration would be low-key because of the increasing cases of COVID-19.

The statement congratulated the traditional worshippers in the state on the occasion of this year’s Isese Day and appealed to them to be peaceful and law-abiding in their conduct before, during, and after the festival.

Also the statement enjoined them to continue to support the Oyetola administration and emphasised the need for the residents to continue to embrace Omoluabi ethos.

 “On the part of the “Isese Day” participants, we urged
them to observe the COVID-19 Protocols especially the use of nose mask, social/physical distancing among other safety protocols before, during and after this year’s celebration.”

Ooni Of Ife: Nigerian Youths Are Neglected, Hungry and Therefore Angry, Let Us Listen To Them And Solve Their Problems

Ooni Of Ife: Nigerian Youths Are Neglected, Hungry and Therefore Angry, Let Us Listen To Them And Solve Their Problems

The Arole Oduduwa, His Imperial Majesty, Ooni Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II Ooni of Ife, has reiterated the fact that the insecurity challenge in the country is premised on the fact that the youths are neglected and in deprivation which is culminating in restlessness and agitation. 

The Ooni in his goodwill message intoned that Nigeria’s foundation was wrong. He emphasized the inclusion of Nigerian youths in the system to help salvage the country.

“As traditional rulers, they are the most active in our system. Let us tell ourselves the truth, they are hungry and they are angry. I repeat: they are hungry and they are very angry.’’ He said

 “Our dear country Nigeria is the binding force for each and every one of us here today. We don’t have any other place. The nation belongs to all of us. We are here talking. 

 “In our dear country that has brought all of us together here, the youngest serving governor is only 46 years old. And we all know the demography of this country. 

“The demography of this country is above 50 all the way to the age of dependency is less than 30 per cent. But between the age of 18 and under 40, we have them in numbers of more than 70 per cent. And we are talking about security here. 

 “Who are the active participants whenever we have a breakdown of law and order? It is the average age of 18 and 39, and that is the truth. Are they ghosts? Are they invisible? The answer is no. They are human beings. “But every time we are talking the talk, the Number 2 man, Number 3 man, Number 4 man, they are all saying the same thing the way His Eminence said it. And the participants are not faceless; they are not ghosts. It is very idiotic and stupid for us to be doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. We will continue to get the same results. 

“Let us be very truthful and honest to ourselves in this country, we all know the problems. How well are we carrying along with these people in that age bracket? Who is representing that age bracket in this hall? The answer is no one. We are not engaging them at all. But whenever we want to go for political posts and appointments, we go back to them. We know the good, the bad, and the ugly in their category. 

“As traditional rulers, they are the most active in our system. Let us tell ourselves the truth, they are hungry and they are angry. I repeat: they are hungry and they are very angry. All of us that are here, I will be very happy if anybody can raise up their hand and say ‘I can go to my constituency, my local government area, and I can stay there in peace for one week.’ Who can do it here? Including our gatekeepers, who can do it here? Including the Senate President, including the Speaker. 

“But you left the traditional rulers; you left district heads, the baales to continue to stay there. And you are saying all will be well in this country. We are the ones facing these youths; we know their problems and we have been talking every time. You sit in beautiful offices and you all think all will be well? Let us be very truthful in this country. Look at this beautiful building; as beautiful as this building is, if the foundation is wrong, the entire building will collapse because the foundation has a problem. 

“In this gathering, the Senate President mentioned the key factor – the collapse of local government. It has collapsed. Let us be very truthful to ourselves, it has collapsed completely. That is the only arm of government that is the foundation of this country; you don’t have any other foundation. We are only building on a castle that has completely broken down. That is the foundation that will gather the most active age bracket for you in this country. You say we have 774 local governments and several wards. Where do we have the wards being put together? 

“It is under the local government’s constituency. They are underfunded; you don’t even reference them for anything; you don’t even care about their administration. Where did we get it wrong in this country? We all have faults – all of us here. If we keep talking, we will not get any results. It is getting worse. 

“They are getting more emboldened. They are not very bold and they are ready to face anybody because they are hungry and they are angry. Let us change our strategy. Let us change our style. You leave this age bracket. If there will be problems, you give them guns to start to move around. You will never see anybody above our age in our comfort zone here that is really ready to face the music. 

“It is very important for all of us to know that we are not all safe; we are not safe at all. Let us engage a lot of youth organisations that are very relevant; that understand the local government administration and governance within every district and locality of this country. It is very important for us to continue to engage them in every programme we do in this country. You have neglected that category completely. In the hall we are right now, you have neglected them because they are not represented here; they are not at all. So, what are we going to come out here to talk about? And that is our foundation. It is our foundation. 

“We should be very serious in this country. We should talk very seriously. This issue of security is not the problem of the service chiefs; it is not the problem of the lawmakers; it is not the problem of the executive arm of government; it is a problem of all of us. 

“How many of this active population that is under you that you are taking care of? What is the essence of you being a politician that you cannot even move around freely? You cannot! Do you think only Abuja is Nigeria? Or Lagos? Thirty-six states of this country, people are there and you left them. You abandoned them. And you are making laws and administering. What are you administering? I do not know. 

“So, let us talk to ourselves very seriously. The people that are not ghosts; these people that are agitating left and right, we need to engage them. We need to actually engage them and separate the corn from the chaff. We know the good and the bad amongst them. 

“We can easily separate them by engaging them. Draw them closer. If we engage the people that are active, it will be a lot easier for us. On this note, I want to thank the organisers and I want to tell is that enough of talking the talk, let us walk the talk”, he said.

The Arole Oduduwa, His Imperial Majesty, Ooni Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II Ooni of Ife, has reiterated the fact that the insecurity challenge in the country is premised on the fact that the youths are neglected and in deprivation which is culminating in restlessness and agitation. 

The Ooni in his goodwill message intoned that Nigeria’s foundation was wrong. He emphasized the inclusion of Nigerian youths in the system to help salvage the country.

“As traditional rulers, they are the most active in our system. Let us tell ourselves the truth, they are hungry and they are angry. I repeat: they are hungry and they are very angry.’’ He said

 “Our dear country Nigeria is the binding force for each and every one of us here today. We don’t have any other place. The nation belongs to all of us. We are here talking. 

 “In our dear country that has brought all of us together here, the youngest serving governor is only 46 years old. And we all know the demography of this country. 

“The demography of this country is above 50 all the way to the age of dependency is less than 30 per cent. But between the age of 18 and under 40, we have them in numbers of more than 70 per cent. And we are talking about security here. 

 “Who are the active participants whenever we have a breakdown of law and order? It is the average age of 18 and 39, and that is the truth. Are they ghosts? Are they invisible? The answer is no. They are human beings. “But every time we are talking the talk, the Number 2 man, Number 3 man, Number 4 man, they are all saying the same thing the way His Eminence said it. And the participants are not faceless; they are not ghosts. It is very idiotic and stupid for us to be doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. We will continue to get the same results. 

“Let us be very truthful and honest to ourselves in this country, we all know the problems. How well are we carrying along with these people in that age bracket? Who is representing that age bracket in this hall? The answer is no one. We are not engaging them at all. But whenever we want to go for political posts and appointments, we go back to them. We know the good, the bad, and the ugly in their category. 

“As traditional rulers, they are the most active in our system. Let us tell ourselves the truth, they are hungry and they are angry. I repeat: they are hungry and they are very angry. All of us that are here, I will be very happy if anybody can raise up their hand and say ‘I can go to my constituency, my local government area, and I can stay there in peace for one week.’ Who can do it here? Including our gatekeepers, who can do it here? Including the Senate President, including the Speaker. 

“But you left the traditional rulers; you left district heads, the baales to continue to stay there. And you are saying all will be well in this country. We are the ones facing these youths; we know their problems and we have been talking every time. You sit in beautiful offices and you all think all will be well? Let us be very truthful in this country. Look at this beautiful building; as beautiful as this building is, if the foundation is wrong, the entire building will collapse because the foundation has a problem. 

“In this gathering, the Senate President mentioned the key factor – the collapse of local government. It has collapsed. Let us be very truthful to ourselves, it has collapsed completely. That is the only arm of government that is the foundation of this country; you don’t have any other foundation. We are only building on a castle that has completely broken down. That is the foundation that will gather the most active age bracket for you in this country. You say we have 774 local governments and several wards. Where do we have the wards being put together? 

“It is under the local government’s constituency. They are underfunded; you don’t even reference them for anything; you don’t even care about their administration. Where did we get it wrong in this country? We all have faults – all of us here. If we keep talking, we will not get any results. It is getting worse. 

“They are getting more emboldened. They are not very bold and they are ready to face anybody because they are hungry and they are angry. Let us change our strategy. Let us change our style. You leave this age bracket. If there will be problems, you give them guns to start to move around. You will never see anybody above our age in our comfort zone here that is really ready to face the music. 

“It is very important for all of us to know that we are not all safe; we are not safe at all. Let us engage a lot of youth organisations that are very relevant; that understand the local government administration and governance within every district and locality of this country. It is very important for us to continue to engage them in every programme we do in this country. You have neglected that category completely. In the hall we are right now, you have neglected them because they are not represented here; they are not at all. So, what are we going to come out here to talk about? And that is our foundation. It is our foundation. 

“We should be very serious in this country. We should talk very seriously. This issue of security is not the problem of the service chiefs; it is not the problem of the lawmakers; it is not the problem of the executive arm of government; it is a problem of all of us. 

“How many of this active population that is under you that you are taking care of? What is the essence of you being a politician that you cannot even move around freely? You cannot! Do you think only Abuja is Nigeria? Or Lagos? Thirty-six states of this country, people are there and you left them. You abandoned them. And you are making laws and administering. What are you administering? I do not know. 

“So, let us talk to ourselves very seriously. The people that are not ghosts; these people that are agitating left and right, we need to engage them. We need to actually engage them and separate the corn from the chaff. We know the good and the bad amongst them. 

“We can easily separate them by engaging them. Draw them closer. If we engage the people that are active, it will be a lot easier for us. On this note, I want to thank the organisers and I want to tell is that enough of talking the talk, let us walk the talk”, he said.

Poster Speaks

Poster Speaks/box

