
Omoyele Sowore


Showing posts with label Omoyele Sowore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Omoyele Sowore. Show all posts

CLOSURE OF BANEX PLAZA : Army's acts of repression must stop — Sowore

CLOSURE OF BANEX PLAZA : Army's acts of repression must stop — Sowore

AAC presidential candidates both in the 2019 and 2023 general election Omoyele Sowore has responded to the NIGERIAN ARMY closure of BANEX Plaza in Abuja.

The human rights activist said the army's acts of repressio against the civilians must stop immediately.

His full response:


It is unheard of, even under military rule, that civilian spaces would be shut down in a business that employs thousands over a disagreement between soldiers and civilians. 

The Nigerian army should stop military men who are not on active duties from putting on uniforms, so many of these military men have been caught red handed engaging in heinous crimes. 

Recently, the Nigerian Army  leveled Okuama village in Delta state, and now you’re using the might of the military to shut down commercial activities in a matter that is purely a civil matter; military men have abducted journalists and arbitrarily engaged in repression and now they are shutting down markets at will, it is unacceptable. 

These acts of repression must stop immediately! #RevolutionNow

However, the Nigerian Army, in an update signed by Major General ONYEMA NWACHUKWU who is theD irector Army Public Relations said it is a temporarily shutting down of activities in the plaza was to ensure that the hoodlums who have been using the Banex neighborhood as a sanctuary to pose a security threat to the Federal Capital Territory were apprehended. 

His Statement reads:

Following the recent unrest at Banex Plaza in Wuse, Abuja, on Saturday 18 May 2024, by yet to be identified hoodlums who launched a brutal attack on some Nigerian Army personnel, a swift intervention by soldiers and policemen on internal security duties salvaged the situation and rescued the attacked personnel from being lynched by the hoodlums.

It is important to note that the soldiers attacked were unarmed, did not engage in any form of aggression, and posed no threat to anyone. Therefore, the cruel treatment meted out to them was entirely unwarranted and unjustifiable.

In response to this unfortunate incident, a meeting was convened with the management of Banex Plaza to identify and apprehend the perpetrators of this heinous act by temporarily shutting down activities in the plaza to ensure that the hoodlums who have been using the Banex neighborhood as a sanctuary to pose a security threat to the Federal Capital Territory were apprehended. 

This, is in furtherance of the need for extensive investigation to be conducted at the scene to determine both the immediate and underlying causes of this mayhem. This investigation ultimately aims at ensuring the security of the Federal Capital Territory and to prevent such unwarranted attacks on own personnel and other security operatives, as has been observed in other areas, such as the unfortunate attack in Okuama.

The Nigerian Army will equally ensure that it diligently investigates the circumstances surrounding the presence of the personnel at the plaza and the attack that ensued.

Nonetheless, such acts of violence against personnel are not only condemnable, but could degenerate to a breakdown of law and order, orchestrating threats to national security.

Accordingly, the NA enjoins members of the public to exercise caution and restraint in dealing with military personnel and other security operatives, especially when they are in uniform. There are established channels through which grievances or misconduct by personnel could be reported to the appropriate authorities. It is imperative that these channels are utilized to maintain order and respect for those who serve and protect our nation.


Major General 

Director Army Public Relations 

21 May 2024

AAC presidential candidates both in the 2019 and 2023 general election Omoyele Sowore has responded to the NIGERIAN ARMY closure of BANEX Plaza in Abuja.

The human rights activist said the army's acts of repressio against the civilians must stop immediately.

His full response:


It is unheard of, even under military rule, that civilian spaces would be shut down in a business that employs thousands over a disagreement between soldiers and civilians. 

The Nigerian army should stop military men who are not on active duties from putting on uniforms, so many of these military men have been caught red handed engaging in heinous crimes. 

Recently, the Nigerian Army  leveled Okuama village in Delta state, and now you’re using the might of the military to shut down commercial activities in a matter that is purely a civil matter; military men have abducted journalists and arbitrarily engaged in repression and now they are shutting down markets at will, it is unacceptable. 

These acts of repression must stop immediately! #RevolutionNow

However, the Nigerian Army, in an update signed by Major General ONYEMA NWACHUKWU who is theD irector Army Public Relations said it is a temporarily shutting down of activities in the plaza was to ensure that the hoodlums who have been using the Banex neighborhood as a sanctuary to pose a security threat to the Federal Capital Territory were apprehended. 

His Statement reads:

Following the recent unrest at Banex Plaza in Wuse, Abuja, on Saturday 18 May 2024, by yet to be identified hoodlums who launched a brutal attack on some Nigerian Army personnel, a swift intervention by soldiers and policemen on internal security duties salvaged the situation and rescued the attacked personnel from being lynched by the hoodlums.

It is important to note that the soldiers attacked were unarmed, did not engage in any form of aggression, and posed no threat to anyone. Therefore, the cruel treatment meted out to them was entirely unwarranted and unjustifiable.

In response to this unfortunate incident, a meeting was convened with the management of Banex Plaza to identify and apprehend the perpetrators of this heinous act by temporarily shutting down activities in the plaza to ensure that the hoodlums who have been using the Banex neighborhood as a sanctuary to pose a security threat to the Federal Capital Territory were apprehended. 

This, is in furtherance of the need for extensive investigation to be conducted at the scene to determine both the immediate and underlying causes of this mayhem. This investigation ultimately aims at ensuring the security of the Federal Capital Territory and to prevent such unwarranted attacks on own personnel and other security operatives, as has been observed in other areas, such as the unfortunate attack in Okuama.

The Nigerian Army will equally ensure that it diligently investigates the circumstances surrounding the presence of the personnel at the plaza and the attack that ensued.

Nonetheless, such acts of violence against personnel are not only condemnable, but could degenerate to a breakdown of law and order, orchestrating threats to national security.

Accordingly, the NA enjoins members of the public to exercise caution and restraint in dealing with military personnel and other security operatives, especially when they are in uniform. There are established channels through which grievances or misconduct by personnel could be reported to the appropriate authorities. It is imperative that these channels are utilized to maintain order and respect for those who serve and protect our nation.


Major General 

Director Army Public Relations 

21 May 2024

American International School, Abuja should be charged Along Yahaya Bello — Sowore

American International School, Abuja should be charged Along Yahaya Bello — Sowore

The human rights activist and presidential candidate of the African Action Congress, AAC Omoyele Sowore has said the American International School, Abuja, where the EFCC wanted former Kogi state governor Yahaya Bello and his former Chief of Staff, Ali Bello, laundered close to $ 1 million in the name of paying “future school fees” of their wards should be charged and prosecuted for money laundering instead of being allowed to refund the money.

In his words on x , formerly known as Twitter:

The American International School @AISAbuja, where fugitive former Kogi state governor Yahaya Bello @OfficialGYBKogi and his former Chief of Staff, Ali Bello, laundered close to $ 1 million in the name of paying “future school fees” of their wards should be charged and prosecuted for money laundering instead of being allowed to refund the money; 

this is the way the American justice system treats such cases on US soil, the @officialEFCC must also ensure the school discloses all such school fees paid by Politically Exposed Persons  (PEPs), 

I am sure there are a lot of discoveries that would be uncovered such that the school could be converted to a public school instead of its criminal connivance with financial criminals fleecing the Nigerian public across board, these must necessary apply to these ultra-expensive private schools in Nigeria. #RevolutionNow

The human rights activist and presidential candidate of the African Action Congress, AAC Omoyele Sowore has said the American International School, Abuja, where the EFCC wanted former Kogi state governor Yahaya Bello and his former Chief of Staff, Ali Bello, laundered close to $ 1 million in the name of paying “future school fees” of their wards should be charged and prosecuted for money laundering instead of being allowed to refund the money.

In his words on x , formerly known as Twitter:

The American International School @AISAbuja, where fugitive former Kogi state governor Yahaya Bello @OfficialGYBKogi and his former Chief of Staff, Ali Bello, laundered close to $ 1 million in the name of paying “future school fees” of their wards should be charged and prosecuted for money laundering instead of being allowed to refund the money; 

this is the way the American justice system treats such cases on US soil, the @officialEFCC must also ensure the school discloses all such school fees paid by Politically Exposed Persons  (PEPs), 

I am sure there are a lot of discoveries that would be uncovered such that the school could be converted to a public school instead of its criminal connivance with financial criminals fleecing the Nigerian public across board, these must necessary apply to these ultra-expensive private schools in Nigeria. #RevolutionNow

The Struggle Continues: Sowore Departs for USA after Five Years

The Struggle Continues: Sowore Departs for USA after Five Years


Later today I will be returning to the US after almost five years of my unlawful, unjust and inhuman detention by the corrupt Nigerian political system since August 2019. Omoyele Sowore said as he is set to leave the country.

In his words: 'I was arrested, assaulted, tortured and detained for demanding that Nigerians deserved a nation that they can truly call their own. I was charged with treason - and after 5 years the APC government was forced to withdraw its trumped up charges against me."

"If the government thought that keeping me detained, and later restricting my movement would break my spirit, and cause me to renounce my commitment to fighting for the downtrodden Nigerian people, they are mistaken. "

"In the last five years, I have been denied the ability to visit my family, missing out on precious moments with my darling wife and wonderful children. I lost my brother to gunmen on Nigeria’s roads. My mother’s health deteriorated, due to the emotional toll of the government’s unrelenting assault on my person. My associates have faced arrest, and some imprisonment. "

"I stand today to declare that I am unbowed. My commitment to Nigeria is unshakable. My resolve to continue to fight for the betterment of the Nigerian nation and to demand accountability from her leaders will never be compromised. "

"Everything we said five years ago about the need for a radical restructuring of the Nigerian nation and the need for a revolution in our approach to politics and governance has come to pass. Corruption remains high and Nigerians are worse off today than they were five years ago. Inflation is making it difficult for people to put food on the table. Nigeria’s currency has been devalued by almost 100%. "

'I am under no illusions about what the future holds. I commuted myself to the mission of helping to create a Nigeria that fulfills its promise and realizes its potential, over 30 years ago. I have suffered greatly for that commitment. My family, colleagues, and associates who have stood by me throughout this journey have endured great pain and privations as well. "

Sowore further said: "For those who wonder what my next steps will be - I say this: I believe now, as I did over 30 years ago when I began this journey, that the vision of creating a just and egalitarian society must be established during my lifetime. "

"My trip today to reunite with my children and courageous and supportive wife is only for a short while. I will return to Nigeria to continue my struggle for the total liberation of our people from the shackles of the current corrupt, self serving political class. I will also be returning to face headlong, the remaining truckload of bogus criminal and civil cases that have been thrown at me since my detention in 2019."

'Let me use this opportunity to thank my family, lawyers particularly Femi Falana SAN, colleagues, and fellow revolutionaries at home and abroad who have stood firmly by my side, against all odds. "

The socio political and human rights activist optimistically added: "Nigeria will be free. Nigerians will see a nation that is free of corruption, that has leaders whose only interest is in uplifting the people and creating an environment where our people can realize their potential. "

"I remain committed to this ideal. It is a commitment that I have dedicated my life to, and my resolve to stay the path and keep on with the fight remains strong!"



Later today I will be returning to the US after almost five years of my unlawful, unjust and inhuman detention by the corrupt Nigerian political system since August 2019. Omoyele Sowore said as he is set to leave the country.

In his words: 'I was arrested, assaulted, tortured and detained for demanding that Nigerians deserved a nation that they can truly call their own. I was charged with treason - and after 5 years the APC government was forced to withdraw its trumped up charges against me."

"If the government thought that keeping me detained, and later restricting my movement would break my spirit, and cause me to renounce my commitment to fighting for the downtrodden Nigerian people, they are mistaken. "

"In the last five years, I have been denied the ability to visit my family, missing out on precious moments with my darling wife and wonderful children. I lost my brother to gunmen on Nigeria’s roads. My mother’s health deteriorated, due to the emotional toll of the government’s unrelenting assault on my person. My associates have faced arrest, and some imprisonment. "

"I stand today to declare that I am unbowed. My commitment to Nigeria is unshakable. My resolve to continue to fight for the betterment of the Nigerian nation and to demand accountability from her leaders will never be compromised. "

"Everything we said five years ago about the need for a radical restructuring of the Nigerian nation and the need for a revolution in our approach to politics and governance has come to pass. Corruption remains high and Nigerians are worse off today than they were five years ago. Inflation is making it difficult for people to put food on the table. Nigeria’s currency has been devalued by almost 100%. "

'I am under no illusions about what the future holds. I commuted myself to the mission of helping to create a Nigeria that fulfills its promise and realizes its potential, over 30 years ago. I have suffered greatly for that commitment. My family, colleagues, and associates who have stood by me throughout this journey have endured great pain and privations as well. "

Sowore further said: "For those who wonder what my next steps will be - I say this: I believe now, as I did over 30 years ago when I began this journey, that the vision of creating a just and egalitarian society must be established during my lifetime. "

"My trip today to reunite with my children and courageous and supportive wife is only for a short while. I will return to Nigeria to continue my struggle for the total liberation of our people from the shackles of the current corrupt, self serving political class. I will also be returning to face headlong, the remaining truckload of bogus criminal and civil cases that have been thrown at me since my detention in 2019."

'Let me use this opportunity to thank my family, lawyers particularly Femi Falana SAN, colleagues, and fellow revolutionaries at home and abroad who have stood firmly by my side, against all odds. "

The socio political and human rights activist optimistically added: "Nigeria will be free. Nigerians will see a nation that is free of corruption, that has leaders whose only interest is in uplifting the people and creating an environment where our people can realize their potential. "

"I remain committed to this ideal. It is a commitment that I have dedicated my life to, and my resolve to stay the path and keep on with the fight remains strong!"


How Omoyele Sowore's Maternal Grandfather Pa Olawoye Recorded Sowore's birthdate

How Omoyele Sowore's Maternal Grandfather Pa Olawoye Recorded Sowore's birthdate

Omoyele Sowore, a renown activist and presidential candidate of the African Action  Congress both in 2019 and 2023 general elections has revealed how his birth date was recorded in 1971 by his maternal grandfather.


While many of our leaders and political officeholders either doctored their age or declear that their birth dates are known, Sowore publihed the raw data as was written by his maternal grandfather Pa John Olawoye.

Sowore wrote on his FB page !!!

 This was how Omoele Sowore mum’s dad (my grandfather on the maternal side) recorded my birth in Yoruba Language back in 1971. He was a brilliant and handsome guy with nice handwriting, unfortunately he passed on not too long after I was born. His name was and still remains, John Olawoye! 

YORUBA: Kehinde bí ọmọ ọkùnrin ní 16 February 1971, malon  fi ẹsẹ ọmọ nà tẹ́lẹ̀ ni 6 April 1971. Orúkọ ọmọ ni Johnson Ọmọyẹle Soworẹ, àti Omolaso, orúkọ tí bàbá ìyá rẹ pé ọmọ nà nìyẹn. Mr John Olawọye.

Owo isọmọ lórúkọ jẹ́ poun kan sílè mẹ́jọ ati kọ̀bọ̀ (£1.88 Shillings 1 Kobo)

ENGLISH: Kehinde gave birth to a male child on February 16th, 1971. He was christened on April the 6th, 1971. The child's name is Johnson Omoyele Sowore, also known as Omolaso, a name given to him by his maternal grandfather, John Olawoye. The naming fee was one pound, eight shillings, and one kobo. 

Translated by Daramola Victor

Omoyele Sowore, a renown activist and presidential candidate of the African Action  Congress both in 2019 and 2023 general elections has revealed how his birth date was recorded in 1971 by his maternal grandfather.


While many of our leaders and political officeholders either doctored their age or declear that their birth dates are known, Sowore publihed the raw data as was written by his maternal grandfather Pa John Olawoye.

Sowore wrote on his FB page !!!

 This was how Omoele Sowore mum’s dad (my grandfather on the maternal side) recorded my birth in Yoruba Language back in 1971. He was a brilliant and handsome guy with nice handwriting, unfortunately he passed on not too long after I was born. His name was and still remains, John Olawoye! 

YORUBA: Kehinde bí ọmọ ọkùnrin ní 16 February 1971, malon  fi ẹsẹ ọmọ nà tẹ́lẹ̀ ni 6 April 1971. Orúkọ ọmọ ni Johnson Ọmọyẹle Soworẹ, àti Omolaso, orúkọ tí bàbá ìyá rẹ pé ọmọ nà nìyẹn. Mr John Olawọye.

Owo isọmọ lórúkọ jẹ́ poun kan sílè mẹ́jọ ati kọ̀bọ̀ (£1.88 Shillings 1 Kobo)

ENGLISH: Kehinde gave birth to a male child on February 16th, 1971. He was christened on April the 6th, 1971. The child's name is Johnson Omoyele Sowore, also known as Omolaso, a name given to him by his maternal grandfather, John Olawoye. The naming fee was one pound, eight shillings, and one kobo. 

Translated by Daramola Victor

#PHOTOSPEAKS : Omoyele Sowore shares this, no statement added

#PHOTOSPEAKS : Omoyele Sowore shares this, no statement added

This picture shared on Friday 17th February 2023  by the presidential candidate of the African Action Congress AAC Omoyele Sowore has keeps many people speculating and some calling on the activist to back Labour Party presidential candidate Mr Peter Obi.

Sowore posted the picture on his social media accounts. 


This picture shared on Friday 17th February 2023  by the presidential candidate of the African Action Congress AAC Omoyele Sowore has keeps many people speculating and some calling on the activist to back Labour Party presidential candidate Mr Peter Obi.

Sowore posted the picture on his social media accounts. 


OPINION - Tinubu is old, his ideas too are old

OPINION - Tinubu is old, his ideas too are old

 Aside that Tinubu is old, his ideas too are old.

Get the difference. Ben Bruce too is old but his ideas are not old. 

Tinubu's idea of climate change is like a church rat eating a poisoned holy communion. 

Peter Obi of LP and
Omoyele Sowore

His idea of demand and supply is to recruit 50 million youths into army and feed them with cassava in the morning and Agbado in the evening.

These are convincing & mounting evidences that Tinubu is not the man we need to lead us at this digital era.

Tinubu of APC

It is okay for old people to support Tinubu, they are all spent. They have no future again.

But it is totally wrong for any youth with a future to be supporting Tinubu.  

Tinubu is a man of yesteryear. He is a man tweeting on WhatsApp. 

We can't afford to have Tinubu as our president after 8yrs of feckless Muhammadu Buhari.

Say No To APC.

Temitope Akintunde 

Sponsored ads 👇👇👇

Labour Party (LP) of Nigeria is the party with pro people candidates and programs.

 Aside that Tinubu is old, his ideas too are old.

Get the difference. Ben Bruce too is old but his ideas are not old. 

Tinubu's idea of climate change is like a church rat eating a poisoned holy communion. 

Peter Obi of LP and
Omoyele Sowore

His idea of demand and supply is to recruit 50 million youths into army and feed them with cassava in the morning and Agbado in the evening.

These are convincing & mounting evidences that Tinubu is not the man we need to lead us at this digital era.

Tinubu of APC

It is okay for old people to support Tinubu, they are all spent. They have no future again.

But it is totally wrong for any youth with a future to be supporting Tinubu.  

Tinubu is a man of yesteryear. He is a man tweeting on WhatsApp. 

We can't afford to have Tinubu as our president after 8yrs of feckless Muhammadu Buhari.

Say No To APC.

Temitope Akintunde 

Sponsored ads 👇👇👇

Labour Party (LP) of Nigeria is the party with pro people candidates and programs.

Chinelo: “Are You Dead Now?” ( the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime)

Chinelo: “Are You Dead Now?” ( the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime)

One of the most despicable things that happened during the bombing and raiding of Kaduna bound train last week was the response to a medical doctor in distress, Dr. Chinelo Megafum, after she was shot on the train. She sent out a tweet stating that she’s been shot on the train and asked for prayers, but a group of mean spirited members of the infamous Buhari Media Centre "BMC" trolled her consistently until she fell silent. One of them named “Abolore” @ysone2 on  Twitter asked, “Are You Dead Now?” The answer is Yes, Doctor Chinelo died in agony while Abolore and other trolls mocked her and went to sleep afterwards. Several of those on the train including a two labour leaders of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC Secretary General  Comrade (Barr.) Musa-Lawal Ozigi as well as Chairman of the Kwara State branch Comrade Akin Akinsola were also killed in the attack and several other persons were kidnapped and are still  in captivity. 

These Twitter trolls are a reflection of the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime, since coming on board as Nigeria’s President in 2015 the Buhari regime and its officials have been asking Nigerians after shooting, stabbing and impoverishing Nigerians the same question, over and over again,  “Are You Dead Now?”

When the regime massacred Shiites in Zaria, it turned around and asked Shiites, “Are You Dead Now?”. When they turned they guns, blazing, on IPOB members in Nigeria''s South East, they asked them “Are You Dead Now?”

 When the Buhari regime killed peaceful “EndSARS" protesters at Lekki Toll Gate, the regime and its progenitord of hate turned around and mocked the dead and wounded, “Are You Dead Now?”  they asked, the regime went further and asked, "if you are dead, show is your dead bodies."

 When they visited the home of Sunday IGBOHO, the renowned Yoruyba agitator in the dead of the night, ransacked his compound and killed innocent civilians, they turned around and asked, “Are You Dead Now?”

They’ve treat Nigerians with the same disdain by inflicting hunger, starvation, abandoning them to their faith during the COVID-19 pandemic, they've mismanaged the economy, killed the national currency-Naira, ensured that they are no longer generating electricity, made fuel scarce deliberately in order to force Nigerians to pay through their noses, they brought massive unemployment, doctors and nurses have fled in droves and the regime is still asking you, the people of Nigeria “Are you Dead Now’?

By Omoyele Sowore

One of the most despicable things that happened during the bombing and raiding of Kaduna bound train last week was the response to a medical doctor in distress, Dr. Chinelo Megafum, after she was shot on the train. She sent out a tweet stating that she’s been shot on the train and asked for prayers, but a group of mean spirited members of the infamous Buhari Media Centre "BMC" trolled her consistently until she fell silent. One of them named “Abolore” @ysone2 on  Twitter asked, “Are You Dead Now?” The answer is Yes, Doctor Chinelo died in agony while Abolore and other trolls mocked her and went to sleep afterwards. Several of those on the train including a two labour leaders of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC Secretary General  Comrade (Barr.) Musa-Lawal Ozigi as well as Chairman of the Kwara State branch Comrade Akin Akinsola were also killed in the attack and several other persons were kidnapped and are still  in captivity. 

These Twitter trolls are a reflection of the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime, since coming on board as Nigeria’s President in 2015 the Buhari regime and its officials have been asking Nigerians after shooting, stabbing and impoverishing Nigerians the same question, over and over again,  “Are You Dead Now?”

When the regime massacred Shiites in Zaria, it turned around and asked Shiites, “Are You Dead Now?”. When they turned they guns, blazing, on IPOB members in Nigeria''s South East, they asked them “Are You Dead Now?”

 When the Buhari regime killed peaceful “EndSARS" protesters at Lekki Toll Gate, the regime and its progenitord of hate turned around and mocked the dead and wounded, “Are You Dead Now?”  they asked, the regime went further and asked, "if you are dead, show is your dead bodies."

 When they visited the home of Sunday IGBOHO, the renowned Yoruyba agitator in the dead of the night, ransacked his compound and killed innocent civilians, they turned around and asked, “Are You Dead Now?”

They’ve treat Nigerians with the same disdain by inflicting hunger, starvation, abandoning them to their faith during the COVID-19 pandemic, they've mismanaged the economy, killed the national currency-Naira, ensured that they are no longer generating electricity, made fuel scarce deliberately in order to force Nigerians to pay through their noses, they brought massive unemployment, doctors and nurses have fled in droves and the regime is still asking you, the people of Nigeria “Are you Dead Now’?

By Omoyele Sowore





In the list of the new lows that the despicable Buhari-regime has sunk Nigeria into, is the mobilization of thugs through its militia arm, the State Security Service (SSS) and other security agencies to attack pro-democracy campaigner, the Chairman of the African Action Congress, Mr Omoyele Sowore. 

It has become trite to see thugs operating violently yet freely in broad daylight, at the Federal High Court premises in Abuja, specifically when Sowore alongside other Nigerians comes to solidarize with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigneous People of Biafra (IPOB) in the trial by the Federal Government. 

It is also not news that these thugs enjoy state protection, as it has been the case everytime he’s been attacked. The last time being October 21, 2021, these thugs attacked Sowore but were apprehended and handed over to the Police by courageous journalists who were locked out of the Court by “official thugs”- the DSS. This happened while all heavily armed security agents looked the other way. 

These thugs were then released almost immediately and we can not ascertain if at all they were taken to the Federal Secretariat Police station before being released. 

The case wasn’t different today December 2, 2021 as the thugs came prepared to kill. The window of Mr Sowore’s car was smashed in a bid to get hold of him and while he was driven away, other things that could cause harm were thrown at his car. Members of our party in his company were also not spared by these thugs. 

We condemn in the strongest terms these attacks on the Chairman of our party, Mr Sowore and we call on the Buhari regime to stop this show of shame it is serving the international community. 

While the Buhari regime seeks to normalize fascism, hardship and human rights violation, the AAC through all revolutionary means will not fold its arms on this issue. We refuse to accept as a new normal these brazen attacks on individuals and corporate entities who hold dissenting opinions against the Buhari regime.  

The AAC will not watch this slide or wait for another “Government magic” (killing and later denial of killing) to happen to our peace-loving Chairman, as it is now the case of several massacres in the country. 

Conclusively, we call on the Buhari regime to pick itself from the dust and accept defeat honourably. It must stop forthwith the persecution of Omoyele Sowore as it is glaring the regime has no case against him. 


National Publicity Secretary 

Femi Adeyeye 




In the list of the new lows that the despicable Buhari-regime has sunk Nigeria into, is the mobilization of thugs through its militia arm, the State Security Service (SSS) and other security agencies to attack pro-democracy campaigner, the Chairman of the African Action Congress, Mr Omoyele Sowore. 

It has become trite to see thugs operating violently yet freely in broad daylight, at the Federal High Court premises in Abuja, specifically when Sowore alongside other Nigerians comes to solidarize with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigneous People of Biafra (IPOB) in the trial by the Federal Government. 

It is also not news that these thugs enjoy state protection, as it has been the case everytime he’s been attacked. The last time being October 21, 2021, these thugs attacked Sowore but were apprehended and handed over to the Police by courageous journalists who were locked out of the Court by “official thugs”- the DSS. This happened while all heavily armed security agents looked the other way. 

These thugs were then released almost immediately and we can not ascertain if at all they were taken to the Federal Secretariat Police station before being released. 

The case wasn’t different today December 2, 2021 as the thugs came prepared to kill. The window of Mr Sowore’s car was smashed in a bid to get hold of him and while he was driven away, other things that could cause harm were thrown at his car. Members of our party in his company were also not spared by these thugs. 

We condemn in the strongest terms these attacks on the Chairman of our party, Mr Sowore and we call on the Buhari regime to stop this show of shame it is serving the international community. 

While the Buhari regime seeks to normalize fascism, hardship and human rights violation, the AAC through all revolutionary means will not fold its arms on this issue. We refuse to accept as a new normal these brazen attacks on individuals and corporate entities who hold dissenting opinions against the Buhari regime.  

The AAC will not watch this slide or wait for another “Government magic” (killing and later denial of killing) to happen to our peace-loving Chairman, as it is now the case of several massacres in the country. 

Conclusively, we call on the Buhari regime to pick itself from the dust and accept defeat honourably. It must stop forthwith the persecution of Omoyele Sowore as it is glaring the regime has no case against him. 


National Publicity Secretary 

Femi Adeyeye 




"Today again, the DSS mobilised thugs to attack and kill me for attending Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s farcical trial at the Federal High Court in Abuja. They came well prepared, however, we can’t be deterred. The struggle continues." - Sowore


The attacks on the activist by DSS agents and their thugs would not be tolerated.

No one has a monopoly of violence,any other attack 

Sowore Wrote: This is a video clip of the deadly attack on me today at the Federal High court in Abuja.

 #ExonerateOgoni9  #TakeItBack 

#BuhariMustGo  #NoGoingBack   #RevolutionNow

"Today again, the DSS mobilised thugs to attack and kill me for attending Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s farcical trial at the Federal High Court in Abuja. They came well prepared, however, we can’t be deterred. The struggle continues." - Sowore


The attacks on the activist by DSS agents and their thugs would not be tolerated.

No one has a monopoly of violence,any other attack 

Sowore Wrote: This is a video clip of the deadly attack on me today at the Federal High court in Abuja.

 #ExonerateOgoni9  #TakeItBack 

#BuhariMustGo  #NoGoingBack   #RevolutionNow

#ENDSARS MEMORIAL: Global terrorism carried out against innocent young Nigerian citizens by Buhari led regime

#ENDSARS MEMORIAL: Global terrorism carried out against innocent young Nigerian citizens by Buhari led regime

Throughout #Endsars protests in October 2020, the Muhammadu Buhari regime mobilised well-armed thugs to attack unarmed #EndSARS protesters here in Abuja, they were ferried around in Government registered vehicles, some of them mobilised through Jabi Park, they injured and even killed two peaceful protesters.


In Lagos Gov. Sanwoolu gave out official air conditioned state owned commercial BRT buses to thugs to attack #EndSARS peaceful protesters camped at the Lagos State House of Assembly, when they didn’t succeed they mobilised the HQ Nigerian Army to shoot and murder innocent #endsarsprotesters at #Lekkitollgate, that global terrorism carried out against innocent young Nigerian citizens by Muhammadu Buhari, Jide Sanwoolu and then Chief of Army Staff Yusuf Tukur Buratai led to the untimely but brutal deaths of many.

Now the same government is claiming they are worried about “hoodlums hijacking” the #endsarsmemorial. Muhammadu Buhari, Babajide Sanwo-Olu and DSS men accompanying hoodlums are the real HOODLUMS! #RevolutionNow #BuhariMustGo

Omoyele Sowore

Throughout #Endsars protests in October 2020, the Muhammadu Buhari regime mobilised well-armed thugs to attack unarmed #EndSARS protesters here in Abuja, they were ferried around in Government registered vehicles, some of them mobilised through Jabi Park, they injured and even killed two peaceful protesters.


In Lagos Gov. Sanwoolu gave out official air conditioned state owned commercial BRT buses to thugs to attack #EndSARS peaceful protesters camped at the Lagos State House of Assembly, when they didn’t succeed they mobilised the HQ Nigerian Army to shoot and murder innocent #endsarsprotesters at #Lekkitollgate, that global terrorism carried out against innocent young Nigerian citizens by Muhammadu Buhari, Jide Sanwoolu and then Chief of Army Staff Yusuf Tukur Buratai led to the untimely but brutal deaths of many.

Now the same government is claiming they are worried about “hoodlums hijacking” the #endsarsmemorial. Muhammadu Buhari, Babajide Sanwo-Olu and DSS men accompanying hoodlums are the real HOODLUMS! #RevolutionNow #BuhariMustGo

Omoyele Sowore

Buhari’s 75,000 Vs Sowore’s 100,000 - Femi Adeyeye

Buhari’s 75,000 Vs Sowore’s 100,000 - Femi Adeyeye

It was as if Sowore announced that aliens were about to take over the Nigerian space, when he rolled out some of the welfare plans of the AAC party, which includes working out a scheme that will pay each Nigerian University student a Cost of Living/Study Allowance of 100,000 Naira per Semester. 

The shock that greeted the promise during that period did not come from any debate by his opponents or their allies, because they never argued it. The people who argued most are the so-called intellectuals; Economists on Facebook and Policy Analysts on Twitter. 

“Where will the money come from?”, “Is it sustainable?” “Will they now receive more than the minimum wage?” “What is the value of the intercept?” “Will it hit the gradient of Humanity Vs Belliconomics curve?” (I made this up 😀) But there was nothing we didn’t hear and there was no question we didn’t answer at that time. Omoyele Sowore remains one of the most engaged Politicians of this era. Today, the Buhari regime promised 75,000 for University Education students and 50,000 for College of Education students. 

I would admit anyway that the debate then was somehow healthy. However, I want to tell you that if a government that reeks of corruption, ineptitude and grand mismanagement could still mutter such promise; “audio” or not, it goes to show that they understand that it is very possible to implement. 

In many of our schools, Education students are the most populous, so if nobody is questioning the feasibility of paying the 75k, it means we would be adding just little to pay everyone 100k. 

We explained then that by massive industrialization of the economy, serious production- rather than this guess-work kind of economy that we run, blocking of loopholes, conduits of corruption and cesspools, we would pay 100,000 Naira minimum wage, which was just an addition of some billions to the wage bill as at 2018. Interestingly, we were told paying people a living wage would cause inflation. 

Today, there is serious double-digit inflation without paying our 100,000 wage. Many states are not even paying the approved  30,000 Naira. Buhari has blamed the “middlemen” again.

Nigerians. You are the ones I’m talking to now. 

It’s understandable that you find it hard to believe there is a way out of this misery. As against what you have held as popular opinion, I want to tell you that you deserve good life and it is very possible to lead one, here on earth. Not in heaven. 

Make suffer tire una na.

- *Adeyeye Olorunfemi*

It was as if Sowore announced that aliens were about to take over the Nigerian space, when he rolled out some of the welfare plans of the AAC party, which includes working out a scheme that will pay each Nigerian University student a Cost of Living/Study Allowance of 100,000 Naira per Semester. 

The shock that greeted the promise during that period did not come from any debate by his opponents or their allies, because they never argued it. The people who argued most are the so-called intellectuals; Economists on Facebook and Policy Analysts on Twitter. 

“Where will the money come from?”, “Is it sustainable?” “Will they now receive more than the minimum wage?” “What is the value of the intercept?” “Will it hit the gradient of Humanity Vs Belliconomics curve?” (I made this up 😀) But there was nothing we didn’t hear and there was no question we didn’t answer at that time. Omoyele Sowore remains one of the most engaged Politicians of this era. Today, the Buhari regime promised 75,000 for University Education students and 50,000 for College of Education students. 

I would admit anyway that the debate then was somehow healthy. However, I want to tell you that if a government that reeks of corruption, ineptitude and grand mismanagement could still mutter such promise; “audio” or not, it goes to show that they understand that it is very possible to implement. 

In many of our schools, Education students are the most populous, so if nobody is questioning the feasibility of paying the 75k, it means we would be adding just little to pay everyone 100k. 

We explained then that by massive industrialization of the economy, serious production- rather than this guess-work kind of economy that we run, blocking of loopholes, conduits of corruption and cesspools, we would pay 100,000 Naira minimum wage, which was just an addition of some billions to the wage bill as at 2018. Interestingly, we were told paying people a living wage would cause inflation. 

Today, there is serious double-digit inflation without paying our 100,000 wage. Many states are not even paying the approved  30,000 Naira. Buhari has blamed the “middlemen” again.

Nigerians. You are the ones I’m talking to now. 

It’s understandable that you find it hard to believe there is a way out of this misery. As against what you have held as popular opinion, I want to tell you that you deserve good life and it is very possible to lead one, here on earth. Not in heaven. 

Make suffer tire una na.

- *Adeyeye Olorunfemi*

Jide Sowore's Burial: our Gratitude

Jide Sowore's Burial: our Gratitude

Today, I am returning to you ALL for your support, companionship and sympathy extended towards our family over the untimely but gruesome murder of our beloved brother, Olajide Sowore.

 Of particular note are those early callers who commiserated with our family when this dastardly incident broke, we must here specially mention our comrades who took the risk to be physically present at his funeral and those who joined virtually across the world and stayed till my brother was interned at Kiribo, our home town.

We reserve a special place for pathologists, lawyers and a handful of law enforcement officers who though limited by prevailing incompetence on the police did their personal best to assist the family by fully cooperating to ensure that a befitting burial was done.

We send our regards to compatriots who defy our family rejection of fundraising to provide their token of support to our brother’s immediate family.

We are immensely grateful to each and everyone who took out tome to drop a comment, salutations and words of encouragement throughout this period.

 Finally we thank the authorities of Igbinedion University in Okada for their generosity in providing a motor hearse to convey our brother to his final resting place.

It is important to state that our commitment by oining in popular efforts to bring about revolutionary change in Nigeria remains unwavering.

Felix Olajide Sowore was killed near Okada in Edo state by the yet to be identify suspected herdsmen.

Insecurity under Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari led pro fulani herdsmen federal government has claimed uncountable lives.

Today, I am returning to you ALL for your support, companionship and sympathy extended towards our family over the untimely but gruesome murder of our beloved brother, Olajide Sowore.

 Of particular note are those early callers who commiserated with our family when this dastardly incident broke, we must here specially mention our comrades who took the risk to be physically present at his funeral and those who joined virtually across the world and stayed till my brother was interned at Kiribo, our home town.

We reserve a special place for pathologists, lawyers and a handful of law enforcement officers who though limited by prevailing incompetence on the police did their personal best to assist the family by fully cooperating to ensure that a befitting burial was done.

We send our regards to compatriots who defy our family rejection of fundraising to provide their token of support to our brother’s immediate family.

We are immensely grateful to each and everyone who took out tome to drop a comment, salutations and words of encouragement throughout this period.

 Finally we thank the authorities of Igbinedion University in Okada for their generosity in providing a motor hearse to convey our brother to his final resting place.

It is important to state that our commitment by oining in popular efforts to bring about revolutionary change in Nigeria remains unwavering.

Felix Olajide Sowore was killed near Okada in Edo state by the yet to be identify suspected herdsmen.

Insecurity under Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari led pro fulani herdsmen federal government has claimed uncountable lives.



We acknowledged the death of Jide Sowore, a younger brother to TIB leader, Omoyele Sowore.

Jide was reported to have Been killed by suspected dangerous heardmen/ bandit that have been terrorizing Nigeria and her people since the emergence of the regime of General Muhamadu Buhari.

Take It Back Oyo totally frown at the incident and  believe it was one of callus attempt to discourage Jide elder brother, Omoyele Sowore.

Is not hearsay, Nigeria has become jungle where nobody is safe, the level of insecurity in the state is very alarming.

We now call on Federal Government of Nigeria to  swiftly get into action and make sure they brought all the perpetrators into the book.

Our appeal to the revolutionary leader, Comr. Omoyele Sowore not to allow the evil act by the state Insecurities to brake him down,  as much as we believe in your fighting for all the common Nigerians and the idea of getting Nigerians liberated, we will continue fighting alongside with you.

Also Our sincere condolences to all Sowore family, we shear the pains and acknowledge all the sacrifices you have been making for a better Nigeria. May almighty heal the wound and make an incident like this last one to the family.

TIB will not ceased from it missions to deliver Nigerians from clueless political leaders in the country.

 Comr. Solomon Emiola

 TIB state Members

We acknowledged the death of Jide Sowore, a younger brother to TIB leader, Omoyele Sowore.

Jide was reported to have Been killed by suspected dangerous heardmen/ bandit that have been terrorizing Nigeria and her people since the emergence of the regime of General Muhamadu Buhari.

Take It Back Oyo totally frown at the incident and  believe it was one of callus attempt to discourage Jide elder brother, Omoyele Sowore.

Is not hearsay, Nigeria has become jungle where nobody is safe, the level of insecurity in the state is very alarming.

We now call on Federal Government of Nigeria to  swiftly get into action and make sure they brought all the perpetrators into the book.

Our appeal to the revolutionary leader, Comr. Omoyele Sowore not to allow the evil act by the state Insecurities to brake him down,  as much as we believe in your fighting for all the common Nigerians and the idea of getting Nigerians liberated, we will continue fighting alongside with you.

Also Our sincere condolences to all Sowore family, we shear the pains and acknowledge all the sacrifices you have been making for a better Nigeria. May almighty heal the wound and make an incident like this last one to the family.

TIB will not ceased from it missions to deliver Nigerians from clueless political leaders in the country.

 Comr. Solomon Emiola

 TIB state Members

Jide Sowore's Death: Thank you all for reaching out with great love and kind words of consolation - Omoyele Sowore

Jide Sowore's Death: Thank you all for reaching out with great love and kind words of consolation - Omoyele Sowore

Omoyele Sowore

The National Chairman of the African Action Congress Omoyele Sowore has expresses appreciations for the concerns, great love and kind words of consolation, support and solidarity that many friends and supporters have poured to him and the entire family over the tragic but still unexplained death of his immediate brother, Felix Olajide Sowore who was killed near Okada in Edo state.

Sowore in his statement on Sunday added: " We should report to the public that despite the noise from Nigerian govt officials promising to “apprehend” my brother’s  killers, we are not aware any security  agency/ies carrying out rescue operations to free those purportedly abducted or investigating the identity of Jide’s murderers. It is not as if we expect anything from the failed system that took our brother’s life, I feel that I owe you all an update on these matters."


Read the full statement:

Thank you all for reaching out with great love and kind words of consolation, support and solidarity over the tragic but still unexplained death of my dearest brother, Felix Olajide Sowore.

I send you loads of gratitude from the bottom of my heart and that of my entire family. 

We should report to the public that despite the noise from Nigerian govt officials promising to “apprehend” my brother’s  killers, we are not aware any security  agency/ies carrying out rescue operations to free those purportedly abducted or investigating the identity of Jide’s murderers. It is not as if we expect anything from the failed system that took our brother’s life, I feel that I owe you all an update on these matters.


We will keep the public updated with progress regarding funeral arrangements - Omoyele Sowore

Omoyele Sowore

The National Chairman of the African Action Congress Omoyele Sowore has expresses appreciations for the concerns, great love and kind words of consolation, support and solidarity that many friends and supporters have poured to him and the entire family over the tragic but still unexplained death of his immediate brother, Felix Olajide Sowore who was killed near Okada in Edo state.

Sowore in his statement on Sunday added: " We should report to the public that despite the noise from Nigerian govt officials promising to “apprehend” my brother’s  killers, we are not aware any security  agency/ies carrying out rescue operations to free those purportedly abducted or investigating the identity of Jide’s murderers. It is not as if we expect anything from the failed system that took our brother’s life, I feel that I owe you all an update on these matters."


Read the full statement:

Thank you all for reaching out with great love and kind words of consolation, support and solidarity over the tragic but still unexplained death of my dearest brother, Felix Olajide Sowore.

I send you loads of gratitude from the bottom of my heart and that of my entire family. 

We should report to the public that despite the noise from Nigerian govt officials promising to “apprehend” my brother’s  killers, we are not aware any security  agency/ies carrying out rescue operations to free those purportedly abducted or investigating the identity of Jide’s murderers. It is not as if we expect anything from the failed system that took our brother’s life, I feel that I owe you all an update on these matters.


We will keep the public updated with progress regarding funeral arrangements - Omoyele Sowore

CORE Condemns the Killing of Jide Sowore, Demands Justice

CORE Condemns the Killing of Jide Sowore, Demands Justice

Jide Sowore

The Coalition for Revolution (CORE) has condey the gruesome  assassination of Olajide Sowore, the younger brother of the African Action Congress' chairman Omoyele Sowore.

Sowore's Immediate Younger brother Felix Olajide Sowore was killed near Okada in Edo state on Saturday while heading to the state.

Omoyele Sowore who is also a leading member of CORE has been held down in Abuja for more than two years by the Buhari led tyrannical Regime.

Core is demanding justice for Jide adding that more than 4,000 people have been killed this year alone by bandits of all sorts. 

"This multidimensional face of fatal criminality arises from both the incompetence and complicity of different sections of the regime."


*CORE Condemns the Killing of Jide Sowore: Demands Justice*

_Press Release, 4/9/21_

The Coalition for Revolution (CORE) received news of the assassination of Olajide Sowore, with great shock and angst.

Jide is a younger brother of Omoyele Sowore, Chair of the African Action Congress (AAC) & a leading member of CORE, who the regime has held down in Abuja for more than two years.

The news making the rounds at the moment is that Jide was killed by armed bandits. It might not however be out of the question to suspect that this is an assassination meant to break the spirit of his elder brother and their family.

Our hearts go out to Yele and the entire Sowore family. This irreparable damage is a huge blow. We stand in empathy with them and pray they find the necessary fortitude to bear this great loss.

We demand justice for Jide and the Sowore family. We call for an independent investigation and prosecution of all who might have a hand in this dastardly act.

We also seize this moment to once again speak on the perennial state of insecurity in the country. 

More than 4,000 people have been killed thus far, this year alone, by bandits of all sorts. This multidimensional face of fatal criminality arises from both the incompetence and complicity of different sections of the regime. 

This madness must not be allowed to continue. Only we working-class people and youth can fight to turn this horrific situation around and stop such wilful killings of people, including promising youth like Olajide Sowore. 

Baba Aye


Gbenga Komolafe


Jide Sowore

The Coalition for Revolution (CORE) has condey the gruesome  assassination of Olajide Sowore, the younger brother of the African Action Congress' chairman Omoyele Sowore.

Sowore's Immediate Younger brother Felix Olajide Sowore was killed near Okada in Edo state on Saturday while heading to the state.

Omoyele Sowore who is also a leading member of CORE has been held down in Abuja for more than two years by the Buhari led tyrannical Regime.

Core is demanding justice for Jide adding that more than 4,000 people have been killed this year alone by bandits of all sorts. 

"This multidimensional face of fatal criminality arises from both the incompetence and complicity of different sections of the regime."


*CORE Condemns the Killing of Jide Sowore: Demands Justice*

_Press Release, 4/9/21_

The Coalition for Revolution (CORE) received news of the assassination of Olajide Sowore, with great shock and angst.

Jide is a younger brother of Omoyele Sowore, Chair of the African Action Congress (AAC) & a leading member of CORE, who the regime has held down in Abuja for more than two years.

The news making the rounds at the moment is that Jide was killed by armed bandits. It might not however be out of the question to suspect that this is an assassination meant to break the spirit of his elder brother and their family.

Our hearts go out to Yele and the entire Sowore family. This irreparable damage is a huge blow. We stand in empathy with them and pray they find the necessary fortitude to bear this great loss.

We demand justice for Jide and the Sowore family. We call for an independent investigation and prosecution of all who might have a hand in this dastardly act.

We also seize this moment to once again speak on the perennial state of insecurity in the country. 

More than 4,000 people have been killed thus far, this year alone, by bandits of all sorts. This multidimensional face of fatal criminality arises from both the incompetence and complicity of different sections of the regime. 

This madness must not be allowed to continue. Only we working-class people and youth can fight to turn this horrific situation around and stop such wilful killings of people, including promising youth like Olajide Sowore. 

Baba Aye


Gbenga Komolafe







Omoyele Sowore

It is with a deep and heartfelt sobriety, the African Action Congress pens its condolence message to the National Chairman, Omoyele Sowore who lost his immediate younger brother to the Buhari regime’s gross wickedness and incompetence. There’s no emphasis in saying it’s a sad day for all of us in the AAC, home and abroad. 

It has been reported that Jide Sowore, who until his unfortunate death was a Pharmacy student at Igbinedion University, Okada was murdered by killer herdsmen while traveling on the Ore-Benin expressway in the early hours of Saturday, September 4, 2021. 

Shall we remind ourselves that many a Nigerian has been slain by the incompetence of the Buhari regime- failure to secure lives and property, and that no one is safe either at home- land, air or on sea including on our roads that are now clear death traps. 

It is so sad that the insecurity ravaging our land is no more a matter of “if”, it is now an issue of “when”- when will it get to us? 

Although we are mourning with our teeth gnashing and our eyes filled with tears, yet we can see clearly and it is to this end we call on the Police and other security agents to investigate the circumstances surrounding this killing and fish out the killers of this young promising Nigerian whose life of service to the country has just been cut short. 

Jide Sowore

The AAC calls on Nigerians to bond as a matter of expediency, and organize with actions to kick out this regime that has failed woefully on its three major promises- providing security for all Nigerians, reviving the economy and fighting corruption. 

The reality before us today is that if we do not bond, leaving behind our tribal and religious differences to end this terrorist regime, it will end us separately. This is not a bad prayer or wish at all. 

May the gentle soul of our brother and Comrade, Jide Sowore continue to rest in power. 


Femi Adeyeye

National Publicity Secretary 





Omoyele Sowore

It is with a deep and heartfelt sobriety, the African Action Congress pens its condolence message to the National Chairman, Omoyele Sowore who lost his immediate younger brother to the Buhari regime’s gross wickedness and incompetence. There’s no emphasis in saying it’s a sad day for all of us in the AAC, home and abroad. 

It has been reported that Jide Sowore, who until his unfortunate death was a Pharmacy student at Igbinedion University, Okada was murdered by killer herdsmen while traveling on the Ore-Benin expressway in the early hours of Saturday, September 4, 2021. 

Shall we remind ourselves that many a Nigerian has been slain by the incompetence of the Buhari regime- failure to secure lives and property, and that no one is safe either at home- land, air or on sea including on our roads that are now clear death traps. 

It is so sad that the insecurity ravaging our land is no more a matter of “if”, it is now an issue of “when”- when will it get to us? 

Although we are mourning with our teeth gnashing and our eyes filled with tears, yet we can see clearly and it is to this end we call on the Police and other security agents to investigate the circumstances surrounding this killing and fish out the killers of this young promising Nigerian whose life of service to the country has just been cut short. 

Jide Sowore

The AAC calls on Nigerians to bond as a matter of expediency, and organize with actions to kick out this regime that has failed woefully on its three major promises- providing security for all Nigerians, reviving the economy and fighting corruption. 

The reality before us today is that if we do not bond, leaving behind our tribal and religious differences to end this terrorist regime, it will end us separately. This is not a bad prayer or wish at all. 

May the gentle soul of our brother and Comrade, Jide Sowore continue to rest in power. 


Femi Adeyeye

National Publicity Secretary 


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