


Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Maize: Will Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Harm You?

Maize: Will Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Harm You?

 Let's start with the heaviest part: 

You are already consuming a genetically-modified organism as we speak; at least the chances are 9.9 in 10. In fact, it is worse, the one I suspect you're eating was designed using the most potent type of genetic engineering possible - a transgenic modification. 

I am speaking about the TELA maize variety that was developed by Bayer of Germany. The work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

So, let's lay aside the fear part already. 

I planned going into the nitty gritty of genetic engineering as much as I can in this post but later changed my mind. The full style will not help the average reader much and I think I should just simplify it and cut to the chase. 

TELA came into our space around 2021. I just saw the article in a Nigerian newspaper and it said the crop was developed in ABU Zaria. Well, it's not quite so. ABU is a licensee. The TELA maize has longer roots and here is its story, the brief version, without the scare.

Bill Gates and his friends agreed that Maize (Zea mays) is the most popular crop on earth and if it can be made to yield more, it will go a long way in solving the hunger problem on a global scale. (When you're big, you think global, isn't it?). One of the biggest problem of maize which the Americans call, Corn is that it is susceptible to drought. A little scarcity of water can seriously reduce it's yield. In several parts of Africa, such crop failure is common and it spells hunger for millions. 

In addition, maize is also plagued by the Stem Borer - an insect that lays its eggs on the plant and when they hatch onto larvae, they eat into the maize stem and that's the end of that plant. There is also the Fall Army Worm that inflicts major destruction on maize across the world. The idea here was to develop a variety of maize that can do well on little water and is also resistant to Fall Army Worm and the deadly stem borer disease. This will increase yield and also tame the use of pesticides in controlling the named diseases, saving the farmer crop management costs. 

This is just the way any normal person will think. 

Crop developers had earlier launched a very successful program called Water Efficient Maize for Africa, WEMA. It had been successful at creating a drought resistant maize and it was chosen to be mated with another variety which is resistant to the two diseases earlier mentioned. This level of crop selection and crossbreeding has always been practised for ages. But there was no maize type that was resistant to these diseases so one had to be made using an advanced genetic engineering technique. 

There is a ubiquitous bacterial named Baccilus thurigiensis (Bt) that lives in the soil all over the world. This bacteria is a clever natural solution to a host of entomological problems because it produces a protein (Bt protein) that kills a selection of insects. What  geneticists did was to modify that protein, copy the section (a codon)  of the bacteria's DNA that codes for it and then zip it into the DNA of maize. This was how two varieties of Bt Maize were born and they are resistant to Fall Army Worm and Stem Borer diseases. These were engineered further with the drought resistant variety to produce a single variety that incorporates all the desired qualities - the TELA  Maize. TELA doesn't mean much; it is the short form of the Latin word, Tutela, which means 'Protect'. When you plant the TELA maize, you can rest assured it is not going to freak out at the first signs of drought and army worm or stem borer won't wipe away your crop. The maize variety is sold strictly to recover production costs, that is, it is sold on a non-profits basis. 

Can you plant the harvested seeds? Yes, but the potency won't be 100%. The seeds are specially produced through a method that does not allow open pollination to keep the quality top shape. This is not abnormal at all in crop development. The other time, I saw a young man speaking confidently against this type of hybridized seed production and I felt sorry for those in his audience who do not know that the gentleman does not know what he is confidently talking about. He was actually scaremongering, which is bad. 

Now that is the end of the good part. 

I have explained in an earlier essay on this how there are two levels of genetic modification of organisms. In that write up (I'll include the link below), I had also noted that what is called GMOs should actually be more correctly called GEO - Genetically Engineered Organisms. That is their true status from a purely scientific point of view and in full disclosure. 

All organisms are genetically modified either through selection, mutation, adaptation and the much more complex and poorly understood processes of Epigenetics. Genetic modification is normal and natural and even identical twins, despite theoretically possessing the same set of genetic codes as offsprings of the same zygote, are still different because their genes have been slightly modified during the stage of cell division where crossovers and linkages take place. 

Engineered organisms however are a different thing entirely. Scientists actually take down the genes, which are sequences of nucleotides that code for how that organism is made and then drag in codes from another organism. The most striking is when the copied codes or genes are from another species. In the Bt Maize -and also the TELA maize you've been eating - the genes are from a different kingdom. It is a gene from the Baccilus thurigiensis bacteria (from the animal kingdom) zipped into a member of the plant kingdom. 

So what's the issue with that?

Well, nothing as such. But it is a little more powerful than nothing. The anxiety comes from the fact that scientists don't fully understand what can be the fallout of this type of genetic work somewhere down the line. The genetic code is the fundamental of creation and zapping it around this way gives everyone who knows the power of genes the chills when they are being honest. Genes are not just chemistry stuff, they are chemicals of life itself and they are capable of self replication. Now everyone reading this quickly remembers that cancer is body cells gone rogue, replicating without control. Those who can connect the dots fear that consuming organisms engineered this way can trigger body cells to go rogue at any time.

Is there any evidence this can happen or has ever happened? 

No. But that doesn't assuage all fears because genes can also lie low for a long time. You must have heard of drug tests taken 20, 40 years down the line. We need the big data report - observations of the effects of these crops not just on the present consumers at the present time, but the effect on their offspring and the descendants of those as well. And the effects could be subtle - it may not be cancer but something more benign. Maybe it will affect some body systems or dial down (or even up!) our brains just a little. 

The consumption of GEO especially the Transgenic (between species) ones can also potentially alter the balance of our body's microbiome. 2% of your bodyweight is bacterial. They are ever present on our skins and mostly in our gut where they function just as a critical part of our bodies. We won't last for more than hours without them as they protect us from harmful microbes. GEO may in some ways affect these organisms by reprogramming them. Imagine writing a string of codes in the programming language of the OS your device is running and then mating it with the OS as an executable sentence. That is how GEOs are in principle. No programmer can say with absolute certainty that the system will continue to function perfectly after that intervention. 

So, are GMOs good or bad?

So far, they are good, but there are no guarantees they cannot turn very bad without warning. All those who carry on genetic engineering work  will agree on this.

John Ogunlela 

 Let's start with the heaviest part: 

You are already consuming a genetically-modified organism as we speak; at least the chances are 9.9 in 10. In fact, it is worse, the one I suspect you're eating was designed using the most potent type of genetic engineering possible - a transgenic modification. 

I am speaking about the TELA maize variety that was developed by Bayer of Germany. The work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

So, let's lay aside the fear part already. 

I planned going into the nitty gritty of genetic engineering as much as I can in this post but later changed my mind. The full style will not help the average reader much and I think I should just simplify it and cut to the chase. 

TELA came into our space around 2021. I just saw the article in a Nigerian newspaper and it said the crop was developed in ABU Zaria. Well, it's not quite so. ABU is a licensee. The TELA maize has longer roots and here is its story, the brief version, without the scare.

Bill Gates and his friends agreed that Maize (Zea mays) is the most popular crop on earth and if it can be made to yield more, it will go a long way in solving the hunger problem on a global scale. (When you're big, you think global, isn't it?). One of the biggest problem of maize which the Americans call, Corn is that it is susceptible to drought. A little scarcity of water can seriously reduce it's yield. In several parts of Africa, such crop failure is common and it spells hunger for millions. 

In addition, maize is also plagued by the Stem Borer - an insect that lays its eggs on the plant and when they hatch onto larvae, they eat into the maize stem and that's the end of that plant. There is also the Fall Army Worm that inflicts major destruction on maize across the world. The idea here was to develop a variety of maize that can do well on little water and is also resistant to Fall Army Worm and the deadly stem borer disease. This will increase yield and also tame the use of pesticides in controlling the named diseases, saving the farmer crop management costs. 

This is just the way any normal person will think. 

Crop developers had earlier launched a very successful program called Water Efficient Maize for Africa, WEMA. It had been successful at creating a drought resistant maize and it was chosen to be mated with another variety which is resistant to the two diseases earlier mentioned. This level of crop selection and crossbreeding has always been practised for ages. But there was no maize type that was resistant to these diseases so one had to be made using an advanced genetic engineering technique. 

There is a ubiquitous bacterial named Baccilus thurigiensis (Bt) that lives in the soil all over the world. This bacteria is a clever natural solution to a host of entomological problems because it produces a protein (Bt protein) that kills a selection of insects. What  geneticists did was to modify that protein, copy the section (a codon)  of the bacteria's DNA that codes for it and then zip it into the DNA of maize. This was how two varieties of Bt Maize were born and they are resistant to Fall Army Worm and Stem Borer diseases. These were engineered further with the drought resistant variety to produce a single variety that incorporates all the desired qualities - the TELA  Maize. TELA doesn't mean much; it is the short form of the Latin word, Tutela, which means 'Protect'. When you plant the TELA maize, you can rest assured it is not going to freak out at the first signs of drought and army worm or stem borer won't wipe away your crop. The maize variety is sold strictly to recover production costs, that is, it is sold on a non-profits basis. 

Can you plant the harvested seeds? Yes, but the potency won't be 100%. The seeds are specially produced through a method that does not allow open pollination to keep the quality top shape. This is not abnormal at all in crop development. The other time, I saw a young man speaking confidently against this type of hybridized seed production and I felt sorry for those in his audience who do not know that the gentleman does not know what he is confidently talking about. He was actually scaremongering, which is bad. 

Now that is the end of the good part. 

I have explained in an earlier essay on this how there are two levels of genetic modification of organisms. In that write up (I'll include the link below), I had also noted that what is called GMOs should actually be more correctly called GEO - Genetically Engineered Organisms. That is their true status from a purely scientific point of view and in full disclosure. 

All organisms are genetically modified either through selection, mutation, adaptation and the much more complex and poorly understood processes of Epigenetics. Genetic modification is normal and natural and even identical twins, despite theoretically possessing the same set of genetic codes as offsprings of the same zygote, are still different because their genes have been slightly modified during the stage of cell division where crossovers and linkages take place. 

Engineered organisms however are a different thing entirely. Scientists actually take down the genes, which are sequences of nucleotides that code for how that organism is made and then drag in codes from another organism. The most striking is when the copied codes or genes are from another species. In the Bt Maize -and also the TELA maize you've been eating - the genes are from a different kingdom. It is a gene from the Baccilus thurigiensis bacteria (from the animal kingdom) zipped into a member of the plant kingdom. 

So what's the issue with that?

Well, nothing as such. But it is a little more powerful than nothing. The anxiety comes from the fact that scientists don't fully understand what can be the fallout of this type of genetic work somewhere down the line. The genetic code is the fundamental of creation and zapping it around this way gives everyone who knows the power of genes the chills when they are being honest. Genes are not just chemistry stuff, they are chemicals of life itself and they are capable of self replication. Now everyone reading this quickly remembers that cancer is body cells gone rogue, replicating without control. Those who can connect the dots fear that consuming organisms engineered this way can trigger body cells to go rogue at any time.

Is there any evidence this can happen or has ever happened? 

No. But that doesn't assuage all fears because genes can also lie low for a long time. You must have heard of drug tests taken 20, 40 years down the line. We need the big data report - observations of the effects of these crops not just on the present consumers at the present time, but the effect on their offspring and the descendants of those as well. And the effects could be subtle - it may not be cancer but something more benign. Maybe it will affect some body systems or dial down (or even up!) our brains just a little. 

The consumption of GEO especially the Transgenic (between species) ones can also potentially alter the balance of our body's microbiome. 2% of your bodyweight is bacterial. They are ever present on our skins and mostly in our gut where they function just as a critical part of our bodies. We won't last for more than hours without them as they protect us from harmful microbes. GEO may in some ways affect these organisms by reprogramming them. Imagine writing a string of codes in the programming language of the OS your device is running and then mating it with the OS as an executable sentence. That is how GEOs are in principle. No programmer can say with absolute certainty that the system will continue to function perfectly after that intervention. 

So, are GMOs good or bad?

So far, they are good, but there are no guarantees they cannot turn very bad without warning. All those who carry on genetic engineering work  will agree on this.

John Ogunlela 

Food Insecurity: EFCC Arrests 21 Food-loaded Trucks into Neighbouring Countries

Food Insecurity: EFCC Arrests 21 Food-loaded Trucks into Neighbouring Countries

Operatives of the Maiduguri Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, arrested 21 trucks loaded with food and non-food items heading towards N’djamena, Chad Republic, Central African Republic and Cameroon.

The trucks were intercepted in a sting operation at major exit routes along Kalabiri/Gamboru Ngala and Bama roads, Borno State.

Investigation showed food items cleverly concealed in the trucks that would have gone undetected, but for the eagle-eyed vigilance of operatives of the Commission.

Further checks showed that the Waybills covering the goods carried by the trucks indicated their destinations as N'djamena, Chad Republic, Central Africa Republic and Cameroon respectively.

The arrest of the trucks is expected to stem the tide of food insecurity occasioned by unscrupulous antics of smugglers across the country.

 Suspects arrested with the trucks are being profiled and would be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.


Operatives of the Maiduguri Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, arrested 21 trucks loaded with food and non-food items heading towards N’djamena, Chad Republic, Central African Republic and Cameroon.

The trucks were intercepted in a sting operation at major exit routes along Kalabiri/Gamboru Ngala and Bama roads, Borno State.

Investigation showed food items cleverly concealed in the trucks that would have gone undetected, but for the eagle-eyed vigilance of operatives of the Commission.

Further checks showed that the Waybills covering the goods carried by the trucks indicated their destinations as N'djamena, Chad Republic, Central Africa Republic and Cameroon respectively.

The arrest of the trucks is expected to stem the tide of food insecurity occasioned by unscrupulous antics of smugglers across the country.

 Suspects arrested with the trucks are being profiled and would be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.


Benefits of Rabbit Meat to Sex Organ, Pregnancy and Body System

Benefits of Rabbit Meat to Sex Organ, Pregnancy and Body System

Rabbit meat remains one of the best meat you can think of. This is because of its high nutritional profile as it contains protein higher than that of beef and chicken. The human body needs a good amount of protein to work well.

This white meat has a low calorie and saturated fat content making it a balanced food for your health goals. It has a very sweet taste, sweeter than chicken and pork meat. But it is quite unfortunate that we don’t eat enough of this meat.

It will also interest you to know that there are no many bones in this meat as 80% of it is flesh with a lot of natural and nutritional benefits.


The nutritional profile of rabbit meat

A served rabbit meat of 100 grams contains;

33g (66%) protein

173 calories

3.5g (5%) total fat

15% vitamin

123mg (41%) cholesterol

343mg (9%) potassium

45mg (1%) sodium

27% iron

7% magnesium

1% calcium

The health benefits of rabbits meat 

Male fertility 


*Rabbit meat has been known to strengthen sexual health by helping to improve sexual potency in males. This meat contains minerals like zinc and selenium which the body system needs to produce antioxidants and stimulate the production of sperm cells. It is a good cure for low sperm counts and with enough healthy sperms you can give birth to as many children as you want.*

*The best meat for pregnant women*


As a pregnant woman if you are looking for healthy meat, rabbit meat is a good option for you. This meat is very easy to digest, with a lot of vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your body and your baby need.

*Brain function and development* 

This meat is often recommended for both young and old as it contains enough minerals needed for the proper functioning of the brain and brain development in children.

*Improves your immune system*

Rabbit meat is rich in minerals like magnesium which is very useful in boosting your body’s immune system, needed to fight against disease and foreign materials in your body.

*Low in fats* 


Rabbit contains low fat with about 3.46g in every 100g of served rabbit meat. This gives the body a lot of health benefits as this help to reduce weight and cholesterol level. Saving you from heart disease and high blood pressure.

*Low sodium content*

The amount of sodium in rabbit meat is less compared to other meat. The inability of the kidney to remove excess water in your body can be traced to excess sodium which can lead to high blood pressure. Taking rabbit meat can help you better than other meat in reducing this blood pressure.

*Good for your heart* 

Rabbit meat contains potassium that helps improve the elasticity of our blood vessels resulting in a healthy heartbeat. This mineral also helps to regulate excess sodium as the more potassium in your body the more sodium you will release through urine.


*For healthy teeth and bones*

The presence of bone minerals like calcium in this meat helps to prevent osteoporosis which is a major problem resulting from calcium deficiency.

Rabbit meat remains one of the best meat you can think of. This is because of its high nutritional profile as it contains protein higher than that of beef and chicken. The human body needs a good amount of protein to work well.

This white meat has a low calorie and saturated fat content making it a balanced food for your health goals. It has a very sweet taste, sweeter than chicken and pork meat. But it is quite unfortunate that we don’t eat enough of this meat.

It will also interest you to know that there are no many bones in this meat as 80% of it is flesh with a lot of natural and nutritional benefits.


The nutritional profile of rabbit meat

A served rabbit meat of 100 grams contains;

33g (66%) protein

173 calories

3.5g (5%) total fat

15% vitamin

123mg (41%) cholesterol

343mg (9%) potassium

45mg (1%) sodium

27% iron

7% magnesium

1% calcium

The health benefits of rabbits meat 

Male fertility 


*Rabbit meat has been known to strengthen sexual health by helping to improve sexual potency in males. This meat contains minerals like zinc and selenium which the body system needs to produce antioxidants and stimulate the production of sperm cells. It is a good cure for low sperm counts and with enough healthy sperms you can give birth to as many children as you want.*

*The best meat for pregnant women*


As a pregnant woman if you are looking for healthy meat, rabbit meat is a good option for you. This meat is very easy to digest, with a lot of vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your body and your baby need.

*Brain function and development* 

This meat is often recommended for both young and old as it contains enough minerals needed for the proper functioning of the brain and brain development in children.

*Improves your immune system*

Rabbit meat is rich in minerals like magnesium which is very useful in boosting your body’s immune system, needed to fight against disease and foreign materials in your body.

*Low in fats* 


Rabbit contains low fat with about 3.46g in every 100g of served rabbit meat. This gives the body a lot of health benefits as this help to reduce weight and cholesterol level. Saving you from heart disease and high blood pressure.

*Low sodium content*

The amount of sodium in rabbit meat is less compared to other meat. The inability of the kidney to remove excess water in your body can be traced to excess sodium which can lead to high blood pressure. Taking rabbit meat can help you better than other meat in reducing this blood pressure.

*Good for your heart* 

Rabbit meat contains potassium that helps improve the elasticity of our blood vessels resulting in a healthy heartbeat. This mineral also helps to regulate excess sodium as the more potassium in your body the more sodium you will release through urine.


*For healthy teeth and bones*

The presence of bone minerals like calcium in this meat helps to prevent osteoporosis which is a major problem resulting from calcium deficiency.

Are You Still Taking Corn Pap (Akamu)? See What It Does To Your Body Each Time You Take It

Are You Still Taking Corn Pap (Akamu)? See What It Does To Your Body Each Time You Take It

Corn pap is a Nigerian fermented cereal pudding made from maize, also known as akamu, ogi, koko, or eko. This super light food has been around for decades now and a lot of people in Nigeria are eating it.

A study in 2018 on the Nutritional composition of pap found that pap is rich in essential properties, including carbohydrate, Vitamins [A, B5, B3, B1, riboflavin, C), folic acid, potassium, chromium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium. It also contained high contents of amino acids such as tryptophan, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, and valine. The calories in one serving of pap are 152.

Now, I know that daily a lot of people still take this meal called Pap. I will tell you in this article what pap does to your Body each Time you do. Read carefully now to see what pap is doing to your health:

1. Regulates Blood Pressure

Pap is an excellent source of potassium and contains zero sodium content, making it a good diet for people with high blood pressure and those who want to maintain stable blood pressure or prevent hypertension production. Another benefit of taking potassium-rich foods such as pap is that it helps to lessen the effects to sodium in your body while also relieving discomfort in your blood vessel walls, thereby protecting you from myriads of health problems that might have to sprout.

2. Lowers LDL Cholesterol

There are two primary forms of cholesterol in the body, low-density lipoprotein [LDL] and high-density lipoprotein [HDL], respectively. The former, LDL, is also considered to be 'poor' cholesterol since having excess cholesterol in your body will cause plaque to grow in your artery walls, making circulation a problem. It may also result in undue heart strain, and can even lead to high blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack.

On the positive side, pap contains a decent deal of chromium, zinc, magnesium, and some other active properties that help minimize the body's cholesterol levels of 'poor' LDLs.

In pap, chromium is found to be involved in lowering LDL cholesterol levels as well as inhibiting atherosclerotic plaque formation in the body. This same mineral is also linked to improved levels of blood sugar, reduced risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, reduced depression, increased levels of energy, increased regenerative capacity, to mention but a few. Again, pap's zinc and magnesium content are also considered great for lowering the body's LDL cholesterols, as they possess potent properties that are useful for this.

Having said that, some of the best ways to help raise your 'healthy' HDL cholesterols and lower your 'poor' LDL cholesterols include – moderate caloric intake, daily physical activity [exercise], reduced smoking, reduced sugar intake, and trans fats, to name just a few. Eating Nigerian foods with low cholesterol, too, will be perfect.

3. Highly beneficial for nursing mothers

Have you ever wondered why pap is one of the most popular nursing mom foods?

Pap contains a high amount of water and some other components which facilitate the adequate flow of breast milk for mothers who are lactating. It also helps to recover strength after having suffered from one disease or another, not forgetting that it is again an easy-to-digest food – a friend of the digestive system.

4. Good source of energy

Pap is an excellent source of carbohydrate, one of the nutrients on which your body strongly relies on adequate energy. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as pap not only provide the body with energy but also encourage mental sharpness and improve fat for energy metabolism.

5. Easy to digest

Pap is one of the easy to digest foods that we have around us. This helps the body to get rid of unnecessary contaminants and chemicals quickly by simply increasing the pace you urinate at. Another advantage of eating easily digestible food is that it puts less stress on the digestive system and is good for people recovering from illness. In addition to the above, people with digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS), irritable bowel disease (IBD), or a sensitive stomach, may enjoy consuming easily digestible foods such as pap as they function on the digestive system quite carefully and seldom trigger issues.

6. Boosts the kidney’s health

The kidneys are among the body's most important organs, so any disruption that can cause adverse effects in the human system in this area. Many of the things that can destroy this vital organ are uric acid, urea, toxins, waste, and other hazardous substances. The great news, however, is that drinking pap can get rid of these substances because it helps remove harmful contaminants in the body by urine. If you're drinking pap you appear to urinate more.

7. Promotes healthy pregnancy and lowers the risk of neural tube defects

One of the main products pregnant women need to have a successful pregnancy is folic acid. This acid deficiency may contribute to the birth of underweight children, or may even cause neural tube defects in newborn babies. Pap is high in folic acid on the plus side making it a perfect and safe food for expectant mothers. Apart from that, you'll be surprised to learn that the same paper also encourages breast milk development after childbirth-what a healthy meal!

8. Akamu is good for babies and toddlers

Pap is one of the safe foods for children in Nigeria. In Nigeria, it's a common weaning meal introduced to infants. While being highly economical, simple to prepare and easy to digest, it is also very nutritious to growing children. Brown pap is the best form of baby pap. Brown pap consists of carbohydrate, millet, and guinea corn which provides some proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are very important to the growth and overall development of babies.

((((((Bottom Line))))))

Pap isn't like some people believe it to be a 'normal' food. But it is filled with many health benefits, including reduced risk of hypertension, improved digestion, sufficient breast milk flow, improved health of the kidneys, to name but a few.

Corn pap is a Nigerian fermented cereal pudding made from maize, also known as akamu, ogi, koko, or eko. This super light food has been around for decades now and a lot of people in Nigeria are eating it.

A study in 2018 on the Nutritional composition of pap found that pap is rich in essential properties, including carbohydrate, Vitamins [A, B5, B3, B1, riboflavin, C), folic acid, potassium, chromium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium. It also contained high contents of amino acids such as tryptophan, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, and valine. The calories in one serving of pap are 152.

Now, I know that daily a lot of people still take this meal called Pap. I will tell you in this article what pap does to your Body each Time you do. Read carefully now to see what pap is doing to your health:

1. Regulates Blood Pressure

Pap is an excellent source of potassium and contains zero sodium content, making it a good diet for people with high blood pressure and those who want to maintain stable blood pressure or prevent hypertension production. Another benefit of taking potassium-rich foods such as pap is that it helps to lessen the effects to sodium in your body while also relieving discomfort in your blood vessel walls, thereby protecting you from myriads of health problems that might have to sprout.

2. Lowers LDL Cholesterol

There are two primary forms of cholesterol in the body, low-density lipoprotein [LDL] and high-density lipoprotein [HDL], respectively. The former, LDL, is also considered to be 'poor' cholesterol since having excess cholesterol in your body will cause plaque to grow in your artery walls, making circulation a problem. It may also result in undue heart strain, and can even lead to high blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack.

On the positive side, pap contains a decent deal of chromium, zinc, magnesium, and some other active properties that help minimize the body's cholesterol levels of 'poor' LDLs.

In pap, chromium is found to be involved in lowering LDL cholesterol levels as well as inhibiting atherosclerotic plaque formation in the body. This same mineral is also linked to improved levels of blood sugar, reduced risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, reduced depression, increased levels of energy, increased regenerative capacity, to mention but a few. Again, pap's zinc and magnesium content are also considered great for lowering the body's LDL cholesterols, as they possess potent properties that are useful for this.

Having said that, some of the best ways to help raise your 'healthy' HDL cholesterols and lower your 'poor' LDL cholesterols include – moderate caloric intake, daily physical activity [exercise], reduced smoking, reduced sugar intake, and trans fats, to name just a few. Eating Nigerian foods with low cholesterol, too, will be perfect.

3. Highly beneficial for nursing mothers

Have you ever wondered why pap is one of the most popular nursing mom foods?

Pap contains a high amount of water and some other components which facilitate the adequate flow of breast milk for mothers who are lactating. It also helps to recover strength after having suffered from one disease or another, not forgetting that it is again an easy-to-digest food – a friend of the digestive system.

4. Good source of energy

Pap is an excellent source of carbohydrate, one of the nutrients on which your body strongly relies on adequate energy. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as pap not only provide the body with energy but also encourage mental sharpness and improve fat for energy metabolism.

5. Easy to digest

Pap is one of the easy to digest foods that we have around us. This helps the body to get rid of unnecessary contaminants and chemicals quickly by simply increasing the pace you urinate at. Another advantage of eating easily digestible food is that it puts less stress on the digestive system and is good for people recovering from illness. In addition to the above, people with digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS), irritable bowel disease (IBD), or a sensitive stomach, may enjoy consuming easily digestible foods such as pap as they function on the digestive system quite carefully and seldom trigger issues.

6. Boosts the kidney’s health

The kidneys are among the body's most important organs, so any disruption that can cause adverse effects in the human system in this area. Many of the things that can destroy this vital organ are uric acid, urea, toxins, waste, and other hazardous substances. The great news, however, is that drinking pap can get rid of these substances because it helps remove harmful contaminants in the body by urine. If you're drinking pap you appear to urinate more.

7. Promotes healthy pregnancy and lowers the risk of neural tube defects

One of the main products pregnant women need to have a successful pregnancy is folic acid. This acid deficiency may contribute to the birth of underweight children, or may even cause neural tube defects in newborn babies. Pap is high in folic acid on the plus side making it a perfect and safe food for expectant mothers. Apart from that, you'll be surprised to learn that the same paper also encourages breast milk development after childbirth-what a healthy meal!

8. Akamu is good for babies and toddlers

Pap is one of the safe foods for children in Nigeria. In Nigeria, it's a common weaning meal introduced to infants. While being highly economical, simple to prepare and easy to digest, it is also very nutritious to growing children. Brown pap is the best form of baby pap. Brown pap consists of carbohydrate, millet, and guinea corn which provides some proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are very important to the growth and overall development of babies.

((((((Bottom Line))))))

Pap isn't like some people believe it to be a 'normal' food. But it is filled with many health benefits, including reduced risk of hypertension, improved digestion, sufficient breast milk flow, improved health of the kidneys, to name but a few.

The famous POISON that silently makes Africans widows or widowers is the MAGGI CUBE

The famous POISON that silently makes Africans widows or widowers is the MAGGI CUBE

Yes Maggi in your everyday Soup and foods is a killer worst than HIV/AIDS, Ebola, covid-19 all joined together.

Are you shocked? Then read on..

Firstly it was created in 1886 by a Swiss named  Julius Maggi for LOW INCOME workers and the POOR, who could not afford to balance their diet with meat and fish because they were very expensive to them. 

In order to provide a TASTE of meat and fish to the poor, JULIUS MAGGI introduced the Maggi cube with its famous red and yellow label on the packaging.

In 1886, after the Berlin conference, colonial masters were free to export whatever they produced to their colonies mostly in Africa.This was how Julius Maggi thought that there would be lucrative market in Africa for his product.

So he exported and ingeniously launched his advertising there. It began to gain recognition and patronage in 1910. 

Prior to the introduction of Maggi to Nigerians, the local locust bean called IRU in Yoruba, DADDAWA in Hausa and OGIRI okpe in igbo  mixed with cray fish or dried fish was the traditional means of adding FLAVOUR and DELICACY to the soup. 

All these mixtures have  much medicinal benefits and may have contributed to the long life span and physical fitness enjoyed by our forefathers.

Maggi was not popular in Nigeria until in the early 1970s when it started spreading very fast in the market as neighbours and communities introduced it to one another.

The product succeeded because maggi cube could be kept longer at higher temperatures and with the possibility of giving a better taste to the cooking whenever used. 

The Knorr, Royco, Dangote cubes..etc are different brands competing with Maggi even though people generally regard all of them as Maggi.

Africans began and continue to put it in every dish despite the danger inherent in it.

DID YOU KNOW that Maggi contains a high level of MSG (MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE)? extremely high level of lead nearly seven times above human body needs, transfats LDL, sodium all of which damage s the Brain cells and increases chances of stroke..etc.

Nigeria has continued to witness several brands of the product including the white Ajinomoto in the 1980s to 90s which medical experts condemned as capable of affecting the human liver.

Millions of Maggi cubes are sold and consumed every day in Africa so the company had to expand by creating eleven factories in the region despite warnings of public health risk associated with the products. 

Women, mostly ladies add as many cubes to their cookings to the extent of the level of sweetness they want the soup to produce. In many homes, the preparing of "moi moi" (steamed bean paste) akara (fried bean paste), beans, boiling fish etc cannot go without Maggi nowadays. African foods have the highest test in the world.

However, lots of people based on medical advice have wisely abandoned Maggi and have been using the traditional "iru" or crayfish as alternatives. 

"Consuming the Maggi cube in every cooking is akin to increasing cardiovascular risks including hypertension ,diabetes and stroke (cerebrovascular). The risk is higher particularly when one advances in age as it weakens the heart functions" -Dr Olúṣọlá Ajólore. 09-12-2020.

With high rate of Maggi consumption could develop erectile disfunction, persistent waist pain and rheumatism.(i.e. Dissolve six cubes in a 750ml of water, give he goat to drink and it can't mate for at least six months.)

Maggi has been identified as having greater negative consequences on human health than sugar. Unknown to many the product  is primarily the contributing factor in many cases of strokes in Africa because of its continuous mass consumption during the active ages.

Take a little dive at Google or YouTube and find out the hazards of Maggi seasoning cube for yourself and spread the message to SAVE AFRICANS.

Stay Blessed!

Yes Maggi in your everyday Soup and foods is a killer worst than HIV/AIDS, Ebola, covid-19 all joined together.

Are you shocked? Then read on..

Firstly it was created in 1886 by a Swiss named  Julius Maggi for LOW INCOME workers and the POOR, who could not afford to balance their diet with meat and fish because they were very expensive to them. 

In order to provide a TASTE of meat and fish to the poor, JULIUS MAGGI introduced the Maggi cube with its famous red and yellow label on the packaging.

In 1886, after the Berlin conference, colonial masters were free to export whatever they produced to their colonies mostly in Africa.This was how Julius Maggi thought that there would be lucrative market in Africa for his product.

So he exported and ingeniously launched his advertising there. It began to gain recognition and patronage in 1910. 

Prior to the introduction of Maggi to Nigerians, the local locust bean called IRU in Yoruba, DADDAWA in Hausa and OGIRI okpe in igbo  mixed with cray fish or dried fish was the traditional means of adding FLAVOUR and DELICACY to the soup. 

All these mixtures have  much medicinal benefits and may have contributed to the long life span and physical fitness enjoyed by our forefathers.

Maggi was not popular in Nigeria until in the early 1970s when it started spreading very fast in the market as neighbours and communities introduced it to one another.

The product succeeded because maggi cube could be kept longer at higher temperatures and with the possibility of giving a better taste to the cooking whenever used. 

The Knorr, Royco, Dangote cubes..etc are different brands competing with Maggi even though people generally regard all of them as Maggi.

Africans began and continue to put it in every dish despite the danger inherent in it.

DID YOU KNOW that Maggi contains a high level of MSG (MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE)? extremely high level of lead nearly seven times above human body needs, transfats LDL, sodium all of which damage s the Brain cells and increases chances of stroke..etc.

Nigeria has continued to witness several brands of the product including the white Ajinomoto in the 1980s to 90s which medical experts condemned as capable of affecting the human liver.

Millions of Maggi cubes are sold and consumed every day in Africa so the company had to expand by creating eleven factories in the region despite warnings of public health risk associated with the products. 

Women, mostly ladies add as many cubes to their cookings to the extent of the level of sweetness they want the soup to produce. In many homes, the preparing of "moi moi" (steamed bean paste) akara (fried bean paste), beans, boiling fish etc cannot go without Maggi nowadays. African foods have the highest test in the world.

However, lots of people based on medical advice have wisely abandoned Maggi and have been using the traditional "iru" or crayfish as alternatives. 

"Consuming the Maggi cube in every cooking is akin to increasing cardiovascular risks including hypertension ,diabetes and stroke (cerebrovascular). The risk is higher particularly when one advances in age as it weakens the heart functions" -Dr Olúṣọlá Ajólore. 09-12-2020.

With high rate of Maggi consumption could develop erectile disfunction, persistent waist pain and rheumatism.(i.e. Dissolve six cubes in a 750ml of water, give he goat to drink and it can't mate for at least six months.)

Maggi has been identified as having greater negative consequences on human health than sugar. Unknown to many the product  is primarily the contributing factor in many cases of strokes in Africa because of its continuous mass consumption during the active ages.

Take a little dive at Google or YouTube and find out the hazards of Maggi seasoning cube for yourself and spread the message to SAVE AFRICANS.

Stay Blessed!

Report says Nearly ONE FIFTH of British households have trouble feeding children as result of LOCKDOWN

Report says Nearly ONE FIFTH of British households have trouble feeding children as result of LOCKDOWN

A significant number of poor and vulnerable families in the UK have been suffering from food insecurity after schools were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a new report has said.

The ravaging Coronavirus has doubled the number of households with children going hungry since lockdown began to curb the spread.

In the UK, millions of people struggle to afford food. Almost a fifth of households with children have been unable to obtain enough food in the past five weeks, the Observer (the Guardian’s sister paper) reported, citing data from London-based NGO the Food Foundation.

British government scheme to give pupils food vouchers worth £15 a week until schools reopen has been beset with problems, with many parents unable to download the vouchers or redeem them in supermarkets, report said.

The report also highlighted that some groups are finding it particularly difficult, with 30 percent of lone parents and 46 percent of parents with a disabled child experiencing problems in receiving food.

Poorer families used to rely on free breakfast clubs and school lunches but have now lost access to them as schools remain closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation has been exacerbated by many losing jobs and income due to the nationwide lockdown.

The UK’s biggest food bank network, the Trussell Trust, previously said that it saw its busiest period ever after the lockdown was imposed at the end of March, when the amount of food it gave out almost doubled.

Another charity, the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN), also reported that the demand for emergency food has gone up by nearly 60 percent.


A significant number of poor and vulnerable families in the UK have been suffering from food insecurity after schools were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a new report has said.

The ravaging Coronavirus has doubled the number of households with children going hungry since lockdown began to curb the spread.

In the UK, millions of people struggle to afford food. Almost a fifth of households with children have been unable to obtain enough food in the past five weeks, the Observer (the Guardian’s sister paper) reported, citing data from London-based NGO the Food Foundation.

British government scheme to give pupils food vouchers worth £15 a week until schools reopen has been beset with problems, with many parents unable to download the vouchers or redeem them in supermarkets, report said.

The report also highlighted that some groups are finding it particularly difficult, with 30 percent of lone parents and 46 percent of parents with a disabled child experiencing problems in receiving food.

Poorer families used to rely on free breakfast clubs and school lunches but have now lost access to them as schools remain closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation has been exacerbated by many losing jobs and income due to the nationwide lockdown.

The UK’s biggest food bank network, the Trussell Trust, previously said that it saw its busiest period ever after the lockdown was imposed at the end of March, when the amount of food it gave out almost doubled.

Another charity, the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN), also reported that the demand for emergency food has gone up by nearly 60 percent.


Every child under "immediate threat" from climate, poor diet, says UN

Every child under "immediate threat" from climate, poor diet, says UN

Paris, (AFP), The world is failing to protect children from the health dangers posed by climate change and poor diet, a landmark UN report said Wednesday, warning that every child is under "immediate threat".

According to more than 40 of the world's pre-eminent child and adolescent health experts, not one country on Earth is adequately protecting the next generation from the impacts of carbon emissions, the destruction of nature and high-calorie and processed foods.

They said that excessive carbon emissions, produced overwhelmingly by wealthier nations, "threaten the future of all children" and will burden them with additional health dangers, from deadly heatwaves to the increased spread of tropical diseases.

The report, commissioned by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, also highlights the threat children face from harmful marketing of fat- and sugar-laden foods, alcohol and tobacco.

"The big message is that no single country is protecting children's health today and for their future," said Anthony Costello, professor of International Child Health and Director of the Institute for Global Health at University College London.

"When you look at the damage being done to children's lungs by air pollution, we've got a very limited time to sort this out," he told AFP.

"We have the solutions, what we don't have is the political leadership and will to make it happen."

The report, published in The Lancet medical journal, ranks the performance of 180 countries when it comes to child survival, education and nutrition rates.

Under these criteria, less-developed nations such as Central African Republic and Chad perform particularly poorly compared to rich countries such as Norway and the Netherlands.

However the rankings are largely reversed when the impacts of air pollution from per capita carbon emissions were assessed.

"The world's decision makers are failing today's children and youth: failing to protect their health, failing to protect their rights, and failing to protect their planet," said WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

- 11-fold obesity surge -

Around 250 million under-fives in low- and middle-income countries risk being stunted due to malnutrition and other impacts of poverty, the authors said.

At the same time, the number of obese children worldwide has surged 11-fold since 1975 to stand at 124 million.

Children in some countries see as many as 30,000 adverts on television in a single year. And despite industry self-regulation, one study showed that children in Australia were exposed 51 million times to alcohol adverts in just one year of televised sport.

"Industry regulation has failed," said Costello.

"And the reality could be much worse still: we have few figures about the huge expansion of social media advertising and algorithms aimed at our children."

The authors called on governments to radically reduce carbon emissions in line with the Paris climate goals and to tighten regulation of harmful marketing.

Current emissions pledges put Earth on course to warm more than 3C by 2100, which "would lead to devastating health consequences for children", from rising sea levels and heatwaves to disease and malnutrition.

Paris, (AFP), The world is failing to protect children from the health dangers posed by climate change and poor diet, a landmark UN report said Wednesday, warning that every child is under "immediate threat".

According to more than 40 of the world's pre-eminent child and adolescent health experts, not one country on Earth is adequately protecting the next generation from the impacts of carbon emissions, the destruction of nature and high-calorie and processed foods.

They said that excessive carbon emissions, produced overwhelmingly by wealthier nations, "threaten the future of all children" and will burden them with additional health dangers, from deadly heatwaves to the increased spread of tropical diseases.

The report, commissioned by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, also highlights the threat children face from harmful marketing of fat- and sugar-laden foods, alcohol and tobacco.

"The big message is that no single country is protecting children's health today and for their future," said Anthony Costello, professor of International Child Health and Director of the Institute for Global Health at University College London.

"When you look at the damage being done to children's lungs by air pollution, we've got a very limited time to sort this out," he told AFP.

"We have the solutions, what we don't have is the political leadership and will to make it happen."

The report, published in The Lancet medical journal, ranks the performance of 180 countries when it comes to child survival, education and nutrition rates.

Under these criteria, less-developed nations such as Central African Republic and Chad perform particularly poorly compared to rich countries such as Norway and the Netherlands.

However the rankings are largely reversed when the impacts of air pollution from per capita carbon emissions were assessed.

"The world's decision makers are failing today's children and youth: failing to protect their health, failing to protect their rights, and failing to protect their planet," said WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

- 11-fold obesity surge -

Around 250 million under-fives in low- and middle-income countries risk being stunted due to malnutrition and other impacts of poverty, the authors said.

At the same time, the number of obese children worldwide has surged 11-fold since 1975 to stand at 124 million.

Children in some countries see as many as 30,000 adverts on television in a single year. And despite industry self-regulation, one study showed that children in Australia were exposed 51 million times to alcohol adverts in just one year of televised sport.

"Industry regulation has failed," said Costello.

"And the reality could be much worse still: we have few figures about the huge expansion of social media advertising and algorithms aimed at our children."

The authors called on governments to radically reduce carbon emissions in line with the Paris climate goals and to tighten regulation of harmful marketing.

Current emissions pledges put Earth on course to warm more than 3C by 2100, which "would lead to devastating health consequences for children", from rising sea levels and heatwaves to disease and malnutrition.

6.5 kilometres long: Indian bakers make world's 'longest' cake

6.5 kilometres long: Indian bakers make world's 'longest' cake

It was a record-baking effort. Hundreds of bakers and chefs in southern India came together Wednesday to create what they said is the world's longest cake -- about 6.5 kilometres (four miles).

They spread chocolate ganache on the serpentine dessert stretched out on thousands of tables and desks at a festival ground and adjoining roads in the coastal state of Kerala's Thrissur city.

The vanilla cake, four inches (10 centimetres) wide and thick, weighed in at about 27,000 kilograms (59,500 pounds).

About 1,500 bakers and chefs, wearing traditional whites and toque blanche caps, spent nearly four hours to put it together using 12,000 kilograms of sugar and flour.

Large crowds watched the event organised by Bakers Association Kerala (BAKE). The group's secretary general, Naushad, said Guinness World Records had assessed the cake as being 6,500 metres but their confirmation of the exact length was pending.

That much cake would surpass the Guinness record held by Chinese bakers in Zixi county who made a fruitcake almost 3.2 kilometres long in 2018.

"This is an effort to showcase our skills to the world," Naushad, who uses one name, told AFP.

"We ensured hygiene and taste are up to the mark."

It was a record-baking effort. Hundreds of bakers and chefs in southern India came together Wednesday to create what they said is the world's longest cake -- about 6.5 kilometres (four miles).

They spread chocolate ganache on the serpentine dessert stretched out on thousands of tables and desks at a festival ground and adjoining roads in the coastal state of Kerala's Thrissur city.

The vanilla cake, four inches (10 centimetres) wide and thick, weighed in at about 27,000 kilograms (59,500 pounds).

About 1,500 bakers and chefs, wearing traditional whites and toque blanche caps, spent nearly four hours to put it together using 12,000 kilograms of sugar and flour.

Large crowds watched the event organised by Bakers Association Kerala (BAKE). The group's secretary general, Naushad, said Guinness World Records had assessed the cake as being 6,500 metres but their confirmation of the exact length was pending.

That much cake would surpass the Guinness record held by Chinese bakers in Zixi county who made a fruitcake almost 3.2 kilometres long in 2018.

"This is an effort to showcase our skills to the world," Naushad, who uses one name, told AFP.

"We ensured hygiene and taste are up to the mark."

Poster Speaks

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