


Showing posts with label INEC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INEC. Show all posts



The Commission is pleased to announce the publication of the final list of candidates for the Ondo State Governorship Election. Following the initial primaries, the Commission published the personal particulars of the Governorship candidates and their running mates in the State and Local Government offices.

In line with the provision of Section 33 of the Electoral Act 2022, two (2) political parties conducted fresh primaries to replace their earlier nominated candidates and their running mates by the deadline of 10th June 2024. The parties are the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) while five (5) parties replaced their running mates only. They are the African Action Congress (AAC), the Action Democratic Party (ADP), the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) and the Zenith Labour Party (ZLP).

Overall, seventeen (17) political parties are fielding candidates for the election. No political party has nominated a female candidate while one (1) candidate nominated by the African Democratic Congress (ADC) is a person with disability (a paraplegic). The final list also gives the breakdown of the candidates by age and academic qualifications.

The list has been published at our office in Akure and also uploaded to our website and social media platforms for public information. 


With the publication of the final list of candidates, the next activity is electionering campaign. 

As provided by Section 94(1) of the Electoral Act 2022, campaign by Political Parties in public shall commence not earlier than 150 days before polling day and end 24 hours prior to that day. 

Therefore, Political Parties are now permitted to start campaign in public from Wednesday 19th June 2024 and end at midnight on Thursday 14th November 2024 as indicated in items 8 and 12 of the Timetable and Schedule of Activities for the election.

As parties commence this critical phase of the election, the Commission once again reminds candidates, agents and their supporters of the provision of the law and the Commission's guidelines governing such activity. For emphasis, parties shall conduct their campaigns with civility and decorum devoid of inciting language, violence, voter inducement and other infractions in accordance with the provisions of Section 92-97 of the Electoral Act 2022. 

The Ondo State Governorship Election is scheduled to hold on Saturday 16th November 2024.

Sam Olumekun mni 

National Commissioner & Chairman, 

Information and Voter Education Committee

Thursday 13th June 2024

The Commission is pleased to announce the publication of the final list of candidates for the Ondo State Governorship Election. Following the initial primaries, the Commission published the personal particulars of the Governorship candidates and their running mates in the State and Local Government offices.

In line with the provision of Section 33 of the Electoral Act 2022, two (2) political parties conducted fresh primaries to replace their earlier nominated candidates and their running mates by the deadline of 10th June 2024. The parties are the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) while five (5) parties replaced their running mates only. They are the African Action Congress (AAC), the Action Democratic Party (ADP), the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) and the Zenith Labour Party (ZLP).

Overall, seventeen (17) political parties are fielding candidates for the election. No political party has nominated a female candidate while one (1) candidate nominated by the African Democratic Congress (ADC) is a person with disability (a paraplegic). The final list also gives the breakdown of the candidates by age and academic qualifications.

The list has been published at our office in Akure and also uploaded to our website and social media platforms for public information. 


With the publication of the final list of candidates, the next activity is electionering campaign. 

As provided by Section 94(1) of the Electoral Act 2022, campaign by Political Parties in public shall commence not earlier than 150 days before polling day and end 24 hours prior to that day. 

Therefore, Political Parties are now permitted to start campaign in public from Wednesday 19th June 2024 and end at midnight on Thursday 14th November 2024 as indicated in items 8 and 12 of the Timetable and Schedule of Activities for the election.

As parties commence this critical phase of the election, the Commission once again reminds candidates, agents and their supporters of the provision of the law and the Commission's guidelines governing such activity. For emphasis, parties shall conduct their campaigns with civility and decorum devoid of inciting language, violence, voter inducement and other infractions in accordance with the provisions of Section 92-97 of the Electoral Act 2022. 

The Ondo State Governorship Election is scheduled to hold on Saturday 16th November 2024.

Sam Olumekun mni 

National Commissioner & Chairman, 

Information and Voter Education Committee

Thursday 13th June 2024

Rain of Curses, Negative Comments trail @INECNIGERIA on X Over Democracy Day Message

Rain of Curses, Negative Comments trail @INECNIGERIA on X Over Democracy Day Message


Although the supreme court of Nigeria had ruled in favour of the President Bola Hamed Tinubu as duly election in the matters of the 2023 general election. The Truth remained with the populace that the All Progressive Congress APC had lost the good will of the people and never won the last general election in Nigeria but that INEC was complicit in the election frauds that ensure APC and Tinubu been declared and returned as duly elected in the 2023 general election.

As occasioned by hunger , hardship and inflation in the land and obvious maladmiration of the APC LED federal government, some Nigerians were raining curses on the INEC official handle in response to the democracy day message, while others were training the umpire with negative comments.


Free, fair and credible elections are not visible in Nigeria under Prof Manhood Yakubu led INEC 


Although the supreme court of Nigeria had ruled in favour of the President Bola Hamed Tinubu as duly election in the matters of the 2023 general election. The Truth remained with the populace that the All Progressive Congress APC had lost the good will of the people and never won the last general election in Nigeria but that INEC was complicit in the election frauds that ensure APC and Tinubu been declared and returned as duly elected in the 2023 general election.

As occasioned by hunger , hardship and inflation in the land and obvious maladmiration of the APC LED federal government, some Nigerians were raining curses on the INEC official handle in response to the democracy day message, while others were training the umpire with negative comments.


Free, fair and credible elections are not visible in Nigeria under Prof Manhood Yakubu led INEC 



The most unfortunate and traumatic thing that will happen to a country is to have a criminal gang be incharge of its affairs. 

It's no longer news that the February 25 presidential election was rigged, what's baffling is the level of impunity that is associated with the rigging. 

Recall that INEC was meant by law to transmit the results of the election recorded in the BVAS from the polling units on February 25 to the viewing pleasure of all Nigerians. 

This they wilfully failed, refused and neglected to do even 14 days after the election to give them room to rig the election against Labour Party. Our Labour Party has only 21 days to file our case against the rigging of INEC at the Court of Appeal and needs evidence of the manipulated results to enable us file it.

Mahmood INEC refused to grant us access to inspect our results before reconfiguring the BVAS. We went to the court and got an order to inspect our results. INEC refused to obey the order of court but went back to court to get an order to reconfigure the BVAS using the next election as an excuse. 

The Court restated its position that we should be granted access to the results but granted INEC the right to reconfigure the BVAS for the next election. INEC started reconfiguring the BVAS and still refused to grant us access to inspect the results. 

They are using this opportunity to continue manipulating the results and frustrating our efforts to file our petition in court. We have just 11 days left to file our petition and INEC has refused to obey court order to allow us access to our results. 

There's a limit to endurance. This action is an invitation to anarchy by Mahmood INEC and the APC ruling party. We can no longer tolerate this obvious criminality against the Nigerian people. The international community should hold Mahmood and APC ruling party responsible for any breakdown of law and order. 

We therefore tell all Obidients nationwide to reject this impunity and conspiracy against due process intended to perfect their rigging agenda against our mandate. 

We hereby give INEC Monday deadline to comply with all the orders of court or face the wrath of God and the Obidients. A stitch in time saves nine. 

We must recover our mandate. We moovee together and united. 

- Kenneth Okonkwo

The most unfortunate and traumatic thing that will happen to a country is to have a criminal gang be incharge of its affairs. 

It's no longer news that the February 25 presidential election was rigged, what's baffling is the level of impunity that is associated with the rigging. 

Recall that INEC was meant by law to transmit the results of the election recorded in the BVAS from the polling units on February 25 to the viewing pleasure of all Nigerians. 

This they wilfully failed, refused and neglected to do even 14 days after the election to give them room to rig the election against Labour Party. Our Labour Party has only 21 days to file our case against the rigging of INEC at the Court of Appeal and needs evidence of the manipulated results to enable us file it.

Mahmood INEC refused to grant us access to inspect our results before reconfiguring the BVAS. We went to the court and got an order to inspect our results. INEC refused to obey the order of court but went back to court to get an order to reconfigure the BVAS using the next election as an excuse. 

The Court restated its position that we should be granted access to the results but granted INEC the right to reconfigure the BVAS for the next election. INEC started reconfiguring the BVAS and still refused to grant us access to inspect the results. 

They are using this opportunity to continue manipulating the results and frustrating our efforts to file our petition in court. We have just 11 days left to file our petition and INEC has refused to obey court order to allow us access to our results. 

There's a limit to endurance. This action is an invitation to anarchy by Mahmood INEC and the APC ruling party. We can no longer tolerate this obvious criminality against the Nigerian people. The international community should hold Mahmood and APC ruling party responsible for any breakdown of law and order. 

We therefore tell all Obidients nationwide to reject this impunity and conspiracy against due process intended to perfect their rigging agenda against our mandate. 

We hereby give INEC Monday deadline to comply with all the orders of court or face the wrath of God and the Obidients. A stitch in time saves nine. 

We must recover our mandate. We moovee together and united. 

- Kenneth Okonkwo

Lagos presidential election results manipulated at collation centre (Video )

Lagos presidential election results manipulated at collation centre (Video )

According to the source of the video: Please, the Labour Party should not agree with the results from Lagos State.

The Resident Electoral Commissioner in Lagos State asked all INEC Officials in all pooling unit not to transmit the Presidential Results to Abuja ,but that of Senate and House of Representatives were allowed

They went to rewrite all the Presidential Results at the various collation Centre late in the night when all party Agents have gone home.

I left one of the collation center by 12am this morning.
This is a day light robbery because Labour Party won in all pooling units I monitored and other results from all parts of Lagos State, Labour Party had leading results .....

Essentially, it is to say that the video exposes and confirmed that *the primordial and structural basis of electoral voting and rigging in Nigeria is still in force, hence the working people and poor masses shouldn't be deluded with so-called free & fair elections!

According to the source of the video: Please, the Labour Party should not agree with the results from Lagos State.

The Resident Electoral Commissioner in Lagos State asked all INEC Officials in all pooling unit not to transmit the Presidential Results to Abuja ,but that of Senate and House of Representatives were allowed

They went to rewrite all the Presidential Results at the various collation Centre late in the night when all party Agents have gone home.

I left one of the collation center by 12am this morning.
This is a day light robbery because Labour Party won in all pooling units I monitored and other results from all parts of Lagos State, Labour Party had leading results .....

Essentially, it is to say that the video exposes and confirmed that *the primordial and structural basis of electoral voting and rigging in Nigeria is still in force, hence the working people and poor masses shouldn't be deluded with so-called free & fair elections!



The Independent Electoral Commission on its website has lectured Nigerians on practical steps to take when they want to cast their votes during the coming 2023 general election. 

This is designed to help you understand the Voting Procedures during an election. Remember that you are qualified to vote if you are a registered voter and your name appears on the register of voters at your polling. 

*Opening of the Polling Units:*

On each Election Day, polling stations will open for Accreditation and Voting from 8:00 am to 2.00 pm. The Accreditation and Voting Goes Simultaneously.

However, voters on the queue before the close of poll at 2:00pm will be accredited and allowed to vote. 

*Voting Procedure:*

Voting at the polling unit will be as follows: 

Step 1:

At the polling unit, join the queue. An INEC official will check if you are at the correct polling unit and confirm that the PVC presented belongs to you.

Step 2:

An INEC official will confirm if your PVC is genuine using the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS).

Step 3: 

An INEC official will ask for your PVC and confirm you are listed in the Voters Register. Your name will be ticked and your finger will be inked to confirm you have voted. If your name is not found you cannot vote. 

Step 4:

The Presiding officer will stamp, sign and endorse your ballot paper. You will be given the ballot paper rolled with the printed side inwards and directed to the voting cubicle. 

Step 5: 

Stain your finger with the ink given and mark the box for your preferred candidate/party. Roll the ballot paper in the manner you were given and flatten it.

Step 6: 

Leave the voting cubicle and drop the ballot paper in the ballot box in full view of people at the Polling Unit.

Step 7: 

Leave the Polling Unit or wait if you so choose, in an orderly and peaceful manner, to watch the process up to declaration of result.


The result of each Polling Unit shall be pasted at the Polling Station for everyone to see (EC 60E). 

*Your Right as a Voter:*

On each Election Day, you have the right to:

• Access the polling station.

• Receive information on the voting procedures from the poll officials.

• Vote in secret.

*Responsibility of the Voter:*

• Obey all lawful instructions from the INEC and Security Officials on election duty.

• Leave the polling unit or wait if you so choose in an orderly and peaceful manner.




Excellent, our choice!!

The Independent Electoral Commission on its website has lectured Nigerians on practical steps to take when they want to cast their votes during the coming 2023 general election. 

This is designed to help you understand the Voting Procedures during an election. Remember that you are qualified to vote if you are a registered voter and your name appears on the register of voters at your polling. 

*Opening of the Polling Units:*

On each Election Day, polling stations will open for Accreditation and Voting from 8:00 am to 2.00 pm. The Accreditation and Voting Goes Simultaneously.

However, voters on the queue before the close of poll at 2:00pm will be accredited and allowed to vote. 

*Voting Procedure:*

Voting at the polling unit will be as follows: 

Step 1:

At the polling unit, join the queue. An INEC official will check if you are at the correct polling unit and confirm that the PVC presented belongs to you.

Step 2:

An INEC official will confirm if your PVC is genuine using the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS).

Step 3: 

An INEC official will ask for your PVC and confirm you are listed in the Voters Register. Your name will be ticked and your finger will be inked to confirm you have voted. If your name is not found you cannot vote. 

Step 4:

The Presiding officer will stamp, sign and endorse your ballot paper. You will be given the ballot paper rolled with the printed side inwards and directed to the voting cubicle. 

Step 5: 

Stain your finger with the ink given and mark the box for your preferred candidate/party. Roll the ballot paper in the manner you were given and flatten it.

Step 6: 

Leave the voting cubicle and drop the ballot paper in the ballot box in full view of people at the Polling Unit.

Step 7: 

Leave the Polling Unit or wait if you so choose, in an orderly and peaceful manner, to watch the process up to declaration of result.


The result of each Polling Unit shall be pasted at the Polling Station for everyone to see (EC 60E). 

*Your Right as a Voter:*

On each Election Day, you have the right to:

• Access the polling station.

• Receive information on the voting procedures from the poll officials.

• Vote in secret.

*Responsibility of the Voter:*

• Obey all lawful instructions from the INEC and Security Officials on election duty.

• Leave the polling unit or wait if you so choose in an orderly and peaceful manner.




Excellent, our choice!!

#2023Elections ; Federal High Court orders INEC to resume registration of Voters

#2023Elections ; Federal High Court orders INEC to resume registration of Voters

 A Federal High Court in Abuja, on Tuesday, ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to immediately resume the Continuous Voters Registration until 90 days before the 2023 general elections.

According to Justice Inyang Ekwo, in the judgment directed INEC to ensure that eligible Nigerians were not deprived the opportunity to have their voter card for the forthcoming poll.

Hon. Justice Ekwo held that it was the constitutional responsibility of the electoral umpire to make adequate provision for the exercise in accordance with the Nigerian laws.

“The case of the plaintiffs succeeds on merit,” the judge declared.

NAN reports that Anajat Salmat and three others had sued INEC as sole defendant in a suit marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/1343/2022.

In the originating summons filed before the court, the plaintiffs argued that INEC cannot stop the CVR contrary to the stipulated provisions of the constitution.

They urged the court to order the electoral umpire to resume the exercise in accordance with the law of the country.



Excellent, our choice!!!

 A Federal High Court in Abuja, on Tuesday, ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to immediately resume the Continuous Voters Registration until 90 days before the 2023 general elections.

According to Justice Inyang Ekwo, in the judgment directed INEC to ensure that eligible Nigerians were not deprived the opportunity to have their voter card for the forthcoming poll.

Hon. Justice Ekwo held that it was the constitutional responsibility of the electoral umpire to make adequate provision for the exercise in accordance with the Nigerian laws.

“The case of the plaintiffs succeeds on merit,” the judge declared.

NAN reports that Anajat Salmat and three others had sued INEC as sole defendant in a suit marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/1343/2022.

In the originating summons filed before the court, the plaintiffs argued that INEC cannot stop the CVR contrary to the stipulated provisions of the constitution.

They urged the court to order the electoral umpire to resume the exercise in accordance with the law of the country.



Excellent, our choice!!!



By Qudirat Hakeem-Apanpa

Press Release:

Welcoming the Newly deployed Resident Electoral Commissioner 

The Oyo state chapter of Labour Party officially welcome the newly  deployed Resident Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Tella Rahmon who was delopyed from Ekiti state.

According to a release jointly signed by the Chairman and Secretary of Labour party, Atayase Olatunji Sadiq and Ogunlana Gabriel, it is believed that Dr. Tella will perform his duties according to the constitution without bias or sentiments in the forth coming general elections come 2023.

We are also committed to cooperating with him to ensure that the process is not faulted. The party also wish Dr. Rahmon a successful outing in our state and pray that he won’t fail in the line of his duty.

The party however congratulate Dr. Tella on his new appointment and urge him to discharge his duties by encouraging  transparency, accountability  and above all a free and fair elections like his predecessor, Barrister Mutiu Agboke

Oyo state is a peace loving state and would do everything to support your competency and uprightness will ensuring a credible, free and fair.

LP however implored the new Resident  Electoral Commissioner to see Oyo state as a home coming for him and should not exercise  any sort of fear in discharging his constitutional  duties in the electioneering processes.

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By Qudirat Hakeem-Apanpa

Press Release:

Welcoming the Newly deployed Resident Electoral Commissioner 

The Oyo state chapter of Labour Party officially welcome the newly  deployed Resident Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Tella Rahmon who was delopyed from Ekiti state.

According to a release jointly signed by the Chairman and Secretary of Labour party, Atayase Olatunji Sadiq and Ogunlana Gabriel, it is believed that Dr. Tella will perform his duties according to the constitution without bias or sentiments in the forth coming general elections come 2023.

We are also committed to cooperating with him to ensure that the process is not faulted. The party also wish Dr. Rahmon a successful outing in our state and pray that he won’t fail in the line of his duty.

The party however congratulate Dr. Tella on his new appointment and urge him to discharge his duties by encouraging  transparency, accountability  and above all a free and fair elections like his predecessor, Barrister Mutiu Agboke

Oyo state is a peace loving state and would do everything to support your competency and uprightness will ensuring a credible, free and fair.

LP however implored the new Resident  Electoral Commissioner to see Oyo state as a home coming for him and should not exercise  any sort of fear in discharging his constitutional  duties in the electioneering processes.

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How Nigeria's Electoral body INEC, it's Lawyer Emeka Ozoani Forged Documents To Push Out Omoyele Sowore As @AACparty Chairman

How Nigeria's Electoral body INEC, it's Lawyer Emeka Ozoani Forged Documents To Push Out Omoyele Sowore As @AACparty Chairman


The Nigeria's Electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) and one of its lawyers, Emeka Ozoani forged different court documents to get a judgement against African Action Congress (AAC) presidential candidate in the 2019 election, Omoyele Sowore, SaharaReporters reported on Monday.

Omoyele Sowore had said ahead of the #OCCUPYINEC which was organised on Monday by the party members and leaders nationwide that the Electoral umpire has been completely compromised. It was and still working as an appendage of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and People's Democratic Party depending on the highest bidder.

A Federal High Court sitting in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja had in 2019 removed Sowore as the National Chairman of the AAC. The high court judge, Inyang Ekwo also validated the removal of Malcolm Fabiyi as the Deputy National Chairman of the party.

According to the report by SaharaReporters, lawyy Ozoani known in some quarters for doing dirty jobs for INEC, packaged a fake litigant to obtain the judgement for one Hon Bago. “He forged documents used to get a fraudulent judgment from Justice Ekwo against Omoyele Sowore of the AAC.

"The same Ozoani was rewarded with SAN (Senior Advocate of Nigeria) while he was litigating to take away AAC from Sowore. INEC has now become a ridiculous umpire in the conduct of elections. INEC chairman, commissioners have all become tools in the hands of Buhari and his party, All Progressives Congress,” an INEC staff member familiar with the case told SaharaReporters.

The report also revealed that Ozoani is currently enmeshed in another scandal after being exposed by some deregistered political parties for using fake court records in pursuing an appeal for INEC at the Supreme Court.

According to another Online news portal PREMIUM TIMES, the fake court records surfaced in the appeal filed by INEC at the Supreme Court to challenge the August 10, 2020 judgment of the Court of Appeal in Abuja, ordering the relisting of 23 political parties earlier deregistered by the electoral body.

The rules require an intending appellant to file a notice of appeal and compile the records of the lower court and have them transmitted to the higher court within three months of the delivery of the judgment to be challenged.

INEC had filed a notice of appeal against the August 10, 2020 judgment of the Court of Appeal, but the records it claimed to have compiled and transmitted to the Supreme Court to set the stage for the hearing of its case by the apex court, have been exposed by the respondents to be fraudulent.

From the court documents seen by the newspaper, INEC, which admitted that an impostor truly signed its transmitted records, is now scrambling to be granted an extension of time to compile and transmit fresh records from the Court of Appeal to the apex court.

Not pleased with the Appeal Court’s ruling, the electoral body filed a notice of appeal in the Supreme Court, challenging the verdict.

But curious about the records transmitted by INEC in pursuing the appeal, the law firm of the legal icon, Afe Babalola, which is defending one of the respondents, the Advanced Congress of Democrats (ACD), had written to the Court of Appeal authorities on December 10, 2020, alleging that an impostor of the court official signed the records purportedly transmitted by the electoral body.

The Court of Appeal, in a letter dated December 21, 2020, confirmed that Hassan Binta, who signed the record of appeal transmitted by INEC, was not known to the court.

“The record of appeal and the supplementary record of appeal were not compiled and transmitted by the registry of this court.

“The Registrar in the person of Hassan Binta, who is said to have signed the record of Appeal and the Supplementary record is not a staff (member) of this court,” the Head, Litigation Department of the Court of Appeal, Sehriffat Adebayo, stated in the December 21, 2020 reply to the letter by Mr Babalola’s law firm.

Following the Court of Appeal’s confirmation, the law firm, through one of its lawyers, Funmilayo Longe, sent a letter dated January 14, 2021, to the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court, expressing shock about the development and demanding an investigation.

A copy of the letter entitled ‘Request For Clarification On The Transmission of Records of Appeal’.

It reads, in part, “To our chagrin, the Court of Appeal vide their letter December 21, 2020 informed us that even though the notice of appeal was filed in the registry of the Court of Appeal, the record of appeal was not compiled and transmitted by the lower court’s registry and the registrar in the person of Hassan Binta, who signed the records of appeal is not a staff (member) of the Court of Appeal. (A copy of the aforementioned letter written by the Court of Appeal is herewith attached).

“In the light of the above facts, we hereby request that investigation be carried out regarding the transmission of records in this appeal.”

INEC has however admitted that a court official’s impostor signed its record of appeal but failed to offer any explanation about how it happened.

The electoral body is now scrambling to be allowed to compile a fresh record of appeal.

It filed an application before the Supreme Court on January 25, 2021, seeking leave and an extension of time to compile and transmit the fresh records.

The commission, in an affidavit filed in support of the application, stated that it sought to compile and transmit fresh record after it was only informed of the fraud in the previous records by Babalola’s law firm.

Sources: Sahara Reporters & Premium Times


The Nigeria's Electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) and one of its lawyers, Emeka Ozoani forged different court documents to get a judgement against African Action Congress (AAC) presidential candidate in the 2019 election, Omoyele Sowore, SaharaReporters reported on Monday.

Omoyele Sowore had said ahead of the #OCCUPYINEC which was organised on Monday by the party members and leaders nationwide that the Electoral umpire has been completely compromised. It was and still working as an appendage of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and People's Democratic Party depending on the highest bidder.

A Federal High Court sitting in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja had in 2019 removed Sowore as the National Chairman of the AAC. The high court judge, Inyang Ekwo also validated the removal of Malcolm Fabiyi as the Deputy National Chairman of the party.

According to the report by SaharaReporters, lawyy Ozoani known in some quarters for doing dirty jobs for INEC, packaged a fake litigant to obtain the judgement for one Hon Bago. “He forged documents used to get a fraudulent judgment from Justice Ekwo against Omoyele Sowore of the AAC.

"The same Ozoani was rewarded with SAN (Senior Advocate of Nigeria) while he was litigating to take away AAC from Sowore. INEC has now become a ridiculous umpire in the conduct of elections. INEC chairman, commissioners have all become tools in the hands of Buhari and his party, All Progressives Congress,” an INEC staff member familiar with the case told SaharaReporters.

The report also revealed that Ozoani is currently enmeshed in another scandal after being exposed by some deregistered political parties for using fake court records in pursuing an appeal for INEC at the Supreme Court.

According to another Online news portal PREMIUM TIMES, the fake court records surfaced in the appeal filed by INEC at the Supreme Court to challenge the August 10, 2020 judgment of the Court of Appeal in Abuja, ordering the relisting of 23 political parties earlier deregistered by the electoral body.

The rules require an intending appellant to file a notice of appeal and compile the records of the lower court and have them transmitted to the higher court within three months of the delivery of the judgment to be challenged.

INEC had filed a notice of appeal against the August 10, 2020 judgment of the Court of Appeal, but the records it claimed to have compiled and transmitted to the Supreme Court to set the stage for the hearing of its case by the apex court, have been exposed by the respondents to be fraudulent.

From the court documents seen by the newspaper, INEC, which admitted that an impostor truly signed its transmitted records, is now scrambling to be granted an extension of time to compile and transmit fresh records from the Court of Appeal to the apex court.

Not pleased with the Appeal Court’s ruling, the electoral body filed a notice of appeal in the Supreme Court, challenging the verdict.

But curious about the records transmitted by INEC in pursuing the appeal, the law firm of the legal icon, Afe Babalola, which is defending one of the respondents, the Advanced Congress of Democrats (ACD), had written to the Court of Appeal authorities on December 10, 2020, alleging that an impostor of the court official signed the records purportedly transmitted by the electoral body.

The Court of Appeal, in a letter dated December 21, 2020, confirmed that Hassan Binta, who signed the record of appeal transmitted by INEC, was not known to the court.

“The record of appeal and the supplementary record of appeal were not compiled and transmitted by the registry of this court.

“The Registrar in the person of Hassan Binta, who is said to have signed the record of Appeal and the Supplementary record is not a staff (member) of this court,” the Head, Litigation Department of the Court of Appeal, Sehriffat Adebayo, stated in the December 21, 2020 reply to the letter by Mr Babalola’s law firm.

Following the Court of Appeal’s confirmation, the law firm, through one of its lawyers, Funmilayo Longe, sent a letter dated January 14, 2021, to the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court, expressing shock about the development and demanding an investigation.

A copy of the letter entitled ‘Request For Clarification On The Transmission of Records of Appeal’.

It reads, in part, “To our chagrin, the Court of Appeal vide their letter December 21, 2020 informed us that even though the notice of appeal was filed in the registry of the Court of Appeal, the record of appeal was not compiled and transmitted by the lower court’s registry and the registrar in the person of Hassan Binta, who signed the records of appeal is not a staff (member) of the Court of Appeal. (A copy of the aforementioned letter written by the Court of Appeal is herewith attached).

“In the light of the above facts, we hereby request that investigation be carried out regarding the transmission of records in this appeal.”

INEC has however admitted that a court official’s impostor signed its record of appeal but failed to offer any explanation about how it happened.

The electoral body is now scrambling to be allowed to compile a fresh record of appeal.

It filed an application before the Supreme Court on January 25, 2021, seeking leave and an extension of time to compile and transmit the fresh records.

The commission, in an affidavit filed in support of the application, stated that it sought to compile and transmit fresh record after it was only informed of the fraud in the previous records by Babalola’s law firm.

Sources: Sahara Reporters & Premium Times



The Africa Action Congress on Monday occupied the Offices of the Nigeria's  Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) both in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and their offices in the 36 states if the federation over what the party tagged as the Commission's sabotage roles in hijacking the part for an impostor called Leonard Ezenwa who has been working for both the Ruling APC and opposition PDP depending on the highest bidder.

INEC has been playing collaborative roles in removing the chairmen at the state levels of the part for the sponsored impostor who has factionalized the party immediately after the 2019 general election where the incumbent president, Major General Muhammadu Buhari was declared returned.

The #OCCUPYINEC protests have been reported to be visible in Abuja where the headquarters of the commission is located and many other states including Lagos, Oyo and  Osun, Kano, Benue, Edo, Delta among others.

The party under the leadership of Omoyele Sowore said the INEC is currently and completely compromised and can not conduct any free fair and credible elections.

The party delivered letters in all the INEC offices visited including Media houses as well As the human rights Offices.

AAC  members and Executives in FCT and 36 states reaffirmed @YeleSowore as the only recognized National Chairman of AAC while warning INEC against pertisanship and imposition of one Leonard Nzenwa on the party.


The Africa Action Congress on Monday occupied the Offices of the Nigeria's  Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) both in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and their offices in the 36 states if the federation over what the party tagged as the Commission's sabotage roles in hijacking the part for an impostor called Leonard Ezenwa who has been working for both the Ruling APC and opposition PDP depending on the highest bidder.

INEC has been playing collaborative roles in removing the chairmen at the state levels of the part for the sponsored impostor who has factionalized the party immediately after the 2019 general election where the incumbent president, Major General Muhammadu Buhari was declared returned.

The #OCCUPYINEC protests have been reported to be visible in Abuja where the headquarters of the commission is located and many other states including Lagos, Oyo and  Osun, Kano, Benue, Edo, Delta among others.

The party under the leadership of Omoyele Sowore said the INEC is currently and completely compromised and can not conduct any free fair and credible elections.

The party delivered letters in all the INEC offices visited including Media houses as well As the human rights Offices.

AAC  members and Executives in FCT and 36 states reaffirmed @YeleSowore as the only recognized National Chairman of AAC while warning INEC against pertisanship and imposition of one Leonard Nzenwa on the party.


Poster Speaks

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