


Showing posts with label Lagos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lagos. Show all posts

Alleged $5m Fraud: Court Dismisses Defendant’s Application Challenging Jurisdiction

Alleged $5m Fraud: Court Dismisses Defendant’s Application Challenging Jurisdiction

Justice Mojisola Dada of the Special Offences sitting in Ikeja, Lagos, on Thursday, June 13, 2024, dismissed the application filed by Capt. Everest Nnaji , a second defendant in a $5m fraud trial, challenging the territorial jurisdiction of the court to hear the case filed against him and one Victor Uadiale.

The defendants are being prosecuted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on an amended five-count charge bordering on conspiracy and obtaining by false pretence to the tune of $5 million.

One of the counts reads: "That you, Victor  Uadiale (aka Victor Emeka/Amaka Emeka), Captain Everest Nnaji and Ismail Lawal (now at large), between 22nd April and 12th day of October 1998, in Lagos, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud, obtained the aggregate sum of $1,292,000.00 (One Million, Two Hundred and Ninety-two Thousand United States Dollar) from  Tawfeeq A. Al-Omar, a Kuwaiti national, by falsely representing to him that the said sum represented payment for Urea Phosphate fertilizer, which you claimed was procured from National Fertilizer Company of Nigeria (NAFCON), Port Harcourt and Bonny Light crude oil, which pretext you knew to be false and committed an offence contrary to  Section 1(3) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act, No. 13 of 1995 as amended by Act No. 62 of 1999."

They pleaded not guilty to the charges preferred against them when they were first arraigned on December 14, 2018, and maintained the same plea to the amended charges.

The victim, Tawfeeq A. Al-Omar, a Kuwaiti national, had testified as the first prosecution witness, narrating how he unwittingly fell into the trap of parting with his money.

The prosecution led by Rotimi Oyedepo, SAN, had on September 28, 2022, closed its case after calling six witnesses and tendering several documentary evidence against them.

The defence, however, filed a no-case submission.

Justice Dada had, on March 23, 2023, dismissed the no-case submission filed by the defendants as lacking merit and also ordered them to open their defence.

Though the first defendant had begun his testimony denying the charges preferred against him, the application of the second defendant challenging jurisdiction remained pending.

The second defendant had argued that the charge was incompetent and urged the court to strike out his name from the charge sheet.

The prosecution, through its counsel, Bilikisu Buhari, however, prayed the court to order the second defendant to open his defence.

Delivering ruling on Thursday, Justice Dada held that the application was only intended to stall the trial and “it, therefore, fails and is hereby dismissed.”

The case was adjourned till Thursday, October 3, 2024 for continuation of trial.

Source: EFCC 

Justice Mojisola Dada of the Special Offences sitting in Ikeja, Lagos, on Thursday, June 13, 2024, dismissed the application filed by Capt. Everest Nnaji , a second defendant in a $5m fraud trial, challenging the territorial jurisdiction of the court to hear the case filed against him and one Victor Uadiale.

The defendants are being prosecuted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on an amended five-count charge bordering on conspiracy and obtaining by false pretence to the tune of $5 million.

One of the counts reads: "That you, Victor  Uadiale (aka Victor Emeka/Amaka Emeka), Captain Everest Nnaji and Ismail Lawal (now at large), between 22nd April and 12th day of October 1998, in Lagos, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, with intent to defraud, obtained the aggregate sum of $1,292,000.00 (One Million, Two Hundred and Ninety-two Thousand United States Dollar) from  Tawfeeq A. Al-Omar, a Kuwaiti national, by falsely representing to him that the said sum represented payment for Urea Phosphate fertilizer, which you claimed was procured from National Fertilizer Company of Nigeria (NAFCON), Port Harcourt and Bonny Light crude oil, which pretext you knew to be false and committed an offence contrary to  Section 1(3) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act, No. 13 of 1995 as amended by Act No. 62 of 1999."

They pleaded not guilty to the charges preferred against them when they were first arraigned on December 14, 2018, and maintained the same plea to the amended charges.

The victim, Tawfeeq A. Al-Omar, a Kuwaiti national, had testified as the first prosecution witness, narrating how he unwittingly fell into the trap of parting with his money.

The prosecution led by Rotimi Oyedepo, SAN, had on September 28, 2022, closed its case after calling six witnesses and tendering several documentary evidence against them.

The defence, however, filed a no-case submission.

Justice Dada had, on March 23, 2023, dismissed the no-case submission filed by the defendants as lacking merit and also ordered them to open their defence.

Though the first defendant had begun his testimony denying the charges preferred against him, the application of the second defendant challenging jurisdiction remained pending.

The second defendant had argued that the charge was incompetent and urged the court to strike out his name from the charge sheet.

The prosecution, through its counsel, Bilikisu Buhari, however, prayed the court to order the second defendant to open his defence.

Delivering ruling on Thursday, Justice Dada held that the application was only intended to stall the trial and “it, therefore, fails and is hereby dismissed.”

The case was adjourned till Thursday, October 3, 2024 for continuation of trial.

Source: EFCC 

CEO of Founani Group, Mohamed Fouani, Others Kidnapped in Lagos

CEO of Founani Group, Mohamed Fouani, Others Kidnapped in Lagos



Mr. Mohamed Fouani, a Lebanese billionaire businessman, founder, and CEO of Founani Group, has been kidnapped in Lagos.

Fouani runs the Fouani Group, which is the sole franchise owner of LG and Hisense products in Nigeria. He personally introduced LG and Maxi electronics products into the Nigerian market 24 years ago. Hisense later followed. 

He also owns Yara Diapers, with its factory in Lagos. 

While he was travelling by boat in Lagos, armed men kidnapped him and his companions. 

While travelling from Apapa to Victoria Island, Mr. Fouani and three other Lebanese with him were abducted around Falomo Bridge in open daylight. 

His abductors have established contact with the Fouani family, and they are demanding a ransom of $1.5 million to be paid in dollars for the release of the businessman.

Source: Social Media 



Mr. Mohamed Fouani, a Lebanese billionaire businessman, founder, and CEO of Founani Group, has been kidnapped in Lagos.

Fouani runs the Fouani Group, which is the sole franchise owner of LG and Hisense products in Nigeria. He personally introduced LG and Maxi electronics products into the Nigerian market 24 years ago. Hisense later followed. 

He also owns Yara Diapers, with its factory in Lagos. 

While he was travelling by boat in Lagos, armed men kidnapped him and his companions. 

While travelling from Apapa to Victoria Island, Mr. Fouani and three other Lebanese with him were abducted around Falomo Bridge in open daylight. 

His abductors have established contact with the Fouani family, and they are demanding a ransom of $1.5 million to be paid in dollars for the release of the businessman.

Source: Social Media 

Court Jails Woman Six Months For Currency Racketeering In Lagos

Court Jails Woman Six Months For Currency Racketeering In Lagos

Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke of the Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, convicted and sentenced one Adeyinka Bilikis  Gbadamosi  to six months imprisonment for currency racketeering.

Gbadamosi  was arraigned by the Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on a one-count charge bordering on currency  Racketeering.

The count reads: “That you, Adeyinka Bilikis Gbadamosi, on the 27th of April, 2024 in  Lagos, within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, engaged in hawking the total sum of N897,900 (Eight Hundred and Ninety Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred Naira) in N200 Naira note denomination, with serial numbers 688101 and N500 Naira note denomination, with serial numbers 315501 issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 21(4) of the Central Bank of Nigeria (Establishment) Act, 2007.”

She pleaded “guilty” to the charge when it was read to her

Following her guilty plea, prosecution counsel, C.C. Okezie called on Olagunju Abdul Malik, an operative of the EFCC, to  review the facts of the case .

Abdulmalik told the court that the defendant was arrested  on April 27, 2024 while hawking Naira notes at 10 Degree Event Centre, Billings Way, Ikeja, Lagos, following  credible intelligence received by the Commission.

According to him, the sum of N897,900 was recovered from her at the point of arrest.

"Upon her arrest by operatives, she was duly cautioned and she volunteered her statements.

“In her statement, she confessed she was into currency racketeering and hawking of Naira notes,” he said.

Okezie, thereafter, sought to tender, in evidence, the defendant’s extrajudicial statements and the money recovered from her.

Justice Aneke  admitted and marked them as exhibits and convicted the defendant.

Counsel to the convict A.A. Olawipo, prayed the court for a non-custodial sentence or option of fine .

Justice Aneke  sentenced the convict to six months imprisonment, with an option of fine of N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira) only.

The Judge also ordered that the N897,900 recovered from her be forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria.


Source: EFCC 

Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke of the Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, convicted and sentenced one Adeyinka Bilikis  Gbadamosi  to six months imprisonment for currency racketeering.

Gbadamosi  was arraigned by the Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on a one-count charge bordering on currency  Racketeering.

The count reads: “That you, Adeyinka Bilikis Gbadamosi, on the 27th of April, 2024 in  Lagos, within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, engaged in hawking the total sum of N897,900 (Eight Hundred and Ninety Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred Naira) in N200 Naira note denomination, with serial numbers 688101 and N500 Naira note denomination, with serial numbers 315501 issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 21(4) of the Central Bank of Nigeria (Establishment) Act, 2007.”

She pleaded “guilty” to the charge when it was read to her

Following her guilty plea, prosecution counsel, C.C. Okezie called on Olagunju Abdul Malik, an operative of the EFCC, to  review the facts of the case .

Abdulmalik told the court that the defendant was arrested  on April 27, 2024 while hawking Naira notes at 10 Degree Event Centre, Billings Way, Ikeja, Lagos, following  credible intelligence received by the Commission.

According to him, the sum of N897,900 was recovered from her at the point of arrest.

"Upon her arrest by operatives, she was duly cautioned and she volunteered her statements.

“In her statement, she confessed she was into currency racketeering and hawking of Naira notes,” he said.

Okezie, thereafter, sought to tender, in evidence, the defendant’s extrajudicial statements and the money recovered from her.

Justice Aneke  admitted and marked them as exhibits and convicted the defendant.

Counsel to the convict A.A. Olawipo, prayed the court for a non-custodial sentence or option of fine .

Justice Aneke  sentenced the convict to six months imprisonment, with an option of fine of N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira) only.

The Judge also ordered that the N897,900 recovered from her be forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria.


Source: EFCC 



Image credit to Adobe Stock

It is important to note the unorthodox power dynamics currently prevalent in the Lagos State civil service hierarchy. 

Traditionally, a ministry's Commissioner and Permanent Secretary hold higher positions than its agency's general Manager. However, in the current context, the General Manager of the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) holds a higher position than the PS and Commissioner. 

This arrogated position by the GM over the Permanent Secretary and Commissioner is not necessarily in theory. Still, the General Manager of the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) is TPL Kehinde Oshinaike. 

Since the appointment of the new commissioner, Dr Oluyinka Olumide, who is an engineer by profession and must seek the opinion of the GM, the highest-ranking town planner in the state, before making planning decisions, the GM has taken advantage of this situation to become the de facto commander in the ministry practically. 

It is crucial to reiterate that the General Manager is not authorized to make decisions for the ministry without consulting the PS and the Commissioner. 

However, he is currently making unilateral decisions on behalf of the ministry. The proper procedure dictates that files must pass through his office, the PS, and the Commissioner before decisions are made. Unfortunately, this process is no longer being followed. 

He makes decisions without even informing them. After all, he believes that the PS and the Commissioner are engineers who have no idea what planning is about. 

The proper procedure would have been to send the files up and then give his educated professional judgement to them, leaving it to their superiors to make the decision. 

Unfortunately, the PS and Commissioner defer to him, most likely because they do not want to make costly mistakes that could cost them their jobs. You only need to be in a forum where all three are present to see who is in charge. 

He believes that he has made much money since becoming GM and is significantly more prosperous than the commissioner recently appointed in November 2023, so he cannot bow before him. 

Of course, a GM who does not respect a commissioner cannot be expected to consider the Permanent Secretary.

The GM, promoted above several senior directors in the ministry, was supposed to behave more appropriately and not ride over everyone without caring. It is hoped that the Super GM of Lagos will remember that he will not be GM indefinitely.



Isale Eko

Image credit to Adobe Stock

It is important to note the unorthodox power dynamics currently prevalent in the Lagos State civil service hierarchy. 

Traditionally, a ministry's Commissioner and Permanent Secretary hold higher positions than its agency's general Manager. However, in the current context, the General Manager of the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) holds a higher position than the PS and Commissioner. 

This arrogated position by the GM over the Permanent Secretary and Commissioner is not necessarily in theory. Still, the General Manager of the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) is TPL Kehinde Oshinaike. 

Since the appointment of the new commissioner, Dr Oluyinka Olumide, who is an engineer by profession and must seek the opinion of the GM, the highest-ranking town planner in the state, before making planning decisions, the GM has taken advantage of this situation to become the de facto commander in the ministry practically. 

It is crucial to reiterate that the General Manager is not authorized to make decisions for the ministry without consulting the PS and the Commissioner. 

However, he is currently making unilateral decisions on behalf of the ministry. The proper procedure dictates that files must pass through his office, the PS, and the Commissioner before decisions are made. Unfortunately, this process is no longer being followed. 

He makes decisions without even informing them. After all, he believes that the PS and the Commissioner are engineers who have no idea what planning is about. 

The proper procedure would have been to send the files up and then give his educated professional judgement to them, leaving it to their superiors to make the decision. 

Unfortunately, the PS and Commissioner defer to him, most likely because they do not want to make costly mistakes that could cost them their jobs. You only need to be in a forum where all three are present to see who is in charge. 

He believes that he has made much money since becoming GM and is significantly more prosperous than the commissioner recently appointed in November 2023, so he cannot bow before him. 

Of course, a GM who does not respect a commissioner cannot be expected to consider the Permanent Secretary.

The GM, promoted above several senior directors in the ministry, was supposed to behave more appropriately and not ride over everyone without caring. It is hoped that the Super GM of Lagos will remember that he will not be GM indefinitely.



Isale Eko



The Nigerian Army (NA) is deeply concerned about the alleged involvement of two of its personnel in a reported case of theft at the Dangote Refinery in Lagos.

This act of criminality, which was prevented by the proactive intervention of vigilant troops and private security operatives on duty at the refinery, is totally unacceptable and highly regrettable. It does not, therefore, represent the ethics and values of the NA.

The two suspects have been identified and are currently under custody.

Preliminary investigation reveals that the two suspects were hired by a civilian contractor simply identified as Mr Smart, who claimed he wanted to recover some Armoured cables he had left behind on the refinery's premises. Unknown to the soldiers, the said contractor, sensing trouble as they approached the security post, excused himself from the vehicle and bolted, leaving them behind. 

Further investigations are ongoing to fully ascertain the depth of culpability of the apprehended soldiers.

Additionally, the stolen cables have been recovered and are in safe custody.

The NA is working closely with the management of the Dangote Refinery to ensure a thorough investigation into this unfortunate incident.

The NA wishes to reassure the general public that appropriate disciplinary measures would be meted out to the culprits, as no act of criminality will be condoned amongst its personnel.

The NA remains steadfast in ensuring that the key values of discipline and integrity are adequately entrenched amongst its personnel. We shall also continue to cultivate and promote dedication and a culture of accountability and ethical behaviours within our ranks.


Major General

Director Army Public Relations

17 April 2024

The Nigerian Army (NA) is deeply concerned about the alleged involvement of two of its personnel in a reported case of theft at the Dangote Refinery in Lagos.

This act of criminality, which was prevented by the proactive intervention of vigilant troops and private security operatives on duty at the refinery, is totally unacceptable and highly regrettable. It does not, therefore, represent the ethics and values of the NA.

The two suspects have been identified and are currently under custody.

Preliminary investigation reveals that the two suspects were hired by a civilian contractor simply identified as Mr Smart, who claimed he wanted to recover some Armoured cables he had left behind on the refinery's premises. Unknown to the soldiers, the said contractor, sensing trouble as they approached the security post, excused himself from the vehicle and bolted, leaving them behind. 

Further investigations are ongoing to fully ascertain the depth of culpability of the apprehended soldiers.

Additionally, the stolen cables have been recovered and are in safe custody.

The NA is working closely with the management of the Dangote Refinery to ensure a thorough investigation into this unfortunate incident.

The NA wishes to reassure the general public that appropriate disciplinary measures would be meted out to the culprits, as no act of criminality will be condoned amongst its personnel.

The NA remains steadfast in ensuring that the key values of discipline and integrity are adequately entrenched amongst its personnel. We shall also continue to cultivate and promote dedication and a culture of accountability and ethical behaviours within our ranks.


Major General

Director Army Public Relations

17 April 2024

Do Something-Governor Babajide Sanwo Olu: Significant real estate business leaders are crying in Lagos

Do Something-Governor Babajide Sanwo Olu: Significant real estate business leaders are crying in Lagos

A profile picture of a crying black woman
Credit:Adobe stock

Since January 2023, no Governor’s Consent has been signed by the administration of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu. Successive governors of Lagos State have adopted the Tinubu governorship style of delegating the signing of Governor’s Consent to two Commissioners who are members of the executive cabinet. 

This is to speed up the process of obtaining Governor’s Consent and to remove delays usually caused by the Governor’s tight schedule. This is the style adopted by the present governor but alas it is not working as it ought to. While Governor Tinubu designed a template that made it possible to obtain a Governor’s Consent in one month, the experience under this administration is a situation where it is difficult to get this very important document in even a year.

This situation has devastating effect on construction industry and property developers who requires Governor’s Consent to access loan facility for their projects and associated job opportunities for the entire construction value chain including engineers, surveyors, architects, bricklayers, electricians, carpenters, tilers and building material suppliers in general. It has also severely reduced revenues accruable to government through consent fees, capital gains tax, registration fee, income tax and so on. 

According to impeccable sources from the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, Lagos State Branch, many transactions are kept hanging until the Governor's consent is signed.

Also, sources from Nigeria Bar Association alluded that this situation has caused a lot of frustration for lawyers who are often charged with processing this document at the Lands Registry of the State.

In the same situation, impeccable sources from the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry also confirmed that the chamber is contacting the Governor.

When you buy a property from a vendor with a Certificate of Occupancy, the legal title you can obtain to become a legal owner is the Governor's Consent. This consent is a crucial step in the property transaction process, and not signing it by the governor or his appointed commissioners has a significant negative impact on the real estate sector. 

They are also used as collateral to obtain money from banks and other financial institutions for business and other reasons. Furthermore, real estate developers require a registered title to make their projects viable, as it is a crucial factor influencing prospective buyers' purchase decision. The title converts interest in a property from equitable interest to registered interest, making it legally transferable. 

This is an urgent appeal for help from the large business community in Lagos State who are adversely affected by this situation to His Excellency Governor Babajide Sanwo Olu, who himself is a seasoned professional in the real estate industry to use his good office to intervene on this matter and to generally improve on the ease of doing business in Lagos State.

By a concerned Stakeholder

A profile picture of a crying black woman
Credit:Adobe stock

Since January 2023, no Governor’s Consent has been signed by the administration of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu. Successive governors of Lagos State have adopted the Tinubu governorship style of delegating the signing of Governor’s Consent to two Commissioners who are members of the executive cabinet. 

This is to speed up the process of obtaining Governor’s Consent and to remove delays usually caused by the Governor’s tight schedule. This is the style adopted by the present governor but alas it is not working as it ought to. While Governor Tinubu designed a template that made it possible to obtain a Governor’s Consent in one month, the experience under this administration is a situation where it is difficult to get this very important document in even a year.

This situation has devastating effect on construction industry and property developers who requires Governor’s Consent to access loan facility for their projects and associated job opportunities for the entire construction value chain including engineers, surveyors, architects, bricklayers, electricians, carpenters, tilers and building material suppliers in general. It has also severely reduced revenues accruable to government through consent fees, capital gains tax, registration fee, income tax and so on. 

According to impeccable sources from the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, Lagos State Branch, many transactions are kept hanging until the Governor's consent is signed.

Also, sources from Nigeria Bar Association alluded that this situation has caused a lot of frustration for lawyers who are often charged with processing this document at the Lands Registry of the State.

In the same situation, impeccable sources from the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry also confirmed that the chamber is contacting the Governor.

When you buy a property from a vendor with a Certificate of Occupancy, the legal title you can obtain to become a legal owner is the Governor's Consent. This consent is a crucial step in the property transaction process, and not signing it by the governor or his appointed commissioners has a significant negative impact on the real estate sector. 

They are also used as collateral to obtain money from banks and other financial institutions for business and other reasons. Furthermore, real estate developers require a registered title to make their projects viable, as it is a crucial factor influencing prospective buyers' purchase decision. The title converts interest in a property from equitable interest to registered interest, making it legally transferable. 

This is an urgent appeal for help from the large business community in Lagos State who are adversely affected by this situation to His Excellency Governor Babajide Sanwo Olu, who himself is a seasoned professional in the real estate industry to use his good office to intervene on this matter and to generally improve on the ease of doing business in Lagos State.

By a concerned Stakeholder

How Man Bags Jail Term for Currency Racketeering in Lagos

How Man Bags Jail Term for Currency Racketeering in Lagos

The Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 secured the conviction and sentencing of one Fabian John Itafor before Justice Kehinde Ogundare of the Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos for an offence bordering on currency racketeering. 

He was arraigned on a one- count charge.

The count reads: “That you, Fabian John Itafor on or about the 24th day of February. 2024 at Leisure Event Center, Wale Olateju Street, Victoria Island, in Lages within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court hawked the sum of N347,000.00 (Three Hundred and Forty-seven Naira) issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 21(4)l of the Central Bank of Nigeria Act, 2007."

He pleaded “guilty” to the charge when it was read to him.

Following his guilty plea,   prosecuting counsel, A.S. Wara  called on Jude Owolabi, an operative of the EFCC, to review the facts of the case.

Owolabi told the court that the defendant was arrested on February 24, 2024 , hawking naira notes at Leisure Event Center, Wale Olateju Street, Victoria Island, Lagos.

 "His arrest followed credible intelligence received by the Commission," he said. According to him, ATM cards, a POS machine, N347,000, $1 and 5 euros were recovered from him at the point of arrest.

“In his statement, he confessed that he was into money racketeering and hawking of Naira notes," he said. Defence counsel, Kolapo Gbadamosi, prayed the court to temper justice with mercy by granting him a non-custodial sentence or an option of fine.

Justice Ogundare convicted and sentenced him to three months community service with an option of fine of N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira Only).

The Judge also ordered that the POS machine, N347,000, $1 and 5euro recovered from him at the point of arrest  be forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria.


Itafor bagged his imprisonment by flouting extant laws against Naira mutilation.  

Specifically,  he was arrested for hawking new Naira notes for commercial purposes.  

He was later prosecuted and convicted.


Source: EFCC 

The Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 secured the conviction and sentencing of one Fabian John Itafor before Justice Kehinde Ogundare of the Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos for an offence bordering on currency racketeering. 

He was arraigned on a one- count charge.

The count reads: “That you, Fabian John Itafor on or about the 24th day of February. 2024 at Leisure Event Center, Wale Olateju Street, Victoria Island, in Lages within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court hawked the sum of N347,000.00 (Three Hundred and Forty-seven Naira) issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 21(4)l of the Central Bank of Nigeria Act, 2007."

He pleaded “guilty” to the charge when it was read to him.

Following his guilty plea,   prosecuting counsel, A.S. Wara  called on Jude Owolabi, an operative of the EFCC, to review the facts of the case.

Owolabi told the court that the defendant was arrested on February 24, 2024 , hawking naira notes at Leisure Event Center, Wale Olateju Street, Victoria Island, Lagos.

 "His arrest followed credible intelligence received by the Commission," he said. According to him, ATM cards, a POS machine, N347,000, $1 and 5 euros were recovered from him at the point of arrest.

“In his statement, he confessed that he was into money racketeering and hawking of Naira notes," he said. Defence counsel, Kolapo Gbadamosi, prayed the court to temper justice with mercy by granting him a non-custodial sentence or an option of fine.

Justice Ogundare convicted and sentenced him to three months community service with an option of fine of N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira Only).

The Judge also ordered that the POS machine, N347,000, $1 and 5euro recovered from him at the point of arrest  be forfeited to the Federal Government of Nigeria.


Itafor bagged his imprisonment by flouting extant laws against Naira mutilation.  

Specifically,  he was arrested for hawking new Naira notes for commercial purposes.  

He was later prosecuted and convicted.


Source: EFCC 

BREAKING NEWS: Chief Bode George, many key PDP Stakeholders officially endorsed LP Gubernatorial Candidate GRV for Lagos State (Video)

BREAKING NEWS: Chief Bode George, many key PDP Stakeholders officially endorsed LP Gubernatorial Candidate GRV for Lagos State (Video)

Chief Bode George and many key PDP Stakeholders has officially endorsed GRV. LP Road to victory in Lagos State is now officially sealed.

Chief Bode George and many key PDP Stakeholders has officially endorsed GRV. LP Road to victory in Lagos State is now officially sealed.

Lagos presidential election results manipulated at collation centre (Video )

Lagos presidential election results manipulated at collation centre (Video )

According to the source of the video: Please, the Labour Party should not agree with the results from Lagos State.

The Resident Electoral Commissioner in Lagos State asked all INEC Officials in all pooling unit not to transmit the Presidential Results to Abuja ,but that of Senate and House of Representatives were allowed

They went to rewrite all the Presidential Results at the various collation Centre late in the night when all party Agents have gone home.

I left one of the collation center by 12am this morning.
This is a day light robbery because Labour Party won in all pooling units I monitored and other results from all parts of Lagos State, Labour Party had leading results .....

Essentially, it is to say that the video exposes and confirmed that *the primordial and structural basis of electoral voting and rigging in Nigeria is still in force, hence the working people and poor masses shouldn't be deluded with so-called free & fair elections!

According to the source of the video: Please, the Labour Party should not agree with the results from Lagos State.

The Resident Electoral Commissioner in Lagos State asked all INEC Officials in all pooling unit not to transmit the Presidential Results to Abuja ,but that of Senate and House of Representatives were allowed

They went to rewrite all the Presidential Results at the various collation Centre late in the night when all party Agents have gone home.

I left one of the collation center by 12am this morning.
This is a day light robbery because Labour Party won in all pooling units I monitored and other results from all parts of Lagos State, Labour Party had leading results .....

Essentially, it is to say that the video exposes and confirmed that *the primordial and structural basis of electoral voting and rigging in Nigeria is still in force, hence the working people and poor masses shouldn't be deluded with so-called free & fair elections!

APC Unleashed thugs to all the markets in Lagos , force many to attend their rally

APC Unleashed thugs to all the markets in Lagos , force many to attend their rally


The rulling party, APC has become so unpopular and lost credibility among Nigerians of all ages after eight years of oppressive pro bandits and terrorists led criminals regime under Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari whose national leader is it's presidential candidate Asiwanju Hola Hamed Tinubu.

For their so called Lagos rally, they unleashed thugs to all the markets in Lagos . Threatening people to gather at the stadium by force . MC Oluomo men were on rampage 

They went so far threatened them that failure to show up at stadium shall deny them space at the market permanently.

Helpless market had no other option than to obey and succumb to the mindless order from Agbado kingdom 

They reluctantly came to their rally out of compulsions, trepidation and fears.

And since they weren’t there by their own volition and choice, it was abundantly evident on their faces 

The heartless civilian conscription, coercion, and forced crowds that their so called Lagos APC rally, clearly finds expressions on the face of this market woman!




Excellent, our choice!!!


The rulling party, APC has become so unpopular and lost credibility among Nigerians of all ages after eight years of oppressive pro bandits and terrorists led criminals regime under Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari whose national leader is it's presidential candidate Asiwanju Hola Hamed Tinubu.

For their so called Lagos rally, they unleashed thugs to all the markets in Lagos . Threatening people to gather at the stadium by force . MC Oluomo men were on rampage 

They went so far threatened them that failure to show up at stadium shall deny them space at the market permanently.

Helpless market had no other option than to obey and succumb to the mindless order from Agbado kingdom 

They reluctantly came to their rally out of compulsions, trepidation and fears.

And since they weren’t there by their own volition and choice, it was abundantly evident on their faces 

The heartless civilian conscription, coercion, and forced crowds that their so called Lagos APC rally, clearly finds expressions on the face of this market woman!




Excellent, our choice!!!

FLASH: GRAPHIC (VIDEO) Missing 22-year-old Girl In Lagos BRT Found Dead, With Her Private Parts Harvested

FLASH: GRAPHIC (VIDEO) Missing 22-year-old Girl In Lagos BRT Found Dead, With Her Private Parts Harvested

Devastating and Heartbreaking news just filtering in confirmed that 22-year-old Oluwabamise Ayanwole, who got missing after boarding a Lagos BRT Vehicle has been found dead with her private parts mutilated and harvested.

My God! what wrong did this young fashion designer who was coming from her working place do by boarding a Lagos govt bus with number 240257 going to Oshodi from Lekki? Nothing is Safe anymore even a govt bus? I'm so tired.

The name of the driver of the BRT that kidnapped and killed Bamishe for money rituals is NICE ANDREW OMININIKORON. He is still on the run.

Insecurity in this failed state called Nigeria has gotten out of hand, the fact it was perpetrated with a govt BRT bus shows how desperate and the audacity of these kidnappers, Ritualists, killers, Armed robbers etc.

They are everywhere, no one is safe anymore when will the cursed and thieving regime of Bokohari and Olosibanjo declare a state of emergency? 

Nigerian govt urged us to take BRT buses because it’s safe, yet bamishe was murdered inside a BRT bus and her private parts removed.

There should be a massive protest at all Lagos BRT bus stations. Either they provide the driver or they stop functioning. Bamishe's death cannot be swept under the carpet like others.


May Bamish's Soul Rest In Peace 

Graphic Contents


By Isaac Obasi

Devastating and Heartbreaking news just filtering in confirmed that 22-year-old Oluwabamise Ayanwole, who got missing after boarding a Lagos BRT Vehicle has been found dead with her private parts mutilated and harvested.

My God! what wrong did this young fashion designer who was coming from her working place do by boarding a Lagos govt bus with number 240257 going to Oshodi from Lekki? Nothing is Safe anymore even a govt bus? I'm so tired.

The name of the driver of the BRT that kidnapped and killed Bamishe for money rituals is NICE ANDREW OMININIKORON. He is still on the run.

Insecurity in this failed state called Nigeria has gotten out of hand, the fact it was perpetrated with a govt BRT bus shows how desperate and the audacity of these kidnappers, Ritualists, killers, Armed robbers etc.

They are everywhere, no one is safe anymore when will the cursed and thieving regime of Bokohari and Olosibanjo declare a state of emergency? 

Nigerian govt urged us to take BRT buses because it’s safe, yet bamishe was murdered inside a BRT bus and her private parts removed.

There should be a massive protest at all Lagos BRT bus stations. Either they provide the driver or they stop functioning. Bamishe's death cannot be swept under the carpet like others.


May Bamish's Soul Rest In Peace 

Graphic Contents


By Isaac Obasi

WARNING! ⚠️ GRAPHIC CONTENTS: Tension In Aso Rock Over The #LekkiMassacre Report That Indicted Buhari, Sanwo-Olu & Others, Confirming There Was Indeed A Massacre At Lekki Toll Gate

WARNING! ⚠️ GRAPHIC CONTENTS: Tension In Aso Rock Over The #LekkiMassacre Report That Indicted Buhari, Sanwo-Olu & Others, Confirming There Was Indeed A Massacre At Lekki Toll Gate

After one year the Lagos #Endsars Panel led by Retd. Justice Doris Okwobi submitted its report which indicted state actors and others like President Buhari, Lagos Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, Yemi Osinbajo, Bola Tinubu, Lai Mohammed, Abubakar Malami, Tunde Fashola, The Army, Police, Ex-COAS Tukur Buratai, Ex-police IG, Abubakar Adamu, Femi Adesina, Garba Shehu, Major Gen John Enenche, Lt Col. Bello who led the troop from the 65 Battalion under the 81 Division Garrison.

Others Include the Lekki Concession Company, LCC, Boss Abayomi Omomuwasi who ordered the CCTV cameras at Lekki toll gate to be removed so that it won't capture the massacre, St. Nicholas Hospital, Some doctors who colluded with the government to cover up some deaths, amongst others playing roles in the killing of protesters singing the National Anthem waving the Nigerian flag. 

All those mentioned above denied that anyone was shot and killed at Lekki Toll Gate. They said it was fake news, Gen. Enenche said what DJ Switch captured live on Instagram is a simple photoshop that even a primary school child can do, The Army said they weren't at the toll gate, Malami said it was hoodlums wearing army uniforms that went there. Lai Mohammed said it is a massacre without bodies.

I tell Nigerians that religion is a big fraud just imagine all these men who are very religious some are Pastors and church elders e.g Osinbajo, Adesina, Enenche. some are like Imams e.g. Buhari, Award winning liar, Lai Mohammed, Garba Shehu, Malami, yet these vile, loathsome and soulless barracudas connived, killed Nigerians and denied it ever happened.

Here Are The Highlights Of The 

309-Page Panel Report:

* Sanwo-Olu invited the Army

* Live rounds were used on protesters

* Protesters were peaceful, waving flags

* Killings were a massacre

* The Army took away bodies.

* The police cleaned up the stained venue

* The Army denied ambulances from reaching those injured contributing to more deaths.

* LCC manipulated CCTV images

* The state's SHEMU agency picked up bodies too.

* Three trucks with brushes and LAWMA were brought in to wash the area clean.

* 11 Killed, Four Missing, 24 Injured At Lekki Toll Gate — Lagos Panel. 

*48 people either died or sustained injuries as a result of the shooting.

The Lagos State Judicial Panel of Inquiry has validated them all. 

Now Aso Rock is in disarray no words from the despicable, sycophantic and bootlicking lots like Liar Mohammed, Femi Adesina, Garba Shehu Malami, and others.

They are very furious that the reports were made public which has put them to lasting shame and global disgrace. What's next is for justice to be served.

© Isaac Obasi, Lagos.

After one year the Lagos #Endsars Panel led by Retd. Justice Doris Okwobi submitted its report which indicted state actors and others like President Buhari, Lagos Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, Yemi Osinbajo, Bola Tinubu, Lai Mohammed, Abubakar Malami, Tunde Fashola, The Army, Police, Ex-COAS Tukur Buratai, Ex-police IG, Abubakar Adamu, Femi Adesina, Garba Shehu, Major Gen John Enenche, Lt Col. Bello who led the troop from the 65 Battalion under the 81 Division Garrison.

Others Include the Lekki Concession Company, LCC, Boss Abayomi Omomuwasi who ordered the CCTV cameras at Lekki toll gate to be removed so that it won't capture the massacre, St. Nicholas Hospital, Some doctors who colluded with the government to cover up some deaths, amongst others playing roles in the killing of protesters singing the National Anthem waving the Nigerian flag. 

All those mentioned above denied that anyone was shot and killed at Lekki Toll Gate. They said it was fake news, Gen. Enenche said what DJ Switch captured live on Instagram is a simple photoshop that even a primary school child can do, The Army said they weren't at the toll gate, Malami said it was hoodlums wearing army uniforms that went there. Lai Mohammed said it is a massacre without bodies.

I tell Nigerians that religion is a big fraud just imagine all these men who are very religious some are Pastors and church elders e.g Osinbajo, Adesina, Enenche. some are like Imams e.g. Buhari, Award winning liar, Lai Mohammed, Garba Shehu, Malami, yet these vile, loathsome and soulless barracudas connived, killed Nigerians and denied it ever happened.

Here Are The Highlights Of The 

309-Page Panel Report:

* Sanwo-Olu invited the Army

* Live rounds were used on protesters

* Protesters were peaceful, waving flags

* Killings were a massacre

* The Army took away bodies.

* The police cleaned up the stained venue

* The Army denied ambulances from reaching those injured contributing to more deaths.

* LCC manipulated CCTV images

* The state's SHEMU agency picked up bodies too.

* Three trucks with brushes and LAWMA were brought in to wash the area clean.

* 11 Killed, Four Missing, 24 Injured At Lekki Toll Gate — Lagos Panel. 

*48 people either died or sustained injuries as a result of the shooting.

The Lagos State Judicial Panel of Inquiry has validated them all. 

Now Aso Rock is in disarray no words from the despicable, sycophantic and bootlicking lots like Liar Mohammed, Femi Adesina, Garba Shehu Malami, and others.

They are very furious that the reports were made public which has put them to lasting shame and global disgrace. What's next is for justice to be served.

© Isaac Obasi, Lagos.

Ikoyi Building Collapse: Anambra Election more important than any Nigerian life

Ikoyi Building Collapse: Anambra Election more important than any Nigerian life

Who still remembers in 2016 when around 33 Miners were trapped in a collapsed remote village mine of Chile?

The Country mobilised all forces and the President went all out in search of the most possible technology around the world to rescue them.

Even the Queen of England sent her special capsules engineers to assist.

 Help came from every advanced world. I was glued to my television - and hoped the efforts worked. They were rescued - after several days. 

Nearly a hundred persons are currently trapped in a collapsed 21 storey building in Lagos City of Nigeria. Not in any remote village. 

Day by day, the figure of dead bodies excavated from the rubble keep increasing. As I type, the 36th dead Nigerian has been picked out.

The supposed President of Nigeria is nowhere near the boarders. The Governor is on the telly ranting.

The Federal Army and Forces are all in Anambra State prosecuting a Jihad, instead.

In UK, US and every other country you could think off, when calamities of this nature occurs, you will realise that being in the Army is not just for carrying guns.

If Rivers overflow in England, the Army is called in to assist. As Covid-19 ravaged, the Army built and equipped the largest Nightangle Hospital in Stafford. As the Country ran short of lorry drivers, the Army took to the wheels.

The only time you never saw the army is during a democratic exercise like Elections. No, not even in the most controversial Brexit elections.

Unfortunately, in the 21st century Nigeria, the Army conduct elections. And the Anambra Election, in particular, is far more important than any Nigerian life. You must know why, by now .

©️ Iyiachukwu G C Achukwu

Note: The Lagos State government on disclosed that 42 deaths and 15 survivors have been recorded so far from the building collapse on Gerrard Road, Ikoyi, Lagos.

Who still remembers in 2016 when around 33 Miners were trapped in a collapsed remote village mine of Chile?

The Country mobilised all forces and the President went all out in search of the most possible technology around the world to rescue them.

Even the Queen of England sent her special capsules engineers to assist.

 Help came from every advanced world. I was glued to my television - and hoped the efforts worked. They were rescued - after several days. 

Nearly a hundred persons are currently trapped in a collapsed 21 storey building in Lagos City of Nigeria. Not in any remote village. 

Day by day, the figure of dead bodies excavated from the rubble keep increasing. As I type, the 36th dead Nigerian has been picked out.

The supposed President of Nigeria is nowhere near the boarders. The Governor is on the telly ranting.

The Federal Army and Forces are all in Anambra State prosecuting a Jihad, instead.

In UK, US and every other country you could think off, when calamities of this nature occurs, you will realise that being in the Army is not just for carrying guns.

If Rivers overflow in England, the Army is called in to assist. As Covid-19 ravaged, the Army built and equipped the largest Nightangle Hospital in Stafford. As the Country ran short of lorry drivers, the Army took to the wheels.

The only time you never saw the army is during a democratic exercise like Elections. No, not even in the most controversial Brexit elections.

Unfortunately, in the 21st century Nigeria, the Army conduct elections. And the Anambra Election, in particular, is far more important than any Nigerian life. You must know why, by now .

©️ Iyiachukwu G C Achukwu

Note: The Lagos State government on disclosed that 42 deaths and 15 survivors have been recorded so far from the building collapse on Gerrard Road, Ikoyi, Lagos.



We have written to the Lagos State Government through the Attorney General of Lagos State to demand payment of

the sum of N500,000,000 (Five Hundred Million Naira) as compensation to Mr. Adedotun Clement for the gross violation of his fundamental rights to dignity of the human person, personal liberty and property and for the deprivation of his source of livelihood and the destruction of his vehicle.

Adedotun Clement is the innocent Uber driver that was assaulted by some officers of the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Corps (LNSC) and Nigeria Police Force during the first anniversary of the #EndSARS protest at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos.

In addition to payment of monetary compensation, we also demanded that disciplinary measures be taken against the culprits who assaulted Adedotun, and that they should be prosecuted in court in line with the Anti-Torture Act and the Criminal Law of Lagos State.

Also, we are equally demanding a written apology from the state government.

It should be noted that the vehicle of Mr. Adedotun has been returned but in a bad condition. The agents of the state government broke and damaged the front windscreen of his Toyota Corolla. The vehicle was in good condition before it was towed away on Wednesday, 20th October, 2021. But upon reaching where the vehicle was taken to on Friday, 22nd October, 2021, Adedotun saw the destruction done to his vehicle by agents of the state government.

The implication is that he cannot use the vehicle to earn a living until it is repaired.

My attention has been drawn to the public statement by the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Agency (LNSA) wherein it is stated that two officers of the agency were subjected to orderly room trial, found guilty of assault and general unruly behaviour and suspended for two months.

While we commend the Lagos State Government for admitting that the conduct of its agents was criminal and unprofessional, we find the two months suspension meted on the two officers grossly insufficient and unacceptable. It is not a deterrence. The officers should be dismissed and diligently prosecuted in a court of law to serve as a deterrence to others.

Finally, we are expecting the Lagos State Government to respond to our modest demands within 48 hours or we will have no other option but to commence legal proceedings to seek redress for Adedotun.


Principal Counsel.

We have written to the Lagos State Government through the Attorney General of Lagos State to demand payment of

the sum of N500,000,000 (Five Hundred Million Naira) as compensation to Mr. Adedotun Clement for the gross violation of his fundamental rights to dignity of the human person, personal liberty and property and for the deprivation of his source of livelihood and the destruction of his vehicle.

Adedotun Clement is the innocent Uber driver that was assaulted by some officers of the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Corps (LNSC) and Nigeria Police Force during the first anniversary of the #EndSARS protest at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos.

In addition to payment of monetary compensation, we also demanded that disciplinary measures be taken against the culprits who assaulted Adedotun, and that they should be prosecuted in court in line with the Anti-Torture Act and the Criminal Law of Lagos State.

Also, we are equally demanding a written apology from the state government.

It should be noted that the vehicle of Mr. Adedotun has been returned but in a bad condition. The agents of the state government broke and damaged the front windscreen of his Toyota Corolla. The vehicle was in good condition before it was towed away on Wednesday, 20th October, 2021. But upon reaching where the vehicle was taken to on Friday, 22nd October, 2021, Adedotun saw the destruction done to his vehicle by agents of the state government.

The implication is that he cannot use the vehicle to earn a living until it is repaired.

My attention has been drawn to the public statement by the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Agency (LNSA) wherein it is stated that two officers of the agency were subjected to orderly room trial, found guilty of assault and general unruly behaviour and suspended for two months.

While we commend the Lagos State Government for admitting that the conduct of its agents was criminal and unprofessional, we find the two months suspension meted on the two officers grossly insufficient and unacceptable. It is not a deterrence. The officers should be dismissed and diligently prosecuted in a court of law to serve as a deterrence to others.

Finally, we are expecting the Lagos State Government to respond to our modest demands within 48 hours or we will have no other option but to commence legal proceedings to seek redress for Adedotun.


Principal Counsel.







We in the Take It Back Movement Lagos condemns in strict terms the extra-judicial killing of an 18-year-old admission seeker, Monsurat Ojuade, who was fatally shot dead in cold blood on September 11, 2021 by a trigger-happy policeman in Lagos State. 

We equally condemn the dead on arrival efforts of the Lagos police in an attempt to cover up the truth by releasing a misleading police report that was unrelated to the brutal event which led to the death of Monsurat Ojuade on September 11, 2021.

Mosurat Ojuade, who was awaiting university admission having scored 236 marks in JAMB was killed by a trigger-happy policeman identified as one Samuel Phillips during their usual illegal and unlawful raid in Surulere neighborhood. 

Eye witness confirmed that Monsurat Ojuade and her sister ran into their compound for safety, as the raider was ransacking the neighborhood. But as their mother tried to hurriedly closed the gate, the police officer shot into their gate at very close range.

Monsurat Ojuade was first taken to a public hospital for treatment but she was rejected due to the ongoing strike. As she continue bleeding, her family took her to another hospital but unfortunately she died at the third hospital after bleeding profusely from the bullet wound.

We use this opportunity to remind the public of how the Lagos police brutally murdered Jumoke at the Yoruba Nation rally on the 3rd July, 2021. The policeman who shot Jumoke is yet to be identified, dismissed or prosecuted, instead the Lagos police charged one of the Yoruba Nation agitators who is an Ogboni chief with the death of Jumoke just to cover up the unfortunate incident. There has been no #JusticeForJumoke after 73 days of her brutal murder.

While we acknowledge the arrest and identification of the trigger-happy policeman as claimed by the Lagos CP, we call for his quick dismissal from service and also his quick prosecution according to the law.

We also call for permanent end to police brutality, human rights violations, extra-judicial killings, frequent victimisation and harassment of Lagosian by the police, as well as the unlawful policing by some members of the Nigerian Police Force.

We put the public and Lagosians on alert over the rising cases of police brutality and killings that never stopped even after #EndSARS. 

We send our humble tribute and condolences to the family of Monsurat Ojuade and we pray that God grant them the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. 

May her soul and the souls of faithful departed rest in peace.

We want #JusticeForEji

We want #JusticeForJumoke

We want #JusticeForMonsurat


Ridwan Ajayi

TIB Lagos Publicity Secretary





We in the Take It Back Movement Lagos condemns in strict terms the extra-judicial killing of an 18-year-old admission seeker, Monsurat Ojuade, who was fatally shot dead in cold blood on September 11, 2021 by a trigger-happy policeman in Lagos State. 

We equally condemn the dead on arrival efforts of the Lagos police in an attempt to cover up the truth by releasing a misleading police report that was unrelated to the brutal event which led to the death of Monsurat Ojuade on September 11, 2021.

Mosurat Ojuade, who was awaiting university admission having scored 236 marks in JAMB was killed by a trigger-happy policeman identified as one Samuel Phillips during their usual illegal and unlawful raid in Surulere neighborhood. 

Eye witness confirmed that Monsurat Ojuade and her sister ran into their compound for safety, as the raider was ransacking the neighborhood. But as their mother tried to hurriedly closed the gate, the police officer shot into their gate at very close range.

Monsurat Ojuade was first taken to a public hospital for treatment but she was rejected due to the ongoing strike. As she continue bleeding, her family took her to another hospital but unfortunately she died at the third hospital after bleeding profusely from the bullet wound.

We use this opportunity to remind the public of how the Lagos police brutally murdered Jumoke at the Yoruba Nation rally on the 3rd July, 2021. The policeman who shot Jumoke is yet to be identified, dismissed or prosecuted, instead the Lagos police charged one of the Yoruba Nation agitators who is an Ogboni chief with the death of Jumoke just to cover up the unfortunate incident. There has been no #JusticeForJumoke after 73 days of her brutal murder.

While we acknowledge the arrest and identification of the trigger-happy policeman as claimed by the Lagos CP, we call for his quick dismissal from service and also his quick prosecution according to the law.

We also call for permanent end to police brutality, human rights violations, extra-judicial killings, frequent victimisation and harassment of Lagosian by the police, as well as the unlawful policing by some members of the Nigerian Police Force.

We put the public and Lagosians on alert over the rising cases of police brutality and killings that never stopped even after #EndSARS. 

We send our humble tribute and condolences to the family of Monsurat Ojuade and we pray that God grant them the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. 

May her soul and the souls of faithful departed rest in peace.

We want #JusticeForEji

We want #JusticeForJumoke

We want #JusticeForMonsurat


Ridwan Ajayi

TIB Lagos Publicity Secretary

Lekki Now Hotbed of Cyber Crime: EFCC say 402 suspects arrested in three months

Lekki Now Hotbed of Cyber Crime: EFCC say 402 suspects arrested in three months

Blatant failure on the parts of government at all levels - Comrade Dele Abiola

Lekki, the fast-developing upper middle class area of Lagos Metropolis, is emerging as the new hub of internet-related fraud. Data from the investigation activities of the Lagos Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for the second quarter of 2021, indicates that Lekki District is the preferred location for all manner of cyber fraud syndicates.

Between April and June, 2021, the Advance Fee Fraud and Cyber Crime Sections of the Command recorded a total of 402 internet-related fraud arrests. While the Advance Fee Fraud Section was responsible for 243 arrests, the Cyber Crime Section executed 18 sting operations which resulted in 159 arrests, from which 13 convictions have so far been recorded.

Of the 159 suspects arrested by the Cyber Crime Section, 70 are from Lekki, comprising communities such as Ajah, Badore, Victoria Garden City, Sangotedo and Oniru.

Ajah accounted for 24 suspects, while Oniru and Sangotedo had 14 and 13 suspects respectively. Badore had 8 suspects. Neighbouring Ikoyi and Eko Atlantic had 2 and one suspect each. Ikorodu and Alagbado on the Lagos Mainland make up the remainder.

The suspects are mostly millennials, with 82 of them aged between 25-34 years, which speaks to the fact that most of the individuals arrested are either still in school, recent graduates or university drop outs.

Analysis of the data from the Cyber Crime Section further shows that the dominant form of internet crime is Dating Scam/Online Dating Scam/Romance Scam. Sixty Four percent (64%) of individuals arrested are involved in romance scam, followed closely by “Middle Man Scam” and “Picking” which account for 8% and 7% respectively of those arrested.

The 64% involved in the dating scam benefitted to the tune of N8, 310,000; $349,290 USD; £ 900; €10 and Cryptocurrency 0.17513.

Other typologies of fraud identified include forgery, possession of fraudulent documents, spamming, credit card fraud, impersonation, rental scam, loan fraud, Business Email Compromise, Hacking, stealing, cheque scam, phishing, and money laundering.

The data also reveals gift cards, at 39%, as the prevalent method employed by the suspects to access their illicit funds. It is followed by bank transfers at 27% and Cryptocurrency at 21%.

A total of $12, 512.49USD was recovered from the e-wallet accounts of four suspects within the period.

Reacting to the EFCC revelations above, Comrade Dele Abiola said if the data and statistics shown are accurate, it just revealed a blatant failure on the part of the governments at all levels both past and present to invest in country's youth.

"In my opinion and views, there are more Fraudsters in every parts of the country more than ever as nothing is working under this APC anti-democratic and ant-masses regime."

"If you asked them to go to farm, the herdsmen are there sending farmers away from farms, if they succeed in killing or kidnapping them. The insecurity in the country is beyond any estimation and calculations. We just know that this is not the country of our dreams."

"While no sensible person will be in support of frauds and scams or the ills perpetuated by Fraudsters but something must be drastically done to curtail this prevalent issues via massive investments on the youths population."

"More also the EFCC needs to start going after politicians, they have looted the country's common wealth that has brought us to where we are as a country."

"The anti-graft body itself also needs to be accountable to the public, trillions of naira and foreign currencies as well as properties were said to have been recovered during Magu, where are they? They have never been seen to be reflected on the life of an average Nigerians. This only confirmed the Buhari led tyrant Regime as worst and most corrupt in recent time." He concluded.

Blatant failure on the parts of government at all levels - Comrade Dele Abiola

Lekki, the fast-developing upper middle class area of Lagos Metropolis, is emerging as the new hub of internet-related fraud. Data from the investigation activities of the Lagos Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for the second quarter of 2021, indicates that Lekki District is the preferred location for all manner of cyber fraud syndicates.

Between April and June, 2021, the Advance Fee Fraud and Cyber Crime Sections of the Command recorded a total of 402 internet-related fraud arrests. While the Advance Fee Fraud Section was responsible for 243 arrests, the Cyber Crime Section executed 18 sting operations which resulted in 159 arrests, from which 13 convictions have so far been recorded.

Of the 159 suspects arrested by the Cyber Crime Section, 70 are from Lekki, comprising communities such as Ajah, Badore, Victoria Garden City, Sangotedo and Oniru.

Ajah accounted for 24 suspects, while Oniru and Sangotedo had 14 and 13 suspects respectively. Badore had 8 suspects. Neighbouring Ikoyi and Eko Atlantic had 2 and one suspect each. Ikorodu and Alagbado on the Lagos Mainland make up the remainder.

The suspects are mostly millennials, with 82 of them aged between 25-34 years, which speaks to the fact that most of the individuals arrested are either still in school, recent graduates or university drop outs.

Analysis of the data from the Cyber Crime Section further shows that the dominant form of internet crime is Dating Scam/Online Dating Scam/Romance Scam. Sixty Four percent (64%) of individuals arrested are involved in romance scam, followed closely by “Middle Man Scam” and “Picking” which account for 8% and 7% respectively of those arrested.

The 64% involved in the dating scam benefitted to the tune of N8, 310,000; $349,290 USD; £ 900; €10 and Cryptocurrency 0.17513.

Other typologies of fraud identified include forgery, possession of fraudulent documents, spamming, credit card fraud, impersonation, rental scam, loan fraud, Business Email Compromise, Hacking, stealing, cheque scam, phishing, and money laundering.

The data also reveals gift cards, at 39%, as the prevalent method employed by the suspects to access their illicit funds. It is followed by bank transfers at 27% and Cryptocurrency at 21%.

A total of $12, 512.49USD was recovered from the e-wallet accounts of four suspects within the period.

Reacting to the EFCC revelations above, Comrade Dele Abiola said if the data and statistics shown are accurate, it just revealed a blatant failure on the part of the governments at all levels both past and present to invest in country's youth.

"In my opinion and views, there are more Fraudsters in every parts of the country more than ever as nothing is working under this APC anti-democratic and ant-masses regime."

"If you asked them to go to farm, the herdsmen are there sending farmers away from farms, if they succeed in killing or kidnapping them. The insecurity in the country is beyond any estimation and calculations. We just know that this is not the country of our dreams."

"While no sensible person will be in support of frauds and scams or the ills perpetuated by Fraudsters but something must be drastically done to curtail this prevalent issues via massive investments on the youths population."

"More also the EFCC needs to start going after politicians, they have looted the country's common wealth that has brought us to where we are as a country."

"The anti-graft body itself also needs to be accountable to the public, trillions of naira and foreign currencies as well as properties were said to have been recovered during Magu, where are they? They have never been seen to be reflected on the life of an average Nigerians. This only confirmed the Buhari led tyrant Regime as worst and most corrupt in recent time." He concluded.

EFCC Academy Organizes Training for Staff In Lagos

EFCC Academy Organizes Training for Staff In Lagos

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission's Academy, is organizing a five-day capacity training for officers of the Commission in the Southern Zone as a way of equipping them with the required skills to carry out their duties.

Speaking during the opening of the training at the Conference Hall of the Lagos Zonal Command of EFCC on Monday, August 23, 2021, Ahmed Ghali, Zonal Commander, said the new EFCC places great importance to training and personal development of its staff.

Ghali, therefore, charged the participants to take the training seriously, adding that they “ should see it as an opportunity to contribute, exchange ideas and share knowledge.”

“ The best thing that any organization can give you is training,” he stated.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission's Academy, is organizing a five-day capacity training for officers of the Commission in the Southern Zone as a way of equipping them with the required skills to carry out their duties.

Speaking during the opening of the training at the Conference Hall of the Lagos Zonal Command of EFCC on Monday, August 23, 2021, Ahmed Ghali, Zonal Commander, said the new EFCC places great importance to training and personal development of its staff.

Ghali, therefore, charged the participants to take the training seriously, adding that they “ should see it as an opportunity to contribute, exchange ideas and share knowledge.”

“ The best thing that any organization can give you is training,” he stated.

PERDITION IN THE HOUSE: Reality show (BBNaija) against our social norms, ethics and morals

PERDITION IN THE HOUSE: Reality show (BBNaija) against our social norms, ethics and morals

I cannot go to your homes to stop your children, wives and yourselves from watching the infamous Tv reality show (BBNaija). But i can put down this reminder for those who love to be reminded. This TV show is displaying nudity and sex scenes on our screens and our children are watching it and even paying for its display cost inside our own homes.

Regardless of your faith, Muslim or Christian. This reality show is against our social norms, ethics and morals. It violates our sanctity, culture and religious values. The least one can do is to block the channels that show it on your TV. Then remind yourself and your family about the danger of nudity and obscene images.

I implore Nigerian government and the agency responsible for censoring nude contents in movies to step in and ban this tv show in Nigeria. Yes, Nigeria is a secular society, however, it is not an animal kingdom where people do things anyhow. If action is not taken, our children will be exposed to sex and rape at a very young age and violence will flourish in our society.

O God, bear witness that I have disengage and disassociate myself from this TV show. When you send your punishment on law breakers exempt us O God. Amin.


This anonymous opinion represent the views of many Nigerians!

I cannot go to your homes to stop your children, wives and yourselves from watching the infamous Tv reality show (BBNaija). But i can put down this reminder for those who love to be reminded. This TV show is displaying nudity and sex scenes on our screens and our children are watching it and even paying for its display cost inside our own homes.

Regardless of your faith, Muslim or Christian. This reality show is against our social norms, ethics and morals. It violates our sanctity, culture and religious values. The least one can do is to block the channels that show it on your TV. Then remind yourself and your family about the danger of nudity and obscene images.

I implore Nigerian government and the agency responsible for censoring nude contents in movies to step in and ban this tv show in Nigeria. Yes, Nigeria is a secular society, however, it is not an animal kingdom where people do things anyhow. If action is not taken, our children will be exposed to sex and rape at a very young age and violence will flourish in our society.

O God, bear witness that I have disengage and disassociate myself from this TV show. When you send your punishment on law breakers exempt us O God. Amin.


This anonymous opinion represent the views of many Nigerians!

Is the desired change possible in Lagos State policing? TIB Welcomes Newly appointed Police Public Relations Officer CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu

Is the desired change possible in Lagos State policing? TIB Welcomes Newly appointed Police Public Relations Officer CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu

An open letter by the Take It Back Movement, Lagos.

The New Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer,

Lagos State Police command,

'CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu.'

Take It Back Movement Lagos Chapter congratulates you on your new appointment as Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO). With your past experience both within Lagos and outside, it is an appointment well deserved.

Having Said that, we all know policing in Lagos is a great task. Lagos is highly populated and there are so many young men and women living on the street, doing all sought of unchecked activities. The question on the mind of Lagosians is, 'Is it possible for the new PPRO to bring the desired change we need in Lagos State?'

Also, your predecessor who resumed September 2020 made his phone number available to the public just as you have done; it came in handy for Lagosians when they had issues with the police, but the PPRO must find a way to connect deeply than that.   

Over the years, the Lagos State Police have not been able to form a strong relationship with the public it serves, all they have done is to input fear into the people. Not only that, systematic corruption, using of lethal force wrongly, extra judicial killings, extortions, illegal arrest and detention, illegal raiding and much more. All these make the public to continue to detest the police and in-turn reduce the chances of the police to solve real crimes. The Lagos State Police Command cannot succeed in its fight against crimes and criminality in the state as long as they keep going after innocent citizens instead of criminals on the street.

Recent cases of torture include the following: the case of Tunde Abass, who was arrested at Onipanu for filming a scene where  policemen from Onipanu division were carrying out illegal arrest and harassment. He was in prison for days, beaten and tortured. Thanks to Nigerians and the former PPRO that stepped in to secure his release. Another one happened in Ikorodu where a young man was arrested for no reason at all, he was tortured, moved to SCID Panti where he died in police custody. Eji died for no reason, the most terrible part of the story is the police denied his family the opportunity of seeing him and treating him while he was still alive. Also, the case of  Oyeleke Jumoke that was killed by a stray bullet from the police at Yoruba Nation protest in July. We have not gotten justice for that yet. There are many more terrible events of the Lagos State Police command violating the rights of citizens and getting away with it.

CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu

This must stop; we believe you can be the one to influence that change and as a Human Rights Movement, we are ready to work with you. Importantly, Police are meant to detect and prevent crimes and protect lives and property. But in Lagos, the reverse is the case. Actually, some of them are committing crimes against the people. As for protection, only the rich and the influencial get it. The masses are deprived of their rights.

The police system is a necessity but there is a need for reformation so as to serve the people properly and not further the endangerment of people at the expense of protecting them. Lagosians see the police as an instrument of the government to unleash terror at the slightest opportunity. The taskforce carries out illegal activities such as: raiding the markets and violating the rights of taxi and Danfo drivers. All these must stop. The police gets very little or zero cooperation from the public to aid their work. The communication gap between the police and the public continues to grow wider everyday. 

Lots of crimes, murders and robbery have not been solved because Lagosians with information on the case would never come forward due to their hatred for the police force. You cannot expect a family or community that has experienced trauma as a result of the actions of the police to give credible information on any case. In fact, criminals get more cooperation from the public than the police. 

The police cannot do any real police work without good relationship with the community they are serving. But it seems some of the men in the police force are not even interested in solving those crimes. Neither are they  interested in their public image. And that can only change when they are properly reorientated. 

The Lagos State Police command needs to be reformed and their welfare in terms of payment and incentive should be looked into. When the perception of the people about the police changes, the police would enjoy maximum cooperation from the public, which would enable them to carry out their function on crime prevention, apprehension of criminals and maintaining a peaceful society.

In a society, where peaceful protesters are seen as criminals while criminals are treated as VIP's, crime would continue to flourish. 

The  Lagos State Police command needs to reorganize their activities in Lagos. Peaceful protesters should be protected and their rights to protest respected. Police officers should be taught on how to handle peaceful protest, because the protest would never stop, even after we have gotten a better Nigeria.

Until the renumeration of the police are looked into and their welfare properly taken care of, the Lagos State Police command will continue to serve the highest bidder or the deepest pocket before they think of an average Lagosian. The tendency to get rich quick would continue to cause illegal raiding and unfairness to the public.

Even though our country is in a terrible economic, political and social state, the police force can still maintain peace and respect  human and civil rights of her citizens.

Brutalizing of citizens, corruption, unfairness in dealing with suspects, overuse of force, bullying of citizens, abuse of citizens right with impunity, extra judicial killings, aiding and abetting criminal activities and much more must stop in Lagos and in Nigeria.

Lagos State is the center piece of every action. Once the police force in Lagos gets better, most state would follow suit. Police should stop being snipers but learn to stop snipers in Nigeria.

Once again, congratulations on your new appointment as Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police command.

Ayoyinka Oni,

Lagos State Coordinator,

Take It Back Movement.

An open letter by the Take It Back Movement, Lagos.

The New Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer,

Lagos State Police command,

'CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu.'

Take It Back Movement Lagos Chapter congratulates you on your new appointment as Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO). With your past experience both within Lagos and outside, it is an appointment well deserved.

Having Said that, we all know policing in Lagos is a great task. Lagos is highly populated and there are so many young men and women living on the street, doing all sought of unchecked activities. The question on the mind of Lagosians is, 'Is it possible for the new PPRO to bring the desired change we need in Lagos State?'

Also, your predecessor who resumed September 2020 made his phone number available to the public just as you have done; it came in handy for Lagosians when they had issues with the police, but the PPRO must find a way to connect deeply than that.   

Over the years, the Lagos State Police have not been able to form a strong relationship with the public it serves, all they have done is to input fear into the people. Not only that, systematic corruption, using of lethal force wrongly, extra judicial killings, extortions, illegal arrest and detention, illegal raiding and much more. All these make the public to continue to detest the police and in-turn reduce the chances of the police to solve real crimes. The Lagos State Police Command cannot succeed in its fight against crimes and criminality in the state as long as they keep going after innocent citizens instead of criminals on the street.

Recent cases of torture include the following: the case of Tunde Abass, who was arrested at Onipanu for filming a scene where  policemen from Onipanu division were carrying out illegal arrest and harassment. He was in prison for days, beaten and tortured. Thanks to Nigerians and the former PPRO that stepped in to secure his release. Another one happened in Ikorodu where a young man was arrested for no reason at all, he was tortured, moved to SCID Panti where he died in police custody. Eji died for no reason, the most terrible part of the story is the police denied his family the opportunity of seeing him and treating him while he was still alive. Also, the case of  Oyeleke Jumoke that was killed by a stray bullet from the police at Yoruba Nation protest in July. We have not gotten justice for that yet. There are many more terrible events of the Lagos State Police command violating the rights of citizens and getting away with it.

CSP Adekunle Ajisebutu

This must stop; we believe you can be the one to influence that change and as a Human Rights Movement, we are ready to work with you. Importantly, Police are meant to detect and prevent crimes and protect lives and property. But in Lagos, the reverse is the case. Actually, some of them are committing crimes against the people. As for protection, only the rich and the influencial get it. The masses are deprived of their rights.

The police system is a necessity but there is a need for reformation so as to serve the people properly and not further the endangerment of people at the expense of protecting them. Lagosians see the police as an instrument of the government to unleash terror at the slightest opportunity. The taskforce carries out illegal activities such as: raiding the markets and violating the rights of taxi and Danfo drivers. All these must stop. The police gets very little or zero cooperation from the public to aid their work. The communication gap between the police and the public continues to grow wider everyday. 

Lots of crimes, murders and robbery have not been solved because Lagosians with information on the case would never come forward due to their hatred for the police force. You cannot expect a family or community that has experienced trauma as a result of the actions of the police to give credible information on any case. In fact, criminals get more cooperation from the public than the police. 

The police cannot do any real police work without good relationship with the community they are serving. But it seems some of the men in the police force are not even interested in solving those crimes. Neither are they  interested in their public image. And that can only change when they are properly reorientated. 

The Lagos State Police command needs to be reformed and their welfare in terms of payment and incentive should be looked into. When the perception of the people about the police changes, the police would enjoy maximum cooperation from the public, which would enable them to carry out their function on crime prevention, apprehension of criminals and maintaining a peaceful society.

In a society, where peaceful protesters are seen as criminals while criminals are treated as VIP's, crime would continue to flourish. 

The  Lagos State Police command needs to reorganize their activities in Lagos. Peaceful protesters should be protected and their rights to protest respected. Police officers should be taught on how to handle peaceful protest, because the protest would never stop, even after we have gotten a better Nigeria.

Until the renumeration of the police are looked into and their welfare properly taken care of, the Lagos State Police command will continue to serve the highest bidder or the deepest pocket before they think of an average Lagosian. The tendency to get rich quick would continue to cause illegal raiding and unfairness to the public.

Even though our country is in a terrible economic, political and social state, the police force can still maintain peace and respect  human and civil rights of her citizens.

Brutalizing of citizens, corruption, unfairness in dealing with suspects, overuse of force, bullying of citizens, abuse of citizens right with impunity, extra judicial killings, aiding and abetting criminal activities and much more must stop in Lagos and in Nigeria.

Lagos State is the center piece of every action. Once the police force in Lagos gets better, most state would follow suit. Police should stop being snipers but learn to stop snipers in Nigeria.

Once again, congratulations on your new appointment as Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police command.

Ayoyinka Oni,

Lagos State Coordinator,

Take It Back Movement.

EFCC Charges DNFIs on Anti-money Laundering, Terrorism Financing

EFCC Charges DNFIs on Anti-money Laundering, Terrorism Financing

The Commander of the Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Ahmed Ghali, has urged Designated Non-Financial Institutions, DNFIs , to conduct their dealings in line with the Anti-money Laundering/Counter Terrorism Financing AML/CFT Laws.

He gave the charge on Friday, August 6, 2021 during a sensitization programme organised by the Special Control Unit against Money Laundering, SCUML, for operators of DNFIs at the Lagos office of the EFCC.

Ghali, in a short remarks, charged the participants to ensure that they carry out their operations as stipulated by the laws “ to avoid any issues with the EFCC. “

He also urged them to support the Commission in its sustained fight against money laundering and terrorism financing in Nigeria.

Also speaking, the Coordinator of SCUML, Lagos, Pascal Joseph Samu, who welcomed the participants, enjoined them to join hands and partner with the EFCC, adding that without them, “it will be difficult to achieve the sole aim of ridding the nation of money laundering. “

During the sensitization, Folashade Oluwasanya, a Compliance Officer with SCUML, Lagos enlightened the participants on ways to report currency and cash-based transactions as well as suspicious transactions within their organisations.

She further advised them to ensure that adequate Know Your Customers, KYCs, is carried out on all customers.

In attendance were hoteliers, dealers in real estate, automobile dealers and consultants.

Source: EFCC

The Commander of the Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Ahmed Ghali, has urged Designated Non-Financial Institutions, DNFIs , to conduct their dealings in line with the Anti-money Laundering/Counter Terrorism Financing AML/CFT Laws.

He gave the charge on Friday, August 6, 2021 during a sensitization programme organised by the Special Control Unit against Money Laundering, SCUML, for operators of DNFIs at the Lagos office of the EFCC.

Ghali, in a short remarks, charged the participants to ensure that they carry out their operations as stipulated by the laws “ to avoid any issues with the EFCC. “

He also urged them to support the Commission in its sustained fight against money laundering and terrorism financing in Nigeria.

Also speaking, the Coordinator of SCUML, Lagos, Pascal Joseph Samu, who welcomed the participants, enjoined them to join hands and partner with the EFCC, adding that without them, “it will be difficult to achieve the sole aim of ridding the nation of money laundering. “

During the sensitization, Folashade Oluwasanya, a Compliance Officer with SCUML, Lagos enlightened the participants on ways to report currency and cash-based transactions as well as suspicious transactions within their organisations.

She further advised them to ensure that adequate Know Your Customers, KYCs, is carried out on all customers.

In attendance were hoteliers, dealers in real estate, automobile dealers and consultants.

Source: EFCC

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