


Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts






*President Vladimir Putin's speech*!

Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!

Today, I again consider it necessary to return to the tragic events taking place in the Donbass and the key issues of ensuring the security of Russia itself.

Let me start with what I said in my address of February 21 this year. We are talking about what causes us particular concern and anxiety, about those fundamental threats that year after year, step by step, are rudely and unceremoniously created by irresponsible politicians in the West in relation to our country. I mean the expansion of the NATO bloc to the east, bringing its military infrastructure closer to Russian borders.

It is well known that for 30 years we have persistently and patiently tried to reach an agreement with the leading NATO countries on the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we constantly faced either cynical deception and lies, or attempts to pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic Alliance, in the meantime, despite all our protests and concerns, is steadily expanding. The military machine is moving and, I repeat, is coming close to our borders.

Why is all this happening? Where does this impudent manner of speaking from the position of one's own exclusivity, infallibility and permissiveness come from? Where does the disdainful, disdainful attitude towards our interests and absolutely legitimate demands come from?

The answer is clear, everything is clear and obvious. The Soviet Union in the late 80s of the last century weakened, and then completely collapsed. The whole course of events that took place then is a good lesson for us today as well; it convincingly showed that the paralysis of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. As soon as we lost confidence in ourselves for some time, and that’s it, the balance of power in the world turned out to be disturbed.

This has led to the fact that the previous treaties and agreements are no longer in effect. Persuasion and requests do not help. Everything that does not suit the hegemon, those in power, is declared archaic, obsolete, unnecessary. And vice versa: everything that seems beneficial to them is presented as the ultimate truth, pushed through at any cost, boorishly, by all means. Dissenters are broken through the knee. 

What I am talking about now concerns not only Russia and not only us. This applies to the entire system of international relations, and sometimes even to the US allies themselves. After the collapse of the USSR, the redivision of the world actually began, and the norms of international law that had developed by that time - and the key, basic ones were adopted at the end of the Second World War and largely consolidated its results - began to interfere with those who declared themselves the winner in the Cold War .

Of course, in practical life, in international relations, in the rules for their regulation, it was necessary to take into account changes in the situation in the world and the balance of power itself. However, this should have been done professionally, smoothly, patiently, taking into account and respecting the interests of all countries and understanding our responsibility. But no - a state of euphoria from absolute superiority, a kind of modern form of absolutism, and even against the background of a low level of general culture and arrogance of those who prepared, adopted and pushed through decisions that were beneficial only for themselves. The situation began to develop according to a different scenario. 

You don't have to look far for examples. First, without any sanction from the UN Security Council, they carried out a bloody military operation against Belgrade, using aircraft and missiles right in the very center of Europe. Several weeks of continuous bombing of civilian cities, on life-supporting infrastructure. We have to remind these facts, otherwise some Western colleagues do not like to remember those events, and when we talk about it, they prefer to point not to the norms of international law, but to the circumstances that they interpret as they see fit.

Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya, Syria. The illegitimate use of military force against Libya, the perversion of all decisions of the UN Security Council on the Libyan issue led to the complete destruction of the state, to the emergence of a huge hotbed of international terrorism, to the fact that the country plunged into a humanitarian catastrophe that has not stopped for many years. civil war. The tragedy, which doomed hundreds of thousands, millions of people not only in Libya, but throughout this region, gave rise to a massive migration exodus from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe.

A similar fate was prepared for Syria. The fighting of the Western coalition on the territory of this country without the consent of the Syrian government and the sanction of the UN Security Council is nothing but aggression, intervention.

However, a special place in this series is occupied, of course, by the invasion of Iraq, also without any legal grounds. As a pretext, they chose reliable information allegedly available to the United States about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. As proof of this, publicly, in front of the eyes of the whole world, the US Secretary of State shook some kind of test tube with white powder, assuring everyone that this is the chemical weapon being developed in Iraq. And then it turned out that all this was a hoax, a bluff: there are no chemical weapons in Iraq. Unbelievable, surprising, but the fact remains. There were lies at the highest state level and from the high rostrum of the UN. And as a result - huge casualties, destruction, an incredible surge of terrorism.

In general, one gets the impression that practically everywhere, in many regions of the world, where the West comes to establish its own order, the result is bloody, unhealed wounds, ulcers of international terrorism and extremism. All that I have said is the most egregious, but by no means the only examples of disregard for international law.

In this series, and promises to our country not to expand NATO by one inch to the east. I repeat - they deceived me, but in popular terms, they simply threw it away. Yes, you can often hear that politics is a dirty business. Perhaps, but not to the same extent, not to the same extent. After all, such cheating behavior contradicts not only the principles of international relations, but above all the generally recognized norms of morality and morality. Where is justice and truth here? Just a bunch of lies and hypocrisy. 

By the way, American politicians, political scientists and journalists themselves write and talk about the fact that a real “empire of lies” has been created inside the United States in recent years. It's hard to disagree with that - it's true. But do not be modest: the United States is still a great country, a system-forming power. All her satellites not only resignedly and dutifully assent, sing along to her for any reason, but also copy her behavior, enthusiastically accept the rules he proposes. Therefore, with good reason, we can confidently say that the entire so-called Western bloc, formed by the United States in its own image and likeness, all of it is the very “empire of lies”.

As for our country, after the collapse of the USSR, with all the unprecedented openness of the new modern Russia, the readiness to work honestly with the United States and other Western partners, and in the conditions of virtually unilateral disarmament, they immediately tried to squeeze us, finish off and destroy us completely. This is exactly what happened in the 90s, in the early 2000s, when the so-called collective West most actively supported separatism and mercenary gangs in southern Russia. What sacrifices, what losses did all this cost us then, what trials did we have to go through before we finally broke the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus. We remember this and will never forget.

Yes, in fact, until recently, attempts have not stopped to use us in their own interests, destroy our traditional values ​​and impose on us their pseudo-values ​​that would corrode us, our people from the inside, those attitudes that they are already aggressively planting in their countries and which directly lead to degradation and degeneration, because they contradict the very nature of man. It won't happen, no one has ever done it. It won't work now either.

Despite everything, in December 2021, we nevertheless once again made an attempt to agree with the United States and its allies on the principles of ensuring security in Europe and on the non-expansion of NATO. Everything is in vain. The US position does not change. They do not consider it necessary to negotiate with Russia on this key issue for us, pursuing their own goals, they neglect our interests. 

And of course, in this situation, we have a question: what to do next, what to expect? We know well from history how in the 1940s and early 1941s the Soviet Union tried in every possible way to prevent or at least delay the outbreak of war. To this end, among other things, he tried literally to the last not to provoke a potential aggressor, did not carry out or postponed the most necessary, obvious actions to prepare for repelling an inevitable attack. And those steps that were nevertheless taken in the end were catastrophically belated.

As a result, the country was not ready to fully meet the invasion of Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941 without declaring war. The enemy was stopped and then crushed, but at a colossal cost. An attempt to appease the aggressor on the eve of the Great Patriotic War turned out to be a mistake that cost our people dearly. In the very first months of hostilities, we lost huge, strategically important territories and millions of people. The second time we will not allow such a mistake, we have no right.

Those who claim world domination, publicly, with impunity and, I emphasize, without any reason, declare us, Russia, their enemy. Indeed, today they have great financial, scientific, technological and military capabilities. We are aware of this and objectively assess the threats constantly being addressed to us in the economic sphere, as well as our ability to resist this impudent and permanent blackmail. I repeat, we evaluate them without illusions, extremely realistically.

As for the military sphere, modern Russia, even after the collapse of the USSR and the loss of a significant part of its potential, is today one of the most powerful nuclear powers in the world and, moreover, has certain advantages in a number of the latest types of weapons. In this regard, no one should have any doubts that a direct attack on our country will lead to defeat and dire consequences for any potential aggressor.

At the same time, technologies, including defense technologies, are changing rapidly. Leadership in this area is passing and will continue to change hands, but the military development of the territories adjacent to our borders, if we allow it, will remain for decades to come, and maybe forever, and will create an ever-growing, absolutely unacceptable threat for Russia. .

Even now, as NATO expands to the east, the situation for our country is getting worse and more dangerous every year. Moreover, in recent days, the leadership of NATO has been openly talking about the need to accelerate, speed up the advancement of the Alliance's infrastructure to the borders of Russia. In other words, they are hardening their position. We can no longer just continue to observe what is happening. It would be absolutely irresponsible on our part.

Further expansion of the infrastructure of the North Atlantic Alliance, the military development of the territories of Ukraine that has begun is unacceptable for us. The point, of course, is not the NATO organization itself - it is only an instrument of US foreign policy. The problem is that in the territories adjacent to us, I will note, in our own historical territories, an “anti-Russia” hostile to us is being created, which has been placed under complete external control, is intensively settled by the armed forces of NATO countries and is pumped up with the most modern weapons. 

For the United States and its allies, this is the so-called policy of containment of Russia, obvious geopolitical dividends. And for our country, this is ultimately a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a people. And this is not an exaggeration - it is true. This is a real threat not just to our interests, but to the very existence of our state, its sovereignty. This is the very red line that has been talked about many times. They passed her.

In this regard, and about the situation in the Donbass. We see that the forces that carried out a coup d'etat in Ukraine in 2014, seized power and are holding it with the help of, in fact, decorative electoral procedures, have finally abandoned the peaceful settlement of the conflict. For eight years, endlessly long eight years, we have done everything possible to resolve the situation by peaceful, political means. All in vain.

As I said in my previous address, one cannot look at what is happening there without compassion. It was simply impossible to endure all this. It was necessary to immediately stop this nightmare - the genocide against the millions of people living there, who rely only on Russia, hope only on us. It was these aspirations, feelings, pain of people that were for us the main motive for making a decision to recognize the people's republics of Donbass.

What I think is important to emphasize further. The leading NATO countries, in order to achieve their own goals, support extreme nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine in everything, who, in turn, will never forgive the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents for their free choice - reunification with Russia.

They, of course, will climb into the Crimea, and just like in the Donbass, with a war in order to kill, as punishers from the gangs of Ukrainian nationalists, Hitler's accomplices, killed defenseless people during the Great Patriotic War. They openly declare that they lay claim to a number of other Russian territories.

The entire course of events and analysis of incoming information shows that Russia's clash with these forces is inevitable. It is only a matter of time: they are getting ready, they are waiting for the right time. Now they also claim to possess nuclear weapons. We will not allow this to be done.

As I said earlier, after the collapse of the USSR, Russia accepted new geopolitical realities. We respect and will continue to treat all the newly formed countries in the post-Soviet space with respect. We respect and will continue to respect their sovereignty, and an example of this is the assistance we provided to Kazakhstan, which faced tragic events, with a challenge to its statehood and integrity. But Russia cannot feel safe, develop, exist with a constant threat emanating from the territory of modern Ukraine.

Let me remind you that in 2000-2005 we gave a military rebuff to terrorists in the Caucasus, defended the integrity of our state, saved Russia. In 2014, they supported the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents. In 2015, the Armed Forces used to put a reliable barrier to the penetration of terrorists from Syria into Russia. We had no other way to protect ourselves.

The same thing is happening now. You and I simply have not been left with any other opportunity to protect Russia, our people, except for the one that we will be forced to use today. Circumstances require us to take decisive and immediate action. The people's republics of Donbass turned to Russia with a request for help.

In this regard, in accordance with Article 51 of Part 7 of the UN Charter, with the sanction of the Federation Council of Russia and in pursuance of the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22 this year with the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, I decided to conduct a special military operation .

Its goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years. And for this, we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, our plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. We are not going to impose anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we hear that recently in the West there are more and more words that the documents signed by the Soviet totalitarian regime, which consolidate the results of the Second World War, should no longer be carried out. Well, what is the answer to this?

The results of the Second World War, as well as the sacrifices made by our people on the altar of victory over Nazism, are sacred. But this does not contradict the high values ​​of human rights and freedoms, based on the realities that have developed today over all the post-war decades. It also does not cancel the right of nations to self-determination, enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.

Let me remind you that neither during the creation of the USSR, nor after the Second World War, people living in certain territories that are part of modern Ukraine, no one ever asked how they themselves want to arrange their lives. Our policy is based on freedom, the freedom of choice for everyone to independently determine their own future and the future of their children. And we consider it important that this right - the right to choose - could be used by all the peoples living on the territory of today's Ukraine, by everyone who wants it. 

In this regard, I appeal to the citizens of Ukraine. In 2014, Russia was obliged to protect the inhabitants of Crimea and Sevastopol from those whom you yourself call “Nazis”. Crimeans and Sevastopol residents made their choice to be with their historical homeland, with Russia, and we supported this. I repeat, they simply could not do otherwise.

Today's events are not connected with the desire to infringe on the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the protection of Russia itself from those who took Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and its people.

I repeat, our actions are self-defense against the threats posed to us and from an even greater disaster than what is happening today. No matter how difficult it may be, I ask you to understand this and call for cooperation in order to turn this tragic page as soon as possible and move forward together, not to allow anyone to interfere in our affairs, in our relations, but to build them on our own, so that it creates the necessary conditions for overcoming all problems and, despite the presence of state borders, would strengthen us from the inside as a whole. I believe in this - in this is our future.

I should also appeal to the military personnel of the armed forces of Ukraine.

Dear comrades! Your fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazis, defending our common Motherland, so that today's neo-Nazis seized power in Ukraine. You took an oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people, and not to the anti-people junta that plunders Ukraine and mocks these same people.

Don't follow her criminal orders. I urge you to lay down your weapons immediately and go home. Let me explain: all servicemen of the Ukrainian army who fulfill this requirement will be able to freely leave the combat zone and return to their families.

Once again, I insistently emphasize: all responsibility for possible bloodshed will be entirely on the conscience of the regime ruling on the territory of Ukraine. 

Now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted to intervene in ongoing events. Whoever tries to hinder us, and even more so to create threats for our country, for our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences that you have never experienced in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All necessary decisions in this regard have been made. I hope that I will be heard.

Dear citizens of Russia!

Well-being, the very existence of entire states and peoples, their success and viability always originate in the powerful root system of their culture and values, experience and traditions of their ancestors and, of course, directly depend on the ability to quickly adapt to a constantly changing life, on the cohesion of society, its readiness to consolidate, to gather together all the forces in order to move forward.

Forces are needed always - always, but strength can be of different quality. The policy of the “empire of lies”, which I spoke about at the beginning of my speech, is based primarily on brute, straightforward force. In such cases, we say: "There is power, mind is not needed."

And you and I know that real strength lies in justice and truth, which is on our side. And if this is so, then it is difficult to disagree with the fact that it is the strength and readiness to fight that underlie independence and sovereignty, are the necessary foundation on which you can only reliably build your future, build your home, your family, your homeland. .

Dear compatriots!

I am confident that the soldiers and officers of the Russian Armed Forces devoted to their country will professionally and courageously fulfill their duty. I have no doubt that all levels of government, specialists responsible for the stability of our economy, financial system, social sphere, heads of our companies and all Russian business will act in a coordinated and efficient manner. I count on a consolidated, patriotic position of all parliamentary parties and public forces.

Ultimately, as it has always been in history, the fate of Russia is in the reliable hands of our multinational people. And this means that the decisions made will be implemented, the goals set will be achieved, the security of our Motherland will be reliably guaranteed.

I believe in your support, in that invincible strength that our love for the Fatherland gives us.




Russia-Ukraine crisis: Zelenskyy’s address in full Hours before Russia invaded his country!

This is what he said:

Full speech of the Ukrainean President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy

"Today I initiated a phone call with the president of the Russian Federation. The result was silence. Though the silence should be in Donbas. That’s why I want to address today the people of Russia. I am addressing you not as a president, I am addressing you as a citizen of Ukraine.

More than 2,000km of the common border is dividing us. Along this border your troops are stationed, almost 200,000 soldiers, thousands of military vehicles. Your leaders approved them to make a step forward, to the territory of another country. And this step can be the beginning of a big war on the European continent.

We know for sure that we don’t need the war. Not a Cold War, not a hot war. Not a hybrid one. But if we’ll be attacked by the [enemy] troops, if they try to take our country away from us, our freedom, our lives, the lives of our children, we will defend ourselves. Not attack, but defend ourselves. And when you will be attacking us, you will see our faces, not our backs, but our faces.

The war is a big disaster, and this disaster has a high price. With every meaning of this word. People lose money, reputation, quality of life, they lose freedom. But the main thing is that people lose their loved ones, they lose themselves.

They told you that Ukraine is posing a threat to Russia. It was not the case in the past, not in the present, it’s not going to be in the future. You are demanding security guarantees from NATO, but we also demand security guarantees. Security for Ukraine from you, from Russia and other guarantees of the Budapest memorandum.

But our main goal is peace in Ukraine and the safety of our people, Ukrainians. For that, we are ready to have talks with anybody, including you, in any format, on any platform. The war will deprive [security] guarantees from everybody – nobody will have guarantees of security any more. Who will suffer the most from it? The people. Who doesn’t want it the most? The people! Who can stop it? The people. But are there those people among you? I am sure.

I know that they [the Russian state] won’t show my address on Russian TV, but Russian people have to see it. They need to know the truth, and the truth is that it is time to stop now, before it is too late. And if the Russian leaders don’t want to sit with us behind the table for the sake of peace, maybe they will sit behind the table with you. Do Russians want the war? I would like to know the answer. But the answer depends only on you, citizens of the Russian Federation."




*President Vladimir Putin's speech*!

Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!

Today, I again consider it necessary to return to the tragic events taking place in the Donbass and the key issues of ensuring the security of Russia itself.

Let me start with what I said in my address of February 21 this year. We are talking about what causes us particular concern and anxiety, about those fundamental threats that year after year, step by step, are rudely and unceremoniously created by irresponsible politicians in the West in relation to our country. I mean the expansion of the NATO bloc to the east, bringing its military infrastructure closer to Russian borders.

It is well known that for 30 years we have persistently and patiently tried to reach an agreement with the leading NATO countries on the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we constantly faced either cynical deception and lies, or attempts to pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic Alliance, in the meantime, despite all our protests and concerns, is steadily expanding. The military machine is moving and, I repeat, is coming close to our borders.

Why is all this happening? Where does this impudent manner of speaking from the position of one's own exclusivity, infallibility and permissiveness come from? Where does the disdainful, disdainful attitude towards our interests and absolutely legitimate demands come from?

The answer is clear, everything is clear and obvious. The Soviet Union in the late 80s of the last century weakened, and then completely collapsed. The whole course of events that took place then is a good lesson for us today as well; it convincingly showed that the paralysis of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. As soon as we lost confidence in ourselves for some time, and that’s it, the balance of power in the world turned out to be disturbed.

This has led to the fact that the previous treaties and agreements are no longer in effect. Persuasion and requests do not help. Everything that does not suit the hegemon, those in power, is declared archaic, obsolete, unnecessary. And vice versa: everything that seems beneficial to them is presented as the ultimate truth, pushed through at any cost, boorishly, by all means. Dissenters are broken through the knee. 

What I am talking about now concerns not only Russia and not only us. This applies to the entire system of international relations, and sometimes even to the US allies themselves. After the collapse of the USSR, the redivision of the world actually began, and the norms of international law that had developed by that time - and the key, basic ones were adopted at the end of the Second World War and largely consolidated its results - began to interfere with those who declared themselves the winner in the Cold War .

Of course, in practical life, in international relations, in the rules for their regulation, it was necessary to take into account changes in the situation in the world and the balance of power itself. However, this should have been done professionally, smoothly, patiently, taking into account and respecting the interests of all countries and understanding our responsibility. But no - a state of euphoria from absolute superiority, a kind of modern form of absolutism, and even against the background of a low level of general culture and arrogance of those who prepared, adopted and pushed through decisions that were beneficial only for themselves. The situation began to develop according to a different scenario. 

You don't have to look far for examples. First, without any sanction from the UN Security Council, they carried out a bloody military operation against Belgrade, using aircraft and missiles right in the very center of Europe. Several weeks of continuous bombing of civilian cities, on life-supporting infrastructure. We have to remind these facts, otherwise some Western colleagues do not like to remember those events, and when we talk about it, they prefer to point not to the norms of international law, but to the circumstances that they interpret as they see fit.

Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya, Syria. The illegitimate use of military force against Libya, the perversion of all decisions of the UN Security Council on the Libyan issue led to the complete destruction of the state, to the emergence of a huge hotbed of international terrorism, to the fact that the country plunged into a humanitarian catastrophe that has not stopped for many years. civil war. The tragedy, which doomed hundreds of thousands, millions of people not only in Libya, but throughout this region, gave rise to a massive migration exodus from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe.

A similar fate was prepared for Syria. The fighting of the Western coalition on the territory of this country without the consent of the Syrian government and the sanction of the UN Security Council is nothing but aggression, intervention.

However, a special place in this series is occupied, of course, by the invasion of Iraq, also without any legal grounds. As a pretext, they chose reliable information allegedly available to the United States about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. As proof of this, publicly, in front of the eyes of the whole world, the US Secretary of State shook some kind of test tube with white powder, assuring everyone that this is the chemical weapon being developed in Iraq. And then it turned out that all this was a hoax, a bluff: there are no chemical weapons in Iraq. Unbelievable, surprising, but the fact remains. There were lies at the highest state level and from the high rostrum of the UN. And as a result - huge casualties, destruction, an incredible surge of terrorism.

In general, one gets the impression that practically everywhere, in many regions of the world, where the West comes to establish its own order, the result is bloody, unhealed wounds, ulcers of international terrorism and extremism. All that I have said is the most egregious, but by no means the only examples of disregard for international law.

In this series, and promises to our country not to expand NATO by one inch to the east. I repeat - they deceived me, but in popular terms, they simply threw it away. Yes, you can often hear that politics is a dirty business. Perhaps, but not to the same extent, not to the same extent. After all, such cheating behavior contradicts not only the principles of international relations, but above all the generally recognized norms of morality and morality. Where is justice and truth here? Just a bunch of lies and hypocrisy. 

By the way, American politicians, political scientists and journalists themselves write and talk about the fact that a real “empire of lies” has been created inside the United States in recent years. It's hard to disagree with that - it's true. But do not be modest: the United States is still a great country, a system-forming power. All her satellites not only resignedly and dutifully assent, sing along to her for any reason, but also copy her behavior, enthusiastically accept the rules he proposes. Therefore, with good reason, we can confidently say that the entire so-called Western bloc, formed by the United States in its own image and likeness, all of it is the very “empire of lies”.

As for our country, after the collapse of the USSR, with all the unprecedented openness of the new modern Russia, the readiness to work honestly with the United States and other Western partners, and in the conditions of virtually unilateral disarmament, they immediately tried to squeeze us, finish off and destroy us completely. This is exactly what happened in the 90s, in the early 2000s, when the so-called collective West most actively supported separatism and mercenary gangs in southern Russia. What sacrifices, what losses did all this cost us then, what trials did we have to go through before we finally broke the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus. We remember this and will never forget.

Yes, in fact, until recently, attempts have not stopped to use us in their own interests, destroy our traditional values ​​and impose on us their pseudo-values ​​that would corrode us, our people from the inside, those attitudes that they are already aggressively planting in their countries and which directly lead to degradation and degeneration, because they contradict the very nature of man. It won't happen, no one has ever done it. It won't work now either.

Despite everything, in December 2021, we nevertheless once again made an attempt to agree with the United States and its allies on the principles of ensuring security in Europe and on the non-expansion of NATO. Everything is in vain. The US position does not change. They do not consider it necessary to negotiate with Russia on this key issue for us, pursuing their own goals, they neglect our interests. 

And of course, in this situation, we have a question: what to do next, what to expect? We know well from history how in the 1940s and early 1941s the Soviet Union tried in every possible way to prevent or at least delay the outbreak of war. To this end, among other things, he tried literally to the last not to provoke a potential aggressor, did not carry out or postponed the most necessary, obvious actions to prepare for repelling an inevitable attack. And those steps that were nevertheless taken in the end were catastrophically belated.

As a result, the country was not ready to fully meet the invasion of Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941 without declaring war. The enemy was stopped and then crushed, but at a colossal cost. An attempt to appease the aggressor on the eve of the Great Patriotic War turned out to be a mistake that cost our people dearly. In the very first months of hostilities, we lost huge, strategically important territories and millions of people. The second time we will not allow such a mistake, we have no right.

Those who claim world domination, publicly, with impunity and, I emphasize, without any reason, declare us, Russia, their enemy. Indeed, today they have great financial, scientific, technological and military capabilities. We are aware of this and objectively assess the threats constantly being addressed to us in the economic sphere, as well as our ability to resist this impudent and permanent blackmail. I repeat, we evaluate them without illusions, extremely realistically.

As for the military sphere, modern Russia, even after the collapse of the USSR and the loss of a significant part of its potential, is today one of the most powerful nuclear powers in the world and, moreover, has certain advantages in a number of the latest types of weapons. In this regard, no one should have any doubts that a direct attack on our country will lead to defeat and dire consequences for any potential aggressor.

At the same time, technologies, including defense technologies, are changing rapidly. Leadership in this area is passing and will continue to change hands, but the military development of the territories adjacent to our borders, if we allow it, will remain for decades to come, and maybe forever, and will create an ever-growing, absolutely unacceptable threat for Russia. .

Even now, as NATO expands to the east, the situation for our country is getting worse and more dangerous every year. Moreover, in recent days, the leadership of NATO has been openly talking about the need to accelerate, speed up the advancement of the Alliance's infrastructure to the borders of Russia. In other words, they are hardening their position. We can no longer just continue to observe what is happening. It would be absolutely irresponsible on our part.

Further expansion of the infrastructure of the North Atlantic Alliance, the military development of the territories of Ukraine that has begun is unacceptable for us. The point, of course, is not the NATO organization itself - it is only an instrument of US foreign policy. The problem is that in the territories adjacent to us, I will note, in our own historical territories, an “anti-Russia” hostile to us is being created, which has been placed under complete external control, is intensively settled by the armed forces of NATO countries and is pumped up with the most modern weapons. 

For the United States and its allies, this is the so-called policy of containment of Russia, obvious geopolitical dividends. And for our country, this is ultimately a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a people. And this is not an exaggeration - it is true. This is a real threat not just to our interests, but to the very existence of our state, its sovereignty. This is the very red line that has been talked about many times. They passed her.

In this regard, and about the situation in the Donbass. We see that the forces that carried out a coup d'etat in Ukraine in 2014, seized power and are holding it with the help of, in fact, decorative electoral procedures, have finally abandoned the peaceful settlement of the conflict. For eight years, endlessly long eight years, we have done everything possible to resolve the situation by peaceful, political means. All in vain.

As I said in my previous address, one cannot look at what is happening there without compassion. It was simply impossible to endure all this. It was necessary to immediately stop this nightmare - the genocide against the millions of people living there, who rely only on Russia, hope only on us. It was these aspirations, feelings, pain of people that were for us the main motive for making a decision to recognize the people's republics of Donbass.

What I think is important to emphasize further. The leading NATO countries, in order to achieve their own goals, support extreme nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine in everything, who, in turn, will never forgive the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents for their free choice - reunification with Russia.

They, of course, will climb into the Crimea, and just like in the Donbass, with a war in order to kill, as punishers from the gangs of Ukrainian nationalists, Hitler's accomplices, killed defenseless people during the Great Patriotic War. They openly declare that they lay claim to a number of other Russian territories.

The entire course of events and analysis of incoming information shows that Russia's clash with these forces is inevitable. It is only a matter of time: they are getting ready, they are waiting for the right time. Now they also claim to possess nuclear weapons. We will not allow this to be done.

As I said earlier, after the collapse of the USSR, Russia accepted new geopolitical realities. We respect and will continue to treat all the newly formed countries in the post-Soviet space with respect. We respect and will continue to respect their sovereignty, and an example of this is the assistance we provided to Kazakhstan, which faced tragic events, with a challenge to its statehood and integrity. But Russia cannot feel safe, develop, exist with a constant threat emanating from the territory of modern Ukraine.

Let me remind you that in 2000-2005 we gave a military rebuff to terrorists in the Caucasus, defended the integrity of our state, saved Russia. In 2014, they supported the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents. In 2015, the Armed Forces used to put a reliable barrier to the penetration of terrorists from Syria into Russia. We had no other way to protect ourselves.

The same thing is happening now. You and I simply have not been left with any other opportunity to protect Russia, our people, except for the one that we will be forced to use today. Circumstances require us to take decisive and immediate action. The people's republics of Donbass turned to Russia with a request for help.

In this regard, in accordance with Article 51 of Part 7 of the UN Charter, with the sanction of the Federation Council of Russia and in pursuance of the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22 this year with the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, I decided to conduct a special military operation .

Its goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years. And for this, we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, our plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. We are not going to impose anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we hear that recently in the West there are more and more words that the documents signed by the Soviet totalitarian regime, which consolidate the results of the Second World War, should no longer be carried out. Well, what is the answer to this?

The results of the Second World War, as well as the sacrifices made by our people on the altar of victory over Nazism, are sacred. But this does not contradict the high values ​​of human rights and freedoms, based on the realities that have developed today over all the post-war decades. It also does not cancel the right of nations to self-determination, enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.

Let me remind you that neither during the creation of the USSR, nor after the Second World War, people living in certain territories that are part of modern Ukraine, no one ever asked how they themselves want to arrange their lives. Our policy is based on freedom, the freedom of choice for everyone to independently determine their own future and the future of their children. And we consider it important that this right - the right to choose - could be used by all the peoples living on the territory of today's Ukraine, by everyone who wants it. 

In this regard, I appeal to the citizens of Ukraine. In 2014, Russia was obliged to protect the inhabitants of Crimea and Sevastopol from those whom you yourself call “Nazis”. Crimeans and Sevastopol residents made their choice to be with their historical homeland, with Russia, and we supported this. I repeat, they simply could not do otherwise.

Today's events are not connected with the desire to infringe on the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the protection of Russia itself from those who took Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and its people.

I repeat, our actions are self-defense against the threats posed to us and from an even greater disaster than what is happening today. No matter how difficult it may be, I ask you to understand this and call for cooperation in order to turn this tragic page as soon as possible and move forward together, not to allow anyone to interfere in our affairs, in our relations, but to build them on our own, so that it creates the necessary conditions for overcoming all problems and, despite the presence of state borders, would strengthen us from the inside as a whole. I believe in this - in this is our future.

I should also appeal to the military personnel of the armed forces of Ukraine.

Dear comrades! Your fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazis, defending our common Motherland, so that today's neo-Nazis seized power in Ukraine. You took an oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people, and not to the anti-people junta that plunders Ukraine and mocks these same people.

Don't follow her criminal orders. I urge you to lay down your weapons immediately and go home. Let me explain: all servicemen of the Ukrainian army who fulfill this requirement will be able to freely leave the combat zone and return to their families.

Once again, I insistently emphasize: all responsibility for possible bloodshed will be entirely on the conscience of the regime ruling on the territory of Ukraine. 

Now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted to intervene in ongoing events. Whoever tries to hinder us, and even more so to create threats for our country, for our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences that you have never experienced in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All necessary decisions in this regard have been made. I hope that I will be heard.

Dear citizens of Russia!

Well-being, the very existence of entire states and peoples, their success and viability always originate in the powerful root system of their culture and values, experience and traditions of their ancestors and, of course, directly depend on the ability to quickly adapt to a constantly changing life, on the cohesion of society, its readiness to consolidate, to gather together all the forces in order to move forward.

Forces are needed always - always, but strength can be of different quality. The policy of the “empire of lies”, which I spoke about at the beginning of my speech, is based primarily on brute, straightforward force. In such cases, we say: "There is power, mind is not needed."

And you and I know that real strength lies in justice and truth, which is on our side. And if this is so, then it is difficult to disagree with the fact that it is the strength and readiness to fight that underlie independence and sovereignty, are the necessary foundation on which you can only reliably build your future, build your home, your family, your homeland. .

Dear compatriots!

I am confident that the soldiers and officers of the Russian Armed Forces devoted to their country will professionally and courageously fulfill their duty. I have no doubt that all levels of government, specialists responsible for the stability of our economy, financial system, social sphere, heads of our companies and all Russian business will act in a coordinated and efficient manner. I count on a consolidated, patriotic position of all parliamentary parties and public forces.

Ultimately, as it has always been in history, the fate of Russia is in the reliable hands of our multinational people. And this means that the decisions made will be implemented, the goals set will be achieved, the security of our Motherland will be reliably guaranteed.

I believe in your support, in that invincible strength that our love for the Fatherland gives us.




Russia-Ukraine crisis: Zelenskyy’s address in full Hours before Russia invaded his country!

This is what he said:

Full speech of the Ukrainean President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy

"Today I initiated a phone call with the president of the Russian Federation. The result was silence. Though the silence should be in Donbas. That’s why I want to address today the people of Russia. I am addressing you not as a president, I am addressing you as a citizen of Ukraine.

More than 2,000km of the common border is dividing us. Along this border your troops are stationed, almost 200,000 soldiers, thousands of military vehicles. Your leaders approved them to make a step forward, to the territory of another country. And this step can be the beginning of a big war on the European continent.

We know for sure that we don’t need the war. Not a Cold War, not a hot war. Not a hybrid one. But if we’ll be attacked by the [enemy] troops, if they try to take our country away from us, our freedom, our lives, the lives of our children, we will defend ourselves. Not attack, but defend ourselves. And when you will be attacking us, you will see our faces, not our backs, but our faces.

The war is a big disaster, and this disaster has a high price. With every meaning of this word. People lose money, reputation, quality of life, they lose freedom. But the main thing is that people lose their loved ones, they lose themselves.

They told you that Ukraine is posing a threat to Russia. It was not the case in the past, not in the present, it’s not going to be in the future. You are demanding security guarantees from NATO, but we also demand security guarantees. Security for Ukraine from you, from Russia and other guarantees of the Budapest memorandum.

But our main goal is peace in Ukraine and the safety of our people, Ukrainians. For that, we are ready to have talks with anybody, including you, in any format, on any platform. The war will deprive [security] guarantees from everybody – nobody will have guarantees of security any more. Who will suffer the most from it? The people. Who doesn’t want it the most? The people! Who can stop it? The people. But are there those people among you? I am sure.

I know that they [the Russian state] won’t show my address on Russian TV, but Russian people have to see it. They need to know the truth, and the truth is that it is time to stop now, before it is too late. And if the Russian leaders don’t want to sit with us behind the table for the sake of peace, maybe they will sit behind the table with you. Do Russians want the war? I would like to know the answer. But the answer depends only on you, citizens of the Russian Federation."

Situation in Ukraine: Confronting NATO expansion is Russia's right, Says Syrian Assad on Phone call with Putin

Situation in Ukraine: Confronting NATO expansion is Russia's right, Says Syrian Assad on Phone call with Putin

Confronting NATO expansion is Russia's right Says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a telephone conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Both leaders, during the call, talked about the situation in Ukraine and the special military operation of the Russian Federation to protect the civilian population in the Donbass region.

al-Assad stressed that what is happening today is a correction of history and a restoration of balance to the world that it lost after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and that Western hysteria comes in order to keep history in the wrong place in favor of the chaos that only outlaws seek, considering that Russia today It does not only defend itself, but also the world and the principles of justice and humanity.

The President said: Western countries bear responsibility for chaos and bloodshed as a result of their policies aimed at controlling peoples, as these countries use their dirty methods to support terrorists in Syria and the Nazis in Ukraine and in various parts of the world.

Assad stressed that Syria stands with the Russian Federation, based on its conviction of the correctness of its position, and because confronting NATO expansion is Russia's right, because it has become a global threat to the world and has turned into a tool to achieve the irresponsible policies of Western countries to strike stability in the world.

The President considered that the enemy that the Syrian and Russian armies are facing is one, in Syria it is extremism and in Ukraine it is Nazism, pointing out that the Russian Federation will give a lesson to the world that great powers are not great with their military strength only, but also with respect for the law, high morals and humanitarian principles.

Meanwhile, President Putin stressed that the special military operation in Donbass aims to restore stability and stop the suffering of the population there, which they have been exposed to during the past eight years, noting that his country has remained dependent on negotiations and diplomacy during the past years, and did not take the decision to use force until after the Ukrainian authorities announced the support among its Western masters and of its non-compliance with the agreements ratified by the parliaments of the two countries, and after the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk submitted a request to provide military support, stressing that the Russian soldiers are fighting with manliness and valor and will achieve all the goals set before them.

Confronting NATO expansion is Russia's right Says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a telephone conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Both leaders, during the call, talked about the situation in Ukraine and the special military operation of the Russian Federation to protect the civilian population in the Donbass region.

al-Assad stressed that what is happening today is a correction of history and a restoration of balance to the world that it lost after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and that Western hysteria comes in order to keep history in the wrong place in favor of the chaos that only outlaws seek, considering that Russia today It does not only defend itself, but also the world and the principles of justice and humanity.

The President said: Western countries bear responsibility for chaos and bloodshed as a result of their policies aimed at controlling peoples, as these countries use their dirty methods to support terrorists in Syria and the Nazis in Ukraine and in various parts of the world.

Assad stressed that Syria stands with the Russian Federation, based on its conviction of the correctness of its position, and because confronting NATO expansion is Russia's right, because it has become a global threat to the world and has turned into a tool to achieve the irresponsible policies of Western countries to strike stability in the world.

The President considered that the enemy that the Syrian and Russian armies are facing is one, in Syria it is extremism and in Ukraine it is Nazism, pointing out that the Russian Federation will give a lesson to the world that great powers are not great with their military strength only, but also with respect for the law, high morals and humanitarian principles.

Meanwhile, President Putin stressed that the special military operation in Donbass aims to restore stability and stop the suffering of the population there, which they have been exposed to during the past eight years, noting that his country has remained dependent on negotiations and diplomacy during the past years, and did not take the decision to use force until after the Ukrainian authorities announced the support among its Western masters and of its non-compliance with the agreements ratified by the parliaments of the two countries, and after the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk submitted a request to provide military support, stressing that the Russian soldiers are fighting with manliness and valor and will achieve all the goals set before them.

US strike kills al-Qaida leader in Syria, ‘no indications’ of civilian casualties - CENTCOM

US strike kills al-Qaida leader in Syria, ‘no indications’ of civilian casualties - CENTCOM

The U.S. Central Command has said it's forces carried out a strike on a “senior al-Qaida leader” in Syria.

According to the spokesman of the command, Navy Lt.. Josie Lynne Lenny: “Initial indications are that we struck the individual we were aiming for, and there are no indications of civilian casualties as a result of the strike." He declined comment on the name of the senior al-Qaida leader or the method of the strike.

Meanwhile, rescue workers and a war monitor described it as a drone strike that hit a vehicle traveling on a rural road in rebel-controlled northwestern Syria, killing at least one person.

The White Helmets also said the unidentified body was lifted from the car along the Idlib-Binnish road east of Idlib province.

According to the report, the totally charred vehicle, split in the middle, lay on the side of the rural road in an orchid.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in Britain, said the U.S.-led coalition was believed to be behind the strike on the vehicle, which carried a militant from one of the radical groups operating in the province. The Observatory didn’t identify the group but said it was linked to al-Qaida.

The U.S. has carried out attacks in Idlib before, targeting al-Qaida militants and the leader of the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who was hiding in the province after fleeing from eastern Syria.

Large parts of Idlib and neighboring Aleppo provinces remain in the hands of Syrian armed opposition, dominated by radical groups including the once al-Qaida-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham,. There are also over 4 million civilians living in the area, most of them displaced from previous bouts of violence in Syria’s 10-year conflict. The Syrian government has vowed to restore control of all of territories outside of its control, but a cease-fire negotiated last year in Idlib has tenaciously held.

The strike came hours before Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters that an Air Force general officer would conduct an investigation into the errant Aug. 29 drone strike in Afghanistan that killed 10 people, including seven children. That strike mistakenly targeted an Afghan aid worker thought to be an ISIS-K operative.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has tasked the Air Force with designating a general who will conduct a review of the investigation into the Aug. 29 Hellfire missile strike in Kabul that reportedly killed 10 people, Kirby told reporters Monday.

In a memo dated Friday, he said, Austin directed Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall to choose a three-star or above to investigate what went wrong, how strike targeting might be changed in the future, and whether anyone involved in the mission should be disciplined.

Accounts from the family, documents from colleagues seen by The Associated Press, and the scene at the family home — where Zemerai Ahmadi’s car was struck by a Hellfire missile just as he pulled into the driveway — all painted a picture of a family that had worked for Americans and were trying to gain visas to the United States, fearing for their lives under the Taliban.


The U.S. Central Command has said it's forces carried out a strike on a “senior al-Qaida leader” in Syria.

According to the spokesman of the command, Navy Lt.. Josie Lynne Lenny: “Initial indications are that we struck the individual we were aiming for, and there are no indications of civilian casualties as a result of the strike." He declined comment on the name of the senior al-Qaida leader or the method of the strike.

Meanwhile, rescue workers and a war monitor described it as a drone strike that hit a vehicle traveling on a rural road in rebel-controlled northwestern Syria, killing at least one person.

The White Helmets also said the unidentified body was lifted from the car along the Idlib-Binnish road east of Idlib province.

According to the report, the totally charred vehicle, split in the middle, lay on the side of the rural road in an orchid.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in Britain, said the U.S.-led coalition was believed to be behind the strike on the vehicle, which carried a militant from one of the radical groups operating in the province. The Observatory didn’t identify the group but said it was linked to al-Qaida.

The U.S. has carried out attacks in Idlib before, targeting al-Qaida militants and the leader of the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who was hiding in the province after fleeing from eastern Syria.

Large parts of Idlib and neighboring Aleppo provinces remain in the hands of Syrian armed opposition, dominated by radical groups including the once al-Qaida-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham,. There are also over 4 million civilians living in the area, most of them displaced from previous bouts of violence in Syria’s 10-year conflict. The Syrian government has vowed to restore control of all of territories outside of its control, but a cease-fire negotiated last year in Idlib has tenaciously held.

The strike came hours before Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters that an Air Force general officer would conduct an investigation into the errant Aug. 29 drone strike in Afghanistan that killed 10 people, including seven children. That strike mistakenly targeted an Afghan aid worker thought to be an ISIS-K operative.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has tasked the Air Force with designating a general who will conduct a review of the investigation into the Aug. 29 Hellfire missile strike in Kabul that reportedly killed 10 people, Kirby told reporters Monday.

In a memo dated Friday, he said, Austin directed Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall to choose a three-star or above to investigate what went wrong, how strike targeting might be changed in the future, and whether anyone involved in the mission should be disciplined.

Accounts from the family, documents from colleagues seen by The Associated Press, and the scene at the family home — where Zemerai Ahmadi’s car was struck by a Hellfire missile just as he pulled into the driveway — all painted a picture of a family that had worked for Americans and were trying to gain visas to the United States, fearing for their lives under the Taliban.


Syrian state media: Israeli Defense Forces, IDF strike several targets in Damascus leaves 10 dead

Syrian state media: Israeli Defense Forces, IDF strike several targets in Damascus leaves 10 dead

 Syrian reports says Israel struck several targets in the Damascus area; casualties include 7 ‘non-Syrians.’

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

Syrian sources claimed Israeli aircraft struck targets in the Damascus area Tuesday night, leaving at least 10 people dead including seven “non-Syrians.”

The official Syrian news agency SANA reported the “Syrian Arab Army confronted an Israeli aggression” and shot down some incoming missiles that it claimed were fired by Israeli aircraft flying over Lebanon.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the strikes targeted Syrian military sites and were the first in close to a month. SOHR activists reported hearing explosions in the perimeter of Damascus international airport and at least two other locations including “arsenals in the al-Dumayr district.”

Arabic media quoting the SOHR reported that at least 10 people were killed “including 7 non-Syrians,” which is generally a euphemism for Iranian military personnel or members of foreign militias backed by Iran that are in the country supporting Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

There was no official confirmation from any Israel sources, who usually decline to comment on reports of attacks on Syria.

The SOHR noted that Syrian regime forces and Iranian-backed militias were seen on high alert in the perimeter of Damascus international airport for unknown reasons since early June.

The organization said the latest air attack appears to be the first since a May 5 helicopter strike by the Israel Air Force on a Syrian military post near Quneitra that was manned by members of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group, injuring three of them.

In April, an old model Russian-made anti-aircraft missile fired by Syria missed its target and flew hundreds of kilometers south before exploding in an open area of the Negev desert near the Israeli nuclear site in Dimona. The incoming missile triggered air defense alerts and caused some panic, but no damage or injuries.

Israeli leaders have repeatedly declared that they will not tolerate an Iranian threat on its northern border with Syria and will take all necessary measures to ensure that such a presence does not emerge.

Iran, which routinely threatens to destroy Israel, arms and funds Hezbollah. Israel has repeatedly intercepted shipments of advanced weapons that Iran has tried to supply to the terror group in Lebanon.

 Syrian reports says Israel struck several targets in the Damascus area; casualties include 7 ‘non-Syrians.’

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

Syrian sources claimed Israeli aircraft struck targets in the Damascus area Tuesday night, leaving at least 10 people dead including seven “non-Syrians.”

The official Syrian news agency SANA reported the “Syrian Arab Army confronted an Israeli aggression” and shot down some incoming missiles that it claimed were fired by Israeli aircraft flying over Lebanon.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the strikes targeted Syrian military sites and were the first in close to a month. SOHR activists reported hearing explosions in the perimeter of Damascus international airport and at least two other locations including “arsenals in the al-Dumayr district.”

Arabic media quoting the SOHR reported that at least 10 people were killed “including 7 non-Syrians,” which is generally a euphemism for Iranian military personnel or members of foreign militias backed by Iran that are in the country supporting Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

There was no official confirmation from any Israel sources, who usually decline to comment on reports of attacks on Syria.

The SOHR noted that Syrian regime forces and Iranian-backed militias were seen on high alert in the perimeter of Damascus international airport for unknown reasons since early June.

The organization said the latest air attack appears to be the first since a May 5 helicopter strike by the Israel Air Force on a Syrian military post near Quneitra that was manned by members of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group, injuring three of them.

In April, an old model Russian-made anti-aircraft missile fired by Syria missed its target and flew hundreds of kilometers south before exploding in an open area of the Negev desert near the Israeli nuclear site in Dimona. The incoming missile triggered air defense alerts and caused some panic, but no damage or injuries.

Israeli leaders have repeatedly declared that they will not tolerate an Iranian threat on its northern border with Syria and will take all necessary measures to ensure that such a presence does not emerge.

Iran, which routinely threatens to destroy Israel, arms and funds Hezbollah. Israel has repeatedly intercepted shipments of advanced weapons that Iran has tried to supply to the terror group in Lebanon.

Israel's PM Netanyahu accuses Tehran of attacking an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman last week

Israel's PM Netanyahu accuses Tehran of attacking an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman last week

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has on Monday accused Tehran of attacking an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman last week.

The attack seen as a mysterious explosion that has further spiked security concerns in the whole of Mideast region.

Netanyahu who without offering any evidence to his claim told Israeli public broadcaster Kan that “it was indeed an act by Iran, that’s clear.”

According to the PM, “Iran is the greatest enemy of Israel, I am determined to halt it. We are hitting it in the entire region.”

The blast struck the Israeli-owned MV Helios Ray, a Bahamian-flagged roll-on, roll-off vehicle cargo ship, as it was sailing out of the Middle East on its way to Singapore on Friday. The crew was unharmed, but the vessel sustained two holes on its port side and two on its starboard side just above the waterline, according to American defense officials.

The ship came to Dubai’s port for repairs on Sunday, days after the blast that revived security concerns in Mideast waterways amid heightened tensions with Iran. Iran has sought to pressure the U.S. to lift sanctions on Tehran as President Joe Biden's administration considers option for returning to negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program.

It remains unclear what caused the blast. The Helios Ray had discharged cars at various ports in the Persian Gulf before the explosion forced it to reverse course.

In recent days, Israel’s defense minister and army chief had both indicated they held Iran responsible for what they said was an attack on the vessel.

Overnight, Syrian state media reported a series of alleged Israeli airstrikes near Damascus, saying air defense systems had intercepted most of the missiles. Israeli media reports said the alleged airstrikes were on Iranian targets in response to the ship attack.

Israel has struck hundreds of Iranian targets in neighboring Syria in recent years, and Netanyahu has repeatedly said Israel will not accept a permanent Syrian military presence there. Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah have provided military support to Syrian President Bashar Assad in the more than decade-long Syrian civil war.

The Israeli military declined comment. There was no immediate response from Iran to the Israeli allegations.

Iran also has blamed Israel for a recent series of attacks, including a mysterious explosion last summer that destroyed an advanced centrifuge assembly plant at its Natanz nuclear facility and the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a top Iranian scientist who founded the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program two decades ago. Iran has repeatedly vowed to avenge Fakhrizadeh’s killing.

“It is most important that Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons, with or without an agreement, this I also told to my friend Biden," Netanyahu said, referring to the U.S. president.

Iranian threats of retaliation have raised alarms in Israel since the signing of normalization deals with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in September.

Now that the Democrats are in the U.S white house again, it is expected that the Iranian Nuclear Deal with the world powers and Germany be re-perfected to ensuring ease of economy blockade against Tehran and peace in the Mideast region.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has on Monday accused Tehran of attacking an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman last week.

The attack seen as a mysterious explosion that has further spiked security concerns in the whole of Mideast region.

Netanyahu who without offering any evidence to his claim told Israeli public broadcaster Kan that “it was indeed an act by Iran, that’s clear.”

According to the PM, “Iran is the greatest enemy of Israel, I am determined to halt it. We are hitting it in the entire region.”

The blast struck the Israeli-owned MV Helios Ray, a Bahamian-flagged roll-on, roll-off vehicle cargo ship, as it was sailing out of the Middle East on its way to Singapore on Friday. The crew was unharmed, but the vessel sustained two holes on its port side and two on its starboard side just above the waterline, according to American defense officials.

The ship came to Dubai’s port for repairs on Sunday, days after the blast that revived security concerns in Mideast waterways amid heightened tensions with Iran. Iran has sought to pressure the U.S. to lift sanctions on Tehran as President Joe Biden's administration considers option for returning to negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program.

It remains unclear what caused the blast. The Helios Ray had discharged cars at various ports in the Persian Gulf before the explosion forced it to reverse course.

In recent days, Israel’s defense minister and army chief had both indicated they held Iran responsible for what they said was an attack on the vessel.

Overnight, Syrian state media reported a series of alleged Israeli airstrikes near Damascus, saying air defense systems had intercepted most of the missiles. Israeli media reports said the alleged airstrikes were on Iranian targets in response to the ship attack.

Israel has struck hundreds of Iranian targets in neighboring Syria in recent years, and Netanyahu has repeatedly said Israel will not accept a permanent Syrian military presence there. Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah have provided military support to Syrian President Bashar Assad in the more than decade-long Syrian civil war.

The Israeli military declined comment. There was no immediate response from Iran to the Israeli allegations.

Iran also has blamed Israel for a recent series of attacks, including a mysterious explosion last summer that destroyed an advanced centrifuge assembly plant at its Natanz nuclear facility and the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a top Iranian scientist who founded the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program two decades ago. Iran has repeatedly vowed to avenge Fakhrizadeh’s killing.

“It is most important that Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons, with or without an agreement, this I also told to my friend Biden," Netanyahu said, referring to the U.S. president.

Iranian threats of retaliation have raised alarms in Israel since the signing of normalization deals with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in September.

Now that the Democrats are in the U.S white house again, it is expected that the Iranian Nuclear Deal with the world powers and Germany be re-perfected to ensuring ease of economy blockade against Tehran and peace in the Mideast region.

Syria makes command changes to 1st Corps, others following Israeli threats

Syria makes command changes to 1st Corps, others following Israeli threats

Profile picture

The Syrian Arab Army has made changes to the leadership of the 1st Corps and its operations center in the southern part of the country, following threats to its leadership by the Israeli military.

The IDF has accused the SAA of helping Lebanon’s Hezbollah establish a permanent military presence on the Golan Heights. It has been dropping leaflets along the Israeli-Syrian border in recent weeks, warning the SAA’s 1st Corps not to work with the Iranian proxy group.

According to Lebanon’s Al Modon news website, the SAA has made changes to the division and brigade leadership after the leaflets dropped by Israel threatened them.

The report named Maj.-Gen. Ramadan Ramadan as incoming commander of the 1st Corps, replacing Lua’a Ali Ahmad Asa’ad.

In April the IDF released a short video showing a visit by Asa’ad to Hezbollah positions in the country. “We see you. Consider this a warning,” the IDF said in a tweet, releasing the footage.

Ramadan is “not qualified in terms of seniority and military rank” to be promoted to commander of the 1st Corps and did not occupy any previous command positions in it, Al Modon reported, quoting an opposition military source.

“It is clear that the only reason for appointing Maj.-Gen. Ramadan to his new position is his close ties to Hezbollah and Iran, as he is from the Shi’ite community and has been known since the beginning of the revolution to push the army into confronting it,” the source was quoted as saying.

Iran has “depended” on him since it entered the civil war on the side of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the source said, adding that Ramadan “previously led an important part of the military operations in the southern and eastern countryside of Idlib.”

Other changes include the commanders of the 7th Division, 5th Division, 90th Brigade and 12th Brigade, among others.

Following the return of regime forces to the south of the country and the rebuilding of the SAA, which was decimated over the course of the ongoing civil war, the influence of Hezbollah and Iran on the army has increased dramatically.

Though Israel usually refrains from targeting terrorist operatives in an attempt to avoid retaliation, several strikes blamed on the IDF have killed Hezbollah operatives in southern Syria on the Golan Heights, where the group has been trying to establish a permanent military presence.

In addition to the 1st Corps, Hezbollah forces have been deployed to 28 locations as part of Southern Command, as well as to another 30 locations where there is a presence of cells operating under the Golan Project.
Southern Command, led by Munir Ali Na’im Shaiti, is the Hezbollah unit in charge of southern Syria. Its main function is to create a Hezbollah infrastructure in the area, gather intelligence on the IDF and train the 1st Corps for war with Israel.

Should Hezbollah decide to carry out an attack from the Golan Heights, the IDF believes it would use the 1st Corps, which has significant weaponry, logistics and manpower.

The Golan Project is under the command of Ali Mussa Daqduq and has headquarters in Damascus and Beirut. Some of the operatives have undergone training by Hezbollah in sabotage, sharpshooting and firing Grad rockets. The project has been accused of launching attacks against Israel.

Source: JPOST

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The Syrian Arab Army has made changes to the leadership of the 1st Corps and its operations center in the southern part of the country, following threats to its leadership by the Israeli military.

The IDF has accused the SAA of helping Lebanon’s Hezbollah establish a permanent military presence on the Golan Heights. It has been dropping leaflets along the Israeli-Syrian border in recent weeks, warning the SAA’s 1st Corps not to work with the Iranian proxy group.

According to Lebanon’s Al Modon news website, the SAA has made changes to the division and brigade leadership after the leaflets dropped by Israel threatened them.

The report named Maj.-Gen. Ramadan Ramadan as incoming commander of the 1st Corps, replacing Lua’a Ali Ahmad Asa’ad.

In April the IDF released a short video showing a visit by Asa’ad to Hezbollah positions in the country. “We see you. Consider this a warning,” the IDF said in a tweet, releasing the footage.

Ramadan is “not qualified in terms of seniority and military rank” to be promoted to commander of the 1st Corps and did not occupy any previous command positions in it, Al Modon reported, quoting an opposition military source.

“It is clear that the only reason for appointing Maj.-Gen. Ramadan to his new position is his close ties to Hezbollah and Iran, as he is from the Shi’ite community and has been known since the beginning of the revolution to push the army into confronting it,” the source was quoted as saying.

Iran has “depended” on him since it entered the civil war on the side of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the source said, adding that Ramadan “previously led an important part of the military operations in the southern and eastern countryside of Idlib.”

Other changes include the commanders of the 7th Division, 5th Division, 90th Brigade and 12th Brigade, among others.

Following the return of regime forces to the south of the country and the rebuilding of the SAA, which was decimated over the course of the ongoing civil war, the influence of Hezbollah and Iran on the army has increased dramatically.

Though Israel usually refrains from targeting terrorist operatives in an attempt to avoid retaliation, several strikes blamed on the IDF have killed Hezbollah operatives in southern Syria on the Golan Heights, where the group has been trying to establish a permanent military presence.

In addition to the 1st Corps, Hezbollah forces have been deployed to 28 locations as part of Southern Command, as well as to another 30 locations where there is a presence of cells operating under the Golan Project.
Southern Command, led by Munir Ali Na’im Shaiti, is the Hezbollah unit in charge of southern Syria. Its main function is to create a Hezbollah infrastructure in the area, gather intelligence on the IDF and train the 1st Corps for war with Israel.

Should Hezbollah decide to carry out an attack from the Golan Heights, the IDF believes it would use the 1st Corps, which has significant weaponry, logistics and manpower.

The Golan Project is under the command of Ali Mussa Daqduq and has headquarters in Damascus and Beirut. Some of the operatives have undergone training by Hezbollah in sabotage, sharpshooting and firing Grad rockets. The project has been accused of launching attacks against Israel.

Source: JPOST

Russia began modernizing Syrian Army 2 years ago: Assad

Russia began modernizing Syrian Army 2 years ago: Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is completely dependent on Russian weapons, and that it will be modernized in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Assad told Russia’s Sputnik Agency on Thursday: “Two years ago, we began implementing a plan to modernize our army, and it is clear that we will do this modernization in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Defense, because our army for several decades has been completely dependent on Russian weapons.”

The Syrian President commented on a question about whether Syria is interested in acquiring the S-300 and S-400 systems, saying that it may not necessarily be related to missiles, as there may be other priorities for military-technical cooperation in relation to the “on the ground” conflict.

He continued, “We have priorities, we are not necessarily talking about missiles. There may be other priorities at the present time regarding the conflict on the ground. We have a complete plan, but we must act according to the priorities.”

He pointed out that Damascus usually does not talk about the details of its military plans, but it is generally a matter of modernizing the Syrian Army in all respects.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is completely dependent on Russian weapons, and that it will be modernized in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Assad told Russia’s Sputnik Agency on Thursday: “Two years ago, we began implementing a plan to modernize our army, and it is clear that we will do this modernization in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Defense, because our army for several decades has been completely dependent on Russian weapons.”

The Syrian President commented on a question about whether Syria is interested in acquiring the S-300 and S-400 systems, saying that it may not necessarily be related to missiles, as there may be other priorities for military-technical cooperation in relation to the “on the ground” conflict.

He continued, “We have priorities, we are not necessarily talking about missiles. There may be other priorities at the present time regarding the conflict on the ground. We have a complete plan, but we must act according to the priorities.”

He pointed out that Damascus usually does not talk about the details of its military plans, but it is generally a matter of modernizing the Syrian Army in all respects.

Moscow slams ‘disgraceful’ ban on founding OPCW chief, sacked under US pressure, from speaking at UN Security Council on Syria

Moscow slams ‘disgraceful’ ban on founding OPCW chief, sacked under US pressure, from speaking at UN Security Council on Syria

An ex-OPCW chief, sacked under US pressure, has been barred from briefing the UN Security Council about a controversial probe into an alleged 2018 chemical attack in Syria. Russia called it a “shame” and published his speech.

Jose Bustani, a Brazilian diplomat who led the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) from 1997 until 2002, was invited by Moscow to speak at a UN Security Council meeting about the so-called “Syrian chemical dossier,” but his appearance was blocked at the last minute by Belgium, Germany, Estonia, France, the US and the UK.

“What has happened now is yet more sad proof that Western delegations fear the uncomfortable truth,” Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, stressed while addressing the UN global body on Monday.

He said the six countries had “made history” because the Security Council has never voted “on the presence or absence of a briefer proposed by the [UNSC] president.” Prohibiting the former OPCW director general from speaking was a “shame and disgrace,” Nebenzia concluded, promising to publish Bustani’s statement after the meeting.

UK envoy Jonathan Allen said that Bustani is not in a position to “provide relevant knowledge or information.”

The Council today faced incredible disgrace when US, UK and other Western countries shamelessly tried to shut the mouth of former #OPCW Director General Jose #Bustani. This is a clear proof of how they in reality “care” for the truth and transparency #Syria#DoubleStandards— Dmitry Polyanskiy (@Dpol_un) October 5, 2020

Shortly afterwards, the undelivered speech appeared on the website of the Russian mission to the UN. In it, the sacked OPCW chief raised “serious questions” over “whether the independence, impartiality, and professionalism of some of the organization’s work is being severely compromised, possibly under pressure from some member states.”

As a major example, Bustani cited an OPCW investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Douma on April 7, 2018. Western governments, and media outlets, maintain that forces loyal to Damascus dropped two gas cylinders as part of an offensive against jihadist forces, killing scores of civilians.

The allegations were used as a pretext for a major US-led airstrike against Syrian government forces later that year. The OPCW launched a probe into the “chemical attack,” and in early March of 2019, the final report by the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) of the OPCW stated that there were “reasonable grounds” to believe that canisters filled with “molecular chlorine” were dropped from Syrian aircraft in Douma.

The final report gave credence to the Western show of force by implicating the Syrian government of Bashar Assad in conducting the attack, which the Syrian authorities vehemently deny.

Shortly after the release of the OPCW report, an internal memo by OPCW engineers was leaked, suggesting the canisters were likely just placed at the site of the “attack,” and did not come from the skies. Still, the final report did not include such information, and a senior OPCW official reportedly ordered the removal of “all traces” of the dissenting opinion, according to WikiLeaks.

Months later, Bustani noted that he was invited to an expert panel which heard the testimony of an unnamed OPCW investigator, who came forward with damning evidence that his own organization had engineered a report based on a flawed conclusion and likely deliberately steered toward the outcome favored by the West.

That expert provided “compelling and documentary evidence of highly questionable, and potentially fraudulent conduct in the investigative process,” Bustani’s statement recalled. The Brazilian diplomat had been so stunned by the testimony that he personally called on the OPCW to be “resurrected to become the independent and non-discriminatory body it used to be.”

However, he continued, the chemical weapons watchdog did not respond to any calls for greater transparency about the controversial Douma investigation. The probe was “hidden behind an impenetrable wall of silence and opacity, making any meaningful dialogue impossible.”

In conclusion, Bustani called on Fernando Arias, the current OPCW chief, to hear the grievances of OPCW inspectors who voiced dissenting opinions on the Douma incident. They “have dared to speak out against possible irregular behavior in your organization,” Bustani argued, adding that it is “in the world’s interest that you hear them out.”

Bustani noted that he had been removed from his OPCW position “following a US-orchestrated campaign in 2002.” Back then, he was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Iraq prior to the 2003 US invasion there. A UN tribunal ruled that his sacking was unlawful.

Source: RT
An ex-OPCW chief, sacked under US pressure, has been barred from briefing the UN Security Council about a controversial probe into an alleged 2018 chemical attack in Syria. Russia called it a “shame” and published his speech.

Jose Bustani, a Brazilian diplomat who led the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) from 1997 until 2002, was invited by Moscow to speak at a UN Security Council meeting about the so-called “Syrian chemical dossier,” but his appearance was blocked at the last minute by Belgium, Germany, Estonia, France, the US and the UK.

“What has happened now is yet more sad proof that Western delegations fear the uncomfortable truth,” Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, stressed while addressing the UN global body on Monday.

He said the six countries had “made history” because the Security Council has never voted “on the presence or absence of a briefer proposed by the [UNSC] president.” Prohibiting the former OPCW director general from speaking was a “shame and disgrace,” Nebenzia concluded, promising to publish Bustani’s statement after the meeting.

UK envoy Jonathan Allen said that Bustani is not in a position to “provide relevant knowledge or information.”

The Council today faced incredible disgrace when US, UK and other Western countries shamelessly tried to shut the mouth of former #OPCW Director General Jose #Bustani. This is a clear proof of how they in reality “care” for the truth and transparency #Syria#DoubleStandards— Dmitry Polyanskiy (@Dpol_un) October 5, 2020

Shortly afterwards, the undelivered speech appeared on the website of the Russian mission to the UN. In it, the sacked OPCW chief raised “serious questions” over “whether the independence, impartiality, and professionalism of some of the organization’s work is being severely compromised, possibly under pressure from some member states.”

As a major example, Bustani cited an OPCW investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Douma on April 7, 2018. Western governments, and media outlets, maintain that forces loyal to Damascus dropped two gas cylinders as part of an offensive against jihadist forces, killing scores of civilians.

The allegations were used as a pretext for a major US-led airstrike against Syrian government forces later that year. The OPCW launched a probe into the “chemical attack,” and in early March of 2019, the final report by the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) of the OPCW stated that there were “reasonable grounds” to believe that canisters filled with “molecular chlorine” were dropped from Syrian aircraft in Douma.

The final report gave credence to the Western show of force by implicating the Syrian government of Bashar Assad in conducting the attack, which the Syrian authorities vehemently deny.

Shortly after the release of the OPCW report, an internal memo by OPCW engineers was leaked, suggesting the canisters were likely just placed at the site of the “attack,” and did not come from the skies. Still, the final report did not include such information, and a senior OPCW official reportedly ordered the removal of “all traces” of the dissenting opinion, according to WikiLeaks.

Months later, Bustani noted that he was invited to an expert panel which heard the testimony of an unnamed OPCW investigator, who came forward with damning evidence that his own organization had engineered a report based on a flawed conclusion and likely deliberately steered toward the outcome favored by the West.

That expert provided “compelling and documentary evidence of highly questionable, and potentially fraudulent conduct in the investigative process,” Bustani’s statement recalled. The Brazilian diplomat had been so stunned by the testimony that he personally called on the OPCW to be “resurrected to become the independent and non-discriminatory body it used to be.”

However, he continued, the chemical weapons watchdog did not respond to any calls for greater transparency about the controversial Douma investigation. The probe was “hidden behind an impenetrable wall of silence and opacity, making any meaningful dialogue impossible.”

In conclusion, Bustani called on Fernando Arias, the current OPCW chief, to hear the grievances of OPCW inspectors who voiced dissenting opinions on the Douma incident. They “have dared to speak out against possible irregular behavior in your organization,” Bustani argued, adding that it is “in the world’s interest that you hear them out.”

Bustani noted that he had been removed from his OPCW position “following a US-orchestrated campaign in 2002.” Back then, he was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Iraq prior to the 2003 US invasion there. A UN tribunal ruled that his sacking was unlawful.

Source: RT

Armenia shot down multiple Azerbaijani helicopters

Armenia shot down multiple Azerbaijani helicopters

The Armenia forces have reportedly shot down many of the Azerbaijan's war helicopters in the ongoing full confrontations between the two countries.

This latest incidents followed Azerbaijan’s strike on civilian bus deep into Armenian territory. 

Armenian authorities said it has managed to evacuate all passengers. Injuries unclear but no deaths.

ARMENIA claimed that the “Azerbaijan's actions have leave no other choice but to switch to the use of long-range strike systems and destructive power,” according to the country's Ministry of Defense.

Reports confirmed that “the fights with varying intensity continue with Azerbaijani artillery Armenian units in several directions of the line of contact repulsed the attacks of the Azerbaijani armed forces, taking punitive actions in some parts, causing significant losses of the adversary”



According to the sources, MoD warns that “Armenian Air Force are compelled to use pieces of equipment and munitions designed to engage wide area targets, intended for large and indiscriminate destruction of manpower, and static and mobile property alike. “ 

 Earlier in the day, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia announces the attack by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on a military unit in the city of Vardenis — which is located directly on the territory of the country. Azerbaijan also used their airforce. Armenia promises a FIERCE RESPONSE.

Fighting has erupted anew since Sunday between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the disputed separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh and a top territorial official said 16 people were killed and more than 100 wounded, while Azerbaijan’s president said his military has suffered losses.

Armenia also claimed that two Azerbaijani helicopters were shot down and three Azerbaijani tanks were hit by artillery, but Azerbaijan’s defense ministry rejected that claim.

Armenia also said “accusations of Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan against Armenia on shelling of Dashkesan region of Azerbaijan from Vardenis region of Armenia is absolutely false & is aimed at preparing grounds for expanding geography of hostilities & aggression against Armenia” 

Heavy fighting broke out in the morning in the region that lies within Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since 1994 at the end of a separatist war. It was not immediately clear what sparked the fighting, the heaviest since clashes in July killed 16 people from both sides.

Nagorno-Karabakh authorities reported that shelling hit the region’s capital of Stepanakert and the towns of Martakert and Martuni. Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan also said Azerbaijani shelling hit within Armenian territory near the town of Vardenis.

Artur Sarkisian, deputy head of the Nagorno-Karabakh army, said that 16 people were killed and more than 100 wounded. It wasn’t immediately clear if the figure included both soldiers and civilians. Earlier, the Armenian human rights ombudsman said a woman and child had been killed in the shelling.

Another Armenian Defense Ministry spokeswoman, Shushan Stepanyan, said “the Armenian side” shot down two helicopters and hit three tanks. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev ordered martial law be imposed in some regions of the country and called for a curfew in major cities.

In a televised address to the nation, Aliyev said that “there are losses among the Azerbaijani forces and the civilian population as a result of the Armenian bombardment,” but didn’t give further details. 

He also claimed that “many units of the enemy’s military equipment have been destroyed.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov “is conducting intensive contacts in order to induce the parties to cease fire and start negotiations to stabilize the situation,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, called on the sides to stop fighting. The long-unsuccessful negotiations for resolving the territory’s status has been conducted under OSCE auspices.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on Sunday said the country could reexamine whether to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as independent. Such a move would likely obstruct further negotiations.

Foreign Minister Javad Zarif of Iran, which borders both Azerbaijan and Armenia, said “We call for an immediate end to hostilities and urge dialogue to resolve differences. Our neighbours are our priority and we are ready to provide good offices to enable talks.” 

Turkey’s ruling party spokesman Omer Celik tweeted: “We vehemently condemn Armenia’s attack on Azerbaijan. Armenia has once again committed a provocation, ignoring law.” He promised Turkey would stand by Azerbaijan and said, “Armenia is playing with fire and endangering regional peace.” Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin also condemned Armenia.

“Armenia has violated the cease-fire by attacking civilian settlements ... the international community must immediately say stop to this dangerous provocation,” Kalin tweeted.

Mostly mountainous Nagorno-Karabakh — a region around 4,400 square kilometers (1,700 square miles) or about the size of the U.S. state of Delaware — lies 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the Armenian border.

These are also reported:

The Armenia forces have reportedly shot down many of the Azerbaijan's war helicopters in the ongoing full confrontations between the two countries.

This latest incidents followed Azerbaijan’s strike on civilian bus deep into Armenian territory. 

Armenian authorities said it has managed to evacuate all passengers. Injuries unclear but no deaths.

ARMENIA claimed that the “Azerbaijan's actions have leave no other choice but to switch to the use of long-range strike systems and destructive power,” according to the country's Ministry of Defense.

Reports confirmed that “the fights with varying intensity continue with Azerbaijani artillery Armenian units in several directions of the line of contact repulsed the attacks of the Azerbaijani armed forces, taking punitive actions in some parts, causing significant losses of the adversary”



According to the sources, MoD warns that “Armenian Air Force are compelled to use pieces of equipment and munitions designed to engage wide area targets, intended for large and indiscriminate destruction of manpower, and static and mobile property alike. “ 

 Earlier in the day, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia announces the attack by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on a military unit in the city of Vardenis — which is located directly on the territory of the country. Azerbaijan also used their airforce. Armenia promises a FIERCE RESPONSE.

Fighting has erupted anew since Sunday between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the disputed separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh and a top territorial official said 16 people were killed and more than 100 wounded, while Azerbaijan’s president said his military has suffered losses.

Armenia also claimed that two Azerbaijani helicopters were shot down and three Azerbaijani tanks were hit by artillery, but Azerbaijan’s defense ministry rejected that claim.

Armenia also said “accusations of Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan against Armenia on shelling of Dashkesan region of Azerbaijan from Vardenis region of Armenia is absolutely false & is aimed at preparing grounds for expanding geography of hostilities & aggression against Armenia” 

Heavy fighting broke out in the morning in the region that lies within Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since 1994 at the end of a separatist war. It was not immediately clear what sparked the fighting, the heaviest since clashes in July killed 16 people from both sides.

Nagorno-Karabakh authorities reported that shelling hit the region’s capital of Stepanakert and the towns of Martakert and Martuni. Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan also said Azerbaijani shelling hit within Armenian territory near the town of Vardenis.

Artur Sarkisian, deputy head of the Nagorno-Karabakh army, said that 16 people were killed and more than 100 wounded. It wasn’t immediately clear if the figure included both soldiers and civilians. Earlier, the Armenian human rights ombudsman said a woman and child had been killed in the shelling.

Another Armenian Defense Ministry spokeswoman, Shushan Stepanyan, said “the Armenian side” shot down two helicopters and hit three tanks. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev ordered martial law be imposed in some regions of the country and called for a curfew in major cities.

In a televised address to the nation, Aliyev said that “there are losses among the Azerbaijani forces and the civilian population as a result of the Armenian bombardment,” but didn’t give further details. 

He also claimed that “many units of the enemy’s military equipment have been destroyed.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov “is conducting intensive contacts in order to induce the parties to cease fire and start negotiations to stabilize the situation,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, called on the sides to stop fighting. The long-unsuccessful negotiations for resolving the territory’s status has been conducted under OSCE auspices.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on Sunday said the country could reexamine whether to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as independent. Such a move would likely obstruct further negotiations.

Foreign Minister Javad Zarif of Iran, which borders both Azerbaijan and Armenia, said “We call for an immediate end to hostilities and urge dialogue to resolve differences. Our neighbours are our priority and we are ready to provide good offices to enable talks.” 

Turkey’s ruling party spokesman Omer Celik tweeted: “We vehemently condemn Armenia’s attack on Azerbaijan. Armenia has once again committed a provocation, ignoring law.” He promised Turkey would stand by Azerbaijan and said, “Armenia is playing with fire and endangering regional peace.” Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin also condemned Armenia.

“Armenia has violated the cease-fire by attacking civilian settlements ... the international community must immediately say stop to this dangerous provocation,” Kalin tweeted.

Mostly mountainous Nagorno-Karabakh — a region around 4,400 square kilometers (1,700 square miles) or about the size of the U.S. state of Delaware — lies 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the Armenian border.

These are also reported:

Photos: Syrian Arab Airforce strikes on Turkish backed terrorist logical sites in the western Idlib

Photos: Syrian Arab Airforce strikes on Turkish backed terrorist logical sites in the western Idlib


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NIGERIANS: Why you should Become A VTU Owner, Make Money Per Seconds


Syria announces solidarity with Lukashenko in Belarus

Syria announces solidarity with Lukashenko in Belarus

Syrian al Assad 
Damascus expressed its solidarity with Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, stating that they are in support of the aforementioned leader “in the face of the attempts of external interference in its internal affairs.,” AMN reported.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that Syria “is following with great interest the developments of events in the friendly Republic of Belarus.” They also expressed its rejection and condemnation of “the insistence of some well-known countries on undermining the legitimate elected governments in independent and sovereign countries.”

According to the Syrian Foreign Ministry, Syria is astonished by “the persistence of some Western countries threatening security and stability in many countries, and promoting projects of chaos and division, seeking to dominate peoples’ choices and decisions, and control their capabilities and wealth.”

The statement continued that Syria “renews its pride in its distinguished and important relations with the Republic of Belarus, and constantly recalls the Belarusian position of solidarity with Syria in facing the terrorist war that targets it, and rejecting the attempts of external interference in its internal affairs.”

The statement said that Syria affirms its “constant aspiration to strengthen and develop these bilateral relations in a way that achieves the common interests of the two friendly peoples and enhances their capabilities to confront attempts to dominate and interfere in their internal affairs.”

Syria renewed its “confidence in the choices of the friendly Belarusian people, the wisdom of its leadership and its government, and its ability to overcome this crisis and achieve more security and prosperity for friendly Belarus.”
Syrian al Assad 
Damascus expressed its solidarity with Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, stating that they are in support of the aforementioned leader “in the face of the attempts of external interference in its internal affairs.,” AMN reported.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that Syria “is following with great interest the developments of events in the friendly Republic of Belarus.” They also expressed its rejection and condemnation of “the insistence of some well-known countries on undermining the legitimate elected governments in independent and sovereign countries.”

According to the Syrian Foreign Ministry, Syria is astonished by “the persistence of some Western countries threatening security and stability in many countries, and promoting projects of chaos and division, seeking to dominate peoples’ choices and decisions, and control their capabilities and wealth.”

The statement continued that Syria “renews its pride in its distinguished and important relations with the Republic of Belarus, and constantly recalls the Belarusian position of solidarity with Syria in facing the terrorist war that targets it, and rejecting the attempts of external interference in its internal affairs.”

The statement said that Syria affirms its “constant aspiration to strengthen and develop these bilateral relations in a way that achieves the common interests of the two friendly peoples and enhances their capabilities to confront attempts to dominate and interfere in their internal affairs.”

Syria renewed its “confidence in the choices of the friendly Belarusian people, the wisdom of its leadership and its government, and its ability to overcome this crisis and achieve more security and prosperity for friendly Belarus.”

US sale of Syrian oil violate international law - Russia

US sale of Syrian oil violate international law - Russia

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The US troops, jointly with the Arab-Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces, maintain control over a part of northeastern Syria, concentrating around the oil and gas fields in the provinces of Al-Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor.

The US oil deal with the Syrian Kurds breaks international law and is used as cover for US illegal policy to undermine Damascus’ peace efforts, Russian and Syria militaries said in a joint statement.

The illegal presence of the US and its allies in the northeast of Syria has lead to a plundering of the country’s natural resources and fanned tensions, the statement said.

Earlier, State Secretary Mike Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that an US oil firm had secured a deal to modernize oil fields controlled by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.

The name of the company has not been revealed, however, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the company in question is Delta Crescent Energy.

The US troops with the SDF, retain control over a part of northeastern Syria containing most of the country’s oil and gas reserves.

The Syrian government sees the US presence there as a violation of its sovereignty and an illegal attempt to seize Syria’s natural resources.

Source: Sputnik
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The US troops, jointly with the Arab-Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces, maintain control over a part of northeastern Syria, concentrating around the oil and gas fields in the provinces of Al-Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor.

The US oil deal with the Syrian Kurds breaks international law and is used as cover for US illegal policy to undermine Damascus’ peace efforts, Russian and Syria militaries said in a joint statement.

The illegal presence of the US and its allies in the northeast of Syria has lead to a plundering of the country’s natural resources and fanned tensions, the statement said.

Earlier, State Secretary Mike Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that an US oil firm had secured a deal to modernize oil fields controlled by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces.

The name of the company has not been revealed, however, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the company in question is Delta Crescent Energy.

The US troops with the SDF, retain control over a part of northeastern Syria containing most of the country’s oil and gas reserves.

The Syrian government sees the US presence there as a violation of its sovereignty and an illegal attempt to seize Syria’s natural resources.

Source: Sputnik

Syria grants Russia lands and marine space near Hmeimim Airbase

Syria grants Russia lands and marine space near Hmeimim Airbase

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Syria has agreed to grant Russia a plot of land and marine space in the coastal governorate of Latakia to establish a health center for the Russian Army on it.

Russia’s Sputnik Agency quoted from a document published by the official Russian legal information portal, that “the Syrian Arab Republic agreed to transfer a plot of land and water space in the Latakia Governorate to Russia in order to establish a medical center for health and rehabilitation of Russian flying teams.”

The area around ​​the site, according to the document, is 8 hectares, and Russia bears the cost of building and equipping the infrastructure.

The document was signed on June 21 in Damascus, and in Moscow it was signed on July 30.

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Syria has agreed to grant Russia a plot of land and marine space in the coastal governorate of Latakia to establish a health center for the Russian Army on it.

Russia’s Sputnik Agency quoted from a document published by the official Russian legal information portal, that “the Syrian Arab Republic agreed to transfer a plot of land and water space in the Latakia Governorate to Russia in order to establish a medical center for health and rehabilitation of Russian flying teams.”

The area around ​​the site, according to the document, is 8 hectares, and Russia bears the cost of building and equipping the infrastructure.

The document was signed on June 21 in Damascus, and in Moscow it was signed on July 30.

Large Turkish military reinforcements enter northwestern Syria after Russian airstrikes

Large Turkish military reinforcements enter northwestern Syria after Russian airstrikes

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According to the report, a massive Turkish military convoy entered northwestern Syria on Wednesday, entering the country from the neighboring Hatay Province.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said over 450 Turkish military vehicles entered northwestern Syria, where they reportedly made their way to the agreed upon deescalation zone.

According to the SOHR report, the Turkish military convoy consisted of armored vehicles and heavy weapons. 

The arrival of these Turkish reinforcements comes just a day after the Russian Air Force launched heavy airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate.

According to a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) source, the airstrikes were carried out in response to the militant attack on the Turkish patrol along the M-4 (Aleppo-Latakia Highway) Highway on Monday.
profile picture
According to the report, a massive Turkish military convoy entered northwestern Syria on Wednesday, entering the country from the neighboring Hatay Province.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said over 450 Turkish military vehicles entered northwestern Syria, where they reportedly made their way to the agreed upon deescalation zone.

According to the SOHR report, the Turkish military convoy consisted of armored vehicles and heavy weapons. 

The arrival of these Turkish reinforcements comes just a day after the Russian Air Force launched heavy airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate.

According to a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) source, the airstrikes were carried out in response to the militant attack on the Turkish patrol along the M-4 (Aleppo-Latakia Highway) Highway on Monday.

How Russian general was killed in roadside bombing attack in east Syria

How Russian general was killed in roadside bombing attack in east Syria

The incident was said to have taken place in Deir ez-Zor province, northeastern Syria. A Russian major-general was killed and two troops were injured in Syria Tuesday after vehicles they were traveling in were hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), the Russian Ministry of Defence has announced.

The blast was said to have taken place near the At-Taim oil field, about 15 km outside the city of Deir ez-Zor, with the Russian convoy said to have been hit while returning from a humanitarian action.

“As a result of the explosion, three Russian servicemen were injured. During evacuation and while receiving medical assistant, a senior Russian military advisor with the rank of major-general died from the serious injuries sustained,” the MoD said.

The military said the IED involved was placed on the side of the road along which the Russian convoy was traveling.

The family of the senior officer will receive all possible assistance and support, according to the MoD, with the major-general to be awarded posthumously for his service.

The Russian ground contingent in Syria consists of Military Police forces, whose mission includes separating Turkish and Syrian forces in the country’s north, assisting in humanitarian aid deliveries, and occasionally, helping Syrian Army forces destroy terrorist remnants.

This includes forces operating in Deir ez-Zor province. 

On Saturday, Russian forces deployed a mobile water treatment plant in Deir ez-Zor city. On August 6, the Russian military reported “an aggravation of the situation in the areas of the province of Deir ez-Zor” outside the control of the Syrian government owing to poor conditions in US-occupied areas of the province.

On Monday, Syrian and US forces engaged in a skirmish in neighbouring Hasakah province, with the incident leaving one Syrian soldier dead and two others injured.

Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor contain the vast majority of Syria’s energy resources, which the Syrian government considers vital for its efforts to rebuild the country. 

In addition to Syrian Army and Russian forces (which are deployed in accordance with international law), US troops and Turkish-backed militias also operate in the area, as do the remnants of Daesh (ISIS)* and other terrorist groups, with the concentration of these forces in close proximity leading to regular confrontations, some of them violent.

Over 120 Russian servicemen have been killed in operations in Syria since Russia began its anti-terrorist operation in the country in September 2015.

Source: Sputnik
The incident was said to have taken place in Deir ez-Zor province, northeastern Syria. A Russian major-general was killed and two troops were injured in Syria Tuesday after vehicles they were traveling in were hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), the Russian Ministry of Defence has announced.

The blast was said to have taken place near the At-Taim oil field, about 15 km outside the city of Deir ez-Zor, with the Russian convoy said to have been hit while returning from a humanitarian action.

“As a result of the explosion, three Russian servicemen were injured. During evacuation and while receiving medical assistant, a senior Russian military advisor with the rank of major-general died from the serious injuries sustained,” the MoD said.

The military said the IED involved was placed on the side of the road along which the Russian convoy was traveling.

The family of the senior officer will receive all possible assistance and support, according to the MoD, with the major-general to be awarded posthumously for his service.

The Russian ground contingent in Syria consists of Military Police forces, whose mission includes separating Turkish and Syrian forces in the country’s north, assisting in humanitarian aid deliveries, and occasionally, helping Syrian Army forces destroy terrorist remnants.

This includes forces operating in Deir ez-Zor province. 

On Saturday, Russian forces deployed a mobile water treatment plant in Deir ez-Zor city. On August 6, the Russian military reported “an aggravation of the situation in the areas of the province of Deir ez-Zor” outside the control of the Syrian government owing to poor conditions in US-occupied areas of the province.

On Monday, Syrian and US forces engaged in a skirmish in neighbouring Hasakah province, with the incident leaving one Syrian soldier dead and two others injured.

Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor contain the vast majority of Syria’s energy resources, which the Syrian government considers vital for its efforts to rebuild the country. 

In addition to Syrian Army and Russian forces (which are deployed in accordance with international law), US troops and Turkish-backed militias also operate in the area, as do the remnants of Daesh (ISIS)* and other terrorist groups, with the concentration of these forces in close proximity leading to regular confrontations, some of them violent.

Over 120 Russian servicemen have been killed in operations in Syria since Russia began its anti-terrorist operation in the country in September 2015.

Source: Sputnik

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost in Syria

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost in Syria

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The largest U.S. military base in Syria was targeted by a number of missiles in the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Tuesdayby the Ara tribe.

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost near the Deirezzor / Hasakah provincial border. 

Several rockets hit the base and multiple vehicles were damaged but no reports of US causalities.This is the second rocket attack against a US bases with the al Shaddadi base in a Hasakah shelled earlier this week

According to reports from eastern Syria, the U.S. base at the Conoco Oil Fields was targeted with a number of rockets fired by unknown group in the Deir Ezzor countryside.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Coalition said that at least three rockets were fired towards the base, but the projectiles did not manage to hit the installation.

Despite no group officially claim responsibility for the attack, the U.S. Coalition and their allies from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been facing heavy opposition from the Arab tribes inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Most recently, the Syrian Democratic Forces and Al-Akidat Tribe clashed along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, culminating in a series of events that led to a number of tribes getting involved in the hostilities.

Among the tribes involved in the clashes against the U.S. Coalition and SDF is the Al-Baggara Tribe, which claimed their forces expelled the Syrian Democratic Forces from the village of Jadeed Baggara in eastern Deir Ezzor last weekend.
Profile Picture
The largest U.S. military base in Syria was targeted by a number of missiles in the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Tuesdayby the Ara tribe.

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost near the Deirezzor / Hasakah provincial border. 

Several rockets hit the base and multiple vehicles were damaged but no reports of US causalities.This is the second rocket attack against a US bases with the al Shaddadi base in a Hasakah shelled earlier this week

According to reports from eastern Syria, the U.S. base at the Conoco Oil Fields was targeted with a number of rockets fired by unknown group in the Deir Ezzor countryside.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Coalition said that at least three rockets were fired towards the base, but the projectiles did not manage to hit the installation.

Despite no group officially claim responsibility for the attack, the U.S. Coalition and their allies from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been facing heavy opposition from the Arab tribes inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Most recently, the Syrian Democratic Forces and Al-Akidat Tribe clashed along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, culminating in a series of events that led to a number of tribes getting involved in the hostilities.

Among the tribes involved in the clashes against the U.S. Coalition and SDF is the Al-Baggara Tribe, which claimed their forces expelled the Syrian Democratic Forces from the village of Jadeed Baggara in eastern Deir Ezzor last weekend.

Two US military drones crash into one another over Syria

Two US military drones crash into one another over Syria

The U.S. military lost two drones over the Idlib Governorate this week after they reportedly crashed into one another on Tuesday.

Citing a defense official, the Military Times reported that the U.S. lost the two drones when they crashed into one another over northwestern Syria. “Images of burning aircraft crashing to the ground were posted on Twitter Tuesday. There was speculation that the aircraft were MQ-9 Reapers — a remotely piloted aircraft used predominately as an armed hunter-killer drone, but also capable of surveillance and intelligence collection — and were shot down,” Military Times reported.

They added that the defense official could not confirm the types of drones that crashed into one another at the time of the incident.

Opposition activists previously reported that the drones were shot down over Idlib, while others mistook the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as belonging to the Russian military, rather than the U.S.

Tuesday’s incident marked the first time during the Syrian conflict that any U.S. drones have crashed into one another.
The U.S. military lost two drones over the Idlib Governorate this week after they reportedly crashed into one another on Tuesday.

Citing a defense official, the Military Times reported that the U.S. lost the two drones when they crashed into one another over northwestern Syria. “Images of burning aircraft crashing to the ground were posted on Twitter Tuesday. There was speculation that the aircraft were MQ-9 Reapers — a remotely piloted aircraft used predominately as an armed hunter-killer drone, but also capable of surveillance and intelligence collection — and were shot down,” Military Times reported.

They added that the defense official could not confirm the types of drones that crashed into one another at the time of the incident.

Opposition activists previously reported that the drones were shot down over Idlib, while others mistook the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as belonging to the Russian military, rather than the U.S.

Tuesday’s incident marked the first time during the Syrian conflict that any U.S. drones have crashed into one another.

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