
police brutality


Showing posts with label police brutality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police brutality. Show all posts

Shehu Sani to Tinubu: Release #EndSARS protesters in the spirit of June 12

Shehu Sani to Tinubu: Release #EndSARS protesters in the spirit of June 12

Former Kaduna Central Senator, Shehu Sani on Monday urged President Bola Tinubu to release all #EndSARS protesters that are still in detention.

Sani said Tinubu should release the detainees in the spirit of June 12.

According to the former lawmaker's posting on X, “In the spirit of the June 12 struggle which we fought 30 years ago, I call on the President to release all persons still held in the Nigerian Prisons because of the #EndSARS protest.”

Will Tinubu led APC government release them?

Many of the protesters were killed at Lekki Toll gate in Lagos by men of the Nigerian Army , the panel of enquiry revealed in it's report.
Also in Ibadan, Ogbomoso and Osogbo, protesters were shot dead by security operatives.
 APC leadership in Nigeria is a disaster to humanity.

Former Kaduna Central Senator, Shehu Sani on Monday urged President Bola Tinubu to release all #EndSARS protesters that are still in detention.

Sani said Tinubu should release the detainees in the spirit of June 12.

According to the former lawmaker's posting on X, “In the spirit of the June 12 struggle which we fought 30 years ago, I call on the President to release all persons still held in the Nigerian Prisons because of the #EndSARS protest.”

Will Tinubu led APC government release them?

Many of the protesters were killed at Lekki Toll gate in Lagos by men of the Nigerian Army , the panel of enquiry revealed in it's report.
Also in Ibadan, Ogbomoso and Osogbo, protesters were shot dead by security operatives.
 APC leadership in Nigeria is a disaster to humanity.



On Thursday the Nigerian Police unlawfully arrested five peaceful protesters in Abuja during a protest seeking protection for beleaguered Nigerians particularly in the northern parts. 

Upon arrest, these citizens were subjected to the worst form of brutality by policemen deployed to quell the protest. 

Today, two Magistrates have refused to take their case but we got a chance to see the unchanging face of police brutality. These videos were taken in court today.


On Thursday the Nigerian Police unlawfully arrested five peaceful protesters in Abuja during a protest seeking protection for beleaguered Nigerians particularly in the northern parts. 

Upon arrest, these citizens were subjected to the worst form of brutality by policemen deployed to quell the protest. 

Today, two Magistrates have refused to take their case but we got a chance to see the unchanging face of police brutality. These videos were taken in court today.


Illegal forfeiture of Sowore's phones: Lawless DSS to pay #2m, apologize in two national dailies within 30 days

Illegal forfeiture of Sowore's phones: Lawless DSS to pay #2m, apologize in two national dailies within 30 days


A Federal High Court judge, Justice Anwuli Chikere has on Wednesday ruled that seizure of the AAC National Chairman's mobile phones by the Nigeria's lawless DSS is illegal, and gross violation of his rights.  

The judge further ruled that the  forfeiture of phones belonging to Omoyele Sowore by the Department Of States Security Services since 2019 using the subterfuge of  an alleged links with “terrorists” is illegal, null and void.

Subsequently, She ordered the DSS to pay me N2m! 

And that the DSS should apologize to me in two national dailies within 30 days.


In Nigeria under this tyrannical regime of Major General Muhammadu Buhari, the various state security apparatus have become instruments of oppression and agents of death against the law abiding but defenseless citizens.


A Federal High Court judge, Justice Anwuli Chikere has on Wednesday ruled that seizure of the AAC National Chairman's mobile phones by the Nigeria's lawless DSS is illegal, and gross violation of his rights.  

The judge further ruled that the  forfeiture of phones belonging to Omoyele Sowore by the Department Of States Security Services since 2019 using the subterfuge of  an alleged links with “terrorists” is illegal, null and void.

Subsequently, She ordered the DSS to pay me N2m! 

And that the DSS should apologize to me in two national dailies within 30 days.


In Nigeria under this tyrannical regime of Major General Muhammadu Buhari, the various state security apparatus have become instruments of oppression and agents of death against the law abiding but defenseless citizens.



1 . On Sunday, Festus Keyamo, Minister of State for Labour and Employment, said the Lagos Judicial Panel of Inquiry on Restitution for Victim of SARS Related Abuses and Other Matters was “illegal and a waste of time” on the ground that the Lagos State government lacks the power to probe the conduct of police and military officers.

2. With due respect, the position of the learned Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) is grossly misconceived, suspiciously misleading and does not reflect the true position of the law. The Lagos EndSARS panel was constituted within the ambits of law and its investigative powers are neither overreaching nor beyond the scope of the 1999 Constitution.

3. First, Section 1 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law, Cap T7, Laws of Lagos State, 2015, confers power on the Governor of Lagos State to constitute the judicial panel to investigate “any matter in respect of which in the opinion an inquiry would be for the public welfare”. Instructively, it is settled law that the Federal Government lacks the power and authority to constitute judicial panels or any tribunal whatsoever for state governments. With a clear understanding that the Federal Government lacks the constitutional vires to constitute tribunal for states, the National Economic Council, NEC, last year directed the immediate establishment of State-based Judicial Panels of Inquiry to investigate complaints of police brutality or related extrajudicial killings with a view to delivering justice for all victims of the dissolved Special Anti-Robbery Squads (SARS) and other police units.

4. In the popular case of Fawehinmi v. Babangida (2003) 3 NWLR (Pt.808) 604, the Supreme Court succinctly held that: "The National Assembly cannot enact a general Law for the establishment of tribunals of inquiry for, and applicable in, the Federation of Nigeria. The power to enact such a Law has become a residual matter for the States in respect of which the Houses of Assembly can legislate for their respective States by virtue of Section 4(7)(a) of the 1999 Constitution. Although the Tribunals of Inquiry Act is an "existing law," its application is limited and has no general application". Flowing from the decision of Supreme Court, it is clear like crystal that the Federal Government of Nigeria can only set up Tribunal for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and not for States of the federation.

5. It is not in doubt that matters relating to the police and other security agencies established by law are on the exclusive legislative list. It is equally not a subject of controversy that Section 21 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law of Lagos State empowers the Governor to exercise his powers under the Law in respect of matters within the legislative competence of the state. My only question is whether issues of human rights are within the legislative competence of state governments and whether the panels so constituted can look into the atrocities and human rights violations committed  by the police and other security agencies?

6. In AG Abia State v. AG Federation (2006) 16 NWLR (Pt. 1005) 265, the Supreme Court clarified that matters not included in the exclusive and concurrent lists are residual and are meant for the State, not the Federal, to legislate upon. Human rights related matters are neither on the exclusive or concurrent lists, therefore, they are within the legislative competence of Lagos state. Thus, the Lagos State government can validly make laws in respect of human rights and constitute panels to investigate cases of human rights violations recorded within the state. 

7. While the Lagos State Government cannot make laws to control, discipline or regulate security officers of the Federal Government, it has the constitutional powers to set up panels to investigate human rights abuses and in any case where the conducts of federal officers like the police and army come under checks or scrutiny, the panels so constituted have the powers in law and equity to investigate them and make valid recommendations. There is a fundamental difference between the Lagos State government legislating over matters on officers of the Federal Government and a case where officers of the Federal Government who committed heinous crimes against humanity in Lagos State become subject of a Panel of Inquiry set up by the Lagos State Government. Those that perpetrated the massacre cannot use the law as a shield from being answerable for their crimes.

8. Meanwhile, it is a rude shock that the learned silk just discovered his alleged “illegality” of the Panel over a year since it was constituted up till the point that it submitted its reports. This sudden attack on the legal validity of the panel is strange and quite suspicious. One wonders if the Honourable Minister would have maintained the same position if the Panel reports and recommendations absolved the Federal Government of any wrongdoing. I daresay that the opinion of the Honourable Minister is calculated to discredit the valid reports of the panel. Too late! The truth is in the open and no attempt to thwart the genuine efforts of the EndSARS panel will succeed.

9. I find it self-immolating that the same Federal Government that directed that the panel be set up and submitted itself to its jurisdiction is coming forward to challenge the constitutionality of the panel. It shows a great level of dissimulation and double-standard. Why is the Federal Government blowing hot and cold? Why is the Federal Government approbating and reprobating? It is illegal and immoral for the Federal Government to submit to the jurisdiction of the Panel and later retract when the verdict is “unfavorable”.

10. In the light of the foregoing, I call on well-meaning Nigerians to disregard the views of Mr. Keyamo as it is grossly misleading, made in bad faith and calculated to distract the incontrovertible fact that Nigeria is currently ruled by merchants of death. 


29 November, 2021

[email protected]

1 . On Sunday, Festus Keyamo, Minister of State for Labour and Employment, said the Lagos Judicial Panel of Inquiry on Restitution for Victim of SARS Related Abuses and Other Matters was “illegal and a waste of time” on the ground that the Lagos State government lacks the power to probe the conduct of police and military officers.

2. With due respect, the position of the learned Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) is grossly misconceived, suspiciously misleading and does not reflect the true position of the law. The Lagos EndSARS panel was constituted within the ambits of law and its investigative powers are neither overreaching nor beyond the scope of the 1999 Constitution.

3. First, Section 1 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law, Cap T7, Laws of Lagos State, 2015, confers power on the Governor of Lagos State to constitute the judicial panel to investigate “any matter in respect of which in the opinion an inquiry would be for the public welfare”. Instructively, it is settled law that the Federal Government lacks the power and authority to constitute judicial panels or any tribunal whatsoever for state governments. With a clear understanding that the Federal Government lacks the constitutional vires to constitute tribunal for states, the National Economic Council, NEC, last year directed the immediate establishment of State-based Judicial Panels of Inquiry to investigate complaints of police brutality or related extrajudicial killings with a view to delivering justice for all victims of the dissolved Special Anti-Robbery Squads (SARS) and other police units.

4. In the popular case of Fawehinmi v. Babangida (2003) 3 NWLR (Pt.808) 604, the Supreme Court succinctly held that: "The National Assembly cannot enact a general Law for the establishment of tribunals of inquiry for, and applicable in, the Federation of Nigeria. The power to enact such a Law has become a residual matter for the States in respect of which the Houses of Assembly can legislate for their respective States by virtue of Section 4(7)(a) of the 1999 Constitution. Although the Tribunals of Inquiry Act is an "existing law," its application is limited and has no general application". Flowing from the decision of Supreme Court, it is clear like crystal that the Federal Government of Nigeria can only set up Tribunal for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and not for States of the federation.

5. It is not in doubt that matters relating to the police and other security agencies established by law are on the exclusive legislative list. It is equally not a subject of controversy that Section 21 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law of Lagos State empowers the Governor to exercise his powers under the Law in respect of matters within the legislative competence of the state. My only question is whether issues of human rights are within the legislative competence of state governments and whether the panels so constituted can look into the atrocities and human rights violations committed  by the police and other security agencies?

6. In AG Abia State v. AG Federation (2006) 16 NWLR (Pt. 1005) 265, the Supreme Court clarified that matters not included in the exclusive and concurrent lists are residual and are meant for the State, not the Federal, to legislate upon. Human rights related matters are neither on the exclusive or concurrent lists, therefore, they are within the legislative competence of Lagos state. Thus, the Lagos State government can validly make laws in respect of human rights and constitute panels to investigate cases of human rights violations recorded within the state. 

7. While the Lagos State Government cannot make laws to control, discipline or regulate security officers of the Federal Government, it has the constitutional powers to set up panels to investigate human rights abuses and in any case where the conducts of federal officers like the police and army come under checks or scrutiny, the panels so constituted have the powers in law and equity to investigate them and make valid recommendations. There is a fundamental difference between the Lagos State government legislating over matters on officers of the Federal Government and a case where officers of the Federal Government who committed heinous crimes against humanity in Lagos State become subject of a Panel of Inquiry set up by the Lagos State Government. Those that perpetrated the massacre cannot use the law as a shield from being answerable for their crimes.

8. Meanwhile, it is a rude shock that the learned silk just discovered his alleged “illegality” of the Panel over a year since it was constituted up till the point that it submitted its reports. This sudden attack on the legal validity of the panel is strange and quite suspicious. One wonders if the Honourable Minister would have maintained the same position if the Panel reports and recommendations absolved the Federal Government of any wrongdoing. I daresay that the opinion of the Honourable Minister is calculated to discredit the valid reports of the panel. Too late! The truth is in the open and no attempt to thwart the genuine efforts of the EndSARS panel will succeed.

9. I find it self-immolating that the same Federal Government that directed that the panel be set up and submitted itself to its jurisdiction is coming forward to challenge the constitutionality of the panel. It shows a great level of dissimulation and double-standard. Why is the Federal Government blowing hot and cold? Why is the Federal Government approbating and reprobating? It is illegal and immoral for the Federal Government to submit to the jurisdiction of the Panel and later retract when the verdict is “unfavorable”.

10. In the light of the foregoing, I call on well-meaning Nigerians to disregard the views of Mr. Keyamo as it is grossly misleading, made in bad faith and calculated to distract the incontrovertible fact that Nigeria is currently ruled by merchants of death. 


29 November, 2021

[email protected]

VIDEOS: Police Endless Extortions, Brutalities, Torture & Murder, When Will It End?

VIDEOS: Police Endless Extortions, Brutalities, Torture & Murder, When Will It End?

A victim of police brutality, torture and assault just sent in this.

This is his story below:

This Morning heading to Ikeja with my brother and his wife to meet up with our visa appointment, on getting to the road that connects third mainland bridge through Osborne, we saw people scatter round the road, An unbranded Vehicle (Korope) was used to block the road. I told my brother to be careful incase they were Armed Robbers (which turns out true, only this time, they wore uniform, empowered Criminals) so we don't just run into their trap. 

We got to them, stopped after noticing they were police men, they asked for vehicle particular and we gave them, asked for his drivers license and we gave them, then they asked my brother's wife to get down from they car, and that my brother should hand over his keys.

Ah hand over keys ke,  Why do you need our car key and why should my brother's wife leave the front seat for you? Why do you even want to enter the car, is it your car? Omo the next thing one of them snatch my brother's phone? Ah this people mean business o At that point, I had started recording with my phone, and the same guy that collected my brother's phone started moving close to me.

I noticed he was trying to snatch my phone too so I was carefully avoiding him, and boom they tried pinning me to the Ground, I quickly passed my phone to my brother's wife, the dragging continue and they were very particular about getting the keys from us. Took all our phones they could lay hands on, Took turns to hit me, tore all my clothes. 

Some guys saw what was happening,

Stopped their car on the other side of the road and started recording, when the noticed that they were external people recording them, they started shooting. On noticing that we did not even flinch, one of them started begging us, told us we can go.

Go? Like seriously? without our phones? No sir, we must get our phones, all our phones.

It's sad that we keep seeing a repeat of the very brutality we've been fighting against every time. Men of the Nigerian Police Force are never tired of constantly extorting

When they noticed that we and the Guys who stopped to record weren't backing out, they ran into their vehicle and sped off. I don't even feel safe anymore in my own country.

We run from Armed Robbers and Kidnappers and we should be running from Police men too? @PoliceNG when will all this Harrasment end?

At what point will we start feeling safe in our own country?

Shout out to the Young men who stopped to record what was happening. The End.

This is the Nigerian Dream.

I'm so ashamed watching this. How did we get to this level of having officers representing Nigeria without shame, dignity, respect for themselves, families and their nation. 

I'm tired. No wonder we are being treated like animals abroad how can anyone respect citizens whose police extorts assaults, toture and kill its citizens if they don't give them bribe.


A victim of police brutality, torture and assault just sent in this.

This is his story below:

This Morning heading to Ikeja with my brother and his wife to meet up with our visa appointment, on getting to the road that connects third mainland bridge through Osborne, we saw people scatter round the road, An unbranded Vehicle (Korope) was used to block the road. I told my brother to be careful incase they were Armed Robbers (which turns out true, only this time, they wore uniform, empowered Criminals) so we don't just run into their trap. 

We got to them, stopped after noticing they were police men, they asked for vehicle particular and we gave them, asked for his drivers license and we gave them, then they asked my brother's wife to get down from they car, and that my brother should hand over his keys.

Ah hand over keys ke,  Why do you need our car key and why should my brother's wife leave the front seat for you? Why do you even want to enter the car, is it your car? Omo the next thing one of them snatch my brother's phone? Ah this people mean business o At that point, I had started recording with my phone, and the same guy that collected my brother's phone started moving close to me.

I noticed he was trying to snatch my phone too so I was carefully avoiding him, and boom they tried pinning me to the Ground, I quickly passed my phone to my brother's wife, the dragging continue and they were very particular about getting the keys from us. Took all our phones they could lay hands on, Took turns to hit me, tore all my clothes. 

Some guys saw what was happening,

Stopped their car on the other side of the road and started recording, when the noticed that they were external people recording them, they started shooting. On noticing that we did not even flinch, one of them started begging us, told us we can go.

Go? Like seriously? without our phones? No sir, we must get our phones, all our phones.

It's sad that we keep seeing a repeat of the very brutality we've been fighting against every time. Men of the Nigerian Police Force are never tired of constantly extorting

When they noticed that we and the Guys who stopped to record weren't backing out, they ran into their vehicle and sped off. I don't even feel safe anymore in my own country.

We run from Armed Robbers and Kidnappers and we should be running from Police men too? @PoliceNG when will all this Harrasment end?

At what point will we start feeling safe in our own country?

Shout out to the Young men who stopped to record what was happening. The End.

This is the Nigerian Dream.

I'm so ashamed watching this. How did we get to this level of having officers representing Nigeria without shame, dignity, respect for themselves, families and their nation. 

I'm tired. No wonder we are being treated like animals abroad how can anyone respect citizens whose police extorts assaults, toture and kill its citizens if they don't give them bribe.





● The panel has confirmed without ambiguity that Lekki Toll Gate massacre happened.

● The Army & Police indicted of carrying out the Massacre

● The panel has named all victims and proposed compensations.

● proposed punishments for all the security personnel involved in the killings.

● The panel has proposed naming the Lekki Toll gate “EndSARS Toll Gate”

● The Lekki Concession company(LCC) owners of the Toll gate attempted a cover up of the atrocities perpetrated by the Nigerian Army and Police.


Can Jide Sanwoolu, Lai Mohammed, Garba Shehu, Raji Fashola and others asking “where are the bodies?” honourably bury their heads in shame now that the submitted #EndSars Panel report has shown that there was indeed a massacre? 

Everyone knows there was a massacre; it is a living truth that is incontrovertible. The authorities are equally aware that the tragedy that occurred at Lekki Tollgate October 2020 was a mindless massacre. They masterminded the evil just to break the undying resolve of protesting youths yearning for a country that respects human rights and social justice.

Now that the youths have been vindicated, will the authorities truly implement the recommendations of the Panel? Will the APC government ever apologize to young people and admit that its dirty hands are full of blood and the spirit of the slain innocent is crying bitterly in heaven for vengeance?

Given that the #EndSars struggle was a major reason why Twitter was banned, would the Buhari regime truly apologize and lift the thoughtless ban with immediate effect? Would the Buhari regime place itself in the witness box and answer questions over the fatal murder of courageous Nigerians exercising their fundamental rights to protest and freedom of expression and association?

For there be true peace in Nigeria, those massacred must get justice. Now that the truth has been corroborated, consequences must be meted out against those found wanting. And that will start from President Muhammadu Buhari, the very Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces. No justice, no peace.

We will never forget. 

Festus Ogun, ESQ

Names of the victims:

This is the documented VICTIMS' list of #LekkiMassacre as released by the Lagos panel .

With this, it shows that LAI MOHAMMED is an unrepentant old LIAR. The fact remains that the #Buhari regime murdered Nigerian Youths on October 20, 2020.


● The panel has confirmed without ambiguity that Lekki Toll Gate massacre happened.

● The Army & Police indicted of carrying out the Massacre

● The panel has named all victims and proposed compensations.

● proposed punishments for all the security personnel involved in the killings.

● The panel has proposed naming the Lekki Toll gate “EndSARS Toll Gate”

● The Lekki Concession company(LCC) owners of the Toll gate attempted a cover up of the atrocities perpetrated by the Nigerian Army and Police.


Can Jide Sanwoolu, Lai Mohammed, Garba Shehu, Raji Fashola and others asking “where are the bodies?” honourably bury their heads in shame now that the submitted #EndSars Panel report has shown that there was indeed a massacre? 

Everyone knows there was a massacre; it is a living truth that is incontrovertible. The authorities are equally aware that the tragedy that occurred at Lekki Tollgate October 2020 was a mindless massacre. They masterminded the evil just to break the undying resolve of protesting youths yearning for a country that respects human rights and social justice.

Now that the youths have been vindicated, will the authorities truly implement the recommendations of the Panel? Will the APC government ever apologize to young people and admit that its dirty hands are full of blood and the spirit of the slain innocent is crying bitterly in heaven for vengeance?

Given that the #EndSars struggle was a major reason why Twitter was banned, would the Buhari regime truly apologize and lift the thoughtless ban with immediate effect? Would the Buhari regime place itself in the witness box and answer questions over the fatal murder of courageous Nigerians exercising their fundamental rights to protest and freedom of expression and association?

For there be true peace in Nigeria, those massacred must get justice. Now that the truth has been corroborated, consequences must be meted out against those found wanting. And that will start from President Muhammadu Buhari, the very Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces. No justice, no peace.

We will never forget. 

Festus Ogun, ESQ

Names of the victims:

This is the documented VICTIMS' list of #LekkiMassacre as released by the Lagos panel .

With this, it shows that LAI MOHAMMED is an unrepentant old LIAR. The fact remains that the #Buhari regime murdered Nigerian Youths on October 20, 2020.

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: We Will Win - A Poem by Ola Olawale

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: We Will Win - A Poem by Ola Olawale

 Day 7 Tributes

We Will Win

Pain before gain

Gain after pain

Work before Rest

Rest after work

Battle before victory

Victoria after battle

We mustn't relent

We Will Win

History will absolve Us

Standing here could be odd

It is not a place for everyone

It is a place for the selfless

A place of love and humanity

Not of gold and greed

Enduring but rewarding

We will win

Wake up the wretched of the earth

Rise the people of the world

Sitting is harmful

Rise and take your birthplace

Freedom won't come cheap

It must and will be fought for

It is a war

And We will Win

Our victory is certain

If we fight

Our freedom is certain

If we dare to struggle

We must not be discouraged

We must remain undefeatable

History is on our side

We will Win

We will win

Let unite and fight

We will win

Let all say no to injustice

We will win

Let raise our voice against inequality

We will win

The People United can never be defeated

 Day 7 Tributes

We Will Win

Pain before gain

Gain after pain

Work before Rest

Rest after work

Battle before victory

Victoria after battle

We mustn't relent

We Will Win

History will absolve Us

Standing here could be odd

It is not a place for everyone

It is a place for the selfless

A place of love and humanity

Not of gold and greed

Enduring but rewarding

We will win

Wake up the wretched of the earth

Rise the people of the world

Sitting is harmful

Rise and take your birthplace

Freedom won't come cheap

It must and will be fought for

It is a war

And We will Win

Our victory is certain

If we fight

Our freedom is certain

If we dare to struggle

We must not be discouraged

We must remain undefeatable

History is on our side

We will Win

We will win

Let unite and fight

We will win

Let all say no to injustice

We will win

Let raise our voice against inequality

We will win

The People United can never be defeated

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Together - A Poem by Ola Olawale

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Together - A Poem by Ola Olawale

 Day 6 tributes


This is our fight

And together we must

If you like stay on the fence

It is still your fight

If you like Japa(Seek Green Pasture)

It is still your fight

This fight is invisible

Our enemies are our brothers

Among them, we wine and dine

Clothed in our color of skin

but our interests differ

Unlike the era of Zik and the Pilot

The color was obvious

Just like the enemy

We the wretched of the earth

Must unite in our purpose

Fight hand in hand

And defeat our common enemies

We must defeat the division among us

And strengthen our commonplace

Humanity must be our drive

Among our enemies

There are no race or color

They are united beyond

The place of worship Or what we call God

Their goal is one "To Exploit"

In whatever form

And that is constant

We must unite

We must fight

We must defeat them

We must rise to power

Then we will rebuild and consolidate

This is not a child play

It is a war to win or keep agonizing

If we fight, we may win

If we stay on the fence

Then we have lost

History is on our side

Together we will win

Together we will sing

Song of victory

letter to the wretched of the earth

 Day 6 tributes


This is our fight

And together we must

If you like stay on the fence

It is still your fight

If you like Japa(Seek Green Pasture)

It is still your fight

This fight is invisible

Our enemies are our brothers

Among them, we wine and dine

Clothed in our color of skin

but our interests differ

Unlike the era of Zik and the Pilot

The color was obvious

Just like the enemy

We the wretched of the earth

Must unite in our purpose

Fight hand in hand

And defeat our common enemies

We must defeat the division among us

And strengthen our commonplace

Humanity must be our drive

Among our enemies

There are no race or color

They are united beyond

The place of worship Or what we call God

Their goal is one "To Exploit"

In whatever form

And that is constant

We must unite

We must fight

We must defeat them

We must rise to power

Then we will rebuild and consolidate

This is not a child play

It is a war to win or keep agonizing

If we fight, we may win

If we stay on the fence

Then we have lost

History is on our side

Together we will win

Together we will sing

Song of victory

letter to the wretched of the earth

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Hoodlum - A Peom by Ola Olawale

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Hoodlum - A Peom by Ola Olawale

 Day 5 tributes


No one is born Hoodlum

It is the creation of the state

No one is born a destitute

It is the creation of the state

Where is our commonwealth?

It is in the hands of the greedy few

In nature, there is abundance for all

For the greed, it is never enough

Their quest for more has no limit

Hundred heads for the work

One hand for the profit

A drop for hundred mouths

Shower for a few mouths

In between hoodlums are the birth

The race for survival begins

Every man for himself

Communal Love lost

Fish feeds on fish


 lost its Place

Make it or die trying

Beat them or join them

That is the song

Song of sorrow

The State and all of us

Must rise to our communal duty

that every child is ours

and must be cared for

for everyone to have a night rest

Tell the state to educate them

and not to keep them as political tools

They deserve to have a name

like me and you

Any child can be a hoodlum

Any hoodlum can be a child

It is just a matter of privilege

 Day 5 tributes


No one is born Hoodlum

It is the creation of the state

No one is born a destitute

It is the creation of the state

Where is our commonwealth?

It is in the hands of the greedy few

In nature, there is abundance for all

For the greed, it is never enough

Their quest for more has no limit

Hundred heads for the work

One hand for the profit

A drop for hundred mouths

Shower for a few mouths

In between hoodlums are the birth

The race for survival begins

Every man for himself

Communal Love lost

Fish feeds on fish


 lost its Place

Make it or die trying

Beat them or join them

That is the song

Song of sorrow

The State and all of us

Must rise to our communal duty

that every child is ours

and must be cared for

for everyone to have a night rest

Tell the state to educate them

and not to keep them as political tools

They deserve to have a name

like me and you

Any child can be a hoodlum

Any hoodlum can be a child

It is just a matter of privilege




In uniform lies your power

The power to kill and mute

In uniform lies your power

The power to repress

In uniform lies your dignity

The dignity to be human

In uniform lies your courage

The courage to stand tall

If you don't know, know now that

This uniform is a symbol

This uniform is an authority

This uniform is a collective power

The power to protect not to kill

The power to serve not to exploit

The power build not to destroy

But the stories are otherwise

If you don't know

The system has caged your voice

The system has muted your tongue

The system has enslaved your mind

They make you see your brothers as enemies

And your enemies as friends

And fighting, those fighting your battle

And to what ends?

Outside the uniform

Your pains are mine

Outside the uniform

We both live among the

Wretched of the earth

From hand to mouth

The market price and bills

Has no regard for Uniform

Our needs are uniform

The Uniform makes no difference

Your children like mine are out of school

Your graduates like mine are jobless

Our roads are death trap

Our hospitals are mogul

The drop from the illicit

Won't make you any difference

Reason out of Slavery

Think outside the box

Only if you know that

Those you protect are your enemies

Those you murder on order

Are your true friends

Because they speak where you are mute by duty

Dear brothers in uniform

Join the battle for freedom

Not against it

Come to the side of Justice

Move to the side of humanity

Defend your friends

Battle along with your friends

so together we can defeat our common enemy.


In uniform lies your power

The power to kill and mute

In uniform lies your power

The power to repress

In uniform lies your dignity

The dignity to be human

In uniform lies your courage

The courage to stand tall

If you don't know, know now that

This uniform is a symbol

This uniform is an authority

This uniform is a collective power

The power to protect not to kill

The power to serve not to exploit

The power build not to destroy

But the stories are otherwise

If you don't know

The system has caged your voice

The system has muted your tongue

The system has enslaved your mind

They make you see your brothers as enemies

And your enemies as friends

And fighting, those fighting your battle

And to what ends?

Outside the uniform

Your pains are mine

Outside the uniform

We both live among the

Wretched of the earth

From hand to mouth

The market price and bills

Has no regard for Uniform

Our needs are uniform

The Uniform makes no difference

Your children like mine are out of school

Your graduates like mine are jobless

Our roads are death trap

Our hospitals are mogul

The drop from the illicit

Won't make you any difference

Reason out of Slavery

Think outside the box

Only if you know that

Those you protect are your enemies

Those you murder on order

Are your true friends

Because they speak where you are mute by duty

Dear brothers in uniform

Join the battle for freedom

Not against it

Come to the side of Justice

Move to the side of humanity

Defend your friends

Battle along with your friends

so together we can defeat our common enemy.



We have written to the Lagos State Government through the Attorney General of Lagos State to demand payment of

the sum of N500,000,000 (Five Hundred Million Naira) as compensation to Mr. Adedotun Clement for the gross violation of his fundamental rights to dignity of the human person, personal liberty and property and for the deprivation of his source of livelihood and the destruction of his vehicle.

Adedotun Clement is the innocent Uber driver that was assaulted by some officers of the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Corps (LNSC) and Nigeria Police Force during the first anniversary of the #EndSARS protest at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos.

In addition to payment of monetary compensation, we also demanded that disciplinary measures be taken against the culprits who assaulted Adedotun, and that they should be prosecuted in court in line with the Anti-Torture Act and the Criminal Law of Lagos State.

Also, we are equally demanding a written apology from the state government.

It should be noted that the vehicle of Mr. Adedotun has been returned but in a bad condition. The agents of the state government broke and damaged the front windscreen of his Toyota Corolla. The vehicle was in good condition before it was towed away on Wednesday, 20th October, 2021. But upon reaching where the vehicle was taken to on Friday, 22nd October, 2021, Adedotun saw the destruction done to his vehicle by agents of the state government.

The implication is that he cannot use the vehicle to earn a living until it is repaired.

My attention has been drawn to the public statement by the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Agency (LNSA) wherein it is stated that two officers of the agency were subjected to orderly room trial, found guilty of assault and general unruly behaviour and suspended for two months.

While we commend the Lagos State Government for admitting that the conduct of its agents was criminal and unprofessional, we find the two months suspension meted on the two officers grossly insufficient and unacceptable. It is not a deterrence. The officers should be dismissed and diligently prosecuted in a court of law to serve as a deterrence to others.

Finally, we are expecting the Lagos State Government to respond to our modest demands within 48 hours or we will have no other option but to commence legal proceedings to seek redress for Adedotun.


Principal Counsel.

We have written to the Lagos State Government through the Attorney General of Lagos State to demand payment of

the sum of N500,000,000 (Five Hundred Million Naira) as compensation to Mr. Adedotun Clement for the gross violation of his fundamental rights to dignity of the human person, personal liberty and property and for the deprivation of his source of livelihood and the destruction of his vehicle.

Adedotun Clement is the innocent Uber driver that was assaulted by some officers of the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Corps (LNSC) and Nigeria Police Force during the first anniversary of the #EndSARS protest at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos.

In addition to payment of monetary compensation, we also demanded that disciplinary measures be taken against the culprits who assaulted Adedotun, and that they should be prosecuted in court in line with the Anti-Torture Act and the Criminal Law of Lagos State.

Also, we are equally demanding a written apology from the state government.

It should be noted that the vehicle of Mr. Adedotun has been returned but in a bad condition. The agents of the state government broke and damaged the front windscreen of his Toyota Corolla. The vehicle was in good condition before it was towed away on Wednesday, 20th October, 2021. But upon reaching where the vehicle was taken to on Friday, 22nd October, 2021, Adedotun saw the destruction done to his vehicle by agents of the state government.

The implication is that he cannot use the vehicle to earn a living until it is repaired.

My attention has been drawn to the public statement by the Lagos State Neighborhood Safety Agency (LNSA) wherein it is stated that two officers of the agency were subjected to orderly room trial, found guilty of assault and general unruly behaviour and suspended for two months.

While we commend the Lagos State Government for admitting that the conduct of its agents was criminal and unprofessional, we find the two months suspension meted on the two officers grossly insufficient and unacceptable. It is not a deterrence. The officers should be dismissed and diligently prosecuted in a court of law to serve as a deterrence to others.

Finally, we are expecting the Lagos State Government to respond to our modest demands within 48 hours or we will have no other option but to commence legal proceedings to seek redress for Adedotun.


Principal Counsel.

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Government Panel - A Peom by Ola Olawale

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Government Panel - A Peom by Ola Olawale

 Day 3 of Tributes and Tears

Government Panel

Government killing

Government setup

Government hearing

Government Judges

We be fool?

We no be fool

We be moron?

We no be moron

Who are these gunmen?

General said, unknown soldiers

Who give the order?

Lagos Oracle said, My hands up

We be fool ?

We no be fool

We be moron ?

We no be a moron

Lai lied, we were not there

General said we were there

The governor invites us

Lagos Oracle go mute

We be fool?

We no be a fool

We be moron ?

We no be moron

Government can't kill and give Justice

All panels are camouflage

Our eyes done open

And our ears aren't deaf

We be fool?

We no be a fool

We be moron?

We no be moron

Arrange panel

Arrange hearing

Give me the answer

Government arrangement.

Arrange Masters oooo

 Day 3 of Tributes and Tears

Government Panel

Government killing

Government setup

Government hearing

Government Judges

We be fool?

We no be fool

We be moron?

We no be moron

Who are these gunmen?

General said, unknown soldiers

Who give the order?

Lagos Oracle said, My hands up

We be fool ?

We no be fool

We be moron ?

We no be a moron

Lai lied, we were not there

General said we were there

The governor invites us

Lagos Oracle go mute

We be fool?

We no be a fool

We be moron ?

We no be moron

Government can't kill and give Justice

All panels are camouflage

Our eyes done open

And our ears aren't deaf

We be fool?

We no be a fool

We be moron?

We no be moron

Arrange panel

Arrange hearing

Give me the answer

Government arrangement.

Arrange Masters oooo

#EndSarsMemorial: A Genocide at noon - A Peom by Ola Olawale

#EndSarsMemorial: A Genocide at noon - A Peom by Ola Olawale

 Day 2...of Tributes and Tears...

Poem by Ola Olawale

A Genocide at noon

We were singing

Asking for Justice

We were singing

Asking for freedom

We were singing

Saying end police brutality

We were singing

Saying end unjust killing

We were singing

For a just nation

We were singing

For an inclusive government

We were singing

With passion for the flag

We were Singing

Saying enough is enough

Suddenly the light went off

The camera got missing

The state is at work

Before the blink of an eye

In battalion, they arrived

Armed to the teeth

In battle mood, ready for exchange

With armless PATRIOTS

Soon, bullet here and there

life became lifeless

the song turns to sorrow

the smile turns to tears

All head for save haven

Hand raise hand in blood

Tears flows, from still breathing eyes

Mouth grieve for survival

See our brothers in Pain

See Our sister grieving

See Our Comrades in grave

A Genocide at noon

A Just cause

A lawful gathering of goodwill

A spot for songs of freedom

Turn a place of sorrow.

This Government is EVIL

 Day 2...of Tributes and Tears...

Poem by Ola Olawale

A Genocide at noon

We were singing

Asking for Justice

We were singing

Asking for freedom

We were singing

Saying end police brutality

We were singing

Saying end unjust killing

We were singing

For a just nation

We were singing

For an inclusive government

We were singing

With passion for the flag

We were Singing

Saying enough is enough

Suddenly the light went off

The camera got missing

The state is at work

Before the blink of an eye

In battalion, they arrived

Armed to the teeth

In battle mood, ready for exchange

With armless PATRIOTS

Soon, bullet here and there

life became lifeless

the song turns to sorrow

the smile turns to tears

All head for save haven

Hand raise hand in blood

Tears flows, from still breathing eyes

Mouth grieve for survival

See our brothers in Pain

See Our sister grieving

See Our Comrades in grave

A Genocide at noon

A Just cause

A lawful gathering of goodwill

A spot for songs of freedom

Turn a place of sorrow.

This Government is EVIL

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Tribute - A Poem by Ola Olawale

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Tribute - A Poem by Ola Olawale


See our brothers in pain

see our sisters in blood

See our friends in sorrow

See our Mothers mourning

Tears, Blood, and Sorrow everywhere

They murdered us in broad daylight

They silent our voice seeking freedom with bullets

What was our crime?

We ask for Justice

We ask for a better policing

We ask for an end to brutal killings

We ask them to stop killing our future

We ask for purposeful leadership

We ask for an inclusive government

That Was our Crime!

Is This a crime?

To the czar in government

it was a crime

They respond with battalions

And murder us off camera

They plan it all perfect

We will keep the tempo

We will keep the candle on

We will remain in the barricade

We will fight to finish

Your sacrifice won't go in vain

Keep resting in power

Patriots you are, not looters

Tribute to our brothers and sisters, colleagues and friends, who were murdered by the Nigerian State on 20-10-2020 while on peaceful protest.


See our brothers in pain

see our sisters in blood

See our friends in sorrow

See our Mothers mourning

Tears, Blood, and Sorrow everywhere

They murdered us in broad daylight

They silent our voice seeking freedom with bullets

What was our crime?

We ask for Justice

We ask for a better policing

We ask for an end to brutal killings

We ask them to stop killing our future

We ask for purposeful leadership

We ask for an inclusive government

That Was our Crime!

Is This a crime?

To the czar in government

it was a crime

They respond with battalions

And murder us off camera

They plan it all perfect

We will keep the tempo

We will keep the candle on

We will remain in the barricade

We will fight to finish

Your sacrifice won't go in vain

Keep resting in power

Patriots you are, not looters

Tribute to our brothers and sisters, colleagues and friends, who were murdered by the Nigerian State on 20-10-2020 while on peaceful protest.



(Being a Press Statement of the TAKE IT BACK MOVEMENT, Osun State)

Yesterday, members of the Endsars movement, mainly youths took to the street in Osun state and across the world to commemorate one year anniversary of the biggest mass protest in the history of Nigeria. It was on record that these protesters were exercising their rights in accordance with the law. Members of the press were also present to cover the event within the dictates of their profession. 

The protests which started at about 11 am from Ita-olookan in Osogbo,was bid to end at Oke-fia. We want to put it on record that the men of the Nigerian police attacked protesters and reporters with the aim of arresting them and in the process arrested Daily post reporter in the state,Mr Sikiru Obarayese at about 100 meters away from Oke-fia where the protest is bid to be ended . He was arrested on the instruction of The DPO of Dugbe police station who quickly started a process of his arraignment until he was forced to stop after pressures from his colleagues through the commissioner of police. It is also on record that he was stripped naked brutalised and tortured by police men, about 12 of them at Dugbe police division.

Similarly, We want to put it on record that the police and DSSS men has been chasing organizers of the Endsarsmemorial since about 3 days before the protest. This is evident in the way the Commissioner of police has been calling and threatening to arrest one of our the organizers; Olushayo babawale ogunleye. 

Also, efforts were made by the police to stop the press parley that was bid to be held at NUJ correspondence and when the venue was changed,the police and DSSS made further attempts to stampede the press parley. If was further observed that protest organizers was been trailed by some unknown men on a motorcycle around Ogo-oluwa the new venue for the press parley. Worthy of Observation is also that Combined forces of Police and DSSS took charge of the convergence point of the protest, harrasing protesters on arrival.

Based on the foregoing, It is pertinent to state that Protest is a universally recognized fundamental right of citizens and it would never be given up to any security and government agents based on any threat. We hereby wants to equivocally state that the Nigerian police has become a puppet of the ruling class for too long and this should stop. We want to state that the primary function of the police is security of life and property, thus it is our expectation that the police should protect protesters at all time. Hence we demand that;

1 The DPO of Dupe police division and all the twelve officers involved should be investigated and prosecuted for the illegall arrest and torture of Mr Sikiru Obarayese, the Daily Post reporter.

2 The commissioner of police should unravel the unknown men who have been trailing Olushayo babawale ogunleye, One of the organizers of Endsarsmemorial. We maintain that if anything happens to him, the CP would be held responsible.

3 The Nigerian police force should investigate and made public the killers of ALIMI AHMED and MUTIU LAWAL FRESH murdered in cold blood during the univited and provocative visit of Governor Gboyega Oyetola to the barricades at the #EndSARS protests last year October.

4 The Nigerian police force should publicly apologize for attacking, arresting and dehumanizing Mr Sikiru Obarayese.

We want to state clearly that Protests, such as was held yesterday would never be stopped in a democracy, therefore police and other security agency should stop brutalisation of protesters and rather protect them at all time.

Samson Tola

Owolabi  Opeyemi

TIB Ag Coordinator and Secretary.

(Being a Press Statement of the TAKE IT BACK MOVEMENT, Osun State)

Yesterday, members of the Endsars movement, mainly youths took to the street in Osun state and across the world to commemorate one year anniversary of the biggest mass protest in the history of Nigeria. It was on record that these protesters were exercising their rights in accordance with the law. Members of the press were also present to cover the event within the dictates of their profession. 

The protests which started at about 11 am from Ita-olookan in Osogbo,was bid to end at Oke-fia. We want to put it on record that the men of the Nigerian police attacked protesters and reporters with the aim of arresting them and in the process arrested Daily post reporter in the state,Mr Sikiru Obarayese at about 100 meters away from Oke-fia where the protest is bid to be ended . He was arrested on the instruction of The DPO of Dugbe police station who quickly started a process of his arraignment until he was forced to stop after pressures from his colleagues through the commissioner of police. It is also on record that he was stripped naked brutalised and tortured by police men, about 12 of them at Dugbe police division.

Similarly, We want to put it on record that the police and DSSS men has been chasing organizers of the Endsarsmemorial since about 3 days before the protest. This is evident in the way the Commissioner of police has been calling and threatening to arrest one of our the organizers; Olushayo babawale ogunleye. 

Also, efforts were made by the police to stop the press parley that was bid to be held at NUJ correspondence and when the venue was changed,the police and DSSS made further attempts to stampede the press parley. If was further observed that protest organizers was been trailed by some unknown men on a motorcycle around Ogo-oluwa the new venue for the press parley. Worthy of Observation is also that Combined forces of Police and DSSS took charge of the convergence point of the protest, harrasing protesters on arrival.

Based on the foregoing, It is pertinent to state that Protest is a universally recognized fundamental right of citizens and it would never be given up to any security and government agents based on any threat. We hereby wants to equivocally state that the Nigerian police has become a puppet of the ruling class for too long and this should stop. We want to state that the primary function of the police is security of life and property, thus it is our expectation that the police should protect protesters at all time. Hence we demand that;

1 The DPO of Dupe police division and all the twelve officers involved should be investigated and prosecuted for the illegall arrest and torture of Mr Sikiru Obarayese, the Daily Post reporter.

2 The commissioner of police should unravel the unknown men who have been trailing Olushayo babawale ogunleye, One of the organizers of Endsarsmemorial. We maintain that if anything happens to him, the CP would be held responsible.

3 The Nigerian police force should investigate and made public the killers of ALIMI AHMED and MUTIU LAWAL FRESH murdered in cold blood during the univited and provocative visit of Governor Gboyega Oyetola to the barricades at the #EndSARS protests last year October.

4 The Nigerian police force should publicly apologize for attacking, arresting and dehumanizing Mr Sikiru Obarayese.

We want to state clearly that Protests, such as was held yesterday would never be stopped in a democracy, therefore police and other security agency should stop brutalisation of protesters and rather protect them at all time.

Samson Tola

Owolabi  Opeyemi

TIB Ag Coordinator and Secretary.





The attention of our party, the African Action Congress (AAC) has been drawn to a statement credited to the Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed which was issued in Abuja today 20/10/2021, which marks the anniversary of the grossly unfortunate Lekki shooting that claimed lives of over 50 Nigerians, left many young Nigerians permanently injured and threw many homes into a grieving mood for life. 

Rather than share consolations and seek restitution, after accepting the ignominious role it played in quelling the most organized civil disobedience in recent history, as it is expected of a government in the 21st century, the regime has shown maximum recalcitrance; such that reeks of corruption and a megalomaniac posture. 

Reading through the gaffe Lai issued as a statement, no one would argue that the sole intention of the Minister was to protect by all means necessary the face of the regime from local and international shame because it has lost out on the debate. He failed woefully. 

The description of the massacre as “phantom” by the infamous Minister of “misinformation” is the highest form of insensitivity and irresponsibility any government official could show at a time like this. Not even on a day when the largest demography- the youths, are remembering their loved ones who were slain for standing up for their fundamental human rights; in particular, their right to life. 

The AAC as a revolutionary party would do all that is possible not to allow history to be distorted right before our eyes. 

The EndSARS protest that lasted over 12 days witnessed massive participation from both the young and elderly, wherein the young people showed to the world how organized Nigerians are, when there is a unity of purpose. Rallies, marches, even concerts were held nationally peacefully until the government Lai represents showed up in its usual oppressive and suppressive style. 

We all saw how government vehicles ferried armed thugs to disrupt the protest grounds across states after the Police failed in the assigned repression. In Lagos, air-conditioned buses were used to move those who would cause a mayhem and despite their faces being exposed everywhere on social media, no arrest was made. 

Vehicles with FGN-number plate were offloading thugs while men dressed in outfits similar to the DSS’s were seen supervising their onslaught on protesting citizens. This brings us to the conclusion that the government was the sole purveyor of violence during EndSARS protests. This remains so, even today. 

It is important to cast our minds back to the statement of President Muhammadu Buhari when he was asked about the #EndSARS protests by journalists. The President shamelessly declared that the young people wanted to chase him out of office. Doesn’t it call for concern that the President’s understanding of a protest of such magnitude, armed only with clear demands was reduced to a planned coup? 

What was/is the President afraid of? 

This brings us to an inference that a leopard can not change its spots. A coupist, no matter how branded as a “reformed democrat” would continue to think like a coupist. 

Nigerians do not need a soothsayer to tell where the order to attack those peacefully gathered at Lekki toll gate on the 20th of October 2020, came from. 

And in a manner so similar of how global terrorists operate, the Nigerian government through the Army and Police unleashed the most dastardly terror on citizens on the 20th October, 2020. 

To put it in proper perspective without undue verbosity is the fact that the many lies and distortions told, first by the Governor of Lagos State, Mr Sanwoolu, the truant Army representative at the Panel of Restitution set up, Brigadier General Ahmed Taiwo, the Police representative, ACP Oludotun Odubona Government lawyers and forensics analyst, have confirmed all the truth about how the massacre was planned and executed. 

The African Action Congress (AAC) condemns in strongest terms the statement of the Minister; describes it as insensitive, irresponsible and a concoction of cheap lies. 

Now to our demands. 

1. We ask that the Minister withdraws his gaffe and start preparing his resignation letter, as the party would not hesitate to mobilize Nigerians far and wide to force such. Nigerians have had enough of the insults from Alhaji Lai Mohammed and his goons. 

2. That the National Economic Council chaired by the Vice President start without any further delay, the compensation to victims of SARS brutality as recommended by the State panels. 

3. Immediate arrest and open prosecution of erring SARS officers including one CSP James Nwafor who has been on the run since the protests started. 

4. That the Lekki Massacre Panel report should be concluded and made public in the shortest possible time by the Lagos Restitution Panel. 

5. That all EndSARS and Post-EndSARS protesters (over 300 of them) including political prisoners be released immediately and unconditionally. This executive rascality must not be allowed to continue in a democracy. 

6. An apology to be made by President Muhammadu Buhari to all Nigerians who participated in #EndSARS for the role his regime played in disrespecting the rights to associate and express opinions freely; without intimidation and violent repression, as seen one year ago. 

We would like to conclude with the position which we have always maintained, that until the Buhari regime and the exploitative system that produce and continue to breathe oxygen into all forms of brutalities, including economic brutality, are blotted out by the people, there would be no meaningful conclusion to our sufferings. 


Femi Adeyeye 

National Publicity Secretary. 




The attention of our party, the African Action Congress (AAC) has been drawn to a statement credited to the Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed which was issued in Abuja today 20/10/2021, which marks the anniversary of the grossly unfortunate Lekki shooting that claimed lives of over 50 Nigerians, left many young Nigerians permanently injured and threw many homes into a grieving mood for life. 

Rather than share consolations and seek restitution, after accepting the ignominious role it played in quelling the most organized civil disobedience in recent history, as it is expected of a government in the 21st century, the regime has shown maximum recalcitrance; such that reeks of corruption and a megalomaniac posture. 

Reading through the gaffe Lai issued as a statement, no one would argue that the sole intention of the Minister was to protect by all means necessary the face of the regime from local and international shame because it has lost out on the debate. He failed woefully. 

The description of the massacre as “phantom” by the infamous Minister of “misinformation” is the highest form of insensitivity and irresponsibility any government official could show at a time like this. Not even on a day when the largest demography- the youths, are remembering their loved ones who were slain for standing up for their fundamental human rights; in particular, their right to life. 

The AAC as a revolutionary party would do all that is possible not to allow history to be distorted right before our eyes. 

The EndSARS protest that lasted over 12 days witnessed massive participation from both the young and elderly, wherein the young people showed to the world how organized Nigerians are, when there is a unity of purpose. Rallies, marches, even concerts were held nationally peacefully until the government Lai represents showed up in its usual oppressive and suppressive style. 

We all saw how government vehicles ferried armed thugs to disrupt the protest grounds across states after the Police failed in the assigned repression. In Lagos, air-conditioned buses were used to move those who would cause a mayhem and despite their faces being exposed everywhere on social media, no arrest was made. 

Vehicles with FGN-number plate were offloading thugs while men dressed in outfits similar to the DSS’s were seen supervising their onslaught on protesting citizens. This brings us to the conclusion that the government was the sole purveyor of violence during EndSARS protests. This remains so, even today. 

It is important to cast our minds back to the statement of President Muhammadu Buhari when he was asked about the #EndSARS protests by journalists. The President shamelessly declared that the young people wanted to chase him out of office. Doesn’t it call for concern that the President’s understanding of a protest of such magnitude, armed only with clear demands was reduced to a planned coup? 

What was/is the President afraid of? 

This brings us to an inference that a leopard can not change its spots. A coupist, no matter how branded as a “reformed democrat” would continue to think like a coupist. 

Nigerians do not need a soothsayer to tell where the order to attack those peacefully gathered at Lekki toll gate on the 20th of October 2020, came from. 

And in a manner so similar of how global terrorists operate, the Nigerian government through the Army and Police unleashed the most dastardly terror on citizens on the 20th October, 2020. 

To put it in proper perspective without undue verbosity is the fact that the many lies and distortions told, first by the Governor of Lagos State, Mr Sanwoolu, the truant Army representative at the Panel of Restitution set up, Brigadier General Ahmed Taiwo, the Police representative, ACP Oludotun Odubona Government lawyers and forensics analyst, have confirmed all the truth about how the massacre was planned and executed. 

The African Action Congress (AAC) condemns in strongest terms the statement of the Minister; describes it as insensitive, irresponsible and a concoction of cheap lies. 

Now to our demands. 

1. We ask that the Minister withdraws his gaffe and start preparing his resignation letter, as the party would not hesitate to mobilize Nigerians far and wide to force such. Nigerians have had enough of the insults from Alhaji Lai Mohammed and his goons. 

2. That the National Economic Council chaired by the Vice President start without any further delay, the compensation to victims of SARS brutality as recommended by the State panels. 

3. Immediate arrest and open prosecution of erring SARS officers including one CSP James Nwafor who has been on the run since the protests started. 

4. That the Lekki Massacre Panel report should be concluded and made public in the shortest possible time by the Lagos Restitution Panel. 

5. That all EndSARS and Post-EndSARS protesters (over 300 of them) including political prisoners be released immediately and unconditionally. This executive rascality must not be allowed to continue in a democracy. 

6. An apology to be made by President Muhammadu Buhari to all Nigerians who participated in #EndSARS for the role his regime played in disrespecting the rights to associate and express opinions freely; without intimidation and violent repression, as seen one year ago. 

We would like to conclude with the position which we have always maintained, that until the Buhari regime and the exploitative system that produce and continue to breathe oxygen into all forms of brutalities, including economic brutality, are blotted out by the people, there would be no meaningful conclusion to our sufferings. 


Femi Adeyeye 

National Publicity Secretary. 


#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Police distrupt peaceful protesters in Osogbo, numbers of those arrested yet to be confirmed

#ENDSARSMEMORIAL: Police distrupt peaceful protesters in Osogbo, numbers of those arrested yet to be confirmed

A profile picture

The peaceful protesters matching in Commemoration of those killed last year in Osogbo and else where across the country where forcefully dispersed by the Osun State command of the Nigeria police.

The Osun State Police Command had on Tuesday issued a threatening and warning statement that it was not going to allowed any gathering in remembrance of those courageous youths that were killed by the state for demanding an end to police brutality and requesting for good governance.


A reporter of Daily Trust has been confirmed to have been arrested during the distruption of the protesters. DAILLY Post Reporter, Sikiru Obarayese was arrested in Osogbo on Wednesday as police dispersed protesters marking a year memorial anniversary of #EndSAR

 If any other, the number of person(s) arrested during the distruption of the remembrance procession in Osogbo, the Osun State capital has not been assertained.

Protest in Nigeria is a fundamental and constitutional right but curtailed and tyrannically abrogated under the lawless Major General Muhammadu Buhari led Federal regime.

Photos, prior the distruption by the men of the Nigeria police:

A profile picture

The peaceful protesters matching in Commemoration of those killed last year in Osogbo and else where across the country where forcefully dispersed by the Osun State command of the Nigeria police.

The Osun State Police Command had on Tuesday issued a threatening and warning statement that it was not going to allowed any gathering in remembrance of those courageous youths that were killed by the state for demanding an end to police brutality and requesting for good governance.


A reporter of Daily Trust has been confirmed to have been arrested during the distruption of the protesters. DAILLY Post Reporter, Sikiru Obarayese was arrested in Osogbo on Wednesday as police dispersed protesters marking a year memorial anniversary of #EndSAR

 If any other, the number of person(s) arrested during the distruption of the remembrance procession in Osogbo, the Osun State capital has not been assertained.

Protest in Nigeria is a fundamental and constitutional right but curtailed and tyrannically abrogated under the lawless Major General Muhammadu Buhari led Federal regime.

Photos, prior the distruption by the men of the Nigeria police:

Poster Speaks

Poster Speaks/box

