
Social Media


Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts

Rain of Curses, Negative Comments trail @INECNIGERIA on X Over Democracy Day Message

Rain of Curses, Negative Comments trail @INECNIGERIA on X Over Democracy Day Message


Although the supreme court of Nigeria had ruled in favour of the President Bola Hamed Tinubu as duly election in the matters of the 2023 general election. The Truth remained with the populace that the All Progressive Congress APC had lost the good will of the people and never won the last general election in Nigeria but that INEC was complicit in the election frauds that ensure APC and Tinubu been declared and returned as duly elected in the 2023 general election.

As occasioned by hunger , hardship and inflation in the land and obvious maladmiration of the APC LED federal government, some Nigerians were raining curses on the INEC official handle in response to the democracy day message, while others were training the umpire with negative comments.


Free, fair and credible elections are not visible in Nigeria under Prof Manhood Yakubu led INEC 


Although the supreme court of Nigeria had ruled in favour of the President Bola Hamed Tinubu as duly election in the matters of the 2023 general election. The Truth remained with the populace that the All Progressive Congress APC had lost the good will of the people and never won the last general election in Nigeria but that INEC was complicit in the election frauds that ensure APC and Tinubu been declared and returned as duly elected in the 2023 general election.

As occasioned by hunger , hardship and inflation in the land and obvious maladmiration of the APC LED federal government, some Nigerians were raining curses on the INEC official handle in response to the democracy day message, while others were training the umpire with negative comments.


Free, fair and credible elections are not visible in Nigeria under Prof Manhood Yakubu led INEC 



For us to know how colonized and miseducated we are as Africans, when you speak with a Lawyer, a Senior Advocate for that matter and you ask him or her, what is the name of the woman holding a scale and a balance which symbolizes Justice, Equity and Truth for the Judiciary? He or she simply tells you, “she’s the Lady of justice”. Many don’t know her name is Ma’at, the black goddess of Egypt who introduced the 42 laws or principles of Maat, over 2000 years before Moses and his 10 commandments were born.

 The 42 laws were what African Kings and Queens used to govern the world including Europe for 700 years. But today that same Black goddess is whitewash to be a white woman without reference to her as the Mother of Justice, just because she’s a back woman.

Ask any African Medical Doctor, who is the father of medicine? He will tell you is Hippocrates; the Greek physician but they have refused to research further to know that Imhotep, an African is the founder and father of medicine. He was the first in human history to cure over 200 diseases. Hippocrates came to Egypt to be tutored by Imhotep but today no medical student is taught about this great African who was so venerated during his time that he was worshipped like a god. 

If you ask an African Bishop or Pastor who originated the worship of one god? He will tell you is the Europeans that’s why their Jesus and Mary is white but the truth is that the first person that introduced monotheism or worship of one god which was then called the sun god or Aten, was an Egyptian Pharaoh named Akhenaten, a black man who brought about religious and political revolution in the world. Go and read about Akhenaten. It’s because of the introduction of sun god that Africans were called the Children of the Sun. It was after Akhenaten had introduced the sun god that the Germans introduced the word Gott and the English Oxford translated Gott to God in the 6th Century. So what this means is that the word God was man’s creation and everything about the so called Holy Book of the Enslavers religion whether Christain or Islam, were written by men for the purpose of control.

Unfortunately, Africans are so sick that they kill in defense of something that is man’s creation, I mean a religion created by their erstwhile Enslavers; a religion alien to their Ancestors.

Africans must wake up.

They said Christopher Columbus discovered America but went silence on the African king of Mali Empire in the person of Abu Bakr Mansa II who left his throne for his younger brother Mansa Musa and went voyaging with 200 ships with his men and discovered America, 180 years before Christopher Columbus set his foot on American soil. (the book “They Came Before Columbus by Van Sertima) and other accounts gave credence to this report about King Abubakar Mansa II. His successor King Mansa Musa later became the richest man that ever lived on Earth and his riches today is estimated to be 400 billion dollars.

May I remind us that the European tribe plagiarized everything introduced and done by the Black man, they lied about everything yet my African brothers and sisters continue to kowtow to their dictates.

How many of us know that it was Africans that taught Europeans how to take their baths? 

How many of us know that Africans built the first 600 toilets ever witnessed by Europeans in Europe. 

When Africans where giants in Architecture, Agriculture, Mathematics and Medicine, Europeans were living in caves.

Africans led the world before, Africans will lead the world again.

It's high time young Africans knows about their history. African Youths Leadership and Culture Summit (AYLCUS 2024) is beckoning! Be part of it...

For us to know how colonized and miseducated we are as Africans, when you speak with a Lawyer, a Senior Advocate for that matter and you ask him or her, what is the name of the woman holding a scale and a balance which symbolizes Justice, Equity and Truth for the Judiciary? He or she simply tells you, “she’s the Lady of justice”. Many don’t know her name is Ma’at, the black goddess of Egypt who introduced the 42 laws or principles of Maat, over 2000 years before Moses and his 10 commandments were born.

 The 42 laws were what African Kings and Queens used to govern the world including Europe for 700 years. But today that same Black goddess is whitewash to be a white woman without reference to her as the Mother of Justice, just because she’s a back woman.

Ask any African Medical Doctor, who is the father of medicine? He will tell you is Hippocrates; the Greek physician but they have refused to research further to know that Imhotep, an African is the founder and father of medicine. He was the first in human history to cure over 200 diseases. Hippocrates came to Egypt to be tutored by Imhotep but today no medical student is taught about this great African who was so venerated during his time that he was worshipped like a god. 

If you ask an African Bishop or Pastor who originated the worship of one god? He will tell you is the Europeans that’s why their Jesus and Mary is white but the truth is that the first person that introduced monotheism or worship of one god which was then called the sun god or Aten, was an Egyptian Pharaoh named Akhenaten, a black man who brought about religious and political revolution in the world. Go and read about Akhenaten. It’s because of the introduction of sun god that Africans were called the Children of the Sun. It was after Akhenaten had introduced the sun god that the Germans introduced the word Gott and the English Oxford translated Gott to God in the 6th Century. So what this means is that the word God was man’s creation and everything about the so called Holy Book of the Enslavers religion whether Christain or Islam, were written by men for the purpose of control.

Unfortunately, Africans are so sick that they kill in defense of something that is man’s creation, I mean a religion created by their erstwhile Enslavers; a religion alien to their Ancestors.

Africans must wake up.

They said Christopher Columbus discovered America but went silence on the African king of Mali Empire in the person of Abu Bakr Mansa II who left his throne for his younger brother Mansa Musa and went voyaging with 200 ships with his men and discovered America, 180 years before Christopher Columbus set his foot on American soil. (the book “They Came Before Columbus by Van Sertima) and other accounts gave credence to this report about King Abubakar Mansa II. His successor King Mansa Musa later became the richest man that ever lived on Earth and his riches today is estimated to be 400 billion dollars.

May I remind us that the European tribe plagiarized everything introduced and done by the Black man, they lied about everything yet my African brothers and sisters continue to kowtow to their dictates.

How many of us know that it was Africans that taught Europeans how to take their baths? 

How many of us know that Africans built the first 600 toilets ever witnessed by Europeans in Europe. 

When Africans where giants in Architecture, Agriculture, Mathematics and Medicine, Europeans were living in caves.

Africans led the world before, Africans will lead the world again.

It's high time young Africans knows about their history. African Youths Leadership and Culture Summit (AYLCUS 2024) is beckoning! Be part of it...

Chinelo: “Are You Dead Now?” ( the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime)

Chinelo: “Are You Dead Now?” ( the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime)

One of the most despicable things that happened during the bombing and raiding of Kaduna bound train last week was the response to a medical doctor in distress, Dr. Chinelo Megafum, after she was shot on the train. She sent out a tweet stating that she’s been shot on the train and asked for prayers, but a group of mean spirited members of the infamous Buhari Media Centre "BMC" trolled her consistently until she fell silent. One of them named “Abolore” @ysone2 on  Twitter asked, “Are You Dead Now?” The answer is Yes, Doctor Chinelo died in agony while Abolore and other trolls mocked her and went to sleep afterwards. Several of those on the train including a two labour leaders of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC Secretary General  Comrade (Barr.) Musa-Lawal Ozigi as well as Chairman of the Kwara State branch Comrade Akin Akinsola were also killed in the attack and several other persons were kidnapped and are still  in captivity. 

These Twitter trolls are a reflection of the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime, since coming on board as Nigeria’s President in 2015 the Buhari regime and its officials have been asking Nigerians after shooting, stabbing and impoverishing Nigerians the same question, over and over again,  “Are You Dead Now?”

When the regime massacred Shiites in Zaria, it turned around and asked Shiites, “Are You Dead Now?”. When they turned they guns, blazing, on IPOB members in Nigeria''s South East, they asked them “Are You Dead Now?”

 When the Buhari regime killed peaceful “EndSARS" protesters at Lekki Toll Gate, the regime and its progenitord of hate turned around and mocked the dead and wounded, “Are You Dead Now?”  they asked, the regime went further and asked, "if you are dead, show is your dead bodies."

 When they visited the home of Sunday IGBOHO, the renowned Yoruyba agitator in the dead of the night, ransacked his compound and killed innocent civilians, they turned around and asked, “Are You Dead Now?”

They’ve treat Nigerians with the same disdain by inflicting hunger, starvation, abandoning them to their faith during the COVID-19 pandemic, they've mismanaged the economy, killed the national currency-Naira, ensured that they are no longer generating electricity, made fuel scarce deliberately in order to force Nigerians to pay through their noses, they brought massive unemployment, doctors and nurses have fled in droves and the regime is still asking you, the people of Nigeria “Are you Dead Now’?

By Omoyele Sowore

One of the most despicable things that happened during the bombing and raiding of Kaduna bound train last week was the response to a medical doctor in distress, Dr. Chinelo Megafum, after she was shot on the train. She sent out a tweet stating that she’s been shot on the train and asked for prayers, but a group of mean spirited members of the infamous Buhari Media Centre "BMC" trolled her consistently until she fell silent. One of them named “Abolore” @ysone2 on  Twitter asked, “Are You Dead Now?” The answer is Yes, Doctor Chinelo died in agony while Abolore and other trolls mocked her and went to sleep afterwards. Several of those on the train including a two labour leaders of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC Secretary General  Comrade (Barr.) Musa-Lawal Ozigi as well as Chairman of the Kwara State branch Comrade Akin Akinsola were also killed in the attack and several other persons were kidnapped and are still  in captivity. 

These Twitter trolls are a reflection of the wicked, insensitive & meanness of the Muhammadu Buhari regime, since coming on board as Nigeria’s President in 2015 the Buhari regime and its officials have been asking Nigerians after shooting, stabbing and impoverishing Nigerians the same question, over and over again,  “Are You Dead Now?”

When the regime massacred Shiites in Zaria, it turned around and asked Shiites, “Are You Dead Now?”. When they turned they guns, blazing, on IPOB members in Nigeria''s South East, they asked them “Are You Dead Now?”

 When the Buhari regime killed peaceful “EndSARS" protesters at Lekki Toll Gate, the regime and its progenitord of hate turned around and mocked the dead and wounded, “Are You Dead Now?”  they asked, the regime went further and asked, "if you are dead, show is your dead bodies."

 When they visited the home of Sunday IGBOHO, the renowned Yoruyba agitator in the dead of the night, ransacked his compound and killed innocent civilians, they turned around and asked, “Are You Dead Now?”

They’ve treat Nigerians with the same disdain by inflicting hunger, starvation, abandoning them to their faith during the COVID-19 pandemic, they've mismanaged the economy, killed the national currency-Naira, ensured that they are no longer generating electricity, made fuel scarce deliberately in order to force Nigerians to pay through their noses, they brought massive unemployment, doctors and nurses have fled in droves and the regime is still asking you, the people of Nigeria “Are you Dead Now’?

By Omoyele Sowore

THE NATION: Politics, policies and governance in Nigeria

THE NATION: Politics, policies and governance in Nigeria


abiodun KOMOLAFE

on February 10, 2022

Of a truth, Nigeria’s major predicament is that those who occupy the driver’s seat in her public administration have masked their interest to appear as if it is the public interest. Of course, the pursuit of this interest is to the advantage of those leaders and their cronies while the led bears the brunt. Regrettably, this informs the types of policies being churned out by the leaders which, in turn, inform the outcome of our peculiar public administration and … our brand of politics.

As the saying goes, the wrong we see are oftentimes symptoms of a deeper ailment! Well, it is common knowledge that no country can develop without a predetermined solid structure. Unfortunately, Nigeria has none! Year in, year out, governments come up with pretty and fantastic policy names. But that’s where it ends, simply because those with zero understanding of what a particular policy entails are the ones in government, directing its affairs. While ‘elected’ leaders lack the coherent vision of development needed to implement the change our country needs, those who have what it takes to move it forward cannot get elected into public office because they do not have the means. Again, how did we get here?

When Olusegun Obasanjo initiated _‘Operation Feed the Nation’_ (OFN), the belief at the time was that the programme would outlast his regime and that Nigerians would be fed, truly, in their millions. Looking back, where has _Baba Iyabo’s_ OFN landed us as a people and which part of the nation is now being fed?

In September 1986, the Ibrahim Babangida-led junta introduced the _Second-Tier Foreign Exchange Market_ (SFEM) as a second official foreign exchange market in Nigeria. Indeed, little did Nigerians know that, like Siamese twins whose destinies were tied together, the birth of SFEM would bring round-tripping along with it. What of Maryam, his late wife’s _‘Better Life for Rural Women’_ programme? Had the intervention also been truthful to its mission, the transformation would have been so visible to the naked eye. Most probably, too, the programme wouldn’t have disappeared like mist from the face of the earth.

Not too long ago, many young students in school would want to study and become medical doctors, lawyers or engineers. With the incursion of the military, especially, with its clutching onto straws to erect the Nigerian state on the sand of lies and mischief, the music changed! There and then, a typical Nigerian youth would want to become a soldier. Enter the politicians! Like water, succumbing to the whims of temperature, politics won the hearts of our youths as the preferred life ambition. As fate would have it, new fishes have sought tenancy in Nigeria’s ocean. Now, it’s either our young ones do _‘yahoo’_ or nothing else.

But again, why won’t they? Aren’t our hearts now into grief as a result of Nigeria’s political complexity? Are the ground not also barren and the water no longer springing forth? In our very eyes, a first-class brain ‘graduates’ into a cart pusher while most of those at the helm of affairs are cobblers. Elsewhere, the selection of those who govern is from the pool of trained minds from its Ivy League while possession of a Secondary School Leaving Certificate is all a presidential candidate in Nigeria needs to qualify him for the tenancy of Aso Rock Villa. Give a scalpel to a carpenter and ask him to perform the duty of a trained surgeon. Of course, the result of such an outing is better imagined.

In the olden days, a permanent secretary was always content with his status and official designation. These days, a permanent secretary without dollar accounts and ostentatious lifestyle is always seen to have missed it.

Time it was in Nigeria when those who joined political parties would contribute money to run those parties. These days, a political party is nothing more than an association of hustlers who have merely agreed to come together for pecuniary conveniences. Anything short of that definition is to deceive ourselves, deliberately.

I have argued elsewhere that Nigeria is one terrible case of _‘thief steal am, thief catch am!’_  Saying it as it is, bribe has become a commodity in our land. The tragedy of our situation is that the restless soldiers in the system who, expectedly, are to do the job of pressuring the government, have a price. Needless to repeat therefore that they have become preys to those they are supposed to pressure. Is it any wonder therefore that the cost of bribery has gone up?

At a time in Nigeria’s political lexicon, the catchphrase in Yoruba parlance was _‘dibo koo sebe’_ (vote and be guaranteed a pot of soup)! Now, the stakes have been raised. Now, it is _’dibo koo kole’_ (vote and build a mansion!). The tragic truth is that democracy, as at the present time in Nigeria, is at the point of a gun. In our tent of politics, guns do the voting and guns do the counting. Collation, also with the advice of the gun, is a different and more terrifying experience entirely. What’s more? It is no longer out of place for a tout who has mastered the use of cutlasses and related weapons to be offered a prominent place in our A- rated political parties. Added to this is that we blame others for the vanity strife into which our world is conveniently immersed.

Yes, we blame colonialism for being responsible for our present pass. But, was the United States of America not colonized by Great Britain? In any case, the blame game is not new! After all, Adam blamed Eve for eating _“of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden”;_ and Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her. Judas Iscariot blamed the Sanhedrin for _“betraying the innocent blood”;_ and the Sanhedrin refused to put the money back into the treasury because, to them, it was [now] _“the price of blood”_ and would rather use it to purchase the _“Field of Blood”_ for the burial of strangers. Isn’t it the reason we are wasting the magic we ought to be making?

Nigeria’s dilemma reminds one of Ayi Kwei Armah’s mystical bird called _‘Chichi Dodo.’_ In his book,  _‘The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born’,_  Armah creatively told a story of how the bird hated filth and rotten objects while, at the same time, it could not survive without maggots which, ironically, derived their oxygen from filth and rotten objects. If we may therefore ask: more than two decades into uninterrupted self-rule, what type of economic policy can we say Nigeria is into? Is it Capitalism, defined by Karl Marx as _“a historically specific mode of production in which capital has become the dominant mode of production”?_ Or, Communism, regarded by Mao Tse-Tung as _“a complete system of proletarian ideology and a new social system”?_ Or, Imperialism, which, going by Tse-Tung’s assessment, amounts to _‘paper-tigering’?_ Or, Socialism, aptly prescribed by Obafemi Awolowo as the best for Nigeria?

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _*Komolafe wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State ([email protected]; 07087941459)_


abiodun KOMOLAFE

on February 10, 2022

Of a truth, Nigeria’s major predicament is that those who occupy the driver’s seat in her public administration have masked their interest to appear as if it is the public interest. Of course, the pursuit of this interest is to the advantage of those leaders and their cronies while the led bears the brunt. Regrettably, this informs the types of policies being churned out by the leaders which, in turn, inform the outcome of our peculiar public administration and … our brand of politics.

As the saying goes, the wrong we see are oftentimes symptoms of a deeper ailment! Well, it is common knowledge that no country can develop without a predetermined solid structure. Unfortunately, Nigeria has none! Year in, year out, governments come up with pretty and fantastic policy names. But that’s where it ends, simply because those with zero understanding of what a particular policy entails are the ones in government, directing its affairs. While ‘elected’ leaders lack the coherent vision of development needed to implement the change our country needs, those who have what it takes to move it forward cannot get elected into public office because they do not have the means. Again, how did we get here?

When Olusegun Obasanjo initiated _‘Operation Feed the Nation’_ (OFN), the belief at the time was that the programme would outlast his regime and that Nigerians would be fed, truly, in their millions. Looking back, where has _Baba Iyabo’s_ OFN landed us as a people and which part of the nation is now being fed?

In September 1986, the Ibrahim Babangida-led junta introduced the _Second-Tier Foreign Exchange Market_ (SFEM) as a second official foreign exchange market in Nigeria. Indeed, little did Nigerians know that, like Siamese twins whose destinies were tied together, the birth of SFEM would bring round-tripping along with it. What of Maryam, his late wife’s _‘Better Life for Rural Women’_ programme? Had the intervention also been truthful to its mission, the transformation would have been so visible to the naked eye. Most probably, too, the programme wouldn’t have disappeared like mist from the face of the earth.

Not too long ago, many young students in school would want to study and become medical doctors, lawyers or engineers. With the incursion of the military, especially, with its clutching onto straws to erect the Nigerian state on the sand of lies and mischief, the music changed! There and then, a typical Nigerian youth would want to become a soldier. Enter the politicians! Like water, succumbing to the whims of temperature, politics won the hearts of our youths as the preferred life ambition. As fate would have it, new fishes have sought tenancy in Nigeria’s ocean. Now, it’s either our young ones do _‘yahoo’_ or nothing else.

But again, why won’t they? Aren’t our hearts now into grief as a result of Nigeria’s political complexity? Are the ground not also barren and the water no longer springing forth? In our very eyes, a first-class brain ‘graduates’ into a cart pusher while most of those at the helm of affairs are cobblers. Elsewhere, the selection of those who govern is from the pool of trained minds from its Ivy League while possession of a Secondary School Leaving Certificate is all a presidential candidate in Nigeria needs to qualify him for the tenancy of Aso Rock Villa. Give a scalpel to a carpenter and ask him to perform the duty of a trained surgeon. Of course, the result of such an outing is better imagined.

In the olden days, a permanent secretary was always content with his status and official designation. These days, a permanent secretary without dollar accounts and ostentatious lifestyle is always seen to have missed it.

Time it was in Nigeria when those who joined political parties would contribute money to run those parties. These days, a political party is nothing more than an association of hustlers who have merely agreed to come together for pecuniary conveniences. Anything short of that definition is to deceive ourselves, deliberately.

I have argued elsewhere that Nigeria is one terrible case of _‘thief steal am, thief catch am!’_  Saying it as it is, bribe has become a commodity in our land. The tragedy of our situation is that the restless soldiers in the system who, expectedly, are to do the job of pressuring the government, have a price. Needless to repeat therefore that they have become preys to those they are supposed to pressure. Is it any wonder therefore that the cost of bribery has gone up?

At a time in Nigeria’s political lexicon, the catchphrase in Yoruba parlance was _‘dibo koo sebe’_ (vote and be guaranteed a pot of soup)! Now, the stakes have been raised. Now, it is _’dibo koo kole’_ (vote and build a mansion!). The tragic truth is that democracy, as at the present time in Nigeria, is at the point of a gun. In our tent of politics, guns do the voting and guns do the counting. Collation, also with the advice of the gun, is a different and more terrifying experience entirely. What’s more? It is no longer out of place for a tout who has mastered the use of cutlasses and related weapons to be offered a prominent place in our A- rated political parties. Added to this is that we blame others for the vanity strife into which our world is conveniently immersed.

Yes, we blame colonialism for being responsible for our present pass. But, was the United States of America not colonized by Great Britain? In any case, the blame game is not new! After all, Adam blamed Eve for eating _“of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden”;_ and Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her. Judas Iscariot blamed the Sanhedrin for _“betraying the innocent blood”;_ and the Sanhedrin refused to put the money back into the treasury because, to them, it was [now] _“the price of blood”_ and would rather use it to purchase the _“Field of Blood”_ for the burial of strangers. Isn’t it the reason we are wasting the magic we ought to be making?

Nigeria’s dilemma reminds one of Ayi Kwei Armah’s mystical bird called _‘Chichi Dodo.’_ In his book,  _‘The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born’,_  Armah creatively told a story of how the bird hated filth and rotten objects while, at the same time, it could not survive without maggots which, ironically, derived their oxygen from filth and rotten objects. If we may therefore ask: more than two decades into uninterrupted self-rule, what type of economic policy can we say Nigeria is into? Is it Capitalism, defined by Karl Marx as _“a historically specific mode of production in which capital has become the dominant mode of production”?_ Or, Communism, regarded by Mao Tse-Tung as _“a complete system of proletarian ideology and a new social system”?_ Or, Imperialism, which, going by Tse-Tung’s assessment, amounts to _‘paper-tigering’?_ Or, Socialism, aptly prescribed by Obafemi Awolowo as the best for Nigeria?

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _*Komolafe wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State ([email protected]; 07087941459)_



NERC is the body empowered to meet the yearnings of Nigerians for stable, adequate and safe electricity supply. The Commission, in a public notice released on Saturday, said it has taken the bull by the horn by releasing to the public, the rights of every electricity consumer to curb arbitrariness by the DisCos and aid consumers in fighting for their rights.

The NERC Acting CEO/Chairman, Dr. Anthony Akah, who personally signed the public notice titled “Good News For Electricity Consumers!” also said that henceforth.

 *1*. The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), has declared that it is illegal for any electricity Distribution Company (DisCo) to carry out disconnection of a customer’s power supply without prior notification in writing.

 *2*. “All new electricity connections must be done strictly on the basis of metering before connection. That is, no new customer should be connected without meter first being installed.

 *3*. “It is the customer’s right to be notified in writing ahead of disconnection of electricity service by the electricity distribution company serving the customer in line with NERC’s guidelines,” the public notice read.

Other rights of the electricity consumer as contained in the public notice are as follows:

 *4.* “A customer who elects to procure meter under the Credited Advance Payment for Metering Implementation (CAPMI) Scheme must be metered within 60 days, after which the customer will neither be billed nor disconnected by the electricity distribution company.”

 *5.* “It is the customer’s right to transparent electricity billing. Unmetered customers should be issued with electricity bills strictly based on NERC’s estimated billing methodology.”

 *6.* “It is the customer’s right to prompt investigation of complaints arising from the customer’s electricity service disruption”.

 *7.* “It is not the responsibility of electricity customer or community to buy, replace or repair electricity transformers, poles and related equipment used in the supply of electricity.”

 *8.* “It is the customer’s right to contest any electricity bill. Any unmetered customer who is disputing his or her estimated bill has the right not to pay the disputed bill, but pay only the last undisputed bill as the contested bill goes through the dispute resolution process of NERC.”

The commission urged customers to send all complaints on electricity supply and other billing issues to the nearest business unit of the electricity company serving their premises.


However, NERC said,

 *9.* “If your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, you can forward your complaint to the NERC Forum Office within the coverage area of your electricity distribution company. Customers also have the right to appeal the decision of the forum at the NERC headquarters in Abuja.”

The Commission also published NERC Zonal Office Contacts for easier access and these are:

• Joseph John *South-West* (08164201445)

• Tony Ray Ene *South-South* (08130363581) 

• Ekeh Samuel Chukwuemeka *South-East* (08062219714) 

• Hassan GWANDU *North-West* (07061117416) 

• Mohammed Umar Fufore *North-East* (07061097132) 

• Friday Sule

 *North-Central* (07036948408).

The Commission urged customers to share this information and “help us protect your rights” but however warned against neglecting their obligations.

“Note that you have an obligation to pay your valid electric bills, avoid meter by-pass or stealing of electricity and protect power infrastructure from being vandalised,” the agency stated.

NERC is the body empowered to meet the yearnings of Nigerians for stable, adequate and safe electricity supply. The Commission, in a public notice released on Saturday, said it has taken the bull by the horn by releasing to the public, the rights of every electricity consumer to curb arbitrariness by the DisCos and aid consumers in fighting for their rights.

The NERC Acting CEO/Chairman, Dr. Anthony Akah, who personally signed the public notice titled “Good News For Electricity Consumers!” also said that henceforth.

 *1*. The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), has declared that it is illegal for any electricity Distribution Company (DisCo) to carry out disconnection of a customer’s power supply without prior notification in writing.

 *2*. “All new electricity connections must be done strictly on the basis of metering before connection. That is, no new customer should be connected without meter first being installed.

 *3*. “It is the customer’s right to be notified in writing ahead of disconnection of electricity service by the electricity distribution company serving the customer in line with NERC’s guidelines,” the public notice read.

Other rights of the electricity consumer as contained in the public notice are as follows:

 *4.* “A customer who elects to procure meter under the Credited Advance Payment for Metering Implementation (CAPMI) Scheme must be metered within 60 days, after which the customer will neither be billed nor disconnected by the electricity distribution company.”

 *5.* “It is the customer’s right to transparent electricity billing. Unmetered customers should be issued with electricity bills strictly based on NERC’s estimated billing methodology.”

 *6.* “It is the customer’s right to prompt investigation of complaints arising from the customer’s electricity service disruption”.

 *7.* “It is not the responsibility of electricity customer or community to buy, replace or repair electricity transformers, poles and related equipment used in the supply of electricity.”

 *8.* “It is the customer’s right to contest any electricity bill. Any unmetered customer who is disputing his or her estimated bill has the right not to pay the disputed bill, but pay only the last undisputed bill as the contested bill goes through the dispute resolution process of NERC.”

The commission urged customers to send all complaints on electricity supply and other billing issues to the nearest business unit of the electricity company serving their premises.


However, NERC said,

 *9.* “If your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, you can forward your complaint to the NERC Forum Office within the coverage area of your electricity distribution company. Customers also have the right to appeal the decision of the forum at the NERC headquarters in Abuja.”

The Commission also published NERC Zonal Office Contacts for easier access and these are:

• Joseph John *South-West* (08164201445)

• Tony Ray Ene *South-South* (08130363581) 

• Ekeh Samuel Chukwuemeka *South-East* (08062219714) 

• Hassan GWANDU *North-West* (07061117416) 

• Mohammed Umar Fufore *North-East* (07061097132) 

• Friday Sule

 *North-Central* (07036948408).

The Commission urged customers to share this information and “help us protect your rights” but however warned against neglecting their obligations.

“Note that you have an obligation to pay your valid electric bills, avoid meter by-pass or stealing of electricity and protect power infrastructure from being vandalised,” the agency stated.

Exclusive: Admiral Group Nigeria, a Scam- Cardiff Office Confirmed, EFCC, others should note

Exclusive: Admiral Group Nigeria, a Scam- Cardiff Office Confirmed, EFCC, others should note

 The Admiral Group Nigeria which claimed to be a branch of the main Admiral Group headquartered in Cardiff, United Kingdom has been confirmed to be a scam.

The Admiral group (ADM) office in Cardiff earlier in an exclusive telephone conversation with the Group Admin of Latest News Dele Abiola said, the company has no branch in Nigeria and that the company has offered no online job opportunities for anyone. (The UK company was reached via it's public telephone number: +44 333 220 2062)

Also in a reply to the message queries on the Instagram page of the group, ADM  said it has no branch in Nigeria. The Cardiff company denied having anything doing with the website and app link ( With which Nigerians have been offered online scam job.

However, while the Cardiff office denied having any branch in Nigeria and refuted the web and app link, the profile message of the scam site says otherwise.

The scam site has been using more than three different account numbers to collect money from those buying into their online scam job. Out of the three account numbers, only one looks company while the other two are individuals.

Company account

Individual account

Individual account

Another individual account

The ADM Nigeria which plans to celebrate it's 5th year anniversary in Lagos by January 15th 2022 account to the latest announcement on the website and app has been defrauding and collecting money from unsuspecting Nigerians base on it's designed VIP levels.

The NIGERIA ADM also assigned online daily tasks per each level to make it look real as each subscriber has a numbers of tasks and prices attached also per  each level:

The online site stopped honouring withdrawal request of it's online employees in December citing banks closures for  Christmas and new year holidays. (This against the internet banking services) It promised to resume payment by January 4th 2022.

 Instead of resuming payment on the said date, it cancelled all pending withdrawal orders of the employee subscribers. ADM then asked all employees to pay personal income tax of 7% upfront for three months before withdrawal can be made and honoured. According to the info on the online site and it's app, such was the request of an agency in the Nigeria's federal ministry of finance.

It also added that the verification of the individual app/web account will be done by the Nigeria's Central Taxation Bureau.

Latest News opened that these are unfunded and contrary to the direct taxation faced by employees as the said 7%VAT can be deducted even without the consent of the employees before the final payments are made into the individual employee's bank account. This is the usual practice in all governmental , public and private organizations in Nigeria.

Reaching out to most of the ADM Nigeria admins on phones and via WhatsApp messages for clarifications and request for the government's paper (s) for such their actions, while most of their phone numbers were perpetually switch off,  some refused to pick calls and one of them threatening to be an herbalist,  others who choose to respond have neither been able to provide any clarification or any government paper of instructions to such effect  as members of their groups were also demanding to see such information they received from Nigeria's Central Taxation Bureau as claimed by ADM.

 They further resulted to threatening their subscribers that their account balances will be wiped off should they not pay their personal income taxes before the deadline.

The least invested amount of money paid into those accounts to secure the said  online job  is #17,000 with the highest been #6,800,000

Some who have considered themselves been scammed have reached out to the EFCC on the Eagle Eye app.

While investigation still continues, Latest News  calls on the Nigeria's finance Ministry and central taxation bureau as claimed by ADM or FIRS to make public if their is any information as regards what Admiral Group Nigeria has been display both in the website and in it's app.

Also it has not been established that the Admiral Group Nigeria is registered by the Nigeria's Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)

EFCC and other appropriate anti graft agencies are hereby called upon to monitor and investigate the above bank accounts as well as the activities of the fake Admiral Groups in Nigeria.

 The Admiral Group Nigeria which claimed to be a branch of the main Admiral Group headquartered in Cardiff, United Kingdom has been confirmed to be a scam.

The Admiral group (ADM) office in Cardiff earlier in an exclusive telephone conversation with the Group Admin of Latest News Dele Abiola said, the company has no branch in Nigeria and that the company has offered no online job opportunities for anyone. (The UK company was reached via it's public telephone number: +44 333 220 2062)

Also in a reply to the message queries on the Instagram page of the group, ADM  said it has no branch in Nigeria. The Cardiff company denied having anything doing with the website and app link ( With which Nigerians have been offered online scam job.

However, while the Cardiff office denied having any branch in Nigeria and refuted the web and app link, the profile message of the scam site says otherwise.

The scam site has been using more than three different account numbers to collect money from those buying into their online scam job. Out of the three account numbers, only one looks company while the other two are individuals.

Company account

Individual account

Individual account

Another individual account

The ADM Nigeria which plans to celebrate it's 5th year anniversary in Lagos by January 15th 2022 account to the latest announcement on the website and app has been defrauding and collecting money from unsuspecting Nigerians base on it's designed VIP levels.

The NIGERIA ADM also assigned online daily tasks per each level to make it look real as each subscriber has a numbers of tasks and prices attached also per  each level:

The online site stopped honouring withdrawal request of it's online employees in December citing banks closures for  Christmas and new year holidays. (This against the internet banking services) It promised to resume payment by January 4th 2022.

 Instead of resuming payment on the said date, it cancelled all pending withdrawal orders of the employee subscribers. ADM then asked all employees to pay personal income tax of 7% upfront for three months before withdrawal can be made and honoured. According to the info on the online site and it's app, such was the request of an agency in the Nigeria's federal ministry of finance.

It also added that the verification of the individual app/web account will be done by the Nigeria's Central Taxation Bureau.

Latest News opened that these are unfunded and contrary to the direct taxation faced by employees as the said 7%VAT can be deducted even without the consent of the employees before the final payments are made into the individual employee's bank account. This is the usual practice in all governmental , public and private organizations in Nigeria.

Reaching out to most of the ADM Nigeria admins on phones and via WhatsApp messages for clarifications and request for the government's paper (s) for such their actions, while most of their phone numbers were perpetually switch off,  some refused to pick calls and one of them threatening to be an herbalist,  others who choose to respond have neither been able to provide any clarification or any government paper of instructions to such effect  as members of their groups were also demanding to see such information they received from Nigeria's Central Taxation Bureau as claimed by ADM.

 They further resulted to threatening their subscribers that their account balances will be wiped off should they not pay their personal income taxes before the deadline.

The least invested amount of money paid into those accounts to secure the said  online job  is #17,000 with the highest been #6,800,000

Some who have considered themselves been scammed have reached out to the EFCC on the Eagle Eye app.

While investigation still continues, Latest News  calls on the Nigeria's finance Ministry and central taxation bureau as claimed by ADM or FIRS to make public if their is any information as regards what Admiral Group Nigeria has been display both in the website and in it's app.

Also it has not been established that the Admiral Group Nigeria is registered by the Nigeria's Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)

EFCC and other appropriate anti graft agencies are hereby called upon to monitor and investigate the above bank accounts as well as the activities of the fake Admiral Groups in Nigeria.



On Thursday the Nigerian Police unlawfully arrested five peaceful protesters in Abuja during a protest seeking protection for beleaguered Nigerians particularly in the northern parts. 

Upon arrest, these citizens were subjected to the worst form of brutality by policemen deployed to quell the protest. 

Today, two Magistrates have refused to take their case but we got a chance to see the unchanging face of police brutality. These videos were taken in court today.


On Thursday the Nigerian Police unlawfully arrested five peaceful protesters in Abuja during a protest seeking protection for beleaguered Nigerians particularly in the northern parts. 

Upon arrest, these citizens were subjected to the worst form of brutality by policemen deployed to quell the protest. 

Today, two Magistrates have refused to take their case but we got a chance to see the unchanging face of police brutality. These videos were taken in court today.


World Bank: $93 billion boost for resilient recovery in world’s poorest countries

World Bank: $93 billion boost for resilient recovery in world’s poorest countries

$23.5 billion in donor contributions to IDA, World Bank fund for the poor

The world Bank has in a statement Wednesday announced $93 billion replenishment package of the International Development Association (IDA) to help low-income countries respond to the COVID-19 crisis

The package is also to build a greener, more resilient, and inclusive future, according to the statement by the body. This was agreed over a two-day meeting hosted virtually by Japan, the largest ever mobilized in IDA’s 61-year history. 

According to the bank: the financing brings together $23.5 billion of contributions from 48 high- and middle-income countries with financing raised in the capital markets, repayments, and the World Bank’s own contributions.

The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.

Read The full statement:

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2021 – The World Bank today announced a $93 billion replenishment package of the International Development Association (IDA) to help low-income countries respond to the COVID-19 crisis and build a greener, more resilient, and inclusive future. The financing brings together $23.5 billion of contributions from 48 high- and middle-income countries with financing raised in the capital markets, repayments, and the World Bank’s own contributions.

The financing package, agreed over a two-day meeting hosted virtually by Japan, is the largest ever mobilized in IDA’s 61-year history. IDA’s unique leveraging model enables it to achieve greater value from donor resources – every $1 that donors contribute to IDA is now leveraged into almost $4 of financial support for the poorest countries.

“Today’s generous commitment by our partners is a critical step toward supporting poor countries in their efforts to recover from the COVID-19 crisis,” said World Bank Group President David Malpass. “We are grateful for the confidence our partners have in IDA as a non-fragmented and efficient platform to tackle development challenges and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.”

The funds will be delivered to the world’s 74 poorest countries under the 20th replenishment (IDA20) program, which focuses on helping countries recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. In these countries, the ongoing pandemic is worsening poverty, undermining growth, and jeopardizing the prospects of a resilient and inclusive development. Countries are struggling with falling government revenues; increasing debt vulnerabilities; rising risks to fragility, conflict, and instability; and dropping literacy rates. About a third of IDA countries are facing a looming food crisis.

To help countries build back greener, a substantial portion of these funds go to tackling climate change, with a focus on helping countries to adapt to rising climate impacts and preserve biodiversity. IDA will also deepen support to countries to better prepare for future crises, including pandemics, financial shocks, and natural hazards. While IDA20 will support countries globally, resources are increasingly benefiting Africa, which will receive about 70 percent of the funding.

With this strong package, IDA will be able to scale up its support in the pandemic and address health challenges, helping 400 million people receive essential health and nutrition resources. The social safety nets program is also expected to reach as many as 375 million people.

The IDA20 program has more ambitious policy commitments that will support countries in prioritizing investments in human capital, covering issues such as education, health and nutrition, vaccines, safety nets, and support for people with disabilities. IDA will also increase its ambition in addressing other major development challenges such as gender inequality, job creation, and situations of fragility, conflict and violence, including in the Sahel, the Lake Chad region, and the Horn of Africa. A continued emphasis on governance and institutions, debt sustainability, and digital infrastructure interventions will help foster economic and social inclusion.

Due to the urgent development needs of IDA countries, the replenishment was advanced by one year. IDA20 will cover the period of July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025. The IDA20 policy architecture builds on the strong foundation of IDA19, with enhancements to make IDA20 even more ambitious and fit for today’s challenges.

IDA19 achievements key to IDA20 include:

Strong COVID-19 response with nearly 70 countries benefiting from IDA financing for vaccines, health professionals’ training, and hospital equipment.

Over 60 percent of climate financing, in fiscal year 2021 alone, focused on adaptation and resilience; IDA helped 62 countries institutionalize disaster risk reduction plans.

Greater debt transparency through the Sustainable Development Finance Policy introduced in IDA19, with 19 countries publishing annual and timely debt reports in fiscal year 2021.

$23.5 billion in donor contributions to IDA, World Bank fund for the poor

The world Bank has in a statement Wednesday announced $93 billion replenishment package of the International Development Association (IDA) to help low-income countries respond to the COVID-19 crisis

The package is also to build a greener, more resilient, and inclusive future, according to the statement by the body. This was agreed over a two-day meeting hosted virtually by Japan, the largest ever mobilized in IDA’s 61-year history. 

According to the bank: the financing brings together $23.5 billion of contributions from 48 high- and middle-income countries with financing raised in the capital markets, repayments, and the World Bank’s own contributions.

The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.

Read The full statement:

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2021 – The World Bank today announced a $93 billion replenishment package of the International Development Association (IDA) to help low-income countries respond to the COVID-19 crisis and build a greener, more resilient, and inclusive future. The financing brings together $23.5 billion of contributions from 48 high- and middle-income countries with financing raised in the capital markets, repayments, and the World Bank’s own contributions.

The financing package, agreed over a two-day meeting hosted virtually by Japan, is the largest ever mobilized in IDA’s 61-year history. IDA’s unique leveraging model enables it to achieve greater value from donor resources – every $1 that donors contribute to IDA is now leveraged into almost $4 of financial support for the poorest countries.

“Today’s generous commitment by our partners is a critical step toward supporting poor countries in their efforts to recover from the COVID-19 crisis,” said World Bank Group President David Malpass. “We are grateful for the confidence our partners have in IDA as a non-fragmented and efficient platform to tackle development challenges and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.”

The funds will be delivered to the world’s 74 poorest countries under the 20th replenishment (IDA20) program, which focuses on helping countries recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. In these countries, the ongoing pandemic is worsening poverty, undermining growth, and jeopardizing the prospects of a resilient and inclusive development. Countries are struggling with falling government revenues; increasing debt vulnerabilities; rising risks to fragility, conflict, and instability; and dropping literacy rates. About a third of IDA countries are facing a looming food crisis.

To help countries build back greener, a substantial portion of these funds go to tackling climate change, with a focus on helping countries to adapt to rising climate impacts and preserve biodiversity. IDA will also deepen support to countries to better prepare for future crises, including pandemics, financial shocks, and natural hazards. While IDA20 will support countries globally, resources are increasingly benefiting Africa, which will receive about 70 percent of the funding.

With this strong package, IDA will be able to scale up its support in the pandemic and address health challenges, helping 400 million people receive essential health and nutrition resources. The social safety nets program is also expected to reach as many as 375 million people.

The IDA20 program has more ambitious policy commitments that will support countries in prioritizing investments in human capital, covering issues such as education, health and nutrition, vaccines, safety nets, and support for people with disabilities. IDA will also increase its ambition in addressing other major development challenges such as gender inequality, job creation, and situations of fragility, conflict and violence, including in the Sahel, the Lake Chad region, and the Horn of Africa. A continued emphasis on governance and institutions, debt sustainability, and digital infrastructure interventions will help foster economic and social inclusion.

Due to the urgent development needs of IDA countries, the replenishment was advanced by one year. IDA20 will cover the period of July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025. The IDA20 policy architecture builds on the strong foundation of IDA19, with enhancements to make IDA20 even more ambitious and fit for today’s challenges.

IDA19 achievements key to IDA20 include:

Strong COVID-19 response with nearly 70 countries benefiting from IDA financing for vaccines, health professionals’ training, and hospital equipment.

Over 60 percent of climate financing, in fiscal year 2021 alone, focused on adaptation and resilience; IDA helped 62 countries institutionalize disaster risk reduction plans.

Greater debt transparency through the Sustainable Development Finance Policy introduced in IDA19, with 19 countries publishing annual and timely debt reports in fiscal year 2021.

Happy birthday to Owojori Emmanuel, Walk, never stumble

Happy birthday to Owojori Emmanuel, Walk, never stumble

Happy birthday to a friend, brother and Comrade.

May your journey in this new year of yours be fill with abondance of all good thing as your heart desires.

May the Lord keep watching over you always and bless you without measure IJN. 

My you walk and never stumble!!!!!


'Dele Abiola


Happy birthday to a friend, brother and Comrade.

May your journey in this new year of yours be fill with abondance of all good thing as your heart desires.

May the Lord keep watching over you always and bless you without measure IJN. 

My you walk and never stumble!!!!!


'Dele Abiola


TURN THE PAGE - A Poem By 'Dele Abiola

TURN THE PAGE - A Poem By 'Dele Abiola

I dare you turn the pages of the age

I dare you tell us who is your sage

A saint sage who has never defrauded us

Look around southern-northern Poles of our coast

Show us who is for us

Show us who's for the wretched masses

Among them in this land of unease, 

Is there voice for the voiceless again?

The one who is not supporting Bandits

A stark religion bigotry

Full of rhetoric lies and covert evils

Talk more do little their watch word 

The generation of kill the best spare the worst

Criminals in corridors of power

Roaming round for insatiable greed

Accumulating from home to strange shores

They are not our nationalists

Who nationalizing everything in Sights for their foreign keep

From the pages of our history and moments

Who is your sage?

Good foundation and visions

Long lost to lust and power struggle

I dare you new era of nationalism must arrived

I dare you to arise and join

Or leave no hope for present and future

Here I firmly stand for a generational leadership change!

©Dele Abiola

Comrade Dele Abiola
Feeding a baby

I dare you turn the pages of the age

I dare you tell us who is your sage

A saint sage who has never defrauded us

Look around southern-northern Poles of our coast

Show us who is for us

Show us who's for the wretched masses

Among them in this land of unease, 

Is there voice for the voiceless again?

The one who is not supporting Bandits

A stark religion bigotry

Full of rhetoric lies and covert evils

Talk more do little their watch word 

The generation of kill the best spare the worst

Criminals in corridors of power

Roaming round for insatiable greed

Accumulating from home to strange shores

They are not our nationalists

Who nationalizing everything in Sights for their foreign keep

From the pages of our history and moments

Who is your sage?

Good foundation and visions

Long lost to lust and power struggle

I dare you new era of nationalism must arrived

I dare you to arise and join

Or leave no hope for present and future

Here I firmly stand for a generational leadership change!

©Dele Abiola

Comrade Dele Abiola
Feeding a baby

"Soun of Ogbomoso, a Conscientious Monarch" ----- Alaafin Oba Adeyemi III

"Soun of Ogbomoso, a Conscientious Monarch" ----- Alaafin Oba Adeyemi III

The Alaafin of Oyo, Oba ( Dr.) Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III, condoles with the royal families in Ogbomoso and the incumbent ruling royal family of the Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oyewunmi Ajagungbade, who joined his ancestors recently.

In a condolence message to the family, the Alaafin described the late Soun of Ogbomoso as a visionary monarch whose contributions to the developments of both Ogbomoso town and the people would remain indelible ".

According to him, prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember of the dearly departed Soun of Ogbomoso. As good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. May God bless and comfort the entire royal family during this time of grief.

Alaafin Oba Adeyemi III noted that no human being has ever been granted immortality, adding that every creature is bound to die, and whatever has a beginning will certainly have an end.

"Every soul shall taste death." This is the law that governs life. It has no exceptions or exemptions. The living, then, must take this into account and prepare themselves for it. This short journey on Earth is bound to come to an end, and its end is the death of every living thing. All shall return to God. But whatever happens to us during this trip through life, whether good or bad, is meant as a test.

The Alaafin Oba Adeyemi III , the Paramount Ruler therefore extend warmest and deepest sympathies on behalf of himself and the people of Oyo town to bereaved family and the people of Ogbomoso.

"May the soul of the departed Royal Father be at peace with our his creator. May care and love of those around the deceased family provide comfort and peace to get them through the days ahead.

The Alaafin of Oyo, Oba ( Dr.) Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III, condoles with the royal families in Ogbomoso and the incumbent ruling royal family of the Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oyewunmi Ajagungbade, who joined his ancestors recently.

In a condolence message to the family, the Alaafin described the late Soun of Ogbomoso as a visionary monarch whose contributions to the developments of both Ogbomoso town and the people would remain indelible ".

According to him, prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember of the dearly departed Soun of Ogbomoso. As good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. May God bless and comfort the entire royal family during this time of grief.

Alaafin Oba Adeyemi III noted that no human being has ever been granted immortality, adding that every creature is bound to die, and whatever has a beginning will certainly have an end.

"Every soul shall taste death." This is the law that governs life. It has no exceptions or exemptions. The living, then, must take this into account and prepare themselves for it. This short journey on Earth is bound to come to an end, and its end is the death of every living thing. All shall return to God. But whatever happens to us during this trip through life, whether good or bad, is meant as a test.

The Alaafin Oba Adeyemi III , the Paramount Ruler therefore extend warmest and deepest sympathies on behalf of himself and the people of Oyo town to bereaved family and the people of Ogbomoso.

"May the soul of the departed Royal Father be at peace with our his creator. May care and love of those around the deceased family provide comfort and peace to get them through the days ahead.

Soun of Ogbomoso, Ajagungbade III Joins His Ancestors at 95

Soun of Ogbomoso, Ajagungbade III Joins His Ancestors at 95

The Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oladeji, Ajagungbade III (CON) has reportedly joined his ancestor, today. 

According to the report, the 95 year old monarch was breathed his last early on Sunday Morning after old age sickness.

Late Oladunni who ascended the throne on October 24, 1973 exited from the royal pedigree today, December 12, 2021 ending his 48 years reign as the Soun Of Ogbomoso land.

An official announcement on the burial rites  by the royal family and the Oyo state government may soon follow as there were speculations the the late monarch may be buried today.

The Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oladeji, Ajagungbade III (CON) has reportedly joined his ancestor, today. 

According to the report, the 95 year old monarch was breathed his last early on Sunday Morning after old age sickness.

Late Oladunni who ascended the throne on October 24, 1973 exited from the royal pedigree today, December 12, 2021 ending his 48 years reign as the Soun Of Ogbomoso land.

An official announcement on the burial rites  by the royal family and the Oyo state government may soon follow as there were speculations the the late monarch may be buried today.

Timothy Adegoke’s Death: Abuja Court Denies Hotel Owner Bail, Adjourns Case till January 2022

Timothy Adegoke’s Death: Abuja Court Denies Hotel Owner Bail, Adjourns Case till January 2022


A Federal High Court in Abuja has on Thursday denied Dr. Rahmon Adedoyin, the detained proprietor of Hilton Hotels, Ile-Ife, Osun State; a bail leave but granted him access to medical facilities of his choice, pending the hearing of his fundamental human rights enforcement suit.

Mr. Timothy Adegoke who was an MBA student of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, allegedly strangled to death and shallowly buried within Adedoyin’s hotel.

In the court on Thursday when the matter came up for hearing, Adedoyin, who is also the founder of the Oduduwa University, Ile-Ife, through his counsel, Kunle Adegoke, SAN, informed the court that its order made on December 6, 2021 for the IG to appear in court, was duly served on the police boss as directed.

Adegoke said that on December 8, he personally visited the Police Headquarters in the FCT and reminded the authorities that the case would be coming up on Thursday. He however, expressed surprise that the IG was not in court and was not represented by any legal practitioner and prayed the court to take the ex parte motion already filed, as the IG had been put on notice as directed.

Adedoyin in the ex parte motion filed along with the fundamental human rights enforcement suit, prayed that the accused be admitted to bail pending the conclusion of investigation by the police or the determination of his fundamental human rights enforcement suit.

While delivering his ruling, Justice Inyang Ekwo after listening to the defense counsel denied a bail leave but granted the request to the effect that the police should allow the detainee to have access to medical facilities of his choice pending the hearing and determination of the fundamental human rights suit.

The judge thereafter adjourned the matter till January 21, 2021.

Meanwhile, the court had on Monday declined to grant any of the prayers contained in the ex parte motion and instead ordered Adedoyin to serve the motion and other processes on the police boss and consequently adjourned the matter till Thursday for hearing.

In a supporting affidavit, Chief Segun Aworinde, who described himself as Adedoyin’s younger brother, said despite being informed that the detainee was hypertensive and diabetic, the police had refused to release him or allow him access to quality health facility since he was arrested on November 15, 2021.

It should be recall that the autopsy report on late Adegoke, has been reportedly submitted to the police headquarters in Abuja on Wednesday, according to informed sources. Reliable sources disclosed that, “Adegoke died of severe trauma while his internal and external organs were intact. The internal organs like heart, kidney, livers and others could not be subjected to test because they are already in the advanced decomposition stage as at the time of carrying out the test; so they could not do that.”

The autopsy report was said to have established that both internal and external organs are complete, and they are in the normal position that they are ought to be.

Sources stressed that medical experts could not do a toxicology test on the body because the stomach had decomposed and was melting while they are carrying out the test.

“Severe trauma led to the death. I don’t know the type of trauma that he was subjected to before his death because the severe trauma that was arrived at, was an open-ended conclusion.

“Trauma could be as a result of hitting him with sticks or he falls, or sickness, or anything”, the sources revealed.


A Federal High Court in Abuja has on Thursday denied Dr. Rahmon Adedoyin, the detained proprietor of Hilton Hotels, Ile-Ife, Osun State; a bail leave but granted him access to medical facilities of his choice, pending the hearing of his fundamental human rights enforcement suit.

Mr. Timothy Adegoke who was an MBA student of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, allegedly strangled to death and shallowly buried within Adedoyin’s hotel.

In the court on Thursday when the matter came up for hearing, Adedoyin, who is also the founder of the Oduduwa University, Ile-Ife, through his counsel, Kunle Adegoke, SAN, informed the court that its order made on December 6, 2021 for the IG to appear in court, was duly served on the police boss as directed.

Adegoke said that on December 8, he personally visited the Police Headquarters in the FCT and reminded the authorities that the case would be coming up on Thursday. He however, expressed surprise that the IG was not in court and was not represented by any legal practitioner and prayed the court to take the ex parte motion already filed, as the IG had been put on notice as directed.

Adedoyin in the ex parte motion filed along with the fundamental human rights enforcement suit, prayed that the accused be admitted to bail pending the conclusion of investigation by the police or the determination of his fundamental human rights enforcement suit.

While delivering his ruling, Justice Inyang Ekwo after listening to the defense counsel denied a bail leave but granted the request to the effect that the police should allow the detainee to have access to medical facilities of his choice pending the hearing and determination of the fundamental human rights suit.

The judge thereafter adjourned the matter till January 21, 2021.

Meanwhile, the court had on Monday declined to grant any of the prayers contained in the ex parte motion and instead ordered Adedoyin to serve the motion and other processes on the police boss and consequently adjourned the matter till Thursday for hearing.

In a supporting affidavit, Chief Segun Aworinde, who described himself as Adedoyin’s younger brother, said despite being informed that the detainee was hypertensive and diabetic, the police had refused to release him or allow him access to quality health facility since he was arrested on November 15, 2021.

It should be recall that the autopsy report on late Adegoke, has been reportedly submitted to the police headquarters in Abuja on Wednesday, according to informed sources. Reliable sources disclosed that, “Adegoke died of severe trauma while his internal and external organs were intact. The internal organs like heart, kidney, livers and others could not be subjected to test because they are already in the advanced decomposition stage as at the time of carrying out the test; so they could not do that.”

The autopsy report was said to have established that both internal and external organs are complete, and they are in the normal position that they are ought to be.

Sources stressed that medical experts could not do a toxicology test on the body because the stomach had decomposed and was melting while they are carrying out the test.

“Severe trauma led to the death. I don’t know the type of trauma that he was subjected to before his death because the severe trauma that was arrived at, was an open-ended conclusion.

“Trauma could be as a result of hitting him with sticks or he falls, or sickness, or anything”, the sources revealed.

Nigeria, hard times and cacophonous tunes By abiodun KOMOLAFE

Nigeria, hard times and cacophonous tunes By abiodun KOMOLAFE

Fellow Nigerians, if reports emanating from the grapevine are anything to go by, then, interesting times beckon in 2022. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Nigerian government is expected to fully remove the _“unsustainable and economically disingenuous”_ fuel and electricity subsidies next year. In simple terms, the dreaded full deregulation of the oil and power sectors will most likely take effect next year, to pave the way for _“market-based”, “cost-reflective”_ pricing mechanisms. However, government is said to be ‘forgivingly’ planning a _“well-targeted”_ N5,000-a-month social intervention scheme to cushion the biting effects of poverty on about 40 million vulnerable Nigerians.

So far, so excruciating! But, from the look of things, it’s like Nigerians _ain’t seen nothing yet,_ given the prevailing socio-economic conditions in the country. Why do I say so? Well, despite the troubling status of Nigeria’s economy, with many Nigerians becoming dangerously poor – the poor remaining poor; or, getting poorer – it is important to note that a certain bloc in the Nigerian power elite still holds the notion that Nigeria’s economy has not only recovered from recession but also improving quite remarkably. Like children born into homes with certain privileges, King Herod and Pontius Pilate became friends and the country is in turmoil. In the view of this privileged clique, statistical indices are all we need to proclaim a healthy economy. Hence, some of them are always quick to heap the blame of the food scarcity currently ravaging Africa’s largest economy on the doorstep of insecurity while the soaring prices of goods and services are blamed on the activities of smugglers.

In a recent edition of ‘ _Axios’,_ an American news website, Felix Salmon and Hans Nichols berated the Joe Biden administration’s use of positive economic indicators to demonstrate signs of strength in the American economy. Echoing the concerns of the broad population of ‘God’s own country’, _“who are yet to be convinced”,_ Salmon and Nichols urged President Biden not _“to worry about the economy" but  “about what Americans think of the economy.”_ After all, _“consumers don’t live by data points.”_ Compendiously, people’s experiential knowledge of the reality and dynamics of the economy is what really counts.

Sociological imagination mimics reality and gives interpretive understanding of the norms and values of a given society or civilization. In the Southwest, for example, there is a general belief, which is cosmic to the people. It is the belief in a better tomorrow. In the same vein, the society believes in communal togetherness; thus, has developed copious coping mechanisms that help to stabilize the society. Coincidentally, governments, over the years, have capitalized on this belief; and, have encouraged a laisser-faire attitude on the part of the government towards responsive, good, and accountable governance. To most public servants, the people will not revolt unless instigated by disgruntled elements in the society. This means, people should just be muddling through without demanding accountability.

When Fela Anikulapo sang that Nigerians were _‘suffering and smiling’,_ the late _Afrobeat_ king sang like a man who saw tomorrow! Tragically, the society in which he lived had woven a stigma of ‘unseriousness’ around him. Even, among the intelligentsia, Fela was seen as one unrepentant, recalcitrant, noisome pestilence who was only out to rebel against the government for whatever reasons. So, most people did not understand or, take him seriously! But, years after the man was gone, Nigerians are beginning to understand the philosophical worth of his songs. Unfortunately, Fela’s songs are relevant today as they were as at the time he sang them, which is also a shame! In saner climes, _‘Abami Eda’_ would have been celebrated for possessing the power of picturing into the future. But, ours is a different country, where prophets of his ilk are not honoured!

Looking at the issues dispassionately, it will not be out of place to conclude that the mismanagement and, consequently, the misfortune of the national economy has, by default, impacted negatively on the federating states. The unbridled national corruption over the years is now crying aloud for reckoning. Evidently, things, indeed, are no longer at ease!

In this part of the country, refilling a 12.5kg cylinder of cooking gas now attracts N9,000. Barely a year ago, it was N3,200. Around this time last year, a 25kg keg of palm oil went for less than N8,000. Now, a 5kg keg of the same product goes for N5,500. A measure of gari, which used to cost N100 in our very recent past, has now gone up to as much as N400. Ditto for a bag of rice, which has jumped from N7,300 in 2015 to N29,000! Even, a bag of sachet water, aka ‘pure water’, which sold for N100 in 2020, now costs N200. Rumours even had it that the current retail price per litre of premium motor spirit will no longer stand at N162.00; it’s eyeing between N380.00 to N408.00. Amidst these, monthly wages are not increasing. Many states are not paying even the old rates. So, how will an average man cope?

Yes, governments, on paper, always appear as having good intentions; but intentions are not reality. Take for instance: despite the avalanche of churned policies, it is difficult to decipher the way the national government is headed towards solving the myriads of problems currently confronting our country. Terrorism in the Northeast! Banditry and abductions in other parts of the country! National economic downturn! Investment drought! Criminally scandalous exchange rates; and, so much falsehoods being spread, even by government itself, amid emerging reality. Truth be told, the government appears overwhelmed!

Sad that our democracy has been so reshaped that votes no longer count. Instead, guns and allied violence do the counting; even the collation of results. Announcing the winners is a different ballgame entirely. Interestingly, the configuration of the Nigerian society, as of today, is different from those ones they lied to, decades ago. The sad reality is that the ends are no longer meeting! The symbolic retrogression is that even those who are now saddled with the power of legitimately providing direction have been fenced out of reality. What’s more? The nature of corruption in Nigeria is one that impoverishes the mass of the people. Of course, when the falcons can no longer hear the falconers, the gravity of the resultant _katakata_ can only be imagined. Is it any wonder we hear all kinds of problems daily? In any case, wasn’t that one of the factors that gave birth to the _#EndSARS_ campaign?

All said, there is a culture of making the government become accountable to the people. It is different from protests. Making the government accountable will curb corruption, improve governance and enhance mass political participation. When the citizens are interested in how they are being governed, the space for corruption and allied criminalities become narrowed. But, if a budget is passed, allocations are distributed, and contracts are messed up, what is left to contend with will be mere noisemaking which can only be likened to advice after injury.

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _*Komolafe wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State ([email protected]; 07087941459)_

Fellow Nigerians, if reports emanating from the grapevine are anything to go by, then, interesting times beckon in 2022. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Nigerian government is expected to fully remove the _“unsustainable and economically disingenuous”_ fuel and electricity subsidies next year. In simple terms, the dreaded full deregulation of the oil and power sectors will most likely take effect next year, to pave the way for _“market-based”, “cost-reflective”_ pricing mechanisms. However, government is said to be ‘forgivingly’ planning a _“well-targeted”_ N5,000-a-month social intervention scheme to cushion the biting effects of poverty on about 40 million vulnerable Nigerians.

So far, so excruciating! But, from the look of things, it’s like Nigerians _ain’t seen nothing yet,_ given the prevailing socio-economic conditions in the country. Why do I say so? Well, despite the troubling status of Nigeria’s economy, with many Nigerians becoming dangerously poor – the poor remaining poor; or, getting poorer – it is important to note that a certain bloc in the Nigerian power elite still holds the notion that Nigeria’s economy has not only recovered from recession but also improving quite remarkably. Like children born into homes with certain privileges, King Herod and Pontius Pilate became friends and the country is in turmoil. In the view of this privileged clique, statistical indices are all we need to proclaim a healthy economy. Hence, some of them are always quick to heap the blame of the food scarcity currently ravaging Africa’s largest economy on the doorstep of insecurity while the soaring prices of goods and services are blamed on the activities of smugglers.

In a recent edition of ‘ _Axios’,_ an American news website, Felix Salmon and Hans Nichols berated the Joe Biden administration’s use of positive economic indicators to demonstrate signs of strength in the American economy. Echoing the concerns of the broad population of ‘God’s own country’, _“who are yet to be convinced”,_ Salmon and Nichols urged President Biden not _“to worry about the economy" but  “about what Americans think of the economy.”_ After all, _“consumers don’t live by data points.”_ Compendiously, people’s experiential knowledge of the reality and dynamics of the economy is what really counts.

Sociological imagination mimics reality and gives interpretive understanding of the norms and values of a given society or civilization. In the Southwest, for example, there is a general belief, which is cosmic to the people. It is the belief in a better tomorrow. In the same vein, the society believes in communal togetherness; thus, has developed copious coping mechanisms that help to stabilize the society. Coincidentally, governments, over the years, have capitalized on this belief; and, have encouraged a laisser-faire attitude on the part of the government towards responsive, good, and accountable governance. To most public servants, the people will not revolt unless instigated by disgruntled elements in the society. This means, people should just be muddling through without demanding accountability.

When Fela Anikulapo sang that Nigerians were _‘suffering and smiling’,_ the late _Afrobeat_ king sang like a man who saw tomorrow! Tragically, the society in which he lived had woven a stigma of ‘unseriousness’ around him. Even, among the intelligentsia, Fela was seen as one unrepentant, recalcitrant, noisome pestilence who was only out to rebel against the government for whatever reasons. So, most people did not understand or, take him seriously! But, years after the man was gone, Nigerians are beginning to understand the philosophical worth of his songs. Unfortunately, Fela’s songs are relevant today as they were as at the time he sang them, which is also a shame! In saner climes, _‘Abami Eda’_ would have been celebrated for possessing the power of picturing into the future. But, ours is a different country, where prophets of his ilk are not honoured!

Looking at the issues dispassionately, it will not be out of place to conclude that the mismanagement and, consequently, the misfortune of the national economy has, by default, impacted negatively on the federating states. The unbridled national corruption over the years is now crying aloud for reckoning. Evidently, things, indeed, are no longer at ease!

In this part of the country, refilling a 12.5kg cylinder of cooking gas now attracts N9,000. Barely a year ago, it was N3,200. Around this time last year, a 25kg keg of palm oil went for less than N8,000. Now, a 5kg keg of the same product goes for N5,500. A measure of gari, which used to cost N100 in our very recent past, has now gone up to as much as N400. Ditto for a bag of rice, which has jumped from N7,300 in 2015 to N29,000! Even, a bag of sachet water, aka ‘pure water’, which sold for N100 in 2020, now costs N200. Rumours even had it that the current retail price per litre of premium motor spirit will no longer stand at N162.00; it’s eyeing between N380.00 to N408.00. Amidst these, monthly wages are not increasing. Many states are not paying even the old rates. So, how will an average man cope?

Yes, governments, on paper, always appear as having good intentions; but intentions are not reality. Take for instance: despite the avalanche of churned policies, it is difficult to decipher the way the national government is headed towards solving the myriads of problems currently confronting our country. Terrorism in the Northeast! Banditry and abductions in other parts of the country! National economic downturn! Investment drought! Criminally scandalous exchange rates; and, so much falsehoods being spread, even by government itself, amid emerging reality. Truth be told, the government appears overwhelmed!

Sad that our democracy has been so reshaped that votes no longer count. Instead, guns and allied violence do the counting; even the collation of results. Announcing the winners is a different ballgame entirely. Interestingly, the configuration of the Nigerian society, as of today, is different from those ones they lied to, decades ago. The sad reality is that the ends are no longer meeting! The symbolic retrogression is that even those who are now saddled with the power of legitimately providing direction have been fenced out of reality. What’s more? The nature of corruption in Nigeria is one that impoverishes the mass of the people. Of course, when the falcons can no longer hear the falconers, the gravity of the resultant _katakata_ can only be imagined. Is it any wonder we hear all kinds of problems daily? In any case, wasn’t that one of the factors that gave birth to the _#EndSARS_ campaign?

All said, there is a culture of making the government become accountable to the people. It is different from protests. Making the government accountable will curb corruption, improve governance and enhance mass political participation. When the citizens are interested in how they are being governed, the space for corruption and allied criminalities become narrowed. But, if a budget is passed, allocations are distributed, and contracts are messed up, what is left to contend with will be mere noisemaking which can only be likened to advice after injury.

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _*Komolafe wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State ([email protected]; 07087941459)_



- Says NPF Committed to Disability Mainstreaming and Protection of Rights of PWD

The Inspector General of Police, IGP Usman Alkali Baba, psc (+), NPM, fdc has approved the establishment of a Special Desk for Persons with Disability in all the Police Zonal and State Commands across the thirty-six (36) States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The IGP, while commemorating the 2021 International Day for Persons with Disability, noted that the decision by the Force leadership to set-up the Disability Desk is informed by the need to ensure the NPF remains at the fore of contemporary policing practice which also advocates mainstreaming and inclusiveness for Persons With Disability.

 The IGP observed that the decision follows exhaustive deliberations with the Executive Secretary, National Commission for Persons With Disability, Mr James David Lalu, who led delegates from the Commision to the Force Headquarters on an advocacy visit to the IGP.

The NPF Special Desk for Persons with Disability, which will be domiciled at the Police Public Relations Offices in Commands nationwide, would serve as advocacy desk to enable the Force avail the PWD with unfettered access to policing services, promoting the dignity of their person, preventing stigmatization and stereotyping of PWD, and giving full effect to the Discrimination Against Persons with Disability (prohibition) Act, 2018.

The IGP equally approved a training program for Police personnel who are to serve as the Disability Desk Officers (DDO) under the coordination of the Force Public Relations Department. The training is being organized in partnership with the National Commission for Persons with Disability (NCPWD).

The Executive Secretary of NCPWD, who appreciated the IGP for the establishment of the Special Desk, expressed his belief that the initiative would go a long way in alleviating the numerous challenges faced by the PWD in the country.

Consequently, the IGP has directed all the Command Commissioners of Police (CPs) and their supervisory Assistant Inspectors General of Police (AIGs) to supervise the nomination of the DDOs and ensure hitch-free takeoff of the Disability Desk Offices in their respective Commands. He restates the commitment of the Force to ensuring adequate protection of the rights and privileges of Citizens with any form of disability in the country.


3rd December, 2021

- Says NPF Committed to Disability Mainstreaming and Protection of Rights of PWD

The Inspector General of Police, IGP Usman Alkali Baba, psc (+), NPM, fdc has approved the establishment of a Special Desk for Persons with Disability in all the Police Zonal and State Commands across the thirty-six (36) States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The IGP, while commemorating the 2021 International Day for Persons with Disability, noted that the decision by the Force leadership to set-up the Disability Desk is informed by the need to ensure the NPF remains at the fore of contemporary policing practice which also advocates mainstreaming and inclusiveness for Persons With Disability.

 The IGP observed that the decision follows exhaustive deliberations with the Executive Secretary, National Commission for Persons With Disability, Mr James David Lalu, who led delegates from the Commision to the Force Headquarters on an advocacy visit to the IGP.

The NPF Special Desk for Persons with Disability, which will be domiciled at the Police Public Relations Offices in Commands nationwide, would serve as advocacy desk to enable the Force avail the PWD with unfettered access to policing services, promoting the dignity of their person, preventing stigmatization and stereotyping of PWD, and giving full effect to the Discrimination Against Persons with Disability (prohibition) Act, 2018.

The IGP equally approved a training program for Police personnel who are to serve as the Disability Desk Officers (DDO) under the coordination of the Force Public Relations Department. The training is being organized in partnership with the National Commission for Persons with Disability (NCPWD).

The Executive Secretary of NCPWD, who appreciated the IGP for the establishment of the Special Desk, expressed his belief that the initiative would go a long way in alleviating the numerous challenges faced by the PWD in the country.

Consequently, the IGP has directed all the Command Commissioners of Police (CPs) and their supervisory Assistant Inspectors General of Police (AIGs) to supervise the nomination of the DDOs and ensure hitch-free takeoff of the Disability Desk Offices in their respective Commands. He restates the commitment of the Force to ensuring adequate protection of the rights and privileges of Citizens with any form of disability in the country.


3rd December, 2021





In the list of the new lows that the despicable Buhari-regime has sunk Nigeria into, is the mobilization of thugs through its militia arm, the State Security Service (SSS) and other security agencies to attack pro-democracy campaigner, the Chairman of the African Action Congress, Mr Omoyele Sowore. 

It has become trite to see thugs operating violently yet freely in broad daylight, at the Federal High Court premises in Abuja, specifically when Sowore alongside other Nigerians comes to solidarize with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigneous People of Biafra (IPOB) in the trial by the Federal Government. 

It is also not news that these thugs enjoy state protection, as it has been the case everytime he’s been attacked. The last time being October 21, 2021, these thugs attacked Sowore but were apprehended and handed over to the Police by courageous journalists who were locked out of the Court by “official thugs”- the DSS. This happened while all heavily armed security agents looked the other way. 

These thugs were then released almost immediately and we can not ascertain if at all they were taken to the Federal Secretariat Police station before being released. 

The case wasn’t different today December 2, 2021 as the thugs came prepared to kill. The window of Mr Sowore’s car was smashed in a bid to get hold of him and while he was driven away, other things that could cause harm were thrown at his car. Members of our party in his company were also not spared by these thugs. 

We condemn in the strongest terms these attacks on the Chairman of our party, Mr Sowore and we call on the Buhari regime to stop this show of shame it is serving the international community. 

While the Buhari regime seeks to normalize fascism, hardship and human rights violation, the AAC through all revolutionary means will not fold its arms on this issue. We refuse to accept as a new normal these brazen attacks on individuals and corporate entities who hold dissenting opinions against the Buhari regime.  

The AAC will not watch this slide or wait for another “Government magic” (killing and later denial of killing) to happen to our peace-loving Chairman, as it is now the case of several massacres in the country. 

Conclusively, we call on the Buhari regime to pick itself from the dust and accept defeat honourably. It must stop forthwith the persecution of Omoyele Sowore as it is glaring the regime has no case against him. 


National Publicity Secretary 

Femi Adeyeye 




In the list of the new lows that the despicable Buhari-regime has sunk Nigeria into, is the mobilization of thugs through its militia arm, the State Security Service (SSS) and other security agencies to attack pro-democracy campaigner, the Chairman of the African Action Congress, Mr Omoyele Sowore. 

It has become trite to see thugs operating violently yet freely in broad daylight, at the Federal High Court premises in Abuja, specifically when Sowore alongside other Nigerians comes to solidarize with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigneous People of Biafra (IPOB) in the trial by the Federal Government. 

It is also not news that these thugs enjoy state protection, as it has been the case everytime he’s been attacked. The last time being October 21, 2021, these thugs attacked Sowore but were apprehended and handed over to the Police by courageous journalists who were locked out of the Court by “official thugs”- the DSS. This happened while all heavily armed security agents looked the other way. 

These thugs were then released almost immediately and we can not ascertain if at all they were taken to the Federal Secretariat Police station before being released. 

The case wasn’t different today December 2, 2021 as the thugs came prepared to kill. The window of Mr Sowore’s car was smashed in a bid to get hold of him and while he was driven away, other things that could cause harm were thrown at his car. Members of our party in his company were also not spared by these thugs. 

We condemn in the strongest terms these attacks on the Chairman of our party, Mr Sowore and we call on the Buhari regime to stop this show of shame it is serving the international community. 

While the Buhari regime seeks to normalize fascism, hardship and human rights violation, the AAC through all revolutionary means will not fold its arms on this issue. We refuse to accept as a new normal these brazen attacks on individuals and corporate entities who hold dissenting opinions against the Buhari regime.  

The AAC will not watch this slide or wait for another “Government magic” (killing and later denial of killing) to happen to our peace-loving Chairman, as it is now the case of several massacres in the country. 

Conclusively, we call on the Buhari regime to pick itself from the dust and accept defeat honourably. It must stop forthwith the persecution of Omoyele Sowore as it is glaring the regime has no case against him. 


National Publicity Secretary 

Femi Adeyeye 




1 . On Sunday, Festus Keyamo, Minister of State for Labour and Employment, said the Lagos Judicial Panel of Inquiry on Restitution for Victim of SARS Related Abuses and Other Matters was “illegal and a waste of time” on the ground that the Lagos State government lacks the power to probe the conduct of police and military officers.

2. With due respect, the position of the learned Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) is grossly misconceived, suspiciously misleading and does not reflect the true position of the law. The Lagos EndSARS panel was constituted within the ambits of law and its investigative powers are neither overreaching nor beyond the scope of the 1999 Constitution.

3. First, Section 1 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law, Cap T7, Laws of Lagos State, 2015, confers power on the Governor of Lagos State to constitute the judicial panel to investigate “any matter in respect of which in the opinion an inquiry would be for the public welfare”. Instructively, it is settled law that the Federal Government lacks the power and authority to constitute judicial panels or any tribunal whatsoever for state governments. With a clear understanding that the Federal Government lacks the constitutional vires to constitute tribunal for states, the National Economic Council, NEC, last year directed the immediate establishment of State-based Judicial Panels of Inquiry to investigate complaints of police brutality or related extrajudicial killings with a view to delivering justice for all victims of the dissolved Special Anti-Robbery Squads (SARS) and other police units.

4. In the popular case of Fawehinmi v. Babangida (2003) 3 NWLR (Pt.808) 604, the Supreme Court succinctly held that: "The National Assembly cannot enact a general Law for the establishment of tribunals of inquiry for, and applicable in, the Federation of Nigeria. The power to enact such a Law has become a residual matter for the States in respect of which the Houses of Assembly can legislate for their respective States by virtue of Section 4(7)(a) of the 1999 Constitution. Although the Tribunals of Inquiry Act is an "existing law," its application is limited and has no general application". Flowing from the decision of Supreme Court, it is clear like crystal that the Federal Government of Nigeria can only set up Tribunal for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and not for States of the federation.

5. It is not in doubt that matters relating to the police and other security agencies established by law are on the exclusive legislative list. It is equally not a subject of controversy that Section 21 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law of Lagos State empowers the Governor to exercise his powers under the Law in respect of matters within the legislative competence of the state. My only question is whether issues of human rights are within the legislative competence of state governments and whether the panels so constituted can look into the atrocities and human rights violations committed  by the police and other security agencies?

6. In AG Abia State v. AG Federation (2006) 16 NWLR (Pt. 1005) 265, the Supreme Court clarified that matters not included in the exclusive and concurrent lists are residual and are meant for the State, not the Federal, to legislate upon. Human rights related matters are neither on the exclusive or concurrent lists, therefore, they are within the legislative competence of Lagos state. Thus, the Lagos State government can validly make laws in respect of human rights and constitute panels to investigate cases of human rights violations recorded within the state. 

7. While the Lagos State Government cannot make laws to control, discipline or regulate security officers of the Federal Government, it has the constitutional powers to set up panels to investigate human rights abuses and in any case where the conducts of federal officers like the police and army come under checks or scrutiny, the panels so constituted have the powers in law and equity to investigate them and make valid recommendations. There is a fundamental difference between the Lagos State government legislating over matters on officers of the Federal Government and a case where officers of the Federal Government who committed heinous crimes against humanity in Lagos State become subject of a Panel of Inquiry set up by the Lagos State Government. Those that perpetrated the massacre cannot use the law as a shield from being answerable for their crimes.

8. Meanwhile, it is a rude shock that the learned silk just discovered his alleged “illegality” of the Panel over a year since it was constituted up till the point that it submitted its reports. This sudden attack on the legal validity of the panel is strange and quite suspicious. One wonders if the Honourable Minister would have maintained the same position if the Panel reports and recommendations absolved the Federal Government of any wrongdoing. I daresay that the opinion of the Honourable Minister is calculated to discredit the valid reports of the panel. Too late! The truth is in the open and no attempt to thwart the genuine efforts of the EndSARS panel will succeed.

9. I find it self-immolating that the same Federal Government that directed that the panel be set up and submitted itself to its jurisdiction is coming forward to challenge the constitutionality of the panel. It shows a great level of dissimulation and double-standard. Why is the Federal Government blowing hot and cold? Why is the Federal Government approbating and reprobating? It is illegal and immoral for the Federal Government to submit to the jurisdiction of the Panel and later retract when the verdict is “unfavorable”.

10. In the light of the foregoing, I call on well-meaning Nigerians to disregard the views of Mr. Keyamo as it is grossly misleading, made in bad faith and calculated to distract the incontrovertible fact that Nigeria is currently ruled by merchants of death. 


29 November, 2021

[email protected]

1 . On Sunday, Festus Keyamo, Minister of State for Labour and Employment, said the Lagos Judicial Panel of Inquiry on Restitution for Victim of SARS Related Abuses and Other Matters was “illegal and a waste of time” on the ground that the Lagos State government lacks the power to probe the conduct of police and military officers.

2. With due respect, the position of the learned Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) is grossly misconceived, suspiciously misleading and does not reflect the true position of the law. The Lagos EndSARS panel was constituted within the ambits of law and its investigative powers are neither overreaching nor beyond the scope of the 1999 Constitution.

3. First, Section 1 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law, Cap T7, Laws of Lagos State, 2015, confers power on the Governor of Lagos State to constitute the judicial panel to investigate “any matter in respect of which in the opinion an inquiry would be for the public welfare”. Instructively, it is settled law that the Federal Government lacks the power and authority to constitute judicial panels or any tribunal whatsoever for state governments. With a clear understanding that the Federal Government lacks the constitutional vires to constitute tribunal for states, the National Economic Council, NEC, last year directed the immediate establishment of State-based Judicial Panels of Inquiry to investigate complaints of police brutality or related extrajudicial killings with a view to delivering justice for all victims of the dissolved Special Anti-Robbery Squads (SARS) and other police units.

4. In the popular case of Fawehinmi v. Babangida (2003) 3 NWLR (Pt.808) 604, the Supreme Court succinctly held that: "The National Assembly cannot enact a general Law for the establishment of tribunals of inquiry for, and applicable in, the Federation of Nigeria. The power to enact such a Law has become a residual matter for the States in respect of which the Houses of Assembly can legislate for their respective States by virtue of Section 4(7)(a) of the 1999 Constitution. Although the Tribunals of Inquiry Act is an "existing law," its application is limited and has no general application". Flowing from the decision of Supreme Court, it is clear like crystal that the Federal Government of Nigeria can only set up Tribunal for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and not for States of the federation.

5. It is not in doubt that matters relating to the police and other security agencies established by law are on the exclusive legislative list. It is equally not a subject of controversy that Section 21 of the Tribunal of Inquiry Law of Lagos State empowers the Governor to exercise his powers under the Law in respect of matters within the legislative competence of the state. My only question is whether issues of human rights are within the legislative competence of state governments and whether the panels so constituted can look into the atrocities and human rights violations committed  by the police and other security agencies?

6. In AG Abia State v. AG Federation (2006) 16 NWLR (Pt. 1005) 265, the Supreme Court clarified that matters not included in the exclusive and concurrent lists are residual and are meant for the State, not the Federal, to legislate upon. Human rights related matters are neither on the exclusive or concurrent lists, therefore, they are within the legislative competence of Lagos state. Thus, the Lagos State government can validly make laws in respect of human rights and constitute panels to investigate cases of human rights violations recorded within the state. 

7. While the Lagos State Government cannot make laws to control, discipline or regulate security officers of the Federal Government, it has the constitutional powers to set up panels to investigate human rights abuses and in any case where the conducts of federal officers like the police and army come under checks or scrutiny, the panels so constituted have the powers in law and equity to investigate them and make valid recommendations. There is a fundamental difference between the Lagos State government legislating over matters on officers of the Federal Government and a case where officers of the Federal Government who committed heinous crimes against humanity in Lagos State become subject of a Panel of Inquiry set up by the Lagos State Government. Those that perpetrated the massacre cannot use the law as a shield from being answerable for their crimes.

8. Meanwhile, it is a rude shock that the learned silk just discovered his alleged “illegality” of the Panel over a year since it was constituted up till the point that it submitted its reports. This sudden attack on the legal validity of the panel is strange and quite suspicious. One wonders if the Honourable Minister would have maintained the same position if the Panel reports and recommendations absolved the Federal Government of any wrongdoing. I daresay that the opinion of the Honourable Minister is calculated to discredit the valid reports of the panel. Too late! The truth is in the open and no attempt to thwart the genuine efforts of the EndSARS panel will succeed.

9. I find it self-immolating that the same Federal Government that directed that the panel be set up and submitted itself to its jurisdiction is coming forward to challenge the constitutionality of the panel. It shows a great level of dissimulation and double-standard. Why is the Federal Government blowing hot and cold? Why is the Federal Government approbating and reprobating? It is illegal and immoral for the Federal Government to submit to the jurisdiction of the Panel and later retract when the verdict is “unfavorable”.

10. In the light of the foregoing, I call on well-meaning Nigerians to disregard the views of Mr. Keyamo as it is grossly misleading, made in bad faith and calculated to distract the incontrovertible fact that Nigeria is currently ruled by merchants of death. 


29 November, 2021

[email protected]

Video: Decentralized Social Media: What you need to know about #DaeSO?

Video: Decentralized Social Media: What you need to know about #DaeSO?


Just consider it that a post submitted to Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter and etc belongs to these corporations, rather than the creator who posted it. And the monetization goes predominantly to these corporations as a result.

In contrast, according to the DeSO protocol, DeSO stores all of its data on a public blockchain, which means that anyone in the world can run a node that exposes their own curated feed. Today, operates one such node, but there are over 100 other projects running nodes and building apps on DeSo Blockchain as well.

DeSo, short for "decentralized social," is the first and only blockchain custom-built from the ground up to power and scale a new category of decentralized social applications to one billion users.

 DeSO holds much promise for value creation.


Just consider it that a post submitted to Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter and etc belongs to these corporations, rather than the creator who posted it. And the monetization goes predominantly to these corporations as a result.

In contrast, according to the DeSO protocol, DeSO stores all of its data on a public blockchain, which means that anyone in the world can run a node that exposes their own curated feed. Today, operates one such node, but there are over 100 other projects running nodes and building apps on DeSo Blockchain as well.

DeSo, short for "decentralized social," is the first and only blockchain custom-built from the ground up to power and scale a new category of decentralized social applications to one billion users.

 DeSO holds much promise for value creation.



Due to the rising cost of foodstuffs I decided to engage in large scale multi-crop farming this year. My beans farm located close to my community produced bountiful seeds.

Last Sunday 21st November, 2021 I drove to the farm after service and saw that the beans produced bountifully and are dry ready for harvest, but because I wanted to travel I couldn't arrange for people to help me harvest the beans.

So I traveled on Monday and returned today Saturday 27th November, 2021. While on my way back to Kaduna, I arrange for who will help in the harvest, as I arrived Kaduna, this evening we drove to my beans farming to commission the commencement of the harvest. Watch and behold there is nothing else to harvest as those callous Fulani Herdsmen have brought their cows to my farm and the farms of others around and their cows ate and finished all the beans.

We still met the cows and their herdsmen grazing in my farm. Since we (those who want to help me in the harvest and I) are not wearing bullet proof we only decided to take pictures lamenting the destruction we couldn't do or say anything to the herdsmen because we value our lives more than what they have destroyed.

We all know how much a bag of beans cost today. Even if it's only 6 bags of beans I could get we know how much that will be. And no matter what, we could have harvested far more than 6 bags of beans if the Fulani Herdsmen had not turned my farm to their grazing zone. .

What kind of destructive regime did gullible people bring upon my beloved country?!


Emmanuel Olorunmagba

Photos of the farm:

Due to the rising cost of foodstuffs I decided to engage in large scale multi-crop farming this year. My beans farm located close to my community produced bountiful seeds.

Last Sunday 21st November, 2021 I drove to the farm after service and saw that the beans produced bountifully and are dry ready for harvest, but because I wanted to travel I couldn't arrange for people to help me harvest the beans.

So I traveled on Monday and returned today Saturday 27th November, 2021. While on my way back to Kaduna, I arrange for who will help in the harvest, as I arrived Kaduna, this evening we drove to my beans farming to commission the commencement of the harvest. Watch and behold there is nothing else to harvest as those callous Fulani Herdsmen have brought their cows to my farm and the farms of others around and their cows ate and finished all the beans.

We still met the cows and their herdsmen grazing in my farm. Since we (those who want to help me in the harvest and I) are not wearing bullet proof we only decided to take pictures lamenting the destruction we couldn't do or say anything to the herdsmen because we value our lives more than what they have destroyed.

We all know how much a bag of beans cost today. Even if it's only 6 bags of beans I could get we know how much that will be. And no matter what, we could have harvested far more than 6 bags of beans if the Fulani Herdsmen had not turned my farm to their grazing zone. .

What kind of destructive regime did gullible people bring upon my beloved country?!


Emmanuel Olorunmagba

Photos of the farm:

Poster Speaks

Poster Speaks/box

