


Showing posts with label herdsmen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label herdsmen. Show all posts

#PhotoSpeaks: A Benue Farmer posted — Fulani herdsmen openly gaze on my maize farm

#PhotoSpeaks: A Benue Farmer posted — Fulani herdsmen openly gaze on my maize farm


Benue man posted 

"Fulani herdsmen openly gaze on my maize farm which is two hectres.The maize 🌽 farm which is supposed to harvest next month towards ending"

God be with Benue State 

Atleast, we've data to post it on social media. It's well.

Nigeria government keep making calls for the citizens to embrace and go to farm even with crud implements. 

But the deceitful APC LED federal government has refused to arrest insecurities posed by Fulani herdsmen, bandits, kidnapers among many othes. The party came to power in the promises to solve insecurity problems but has only compounded it. Hunger is ravaging the land ss result of food insecurity .

This is not peculiar to only Benue state. Many states of the federation are not secured from herdsmen havocs 

 They killed and raped at will.


Benue man posted 

"Fulani herdsmen openly gaze on my maize farm which is two hectres.The maize 🌽 farm which is supposed to harvest next month towards ending"

God be with Benue State 

Atleast, we've data to post it on social media. It's well.

Nigeria government keep making calls for the citizens to embrace and go to farm even with crud implements. 

But the deceitful APC LED federal government has refused to arrest insecurities posed by Fulani herdsmen, bandits, kidnapers among many othes. The party came to power in the promises to solve insecurity problems but has only compounded it. Hunger is ravaging the land ss result of food insecurity .

This is not peculiar to only Benue state. Many states of the federation are not secured from herdsmen havocs 

 They killed and raped at will.

Insecurity: Nigerian Army gets Aviation Wing, acquires fighter helicopters

Insecurity: Nigerian Army gets Aviation Wing, acquires fighter helicopters

The Nigeria's Federal Government has established an aviation wing for the Nigerian Army, and acquired fighter helicopters for its operations.

Major General Onyema Nwachukwu who is the Director of Army Public Relations confirmed that the BELL UH-1H, HUEY helicopters were received at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja on Friday.

Nigeria since 2009 has been facing series of insecurity threats from Boko Haram, ISWAP, bandits, herdsman and kidnapping among others.

The Nigeria's Federal Government has established an aviation wing for the Nigerian Army, and acquired fighter helicopters for its operations.

Major General Onyema Nwachukwu who is the Director of Army Public Relations confirmed that the BELL UH-1H, HUEY helicopters were received at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja on Friday.

Nigeria since 2009 has been facing series of insecurity threats from Boko Haram, ISWAP, bandits, herdsman and kidnapping among others.

NAF bombards bandit kingpin’s camp, kills 25 terrorists in Katsina

NAF bombards bandit kingpin’s camp, kills 25 terrorists in Katsina

In an operation conducted yesterday, the Air Component of Operation Hadarin Daji successfully hit the camp of a notorious bandit kingpin, Alhaji Dutsi, in Katsina State.

The Nigerian Air Force airstrikes resulted in the elimination of over 25 terrorists, disrupting criminal activities in the area.

In an operation conducted yesterday, the Air Component of Operation Hadarin Daji successfully hit the camp of a notorious bandit kingpin, Alhaji Dutsi, in Katsina State.

The Nigerian Air Force airstrikes resulted in the elimination of over 25 terrorists, disrupting criminal activities in the area.

Boko Haram kills 20 in Niger State

Boko Haram kills 20 in Niger State

No fewer than 20 persons were allegedly killed by suspected members of the Boko Haram sect at Bassa community in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State.

Out of the 20 deceased, 10 youths were purportedly slaughtered and their heads handed over to members of the community while the gunmen videoed them holding the heads.

The incident occurred at about 8 am on Friday.

Boko Haram unleashed terror on the victims, who only returned to their village to pick up some food items after they fled the community following the last attack on their village.

A source from the village claimed those killed were because they refused to be recruited as members of the dreaded sect, adding that the sect told them that anyone who refused to join them would be met with a similar fate.

Source: Nairaland

No fewer than 20 persons were allegedly killed by suspected members of the Boko Haram sect at Bassa community in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State.

Out of the 20 deceased, 10 youths were purportedly slaughtered and their heads handed over to members of the community while the gunmen videoed them holding the heads.

The incident occurred at about 8 am on Friday.

Boko Haram unleashed terror on the victims, who only returned to their village to pick up some food items after they fled the community following the last attack on their village.

A source from the village claimed those killed were because they refused to be recruited as members of the dreaded sect, adding that the sect told them that anyone who refused to join them would be met with a similar fate.

Source: Nairaland

OPINION: Owolabi - Murdered in Nigeria, buried in America

OPINION: Owolabi - Murdered in Nigeria, buried in America


abiodun KOMOLAFE

On Nov 6, 2022

One of the greatest shortcomings of Nigeria’s existence is that she has never evolved into a nation. 

The amalgamation of territories, imposition of the colonial masters, the unfortunate intervention of the military and its attendant maladministration of the civil-society, and the corruption-infested politicians have not actually given the country that opportunity to realize her potentials. To be honest, it is because Nigeria’s handlers have different motives and a diametrically opposed understanding of the concept of development that her journey to nationhood has remained an illusion.

As we know, there is no generally acceptable interpretive understanding of the concept of development. For instance, part of the organic components of a nation is the understanding of the meaning of the concepts of citizenship. It is on this premise that a nation thrives. In other words, since no nation flourishes without its citizens, any nation that wants to thrive must have its organic components in place and the majority number of the population must share, intimately, the rudimentary knowledge and understanding of what it means to be a citizen, as agreed to, and enshrined in the constitution of Nigeria. Otherwise, it will just be as if one is running against the wind.

On July 28, 2022, Olugbenga David Owolabi was kidnapped alongside his staff, Rachael Opadele in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, by yet-to-be-identified kidnappers. Owolabi was a Nigerian-American who had come to Nigeria, to invest in the hospitality business in Ogbomoso, his hometown. On August 3, 2022, they were senselessly killed by their abductors, despite the payment of N5m ransom. Owolabi was buried on October 1, 2022 which, as fate would have it, coincided with a very important day in Nigeria’s chequered history. Opadele had earlier been buried in Ogbomoso, on August 5, 2022. Like the others, Nigeria has again succeeded in making the sun of three of her promising citizens set at dawn.

Olugbenga Owolabi is gone; and there’s nothing anybody can do to bring him back to life. But, if he had known that the country he called his own didn’t understand what it meant to be a citizen, he wouldn’t have come to Nigeria at all, not to speak of investing here. Let’s face it: the short time he spent in the USA – and he became a citizen – is now the only gift God has given him. From the time mappings for his life, all things being equal, if he had not come here, those unredeemed killers and haters who have turned Nigeria into a pool of blood would not have slaughtered him like a ram. Of course, they’d not have killed him without the American government deploying its entire arsenal for battle against his killers.

Typical of the Nigerianness in us, nobody is talking about who killed Owolabi; and neither Oyo State nor his Local Government has uttered a word; forget about admitting that the State has lost an illustrious son. Rather, it’s been business as usual, as if nothing happened. No justice! Not even a show of pretence for it! Sad that, even up to the point of the corpse being flown abroad, no Nigerian officials were seen to have shown any semblance of sympathy, either by words or actions. Well, that’s to show how horrible our system is. In our clime, the worth of a citizen has gone into a nosedive! Why then should one die for the country?

Owolabi’s unfortunate death is not the first; certainly, it won’t be the last either! Since his murder, several other unresolved murders have taken place. Yet, the heavens have not fallen! And who cares? After all, those who died did not belong to the families of members of the ruling class. So, life goes on! But, again, this is Nigeria! America takes care of her living and the dead! Nigeria does neither! Here in Nigeria, life no longer has any meaning! Ours is a generation of wasters, in a very dangerous country! Against the backdrop of our illimitable woes, the leaders _“daily call on the citizens to make sacrifices while they (the leaders) wallow in privilege.”_ Tragically, the leadership doesn’t even understand why and how the country is being led to a moral free fall in all areas.

The general assumption is that Nigeria is a sovereign state, but the current state of heightened insecurity only suggests that she may have already been stripped of her sovereign attributes. Otherwise, how do we describe events in the land which have only shown that our leaders are in a wide sea of uncertainty with regard to how a nation evolves; the inalienable rights of a citizen, and why he or she must be accorded such? Remember the 2013 Boston Marathon domestic terror attack and how the American government rose to the occasion! Remember how US Special Forces rescued Philip Walton, an American citizen held hostage in Nigeria in 2020! Here in Nigeria, the late Hamani Tidjani was only unlucky to have positioned his wind vane wrongly. And he paid dearly for it! On Owolabi’s gruesome murder, even the texture and essence of the _Nigerians in Diaspora Commission_ (NIDCOM) seem to have been seduced into compliance with sickening silence.

Had Oyo State Government been truly there for those it was elected to serve, somebody in government would have noticed the state administrative protocol gap in Owolabi’s unfortunate murder, and would have issued a statement on behalf of the government. That his remains were taken back from the land of his birth for internment in a foreign, adopted country was a big shame of unimaginable proportions. But again, how did we get here? For God’s sake, how does one belong to a country where human lives are not valued; where _“yesterday’s dreams have become the worst nightmares”;_ where _“very sharp pieces of broken promises”_ have become the new ideology? And, if we may ask: what is the functional relevance of Nigeria’s sovereignty? Isn’t that why a Leah Sharibu could still be languishing in the terrorists’ den even as the government continues to behave as if it never happened?

The social thoughts of a society, I was made to understand, undergird the thought flows of its citizens. For example, when President John F. Kennedy famously urged Americans “ask not what” their _“country can do for”_ them but _“what”_ they _“can do for”_ their _“country’,_ that became the mantra in the USA that even a kid in that _‘God’s own country’_ was always ready to die for the American flag. On the converse, have we asked why Nigeria now looks _“like a boiling pot that everyone wants to escape from”_ and why Nigerians are with misdirected aggression prepared to _‘japa’_ into certain deaths in Ukraine?

With happenings like this in Nigeria, national consciousness and the concept of patriotism are on the verge of losing both their meanings and relevance; of course, with huge national security implications! Nigeria may also lose investors and her capacity for economic growth will be hindered. To put it bluntly, what it means is that, once the central value of citizenship is lost, the entire country is lost. The more reason the handlers of Nigeria must do a new orientation programme that will teach Nigerians to be patriotic. In doing this, the government should lead by example. Otherwise, the scheme will fall like a pack of cards.

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, rest the souls of the faithful departed and grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _*KOMOLAFE wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State ([email protected]; 07087941459 - SMS only)_




Admission still in progress



abiodun KOMOLAFE

On Nov 6, 2022

One of the greatest shortcomings of Nigeria’s existence is that she has never evolved into a nation. 

The amalgamation of territories, imposition of the colonial masters, the unfortunate intervention of the military and its attendant maladministration of the civil-society, and the corruption-infested politicians have not actually given the country that opportunity to realize her potentials. To be honest, it is because Nigeria’s handlers have different motives and a diametrically opposed understanding of the concept of development that her journey to nationhood has remained an illusion.

As we know, there is no generally acceptable interpretive understanding of the concept of development. For instance, part of the organic components of a nation is the understanding of the meaning of the concepts of citizenship. It is on this premise that a nation thrives. In other words, since no nation flourishes without its citizens, any nation that wants to thrive must have its organic components in place and the majority number of the population must share, intimately, the rudimentary knowledge and understanding of what it means to be a citizen, as agreed to, and enshrined in the constitution of Nigeria. Otherwise, it will just be as if one is running against the wind.

On July 28, 2022, Olugbenga David Owolabi was kidnapped alongside his staff, Rachael Opadele in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, by yet-to-be-identified kidnappers. Owolabi was a Nigerian-American who had come to Nigeria, to invest in the hospitality business in Ogbomoso, his hometown. On August 3, 2022, they were senselessly killed by their abductors, despite the payment of N5m ransom. Owolabi was buried on October 1, 2022 which, as fate would have it, coincided with a very important day in Nigeria’s chequered history. Opadele had earlier been buried in Ogbomoso, on August 5, 2022. Like the others, Nigeria has again succeeded in making the sun of three of her promising citizens set at dawn.

Olugbenga Owolabi is gone; and there’s nothing anybody can do to bring him back to life. But, if he had known that the country he called his own didn’t understand what it meant to be a citizen, he wouldn’t have come to Nigeria at all, not to speak of investing here. Let’s face it: the short time he spent in the USA – and he became a citizen – is now the only gift God has given him. From the time mappings for his life, all things being equal, if he had not come here, those unredeemed killers and haters who have turned Nigeria into a pool of blood would not have slaughtered him like a ram. Of course, they’d not have killed him without the American government deploying its entire arsenal for battle against his killers.

Typical of the Nigerianness in us, nobody is talking about who killed Owolabi; and neither Oyo State nor his Local Government has uttered a word; forget about admitting that the State has lost an illustrious son. Rather, it’s been business as usual, as if nothing happened. No justice! Not even a show of pretence for it! Sad that, even up to the point of the corpse being flown abroad, no Nigerian officials were seen to have shown any semblance of sympathy, either by words or actions. Well, that’s to show how horrible our system is. In our clime, the worth of a citizen has gone into a nosedive! Why then should one die for the country?

Owolabi’s unfortunate death is not the first; certainly, it won’t be the last either! Since his murder, several other unresolved murders have taken place. Yet, the heavens have not fallen! And who cares? After all, those who died did not belong to the families of members of the ruling class. So, life goes on! But, again, this is Nigeria! America takes care of her living and the dead! Nigeria does neither! Here in Nigeria, life no longer has any meaning! Ours is a generation of wasters, in a very dangerous country! Against the backdrop of our illimitable woes, the leaders _“daily call on the citizens to make sacrifices while they (the leaders) wallow in privilege.”_ Tragically, the leadership doesn’t even understand why and how the country is being led to a moral free fall in all areas.

The general assumption is that Nigeria is a sovereign state, but the current state of heightened insecurity only suggests that she may have already been stripped of her sovereign attributes. Otherwise, how do we describe events in the land which have only shown that our leaders are in a wide sea of uncertainty with regard to how a nation evolves; the inalienable rights of a citizen, and why he or she must be accorded such? Remember the 2013 Boston Marathon domestic terror attack and how the American government rose to the occasion! Remember how US Special Forces rescued Philip Walton, an American citizen held hostage in Nigeria in 2020! Here in Nigeria, the late Hamani Tidjani was only unlucky to have positioned his wind vane wrongly. And he paid dearly for it! On Owolabi’s gruesome murder, even the texture and essence of the _Nigerians in Diaspora Commission_ (NIDCOM) seem to have been seduced into compliance with sickening silence.

Had Oyo State Government been truly there for those it was elected to serve, somebody in government would have noticed the state administrative protocol gap in Owolabi’s unfortunate murder, and would have issued a statement on behalf of the government. That his remains were taken back from the land of his birth for internment in a foreign, adopted country was a big shame of unimaginable proportions. But again, how did we get here? For God’s sake, how does one belong to a country where human lives are not valued; where _“yesterday’s dreams have become the worst nightmares”;_ where _“very sharp pieces of broken promises”_ have become the new ideology? And, if we may ask: what is the functional relevance of Nigeria’s sovereignty? Isn’t that why a Leah Sharibu could still be languishing in the terrorists’ den even as the government continues to behave as if it never happened?

The social thoughts of a society, I was made to understand, undergird the thought flows of its citizens. For example, when President John F. Kennedy famously urged Americans “ask not what” their _“country can do for”_ them but _“what”_ they _“can do for”_ their _“country’,_ that became the mantra in the USA that even a kid in that _‘God’s own country’_ was always ready to die for the American flag. On the converse, have we asked why Nigeria now looks _“like a boiling pot that everyone wants to escape from”_ and why Nigerians are with misdirected aggression prepared to _‘japa’_ into certain deaths in Ukraine?

With happenings like this in Nigeria, national consciousness and the concept of patriotism are on the verge of losing both their meanings and relevance; of course, with huge national security implications! Nigeria may also lose investors and her capacity for economic growth will be hindered. To put it bluntly, what it means is that, once the central value of citizenship is lost, the entire country is lost. The more reason the handlers of Nigeria must do a new orientation programme that will teach Nigerians to be patriotic. In doing this, the government should lead by example. Otherwise, the scheme will fall like a pack of cards.

May the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, rest the souls of the faithful departed and grant us peace in Nigeria!

 _*KOMOLAFE wrote in from Ijebu-Jesa, Osun State ([email protected]; 07087941459 - SMS only)_




Admission still in progress




Due to the rising cost of foodstuffs I decided to engage in large scale multi-crop farming this year. My beans farm located close to my community produced bountiful seeds.

Last Sunday 21st November, 2021 I drove to the farm after service and saw that the beans produced bountifully and are dry ready for harvest, but because I wanted to travel I couldn't arrange for people to help me harvest the beans.

So I traveled on Monday and returned today Saturday 27th November, 2021. While on my way back to Kaduna, I arrange for who will help in the harvest, as I arrived Kaduna, this evening we drove to my beans farming to commission the commencement of the harvest. Watch and behold there is nothing else to harvest as those callous Fulani Herdsmen have brought their cows to my farm and the farms of others around and their cows ate and finished all the beans.

We still met the cows and their herdsmen grazing in my farm. Since we (those who want to help me in the harvest and I) are not wearing bullet proof we only decided to take pictures lamenting the destruction we couldn't do or say anything to the herdsmen because we value our lives more than what they have destroyed.

We all know how much a bag of beans cost today. Even if it's only 6 bags of beans I could get we know how much that will be. And no matter what, we could have harvested far more than 6 bags of beans if the Fulani Herdsmen had not turned my farm to their grazing zone. .

What kind of destructive regime did gullible people bring upon my beloved country?!


Emmanuel Olorunmagba

Photos of the farm:

Due to the rising cost of foodstuffs I decided to engage in large scale multi-crop farming this year. My beans farm located close to my community produced bountiful seeds.

Last Sunday 21st November, 2021 I drove to the farm after service and saw that the beans produced bountifully and are dry ready for harvest, but because I wanted to travel I couldn't arrange for people to help me harvest the beans.

So I traveled on Monday and returned today Saturday 27th November, 2021. While on my way back to Kaduna, I arrange for who will help in the harvest, as I arrived Kaduna, this evening we drove to my beans farming to commission the commencement of the harvest. Watch and behold there is nothing else to harvest as those callous Fulani Herdsmen have brought their cows to my farm and the farms of others around and their cows ate and finished all the beans.

We still met the cows and their herdsmen grazing in my farm. Since we (those who want to help me in the harvest and I) are not wearing bullet proof we only decided to take pictures lamenting the destruction we couldn't do or say anything to the herdsmen because we value our lives more than what they have destroyed.

We all know how much a bag of beans cost today. Even if it's only 6 bags of beans I could get we know how much that will be. And no matter what, we could have harvested far more than 6 bags of beans if the Fulani Herdsmen had not turned my farm to their grazing zone. .

What kind of destructive regime did gullible people bring upon my beloved country?!


Emmanuel Olorunmagba

Photos of the farm:

How Nigerian Air Force pays terrorists/bandits N20 million to avoid shooting down Buhari’s plane

How Nigerian Air Force pays terrorists/bandits N20 million to avoid shooting down Buhari’s plane

The gun truck with 12.7 caliber anti-aircraft fire was reportedly disassembled and transported back to the military on motorbikes after the deal was concluded.

The Nigerian Air Force coordinated ransom payments to armed bandits in exchange for an anti-aircraft gun seized from the Nigerian Army, The Wall Street Journal said, in a desperate deal that was brokered as President Muhammadu Buhari was planning a trip to Katsina.

The U.S. outlet said N20 million was delivered to the bandits in Rugu Forest by a Nigerian Air Force official, who leaked details of the operation under anonymity, because the military realised that it would be too risky to leave the weapon in the hands of violent criminals operating in an area the presidential jet would fly over. 

The rugged, lawless jungle that covers parts of Kaduna, Zamfara and the president’s home state of Katsina has served as a vast haven for bandits terrorising Nigeria’s northwestern communities. A large portion of kidnapping plots emanates or terminates in or around the forest, security agencies have previously warned. 

“The mission to buy back the antiaircraft gun began with a handoff from a high-ranking air force intelligence officer in the capital Abuja: a black zip-up bag he said was full of 20 million Nigerian naira,” the paper reported, after stating that such military hardware in the hands of bandits “posed a threat to President Muhammadu Buhari, who had been planning to fly to his hometown about 80 miles away.”

The gun truck with 12.7 caliber anti-aircraft fire was reportedly disassembled and transported back to the military on motorbikes after the deal was concluded. 

The Journal did not specify when the deal was brokered or the presidential trip that was planned. The president has been in his hometown at least twice this year that his office disclosed to the public. The first trip was in late January and another in July. 

Although the Nigerian government claimed combat victories against armed bandits, several military bases have been sacked by the violent criminals dreaded largely for their abduction of schoolchildren and prominent personalities, including politicians and emirs. 

Last month, a forward operating base crucial to the military campaign against banditry was raided in Zamfara, leaving at least 12 officers killed. The bandits also seized military equipment when they captured the base in Dansadau, about 80 kilometres south of the capital Gusau, in the September 11 operation.

Less than two weeks later on September 24, bandits again struck a joint base of security forces in the neighbouring Sokoto State, killing several soldiers, Civil Defence officers and civilians. 

The Nigerian Air Force also confirmed on July 19 that bandits had shot down one of its fighter jets, but the pilot was able to eject without and there were no casualties. The incident came as Mr Buhari was visiting his hometown for this year’s Sallah. 

It was not immediately clear why service chiefs opted for a ransom payment in the operation described by The Journal. Military weapons that fell into the hands of Boko Haram insurgents and bandits were usually destroyed by airstrikes. 

Whereas Mr Buhari has promised to be tough on the bandits and publicly railed against governors negotiating with them, his government has been known to pay ransom to terrorists and other violent criminals.

The government paid millions of dollars to free some of the Chibok girls seized in 2014 under President Goodluck Jonathan. It also facilitated hundreds of millions of naira in ransom to bandits who seized schoolchildren in Niger State earlier this year.

The Gazette has yet to hear back from the Nigerian Air Force about the reported N20 million ransom to bandits.

Source: SM

The gun truck with 12.7 caliber anti-aircraft fire was reportedly disassembled and transported back to the military on motorbikes after the deal was concluded.

The Nigerian Air Force coordinated ransom payments to armed bandits in exchange for an anti-aircraft gun seized from the Nigerian Army, The Wall Street Journal said, in a desperate deal that was brokered as President Muhammadu Buhari was planning a trip to Katsina.

The U.S. outlet said N20 million was delivered to the bandits in Rugu Forest by a Nigerian Air Force official, who leaked details of the operation under anonymity, because the military realised that it would be too risky to leave the weapon in the hands of violent criminals operating in an area the presidential jet would fly over. 

The rugged, lawless jungle that covers parts of Kaduna, Zamfara and the president’s home state of Katsina has served as a vast haven for bandits terrorising Nigeria’s northwestern communities. A large portion of kidnapping plots emanates or terminates in or around the forest, security agencies have previously warned. 

“The mission to buy back the antiaircraft gun began with a handoff from a high-ranking air force intelligence officer in the capital Abuja: a black zip-up bag he said was full of 20 million Nigerian naira,” the paper reported, after stating that such military hardware in the hands of bandits “posed a threat to President Muhammadu Buhari, who had been planning to fly to his hometown about 80 miles away.”

The gun truck with 12.7 caliber anti-aircraft fire was reportedly disassembled and transported back to the military on motorbikes after the deal was concluded. 

The Journal did not specify when the deal was brokered or the presidential trip that was planned. The president has been in his hometown at least twice this year that his office disclosed to the public. The first trip was in late January and another in July. 

Although the Nigerian government claimed combat victories against armed bandits, several military bases have been sacked by the violent criminals dreaded largely for their abduction of schoolchildren and prominent personalities, including politicians and emirs. 

Last month, a forward operating base crucial to the military campaign against banditry was raided in Zamfara, leaving at least 12 officers killed. The bandits also seized military equipment when they captured the base in Dansadau, about 80 kilometres south of the capital Gusau, in the September 11 operation.

Less than two weeks later on September 24, bandits again struck a joint base of security forces in the neighbouring Sokoto State, killing several soldiers, Civil Defence officers and civilians. 

The Nigerian Air Force also confirmed on July 19 that bandits had shot down one of its fighter jets, but the pilot was able to eject without and there were no casualties. The incident came as Mr Buhari was visiting his hometown for this year’s Sallah. 

It was not immediately clear why service chiefs opted for a ransom payment in the operation described by The Journal. Military weapons that fell into the hands of Boko Haram insurgents and bandits were usually destroyed by airstrikes. 

Whereas Mr Buhari has promised to be tough on the bandits and publicly railed against governors negotiating with them, his government has been known to pay ransom to terrorists and other violent criminals.

The government paid millions of dollars to free some of the Chibok girls seized in 2014 under President Goodluck Jonathan. It also facilitated hundreds of millions of naira in ransom to bandits who seized schoolchildren in Niger State earlier this year.

The Gazette has yet to hear back from the Nigerian Air Force about the reported N20 million ransom to bandits.

Source: SM

#ENDSARS Memorial: Osinbajo's NEC-in-Council advises against planned protests,, they ordered the killings!!!

#ENDSARS Memorial: Osinbajo's NEC-in-Council advises against planned protests,, they ordered the killings!!!

Protesting Youths demanding for an end to police and security Brutality and asking for good governance were brutally massacre, arrested, maltreated, tortured and illegally detained last year in many places across the country. Many are still in detentions illegally without been charged to court. 

For many that were arraigned in court, the Nigeria police has not been able to provide convincing evidence as to the cookup allegations leveled against them.

October 20 2020 was the real black day when the security operatives comprises of the police, the Nigerian Army and others on their cohort evil agenda opened fires on the peaceful protesters holding the Nigerian flags at Lekki toll gate in Lagos State.

With series of denial, panel of enquires were set up in 28 states and revelations were already in the public that Nigerian government through the security apparatus of the State killed her abled body youths for demanding for good governance and leadership from the Major General Muhammadu Buhari led Federal lawless regime.

As Memorial programs were lined up by the concerned Nigerian youths to mark the one year of the killing, the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo's led  National Economic Council has confirmed the administration's failure again that the country is unsafe under this regime to guarantee the constitutional right to protest and therefore can't protect the protesters, if they choose to protest to mark the one year anniversary of those innocents killed last year by this incumbent regime.

To dose the tensions the Osinbajo led NEC have resolved that payment of compensation to victims should proceed with each State, in collaboration with the Federal Government, establishing the modalities for the settlement of all monetary compensations awarded by the panels. 

Equally, NEC, which is composed of all State Governors in the Federation and representatives of the FG, Chaired by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo also unanimously resolved today to ensure the prosecution of persons indicted by the panels. The Council specifically directed States "to immediately forward copies of final reports of the panels to their Attorneys-General for prompt arraignment and prosecution of all indicted persons. 

However, let them scale through this month, you will hardly hear anything about the NEC resolutions again unless their is another crisis threatening their authorities. 

 The Boko Haram/ISWAP and other terrorists who killed, raped and abducted citizens and even security officers are already been pardoned and reintegrated back to the society by the pro-terrorists Buhari led Government.


I am 'Dele Abiola

[email protected]


𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 


*Council also strongly advises against planned protests considering security situation 

*Urges organisers to consider other options 

In receipt of reports from judicial panels regarding EndSARS protests set up in 28 States across the country and in the FCT, the National Economic Council have resolved that payment of compensation to victims should proceed with each State, in collaboration with the Federal Government, establishing the modalities for the settlement of all monetary compensations awarded by the panels. 

Equally, NEC, which is composed of all State Governors in the Federation and representatives of the FG, Chaired by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, also unanimously resolved today to ensure the prosecution of persons indicted by the panels. The Council specifically directed States "to immediately forward copies of final reports of the panels to their Attorneys-General for prompt arraignment and prosecution of all indicted persons. 

"Where incidents in the reports relate to matters of discipline, in addition to prosecution, NEC urged the Nigeria Police Force to take disciplinary action on the affected officers in line with the provisions of the Police Act 2020." 

Also rising from today's NEC meeting, members strongly advised those planning protests to mark the anniversary of the ENDSARS to reconsider the option in view of "current security situation across the country and the possibility of such protests being hijacked by armed hoodlums and other opportunistic criminals to cause mayhem at such protest events and venues."

Below are the NEC resolutions on the panels and an advisory on the planned protests: 


At its meeting today, 15th October 2021, the National Economic Council (NEC/Council) received an update on the Reports of Judicial Panels of Inquiry into Allegations of Human Rights Violations against Members of Nigeria Police Force and other Security Agencies. 

2. It may be recalled that following the October 2020 #EndSARS protests, which later transformed into violent demonstrations, in furtherance of resolution of NEC, twenty-eight (28) States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) (under the auspices of the National Human Rights Commission) had set up Judicial Panels/Commissions of Inquiry (Panels) to investigate allegations of violations of human rights levied against members of the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies, especially members of the disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). 

3. The 28 States that set up these Panels were Abia, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Gombe, Imo, Kaduna, Katsina, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Nasarawa, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers, and Taraba. 

4. Out of the 28 States, 11 States (Abia, Ekiti, Enugu, Gombe, Kwara, Nasarawa, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Plateau, and Rivers) have submitted their final reports to Council; with Lagos, set to finalise its sittings on 19th October 2021, submitting an interim report. Governors of other States including Delta and Ebonyi at today’s meeting also indicated that their reports would be submitted soon. 

5. Following deliberations on the recommendations of the panels, NEC agreed/resolved as follows, (and this applies to all the States and FCT that set up the panels): 


6. Each State, in collaboration with the Federal Government, shall establish modalities for the settlement of all monetary compensations awarded by the Panels. Already, as resolved by NEC, a number of States have set up Victims Compensation Funds, from which several victims have already received payments of sums awarded to them by the panels. 


7. Council directed State Governors to immediately forward copies of final reports of the panels to their Attorneys-General for prompt arraignment and prosecution of all indicted persons. 

8. Where incidents in the reports relate to matters of discipline, in addition to prosecution, NEC urged the Nigeria Police Force to take disciplinary action on the affected officers in line with the provisions of the Police Act 2020.


9. NEC called on the leadership of the security agencies to ensure that –

a. Persons recruited into arms-bearing security agencies undergo psychiatric evaluations and drug tests before enlistment and periodically after enlistment to ensure that the personnel are psychologically fit to carry live weapons and to identify behavioural tendencies that may require psycho-social interventions. 

b. Personnel of the agencies dutifully observes Rules of Engagement in the discharge of their functions/duties around and within the civilian populace. 

c. While acknowledging the various initiatives introduced by the Federal Government to: 

*strengthen police accountability through the Police Service Commission,

*sustain improved funding and budgetary allocation to the Nigeria Police Force and other securities agencies,

*and the lifting of the ban on recruitment of police officers, 

Council urged the Federal Government to give priority to the general welfare of police officers and personnel of other security agencies. 

In particular, it advocated the review of pension and gratuity of retired police officers and attainment of parity of remuneration by police officers with sister security agencies. 

d. Undertake a comprehensive assessment of all police stations across the country with a view to ensuring that they are fit for purpose. 

e. Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies should deploy cutting-edge technology in the fight against crimes. 

f. Nigeria Police Force to, in line with the mandatory training provisions of the Police Act 2020, prioritize training of Police Officers on procedures for the entrenchment of Human Rights Provisions guaranteed by the Constitution and on the professional handling of weapons. 

g. All those detained by the Police as a result of the EndSars protests are expeditiously processed with due regard to the principles of fair hearing. 

h. The system established within the Nigeria Police Force for receipt and handling of complaints or petitions is strengthened, and all police officers on duty should be in police-approved uniform with their full names and force numbers boldly written for easy identification. 

i. The States should, as resolved by NEC: 

i)Properly utilize and support the community policing programme of the Federal Government, with active collaborative efforts and participation of traditional rulers, elders, youths, vigilante groups, etc.; 

ii)Establish standing committees under States Ministries of Justice to address human rights violations on a continuous basis; and 

iii)Take measures aimed at flushing out miscreants squatting in uncompleted buildings, and other blackout spots that serve as hideouts for criminals.


While appreciating the role of lawful peaceful protests in the advancement of public discourse under democratic governance, the National Economic Council (NEC) strongly advises those planning public protests across the country to mark the anniversary of the #EndSARS, to consider other lawful alternative means of engagement. 

This is because of the current security situation across the country and the possibility of such protests being hijacked by armed hoodlums and other opportunistic criminals to cause mayhem at such protest events and venues. Council, therefore, urges the organizers to reconsider their plan. 

NEC would also like to point out the various actions already taken by Federal and State Governments to address the grievances that led to the 2020 protests, including: 

* the disbandment of SARS;

*broad police reforms;

*establishment of judicial panels of inquiries to investigate allegations of human rights violations by members of the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies;

* recommendations of which panels are already at various stages of implementation including the setup of Victims Compensation Funds from which several victims have received payments of sums awarded to them by the panels; 

*and prosecution of police personnel indicted by the panels. 

These are commendable actions that ought to be taken to a logical conclusion in a peaceful atmosphere. 

Organizers of the planned protests should explore the various channels of communication with governments at various levels to advance their positions and avert the breakdown of law and order that may result from such public protests. 




Council received a presentation and memo from the Ministry of Finance, Budget, and National Planning on the draft of a National Development Plan 2021-2025, which is a successor plan to the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan 2017-2020. 

Among other highlights, the presentation and memo were to acquaint Council with the need for linkage between Annual Budget and Plans. 

The plan also targets an average of 5% GDP growth, the creation of 21million jobs, and lifting 35million people out of poverty within the duration of the Plan. 

What is new in this plan? 

·   A mechanism to engage, empower and employ our teaming energetic youths 

·    Inclusiveness - Opportunities for young people, women, vulnerable people, etc., via mainstreaming. 

·        A financing plan to increase revenue to 15 percent of GDP by 2025 and to decrease the budget deficit 

Policy Action: 

·   Prioritization and implementation of critical and strategic infrastructure projects that will directly boost production and productivity 

·   Institutional reforms in public sector, law enforcement, judiciary, and secure property rights, including intellectual property. 

·  Measures to diversify revenue and increase tax to GDP ratio by improving tax administration, including the informal sector, and widening the tax base.



NEC received a presentation from the Governor of Kebbi on behalf of the Grazing Reserve Audit Committee. The summary of the presentation was to brief NEC on the essence of the audit which is to document available land in order to aid the implementation of the 10year National Livestock Transformation Plan approved by NEC in 2019. The presentation clarified that the audit committee is not mandated to recover grazing reserves. 



·     Council received a progress report from the Chairman of the Committee, Delta State Governor on the above. 

The Federal Ministry of Health is establishing oxygen plants across the 36 States in the country, but currently, 6 States have been provided with oxygen cylinders so far. 

·        The FG has paid for 40 million doses of Covid -19 vaccines coming in batches and therefore a considerable amount of the vaccines will come into the country between now and January 2022 

·      Nigeria is now classified among the 50 countries in the green zones




Council was informed as follows:

No of Cases                                =208,404 

No of Cases tested                   =3,142,971 

Active Cases                              =9,520, 

Discharged Cases                     =196,123 

Number of Deaths                     = 2,76

·        Council was also informed on the global situation of Covid-19: over 237million confirmed cases and over 4.8million deaths due to Covid -19. There are now over 6.3billion vaccine doses administered 

·        Nigeria is still in the first wave of vaccination and vaccination tools will improve as the country receives additional vaccines 

·        Covid-19 cases have declined by 7.5% over the last week

·        States are urged to continue to push testing activities in other to detect new cases before the situation worsens 

·       An update on travel restrictions on certain countries expected to be announced soon by the FG. 

Council was also updated on the situation regarding the Cholera outbreak 

Current Cholera situation in the country; 

Suspected No of Cases            =88,704 

No. of States                              = 31t FCT 

Number of Deaths                   = 3,208 

·        Multi-sectoral emergency operation centers activated at level 2 continues to coordinate the national response. 


·        Difficulty in accessing some communities due to insecurity 

·        Open defecation 

·        Lack of portable drinking water 

·        Lack of basic health primary health care infrastructure 

·        Inadequate health facility and cholera commodities for case management.


·        Council commended the insightful presentations and congratulated the outgoing DG NCDC, Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu on his new appointment at the W.H.O and also welcomed the incoming DG, Dr. Ifedayo Morayo Adetifa.



The Honorable Minister of State for Budget and National Planning gave Council an update on the under listed accounts as follows: 


BALANCE AS AT 13TH OCTOBER 2021 STANDS AT $60, 857,773.43


BALANCE AS AT 13TH OCTOBER, 2021 STANDS AT N 25,009,892,511.55 


BALANCE AS AT 13TH OCTOBER, 2021 STANDS AT N56,144,024,000.71

𝗟𝗮𝗼𝗹𝘂 𝗔𝗸𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲,

𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒂 & 𝑷𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚,

𝑶𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕. 

15th October, 2021

Protesting Youths demanding for an end to police and security Brutality and asking for good governance were brutally massacre, arrested, maltreated, tortured and illegally detained last year in many places across the country. Many are still in detentions illegally without been charged to court. 

For many that were arraigned in court, the Nigeria police has not been able to provide convincing evidence as to the cookup allegations leveled against them.

October 20 2020 was the real black day when the security operatives comprises of the police, the Nigerian Army and others on their cohort evil agenda opened fires on the peaceful protesters holding the Nigerian flags at Lekki toll gate in Lagos State.

With series of denial, panel of enquires were set up in 28 states and revelations were already in the public that Nigerian government through the security apparatus of the State killed her abled body youths for demanding for good governance and leadership from the Major General Muhammadu Buhari led Federal lawless regime.

As Memorial programs were lined up by the concerned Nigerian youths to mark the one year of the killing, the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo's led  National Economic Council has confirmed the administration's failure again that the country is unsafe under this regime to guarantee the constitutional right to protest and therefore can't protect the protesters, if they choose to protest to mark the one year anniversary of those innocents killed last year by this incumbent regime.

To dose the tensions the Osinbajo led NEC have resolved that payment of compensation to victims should proceed with each State, in collaboration with the Federal Government, establishing the modalities for the settlement of all monetary compensations awarded by the panels. 

Equally, NEC, which is composed of all State Governors in the Federation and representatives of the FG, Chaired by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo also unanimously resolved today to ensure the prosecution of persons indicted by the panels. The Council specifically directed States "to immediately forward copies of final reports of the panels to their Attorneys-General for prompt arraignment and prosecution of all indicted persons. 

However, let them scale through this month, you will hardly hear anything about the NEC resolutions again unless their is another crisis threatening their authorities. 

 The Boko Haram/ISWAP and other terrorists who killed, raped and abducted citizens and even security officers are already been pardoned and reintegrated back to the society by the pro-terrorists Buhari led Government.


I am 'Dele Abiola

[email protected]


𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 


*Council also strongly advises against planned protests considering security situation 

*Urges organisers to consider other options 

In receipt of reports from judicial panels regarding EndSARS protests set up in 28 States across the country and in the FCT, the National Economic Council have resolved that payment of compensation to victims should proceed with each State, in collaboration with the Federal Government, establishing the modalities for the settlement of all monetary compensations awarded by the panels. 

Equally, NEC, which is composed of all State Governors in the Federation and representatives of the FG, Chaired by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, also unanimously resolved today to ensure the prosecution of persons indicted by the panels. The Council specifically directed States "to immediately forward copies of final reports of the panels to their Attorneys-General for prompt arraignment and prosecution of all indicted persons. 

"Where incidents in the reports relate to matters of discipline, in addition to prosecution, NEC urged the Nigeria Police Force to take disciplinary action on the affected officers in line with the provisions of the Police Act 2020." 

Also rising from today's NEC meeting, members strongly advised those planning protests to mark the anniversary of the ENDSARS to reconsider the option in view of "current security situation across the country and the possibility of such protests being hijacked by armed hoodlums and other opportunistic criminals to cause mayhem at such protest events and venues."

Below are the NEC resolutions on the panels and an advisory on the planned protests: 


At its meeting today, 15th October 2021, the National Economic Council (NEC/Council) received an update on the Reports of Judicial Panels of Inquiry into Allegations of Human Rights Violations against Members of Nigeria Police Force and other Security Agencies. 

2. It may be recalled that following the October 2020 #EndSARS protests, which later transformed into violent demonstrations, in furtherance of resolution of NEC, twenty-eight (28) States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) (under the auspices of the National Human Rights Commission) had set up Judicial Panels/Commissions of Inquiry (Panels) to investigate allegations of violations of human rights levied against members of the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies, especially members of the disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). 

3. The 28 States that set up these Panels were Abia, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Gombe, Imo, Kaduna, Katsina, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Nasarawa, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers, and Taraba. 

4. Out of the 28 States, 11 States (Abia, Ekiti, Enugu, Gombe, Kwara, Nasarawa, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Plateau, and Rivers) have submitted their final reports to Council; with Lagos, set to finalise its sittings on 19th October 2021, submitting an interim report. Governors of other States including Delta and Ebonyi at today’s meeting also indicated that their reports would be submitted soon. 

5. Following deliberations on the recommendations of the panels, NEC agreed/resolved as follows, (and this applies to all the States and FCT that set up the panels): 


6. Each State, in collaboration with the Federal Government, shall establish modalities for the settlement of all monetary compensations awarded by the Panels. Already, as resolved by NEC, a number of States have set up Victims Compensation Funds, from which several victims have already received payments of sums awarded to them by the panels. 


7. Council directed State Governors to immediately forward copies of final reports of the panels to their Attorneys-General for prompt arraignment and prosecution of all indicted persons. 

8. Where incidents in the reports relate to matters of discipline, in addition to prosecution, NEC urged the Nigeria Police Force to take disciplinary action on the affected officers in line with the provisions of the Police Act 2020.


9. NEC called on the leadership of the security agencies to ensure that –

a. Persons recruited into arms-bearing security agencies undergo psychiatric evaluations and drug tests before enlistment and periodically after enlistment to ensure that the personnel are psychologically fit to carry live weapons and to identify behavioural tendencies that may require psycho-social interventions. 

b. Personnel of the agencies dutifully observes Rules of Engagement in the discharge of their functions/duties around and within the civilian populace. 

c. While acknowledging the various initiatives introduced by the Federal Government to: 

*strengthen police accountability through the Police Service Commission,

*sustain improved funding and budgetary allocation to the Nigeria Police Force and other securities agencies,

*and the lifting of the ban on recruitment of police officers, 

Council urged the Federal Government to give priority to the general welfare of police officers and personnel of other security agencies. 

In particular, it advocated the review of pension and gratuity of retired police officers and attainment of parity of remuneration by police officers with sister security agencies. 

d. Undertake a comprehensive assessment of all police stations across the country with a view to ensuring that they are fit for purpose. 

e. Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies should deploy cutting-edge technology in the fight against crimes. 

f. Nigeria Police Force to, in line with the mandatory training provisions of the Police Act 2020, prioritize training of Police Officers on procedures for the entrenchment of Human Rights Provisions guaranteed by the Constitution and on the professional handling of weapons. 

g. All those detained by the Police as a result of the EndSars protests are expeditiously processed with due regard to the principles of fair hearing. 

h. The system established within the Nigeria Police Force for receipt and handling of complaints or petitions is strengthened, and all police officers on duty should be in police-approved uniform with their full names and force numbers boldly written for easy identification. 

i. The States should, as resolved by NEC: 

i)Properly utilize and support the community policing programme of the Federal Government, with active collaborative efforts and participation of traditional rulers, elders, youths, vigilante groups, etc.; 

ii)Establish standing committees under States Ministries of Justice to address human rights violations on a continuous basis; and 

iii)Take measures aimed at flushing out miscreants squatting in uncompleted buildings, and other blackout spots that serve as hideouts for criminals.


While appreciating the role of lawful peaceful protests in the advancement of public discourse under democratic governance, the National Economic Council (NEC) strongly advises those planning public protests across the country to mark the anniversary of the #EndSARS, to consider other lawful alternative means of engagement. 

This is because of the current security situation across the country and the possibility of such protests being hijacked by armed hoodlums and other opportunistic criminals to cause mayhem at such protest events and venues. Council, therefore, urges the organizers to reconsider their plan. 

NEC would also like to point out the various actions already taken by Federal and State Governments to address the grievances that led to the 2020 protests, including: 

* the disbandment of SARS;

*broad police reforms;

*establishment of judicial panels of inquiries to investigate allegations of human rights violations by members of the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies;

* recommendations of which panels are already at various stages of implementation including the setup of Victims Compensation Funds from which several victims have received payments of sums awarded to them by the panels; 

*and prosecution of police personnel indicted by the panels. 

These are commendable actions that ought to be taken to a logical conclusion in a peaceful atmosphere. 

Organizers of the planned protests should explore the various channels of communication with governments at various levels to advance their positions and avert the breakdown of law and order that may result from such public protests. 




Council received a presentation and memo from the Ministry of Finance, Budget, and National Planning on the draft of a National Development Plan 2021-2025, which is a successor plan to the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan 2017-2020. 

Among other highlights, the presentation and memo were to acquaint Council with the need for linkage between Annual Budget and Plans. 

The plan also targets an average of 5% GDP growth, the creation of 21million jobs, and lifting 35million people out of poverty within the duration of the Plan. 

What is new in this plan? 

·   A mechanism to engage, empower and employ our teaming energetic youths 

·    Inclusiveness - Opportunities for young people, women, vulnerable people, etc., via mainstreaming. 

·        A financing plan to increase revenue to 15 percent of GDP by 2025 and to decrease the budget deficit 

Policy Action: 

·   Prioritization and implementation of critical and strategic infrastructure projects that will directly boost production and productivity 

·   Institutional reforms in public sector, law enforcement, judiciary, and secure property rights, including intellectual property. 

·  Measures to diversify revenue and increase tax to GDP ratio by improving tax administration, including the informal sector, and widening the tax base.



NEC received a presentation from the Governor of Kebbi on behalf of the Grazing Reserve Audit Committee. The summary of the presentation was to brief NEC on the essence of the audit which is to document available land in order to aid the implementation of the 10year National Livestock Transformation Plan approved by NEC in 2019. The presentation clarified that the audit committee is not mandated to recover grazing reserves. 



·     Council received a progress report from the Chairman of the Committee, Delta State Governor on the above. 

The Federal Ministry of Health is establishing oxygen plants across the 36 States in the country, but currently, 6 States have been provided with oxygen cylinders so far. 

·        The FG has paid for 40 million doses of Covid -19 vaccines coming in batches and therefore a considerable amount of the vaccines will come into the country between now and January 2022 

·      Nigeria is now classified among the 50 countries in the green zones




Council was informed as follows:

No of Cases                                =208,404 

No of Cases tested                   =3,142,971 

Active Cases                              =9,520, 

Discharged Cases                     =196,123 

Number of Deaths                     = 2,76

·        Council was also informed on the global situation of Covid-19: over 237million confirmed cases and over 4.8million deaths due to Covid -19. There are now over 6.3billion vaccine doses administered 

·        Nigeria is still in the first wave of vaccination and vaccination tools will improve as the country receives additional vaccines 

·        Covid-19 cases have declined by 7.5% over the last week

·        States are urged to continue to push testing activities in other to detect new cases before the situation worsens 

·       An update on travel restrictions on certain countries expected to be announced soon by the FG. 

Council was also updated on the situation regarding the Cholera outbreak 

Current Cholera situation in the country; 

Suspected No of Cases            =88,704 

No. of States                              = 31t FCT 

Number of Deaths                   = 3,208 

·        Multi-sectoral emergency operation centers activated at level 2 continues to coordinate the national response. 


·        Difficulty in accessing some communities due to insecurity 

·        Open defecation 

·        Lack of portable drinking water 

·        Lack of basic health primary health care infrastructure 

·        Inadequate health facility and cholera commodities for case management.


·        Council commended the insightful presentations and congratulated the outgoing DG NCDC, Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu on his new appointment at the W.H.O and also welcomed the incoming DG, Dr. Ifedayo Morayo Adetifa.



The Honorable Minister of State for Budget and National Planning gave Council an update on the under listed accounts as follows: 


BALANCE AS AT 13TH OCTOBER 2021 STANDS AT $60, 857,773.43


BALANCE AS AT 13TH OCTOBER, 2021 STANDS AT N 25,009,892,511.55 


BALANCE AS AT 13TH OCTOBER, 2021 STANDS AT N56,144,024,000.71

𝗟𝗮𝗼𝗹𝘂 𝗔𝗸𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲,

𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒂 & 𝑷𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚,

𝑶𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕. 

15th October, 2021





The Northern States Governors’ Forum, in its continuous efforts to address the challenges bedeviling the Northern States convened an Emergency Meeting today Monday 27th September, 2021 at the Council Chamber Sir, Kashim Ibrahim House, Kaduna.  The meeting was also attended by Chairmen of Northern States Traditional Council led by His Eminence the Sultan of Sokoto.

2. The Forum discussed issues of Peace, Progress, Development and well-being of the Northern States.  The Forum took stock of progress made in handling challenges of Banditry, kidnapping, armed robbery and insurgency.

After extensive deliberations, the following resolutions were arrived at:-

1. The Forum reviewed security updates from the Region and observed the need for a sustained synergy and coordinated efforts between the Federal and Northern States Governments while noting success of recent measures.  The meeting also noted with concern the constraint of the security services and urged the Armed Forces to embark on simultaneous operations and resolved to share the plans of the Frontline States come up with common with other Region; and assured of its readiness to work in synergy with the Federal Government of Nigeria in finding lasting solution to the current security challenges. 

- 2 -

2. The Forum appreciated the ongoing onslaught against banditry, kidnapping and Boko Haram especially in the North East and parts of North West and North Central States and encouraged the Armed forces and other security agencies to sustain the tempo to enable the security challenges be permanently addressed in the shortest time.

3. The Forum received updates on the Renewable / Solar Energy Project and NOTED that request for land for the project had been submitted and are being processed by the Northern States.  The Committee had commenced negotiations in a public private arrangement and sovereign guarantees to ensure bankability of the project by multilateral financial organizations.  The Forum called on States yet to process the request for allocation of land for the project to expedite action. 

4. The meeting received updates on activities of some Committees constituted by the Northern States Governors’ Forum and NOTED that recommendations contained therein are being considered with a view to coming up with implementation strategies.

5. The Forum observed that some Northern States Governors had earlier expressed views for a power-shift to three Geo-Political Zone in the South with a view to promoting unity and peace in the Nation.  Notwithstanding their comments, the Forum unanimously condemn the statement by the Southern Governors Forum that the Presidency must go to the South. The statement is quite contradictory with the provision of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999) as amended that the elected President shall:-

- 3 -

score the majority votes;

score at least 25% of the votes cast in 2/3 States of the Federation.

In the case of run-up simple majority win the election.

6. The Northern State Governors Forum considered the on-going National debate on the collection of Value Added Tax (VAT). As responsible leaders while we are constraint by the fact that the matter is sub judice we however for the purposes of educating the public make the following observations: 

(a) the judgement of the Federal high Court calls to question the constitutionality of VAT, withholding tax, education tax, Niger Delta Development Commission, National Information Technology Development Agency, 13% derivation, National Economic Development Council and many other currently levied and collected by the Federal Government of Nigeria, Federal Inlands Revenue Service.  

(b) Rivers and Lagos State Government had enacted their own VAT laws and the Southern Governors Forum have expressed support for this course of action;

(c) VAT is being confused by these State Government as a sales tax. If every State enacted its own VAT Law, multiple taxation will result in increases of prices of goods and services and collapsed in interstate trade. VAT is not a production tax like excise, but terminal tax which is paid by the ultimate consumer;

- 4 -

(d) Another confusion is ignoring observation above and its “overall effect”.  The reason Lagos account for our 50% Vat collection is because most of the telecommunication companies, Banks, manufacturing and other trading activities have their headquarters in Lagos with the resultant and wrongful attribution of VAT

(e) Until and unless the Supreme Court pronounces judgement on the substantive matter between Rivers State and Federal Government, the matter is sub judice and Northern States Governors Forum would respect this. 

7. The Traditional Rulers Councils appreciated the efforts made so far by the NSGF in addressing the key areas of challenges facing the Northern States, they expressed their willingness, solidarity and collaboration with the Governors’ in addressing these challenges particularly the issue of security.  It was equally resolved that perpetrators of crimes should be dealt with irrespective of their status in the society. 

8. The Forum decried the high level of conspiracies being perpetrated by some Judicial Officers in releasing / granting bail to arrested criminals.  This attitude sabotages the fight against criminality, therefore, there the need to develop good and robust intelligence mechanism amongst States was identified as a panacea. 

- 5 -

9. The Forum calls on Agencies to leave up to their responsibility, Traditional rulers are to equally mobilize their various communities in checkmating the ugly trend of criminality in their domains.

10. The Forum NOTED the ugly trend in the spread of drugs and consumption amongst the teeming youth and therefore, calls on all levels of Governments and communities to raise to the occasion by stemming the tide.

11. The Forum also call the Federal Government to expedite action on the well establish National Livestock Transformation Programme as a spring board in transiting from the open grazing system as widely practice in the North

His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Barr. Simon Bako Lalong KSGG,

Chairman, Northern States Governors' Forum.



The Northern States Governors’ Forum, in its continuous efforts to address the challenges bedeviling the Northern States convened an Emergency Meeting today Monday 27th September, 2021 at the Council Chamber Sir, Kashim Ibrahim House, Kaduna.  The meeting was also attended by Chairmen of Northern States Traditional Council led by His Eminence the Sultan of Sokoto.

2. The Forum discussed issues of Peace, Progress, Development and well-being of the Northern States.  The Forum took stock of progress made in handling challenges of Banditry, kidnapping, armed robbery and insurgency.

After extensive deliberations, the following resolutions were arrived at:-

1. The Forum reviewed security updates from the Region and observed the need for a sustained synergy and coordinated efforts between the Federal and Northern States Governments while noting success of recent measures.  The meeting also noted with concern the constraint of the security services and urged the Armed Forces to embark on simultaneous operations and resolved to share the plans of the Frontline States come up with common with other Region; and assured of its readiness to work in synergy with the Federal Government of Nigeria in finding lasting solution to the current security challenges. 

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2. The Forum appreciated the ongoing onslaught against banditry, kidnapping and Boko Haram especially in the North East and parts of North West and North Central States and encouraged the Armed forces and other security agencies to sustain the tempo to enable the security challenges be permanently addressed in the shortest time.

3. The Forum received updates on the Renewable / Solar Energy Project and NOTED that request for land for the project had been submitted and are being processed by the Northern States.  The Committee had commenced negotiations in a public private arrangement and sovereign guarantees to ensure bankability of the project by multilateral financial organizations.  The Forum called on States yet to process the request for allocation of land for the project to expedite action. 

4. The meeting received updates on activities of some Committees constituted by the Northern States Governors’ Forum and NOTED that recommendations contained therein are being considered with a view to coming up with implementation strategies.

5. The Forum observed that some Northern States Governors had earlier expressed views for a power-shift to three Geo-Political Zone in the South with a view to promoting unity and peace in the Nation.  Notwithstanding their comments, the Forum unanimously condemn the statement by the Southern Governors Forum that the Presidency must go to the South. The statement is quite contradictory with the provision of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999) as amended that the elected President shall:-

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score the majority votes;

score at least 25% of the votes cast in 2/3 States of the Federation.

In the case of run-up simple majority win the election.

6. The Northern State Governors Forum considered the on-going National debate on the collection of Value Added Tax (VAT). As responsible leaders while we are constraint by the fact that the matter is sub judice we however for the purposes of educating the public make the following observations: 

(a) the judgement of the Federal high Court calls to question the constitutionality of VAT, withholding tax, education tax, Niger Delta Development Commission, National Information Technology Development Agency, 13% derivation, National Economic Development Council and many other currently levied and collected by the Federal Government of Nigeria, Federal Inlands Revenue Service.  

(b) Rivers and Lagos State Government had enacted their own VAT laws and the Southern Governors Forum have expressed support for this course of action;

(c) VAT is being confused by these State Government as a sales tax. If every State enacted its own VAT Law, multiple taxation will result in increases of prices of goods and services and collapsed in interstate trade. VAT is not a production tax like excise, but terminal tax which is paid by the ultimate consumer;

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(d) Another confusion is ignoring observation above and its “overall effect”.  The reason Lagos account for our 50% Vat collection is because most of the telecommunication companies, Banks, manufacturing and other trading activities have their headquarters in Lagos with the resultant and wrongful attribution of VAT

(e) Until and unless the Supreme Court pronounces judgement on the substantive matter between Rivers State and Federal Government, the matter is sub judice and Northern States Governors Forum would respect this. 

7. The Traditional Rulers Councils appreciated the efforts made so far by the NSGF in addressing the key areas of challenges facing the Northern States, they expressed their willingness, solidarity and collaboration with the Governors’ in addressing these challenges particularly the issue of security.  It was equally resolved that perpetrators of crimes should be dealt with irrespective of their status in the society. 

8. The Forum decried the high level of conspiracies being perpetrated by some Judicial Officers in releasing / granting bail to arrested criminals.  This attitude sabotages the fight against criminality, therefore, there the need to develop good and robust intelligence mechanism amongst States was identified as a panacea. 

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9. The Forum calls on Agencies to leave up to their responsibility, Traditional rulers are to equally mobilize their various communities in checkmating the ugly trend of criminality in their domains.

10. The Forum NOTED the ugly trend in the spread of drugs and consumption amongst the teeming youth and therefore, calls on all levels of Governments and communities to raise to the occasion by stemming the tide.

11. The Forum also call the Federal Government to expedite action on the well establish National Livestock Transformation Programme as a spring board in transiting from the open grazing system as widely practice in the North

His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Barr. Simon Bako Lalong KSGG,

Chairman, Northern States Governors' Forum.

A Mauritanian cow seller, an impudent immigrant in Nigeria - Femi Ogunsanwo

A Mauritanian cow seller, an impudent immigrant in Nigeria - Femi Ogunsanwo

Baba Ahmed

"Alhaji Baba Ahmed, a Mauritanian cow seller, plied his trade from his country to the Gold Coast (now Ghana) and to Dahomey (now Benin Republic). Business was very good but at a point, his customers in Dahomey, with impunity, refused to pay for his cows. Is it not the law that every seller must collect the proceeds of his sale? This was not the case with the cow seller who was not a son-of-the-soil in Dahomey. The options before him were very limited. My people say if the landlord offends the tenant, it is the tenant who must go; again, if it is the tenant who has wronged the landlord, it is still the tenant who must go. This trader from Mauritania had to move out of Dahomey, leaving his money behind. And he moved, crossing over to Nigeria; first to Sokoto and later to Zaria. He entered Nigeria all alone but soon found Zaria a very conducive environment for his business, for his Islamic scholarship and for raising a family (See Daily Trust of Saturday, January 13, 2018). The Mauritanian finally settled in Zaria around 1920 - that was about 100 years ago - and died on November 5, 1987 in Zaria"- Lasisi Olagunju
I am immensely impressed by Dr Lasisi Olagunju Tribune Editor intervention on this issue, the way he went back memory lane to dig out the ancestry of this impudent immigrant gladdens my heart immeasurably

Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, spokesman of the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) who spoke down on the entire southern Nigerian people last week is grandson of that Mauritanian cattlerearer who sojourned in Zaria, Kaduna State in 1920

Imagine the effrontery and impudence from a first-generation immigrant in Nigeria talking trash, read the nonsense from him "We will lead Nigeria the way we have led Nigeria before. Whether we are President or Vice-President, we will lead Nigeria. We have the majority of the votes and democracy says vote whom you want. Why should we accept a second class position when we know we can buy a form and contest for first class and we will win?,"

Because southern governors met in Enugu days earlier and demanded that the next President of Nigeria must come from the South, Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, Northen Elders Forum spokesman emitted fire and brimstone

Someone need to remind this impudent immigrant (atohunriwa atoko wa ba ile ję) that the current agitation is not about Presidency alone but equity, fairness and justice prevailing. Restructuring is the keyword now and true federalism, guess what the VAT issue is percusor to what is loading and una go hear am las las

I hope a man who is well read like Dr Hakeem Baba-Ahmed will also keep his tongue in check and be more circumspect on national issues, but if he chooses to be belligerent, young elements like me down South will never fold up and also find his ultra intransigence disposition totally unacceptable


Baba Ahmed

"Alhaji Baba Ahmed, a Mauritanian cow seller, plied his trade from his country to the Gold Coast (now Ghana) and to Dahomey (now Benin Republic). Business was very good but at a point, his customers in Dahomey, with impunity, refused to pay for his cows. Is it not the law that every seller must collect the proceeds of his sale? This was not the case with the cow seller who was not a son-of-the-soil in Dahomey. The options before him were very limited. My people say if the landlord offends the tenant, it is the tenant who must go; again, if it is the tenant who has wronged the landlord, it is still the tenant who must go. This trader from Mauritania had to move out of Dahomey, leaving his money behind. And he moved, crossing over to Nigeria; first to Sokoto and later to Zaria. He entered Nigeria all alone but soon found Zaria a very conducive environment for his business, for his Islamic scholarship and for raising a family (See Daily Trust of Saturday, January 13, 2018). The Mauritanian finally settled in Zaria around 1920 - that was about 100 years ago - and died on November 5, 1987 in Zaria"- Lasisi Olagunju
I am immensely impressed by Dr Lasisi Olagunju Tribune Editor intervention on this issue, the way he went back memory lane to dig out the ancestry of this impudent immigrant gladdens my heart immeasurably

Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, spokesman of the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) who spoke down on the entire southern Nigerian people last week is grandson of that Mauritanian cattlerearer who sojourned in Zaria, Kaduna State in 1920

Imagine the effrontery and impudence from a first-generation immigrant in Nigeria talking trash, read the nonsense from him "We will lead Nigeria the way we have led Nigeria before. Whether we are President or Vice-President, we will lead Nigeria. We have the majority of the votes and democracy says vote whom you want. Why should we accept a second class position when we know we can buy a form and contest for first class and we will win?,"

Because southern governors met in Enugu days earlier and demanded that the next President of Nigeria must come from the South, Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, Northen Elders Forum spokesman emitted fire and brimstone

Someone need to remind this impudent immigrant (atohunriwa atoko wa ba ile ję) that the current agitation is not about Presidency alone but equity, fairness and justice prevailing. Restructuring is the keyword now and true federalism, guess what the VAT issue is percusor to what is loading and una go hear am las las

I hope a man who is well read like Dr Hakeem Baba-Ahmed will also keep his tongue in check and be more circumspect on national issues, but if he chooses to be belligerent, young elements like me down South will never fold up and also find his ultra intransigence disposition totally unacceptable


What We Must Do To End Insecurities in Nigeria - Ola Olawale

What We Must Do To End Insecurities in Nigeria - Ola Olawale

A profile picture of Nigerian
and Indian army chiefs

Today, the world is under threat of war and battle. Every nation is having its shares, especially the developing countries.

The third world countries have suffered too long from slavery of over 350 years to colonialism and now neo-colonialism cum Imperialism. The African society by its nature before the invasion, erosion, and adulteration of her beautiful culture was communal.

It was a beautiful society devoid of all social inequalities and greediness.

The African social-economic system was communal, production was about needed, every adult male is engaged in productive activities, no idle hand, the society detests laziness. Every child is first to the society before the family, it is the duty of the entire society, that every child received a quality education as a desire by her culture and value.

But today what do we have? a different society, alien to our culture and values. the new social-economic relations as imposed by the White Imperialists are inhuman and dehumanizing.

Economic relations that birth inequalities, corruption, private interests, accumulation of wealth for self have taken over our society.

We no longer question the source of wealth, rather than questioning it, we celebrate, give title, and underserved honor.

How do we have a secure society? When the new economic system is designed to favor the smart ones, leaving the vulnerable uncared for, alienating "Labour" from his product, socializing products or services but privatizing the profits. it is survival of the fittest.

Our quest for private wealth is the bedrock of hunger, insecurity, and war. too many people having been left behind, uncared for, manipulated, and exploited.

The abundance of wealth from nature is enough for all of us but not for the greedy among us.

until there is a replacement of this exploitative social-economic relation and system with a non-exploitative system, the world will continue to live with insecurity and war, no amount of policing and defense pact can give us a secured society.

We must reorganize our society, ensure every child receives a worthwhile and productive education, we must collectively own, control, manage production forces.

We produce to meet our needs, not for profit. Engage every hand in the production process and never alienate them from the abundance of their Labour.

Until we give to every man according to his need and he as well contribute according to his capacity, and the goal of production is the happiness of all, then insecurity will become a thing of the past.

A profile picture of Nigerian
and Indian army chiefs

Today, the world is under threat of war and battle. Every nation is having its shares, especially the developing countries.

The third world countries have suffered too long from slavery of over 350 years to colonialism and now neo-colonialism cum Imperialism. The African society by its nature before the invasion, erosion, and adulteration of her beautiful culture was communal.

It was a beautiful society devoid of all social inequalities and greediness.

The African social-economic system was communal, production was about needed, every adult male is engaged in productive activities, no idle hand, the society detests laziness. Every child is first to the society before the family, it is the duty of the entire society, that every child received a quality education as a desire by her culture and value.

But today what do we have? a different society, alien to our culture and values. the new social-economic relations as imposed by the White Imperialists are inhuman and dehumanizing.

Economic relations that birth inequalities, corruption, private interests, accumulation of wealth for self have taken over our society.

We no longer question the source of wealth, rather than questioning it, we celebrate, give title, and underserved honor.

How do we have a secure society? When the new economic system is designed to favor the smart ones, leaving the vulnerable uncared for, alienating "Labour" from his product, socializing products or services but privatizing the profits. it is survival of the fittest.

Our quest for private wealth is the bedrock of hunger, insecurity, and war. too many people having been left behind, uncared for, manipulated, and exploited.

The abundance of wealth from nature is enough for all of us but not for the greedy among us.

until there is a replacement of this exploitative social-economic relation and system with a non-exploitative system, the world will continue to live with insecurity and war, no amount of policing and defense pact can give us a secured society.

We must reorganize our society, ensure every child receives a worthwhile and productive education, we must collectively own, control, manage production forces.

We produce to meet our needs, not for profit. Engage every hand in the production process and never alienate them from the abundance of their Labour.

Until we give to every man according to his need and he as well contribute according to his capacity, and the goal of production is the happiness of all, then insecurity will become a thing of the past.

Jide Sowore's Burial: our Gratitude

Jide Sowore's Burial: our Gratitude

Today, I am returning to you ALL for your support, companionship and sympathy extended towards our family over the untimely but gruesome murder of our beloved brother, Olajide Sowore.

 Of particular note are those early callers who commiserated with our family when this dastardly incident broke, we must here specially mention our comrades who took the risk to be physically present at his funeral and those who joined virtually across the world and stayed till my brother was interned at Kiribo, our home town.

We reserve a special place for pathologists, lawyers and a handful of law enforcement officers who though limited by prevailing incompetence on the police did their personal best to assist the family by fully cooperating to ensure that a befitting burial was done.

We send our regards to compatriots who defy our family rejection of fundraising to provide their token of support to our brother’s immediate family.

We are immensely grateful to each and everyone who took out tome to drop a comment, salutations and words of encouragement throughout this period.

 Finally we thank the authorities of Igbinedion University in Okada for their generosity in providing a motor hearse to convey our brother to his final resting place.

It is important to state that our commitment by oining in popular efforts to bring about revolutionary change in Nigeria remains unwavering.

Felix Olajide Sowore was killed near Okada in Edo state by the yet to be identify suspected herdsmen.

Insecurity under Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari led pro fulani herdsmen federal government has claimed uncountable lives.

Today, I am returning to you ALL for your support, companionship and sympathy extended towards our family over the untimely but gruesome murder of our beloved brother, Olajide Sowore.

 Of particular note are those early callers who commiserated with our family when this dastardly incident broke, we must here specially mention our comrades who took the risk to be physically present at his funeral and those who joined virtually across the world and stayed till my brother was interned at Kiribo, our home town.

We reserve a special place for pathologists, lawyers and a handful of law enforcement officers who though limited by prevailing incompetence on the police did their personal best to assist the family by fully cooperating to ensure that a befitting burial was done.

We send our regards to compatriots who defy our family rejection of fundraising to provide their token of support to our brother’s immediate family.

We are immensely grateful to each and everyone who took out tome to drop a comment, salutations and words of encouragement throughout this period.

 Finally we thank the authorities of Igbinedion University in Okada for their generosity in providing a motor hearse to convey our brother to his final resting place.

It is important to state that our commitment by oining in popular efforts to bring about revolutionary change in Nigeria remains unwavering.

Felix Olajide Sowore was killed near Okada in Edo state by the yet to be identify suspected herdsmen.

Insecurity under Major Gen Muhammadu Buhari led pro fulani herdsmen federal government has claimed uncountable lives.

Major General Muhammadu Buhari: The end of an age long Uthman Dan Fodio era

Major General Muhammadu Buhari: The end of an age long Uthman Dan Fodio era

The Tyrant Major General, Muhammadu Buhari is definitely an end to the age long Fulani agenda in Nigeria. The evils that the regime foisted on the country in the name of taking over the geographical space called Nigeria for the Fulanis knows no bounds but alas they have failed.

From Buhari's RUGA to the  finding of cattle routes and many other coordinated genocidal attacks and ethnic cleansing, rapes and kidnapping. Presidential open threats and support for terrorism. State attacks and killing of those with opposing views and voices. The regime has failed to conquer the country for Fulanis. Yet they are still wining as they are in charge of nation's affairs holding and controlling major sectors, parastatals, ministries and departments of government including the military.

No body, no oppressor willingly reliquist power, but it's the oppressed that must act and take it just like the ways Rivers and Lagos have just done in the areas of VAt/tax and the entire southern States have done in the areas of ban on open cattle grazing.

With such steps, Nigeria has entered into a new era of begging instead of threats as usual under this nepotic leadership. Reason We must deliberately remain vigilant.

*1. Gombe government begs Southern States to reconsider stance on VAT and be their Brothers keeper.*

*2. FIRS begs NASS to pass a bill setting up a Federal Revenue Court and putting VAT under exclusive legislative lists.*

*3. NASS begs INEC to reject electronic transmission of results.*

*4. Fulani terrorists surrendering in their thousands with their sponsors begging for amnesty for the criminals.*

*5. Miyetti Allah begs NASS to stop the Southern Governors anti open grazing law.*

*6. Buhari government begs the Plateau State people not to resort to self defenses in their fight against invading terrorists.*

*7. Miyetti Allah begs Lagos State government to delay the prohibition of open Cattle Grazing Bill because Cows may cost N2million each if the Bill is passed.*

*What is most shocking in all these begging is that the all powerful Miyetti Allah terrorist group too is finally begging. This is the group that openly announced that, "FULANI OWN ALL LANDS IN NIGERIA." And openly threatened and attacked a sitting Governor in Nigeria without repercussions. And the FG too threatened the people on behalf of the terrorist organization that it is; "either your land or your lives."*

*Times are changing indeed.*

*Maybe it is just dawning upon them that their principal has just about 20months left in his tenure and he has been unable to secure for them the promised free land all over the country. Rather than helping them to modernize their business into a multi-billion dollar businesses and exporting Industrial beef to the world, he has impoverished them the more and helped the anti open grazing laws to become the law of the land. The 8years of Buhari has become their albatross.*

*And a sitting Fulani Governor announced to the world that all foreign Fulanis are welcome to Nigeria without legal documentation. Their allegiance was to their ethnic group rather than to the country they have sworn to protect.*

*Meanwhile another Fulani General announced openly that repentant terrorists can become the president of Nigeria tomorrow.*

*To suddenly see such arrogant people suddenly resorting to begging is very suspicious and we must not let down our guards.*

*The impunity era is gradually coming to an end. The downtrodden indigenous people of Nigeria must remain steadfast, unified, strategic and vigilant to escort those who visited us with arranged insecurities, stealing, killing, destruction and kidnapping out of power and influence. And ensure that they are handed over to the War Crimes Commission.*

Also, Such less than minority normadic tribe with such nepotic tendencies should never again be allowed in a democratic settings to gain access to power in Nigeria and must be flushed out now.


Anonymous Author

The Tyrant Major General, Muhammadu Buhari is definitely an end to the age long Fulani agenda in Nigeria. The evils that the regime foisted on the country in the name of taking over the geographical space called Nigeria for the Fulanis knows no bounds but alas they have failed.

From Buhari's RUGA to the  finding of cattle routes and many other coordinated genocidal attacks and ethnic cleansing, rapes and kidnapping. Presidential open threats and support for terrorism. State attacks and killing of those with opposing views and voices. The regime has failed to conquer the country for Fulanis. Yet they are still wining as they are in charge of nation's affairs holding and controlling major sectors, parastatals, ministries and departments of government including the military.

No body, no oppressor willingly reliquist power, but it's the oppressed that must act and take it just like the ways Rivers and Lagos have just done in the areas of VAt/tax and the entire southern States have done in the areas of ban on open cattle grazing.

With such steps, Nigeria has entered into a new era of begging instead of threats as usual under this nepotic leadership. Reason We must deliberately remain vigilant.

*1. Gombe government begs Southern States to reconsider stance on VAT and be their Brothers keeper.*

*2. FIRS begs NASS to pass a bill setting up a Federal Revenue Court and putting VAT under exclusive legislative lists.*

*3. NASS begs INEC to reject electronic transmission of results.*

*4. Fulani terrorists surrendering in their thousands with their sponsors begging for amnesty for the criminals.*

*5. Miyetti Allah begs NASS to stop the Southern Governors anti open grazing law.*

*6. Buhari government begs the Plateau State people not to resort to self defenses in their fight against invading terrorists.*

*7. Miyetti Allah begs Lagos State government to delay the prohibition of open Cattle Grazing Bill because Cows may cost N2million each if the Bill is passed.*

*What is most shocking in all these begging is that the all powerful Miyetti Allah terrorist group too is finally begging. This is the group that openly announced that, "FULANI OWN ALL LANDS IN NIGERIA." And openly threatened and attacked a sitting Governor in Nigeria without repercussions. And the FG too threatened the people on behalf of the terrorist organization that it is; "either your land or your lives."*

*Times are changing indeed.*

*Maybe it is just dawning upon them that their principal has just about 20months left in his tenure and he has been unable to secure for them the promised free land all over the country. Rather than helping them to modernize their business into a multi-billion dollar businesses and exporting Industrial beef to the world, he has impoverished them the more and helped the anti open grazing laws to become the law of the land. The 8years of Buhari has become their albatross.*

*And a sitting Fulani Governor announced to the world that all foreign Fulanis are welcome to Nigeria without legal documentation. Their allegiance was to their ethnic group rather than to the country they have sworn to protect.*

*Meanwhile another Fulani General announced openly that repentant terrorists can become the president of Nigeria tomorrow.*

*To suddenly see such arrogant people suddenly resorting to begging is very suspicious and we must not let down our guards.*

*The impunity era is gradually coming to an end. The downtrodden indigenous people of Nigeria must remain steadfast, unified, strategic and vigilant to escort those who visited us with arranged insecurities, stealing, killing, destruction and kidnapping out of power and influence. And ensure that they are handed over to the War Crimes Commission.*

Also, Such less than minority normadic tribe with such nepotic tendencies should never again be allowed in a democratic settings to gain access to power in Nigeria and must be flushed out now.


Anonymous Author

Poster Speaks

Poster Speaks/box

