

What We Must Do To End Insecurities in Nigeria - Ola Olawale

A profile picture of Nigerian
and Indian army chiefs

Today, the world is under threat of war and battle. Every nation is having its shares, especially the developing countries.

The third world countries have suffered too long from slavery of over 350 years to colonialism and now neo-colonialism cum Imperialism. The African society by its nature before the invasion, erosion, and adulteration of her beautiful culture was communal.

It was a beautiful society devoid of all social inequalities and greediness.

The African social-economic system was communal, production was about needed, every adult male is engaged in productive activities, no idle hand, the society detests laziness. Every child is first to the society before the family, it is the duty of the entire society, that every child received a quality education as a desire by her culture and value.

But today what do we have? a different society, alien to our culture and values. the new social-economic relations as imposed by the White Imperialists are inhuman and dehumanizing.

Economic relations that birth inequalities, corruption, private interests, accumulation of wealth for self have taken over our society.

We no longer question the source of wealth, rather than questioning it, we celebrate, give title, and underserved honor.

How do we have a secure society? When the new economic system is designed to favor the smart ones, leaving the vulnerable uncared for, alienating "Labour" from his product, socializing products or services but privatizing the profits. it is survival of the fittest.

Our quest for private wealth is the bedrock of hunger, insecurity, and war. too many people having been left behind, uncared for, manipulated, and exploited.

The abundance of wealth from nature is enough for all of us but not for the greedy among us.

until there is a replacement of this exploitative social-economic relation and system with a non-exploitative system, the world will continue to live with insecurity and war, no amount of policing and defense pact can give us a secured society.

We must reorganize our society, ensure every child receives a worthwhile and productive education, we must collectively own, control, manage production forces.

We produce to meet our needs, not for profit. Engage every hand in the production process and never alienate them from the abundance of their Labour.

Until we give to every man according to his need and he as well contribute according to his capacity, and the goal of production is the happiness of all, then insecurity will become a thing of the past.

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