
Islamic Republic


Showing posts with label Islamic Republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Republic. Show all posts

Tajikistan, a Muslim-majority country, banned hijab, public Eid celebrations

Tajikistan, a Muslim-majority country, banned hijab, public Eid celebrations



U S Pompeo accuses European allies of ‘siding with ayatollahs’

U S Pompeo accuses European allies of ‘siding with ayatollahs’

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slammed Washington’s European allies in a Thursday news conference from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), claiming that while officials from Germany, France and the UK have privately expressed support for the extension of the arms embargo on Iran, they publicly “chose to side with Ayatollahs.”

“We will never allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to have a nuclear weapon,” Pompeo remarked during his UNSC speech.

After admonishing France, Germany and the UK, he went on to applaud the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)nations – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia – stating they “deserve praise for showing courage and unity in warning about the danger from Iran.”

He then referenced the GCC’s August 9 statement to the UN, which called for an extension of the international arms embargo, set to expire on October 18.

“It is inappropriate to lift restrictions on the supply of weapons from and to Iran until Iran gives up its destabilizing activities in the region and stops supplying terrorist and sectarian organizations with weapons,” GCC Secretary-General Nayef Falah Mubarak al-Hajraf said, as reported by Reuters.

The three European nations have since issued a joint statement explaining that they, as still-active members of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) agreement, cannot support the US’ push for a “snapback” mechanism because it violates the agreement.
“France, Germany and the United Kingdom (‘the E3’) note that the US ceased to be a participant of the JCPoA following their withdrawal from the deal on May 8, 2018,” they wrote.

“We remain committed to the JCPoA despite the significant challenges caused by US withdrawal. We believe that we should address the current issue of systematic Iranian non-compliance with its JCPoA obligations through dialogue between JCPoA participants.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif issued a tweet earlier Thursday, labeling the US arms embargo extension attempt as “illegitimate and felonious.”

Russia and China have both expressed support for Iran, with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov even calling Washington’s push for sanctions “absurd.”

“We have repeatedly said that the US has already withdrawn from the JCPOA and therefore has no right to request the restoration of the UN sanctions regime against Iran,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian noted during a briefing.

Source: Sputnik
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slammed Washington’s European allies in a Thursday news conference from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), claiming that while officials from Germany, France and the UK have privately expressed support for the extension of the arms embargo on Iran, they publicly “chose to side with Ayatollahs.”

“We will never allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to have a nuclear weapon,” Pompeo remarked during his UNSC speech.

After admonishing France, Germany and the UK, he went on to applaud the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)nations – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia – stating they “deserve praise for showing courage and unity in warning about the danger from Iran.”

He then referenced the GCC’s August 9 statement to the UN, which called for an extension of the international arms embargo, set to expire on October 18.

“It is inappropriate to lift restrictions on the supply of weapons from and to Iran until Iran gives up its destabilizing activities in the region and stops supplying terrorist and sectarian organizations with weapons,” GCC Secretary-General Nayef Falah Mubarak al-Hajraf said, as reported by Reuters.

The three European nations have since issued a joint statement explaining that they, as still-active members of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) agreement, cannot support the US’ push for a “snapback” mechanism because it violates the agreement.
“France, Germany and the United Kingdom (‘the E3’) note that the US ceased to be a participant of the JCPoA following their withdrawal from the deal on May 8, 2018,” they wrote.

“We remain committed to the JCPoA despite the significant challenges caused by US withdrawal. We believe that we should address the current issue of systematic Iranian non-compliance with its JCPoA obligations through dialogue between JCPoA participants.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif issued a tweet earlier Thursday, labeling the US arms embargo extension attempt as “illegitimate and felonious.”

Russia and China have both expressed support for Iran, with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov even calling Washington’s push for sanctions “absurd.”

“We have repeatedly said that the US has already withdrawn from the JCPOA and therefore has no right to request the restoration of the UN sanctions regime against Iran,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian noted during a briefing.

Source: Sputnik

Iranian official says Iran already sold cargo on tankers seized by US

Iranian official says Iran already sold cargo on tankers seized by US

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

Mahmoud Vaezi, Chief of Staff to the Iranian President Hasssan Rouhani has dismissed the U.S. claims about seizing four Iranian fuel tankers, stressing that the ships and cargo do not belong to the Islamic Republic.

According to him: “Neither the ships nor their flags belong to Iran,”  he told reporters after a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday, Fars News reported. “The cargo on these ships had already been sold and we had already been paid as well,” he added.

The Wall Street Journal had claimed in a report on Friday that the Trump administration has for the first time confiscated cargo in vessels allegedly loaded with Iran fuel in violation of sanctions.

It quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying that the four ships, Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route to Houston, Texas.

The WSJ report also quoted an official saying the vessels had been taken over without the use of military force but didn’t provide any details.

Later, several U.S. officials, including President Donald Trump, repeated the claim, alleging that the cargo belonged to Iran and was en route to Venezuela.

Yesterday, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh said the United States’ claim on confiscating four fuel tankers belonging to Iran is totally absurd, adding that Washington forges victory for itself.

Zangeneh said on Tuesday that Washington’s claim over seizing 4 Iranian Venezuela-bound tankers is ridiculous since neither the ships nor the cargoes belonged to Iran, adding that the cargo had been delivered to Venezuela on international trade scheme of Freight on Board of the ships (FOB) at sea.

The United States is trying to make a victory for itself, he noted. “United States has, in fact, seized Venezuela’s assets not Iran’s,” the minister underlined.

Immediately after the WSJ report, Iranian envoy in Venezuela Hojjat Soltani strongly rejected a Wall Street Journal report claiming that the U.S. has seized four Iranian tankers, while another official in similar remarks said neither the ship nor the cargo belong to Iran.

“Another lie and psychological war from the Imperialist propaganda apparatus of the U.S.,” wrote Soltani on his Twitter account on Friday, adding, “Neither are the tankers Iranian nor do their owner or flags have anything to do with Iran.” 

Source: AMN
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

Mahmoud Vaezi, Chief of Staff to the Iranian President Hasssan Rouhani has dismissed the U.S. claims about seizing four Iranian fuel tankers, stressing that the ships and cargo do not belong to the Islamic Republic.

According to him: “Neither the ships nor their flags belong to Iran,”  he told reporters after a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday, Fars News reported. “The cargo on these ships had already been sold and we had already been paid as well,” he added.

The Wall Street Journal had claimed in a report on Friday that the Trump administration has for the first time confiscated cargo in vessels allegedly loaded with Iran fuel in violation of sanctions.

It quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying that the four ships, Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route to Houston, Texas.

The WSJ report also quoted an official saying the vessels had been taken over without the use of military force but didn’t provide any details.

Later, several U.S. officials, including President Donald Trump, repeated the claim, alleging that the cargo belonged to Iran and was en route to Venezuela.

Yesterday, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh said the United States’ claim on confiscating four fuel tankers belonging to Iran is totally absurd, adding that Washington forges victory for itself.

Zangeneh said on Tuesday that Washington’s claim over seizing 4 Iranian Venezuela-bound tankers is ridiculous since neither the ships nor the cargoes belonged to Iran, adding that the cargo had been delivered to Venezuela on international trade scheme of Freight on Board of the ships (FOB) at sea.

The United States is trying to make a victory for itself, he noted. “United States has, in fact, seized Venezuela’s assets not Iran’s,” the minister underlined.

Immediately after the WSJ report, Iranian envoy in Venezuela Hojjat Soltani strongly rejected a Wall Street Journal report claiming that the U.S. has seized four Iranian tankers, while another official in similar remarks said neither the ship nor the cargo belong to Iran.

“Another lie and psychological war from the Imperialist propaganda apparatus of the U.S.,” wrote Soltani on his Twitter account on Friday, adding, “Neither are the tankers Iranian nor do their owner or flags have anything to do with Iran.” 

Source: AMN

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost in Syria

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost in Syria

Profile Picture
The largest U.S. military base in Syria was targeted by a number of missiles in the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Tuesdayby the Ara tribe.

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost near the Deirezzor / Hasakah provincial border. 

Several rockets hit the base and multiple vehicles were damaged but no reports of US causalities.This is the second rocket attack against a US bases with the al Shaddadi base in a Hasakah shelled earlier this week

According to reports from eastern Syria, the U.S. base at the Conoco Oil Fields was targeted with a number of rockets fired by unknown group in the Deir Ezzor countryside.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Coalition said that at least three rockets were fired towards the base, but the projectiles did not manage to hit the installation.

Despite no group officially claim responsibility for the attack, the U.S. Coalition and their allies from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been facing heavy opposition from the Arab tribes inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Most recently, the Syrian Democratic Forces and Al-Akidat Tribe clashed along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, culminating in a series of events that led to a number of tribes getting involved in the hostilities.

Among the tribes involved in the clashes against the U.S. Coalition and SDF is the Al-Baggara Tribe, which claimed their forces expelled the Syrian Democratic Forces from the village of Jadeed Baggara in eastern Deir Ezzor last weekend.
Profile Picture
The largest U.S. military base in Syria was targeted by a number of missiles in the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Tuesdayby the Ara tribe.

Arab tribal forces attack US military outpost near the Deirezzor / Hasakah provincial border. 

Several rockets hit the base and multiple vehicles were damaged but no reports of US causalities.This is the second rocket attack against a US bases with the al Shaddadi base in a Hasakah shelled earlier this week

According to reports from eastern Syria, the U.S. base at the Conoco Oil Fields was targeted with a number of rockets fired by unknown group in the Deir Ezzor countryside.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Coalition said that at least three rockets were fired towards the base, but the projectiles did not manage to hit the installation.

Despite no group officially claim responsibility for the attack, the U.S. Coalition and their allies from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been facing heavy opposition from the Arab tribes inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Most recently, the Syrian Democratic Forces and Al-Akidat Tribe clashed along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, culminating in a series of events that led to a number of tribes getting involved in the hostilities.

Among the tribes involved in the clashes against the U.S. Coalition and SDF is the Al-Baggara Tribe, which claimed their forces expelled the Syrian Democratic Forces from the village of Jadeed Baggara in eastern Deir Ezzor last weekend.

IRGC commander Admiral Ali Reza Tunsgiri reveals underground missile bases along coast

IRGC commander Admiral Ali Reza Tunsgiri reveals underground missile bases along coast

The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Admiral Ali Reza Tunsgiri on Sunday said Iran had built underground missile bases along the Islamic Republic’s Gulf coast, warning of “a nightmare for Iran’s enemies.”

Admiral Tunsgiri told Reuters that “Iran has established missile bases by land and sea along the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, which will be a nightmare for Iran’s enemies .”

He added that : “As you know, the highest range of our naval missiles in Tagus time was 45 km. It gave a Harbin missile, with technology about 50 years ago and a range of less than 50 km and the end of the Tagut era, but he did not have the opportunity to test the missile. Because the revolution won.”

According to him, “tfter the revolution, the heroes tested it. The American military advisers controlled all the equipment, from ships to destroyers, they built their barracks and their own buildings,” he said, pointing out, “After the revolution, work began on the armed forces and the Ministry of Defense as well as the Navy itself, and these products were built because of the repressive sanctions.”

Iran has offered samples of the updated Soviet armored vehicles, the most noteworthy of which is the PT-50 PK. In addition to upgrading old military equipment, the Persians has also developed their own weapons, many of which, are proving incredibly powerful.

In June, IRGC showcased several missile systems and new weapons to boost their combat capabilities and highlight their domestic ingenuity.
The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Admiral Ali Reza Tunsgiri on Sunday said Iran had built underground missile bases along the Islamic Republic’s Gulf coast, warning of “a nightmare for Iran’s enemies.”

Admiral Tunsgiri told Reuters that “Iran has established missile bases by land and sea along the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, which will be a nightmare for Iran’s enemies .”

He added that : “As you know, the highest range of our naval missiles in Tagus time was 45 km. It gave a Harbin missile, with technology about 50 years ago and a range of less than 50 km and the end of the Tagut era, but he did not have the opportunity to test the missile. Because the revolution won.”

According to him, “tfter the revolution, the heroes tested it. The American military advisers controlled all the equipment, from ships to destroyers, they built their barracks and their own buildings,” he said, pointing out, “After the revolution, work began on the armed forces and the Ministry of Defense as well as the Navy itself, and these products were built because of the repressive sanctions.”

Iran has offered samples of the updated Soviet armored vehicles, the most noteworthy of which is the PT-50 PK. In addition to upgrading old military equipment, the Persians has also developed their own weapons, many of which, are proving incredibly powerful.

In June, IRGC showcased several missile systems and new weapons to boost their combat capabilities and highlight their domestic ingenuity.

We are watching all of your activities, you will be defeated, Iranian Defense Chief warns US

We are watching all of your activities, you will be defeated, Iranian Defense Chief warns US

Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami said that the Persian's armed forces are monitoring all U.S. activities against Islamic Republic at various political, economic and social levels.

In a statement made during his visit to the home of former Defense Minister Major General Musa Namjo, Hatimi pointed out that “American anti-Iranian activities at various political, economic and social levels aim to break the resistance of the people and destabilises the security of the country, but the U.S. will be defeated by the Iranian people this time. 

It happened in previous times,” he said. The Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran will monitor and respond to any despicable and malicious move of the United States strongly.

His remarks was concurrent with the commemoration ceremony of 40th anniversary of the Sacred Defense (Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980-1988).

 “Americans will certainly be defeated by the great nation of Islamic Iran like previous years and the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, under the wise leadership of the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, will respond to any malicious movement of the enemy authoritatively and strongly.”

According to Mehr Agency: “The Iranian armed forces are working according to the directives of the Leader of the Revolution, Imam Khamenei, in strengthening its capabilities and defending the people and the country and consciously monitoring all the activities of the desperate enemies and resolutely responding to them,” he said.

Shortly after the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979 , Tehran and Washington cut diplomatic ties after the U.S. embassy in Tehran was seized and 55 people were kept hostage for 444 days.

Hostility between Tehran and Washington has grown since U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 and imposed more severe sanctions on Iran that paralysed its economy. 

Tehran responded by gradually reducing its obligations under the agreement signed in 2015.

The hostility reached unprecedented levels in early January when the Iranian military commander, Major-General Qassem Soleimani, was assassinated in a U.S. drone strike as ordered by US President.

Iran responded on January 9 by firing several missiles at two bases in Iraq that host American and NATO coalition forces.

Other signatories countries to the Iranian nuclear deal have severally affirmed their  pleaded and supports for the deal. 
Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami said that the Persian's armed forces are monitoring all U.S. activities against Islamic Republic at various political, economic and social levels.

In a statement made during his visit to the home of former Defense Minister Major General Musa Namjo, Hatimi pointed out that “American anti-Iranian activities at various political, economic and social levels aim to break the resistance of the people and destabilises the security of the country, but the U.S. will be defeated by the Iranian people this time. 

It happened in previous times,” he said. The Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran will monitor and respond to any despicable and malicious move of the United States strongly.

His remarks was concurrent with the commemoration ceremony of 40th anniversary of the Sacred Defense (Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980-1988).

 “Americans will certainly be defeated by the great nation of Islamic Iran like previous years and the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, under the wise leadership of the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, will respond to any malicious movement of the enemy authoritatively and strongly.”

According to Mehr Agency: “The Iranian armed forces are working according to the directives of the Leader of the Revolution, Imam Khamenei, in strengthening its capabilities and defending the people and the country and consciously monitoring all the activities of the desperate enemies and resolutely responding to them,” he said.

Shortly after the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1979 , Tehran and Washington cut diplomatic ties after the U.S. embassy in Tehran was seized and 55 people were kept hostage for 444 days.

Hostility between Tehran and Washington has grown since U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 and imposed more severe sanctions on Iran that paralysed its economy. 

Tehran responded by gradually reducing its obligations under the agreement signed in 2015.

The hostility reached unprecedented levels in early January when the Iranian military commander, Major-General Qassem Soleimani, was assassinated in a U.S. drone strike as ordered by US President.

Iran responded on January 9 by firing several missiles at two bases in Iraq that host American and NATO coalition forces.

Other signatories countries to the Iranian nuclear deal have severally affirmed their  pleaded and supports for the deal. 

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