


Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Maize: Will Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Harm You?

Maize: Will Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Harm You?

 Let's start with the heaviest part: 

You are already consuming a genetically-modified organism as we speak; at least the chances are 9.9 in 10. In fact, it is worse, the one I suspect you're eating was designed using the most potent type of genetic engineering possible - a transgenic modification. 

I am speaking about the TELA maize variety that was developed by Bayer of Germany. The work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

So, let's lay aside the fear part already. 

I planned going into the nitty gritty of genetic engineering as much as I can in this post but later changed my mind. The full style will not help the average reader much and I think I should just simplify it and cut to the chase. 

TELA came into our space around 2021. I just saw the article in a Nigerian newspaper and it said the crop was developed in ABU Zaria. Well, it's not quite so. ABU is a licensee. The TELA maize has longer roots and here is its story, the brief version, without the scare.

Bill Gates and his friends agreed that Maize (Zea mays) is the most popular crop on earth and if it can be made to yield more, it will go a long way in solving the hunger problem on a global scale. (When you're big, you think global, isn't it?). One of the biggest problem of maize which the Americans call, Corn is that it is susceptible to drought. A little scarcity of water can seriously reduce it's yield. In several parts of Africa, such crop failure is common and it spells hunger for millions. 

In addition, maize is also plagued by the Stem Borer - an insect that lays its eggs on the plant and when they hatch onto larvae, they eat into the maize stem and that's the end of that plant. There is also the Fall Army Worm that inflicts major destruction on maize across the world. The idea here was to develop a variety of maize that can do well on little water and is also resistant to Fall Army Worm and the deadly stem borer disease. This will increase yield and also tame the use of pesticides in controlling the named diseases, saving the farmer crop management costs. 

This is just the way any normal person will think. 

Crop developers had earlier launched a very successful program called Water Efficient Maize for Africa, WEMA. It had been successful at creating a drought resistant maize and it was chosen to be mated with another variety which is resistant to the two diseases earlier mentioned. This level of crop selection and crossbreeding has always been practised for ages. But there was no maize type that was resistant to these diseases so one had to be made using an advanced genetic engineering technique. 

There is a ubiquitous bacterial named Baccilus thurigiensis (Bt) that lives in the soil all over the world. This bacteria is a clever natural solution to a host of entomological problems because it produces a protein (Bt protein) that kills a selection of insects. What  geneticists did was to modify that protein, copy the section (a codon)  of the bacteria's DNA that codes for it and then zip it into the DNA of maize. This was how two varieties of Bt Maize were born and they are resistant to Fall Army Worm and Stem Borer diseases. These were engineered further with the drought resistant variety to produce a single variety that incorporates all the desired qualities - the TELA  Maize. TELA doesn't mean much; it is the short form of the Latin word, Tutela, which means 'Protect'. When you plant the TELA maize, you can rest assured it is not going to freak out at the first signs of drought and army worm or stem borer won't wipe away your crop. The maize variety is sold strictly to recover production costs, that is, it is sold on a non-profits basis. 

Can you plant the harvested seeds? Yes, but the potency won't be 100%. The seeds are specially produced through a method that does not allow open pollination to keep the quality top shape. This is not abnormal at all in crop development. The other time, I saw a young man speaking confidently against this type of hybridized seed production and I felt sorry for those in his audience who do not know that the gentleman does not know what he is confidently talking about. He was actually scaremongering, which is bad. 

Now that is the end of the good part. 

I have explained in an earlier essay on this how there are two levels of genetic modification of organisms. In that write up (I'll include the link below), I had also noted that what is called GMOs should actually be more correctly called GEO - Genetically Engineered Organisms. That is their true status from a purely scientific point of view and in full disclosure. 

All organisms are genetically modified either through selection, mutation, adaptation and the much more complex and poorly understood processes of Epigenetics. Genetic modification is normal and natural and even identical twins, despite theoretically possessing the same set of genetic codes as offsprings of the same zygote, are still different because their genes have been slightly modified during the stage of cell division where crossovers and linkages take place. 

Engineered organisms however are a different thing entirely. Scientists actually take down the genes, which are sequences of nucleotides that code for how that organism is made and then drag in codes from another organism. The most striking is when the copied codes or genes are from another species. In the Bt Maize -and also the TELA maize you've been eating - the genes are from a different kingdom. It is a gene from the Baccilus thurigiensis bacteria (from the animal kingdom) zipped into a member of the plant kingdom. 

So what's the issue with that?

Well, nothing as such. But it is a little more powerful than nothing. The anxiety comes from the fact that scientists don't fully understand what can be the fallout of this type of genetic work somewhere down the line. The genetic code is the fundamental of creation and zapping it around this way gives everyone who knows the power of genes the chills when they are being honest. Genes are not just chemistry stuff, they are chemicals of life itself and they are capable of self replication. Now everyone reading this quickly remembers that cancer is body cells gone rogue, replicating without control. Those who can connect the dots fear that consuming organisms engineered this way can trigger body cells to go rogue at any time.

Is there any evidence this can happen or has ever happened? 

No. But that doesn't assuage all fears because genes can also lie low for a long time. You must have heard of drug tests taken 20, 40 years down the line. We need the big data report - observations of the effects of these crops not just on the present consumers at the present time, but the effect on their offspring and the descendants of those as well. And the effects could be subtle - it may not be cancer but something more benign. Maybe it will affect some body systems or dial down (or even up!) our brains just a little. 

The consumption of GEO especially the Transgenic (between species) ones can also potentially alter the balance of our body's microbiome. 2% of your bodyweight is bacterial. They are ever present on our skins and mostly in our gut where they function just as a critical part of our bodies. We won't last for more than hours without them as they protect us from harmful microbes. GEO may in some ways affect these organisms by reprogramming them. Imagine writing a string of codes in the programming language of the OS your device is running and then mating it with the OS as an executable sentence. That is how GEOs are in principle. No programmer can say with absolute certainty that the system will continue to function perfectly after that intervention. 

So, are GMOs good or bad?

So far, they are good, but there are no guarantees they cannot turn very bad without warning. All those who carry on genetic engineering work  will agree on this.

John Ogunlela 

 Let's start with the heaviest part: 

You are already consuming a genetically-modified organism as we speak; at least the chances are 9.9 in 10. In fact, it is worse, the one I suspect you're eating was designed using the most potent type of genetic engineering possible - a transgenic modification. 

I am speaking about the TELA maize variety that was developed by Bayer of Germany. The work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

So, let's lay aside the fear part already. 

I planned going into the nitty gritty of genetic engineering as much as I can in this post but later changed my mind. The full style will not help the average reader much and I think I should just simplify it and cut to the chase. 

TELA came into our space around 2021. I just saw the article in a Nigerian newspaper and it said the crop was developed in ABU Zaria. Well, it's not quite so. ABU is a licensee. The TELA maize has longer roots and here is its story, the brief version, without the scare.

Bill Gates and his friends agreed that Maize (Zea mays) is the most popular crop on earth and if it can be made to yield more, it will go a long way in solving the hunger problem on a global scale. (When you're big, you think global, isn't it?). One of the biggest problem of maize which the Americans call, Corn is that it is susceptible to drought. A little scarcity of water can seriously reduce it's yield. In several parts of Africa, such crop failure is common and it spells hunger for millions. 

In addition, maize is also plagued by the Stem Borer - an insect that lays its eggs on the plant and when they hatch onto larvae, they eat into the maize stem and that's the end of that plant. There is also the Fall Army Worm that inflicts major destruction on maize across the world. The idea here was to develop a variety of maize that can do well on little water and is also resistant to Fall Army Worm and the deadly stem borer disease. This will increase yield and also tame the use of pesticides in controlling the named diseases, saving the farmer crop management costs. 

This is just the way any normal person will think. 

Crop developers had earlier launched a very successful program called Water Efficient Maize for Africa, WEMA. It had been successful at creating a drought resistant maize and it was chosen to be mated with another variety which is resistant to the two diseases earlier mentioned. This level of crop selection and crossbreeding has always been practised for ages. But there was no maize type that was resistant to these diseases so one had to be made using an advanced genetic engineering technique. 

There is a ubiquitous bacterial named Baccilus thurigiensis (Bt) that lives in the soil all over the world. This bacteria is a clever natural solution to a host of entomological problems because it produces a protein (Bt protein) that kills a selection of insects. What  geneticists did was to modify that protein, copy the section (a codon)  of the bacteria's DNA that codes for it and then zip it into the DNA of maize. This was how two varieties of Bt Maize were born and they are resistant to Fall Army Worm and Stem Borer diseases. These were engineered further with the drought resistant variety to produce a single variety that incorporates all the desired qualities - the TELA  Maize. TELA doesn't mean much; it is the short form of the Latin word, Tutela, which means 'Protect'. When you plant the TELA maize, you can rest assured it is not going to freak out at the first signs of drought and army worm or stem borer won't wipe away your crop. The maize variety is sold strictly to recover production costs, that is, it is sold on a non-profits basis. 

Can you plant the harvested seeds? Yes, but the potency won't be 100%. The seeds are specially produced through a method that does not allow open pollination to keep the quality top shape. This is not abnormal at all in crop development. The other time, I saw a young man speaking confidently against this type of hybridized seed production and I felt sorry for those in his audience who do not know that the gentleman does not know what he is confidently talking about. He was actually scaremongering, which is bad. 

Now that is the end of the good part. 

I have explained in an earlier essay on this how there are two levels of genetic modification of organisms. In that write up (I'll include the link below), I had also noted that what is called GMOs should actually be more correctly called GEO - Genetically Engineered Organisms. That is their true status from a purely scientific point of view and in full disclosure. 

All organisms are genetically modified either through selection, mutation, adaptation and the much more complex and poorly understood processes of Epigenetics. Genetic modification is normal and natural and even identical twins, despite theoretically possessing the same set of genetic codes as offsprings of the same zygote, are still different because their genes have been slightly modified during the stage of cell division where crossovers and linkages take place. 

Engineered organisms however are a different thing entirely. Scientists actually take down the genes, which are sequences of nucleotides that code for how that organism is made and then drag in codes from another organism. The most striking is when the copied codes or genes are from another species. In the Bt Maize -and also the TELA maize you've been eating - the genes are from a different kingdom. It is a gene from the Baccilus thurigiensis bacteria (from the animal kingdom) zipped into a member of the plant kingdom. 

So what's the issue with that?

Well, nothing as such. But it is a little more powerful than nothing. The anxiety comes from the fact that scientists don't fully understand what can be the fallout of this type of genetic work somewhere down the line. The genetic code is the fundamental of creation and zapping it around this way gives everyone who knows the power of genes the chills when they are being honest. Genes are not just chemistry stuff, they are chemicals of life itself and they are capable of self replication. Now everyone reading this quickly remembers that cancer is body cells gone rogue, replicating without control. Those who can connect the dots fear that consuming organisms engineered this way can trigger body cells to go rogue at any time.

Is there any evidence this can happen or has ever happened? 

No. But that doesn't assuage all fears because genes can also lie low for a long time. You must have heard of drug tests taken 20, 40 years down the line. We need the big data report - observations of the effects of these crops not just on the present consumers at the present time, but the effect on their offspring and the descendants of those as well. And the effects could be subtle - it may not be cancer but something more benign. Maybe it will affect some body systems or dial down (or even up!) our brains just a little. 

The consumption of GEO especially the Transgenic (between species) ones can also potentially alter the balance of our body's microbiome. 2% of your bodyweight is bacterial. They are ever present on our skins and mostly in our gut where they function just as a critical part of our bodies. We won't last for more than hours without them as they protect us from harmful microbes. GEO may in some ways affect these organisms by reprogramming them. Imagine writing a string of codes in the programming language of the OS your device is running and then mating it with the OS as an executable sentence. That is how GEOs are in principle. No programmer can say with absolute certainty that the system will continue to function perfectly after that intervention. 

So, are GMOs good or bad?

So far, they are good, but there are no guarantees they cannot turn very bad without warning. All those who carry on genetic engineering work  will agree on this.

John Ogunlela 

White House defends Fauci from new attacks over China grants

White House defends Fauci from new attacks over China grants

Dr. Anthony Fauci

WASHINGTON — The White House said Thursday that it stood by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical adviser to President Biden, who has faced renewed attacks this week from conservatives over the extent to which the U.S. biomedical establishment funded potentially dangerous research into bat coronaviruses in Chinese laboratories.

Asked on Thursday by a Fox News reporter whether Fauci’s job was safe, despite new revelations, White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded curtly, with a single word: “Correct.”

Fauci has previously said that the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, of which he is the longtime head, did not allow Chinese laboratories to conduct gain-of-function research through American grants. Some people believe that such research, which boosts viruses in order to study their behavior, led to the creation of the pathogen known as SARS-CoV-2 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology or another laboratory sometime in late 2019.

The focus on Fauci this week is related to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and published by the investigative news site the Intercept. The documents included details of a $3.1 million 2014 grant to EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based organization that has been the focus of intense scrutiny over its close partnership with China and because of the ardent rejections by its chief executive, Peter Daszak, of any suggestion that a scientific accident there may have caused the pandemic.

EcoHealth Alliance used $599,000 of the $3.1 million grant to fund a study into bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has itself been the focus of both conspiratorial and legitimate questions. Researchers there worked on a strain of coronavirus called WIV1, according to the Intercept.

Federal officials denied that the research conducted with U.S. funds in Wuhan met gain-of-function criteria. “NIH has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans,” an agency spokesperson told Yahoo News. “The research we supported in China, where coronaviruses are prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause widespread disease.”

The existence of WIV1 is hardly a secret, but the revelations in the Intercept’s reporting seem to challenge Fauci’s earlier statements that the U.S. biomedical establishment has never funded gain-of-function research in China. “This is a road map to the high-risk research that could have led to the current pandemic,” one researcher told the Intercept.

Still, there is no evidence that research into WIV1 led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. Nor is there evidence that Fauci, who first gained renown in the 1980s during the HIV/AIDS epidemic, acted improperly or intentionally misrepresented U.S. partnerships.

Nevertheless, the Intercept revelations are sure to raise new questions, especially given signs that the pandemic may persist even into 2022. Peter Navarro, who served as a top aide of former President Donald Trump, often clashed with Fauci and, on Thursday, called the widely respected immunologist a “stone cold liar” on Twitter. “He belongs in an orange jumpsuit, not a lab coat,” Navarro opined.

Members of Congress, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., have lambasted Fauci and other scientists for misleading the public about the origins of the pandemic.

“These documents are a smoking gun that indicate he not only failed to be forthcoming, but that he also lied to the American people about his organization’s support for this risky research,” said Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wisc., who also called on Fauci to resign.

So did Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., a potential presidential candidate in 2024, who, like McCarthy, said that Fauci should “face a congressional inquiry.”

Should Republicans retake either chamber of Congress in next year’s elections, they are all but certain to launch such inquiries, given how much animosity Fauci has inspired among conservatives.

Read more from the source

Dr. Anthony Fauci

WASHINGTON — The White House said Thursday that it stood by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical adviser to President Biden, who has faced renewed attacks this week from conservatives over the extent to which the U.S. biomedical establishment funded potentially dangerous research into bat coronaviruses in Chinese laboratories.

Asked on Thursday by a Fox News reporter whether Fauci’s job was safe, despite new revelations, White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded curtly, with a single word: “Correct.”

Fauci has previously said that the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, of which he is the longtime head, did not allow Chinese laboratories to conduct gain-of-function research through American grants. Some people believe that such research, which boosts viruses in order to study their behavior, led to the creation of the pathogen known as SARS-CoV-2 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology or another laboratory sometime in late 2019.

The focus on Fauci this week is related to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and published by the investigative news site the Intercept. The documents included details of a $3.1 million 2014 grant to EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based organization that has been the focus of intense scrutiny over its close partnership with China and because of the ardent rejections by its chief executive, Peter Daszak, of any suggestion that a scientific accident there may have caused the pandemic.

EcoHealth Alliance used $599,000 of the $3.1 million grant to fund a study into bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has itself been the focus of both conspiratorial and legitimate questions. Researchers there worked on a strain of coronavirus called WIV1, according to the Intercept.

Federal officials denied that the research conducted with U.S. funds in Wuhan met gain-of-function criteria. “NIH has never approved any research that would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans,” an agency spokesperson told Yahoo News. “The research we supported in China, where coronaviruses are prevalent, sought to understand the behavior of coronaviruses circulating in bats that have the potential to cause widespread disease.”

The existence of WIV1 is hardly a secret, but the revelations in the Intercept’s reporting seem to challenge Fauci’s earlier statements that the U.S. biomedical establishment has never funded gain-of-function research in China. “This is a road map to the high-risk research that could have led to the current pandemic,” one researcher told the Intercept.

Still, there is no evidence that research into WIV1 led to the creation of SARS-CoV-2. Nor is there evidence that Fauci, who first gained renown in the 1980s during the HIV/AIDS epidemic, acted improperly or intentionally misrepresented U.S. partnerships.

Nevertheless, the Intercept revelations are sure to raise new questions, especially given signs that the pandemic may persist even into 2022. Peter Navarro, who served as a top aide of former President Donald Trump, often clashed with Fauci and, on Thursday, called the widely respected immunologist a “stone cold liar” on Twitter. “He belongs in an orange jumpsuit, not a lab coat,” Navarro opined.

Members of Congress, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., have lambasted Fauci and other scientists for misleading the public about the origins of the pandemic.

“These documents are a smoking gun that indicate he not only failed to be forthcoming, but that he also lied to the American people about his organization’s support for this risky research,” said Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wisc., who also called on Fauci to resign.

So did Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., a potential presidential candidate in 2024, who, like McCarthy, said that Fauci should “face a congressional inquiry.”

Should Republicans retake either chamber of Congress in next year’s elections, they are all but certain to launch such inquiries, given how much animosity Fauci has inspired among conservatives.

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The University of Ibadan's contingent who participated in the 2020 edition of Huawei ICT Global Challenge emerged as Global Champions.

The Country Manager, Talent Ecosystem Development, Huawei Technologies Company Nigeria Limited, Mr. Kenneth Igwe, said the excellent performance of the UI's students in the competition shows that the institution's students are talented, skilled, creative, gifted, passionate and zealous for information and communication technology for sustainable development.

He made this commendation during a courtesy call on the Acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan, Prof. Adebola Babatunde Ekanola, in his office, on Wednesday, 18 August, 2021.

Mr. Igwe remarked that the Huawei ICT Global Challenge is a competitive ICT talent exchange event geared towards a healthy development of ICT ecosystem among universities' students globally.

"In the 2020 edition of the competition, the University of Ibadan, alongside Ahmadu Bello University and the University of Port Harcourt emerged as global champions in the National and Cloud Categories."

"The three champions from the University of Ibadan: Toheeb Adeniyi Badiru, Bolaji Olaide Abideen and Sulaiman Damilare Olubiyi, all of the Department of Electrical Electronics, Faculty of Technology, who are currently participating in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme displayed outstanding digital skills and values impacted in UI's students. Hence, our request for internship, graduate training and coaching section."

The Country Manager further explained that collaborating with UI on the project will involve at least ten companies, not only Huawei, saying that the project is tagged "Huawei Partners".

According to him, the "Huawei Partners" project is to deep hands into the talent resources that are abound in UI and give the students internship, graduate training and employment opportunities.

Due to the excellent performance of UI's students in the 2020 edition of the competition, Mr. Igwe said: "I am in UI to coach your students on the requirements for the 2021 Challenge, agree on a date  to organise students'  job fair in the University community and to discuss a proposal to establish a digital academy in UI."

Responding, the Acting Vice-Chancellor,Prof. Adebola Babatunde Ekanola indicated the readiness of the University of Ibadan to collaborate with Huawei in its "Huawei Partners" project for internship, graduate training and coaching to bolster the institution’s effort in promoting teaching, learning and research through information and communication technology (ICT).

"UI is willing to collaborate with Huawei in achieving and sustaining the goal, since IT is now a great tool for teaching, learning, research and administrative work."

The Acting VC also drew the attention of the ICT expert to the efforts by the management, staff and students to strengthen the town and gown relationship that will bring about mutual benefits in the areas of internship, graduate training and coaching section for both UI and Huawei in a statement by the University's Director of Public Communication, Mr. Olatunji Oladejo.

In line with the mutual benefits expected from the collaboration, Prof. Ekanola,  requested Huawei to make known to the UI's management the needs and challenges facing the company so that UI can engage its research capacity to attend to these challenges.

" I specially thank Huawei for partnering with the University in the past, for taking cognizance of the excellent performance of  UI's students in the 2020 Huawei competition, and for being anxious to have an enduring relationship with UI."

"Huawei's desire to coach UI's students and host an academy in the University is due to the impression created by the performance of UI's students in the last competition. This success and other feats are achieved due to the system of our merit-driven policy of admitting students and dedicated staff, has been an added advantage", the Acting VC said.

Founded in 1987, Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. It is committed to bringing digital to every person, home and organisation for a fully connected intelligent world. It operates in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people around the world. Huwaei's end-to-end portfolio of products, solutions and services are both competitive and secure.

Present at the occasion were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Prof. Kayode Adebowale; Registrar, Mrs. Olubunmi O. Faluyi; Acting Bursar, Mr. Olayiwola Abimbola; Dean, Students Affairs, Prof. 'Keye Abiona; Deputy Dean, Students Affairs, Dr. ‘Demola Lewis; Dr. Olusegun Ajide, Sub-Dean (Postgraduate), Faculty of Technology; Deputy Registrar, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Oluwole Dada; Director, University Advancement Centre, Mr. Adebowale Adeosun and the Deputy Director,  Training, Research and Development, Directorate of Information Technology and Media Services (ITeMS), Mr. Soji Adisa.

The University of Ibadan's contingent who participated in the 2020 edition of Huawei ICT Global Challenge emerged as Global Champions.

The Country Manager, Talent Ecosystem Development, Huawei Technologies Company Nigeria Limited, Mr. Kenneth Igwe, said the excellent performance of the UI's students in the competition shows that the institution's students are talented, skilled, creative, gifted, passionate and zealous for information and communication technology for sustainable development.

He made this commendation during a courtesy call on the Acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan, Prof. Adebola Babatunde Ekanola, in his office, on Wednesday, 18 August, 2021.

Mr. Igwe remarked that the Huawei ICT Global Challenge is a competitive ICT talent exchange event geared towards a healthy development of ICT ecosystem among universities' students globally.

"In the 2020 edition of the competition, the University of Ibadan, alongside Ahmadu Bello University and the University of Port Harcourt emerged as global champions in the National and Cloud Categories."

"The three champions from the University of Ibadan: Toheeb Adeniyi Badiru, Bolaji Olaide Abideen and Sulaiman Damilare Olubiyi, all of the Department of Electrical Electronics, Faculty of Technology, who are currently participating in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme displayed outstanding digital skills and values impacted in UI's students. Hence, our request for internship, graduate training and coaching section."

The Country Manager further explained that collaborating with UI on the project will involve at least ten companies, not only Huawei, saying that the project is tagged "Huawei Partners".

According to him, the "Huawei Partners" project is to deep hands into the talent resources that are abound in UI and give the students internship, graduate training and employment opportunities.

Due to the excellent performance of UI's students in the 2020 edition of the competition, Mr. Igwe said: "I am in UI to coach your students on the requirements for the 2021 Challenge, agree on a date  to organise students'  job fair in the University community and to discuss a proposal to establish a digital academy in UI."

Responding, the Acting Vice-Chancellor,Prof. Adebola Babatunde Ekanola indicated the readiness of the University of Ibadan to collaborate with Huawei in its "Huawei Partners" project for internship, graduate training and coaching to bolster the institution’s effort in promoting teaching, learning and research through information and communication technology (ICT).

"UI is willing to collaborate with Huawei in achieving and sustaining the goal, since IT is now a great tool for teaching, learning, research and administrative work."

The Acting VC also drew the attention of the ICT expert to the efforts by the management, staff and students to strengthen the town and gown relationship that will bring about mutual benefits in the areas of internship, graduate training and coaching section for both UI and Huawei in a statement by the University's Director of Public Communication, Mr. Olatunji Oladejo.

In line with the mutual benefits expected from the collaboration, Prof. Ekanola,  requested Huawei to make known to the UI's management the needs and challenges facing the company so that UI can engage its research capacity to attend to these challenges.

" I specially thank Huawei for partnering with the University in the past, for taking cognizance of the excellent performance of  UI's students in the 2020 Huawei competition, and for being anxious to have an enduring relationship with UI."

"Huawei's desire to coach UI's students and host an academy in the University is due to the impression created by the performance of UI's students in the last competition. This success and other feats are achieved due to the system of our merit-driven policy of admitting students and dedicated staff, has been an added advantage", the Acting VC said.

Founded in 1987, Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. It is committed to bringing digital to every person, home and organisation for a fully connected intelligent world. It operates in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people around the world. Huwaei's end-to-end portfolio of products, solutions and services are both competitive and secure.

Present at the occasion were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Prof. Kayode Adebowale; Registrar, Mrs. Olubunmi O. Faluyi; Acting Bursar, Mr. Olayiwola Abimbola; Dean, Students Affairs, Prof. 'Keye Abiona; Deputy Dean, Students Affairs, Dr. ‘Demola Lewis; Dr. Olusegun Ajide, Sub-Dean (Postgraduate), Faculty of Technology; Deputy Registrar, Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Oluwole Dada; Director, University Advancement Centre, Mr. Adebowale Adeosun and the Deputy Director,  Training, Research and Development, Directorate of Information Technology and Media Services (ITeMS), Mr. Soji Adisa.



The Federal Executive Council recently approved more universities, and established more Polytechnics and  Colleges of Education while Tesla, Apple, Google, Netflix and some multinationals announced that effective 2021, university degree will not be required for hiring. 

Google is also developing a new suit called Google career certificates which is intended to help young people get qualifications and skills for high paying jobs without university degree. The suits is tailored for the millennials to learn in-demand skills online in 6 months and will be globally recognized as equivalent of a traditional university degree.

The question is, in the next 15 years, will certificates be required for most jobs of the century? 


University degree is highly overrated in Nigeria and I have resolved that I will make attending university optional for my children. I will rather counsel them to acquire globally in-demand skills and certifications.

Anyone that wants to panticipate in global jobs of the future must learn computing skills, data analysis and fluency in at least 2 international languages. High paying jobs will likely be in cybersecurity, business development and sales, robotics, computing and programming, data analysis, automobile, creative arts, football, tennis, basketball and similar skills. 

For young  Nigerian entrepreneurs that want to  have a startup, there will be future opportunities in logistics, food value chain, blockchain technology, Fintech, tourism and hospitality, transport and clothing. 


Our university curriculum is obsolete, we teach no skills and the laboratories are 19th century. You can't use 19th century solution to solve 21st century problems.

The world is a global village and we must follow the global trend to be global citizens. We must also change our curriculum and improve teaching of computer skills in the universities. 

 Today’s children are born with their devices and more sophisticated than the previous generations. I advise our millennials to work ahead of our curriculum and prepare themselves to be global citizens.


He that has ear to hear, let him listen to the future.

By: Anonymous

The Federal Executive Council recently approved more universities, and established more Polytechnics and  Colleges of Education while Tesla, Apple, Google, Netflix and some multinationals announced that effective 2021, university degree will not be required for hiring. 

Google is also developing a new suit called Google career certificates which is intended to help young people get qualifications and skills for high paying jobs without university degree. The suits is tailored for the millennials to learn in-demand skills online in 6 months and will be globally recognized as equivalent of a traditional university degree.

The question is, in the next 15 years, will certificates be required for most jobs of the century? 


University degree is highly overrated in Nigeria and I have resolved that I will make attending university optional for my children. I will rather counsel them to acquire globally in-demand skills and certifications.

Anyone that wants to panticipate in global jobs of the future must learn computing skills, data analysis and fluency in at least 2 international languages. High paying jobs will likely be in cybersecurity, business development and sales, robotics, computing and programming, data analysis, automobile, creative arts, football, tennis, basketball and similar skills. 

For young  Nigerian entrepreneurs that want to  have a startup, there will be future opportunities in logistics, food value chain, blockchain technology, Fintech, tourism and hospitality, transport and clothing. 


Our university curriculum is obsolete, we teach no skills and the laboratories are 19th century. You can't use 19th century solution to solve 21st century problems.

The world is a global village and we must follow the global trend to be global citizens. We must also change our curriculum and improve teaching of computer skills in the universities. 

 Today’s children are born with their devices and more sophisticated than the previous generations. I advise our millennials to work ahead of our curriculum and prepare themselves to be global citizens.


He that has ear to hear, let him listen to the future.

By: Anonymous

Russian space agency boss says not upset by manned SpaceX launch, but BOEING should be

Russian space agency boss says not upset by manned SpaceX launch, but BOEING should be

The US finally getting a crewed spaceship in no way means the end of Russia’s space program, Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said, insisting that the Soyuz still remains the most cost-efficient way to get people to the ISS.

After SpaceX’s Crew Dragon delivered two astronauts to the International Space Station – the first US spaceship to do so after nine years – at the end of May, US media not only praised Elon Musk’s company, but also piled scorn on the Russian space program.

It was “strange” when some in the US, including NASA officials, “started making wreaths for the ‘funeral’ of Russian Soyuz,” Rogozin wrote in an opinion piece for Forbes magazine, published Monday. While the Russian space chief’s social media rivalry with Musk and his past quotes played a role in the reaction, he made a stand for the iconic Russian spacecraft that ferried US astronauts to orbit all those years after the Space Shuttle program shut down.

Rogozin rejected the claim that the manned launches by SpaceX – which said it would charge the astronauts for seats starting from $55 million – would be so cheap that Russia would start reserving Crew Dragon seats for its cosmonauts.

The US officials repeating that claim “just got bedeviled in a mass of figures,” he said. While Russia did charge the US $90 million a seat for Soyuz launches, Rogozin maintains the Russian crewed rocket launches still remain more cost-efficient than those of SpaceX's Falcon 9.

While SpaceX has made partial reusability of the Falcon a key marketing point, both Crew Dragon and Boeing’s Starliner – which is only expected to carry out its first mission next year – are launched to orbit by heavy rockets, while Soyuz requires a cheaper medium class booster, he said.

“Therefore, our space launches cost much less than the American ones,” making Soyuz “unparalleled” when it comes to delivering people to the ISS, Rogozin wrote.

He even compared the spaceship to the AK-47 rifle, saying that both Soviet designs were not only extremely reliable, but also continuously improved all the time. Soyuz is such a workhorse that it will continue to fly even after Russia’s next-generation Orel (Eagle) spaceship is introduced.

It’s not our mood that Elon Musk spoiled on May 30, but that of his countrymen from Boeing, by starting flight tests ahead of them. It’s their war, not ours. Our space transport system has been operational for a long time and without interruptions.

He did point out that SpaceX could hardly argue to be the “first private company” to launch humans into space, given that NASA had subsidized both SpaceX and Boeing to the tune of $8 billion to develop rivaling spaceships. Musk’s company was the first to complete testing and perform its launch.

Roscosmos decided to maintain cooperation with NASA even in the face of sanctions introduced by Washington against Moscow – including Rogozin personally – and continued delivering Americans to the ISS for years at the expense of Russia's own crews, Rogozin reminded.

It’s only because of Russia that NASA “didn’t have to use a trampoline” to launch astronauts to space, Rogozin wrote, referencing his notorious joke from six years ago.


The US finally getting a crewed spaceship in no way means the end of Russia’s space program, Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said, insisting that the Soyuz still remains the most cost-efficient way to get people to the ISS.

After SpaceX’s Crew Dragon delivered two astronauts to the International Space Station – the first US spaceship to do so after nine years – at the end of May, US media not only praised Elon Musk’s company, but also piled scorn on the Russian space program.

It was “strange” when some in the US, including NASA officials, “started making wreaths for the ‘funeral’ of Russian Soyuz,” Rogozin wrote in an opinion piece for Forbes magazine, published Monday. While the Russian space chief’s social media rivalry with Musk and his past quotes played a role in the reaction, he made a stand for the iconic Russian spacecraft that ferried US astronauts to orbit all those years after the Space Shuttle program shut down.

Rogozin rejected the claim that the manned launches by SpaceX – which said it would charge the astronauts for seats starting from $55 million – would be so cheap that Russia would start reserving Crew Dragon seats for its cosmonauts.

The US officials repeating that claim “just got bedeviled in a mass of figures,” he said. While Russia did charge the US $90 million a seat for Soyuz launches, Rogozin maintains the Russian crewed rocket launches still remain more cost-efficient than those of SpaceX's Falcon 9.

While SpaceX has made partial reusability of the Falcon a key marketing point, both Crew Dragon and Boeing’s Starliner – which is only expected to carry out its first mission next year – are launched to orbit by heavy rockets, while Soyuz requires a cheaper medium class booster, he said.

“Therefore, our space launches cost much less than the American ones,” making Soyuz “unparalleled” when it comes to delivering people to the ISS, Rogozin wrote.

He even compared the spaceship to the AK-47 rifle, saying that both Soviet designs were not only extremely reliable, but also continuously improved all the time. Soyuz is such a workhorse that it will continue to fly even after Russia’s next-generation Orel (Eagle) spaceship is introduced.

It’s not our mood that Elon Musk spoiled on May 30, but that of his countrymen from Boeing, by starting flight tests ahead of them. It’s their war, not ours. Our space transport system has been operational for a long time and without interruptions.

He did point out that SpaceX could hardly argue to be the “first private company” to launch humans into space, given that NASA had subsidized both SpaceX and Boeing to the tune of $8 billion to develop rivaling spaceships. Musk’s company was the first to complete testing and perform its launch.

Roscosmos decided to maintain cooperation with NASA even in the face of sanctions introduced by Washington against Moscow – including Rogozin personally – and continued delivering Americans to the ISS for years at the expense of Russia's own crews, Rogozin reminded.

It’s only because of Russia that NASA “didn’t have to use a trampoline” to launch astronauts to space, Rogozin wrote, referencing his notorious joke from six years ago.


President Trump hopes for COVID-19 vaccine by end of year, 'maybe before'

President Trump hopes for COVID-19 vaccine by end of year, 'maybe before'

Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump Friday said he hoped a COVID-19 vaccine would be available by the end of the year, and announced he was appointing a former pharmaceutical executive to spearhead the effort.

"We are looking to get it by the end of the year if we can, maybe before," Trump said, as he delivered an update on the race for a vaccine. "We think we are going to have some very good results coming out very quickly," he told reporters in the Rose Garden of the White House.

The timeline projected by Trump is more optimistic than what Europe foresees. The European Medicines Agency said Thursday a vaccine could be ready in a year's time under an "optimistic scenario."

Trump announced he would appoint Moncef Slaoui, the former head of GSK Vaccines, and four star army general Gustave Perna, to lead "Operation Warp Speed." "My administration is providing roughly $10 billion to support a medical research effort without parallel," the president said, comparing the effort with the Manhattan Project during World War 2 that led to the development of nuclear weapons.

Trump added that when a vaccine was ready the military would be enlisted to distribute it -- and evoked a spirit of global cooperation. "We are working together with many different countries, and again we have no ego," he said. "Whoever gets it, we think it is great, we are going to work with them and they're going to work with us. If we get it, we'll be working with them."

Scientists have cautioned that it is possible that despite worldwide efforts, it is possible that an effective vaccine may never be found -- or that some vaccines could backfire and make people more, not less, susceptible to infection.

Trump also sought to temper expectations.

"Again, it is not solely vaccine based," he said. "Other things have never had a vaccine and they go away. So I don't want people to think this is all dependent on a vaccine, but a vaccine would be a tremendous thing."

Scientists have never previously developed a successful vaccine for any kind of coronavirus that infects humans. Efforts that were underway against the SARS coronavirus were halted early because that disease was contained after infecting about 8,000 people, and it was therefore not judged profitable to pursue.

Vaccines do exist for animal coronaviruses, for example a type of coronavirus that infects chickens -- and this is used by farmers. However, it also kills a certain percentage of chickens, and such an outcome would not be acceptable in humans.

Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump Friday said he hoped a COVID-19 vaccine would be available by the end of the year, and announced he was appointing a former pharmaceutical executive to spearhead the effort.

"We are looking to get it by the end of the year if we can, maybe before," Trump said, as he delivered an update on the race for a vaccine. "We think we are going to have some very good results coming out very quickly," he told reporters in the Rose Garden of the White House.

The timeline projected by Trump is more optimistic than what Europe foresees. The European Medicines Agency said Thursday a vaccine could be ready in a year's time under an "optimistic scenario."

Trump announced he would appoint Moncef Slaoui, the former head of GSK Vaccines, and four star army general Gustave Perna, to lead "Operation Warp Speed." "My administration is providing roughly $10 billion to support a medical research effort without parallel," the president said, comparing the effort with the Manhattan Project during World War 2 that led to the development of nuclear weapons.

Trump added that when a vaccine was ready the military would be enlisted to distribute it -- and evoked a spirit of global cooperation. "We are working together with many different countries, and again we have no ego," he said. "Whoever gets it, we think it is great, we are going to work with them and they're going to work with us. If we get it, we'll be working with them."

Scientists have cautioned that it is possible that despite worldwide efforts, it is possible that an effective vaccine may never be found -- or that some vaccines could backfire and make people more, not less, susceptible to infection.

Trump also sought to temper expectations.

"Again, it is not solely vaccine based," he said. "Other things have never had a vaccine and they go away. So I don't want people to think this is all dependent on a vaccine, but a vaccine would be a tremendous thing."

Scientists have never previously developed a successful vaccine for any kind of coronavirus that infects humans. Efforts that were underway against the SARS coronavirus were halted early because that disease was contained after infecting about 8,000 people, and it was therefore not judged profitable to pursue.

Vaccines do exist for animal coronaviruses, for example a type of coronavirus that infects chickens -- and this is used by farmers. However, it also kills a certain percentage of chickens, and such an outcome would not be acceptable in humans.

#COVID19 lockdowns could spark rise in HIV infections, experts warn

#COVID19 lockdowns could spark rise in HIV infections, experts warn

Washington (AFP) - If lockdowns and stay-at-home orders are succeeding in slowing the spread of the coronavirus, health experts warn that the measures could unintentionally undermine efforts to contain another potentially deadly disease: HIV.

At the start of April, Travis Sanchez, an epidemiologist at Emory University, carried out an online survey of around 1,000 men who have sex with men, and half of them reported a drop in the number of sexual partners, as well as reduced use of hook-up apps.

In theory, this should reduce transmission.

But he quickly added a disturbing warning: a quarter of the men said they had experienced problems getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases, because thousands of centers that used to provide them have closed down.

That means that those people still having sex have no idea about their status, which Sanchez warned is a potential ticking bomb.

"It's very likely that people's risk behaviors will resume before they will have full access to prevention services," he said.

"And I think that combination could lead to increases in HIV transmission."

The full impact of the pandemic on HIV transmission will not be known before next year, when the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes its statistics on 2020 infections.

But numerous experts and healthcare professionals fear a step backward, a year after the United States announced the goal of cutting the number of new infections by 75 percent by the year 2025.

In Washington, a city that has been hit hard by HIV, the Whitman-Walker clinic has had to stop its daily walk-in tests for the virus and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Around 50 people used to come in every day to get tested, including many gay people, and for many it had become a routine check-up carried out every three months.

"All those folks are going without testing," said nurse practitioner Amanda Cary, who now only sees symptomatic patients by appointment. "I do think there's going to be a rise in STIs," she said.

The CDC told AFP it was expecting a drop in the number of STIs being diagnosed in the short term, "but an increase in the long-term once restrictions lift and more people are screened and tested again."

It said that for HIV, "the decrease in the availability of testing and limited access to treatment and prevention services may result in more infections and poor health outcomes in the long run."

- Everything can change -

In San Francisco, Doctor Matthew Spinelli worries about the homeless, or those who lack the connectivity to take part in the televisits that have replaced in-person visits to health centers.

"People are just scared of a hospital right now, so I'm pretty worried," said Spinelli, who practices at the city's largest hospital.

His clinic is also following some 3,000 people living with HIV.

He fears that in the chaos of the pandemic, some of them are not going to pharmacies or taking their daily medication, which could allow their viral load to shoot up and make the patients to become contagious again.

"I'm worried that their mental health or substance use may be worsening in this environment and hence their pill taking adherence is worse," he told AFP.

In the United States, the use of the preventive daily pill PrEP, which allows those who take it to be almost 100 percent risk-free from contracting HIV during unprotected sex, has increased, but Spinelli reports that some have stopped taking it during the lockdown.

Which leads to the question: will they start again afterwards?

"On the balance it is probably going to worsen the HIV epidemic, that would be my prediction, both in this country, and worldwide," Spinelli said.

But by forcing healthcare professionals to improvise, the pandemic will also bring about other lasting, positive changes in prevention strategies.

Telemedicine will become commonplace, for one thing. Needle exchange programs are already handing out more syringes at one time, and even shipping them out by mail.

The use of home HIV test kits, which have been around for years but have been under-utilized, will spread, said Stephen Lee, director of Nastad, an association of public health officials who specialize in HIV.

The CDC is pushing home-testing, and both Florida and Tennessee are considering implementing it, he told AFP.

"The pandemic has shown us that we can and should do it," he said.

Washington (AFP) - If lockdowns and stay-at-home orders are succeeding in slowing the spread of the coronavirus, health experts warn that the measures could unintentionally undermine efforts to contain another potentially deadly disease: HIV.

At the start of April, Travis Sanchez, an epidemiologist at Emory University, carried out an online survey of around 1,000 men who have sex with men, and half of them reported a drop in the number of sexual partners, as well as reduced use of hook-up apps.

In theory, this should reduce transmission.

But he quickly added a disturbing warning: a quarter of the men said they had experienced problems getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases, because thousands of centers that used to provide them have closed down.

That means that those people still having sex have no idea about their status, which Sanchez warned is a potential ticking bomb.

"It's very likely that people's risk behaviors will resume before they will have full access to prevention services," he said.

"And I think that combination could lead to increases in HIV transmission."

The full impact of the pandemic on HIV transmission will not be known before next year, when the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes its statistics on 2020 infections.

But numerous experts and healthcare professionals fear a step backward, a year after the United States announced the goal of cutting the number of new infections by 75 percent by the year 2025.

In Washington, a city that has been hit hard by HIV, the Whitman-Walker clinic has had to stop its daily walk-in tests for the virus and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Around 50 people used to come in every day to get tested, including many gay people, and for many it had become a routine check-up carried out every three months.

"All those folks are going without testing," said nurse practitioner Amanda Cary, who now only sees symptomatic patients by appointment. "I do think there's going to be a rise in STIs," she said.

The CDC told AFP it was expecting a drop in the number of STIs being diagnosed in the short term, "but an increase in the long-term once restrictions lift and more people are screened and tested again."

It said that for HIV, "the decrease in the availability of testing and limited access to treatment and prevention services may result in more infections and poor health outcomes in the long run."

- Everything can change -

In San Francisco, Doctor Matthew Spinelli worries about the homeless, or those who lack the connectivity to take part in the televisits that have replaced in-person visits to health centers.

"People are just scared of a hospital right now, so I'm pretty worried," said Spinelli, who practices at the city's largest hospital.

His clinic is also following some 3,000 people living with HIV.

He fears that in the chaos of the pandemic, some of them are not going to pharmacies or taking their daily medication, which could allow their viral load to shoot up and make the patients to become contagious again.

"I'm worried that their mental health or substance use may be worsening in this environment and hence their pill taking adherence is worse," he told AFP.

In the United States, the use of the preventive daily pill PrEP, which allows those who take it to be almost 100 percent risk-free from contracting HIV during unprotected sex, has increased, but Spinelli reports that some have stopped taking it during the lockdown.

Which leads to the question: will they start again afterwards?

"On the balance it is probably going to worsen the HIV epidemic, that would be my prediction, both in this country, and worldwide," Spinelli said.

But by forcing healthcare professionals to improvise, the pandemic will also bring about other lasting, positive changes in prevention strategies.

Telemedicine will become commonplace, for one thing. Needle exchange programs are already handing out more syringes at one time, and even shipping them out by mail.

The use of home HIV test kits, which have been around for years but have been under-utilized, will spread, said Stephen Lee, director of Nastad, an association of public health officials who specialize in HIV.

The CDC is pushing home-testing, and both Florida and Tennessee are considering implementing it, he told AFP.

"The pandemic has shown us that we can and should do it," he said.


Top Iranian General says new satellite launch reveals ‘intelligence defeat’ of Iran’s enemies

Top Iranian General says new satellite launch reveals ‘intelligence defeat’ of Iran’s enemies

The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri on Saturday said Iran's recently and successful launch of a satellite into outer space indicates a major “intelligence defeat and scandal” for the Islamic Republic’s foes, including the US,  Tasnim news agency reported

Iranian top General was quoted as saying this during a military gathering in Iran's capital Tehran on Saturday. He touted the satellite launch as something that might be followed by a shift in the balance of power in Tehran’s favour.

Baqeri also praised the launch as “an outstanding” example of smart planning, also giving kudos to the Iranian Armed Forces which managed to add to the Islamic Republic’s efforts to fight the coronavirus and deal with a strategy of boosting the country’s power.

A first military satellite named Noor is seen to be launched into orbit by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, in Semnan, Iran April 22, 2020.

Shortly after the 22 April launch, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, stated that Iran should “be held accountable for what it’s done”, claiming that the launch violated UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The resolution, however, does not prohibit Iran from launching satellites, but rather calls upon the country to avoid testing and launching any type of ballistic missiles, including those used in space programmes.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry, in turn, stated that its launch of the Noor (Light in Farsi) military satellite doesn’t violate any international resolutions. 

The ministry’s spokesman stressed that in this light, the US attempts to appeal to Resolution 2231 to condemn Iranian actions are irrelevant.

The launch was preceded by several unsuccessful attempts to put the Zafar satellite, designed to gather data on earthquakes and other natural disasters from space, into Earth’s orbit.

In February, Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami rejected US allegations that the satellite carriers could be turned into military missiles and that the recent unsuccessful launch of a Zafar satellite was part of Tehran’s missile programme.

Source: Sputnik
The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri on Saturday said Iran's recently and successful launch of a satellite into outer space indicates a major “intelligence defeat and scandal” for the Islamic Republic’s foes, including the US,  Tasnim news agency reported

Iranian top General was quoted as saying this during a military gathering in Iran's capital Tehran on Saturday. He touted the satellite launch as something that might be followed by a shift in the balance of power in Tehran’s favour.

Baqeri also praised the launch as “an outstanding” example of smart planning, also giving kudos to the Iranian Armed Forces which managed to add to the Islamic Republic’s efforts to fight the coronavirus and deal with a strategy of boosting the country’s power.

A first military satellite named Noor is seen to be launched into orbit by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, in Semnan, Iran April 22, 2020.

Shortly after the 22 April launch, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, stated that Iran should “be held accountable for what it’s done”, claiming that the launch violated UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

The resolution, however, does not prohibit Iran from launching satellites, but rather calls upon the country to avoid testing and launching any type of ballistic missiles, including those used in space programmes.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry, in turn, stated that its launch of the Noor (Light in Farsi) military satellite doesn’t violate any international resolutions. 

The ministry’s spokesman stressed that in this light, the US attempts to appeal to Resolution 2231 to condemn Iranian actions are irrelevant.

The launch was preceded by several unsuccessful attempts to put the Zafar satellite, designed to gather data on earthquakes and other natural disasters from space, into Earth’s orbit.

In February, Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami rejected US allegations that the satellite carriers could be turned into military missiles and that the recent unsuccessful launch of a Zafar satellite was part of Tehran’s missile programme.

Source: Sputnik

US preparing agreement on extraction of resources on the moon without the participation of Russia

US preparing agreement on extraction of resources on the moon without the participation of Russia

Russian Putin's spokesperson Peskov commented on the draft American agreement on the extraction of resources on the moon

A draft US mining agreement on the moon, prepared by the United States, requires in-depth analysis in terms of international law. This was announced to reporters by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

"We drew attention to this information, it requires in-depth analysis, including from the point of view of the existing international legal framework," he said, Tass reported on Wednesday.

The Agreement called Artemis Accords can be signed with some countries of the EU, Canada, Japan and the United Arab Emirates (officially, the partners have not yet received the draft documents). 

The document, expected to be a reference to international law to ensure the basis for the possession produced on the Earth’s satellite resources. 

The United States in 2015, adopted the law on the ownership of companies in the extracted outer space resources. However, in the international community there is no such law. In addition, the States party to the Treaty on outer space of 1967, which States that the Moon and other celestial bodies “are not subject to national development”.

While Russia, the main partner of NASA on the International space station (ISS), in the participants list no. As reported by Reuters, citing its sources, due to the fact that the Pentagon believes that the Russian satellites in earth orbit are increasingly making “threatening maneuvers” against the reconnaissance satellites of the United States.

the Agreement Accords Artemis is part of the plan of the administration of trump’s departure from the discussion of space exploration on the basis of the United Nations. As suggested in the White house, where it will be easier to reach consensus with a few like-minded people than to bring issues to public debate, especially that “working with States that are not space powers, unproductive,” Reuters quoted its source.

Artemis Accords – preparation for the implementation of the plan to NASA at a cost of tens of billions of dollars on the landing of men on the moon by 2024. It is expected that after the United States will create their “permanent presence” at the South pole of the moon, but private companies will be engaged in development of minerals, including production of rocket fuel. The moon is viewed including as a platform for Mars exploration.

Peskov said he was not yet ready to give a direct assessment of this project.

Russian Putin's spokesperson Peskov commented on the draft American agreement on the extraction of resources on the moon

A draft US mining agreement on the moon, prepared by the United States, requires in-depth analysis in terms of international law. This was announced to reporters by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

"We drew attention to this information, it requires in-depth analysis, including from the point of view of the existing international legal framework," he said, Tass reported on Wednesday.

The Agreement called Artemis Accords can be signed with some countries of the EU, Canada, Japan and the United Arab Emirates (officially, the partners have not yet received the draft documents). 

The document, expected to be a reference to international law to ensure the basis for the possession produced on the Earth’s satellite resources. 

The United States in 2015, adopted the law on the ownership of companies in the extracted outer space resources. However, in the international community there is no such law. In addition, the States party to the Treaty on outer space of 1967, which States that the Moon and other celestial bodies “are not subject to national development”.

While Russia, the main partner of NASA on the International space station (ISS), in the participants list no. As reported by Reuters, citing its sources, due to the fact that the Pentagon believes that the Russian satellites in earth orbit are increasingly making “threatening maneuvers” against the reconnaissance satellites of the United States.

the Agreement Accords Artemis is part of the plan of the administration of trump’s departure from the discussion of space exploration on the basis of the United Nations. As suggested in the White house, where it will be easier to reach consensus with a few like-minded people than to bring issues to public debate, especially that “working with States that are not space powers, unproductive,” Reuters quoted its source.

Artemis Accords – preparation for the implementation of the plan to NASA at a cost of tens of billions of dollars on the landing of men on the moon by 2024. It is expected that after the United States will create their “permanent presence” at the South pole of the moon, but private companies will be engaged in development of minerals, including production of rocket fuel. The moon is viewed including as a platform for Mars exploration.

Peskov said he was not yet ready to give a direct assessment of this project.

COVID-19: German scientists find antibodies that BLOCK coronavirus from spreading further

COVID-19: German scientists find antibodies that BLOCK coronavirus from spreading further

German Scientists have detected an antibody that blocks the coronavirus from entering cells, providing a much-needed shield for severely ill patients. While not a cure or vaccine, it is still a significant development.

“This is clearly a breakthrough that shows that we are on the right track for the development of a drug against Covid-19,” said virologist Professor Luka Cicin-Sain.

“In repeated experiments, we were able to show that this result is sustainable.”

Cicin-Sain and his team analyzed 6,000 different human antibodies and found more than 750 that dock with the coronavirus and prevent it from spreading further in already infected patients. The antibodies are currently undergoing additional testing on cell cultures to whittle their number down to find the most effective at blocking the infection.

“I am extremely happy about this great success of the research institutes in Lower Saxony, which gives hope for better healing results with Covid-19,” said Lower Saxony's Minister of Science Bjorn Thumler.

To be clear, the researchers are neither producing a vaccine nor a cure, but instead a potentially highly effective treatment for severely ill coronavirus patients which operates on the principle of “so-called passive immunization,” according to Stefan Dübel from the Technical University of Braunschweig, who added that “The effect is immediate: the antibodies take the potential away from the virus.”

The team, who worked in collaboration with biotech company Yumab, is hoping to begin clinical trials in the autumn.

Meanwhile, the broad-spectrum antiviral medication Remdesivir – originally developed to treat the Ebola and Marburg viruses – is being used in trials with coronavirus patients, despite its apparent ineffectiveness in follow-up tests, after one study found the drug shortened coronavirus infection recovery times.

German Scientists have detected an antibody that blocks the coronavirus from entering cells, providing a much-needed shield for severely ill patients. While not a cure or vaccine, it is still a significant development.

“This is clearly a breakthrough that shows that we are on the right track for the development of a drug against Covid-19,” said virologist Professor Luka Cicin-Sain.

“In repeated experiments, we were able to show that this result is sustainable.”

Cicin-Sain and his team analyzed 6,000 different human antibodies and found more than 750 that dock with the coronavirus and prevent it from spreading further in already infected patients. The antibodies are currently undergoing additional testing on cell cultures to whittle their number down to find the most effective at blocking the infection.

“I am extremely happy about this great success of the research institutes in Lower Saxony, which gives hope for better healing results with Covid-19,” said Lower Saxony's Minister of Science Bjorn Thumler.

To be clear, the researchers are neither producing a vaccine nor a cure, but instead a potentially highly effective treatment for severely ill coronavirus patients which operates on the principle of “so-called passive immunization,” according to Stefan Dübel from the Technical University of Braunschweig, who added that “The effect is immediate: the antibodies take the potential away from the virus.”

The team, who worked in collaboration with biotech company Yumab, is hoping to begin clinical trials in the autumn.

Meanwhile, the broad-spectrum antiviral medication Remdesivir – originally developed to treat the Ebola and Marburg viruses – is being used in trials with coronavirus patients, despite its apparent ineffectiveness in follow-up tests, after one study found the drug shortened coronavirus infection recovery times.

COVID-19: Israel claims "significant breakthrough" in virus treatment

COVID-19: Israel claims "significant breakthrough" in virus treatment

State of Israel has claimed "significant breakthrough" in the treatment of coronavirus patients. According to Israel’s defence minister Naftali Bennett, researchers in the country have made a “significant breakthrough” in a possible treatment for Covid-19 patients.

Bennett said the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) developed antibodies – proteins that help the immune system to fight infection – that “can neutralise (the coronavirus) inside carriers’ bodies.”

Bennett had visited the IIBR on Monday where he was briefed “on a significant breakthrough in finding an antidote for the coronavirus”, his office said in a statement. The treatment was currently being patented, and the IIBR was looking to mass-produce it.

It was not clear what timeframe for the treatment being widely available was, or if animal or human trials were due to be conducted.

The announcement follows a similar study by researchers in the Netherlands, who said on Monday that they had developed an antibody that can kill the virus within a lab setting.

Roughly 100 other research groups around the world are currently pursuing vaccines, which would provide immunity from infection.

In Africa, Madagascar has announced a national breakthrough in herbs for the treatment of the pandemic virus. In April, the president of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina has officially launched a local herbal remedy claimed to prevent and cure the novel coronavirus.

“Tests have been carried out — two people have now been cured by this treatment,” Rajoelina told ministers, diplomats and journalists at the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research (IMRA), which developed the beverage.

"This herbal tea gives results in seven days,” he said.

State of Israel has claimed "significant breakthrough" in the treatment of coronavirus patients. According to Israel’s defence minister Naftali Bennett, researchers in the country have made a “significant breakthrough” in a possible treatment for Covid-19 patients.

Bennett said the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) developed antibodies – proteins that help the immune system to fight infection – that “can neutralise (the coronavirus) inside carriers’ bodies.”

Bennett had visited the IIBR on Monday where he was briefed “on a significant breakthrough in finding an antidote for the coronavirus”, his office said in a statement. The treatment was currently being patented, and the IIBR was looking to mass-produce it.

It was not clear what timeframe for the treatment being widely available was, or if animal or human trials were due to be conducted.

The announcement follows a similar study by researchers in the Netherlands, who said on Monday that they had developed an antibody that can kill the virus within a lab setting.

Roughly 100 other research groups around the world are currently pursuing vaccines, which would provide immunity from infection.

In Africa, Madagascar has announced a national breakthrough in herbs for the treatment of the pandemic virus. In April, the president of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina has officially launched a local herbal remedy claimed to prevent and cure the novel coronavirus.

“Tests have been carried out — two people have now been cured by this treatment,” Rajoelina told ministers, diplomats and journalists at the Malagasy Institute of Applied Research (IMRA), which developed the beverage.

"This herbal tea gives results in seven days,” he said.

Five Eyes spies have NO EVIDENCE that coronavirus emerged from Wuhan lab, report suggests creating a U-turn on previous leaks

Five Eyes spies have NO EVIDENCE that coronavirus emerged from Wuhan lab, report suggests creating a U-turn on previous leaks

There is no evidence to substantiate the Trump administration’s claims that Covid-19 came from a Chinese laboratory, according to intelligence sources, raising questions about a leaked dossier blaming Beijing for the pandemic.

Sources that spoke to the Guardian said that a 15-page dossier which accused China of carrying out a cover-up to hide its role in the global health crisis was not based on intelligence taken from the infamous ‘Five Eyes’ network, which includes spy agencies from the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Beijing could have been more forthcoming about what was happening in Wuhan – the original epicenter of the pandemic – but pressing the issue could risk a dangerous escalation between the West and China, Five Eyes agencies believe, according to the Guardian report.

Over the weekend, the Australian Sunday Telegraph claimed it saw a dossier, allegedly compiled by “concerned Western governments,” which claimed that the Five Eyes intelligence agencies are probing Beijing’s involvement in the Covid-19 outbreak.

The leak coincided with incendiary remarks from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who claimed there was a “significant amount of evidence” that the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Although it’s still not clear how Covid-19 emerged, Washington has promoted the theory that China is to be blamed for the health crisis.

The UK has taken a different approach to determining the cause of the crisis. Downing Street has resisted assigning blame for Covid-19, though it has stressed that questions need to be answered about the origin and spread of the virus in order to better prepare for future global pandemics.

Beijing has strongly denied any involvement in the spread of the illness, and has challenged Pompeo to produce the evidence purportedly showing its links to the pandemic. The secretary of state is engaged in the spread of a dangerous “political virus,” China has said.

There is no evidence to substantiate the Trump administration’s claims that Covid-19 came from a Chinese laboratory, according to intelligence sources, raising questions about a leaked dossier blaming Beijing for the pandemic.

Sources that spoke to the Guardian said that a 15-page dossier which accused China of carrying out a cover-up to hide its role in the global health crisis was not based on intelligence taken from the infamous ‘Five Eyes’ network, which includes spy agencies from the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Beijing could have been more forthcoming about what was happening in Wuhan – the original epicenter of the pandemic – but pressing the issue could risk a dangerous escalation between the West and China, Five Eyes agencies believe, according to the Guardian report.

Over the weekend, the Australian Sunday Telegraph claimed it saw a dossier, allegedly compiled by “concerned Western governments,” which claimed that the Five Eyes intelligence agencies are probing Beijing’s involvement in the Covid-19 outbreak.

The leak coincided with incendiary remarks from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who claimed there was a “significant amount of evidence” that the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Although it’s still not clear how Covid-19 emerged, Washington has promoted the theory that China is to be blamed for the health crisis.

The UK has taken a different approach to determining the cause of the crisis. Downing Street has resisted assigning blame for Covid-19, though it has stressed that questions need to be answered about the origin and spread of the virus in order to better prepare for future global pandemics.

Beijing has strongly denied any involvement in the spread of the illness, and has challenged Pompeo to produce the evidence purportedly showing its links to the pandemic. The secretary of state is engaged in the spread of a dangerous “political virus,” China has said.



Ten African Heads of States discussed about Covid Organics, through video conference call recently about the drug produced by Madagascar sourced from natural plants. Below you have the list of participants in that conference call

Andry Rajoelina —Madagascar 🇲🇬
Cyril Ramaphosa — South Africa 🇿🇦
Paul Kagame — Rwanda 🇷🇼
Uhuru Kenyatta — Kenya 🇰🇪
Ali Bongo — Gabon 🇬🇦
Idriss Deby — Chad 🇹🇩
Felix Tshisekedi — DRCongo 🇨🇩
Abdul Fatah El Sisi — Egypt 🇪🇬
Boubacar Kata — Mali 🇲🇱
Mohamadou Issoufou — Niger 🇳🇪

Recall Andry Rajoelina of Madagascar met with Macky Sall of Senegal last week also about same issue. Also the school kids in Madagascar are back in school now, its compulsory for students to take the herbal mixture and the lockdown in the country is now lifted

In contrast Nigerian Professor Maurice Iwu in a viral video lamented lack of cooperation by Nigerian government, made efforts reaching out to both Minister of Health and Science & Technology but rebuffed by the duo. He claimed to have found a cure for Coronavirus, His research effort acknowledged and efficacy proven against Ebola and SARS Virus in the past which can also be used for COVID-19 cure

This is a man who studied at the University of Bradford, England, receiving a Master of Pharmacy degree in 1976, and a Ph.D in 1978. He was World Health Organisation (WHO) Visiting Scholar to Dyson Perrins Laboratory, University of Oxford (1980), Fulbright Senior Scholar, Ohio State University and won the U.S National Research International Prize for Ethnobiology in 1999.

Guess what Nigerian government will rather accept vaccines from WHO and any other from abroad but research findings by Nigerians are ignored, you will expect government to at least try and engage the Professors in Nigeria first. We can see the difference in leadership approach of President Andry Rajoelina who supported the effort in his country, applauded and recognised by many today compared to our leaders in Nigeria

Please watch the video of TVC News interview of Prof Maurice Iwu , you can now decipher and reflect on the title above


Femi Ogunsanwo
Ten African Heads of States discussed about Covid Organics, through video conference call recently about the drug produced by Madagascar sourced from natural plants. Below you have the list of participants in that conference call

Andry Rajoelina —Madagascar 🇲🇬
Cyril Ramaphosa — South Africa 🇿🇦
Paul Kagame — Rwanda 🇷🇼
Uhuru Kenyatta — Kenya 🇰🇪
Ali Bongo — Gabon 🇬🇦
Idriss Deby — Chad 🇹🇩
Felix Tshisekedi — DRCongo 🇨🇩
Abdul Fatah El Sisi — Egypt 🇪🇬
Boubacar Kata — Mali 🇲🇱
Mohamadou Issoufou — Niger 🇳🇪

Recall Andry Rajoelina of Madagascar met with Macky Sall of Senegal last week also about same issue. Also the school kids in Madagascar are back in school now, its compulsory for students to take the herbal mixture and the lockdown in the country is now lifted

In contrast Nigerian Professor Maurice Iwu in a viral video lamented lack of cooperation by Nigerian government, made efforts reaching out to both Minister of Health and Science & Technology but rebuffed by the duo. He claimed to have found a cure for Coronavirus, His research effort acknowledged and efficacy proven against Ebola and SARS Virus in the past which can also be used for COVID-19 cure

This is a man who studied at the University of Bradford, England, receiving a Master of Pharmacy degree in 1976, and a Ph.D in 1978. He was World Health Organisation (WHO) Visiting Scholar to Dyson Perrins Laboratory, University of Oxford (1980), Fulbright Senior Scholar, Ohio State University and won the U.S National Research International Prize for Ethnobiology in 1999.

Guess what Nigerian government will rather accept vaccines from WHO and any other from abroad but research findings by Nigerians are ignored, you will expect government to at least try and engage the Professors in Nigeria first. We can see the difference in leadership approach of President Andry Rajoelina who supported the effort in his country, applauded and recognised by many today compared to our leaders in Nigeria

Please watch the video of TVC News interview of Prof Maurice Iwu , you can now decipher and reflect on the title above


Femi Ogunsanwo

US should have spent half its military budget on healthcare system instead of missiles, 'ex-economic hitman' Perkins says

US should have spent half its military budget on healthcare system instead of missiles, 'ex-economic hitman' Perkins says

The Covid-19 pandemic should be a rallying call to change an economic system that spends billions each year on the tools of war but can't produce a decent healthcare system, bestselling author John Perkins told RT.

Perkins is best known for his book 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,' in which he describes how American corporate elites plunder other nations to enrich themselves.

The economic system that puts immediate gains above all else, which Perkins calls an "economy of death" may be as lethal to common Americans as to people in Latin America or Eastern Asia, he said in an interview with RT Spanish. One only needs to look at the death toll of the Covid-19 epidemic in the US to see the proof.

"Our annual military budget is something between $600 billion and $700 billion. But we've just spent about $3 trillion to fight coronavirus. If we had spent half of that military budget over the last 10 years creating a better healthcare system in this country, we would all be better off now. The world would be better off," he said.

The big flaw of the current arrangement is that corporations don't suffer financially for inflicting long-term damage.

"In a way, it boils down to the driving force behind the 'death economy,' which is to maximize the short-term profits regardless of social or environmental costs," Perkins said.

Changing the equation would require a shift in public policy that would incentivize investment in projects with long-term public benefits. Unfortunately, the US government's priorities are pretty far from that goal, judging by the bloated defense budget, the author believes.

"Fifty-four percent of my taxpayer dollars in the discretionary budget in the US go to the military industry. You know, to kill people, basically," he said. "Imagine if that money or some large portion of that money was instead paid [to improve the lives of people].

We could pay Raytheon and Boston Dynamics that currently make missiles to instead create processes for mining all the plastic in the ocean!

The coronavirus death toll is just one of many examples of how the same people who bend weaker governments to their wills with conditional loans, corrupt deals and occasionally orchestrated coups hurt the American public, Perkins told Rafael Correa, the former president of Ecuador, who hosts his own show on RT.

"The economic hitmen system that started by us exploiting other countries… has now spread around the world and came back to hurt ourselves," he said. "It's an extremely effective systems of using death and fear. Either the fear of being killed in case of a [foreign] president, or the fear of having debt for the rest of your life in the case of students in the United States."

Climate change, income inequality, terrorism, extinction of species – all of these things "are symptoms of a global economic system that is not working," Perkins said.

The Covid-19 pandemic should be a rallying call to change an economic system that spends billions each year on the tools of war but can't produce a decent healthcare system, bestselling author John Perkins told RT.

Perkins is best known for his book 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,' in which he describes how American corporate elites plunder other nations to enrich themselves.

The economic system that puts immediate gains above all else, which Perkins calls an "economy of death" may be as lethal to common Americans as to people in Latin America or Eastern Asia, he said in an interview with RT Spanish. One only needs to look at the death toll of the Covid-19 epidemic in the US to see the proof.

"Our annual military budget is something between $600 billion and $700 billion. But we've just spent about $3 trillion to fight coronavirus. If we had spent half of that military budget over the last 10 years creating a better healthcare system in this country, we would all be better off now. The world would be better off," he said.

The big flaw of the current arrangement is that corporations don't suffer financially for inflicting long-term damage.

"In a way, it boils down to the driving force behind the 'death economy,' which is to maximize the short-term profits regardless of social or environmental costs," Perkins said.

Changing the equation would require a shift in public policy that would incentivize investment in projects with long-term public benefits. Unfortunately, the US government's priorities are pretty far from that goal, judging by the bloated defense budget, the author believes.

"Fifty-four percent of my taxpayer dollars in the discretionary budget in the US go to the military industry. You know, to kill people, basically," he said. "Imagine if that money or some large portion of that money was instead paid [to improve the lives of people].

We could pay Raytheon and Boston Dynamics that currently make missiles to instead create processes for mining all the plastic in the ocean!

The coronavirus death toll is just one of many examples of how the same people who bend weaker governments to their wills with conditional loans, corrupt deals and occasionally orchestrated coups hurt the American public, Perkins told Rafael Correa, the former president of Ecuador, who hosts his own show on RT.

"The economic hitmen system that started by us exploiting other countries… has now spread around the world and came back to hurt ourselves," he said. "It's an extremely effective systems of using death and fear. Either the fear of being killed in case of a [foreign] president, or the fear of having debt for the rest of your life in the case of students in the United States."

Climate change, income inequality, terrorism, extinction of species – all of these things "are symptoms of a global economic system that is not working," Perkins said.


President Trump says he has ‘high confidence’ Covid-19 originated in Wuhan lab

President Trump says he has ‘high confidence’ Covid-19 originated in Wuhan lab

US President Donald Trump told reporters he believed the novel coronavirus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, declining to elaborate why, after US intelligence said it believes the virus was natural in origin.

Asked on Thursday if he had a “high degree of confidence” that the coronavirus originated at the laboratory, Trump replied “Yes, I have.”

“I can't tell you that. I'm not allowed to tell you that,” was his response to reporters who asked on what basis he was making that judgment.

President Trump is asked about the origins of the Coronavirus.

Q: “Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this Virus?
”TRUMP: “Yes, I have.”— Benny (@bennyjohnson) April 30, 2020

Earlier in the day, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a statement saying that the US intelligence community “concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified.”

US spies “will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan,” the ODNI added.

Trump scoffed at the statement when asked about it at the press event, but the ODNI is currently run by his confidant Ambassador Rick Grenell, pending the Senate confirmation of another ally, Congressman John Ratcliffe.

The US president has repeatedly blamed China for the Covid-19 pandemic, arguing that while Beijing locked down Wuhan and the surrounding province, it allowed Chinese nationals to travel abroad, spreading the virus.

The first recorded US cases were among the nationals evacuated from Wuhan in January, but the virus rapidly spread despite a national emergency declaration and draconian lockdowns. More than a million Americans have been infected as of this week, with more than 61,000 fatalities attributed to the virus.

Trump’s finger-pointing at China follows criticism from the Democrats, who have embraced the lockdowns but blame the president for both the deaths and the economic destruction the virus has wrought on the US, with more than 30 million Americans filing for unemployment so far. RT
US President Donald Trump told reporters he believed the novel coronavirus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, declining to elaborate why, after US intelligence said it believes the virus was natural in origin.

Asked on Thursday if he had a “high degree of confidence” that the coronavirus originated at the laboratory, Trump replied “Yes, I have.”

“I can't tell you that. I'm not allowed to tell you that,” was his response to reporters who asked on what basis he was making that judgment.

President Trump is asked about the origins of the Coronavirus.

Q: “Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this Virus?
”TRUMP: “Yes, I have.”— Benny (@bennyjohnson) April 30, 2020

Earlier in the day, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a statement saying that the US intelligence community “concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified.”

US spies “will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan,” the ODNI added.

Trump scoffed at the statement when asked about it at the press event, but the ODNI is currently run by his confidant Ambassador Rick Grenell, pending the Senate confirmation of another ally, Congressman John Ratcliffe.

The US president has repeatedly blamed China for the Covid-19 pandemic, arguing that while Beijing locked down Wuhan and the surrounding province, it allowed Chinese nationals to travel abroad, spreading the virus.

The first recorded US cases were among the nationals evacuated from Wuhan in January, but the virus rapidly spread despite a national emergency declaration and draconian lockdowns. More than a million Americans have been infected as of this week, with more than 61,000 fatalities attributed to the virus.

Trump’s finger-pointing at China follows criticism from the Democrats, who have embraced the lockdowns but blame the president for both the deaths and the economic destruction the virus has wrought on the US, with more than 30 million Americans filing for unemployment so far. RT

UK may miss Covid-19 testing target as its death toll jumps to second in Europe

UK may miss Covid-19 testing target as its death toll jumps to second in Europe

A cabinet minister has admitted that the UK is on track to miss its target of carrying out 100,000 coronavirus tests a day by the end of April. It comes after the country jumped to second in Europe for fatalities from Covid-19.

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock sets the goal amid intense scrutiny earlier this month. But as April draws to a close, only 52,429 tests were completed on Wednesday, leaving the UK far short of its stated goal and raising further questions about the government’s handling of the crisis.

Justice Minister Robert Buckland conceded that the goal may not be met in TV interviews on Thursday. “Even if it isn’t met, we’re well on our way to ramping this up and 100,000 is an important milestone, but frankly we need more,” he said.

“Yes, 52,000 isn’t 100,000, I know that... but we are straining every sinew to get there... If [Hancock] hadn’t set a target he would have been criticized for being unambitious. I think now is the time in respect of this to be bold,” Buckland added.

On Wednesday, the UK’s official death toll from Covid-19 overtook those of France and Spain after health officials finally included people who died in care homes and the wider community in the fatality figures.

Previously, only people who died in hospital after testing positive for the illness were included in the stats, leading to question marks about the veracity of what Britons were being told.
A cabinet minister has admitted that the UK is on track to miss its target of carrying out 100,000 coronavirus tests a day by the end of April. It comes after the country jumped to second in Europe for fatalities from Covid-19.

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock sets the goal amid intense scrutiny earlier this month. But as April draws to a close, only 52,429 tests were completed on Wednesday, leaving the UK far short of its stated goal and raising further questions about the government’s handling of the crisis.

Justice Minister Robert Buckland conceded that the goal may not be met in TV interviews on Thursday. “Even if it isn’t met, we’re well on our way to ramping this up and 100,000 is an important milestone, but frankly we need more,” he said.

“Yes, 52,000 isn’t 100,000, I know that... but we are straining every sinew to get there... If [Hancock] hadn’t set a target he would have been criticized for being unambitious. I think now is the time in respect of this to be bold,” Buckland added.

On Wednesday, the UK’s official death toll from Covid-19 overtook those of France and Spain after health officials finally included people who died in care homes and the wider community in the fatality figures.

Previously, only people who died in hospital after testing positive for the illness were included in the stats, leading to question marks about the veracity of what Britons were being told.

Covid-19: A strain of Coronavirus was already 'silently circulating' in France before virus arrived from China & Italy – study

Covid-19: A strain of Coronavirus was already 'silently circulating' in France before virus arrived from China & Italy – study

The outbreak of the coronavirus in France has little to do with cases imported from China or Italy, as another strain of the disease of unknown origin had already been infecting people in the country, research claims. RT reported Wednesday. 

The virologists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris have sequenced the genomes from samples taken from 97 French and three Algerian coronavirus patients between January 24 and March 24.

What they found is that the dominant types of Covid-19 viral strains in France differed from those that arrived from China or Italy, and belonged to another group, or 'clade.'

The earliest sample in the French clade dated from February 19 and came from an infected person who hadn't traveled abroad recently and had no contacts with possible carriers of the disease.

"We can infer that the virus was silently circulating in France in February" prior to the wave of Covid-19 cases in the country, the virologists said in a paper, published on bioRxiv website but not yet peer-reviewed.

The origins of this third strain were unknown to the scientists. They also pointed out that their sampling was insufficient to reliably establish the time of its introduction in France.

The first coronavirus-related fatality was registered in the country in mid-February, with 129,859 people confirmed as infected and 23,660 dying from complications related to the highly contagious disease since then.

The outbreak of the coronavirus in France has little to do with cases imported from China or Italy, as another strain of the disease of unknown origin had already been infecting people in the country, research claims. RT reported Wednesday. 

The virologists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris have sequenced the genomes from samples taken from 97 French and three Algerian coronavirus patients between January 24 and March 24.

What they found is that the dominant types of Covid-19 viral strains in France differed from those that arrived from China or Italy, and belonged to another group, or 'clade.'

The earliest sample in the French clade dated from February 19 and came from an infected person who hadn't traveled abroad recently and had no contacts with possible carriers of the disease.

"We can infer that the virus was silently circulating in France in February" prior to the wave of Covid-19 cases in the country, the virologists said in a paper, published on bioRxiv website but not yet peer-reviewed.

The origins of this third strain were unknown to the scientists. They also pointed out that their sampling was insufficient to reliably establish the time of its introduction in France.

The first coronavirus-related fatality was registered in the country in mid-February, with 129,859 people confirmed as infected and 23,660 dying from complications related to the highly contagious disease since then.



"Idayat Gbadamosi, an associate professor at the University of Ibadan, has written a yet-to-be-published paper on possible herbal ways of preventing the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)"- Cable News
I read the report somewhere last week that donations to Covid-19 account with CBN is about N27 Billion now, but I have not read anywhere or from anyone where a little percentage like N1Billion which is less than 5% of the money is set aside by government in support of research efforts in our Universities

According to Metro UK newspaper on 26th March, The international race to find a vaccine against coronavirus has been boosted by a UK pledge of £210 million, the largest single contribution from any one country. The donation was announced by Boris Johnson following a virtual G20 Summit and raises the total amount of UK aid spent fighting coronavirus to £540 million.

From University of Oxford website I gathered also three Oxford-based COVID-19 projects are among the first to benefit from a share of £20 million in government investment with Imperial College London

So the nagging question remains what stops Nigerian government in funding research efforts in Universities of Ibadan, University of Lagos, University of Ilorin, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ahmadu Bello University and University of Nigeria Nsukka respectively

N200Million grant for each of the top universities will go a long way in supporting research efforts in overcoming challenges posed by Coronavirus and portion of money generated presently should be for R & D and not for palliatives which is distributed with lopsided sentiments along ethnic lines and north-south dichotomy


Femi Ogunsanwo
"Idayat Gbadamosi, an associate professor at the University of Ibadan, has written a yet-to-be-published paper on possible herbal ways of preventing the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)"- Cable News
I read the report somewhere last week that donations to Covid-19 account with CBN is about N27 Billion now, but I have not read anywhere or from anyone where a little percentage like N1Billion which is less than 5% of the money is set aside by government in support of research efforts in our Universities

According to Metro UK newspaper on 26th March, The international race to find a vaccine against coronavirus has been boosted by a UK pledge of £210 million, the largest single contribution from any one country. The donation was announced by Boris Johnson following a virtual G20 Summit and raises the total amount of UK aid spent fighting coronavirus to £540 million.

From University of Oxford website I gathered also three Oxford-based COVID-19 projects are among the first to benefit from a share of £20 million in government investment with Imperial College London

So the nagging question remains what stops Nigerian government in funding research efforts in Universities of Ibadan, University of Lagos, University of Ilorin, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ahmadu Bello University and University of Nigeria Nsukka respectively

N200Million grant for each of the top universities will go a long way in supporting research efforts in overcoming challenges posed by Coronavirus and portion of money generated presently should be for R & D and not for palliatives which is distributed with lopsided sentiments along ethnic lines and north-south dichotomy


Femi Ogunsanwo



"To achieve victory we must mass our forces at the hub of all power & movement. The enemy's center of gravity"- Carl von Clausewitz
I don't know if our leaders are looking at the proactive strategy of the administration in Senegal. I know for certain from my contacts there, first incidence of Coronavirus in the country was 2nd March and I knew they are better prepared. The country is on partial lockdown and they are flattening the curve still. Till yesterday 26th April there are 671 cases, 283 recovered and 9 deaths

It's not just the Western world that has the scientific know-how to beat the virus, in Senegal a laboratory has used its AIDS and Ebola experience to develop a $1 (One United States Dollars) COVID-19 testing kit. So what do we have in Nigeria? which laboratory in Nigeria is developing a testing kit for the virus

I am sure we realise to overcome the challenges posed by COVID-19 we need to be proactive and treat it like an enemy just like Senegal did, a little nation of 16 million inhabitants, by the way the cases there were more than the incidence of cases in Nigeria a month ago

"It is even better to act quickly and err than to hesitate until the time of action is past"- Carl von Clausewitz

"To achieve victory we must mass our forces at the hub of all power & movement. The enemy's center of gravity"- Carl von Clausewitz
I don't know if our leaders are looking at the proactive strategy of the administration in Senegal. I know for certain from my contacts there, first incidence of Coronavirus in the country was 2nd March and I knew they are better prepared. The country is on partial lockdown and they are flattening the curve still. Till yesterday 26th April there are 671 cases, 283 recovered and 9 deaths

It's not just the Western world that has the scientific know-how to beat the virus, in Senegal a laboratory has used its AIDS and Ebola experience to develop a $1 (One United States Dollars) COVID-19 testing kit. So what do we have in Nigeria? which laboratory in Nigeria is developing a testing kit for the virus

I am sure we realise to overcome the challenges posed by COVID-19 we need to be proactive and treat it like an enemy just like Senegal did, a little nation of 16 million inhabitants, by the way the cases there were more than the incidence of cases in Nigeria a month ago

"It is even better to act quickly and err than to hesitate until the time of action is past"- Carl von Clausewitz


ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine: Claim that first volunteer in the UK corona virus vaccine trial has died is false

ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine: Claim that first volunteer in the UK corona virus vaccine trial has died is false

Volunteer says she is 'doing fine' after online death rumours

A false news article headlined "First Volunteer in UK Corona Virus Trial, Elisa Granato, Dies" was shared by social media users on Sunday, April 26, 2020 (here) (here).

The claim made in this article is untrue. Elisa Granato was one of the first two volunteers to be injected in a trial of a potential COVID-19 vaccine at Oxford University on Thursday April 23, 2020 (here) (here).

Fake news has been circulating on social media that the first volunteer in the Oxford vaccine trial has died. This is not true! I spent several minutes this morning chatting with Elisa Granato via Skype. She is very much alive and told me she is feeling “absolutely fine”

The University of Oxford News Office confirmed on April 26 that she was “alive and well”. Reuters reported.

Granato and Edward O’Neill received an injection of a vaccine labelled “ChAdOx1 nCoV-19”.

The Oxford scientists said last week that large-scale production capacity was being put in place to make millions of doses of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 shot, even before trials show whether it is effective (here).

VERDICT: false.

Elisa Granato, a volunteer in a trial of a potential COVID-19 vaccine at Oxford University, is alive and well, the University confirmed to Reuters on April 26, 2020.

Granato said she is “doing fine”, Following the article about her “death”, she tweeted about the news before making her Twitter account private. She wrote: “Nothing like waking up to a fake article on your death ... I’m doing fine everyone.”

The government later said the article was “completely untrue”, and warned people about sharing unsubstantiated claims online.

ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine is considered the ultimate exit strategy from lockdown by many experts, and scientists across the world are racing to develop one that can be produced at scale.

The Oxford Vaccine Group hopes to have at least a million doses ready in September.

Volunteer says she is 'doing fine' after online death rumours

A false news article headlined "First Volunteer in UK Corona Virus Trial, Elisa Granato, Dies" was shared by social media users on Sunday, April 26, 2020 (here) (here).

The claim made in this article is untrue. Elisa Granato was one of the first two volunteers to be injected in a trial of a potential COVID-19 vaccine at Oxford University on Thursday April 23, 2020 (here) (here).

Fake news has been circulating on social media that the first volunteer in the Oxford vaccine trial has died. This is not true! I spent several minutes this morning chatting with Elisa Granato via Skype. She is very much alive and told me she is feeling “absolutely fine”

The University of Oxford News Office confirmed on April 26 that she was “alive and well”. Reuters reported.

Granato and Edward O’Neill received an injection of a vaccine labelled “ChAdOx1 nCoV-19”.

The Oxford scientists said last week that large-scale production capacity was being put in place to make millions of doses of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 shot, even before trials show whether it is effective (here).

VERDICT: false.

Elisa Granato, a volunteer in a trial of a potential COVID-19 vaccine at Oxford University, is alive and well, the University confirmed to Reuters on April 26, 2020.

Granato said she is “doing fine”, Following the article about her “death”, she tweeted about the news before making her Twitter account private. She wrote: “Nothing like waking up to a fake article on your death ... I’m doing fine everyone.”

The government later said the article was “completely untrue”, and warned people about sharing unsubstantiated claims online.

ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine is considered the ultimate exit strategy from lockdown by many experts, and scientists across the world are racing to develop one that can be produced at scale.

The Oxford Vaccine Group hopes to have at least a million doses ready in September.

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