


Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Religious Leaders: Unmasking the Tool of White Supremacy in African Contexts - Nigeria as Case study

Religious Leaders: Unmasking the Tool of White Supremacy in African Contexts - Nigeria as Case study

Nigeria, often referred to as the "most religious country in the world," boasts a staggering number of churches across the nation. However, despite the proliferation of these religious institutions, the country continues to grapple with high crime rates and widespread political corruption. This raises questions about the role of churches in shaping the moral landscape of the nation and their influence on addressing societal challenges.

A study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2018 found that 46% of Nigerians attend church services at least once a week. Yet, the same country is plagued by rampant corruption, ranking 149 out of 180 countries on the 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index. Additionally, Nigeria faces alarming crime rates, with kidnapping, armed robbery, and other violent crimes remaining pervasive.

Some argue that churches have become overly focused on promoting prosperity theology and accumulating wealth, neglecting their responsibility to address the societal ills that plague the nation. With pastors living lavish lifestyles and amassing fortunes, it is reasonable to question whether these religious leaders are genuinely committed to advancing the well-being of their congregations and communities.

Moreover, churches in Nigeria have historically shied away from directly confronting political corruption, often focusing on spiritual matters while avoiding engagement in political discourse. However, as institutions with significant influence and reach, churches have the potential to serve as powerful platforms for addressing corruption and promoting good governance.

Here are some scriptures that can be relevant to the topic at hand:

Matthew 7:15-16 - "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

Romans 16:17-18 - "I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people."

1 Timothy 6:3-5 - "If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain."

As Nigeria navigates its complex challenges, it is crucial for religious institutions to reflect on their role in shaping society and addressing its most pressing issues. By moving beyond a focus on individual prosperity and actively engaging with political and social challenges, churches can become catalysts for positive change and contribute to building a more just and equitable nation.

*I’m Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, President One Love Foundation*

Nigeria, often referred to as the "most religious country in the world," boasts a staggering number of churches across the nation. However, despite the proliferation of these religious institutions, the country continues to grapple with high crime rates and widespread political corruption. This raises questions about the role of churches in shaping the moral landscape of the nation and their influence on addressing societal challenges.

A study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2018 found that 46% of Nigerians attend church services at least once a week. Yet, the same country is plagued by rampant corruption, ranking 149 out of 180 countries on the 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index. Additionally, Nigeria faces alarming crime rates, with kidnapping, armed robbery, and other violent crimes remaining pervasive.

Some argue that churches have become overly focused on promoting prosperity theology and accumulating wealth, neglecting their responsibility to address the societal ills that plague the nation. With pastors living lavish lifestyles and amassing fortunes, it is reasonable to question whether these religious leaders are genuinely committed to advancing the well-being of their congregations and communities.

Moreover, churches in Nigeria have historically shied away from directly confronting political corruption, often focusing on spiritual matters while avoiding engagement in political discourse. However, as institutions with significant influence and reach, churches have the potential to serve as powerful platforms for addressing corruption and promoting good governance.

Here are some scriptures that can be relevant to the topic at hand:

Matthew 7:15-16 - "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

Romans 16:17-18 - "I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people."

1 Timothy 6:3-5 - "If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain."

As Nigeria navigates its complex challenges, it is crucial for religious institutions to reflect on their role in shaping society and addressing its most pressing issues. By moving beyond a focus on individual prosperity and actively engaging with political and social challenges, churches can become catalysts for positive change and contribute to building a more just and equitable nation.

*I’m Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, President One Love Foundation*






“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

• This month shall be our month of divine liberty.

• From today, you will enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God

• Your marriage, ministry, career, education and business will enjoy divine liberty from now.

• There shall be no more oppressions, restrictions, and intimidations for you and your family.

• Your total freedom is hereby established and enforced, going forward.

• Every demonic operation around your life and ministry is hereby terminated.

• Every force from the pit of hell challenging your faith in Christ is hereby silenced forever.

• The works of darkness around you and your family is finally destroyed.

• Your destiny of dominion and authority is now established.

• The God who delivered the nation of Israel from the Philistines and defeated Goliath permanently, will defeat all your enemies this month and beyond.

• Nothing will hold you down against God’s plan and purpose for your life.

• You will no longer serve your enemy.

• From today, you will serve the Lord without fear or intimidations.

• The name of the Lord shall be your defense against all assaults of the wicked.

• If the enemies come against you in one way, they shall flee in seven ways.

• No enemy will be able to stand before you, all the days of your life.

• The Son of God will give you victory no matter the battle or challenges that come your way.

• The Lord will give His angels charge over you to keep you and your household in all your ways.

• You will go out with joy and come back with celebration of praise.

• You will go from glory to glory, from strength to strength and from victory to victory.

• No more limitations but liberty all the way for you and family.

• Your season of uninterrupted peace is here.

• All assemblies of GOFAMINT worldwide will continue to enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God in all their realms.

• So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International, because our season of divine liberty is here.




“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

• This month shall be our month of divine liberty.

• From today, you will enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God

• Your marriage, ministry, career, education and business will enjoy divine liberty from now.

• There shall be no more oppressions, restrictions, and intimidations for you and your family.

• Your total freedom is hereby established and enforced, going forward.

• Every demonic operation around your life and ministry is hereby terminated.

• Every force from the pit of hell challenging your faith in Christ is hereby silenced forever.

• The works of darkness around you and your family is finally destroyed.

• Your destiny of dominion and authority is now established.

• The God who delivered the nation of Israel from the Philistines and defeated Goliath permanently, will defeat all your enemies this month and beyond.

• Nothing will hold you down against God’s plan and purpose for your life.

• You will no longer serve your enemy.

• From today, you will serve the Lord without fear or intimidations.

• The name of the Lord shall be your defense against all assaults of the wicked.

• If the enemies come against you in one way, they shall flee in seven ways.

• No enemy will be able to stand before you, all the days of your life.

• The Son of God will give you victory no matter the battle or challenges that come your way.

• The Lord will give His angels charge over you to keep you and your household in all your ways.

• You will go out with joy and come back with celebration of praise.

• You will go from glory to glory, from strength to strength and from victory to victory.

• No more limitations but liberty all the way for you and family.

• Your season of uninterrupted peace is here.

• All assemblies of GOFAMINT worldwide will continue to enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God in all their realms.

• So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International, because our season of divine liberty is here.

Religions and the plundering of Nigeria

Religions and the plundering of Nigeria

By Bolaji O. Akinyemi.


It is no longer news that the magnanimity of BAT doled out 90 billion naira to support Hajj Operations this year 2024. May I on behalf of the homeless and hungry Muslims who will not benefit from the fund say rankadede to Mr President, and on behalf of those who will benefit by association and strategic positioning say may your days be long on the throne for many more joyful Hajj to the holylands, insha Allah!

Sir, your determination to fight corruption is commendable,even though we are yet to see any meaningful results. Also is the examplary leadership of the Vice President who took a clue from you and transparently announced the amount you gave to the Muslim Community to support 2024 Hajj Operations. May such slip of tongue be the portion of all strategic officers; elected or appointed in your administration in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sir, may I on behalf of Christians plead with you to let us know how much you gave to the Christians in support of this year's pilgrimage. We had expected that by now the Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Board, His Lordship Bishop STV Adegbite would have announced like the Vice President how much we were given. Sir, this becomes necessary for transparency and accountability. As we may need to advise his office on better use of the money for the much needed capacity building for displaced Christians from their ancestral homeland across our Northern axis.

Adegbite's attempt to structure Christianity after the pattern of Islam is no longer hidden. Christian pilgrimage will now take after the pattern of lesser and higher Hajj. While one serves Ramadan the other holds during Eid-el Kabir. Christian pilgrimage will now be twice a year, one for Easter and the other for Christmas I supposed. An Easter Pilgrimage according to him will take place in the month of June. The plundering of money allocated for pilgrimage is so paramount to him that the safety of Nigerian Christians is not put to consideration. Adegbite probably have prayed and the God of Israel "fighting" in Gaza has assured him that Nigerian Christians will be safe in Gaza.

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC), Bishop Stephen Adegbite, has assured that Nigerian pilgrims will be safe in Israel.

He made this disclosure during a press briefing in Abuja on Wednesday; May 8, 2024.

“By the grace of God, Nigerian pilgrims will be safe in Israel,” Bishop Adegbite said.

“We will travel for the Easter Pilgrimage and we will be safe. It will be a journey for reawakening and rejuvenation, not a jamboree.” 

He added that the pilgrims will experience the glory of God by the end of the pilgrimage exercise.

The NCPC boss announced that the Easter pilgrimage exercise will commence in June, and preparations are in top gears for a hitch-free exercise.

He revealed that the Commission has approved a calendar of activities for its annual pilgrimage program, stating that pilgrimage is now more structured and no longer done haphazardly every month.

According to him, the Easter pilgrimage", (should I say lesser pilgrimage) "runs from April to July, while the main pilgrimage exercise" (higher) "begins from November and ends in February.

Bishop Adegbite condemned the ongoing carnage in Gaza, calling for an end to the war".

Must any Nigerian be led anywhere near Gaza, the place of his condemnation at this time? President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the only one who can speak about the safety of Nigerians outside Nigeria.

Adegbite further hinted; "The cost for the Easter pilgrimage exercise will be released next week after considering some variables. It is important that Adegbite declares how many billions the Commission has received, is it N90Billion or more; before announcing what it will cost to partake in the lesser and the higher Pilgrimages.

Dr. Bolaji O. Akinyemi is an Apostle and Nation Builder. He’s also President Voice of His Word Ministries and Convener Apostolic Round Table. BoT Chairman, Project Victory Call Initiative, AKA PVC Naija. He is a strategic Communicator and the C.E.O, Masterbuilder Communications.

Email:[email protected]

Facebook: Bolaji Akinyemi.

X: Bolaji O Akinyemi

Instagram: bolajioakinyemi

Phone: +2348033041236

By Bolaji O. Akinyemi.


It is no longer news that the magnanimity of BAT doled out 90 billion naira to support Hajj Operations this year 2024. May I on behalf of the homeless and hungry Muslims who will not benefit from the fund say rankadede to Mr President, and on behalf of those who will benefit by association and strategic positioning say may your days be long on the throne for many more joyful Hajj to the holylands, insha Allah!

Sir, your determination to fight corruption is commendable,even though we are yet to see any meaningful results. Also is the examplary leadership of the Vice President who took a clue from you and transparently announced the amount you gave to the Muslim Community to support 2024 Hajj Operations. May such slip of tongue be the portion of all strategic officers; elected or appointed in your administration in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sir, may I on behalf of Christians plead with you to let us know how much you gave to the Christians in support of this year's pilgrimage. We had expected that by now the Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Board, His Lordship Bishop STV Adegbite would have announced like the Vice President how much we were given. Sir, this becomes necessary for transparency and accountability. As we may need to advise his office on better use of the money for the much needed capacity building for displaced Christians from their ancestral homeland across our Northern axis.

Adegbite's attempt to structure Christianity after the pattern of Islam is no longer hidden. Christian pilgrimage will now take after the pattern of lesser and higher Hajj. While one serves Ramadan the other holds during Eid-el Kabir. Christian pilgrimage will now be twice a year, one for Easter and the other for Christmas I supposed. An Easter Pilgrimage according to him will take place in the month of June. The plundering of money allocated for pilgrimage is so paramount to him that the safety of Nigerian Christians is not put to consideration. Adegbite probably have prayed and the God of Israel "fighting" in Gaza has assured him that Nigerian Christians will be safe in Gaza.

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC), Bishop Stephen Adegbite, has assured that Nigerian pilgrims will be safe in Israel.

He made this disclosure during a press briefing in Abuja on Wednesday; May 8, 2024.

“By the grace of God, Nigerian pilgrims will be safe in Israel,” Bishop Adegbite said.

“We will travel for the Easter Pilgrimage and we will be safe. It will be a journey for reawakening and rejuvenation, not a jamboree.” 

He added that the pilgrims will experience the glory of God by the end of the pilgrimage exercise.

The NCPC boss announced that the Easter pilgrimage exercise will commence in June, and preparations are in top gears for a hitch-free exercise.

He revealed that the Commission has approved a calendar of activities for its annual pilgrimage program, stating that pilgrimage is now more structured and no longer done haphazardly every month.

According to him, the Easter pilgrimage", (should I say lesser pilgrimage) "runs from April to July, while the main pilgrimage exercise" (higher) "begins from November and ends in February.

Bishop Adegbite condemned the ongoing carnage in Gaza, calling for an end to the war".

Must any Nigerian be led anywhere near Gaza, the place of his condemnation at this time? President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is the only one who can speak about the safety of Nigerians outside Nigeria.

Adegbite further hinted; "The cost for the Easter pilgrimage exercise will be released next week after considering some variables. It is important that Adegbite declares how many billions the Commission has received, is it N90Billion or more; before announcing what it will cost to partake in the lesser and the higher Pilgrimages.

Dr. Bolaji O. Akinyemi is an Apostle and Nation Builder. He’s also President Voice of His Word Ministries and Convener Apostolic Round Table. BoT Chairman, Project Victory Call Initiative, AKA PVC Naija. He is a strategic Communicator and the C.E.O, Masterbuilder Communications.

Email:[email protected]

Facebook: Bolaji Akinyemi.

X: Bolaji O Akinyemi

Instagram: bolajioakinyemi

Phone: +2348033041236





1. Power of resurrection visit me.

2. Every power struggling my time of prayer with me, be wasted in Jesus' name.

3. Whatever is in me that will erase my name from the Book of Life, be destroyed by fire.

4. Every power waiting to make me weep in my old age over my children, be wasted by fire.

                YORUBA EDITION 

1. Agbara ajinde be aye mi wo ni Oruko Jesu.

2. Gbogbo agbara to n’ba mi du akoko adura mi, e sofo danu ni oruko Jesu.

3. Ohunkohun to wa ninu mi to le pa oruko mi re kuro ninu Iwe Iye, e sofodanu pelu ina.

4. Gbogbo agbara to nduro de mi ni ojo ogbo mi lati pa mi lekun l'ori awon omo mi, e sofo danu pelu ina.

      Jesus is Lord no controversy.



1. Power of resurrection visit me.

2. Every power struggling my time of prayer with me, be wasted in Jesus' name.

3. Whatever is in me that will erase my name from the Book of Life, be destroyed by fire.

4. Every power waiting to make me weep in my old age over my children, be wasted by fire.

                YORUBA EDITION 

1. Agbara ajinde be aye mi wo ni Oruko Jesu.

2. Gbogbo agbara to n’ba mi du akoko adura mi, e sofo danu ni oruko Jesu.

3. Ohunkohun to wa ninu mi to le pa oruko mi re kuro ninu Iwe Iye, e sofodanu pelu ina.

4. Gbogbo agbara to nduro de mi ni ojo ogbo mi lati pa mi lekun l'ori awon omo mi, e sofo danu pelu ina.

      Jesus is Lord no controversy.






1. My Father, use me as an instrument of blessing to my generation.


2. You Host of Heaven, surround my altar of prayer for right now.

3. Mercy of God, fall upon me for unbelievable help that will showcase my destiny.


4. Spirit of Holiness, possess my life now.


5. Fire of Holy Ghost, ignite my prayer life in Jesus' name.

                  YORUBA EDITION 

1. Baba mi, lo mi gegebi irinse ibukun fun iran mi.


2. Eyin ogun orun, e yi pepe adura mi ka lati isinsinyi lo.


3. Aanu Olorun, ba le mi fun iranlowo to soro gbagbo lati gbe ayanmo mi ja gbangba.


4. Emi iwa mimo, gbe mi wo nisinsiyi.


5. Ina Emi-Mimo, tan ina igbe aiye adura mi ni oruko Jesu.





1. My Father, use me as an instrument of blessing to my generation.


2. You Host of Heaven, surround my altar of prayer for right now.

3. Mercy of God, fall upon me for unbelievable help that will showcase my destiny.


4. Spirit of Holiness, possess my life now.


5. Fire of Holy Ghost, ignite my prayer life in Jesus' name.

                  YORUBA EDITION 

1. Baba mi, lo mi gegebi irinse ibukun fun iran mi.


2. Eyin ogun orun, e yi pepe adura mi ka lati isinsinyi lo.


3. Aanu Olorun, ba le mi fun iranlowo to soro gbagbo lati gbe ayanmo mi ja gbangba.


4. Emi iwa mimo, gbe mi wo nisinsiyi.


5. Ina Emi-Mimo, tan ina igbe aiye adura mi ni oruko Jesu.







1. Every arrow of spiritual failure, your mission is over in my life, jump out by fire.


2. Oh Lord, give me passion to fulfill Your purpose for my life in Jesus' name.


3. Lord, make me Your battle axe and weapoun of war in Jesus' name.


4. Holy Ghost fire, possess me afresh. 


5. Lord, make me a person after Your heart like David in Jesus' name.

                YORUBA EDITION 


1. Gbogbo ofa ijakule ninu emi, ise yin pari ninu aiye mi, e fo jade pelu ina.

2. Oluwa, fun mi ni itara lati pari ise to ran mi l’aiye ni  oruko Jesu.


3. Oluwa, se mi ni oun ija ati irinse ogun ni oruko Jesu.


4. Ina Emi-Mimo, gbe mi wo l’otun.


5. Oluwa, se mi ni eni bi okan Re bi Dafidi ni oruko Jesu.


      Jesus is Lord no controversy.




1. Every arrow of spiritual failure, your mission is over in my life, jump out by fire.


2. Oh Lord, give me passion to fulfill Your purpose for my life in Jesus' name.


3. Lord, make me Your battle axe and weapoun of war in Jesus' name.


4. Holy Ghost fire, possess me afresh. 


5. Lord, make me a person after Your heart like David in Jesus' name.

                YORUBA EDITION 


1. Gbogbo ofa ijakule ninu emi, ise yin pari ninu aiye mi, e fo jade pelu ina.

2. Oluwa, fun mi ni itara lati pari ise to ran mi l’aiye ni  oruko Jesu.


3. Oluwa, se mi ni oun ija ati irinse ogun ni oruko Jesu.


4. Ina Emi-Mimo, gbe mi wo l’otun.


5. Oluwa, se mi ni eni bi okan Re bi Dafidi ni oruko Jesu.


      Jesus is Lord no controversy.




“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” (Ps 91:1-2)

▪ This month is declared as our month of Divine Presence.

▪ All through this month, the Presence of God will go with you and give you rest on every side.

▪ The secret place of the Most High shall be your permanent dwelling place, from now henceforth.

▪ All through this month and beyond, the God of Israel shall be your refuge and fortress.

▪ As the Presence of God was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man, so shall you prosper in all you do this month and beyond. ▪ This month, God’s Presence will rewrite your story for good. The glory of God will beautify your life and ministry.

▪ The Presence of God will keep you and your household from all evils and misfortunes.

▪ The Presence of God will defend you and your household against all assaults of the wicked ones.

▪ You and all that are yours are secured in God’s presence from this day forward.

▪ Because God is with you, You will enjoy all round, sweat-less victories on daily basis.

▪ In the presence of God there is fullness of joy, therefore your season of unstoppable, uninterrupted and unspeakable joy is here, in Jesus mighty name.

▪ By the reason of God’s presence with you, no sorrow is permitted around you and your family. Your joy shall know no bounds.

▪ The shadow of the Almighty shall be your shield against every storm throughout this month and beyond.

▪ From now on, the Presence of God will give you clear directions in all your endeavors.

▪ Mountains of oppositions and oppressions will melt before you and your household by the reason of God’s presence with you.

▪ No enemy will be able to stand before you and your family, all the days of your lives because of God’s presence with you.

▪ The Presence of God will guide and guard you into your Promised Land.

▪ The glory of His Presence will shine forth on your academics, career, business and dwelling place.

▪ Your ministry and marriage will enjoy unusual bliss and breakthroughs.

▪ Nothing will take you away from the glory of His Presence.

▪ His praise shall continually fill your mouth.

▪ Your life would be a conducive atmosphere for His Presence. No iniquity shall be found in your tabernacle.

▪ The grace of purity required to keep His Presence is released unto you.

▪ The grace to be conscious of the Divine Presence with you everywhere you go and in all you do, is yours from this day forward.

▪ All our assemblies worldwide will experience unusual manifestations of the glory of His Presence resulting in unprecedented signs and wonders.

▪ So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International because the Glory of God’s Presence will be revealed in our midst like never before, in Jesus precious name.



“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” (Ps 91:1-2)

▪ This month is declared as our month of Divine Presence.

▪ All through this month, the Presence of God will go with you and give you rest on every side.

▪ The secret place of the Most High shall be your permanent dwelling place, from now henceforth.

▪ All through this month and beyond, the God of Israel shall be your refuge and fortress.

▪ As the Presence of God was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man, so shall you prosper in all you do this month and beyond. ▪ This month, God’s Presence will rewrite your story for good. The glory of God will beautify your life and ministry.

▪ The Presence of God will keep you and your household from all evils and misfortunes.

▪ The Presence of God will defend you and your household against all assaults of the wicked ones.

▪ You and all that are yours are secured in God’s presence from this day forward.

▪ Because God is with you, You will enjoy all round, sweat-less victories on daily basis.

▪ In the presence of God there is fullness of joy, therefore your season of unstoppable, uninterrupted and unspeakable joy is here, in Jesus mighty name.

▪ By the reason of God’s presence with you, no sorrow is permitted around you and your family. Your joy shall know no bounds.

▪ The shadow of the Almighty shall be your shield against every storm throughout this month and beyond.

▪ From now on, the Presence of God will give you clear directions in all your endeavors.

▪ Mountains of oppositions and oppressions will melt before you and your household by the reason of God’s presence with you.

▪ No enemy will be able to stand before you and your family, all the days of your lives because of God’s presence with you.

▪ The Presence of God will guide and guard you into your Promised Land.

▪ The glory of His Presence will shine forth on your academics, career, business and dwelling place.

▪ Your ministry and marriage will enjoy unusual bliss and breakthroughs.

▪ Nothing will take you away from the glory of His Presence.

▪ His praise shall continually fill your mouth.

▪ Your life would be a conducive atmosphere for His Presence. No iniquity shall be found in your tabernacle.

▪ The grace of purity required to keep His Presence is released unto you.

▪ The grace to be conscious of the Divine Presence with you everywhere you go and in all you do, is yours from this day forward.

▪ All our assemblies worldwide will experience unusual manifestations of the glory of His Presence resulting in unprecedented signs and wonders.

▪ So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International because the Glory of God’s Presence will be revealed in our midst like never before, in Jesus precious name.




 Wednesday, 21st February 2024.

An Open Letter To:

Pastor E.A Adeboye,

The General Overseer,

The Redeemed Christian Church of God,


Dear Sir,


 Apostasy begins with the perverse drive in man to push beyond the bounds of what has been revealed by God as the basis for His way of life- John W. Ritenbaugh.

Conscious of our human tendencies towards spiritual ineptitude and consequently canal adventurism; God warned us through his servant Apostle John in Revelation 22:19; "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book".

Man, all men were created to fulfill God's purpose. To that central purpose of God in Christ all persons of faith must gravitate as individuals and groups (denominations). We aren't expected to craft a purpose for ourselves as individuals or groups in the name of Christianity, rather we are to find His purpose for our lives and Ministries and live to fulfill them.

Our background as Africans makes the aforementioned warnings a watch out for, we can't deny the impact of syncretism in our songs of praises and worships these days, eulogy fitting for our ancestral deities are found in songs we sing to God Almighty. Theology of music is of essence as we grow choirs and worshipers in our churches today. The ministry of Levites, Minstrels and Psalmists must be rediscovered by men and women, boys and girls whose songs are inspired by the spirit and letters of the scriptures to give life.

Syncretism, the blending of practices from paganism into mainstream Christianity is not limited to our songs, even our prayers have taken battle structure in patterns not found in the Bible; particularly in the Gospels and the Epistles. The consciousness of Satan and his operations far outweigh that of God and his ways. Making many believers to live as if we are at the mercy of our enemies.

Only the revelation of God shows how He will be worshipped, and he will not be served in imitation of other god's.

God's ways, we must never forget, can't be "improved" by human sincerity!

Talking of imitation, it is the pattern that appeals to our creative gullibility as humans. The tendency to be someone else is the evil attraction derailing many away from the path of life and of the kingdom but of God's purpose we must constantly remind ourselves and stick to! Even the Master was drawn by his disciples who would prefer that his ministry be patterned after that of John the Baptist.

Luk 11:1 KJV And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

Sir, even the Lord's pattern of prayer was despised by his own Disciples who observing his prayers concluded that John the Baptist model was better and was recommended for adoption by the Master.

The Master however stuck to God's purpose to reveal the pattern prayers will from then henceforth take.

Sir, a depraved church can't save a lost nation, Nigeria is lost! Most unfortunately however is the depravity of her saviours, who have gone wayward without knowing it.

A common rhetorical question in our society today is how did we get here? That question you may need to ask concerning yourself and the church under your oversight.

Where is the RCCG and I in the purpose of God for which Christ became a sacrificial Lamb for our sins and his life given in exchange for ours. 

Sir, few years ago you shared with the world how you saw in a revelation that handful of the multitude thronging to you at the Redemption Camp made it to heaven, is this revelation cast in iron, that its fulfillment is inevitable or it is a warning of a coming drift that can be averted? Your revelation made such great an impact on me and has become a reminder of the need for self examination from time to time. It is from it that the inspiration and courage is drawn to admonish you and call your attention to WITCHCRAFT and IDOLATRY practices and their influence on Christians and Christianity today which we might have been subsumed to unknowingly.

The flesh is the door way to witchcraft operations and equally a ready altar of idolatrous practices. 

How do I mean?

The capacity of our flesh to be drawn to evil and sustain and promote same was revealed in the book of Galatians 5: 19 - 26.

"Now the work of the flesh are manifest"! Listed as works, our flesh can work are hatred, strife, jealousy, anger, self ambition or self seeking, dissensions, envy, sorcery which is also WITCHCRAFT, without forgetting to include on the list IDOLATRY and anything similar.

The life of the flesh is contrast with the life in the spirit and fruits of the spirit life are also listed; life from which our songs, prayers must be drawn; after which our life must be patterned is love. How much of God's love does our songs communicate? How much of it is loaded into our prayers? Aren't we self seeking in our songs and prayers?

The trend of unscriptural prayers across churches in Africa is worrisome, not just to Bible believing Kingdom minded and Christ centered Christians, but by the understanding of the word of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are worried about the trend that streamed out of the Nigerian church "in the name of prayer revival that are gratifying to the flesh but are grieving the Spirit; if we still have Him".

Concerning the works of the flesh, we were told in advance that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. The church in Nigeria is obviously under this judgement, with so much in common with nations roundabout us, priding ourselves in exploits done through things we have bought with money in our obedience to Mammon! Folly is what it is when the poorest nation on earth is housing richest churches and arguably the 1st 10 richest Pastors in the world. The rat race to out do one another and the ungodly results gotten in the process are yardstick for success in life and ministry. This evil has become the motivation for our prayers.

This may be difficult to accept but witchcraft is the practice in many places in the name of prayers.

All due respect sir, you are a father figure, not just in the church in Nigeria but to this generation. Your influence and to what it is deployed is therefore of interest to God and his kingdom. Your pattern of prayer lately should worry anyone who sincerely knows the Lord and understands God's pattern.

Sometimes not too long ago, you were seen in a video that has gone viral praying for a gathering I want to assume were members of RCCG that all other members of the family of God, that is denominations will bow to them. I need not tell you sir, that the wall of denominations are collapsing; that of course includes the wall of RCCG. God is moving the church to where it started from; the upper room in a house. 

Before the most recent prayers, you have prayed for members of RCCG that their family, friends and colleagues will not be able to eat without them. I wasn't surprised though, because the level of canal adventurism in that prayer is better than many places where, friends, families and colleagues that Jesus died for and left us behind to save through a life of love and preaching of the gospel of the kingdom are daily killed by fire.

Your latest prayers Sir, is my concern; "I decree in the name that is above every other name; Christians from every other denomination will bow before you"! It was followed as usual with the thunderous echo of Amen!!!!!

Amen of course means so be it, or thus saith the Lord. It is therefore important that we look into the Bible to establish that this prayer qualifies for what we can declare as Amen! Thus says the Lord and so shall it be.

The name above all names in which you prayed sir, is the name of Jesus and I will like to call your attention to how the one in whose name you made your request to the Father handled a similar prayer while he was here on earth.

In Matthew 20: 20-28. A Mrs Zebedee, moved with mother's love had approached Jesus in company of his two sons; James and John worshiping him and desiring for her two sons what you "philially" and not "agapely" desire for all your children under the umbrella of RCCG.

What wilt thou, the Lord asked her.

Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right and the other on the left in thy kingdom.

The Lord answered; Madam, unfortunately it has been given to them for whom it is prepared of my father!

The request was not granted, but the news of the prayer divided the disciples just like the news of your prayers which by this pattern the Lord may not answer is dividing the body of Christ.

For when the 10 heard it, Easy English Version says they were angry, International Standard Version says they were furious and the King James says they were moved with indignation. 

Self seeking was listed as a work of the flesh, a self seeking prayer as seen in the Zebedees, activated anger in the other 10 Disciples, they were furious!

The master was smart at saving his disciples from witchcraft operations. He called them to himself and taught them how to have such a place of honour with God! 

"You know that the Prince of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority but in this kingdom it shall not be so. Whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister! The word minister is the Greek word "diakonos", a steward, particularly of the least steward of the house. 

Sir, what you desire like Mrs Zebedee for your children in RCCG can only be gotten in the humility of stewardship to the body of Christ.

Dr Bolaji O. Akinyemi is an Apostle and Nation Builder. President Voice Of His Word Ministries, Convener Apostolic Round Table; ART. 

[email protected]


 Wednesday, 21st February 2024.

An Open Letter To:

Pastor E.A Adeboye,

The General Overseer,

The Redeemed Christian Church of God,


Dear Sir,


 Apostasy begins with the perverse drive in man to push beyond the bounds of what has been revealed by God as the basis for His way of life- John W. Ritenbaugh.

Conscious of our human tendencies towards spiritual ineptitude and consequently canal adventurism; God warned us through his servant Apostle John in Revelation 22:19; "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book".

Man, all men were created to fulfill God's purpose. To that central purpose of God in Christ all persons of faith must gravitate as individuals and groups (denominations). We aren't expected to craft a purpose for ourselves as individuals or groups in the name of Christianity, rather we are to find His purpose for our lives and Ministries and live to fulfill them.

Our background as Africans makes the aforementioned warnings a watch out for, we can't deny the impact of syncretism in our songs of praises and worships these days, eulogy fitting for our ancestral deities are found in songs we sing to God Almighty. Theology of music is of essence as we grow choirs and worshipers in our churches today. The ministry of Levites, Minstrels and Psalmists must be rediscovered by men and women, boys and girls whose songs are inspired by the spirit and letters of the scriptures to give life.

Syncretism, the blending of practices from paganism into mainstream Christianity is not limited to our songs, even our prayers have taken battle structure in patterns not found in the Bible; particularly in the Gospels and the Epistles. The consciousness of Satan and his operations far outweigh that of God and his ways. Making many believers to live as if we are at the mercy of our enemies.

Only the revelation of God shows how He will be worshipped, and he will not be served in imitation of other god's.

God's ways, we must never forget, can't be "improved" by human sincerity!

Talking of imitation, it is the pattern that appeals to our creative gullibility as humans. The tendency to be someone else is the evil attraction derailing many away from the path of life and of the kingdom but of God's purpose we must constantly remind ourselves and stick to! Even the Master was drawn by his disciples who would prefer that his ministry be patterned after that of John the Baptist.

Luk 11:1 KJV And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

Sir, even the Lord's pattern of prayer was despised by his own Disciples who observing his prayers concluded that John the Baptist model was better and was recommended for adoption by the Master.

The Master however stuck to God's purpose to reveal the pattern prayers will from then henceforth take.

Sir, a depraved church can't save a lost nation, Nigeria is lost! Most unfortunately however is the depravity of her saviours, who have gone wayward without knowing it.

A common rhetorical question in our society today is how did we get here? That question you may need to ask concerning yourself and the church under your oversight.

Where is the RCCG and I in the purpose of God for which Christ became a sacrificial Lamb for our sins and his life given in exchange for ours. 

Sir, few years ago you shared with the world how you saw in a revelation that handful of the multitude thronging to you at the Redemption Camp made it to heaven, is this revelation cast in iron, that its fulfillment is inevitable or it is a warning of a coming drift that can be averted? Your revelation made such great an impact on me and has become a reminder of the need for self examination from time to time. It is from it that the inspiration and courage is drawn to admonish you and call your attention to WITCHCRAFT and IDOLATRY practices and their influence on Christians and Christianity today which we might have been subsumed to unknowingly.

The flesh is the door way to witchcraft operations and equally a ready altar of idolatrous practices. 

How do I mean?

The capacity of our flesh to be drawn to evil and sustain and promote same was revealed in the book of Galatians 5: 19 - 26.

"Now the work of the flesh are manifest"! Listed as works, our flesh can work are hatred, strife, jealousy, anger, self ambition or self seeking, dissensions, envy, sorcery which is also WITCHCRAFT, without forgetting to include on the list IDOLATRY and anything similar.

The life of the flesh is contrast with the life in the spirit and fruits of the spirit life are also listed; life from which our songs, prayers must be drawn; after which our life must be patterned is love. How much of God's love does our songs communicate? How much of it is loaded into our prayers? Aren't we self seeking in our songs and prayers?

The trend of unscriptural prayers across churches in Africa is worrisome, not just to Bible believing Kingdom minded and Christ centered Christians, but by the understanding of the word of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are worried about the trend that streamed out of the Nigerian church "in the name of prayer revival that are gratifying to the flesh but are grieving the Spirit; if we still have Him".

Concerning the works of the flesh, we were told in advance that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. The church in Nigeria is obviously under this judgement, with so much in common with nations roundabout us, priding ourselves in exploits done through things we have bought with money in our obedience to Mammon! Folly is what it is when the poorest nation on earth is housing richest churches and arguably the 1st 10 richest Pastors in the world. The rat race to out do one another and the ungodly results gotten in the process are yardstick for success in life and ministry. This evil has become the motivation for our prayers.

This may be difficult to accept but witchcraft is the practice in many places in the name of prayers.

All due respect sir, you are a father figure, not just in the church in Nigeria but to this generation. Your influence and to what it is deployed is therefore of interest to God and his kingdom. Your pattern of prayer lately should worry anyone who sincerely knows the Lord and understands God's pattern.

Sometimes not too long ago, you were seen in a video that has gone viral praying for a gathering I want to assume were members of RCCG that all other members of the family of God, that is denominations will bow to them. I need not tell you sir, that the wall of denominations are collapsing; that of course includes the wall of RCCG. God is moving the church to where it started from; the upper room in a house. 

Before the most recent prayers, you have prayed for members of RCCG that their family, friends and colleagues will not be able to eat without them. I wasn't surprised though, because the level of canal adventurism in that prayer is better than many places where, friends, families and colleagues that Jesus died for and left us behind to save through a life of love and preaching of the gospel of the kingdom are daily killed by fire.

Your latest prayers Sir, is my concern; "I decree in the name that is above every other name; Christians from every other denomination will bow before you"! It was followed as usual with the thunderous echo of Amen!!!!!

Amen of course means so be it, or thus saith the Lord. It is therefore important that we look into the Bible to establish that this prayer qualifies for what we can declare as Amen! Thus says the Lord and so shall it be.

The name above all names in which you prayed sir, is the name of Jesus and I will like to call your attention to how the one in whose name you made your request to the Father handled a similar prayer while he was here on earth.

In Matthew 20: 20-28. A Mrs Zebedee, moved with mother's love had approached Jesus in company of his two sons; James and John worshiping him and desiring for her two sons what you "philially" and not "agapely" desire for all your children under the umbrella of RCCG.

What wilt thou, the Lord asked her.

Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right and the other on the left in thy kingdom.

The Lord answered; Madam, unfortunately it has been given to them for whom it is prepared of my father!

The request was not granted, but the news of the prayer divided the disciples just like the news of your prayers which by this pattern the Lord may not answer is dividing the body of Christ.

For when the 10 heard it, Easy English Version says they were angry, International Standard Version says they were furious and the King James says they were moved with indignation. 

Self seeking was listed as a work of the flesh, a self seeking prayer as seen in the Zebedees, activated anger in the other 10 Disciples, they were furious!

The master was smart at saving his disciples from witchcraft operations. He called them to himself and taught them how to have such a place of honour with God! 

"You know that the Prince of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority but in this kingdom it shall not be so. Whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister! The word minister is the Greek word "diakonos", a steward, particularly of the least steward of the house. 

Sir, what you desire like Mrs Zebedee for your children in RCCG can only be gotten in the humility of stewardship to the body of Christ.

Dr Bolaji O. Akinyemi is an Apostle and Nation Builder. President Voice Of His Word Ministries, Convener Apostolic Round Table; ART. 

[email protected]


We didn’t Receive any 1,500 Bags of Rice for CAN- Osun Government

We didn’t Receive any 1,500 Bags of Rice for CAN- Osun Government


The government of Osun state has denied a fake report that the state has received One Thousand, Five Hundred Bags of rice from the Federal Government to distribute to the state chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria(CAN).

Describing the report as false without any foundation in truth, the state government in a news release signed  by the Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Oluomo Kolapo Alimi said the Federal Government has not sent any rice palliatives to the state since the batch sent last year which was shared to the public through a committee of public associations and groups.

The Committee that shared the last rice package had the CAN Chairman and others as members and there is no way any consignment will reach the state without the committee being informed and engaged in the distribution, the Commissioner noted.

The statement therefore challenged operatives of the All Progressive Congress (APC) who spread the fake news to substantiate the allegation as well as cautioning broadcast organizations to desist from providing platforms for those marketing fake news.

We further call on members of the public to ignore the purveyors of such lies as this administration is committed to accountability and transparency in state governance.


Oluomo Kolapo Alimi,

Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment


The government of Osun state has denied a fake report that the state has received One Thousand, Five Hundred Bags of rice from the Federal Government to distribute to the state chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria(CAN).

Describing the report as false without any foundation in truth, the state government in a news release signed  by the Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, Oluomo Kolapo Alimi said the Federal Government has not sent any rice palliatives to the state since the batch sent last year which was shared to the public through a committee of public associations and groups.

The Committee that shared the last rice package had the CAN Chairman and others as members and there is no way any consignment will reach the state without the committee being informed and engaged in the distribution, the Commissioner noted.

The statement therefore challenged operatives of the All Progressive Congress (APC) who spread the fake news to substantiate the allegation as well as cautioning broadcast organizations to desist from providing platforms for those marketing fake news.

We further call on members of the public to ignore the purveyors of such lies as this administration is committed to accountability and transparency in state governance.


Oluomo Kolapo Alimi,

Honourable Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment

Poster Speaks

Poster Speaks/box

