

Impeachment defense team: Trump to be represented by former Bill Clinton special prosecutors Kenneth Starr and Robert Ray

President Trump
The US President, Donald Trump will be represented by former Bill Clinton special prosecutors Kenneth Starr and Robert Ray, plus retired Harvard constitutional law professor Alan Dershowitz, at his Senate impeachment trial.

The three well-known attorneys will have specific speaking roles during the upcoming trial and serve as clean-up hitters behind White House counsel Pat Cipollone and Jay Sekulow, Trump’s longtime personal attorney, Sekulow said.

The Thursday’s impeachment events in the US Senate were largely ceremonial, with the Senate formally receiving the articles of impeachment from the seven appointed managers from the House of Representatives.

US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the full Senate were also formally sworn in for the trial to begins in earnest on Tuesday.

Why Trump’s Impeachment Trial May Not Last Beyond Two Weeks – US Official

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