

As Trump Says If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran, Never threaten the United States again!

The tensions between the united states and Islamic Republic of Iran is daily been aggravated most especially since Washington resumed the regime of sanctions against Tehran marking a calendar year which President Donald trump unilaterally pull out of the Iranian nuclear agreement with the world power plus Germany.
One thing that most analyst are yet to realise is the fact that the war is already inside Iran cities, town and villages even in every Iranian home let alone the deployment of the warships and fighter jets to the Gulf region by the United states claiming credible security threats . 

The sanctions in itself is a declaration of war which Tehran is facing squally and want to fight back

Iran can not but push back on the fight by any means possible as the Persian nation must mobilise her allies to counter the US in case of eventuality of all the tensions resulting to physical to physical and missile to missile emergency war as the both sides are claiming not to be ready for war.


Just yesterday night, 19th of may, 2019, a blast was heard in the central of Baghdad i.e a rocket was fired in Iraqi capital Baghdad's heavily-fortified Green Zone, which houses government buildings and foreign embassies, but caused no casualties, the Iraqi military said on Sunday. This is widely believed to be carried out by the Iranian proxies in Iraq but it could also as well be planed and carried out by any other body hoping to ensure US-Iran war . This is possible as there are many and diverse of motives behind most of the events in the international diplomacy and foreign relations. Although there were claims the Iran's IRGc comander visited Iraq and that Iran Proxies has been called to prepare for any eventuality. Read: MIDDLE EAST: WE DON’T WANT WAR, BUT READY TO COUNTER THREATS SAYS IRGC CMDR.

As US President Donald Trump now boldly and openly threaten Iran saying:  If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again! Before now it has been that US will fight back and replicate any Iranian attacks or attacks by Iranian proxies against US and its interest or allies in the middle east. As both the US and the Iran are now pushing to slaughter filed it is going to be difficult for any of them to come out without heavy casualties.

The entire middle east will share heavily and for a long time may be paying for this war as Iran has secured presence in most of the Islamic nations of the world even down to west African countries. From Lebanon and Syria to Iraq, Yemen, and the Gaza Strip, Tehran has significantly expanded its footprint over the past decade, funding and developing powerful allies in conflict-ravaged countries across the Middle East and beyond


Iran, an ally to Russia and China, if  US has failed to dislodged the Syrian strong man Bashar Al Assad and effect a regime change, even with the strong support from NATO members, Trump need a rethink as the EU and signatory countries to the Iran's Nuke Deal are still pledging commitments to the Iran's  deal.

Unilaterally, US can so go to war against Persians but the Iran's nuclear desires may not be killed as its too obvious that trump can't pursue a regime change in Iran. While it's not arguable that Tehran can't match Washington in nuclear and missile capabilities but Ruohani men are the masters of the terrains more that whatever professionalism the Trump warriors may want to put into actions. They will take over the air space bombed every where and never come on the grounds for any battle.

With Iran's Proxies every where in the middle east (Read- IRAN WILL NEVER FIGHT ALONE - HEZBOLLAH MILITANT LEADER) if the war is therefore inevitable neither sides will go unhurt. Innocent lives will bear the eternal prize.

For the entire Middle East to be at peace, the Arab league and nations need to review their foreign police towards Israel and consequently accept the nation of Israel in the region, for all their nuclear pursuit seems to be because and against Israel which United States and many other pro Zionist individuals and Nations will always ready to frustrate. 

LNP Writer

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