

Building A Christian Home: GOAMINT Daily Devotionals and Weekly Sunday Bible School, Third Quarter

The Gospel Faith Mission International (GOFAMINT)


Quarter’s theme: Building A Christian Home

God established the family from the beginning of creation. A family is the smallest unit of the society. The family life began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Regrettably, man has introduced many ways to distort the family which God holds in high esteem, despite the fact that God designed the family for a purpose. The problems plaguing the family started from the first family till date. If the foundation of the family be destroyed, there is no way the purpose which is meant for man’s comfort can be realized. God doesn’t want His purpose to be jettisoned; He therefore, allowed a family set up where people will follow His commands. This is what is referred to as Christian Home. Christianity is a way of life and not a religion. There are many forms of family in our contemporary time. Many family set-up ways of life are at variance with what God expects from the Christian family.

To fast-track what God designed for the family is the reason for this quarter’s teachings. It is not possible to realize God’s purpose under the set-up that are not compatible with His design. Christian home and family must not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Christians should be ready to build their home, imbibe godly principles, train their children in the way of the Lord, utilize God’s divine provision to grow in grace, and be watchful not to allow Satan and his cohorts to contaminate them. Christians are enjoined to pursue, possess, practice characteristics that mark Christians as followers of Jesus Christ. The responsibility to fostering Christian home rests on every member of the Christian family. The duties of each family members are well spelt out in this quarter’s lesson.

The twelve lessons in this quarter are divided into three units, which are:
Unit 1: God’s Master Plan For the Family (Lessons 1-3)
Unit 2: Steps For Building A Christian Home (Lessons 4-7)
Unit 3: Issues In Christian Homes (Lessons 8-12)

The lessons teach that God wants Christians to build and nurture Christian ethics to build their family. It should be noted that godly principles which God instituted for His people have not become outdated or obsolete. Christian must be ready to adopt same for the benefit of their families. Allow the lessons to do the needed surgical operation in your family and start enjoying the blessings pronounced on marriage.

THIRD QUARTER (March – May, 2019)
Theme: Building A Christian Home
Unit 1: God’s Master Plan For The Family (Lessons 1-3)


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 32, 50
Devotional Reading: Gen. 2:18-25
Topic For Adults: Your Family Is A Gift From God
Topic For Youths: God Is The Perfect Foundation For The Family
Topic For Intermediates: God Purposefully Put You In A Family
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 1:26-28; 2:18-23; Matt. 19:1-9

MEMORY VERSE: And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I
will make him a helper comparable to him.” (Gen. 2:18) NKJV


Mon. 25/2/2019 God Created Man In His Image Gen. 1:26-28

At creation, everything God created came to be by the fiat of God’s word—“let there be”.
However, to create man, God spoke, “Let us make man in our image”. This involved the
Father relating to the Son and the Holy Spirit. Man was created in God’s image—not the
physical image, but in character and attributes. Man was not created, therefore, to operate
in solitude, but as a being that should relate to others. This is the reason why man cannot
abandon family life. Notwithstanding that man has abused the relationship within the
family, the family life is found in every tribe, race and culture. The need to relate to fellow
human being cannot be totally ignored. God created man to have both vertical and
horizontal relationships. This has to do with relationship between God and man, and man
with other human beings.

Point of Emphasis: 
God created man in His image that man may have relationship with
God Himself and with other human beings.

Prayer Point: 
God, assist us to rebuild where our family relationships have broken down.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ps. 149 – Prov. 2

Tue. 26/2/2019 The Family Was Instituted From The Beginning Mk. 10:1-9

Marriage and family life were not ad-hoc arrangements which God thought of after man’s
fall in the Garden of Eden. Both institutions started right from the beginning of creation.
Jesus emphasized that marriage was right at the beginning—the institutions predate Moses’
law to regulate marital and family relationships. Man has tinkered with marriage and family
life as if the institutions were man’s ideas. In each cultural setting, rules are made to
accommodate man’s abandonment of the Creator’s plan for the family. Man’s rules about
the two institutions have brought neither joy nor happiness; instead it has brought pain and
heartache. Civilization has not made God change His plans, purpose and rules for the
family relationships. For man to enjoy the benefits of the institution called family, he needs
to go back and study God’s blueprint for family relationship and stick to it.

Point of Emphasis:
God instituted the family right from the beginning of creation; His plans and purpose have not changed.

Prayer Point: Father, may your plan and purpose for the family become manifest in my
family in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 3-5

Wed. 27/2/2019 Good Marriage Partner Is A Gift From God Prov. 18:19-22

God, the author of the family, is interested in the success of the institution. He is more than
willing to lead those who depend on Him in choosing their marriage partners to choose
rightly. The problems faced by families often start with being unequally yoked in marriage.
Many people don’t wait upon God when they are at the point of choice. They place their
conviction on physical beauty, wealth acquired, social status, academic attainment, tribal
considerations, etc. All these make them miss God’s purpose and suitable partners. The
inner quality of the spouse is the most important; and often not everything that glitters is
gold. Only God can lead one to choose a compatible life partner. Young adults who are at
the point of choosing life partners should heed the counsel to wait upon God in prayers and
to seek godly counsel from spiritually mature adults. Choosing rightly is a favor from God.

Point of Emphasis: He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the

Prayer Point: God, in your mercy, choose partners who truly fear and love you for our sons
and daughters.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 6-8

Thur. 28/2/2019 A Prudent Wife Is From The Lord Prov. 19:13-16

God is the author of the family. He knows the qualities that make a woman a good wife and
the qualities that make a man a good husband. It’s not every woman that makes a good wife
and mother; neither is every man the material for a good husband and father. People who
abandon the way of God cannot be good materials for family. They are emotionally
immature, physiologically compromised, morally and financially bankrupt. God is the
Creator and knows everyone thoroughly. He alone knows those who possess the prudence
for a healthy family life. Rather than seeking God’s face at the point of choice of life partner,
some children of God go to prophets and seers for guidance. They only inform their pastors
after the decision has been taken expecting the pastors to just pronounce God’s blessing on
their choice. Children of God should know that it is God alone who can choose a prudent
husband or wife for His children.

Point of Emphasis: You may inherit riches from your parents, but it is only God that can give you a prudent life partner.

Prayer Point: Lord, give our young adults the patience to wait on you to choose rightly.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 9-11

Fri. 1/3/2019 God Makes Two Persons Become One Mal. 2:13-16

A man and a woman who have lived separate lives for over two decades come together;
hoping to make a happy union in marriage. Marriage statistics show that most of these
couples live together at best as co-tenants rather than companions united in love. God’s
intention is to make the two individuals one—one in mind, one in focus, one in eternal
destiny. This oneness can only be achieved when each member of the union recognizes that
the institution of the family is not man’s idea, but God’s; that God has a blueprint on how
to run the family; and that each member is accountable to God on how the family is run.
Problems arise in the family when members feel they are not accountable to anyone in their
actions and attitudes. God is not just the originator of the family; He is the referee or umpire
who judges how fair the family game is being played. God’s purpose for the family can only
be fulfilled when members of the family are united as one.

Point of Emphasis: God designed the family to be one so that His purpose may be fulfilled.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit fire, consume the seeds of disunity and discord that have been sown into our homes.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 12-14

Sat. 2/3/2019 Family Is From The Lord Gen. 4:1-7

The first husband and wife were Adam and Eve. When they gave birth to their first son,
Cain, they acknowledged that he was gotten from the Lord. God did not only give a wife to
Adam, He gave Adam children. This fact is again echoed in Psalm 127: 3 “Behold, children
are heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward”. A good spouse is from the
Lord; and at the same time children are given by the Lord. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve
fell into sin and, therefore, brought forth children in their own likeness. It can be observed
that problems plaguing the family started from the first family. God has a purpose for
instituting the family, which can only be fulfilled when the family follows God’s commands.
God knew Abraham would raise up his family in the fear of God (Gen. 18:19); He,
therefore, revealed to Abraham the secret of what He was about to do to Sodom and

Point of Emphasis: The family is an institution from the Lord; which can only fulfil its
purpose by following God’s commands.

Prayer Point: I commit my family to You, O God; let my family fulfil your ordained

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 15-17

Sun. 3/3/2019 God Regulated Priest’s Marriage Lev. 21:10-15

God designed marriage and family life for specific reasons. One of the reasons is to raise up
people who will populate the earth and bring glory to His name. Priests played pivotal role
in leading people to know and worship God. Families of priests were expected to be
exemplary; therefore, priests were to follow God’s commandments on how to establish their
families. The wife of the priest was to be a virgin from among the priest’s people. This was
to ensure the family was committed to obeying God’s rules and commandments; they train
their children in the fear of God; and enjoy love and companionship for which family is intended. God’s rules about forming a family for every one of His children is still
fundamental. Premarital sex is forbidden; there should not be unequal yoke with
unbelievers; marriage bed must be kept undefiled; and marriage should be between a male
and a female. Breaking these rules leads to destruction of the foundation of the family.

Point of Emphasis: If the foundation of the family be destroyed, what can the righteous do!

Prayer Point: Father, we bring the faulty foundations of our homes to You; in mercy restructure the foundations so that Your beauty may be seen in our homes.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 18-20

God’s knows the best way through which His purpose and agenda for man can be
achieved. In view of this, He gave Eve to Adam to form the first family on Earth. The
effective means of realizing God-given goals for marriage was designed and originated by
God Himself. The first institution originated by God is the lesson for this week.



At creation, God blessed man and gave the mandate that man should be fruitful and
multiply. Rather than making replicas of Adam in order to fill the earth, He chose to do so
through formation of the family. In order for the man and the woman to be able to replenish
the earth, they have to be fruitful. If Adam was infertile or Eve was barren, there would
have been no way for them to replenish the earth. If either of them did not see the need to be
involved in family life, and had chosen to be celibate, they would not have been able to
replenish the earth. When God created the first family, He already put in place all that was
needed for them to replenish the earth and to subdue it. Sin has brought so much distortion
and problems into the family. The set up now is far from that which the first family enjoyed
when God instituted the family. Whenever the family is restored to the knowledge and fear
of God, such distortion or problem is removed (Exo. 19:25-26). If your family has delay in
child bearing, God the author of marriage will visit you and grant you your heart desire as
He did for Hannah.


God created man as a being that needs to relate with others like him. It was not
Adam who complained of loneliness before God thought of finding him a companion. It
was God Himself who declared that it is not good for man to dwell alone. There were other
things created but there was none that was suitable to relate with Adam and be his
companion. Man may have pets which they love dearly, but such a pet cannot give the kind
of companionship that another human being can give. Some people prefer to remain single
and to relate to pets rather than go into family relationship because human beings have
disappointed them. Relating with pets does not fulfil the need for companionship that God
has put in man. Dealing with offences in family relationships is part of the training which
God expects man to undergo; instead of avoiding the offences.
Spouse abuse or child abuse is a sign of people’s ingratitude to God for providing
support and companionship through the family. Some men are proud of “disciplining” their
wives; some parents are cruel to their children and neglect them. Such people are oblivious of the fact that God gave them the privilege of having a family; and that He will demand from them account of how they handled God’s gift.


The family life started with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Many forms of
family distortion are used now that do not conform to what God instituted in the beginning.
To understand what the family life was intended to be, one needs to go back to the first
family to get the blueprint. God created one man and one woman to form the family—the
first family was monogamous. If God approved polygamy, He would have created two or
more women for Adam. If God approved of polyandry, He would have created more than
one man for Eve. If homosexuality is of God, He would have created another man for
Adam or another woman for Eve. Some of human laws regulating family life are put in
place to palliate the evils which man’s rebellion against God brought into family life—such
as laws of divorce or separation, laws against spouse abuse or child abuse and laws
enforcing family support. Some of these laws are found in the Bible because God gives
allowance for the hardness of man’s heart. The laws cannot bring the joy and peace which
God originally planned for the family. In any case “hardness of heart” is not part of the fruit
of the Holy Spirit, and therefore should not be found in a Christian. In the beginning, these
laws were unnecessary because Adam and Eve knew the plan of God for the family and
were ready to obey God’s commands.
God planned that through the family set up His purpose for man to “fill the earth
and subdue it” will be fulfilled. The institution of the family was not an ad-hoc programme
which God thought about later, but the institution started right from the beginning of
creation. The distortions which man introduced into the institution only brought frustration,
pain and heartache. For the family to fulfil God’s mandate, it is necessary to go back to
examine God’s purpose for the first family to find the blueprint.
1. What did God do for the first family and why?
2. How do you view the modern day family set up compared to what it was at the beginning?
3. What do vices and abuse in the family signify in our days?
4. Why is human invention for family not giving the desired joy?
5. Explain this statement, “The institution of the family is not an ad-hoc programme”.

LESSON 2, 10/3/2019

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 62, 99
Devotional Reading: Gen. 1:22; 2:18-25
Topic For Adults: Make Your Family An Example Of A Christian Family
Topic For Youths: Decide To Build A Christian Family
Topic For Intermediates: Play Your Part To Make Your Family A Christian Family
Lesson Scriptures: 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Gen. 2:21-25, 18:17-19; 1 Sam. 3:27-31

MEMORY VERSE: Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? (2 Cor.6:14) NKJV


Mon. 4/3/2019 Foundation For Christian Home Gen. 24:1-9

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived and died centuries before Jesus Christ came to the world.
They were, however, strong believers of Jehovah God and serve as examples for post-Christ
believers. Abraham wanted a godly wife for Isaac, his son. He knew that a woman from the
tribes among whom he settled would not be satisfactory; neither would Isaac going back to
his birth-place fulfil God’s plan. He gave instructions on how to choose a wife for Isaac.
Christian home does not happen by accident. A good foundation must be laid. First, the
person who wants a Christian home must be a genuine Christian. The person must decide
that his or her spouse should not be a believer. If you are not a serious Christian, you are
unlikely going to attract a genuine Christian. If you are a genuine Christian who believes
that anything is manageable, you are likely to end up with a shallow and unserious spouse.
Such foundation is not going to stand the test of time.

Point of Emphasis: Do not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites,
among whom I dwell.

Prayer Point: Father, open the eyes of those who are about to make wrong choice of life
partners to the dangers involved.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 21-23

Tue. 5/3/2019 Godly Children: Products Of Christian Homes Mal. 2:13-16

God brings a man and a woman together and makes them one for a definite purpose—to
bring up godly children. Since the time of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden man has
been bringing children up after their own kind—sinful men bringing up sinful children.
When Christ came, He redeemed man from the power and curse of sin; man now has power
to live a godly life. When two redeemed Christians come together in marriage, they are
empowered to raise godly children who are taught in the fear of the Lord. Such godly
children are empowered to ravage the kingdom of Satan. Satan is quite aware of this and
has the strategy in place to dislocate these children. It is of utmost importance that Christian
parents join hands together to pray for the salvation of their children and for their
establishment in the faith. Another strategy of the devil is to destroy the unity in the home by inducing one member to be unfaithful in the marriage. Disunity leaves the door open for
the devil to devour the children.

Point of Emphasis: God makes the husband and the wife one because He seeks godly
children from them.

Prayer Point: Every strategy of the devil to seduce and devour our children shall utterly fail
in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 24-26

Wed. 6/3/2019 Safeguard Against Sexual Immorality 1 Cor. 7:1-4

God frowns seriously on the sin of sexual immorality because it destroys the institution of
the families. Fornication is sex between a bachelor and a spinster, while adultery is marital
sex by a married person with someone who is not his or her spouse. Sexual immorality has
caused the breakage of many marriages and has caused distrust and emotional separation in
many families. People seek for satisfaction outside the home when there is dissatisfaction in
the family. It may not be considered a serious problem by non-Christians, but heaven-bound
Christians know that God forbids it. God provided marriage as the legitimate avenue of
satisfying the natural urge for sex. He also commands that marital partners should not
deprive one another of sex in order to reduce the temptation to commit sexual immorality.
For the Christian home, specific duties for each member of the family are given so that the
family runs smoothly. When family members are committed to obeying God, sexual
immorality will not occur.

Point of Emphasis: Marriage is a legitimate avenue to satisfy sexual urge without falling into
Prayer Point: Father, intervene in homes where temptation to commit sexual immorality is
plaguing the family.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 27-29

Thur. 7/3/2019 Placed To Inculcate Piety And Service To God Jos. 24:14-21

Joshua governed a nation of people who were untrustworthy in serving God. Many of them
played harlotry with other gods. Joshua was however different. He truthfully obeyed and
served God. We have no information on Joshua’s wife and children, but his declaration
about what his household would do gives insight into how the family was run. Joshua’s wife
must have been of the same conviction as her husband, and the children must have been
trained to fear the Lord, to obey Him and to serve Him. Most of the problems plaguing the
nation arise because the family has failed in God’s plan for the home. The Christian family
should be a place where piety and fear of God are imbibed. God instituted the family
because He is looking forward to godly offsprings. Christian husbands and wives need to
join hands to pray for and train their children until Christ is formed in the children. Prayers
cannot be overlooked because the devil is out to harvest children born into Christian homes.

Point of Emphasis: Choose whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, convict and convert all children from Christian families that have been captured into the life of sin by the enemy.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Prov. 30 – Eccl. 1

Fri. 8/3/2019 Protection Against Spiritual Backsliding Deut. 7:1-4

Raising a Christian family is the only sure way of safeguarding against spiritual backsliding.
At the stage of choosing whom to marry, some young people are under pressure to get
attached to any one that is available. They think they can maneuver an unbelieving spouse
to believe in God and to begin to obey God’s commands just like the children of Israel
thought they could co-exist with the pagan nations without backsliding. Moses forewarned
them that such co-existence would lead to backsliding. They ignored Moses’ warning; the
repercussion is now history. When the husband and wife are committed Christians, and
they strive to train their children in the way of God, the family becomes a formidable force
that the enemy cannot penetrate to cause anyone to backslide. It is harder for a committed
Christian who has an unbelieving spouse to keep standing in the Lord; it is even harder still
to train the children to fear the Lord as the children keep getting confusing signals.

Point of Emphasis: Unbelieving spouse is more likely to turn the believer away from following the Lord; don’t enter into marriage with them.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, uphold and strengthen the faith of all our brethren that are married to unbelievers.

Sat. 9/3/2019 Receiving Support To Serve God Acts 18:24-28

Aquila and Priscilla were Jewish husband and wife, living as a Christian family. Wherever
they went, they engaged in the work of the ministry. They took Paul into their home when
he was in Corinth. They accompanied Paul to Ephesus on his missionary journey. At
Ephesus, they led Apollos to a deeper knowledge of the way of God. Many ministers have
had their ministries retarded or derailed because their spouses do not have the same spiritual
vision with them. The service of God is greatly enhanced when the whole family is in
support of the minister. The family will be a source of encouragement when there is
difficulty; the family will be his eyes and ears to monitor the progress in the ministry. When
the support is not there, the minister is likely to run dry before long.

Point of Emphasis: The Christian family is a source of spiritual support for a minister serving God.

Prayer Point: Father, touch the family members of our ministers so that they can give the ministers the necessary support.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Eccl. 5-7

Sun. 10/3/2019 Christian Family Gives Strength And Support Eccl. 4:8-12

Every human being needs support from people around him. The family is the closest and
carries the capability to give strength and support. Trends in the society have brought decay
to the family structure that used to give such support—spouses have become household
enemies; children have become terror to parents and vice versa. The Christian family stands
to achieve the support because every member is committed to obey God’s commands. The
support can be given in the area of productivity in labor; encouraging those who are
frustrated; correcting those who fall into one mistake or the other; giving emotional support; and fighting external aggressors together. God wants to strengthen the Christian family to
become example to people around. Is your family fulfilling the plan that God has for the home?

Point of Emphasis: Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.

Prayer Point: Father, grant us the grace to repair the cracks in our homes that your glory
may reflect through our families.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Eccl. 8-10


The family which is the oldest institution on Earth was created by God for a purpose.
A known fact is that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. This
lesson is intended to re-awaken and inform believers about the importance of the family.


Many problems within the family start from the foundation on which the home is
built. During courtship, some Christians would see that their spouses-to-be do not have the
same commitment to God but will still go ahead and get married. The Christian has God as
his or her father. The bitter fact is that an unbeliever—including church goer who is not
committed to obeying God fully, no matter how nice he or she may be, is a child of Satan;
under the control of spirits of the air. When a Christian chooses an unbeliever as a spouse,
he or she is ready to have Satan as in-law. The Christian cannot bar the in-law from visiting
and bringing in gifts of discord, pain and heartache.
Christians become unequally yoked sometimes because the devil makes them
believe. They are not good enough to get good spouses, probably because of their past sins.
Others are stampeded into such decision because they believe that they are getting old and
time is no longer on their side. For whatever reason, a Christian becomes unequally yoked if
he or she marries an unbeliever. Do not be rushed in taking the decision of whom to marry
without ascertaining the person is committed to God like you. Seek counsel from spiritually
mature Christians. Of course, for those who have already been yoked, divorce is not the
solution, but praying that God would intervene and restructure the foundation.


God can choose a life partner for someone but it is up to the two to work out their
marriage with fear and trembling. It is unfortunate that many Christian homes are plagued
by the same maladies that trouble non-Christian homes because the Christians fail to build
according to God’s plan. Selfishness, pride, lust and lack of readiness to forgive are allowed
in the home—causing distrust, bitterness, anger, heartache, etc. The Christian family should
be different from other families if God’s pattern is followed. We can glean what this pattern
is from the first family.
The characteristics that should mark out a Christian family include the husband
showing agape love to the wife, submission of wife to the authority of the husband, mutual
respect, trust, understanding and acceptance. The family members must display openness
and there should be no hidden agenda or secrets. Each spouse should have genuine
commitment to making the marriage work, realizing that without the other spouse one is incomplete notwithstanding how strong or successful one may be. Each partner in the
relationship needs to realize that God chose for him or her the spouse; the spouse is
definitely not perfect, so allowance should be given for imperfection. While each person in
the relationship willingly trusts the partner, the partner should avoid infidelity which
destroys trust. There has to be the realization that the partners in relationship have their
individual personalities, hence, one partner should not take over the control of the
personality of the spouse.
The responsibility of fostering a Christian home rests mainly on the husband whom
God has given the responsibility of being the head. The head leads the home with the
understanding that the wife is also a co-heir of the grace of life; she should not be treated as
inferior or as a slave. God created a “help-meet” and not a boss or a slave. The family
relationship is a gift from God, which should be cherished and nurtured.


God has a wonderful generational plan for each family, but for the plan to be fulfilled
generation after generation must walk in obedience to God’s commands. When a particular
generation derails from the way of God, the plan of God for the family is put on hold or
even truncated. The surest way of experiencing God’s promise from generation to
generation is for each family in the lineage to be committed to God’s commands—to be a
Christian family.
God promised Abraham that He will make him a great nation, bless him, make his
name great and that through him all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Gen. 12:2-3).
Abraham maintained a godly family, expecting God’s promises to be fulfilled. However, in
order for the promise not to be truncated after Abraham, he needed to raise up children who
also would continue the tradition of having godly families—“I have known him, in order
that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of
the LORD .... that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him” (Gen.
18:19). In contrast, Eli’s children were not committed to having godly families—God’s
promise to the lineage got truncated.
God has a wonderful plan for generations in your family. He is not weak to bring the
plan to fulfillment, but it is necessary to first raise your family as a Christian family in order
for you to pass the baton to the next generation, which will also pass it on to generation
after them.
The malady plaguing the society today is a reflection of the dearth of Christian
families who ought to influence the society for God. The Christian family would be a fertile
ground for inculcating the fear of God, providing support for individual family members,
ensuring an atmosphere that discourages sexual immorality and spiritual backsliding. God is
still counting on His children to uphold spiritual standards in their families.
1. Why should Christians not be unequally yoked with unbelievers?
2. What makes some maladies affecting non-Christian home trouble Christian home?
3. What are the traits that should make a Christian home?
4. Why should each partner have genuine positive commitment to their family?
5. How can the wonderful plan of God for the family continue to be achieved?

LESSON 3, 17/3/2019
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 197, 210
Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 3:10-17
Topic For Adults: Home Where Christ Is Lord
Topic For Youths: Home Built On Solid Foundation
Topic For Intermediates: Be Part Of A Godly Home
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 7:24-28; 1 Cor. 13:1-8; 1 Pet. 3:1-6

MEMORY VERSE: So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate. (Matt. 19: 6) NKJV


Mon. 11/3/2019 Foundation Built On Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 3:10-17

Jesus Christ is the foundation on which a Christian should build, both in matter of eternal
life and also the present life relating to the family. When it comes to the matter of starting a
home, some Christians do not get God involved; they would rather make their choice and
then ask God to bless the choice than allow God to make the choice for them. That is why
many Christians do not end up with the “bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh”. Some
end up choosing unbelievers as their life partners and become unequally yoked with
unbelievers. Others get yoked with partners that God did not intend for them. The two who
want to start a Christian home must first submit their lives totally to God and become born
again. Each partner must independently commit himself or herself to obeying God’s
commands. A carnal man operates in the flesh, cannot please God, and therefore cannot
build a Christian home.

Point of Emphasis: Jesus Christ is the only foundation upon which a Christian home can be built.

Prayer Point: Father, give grace to those whose family foundations are not on Jesus, to surrender their lives to you that you may restructure their homes.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Eccl. 11 – Songs of Solomon 2

Tue. 12/3/2019 Pillar Of The Word Of God Deut. 6:1-7

One of the essential pillars that are needed for the Christian home to stand is the word of
God. Many believers are too busy to study and know the word of God. When the word has
not taken root in their hearts, they operate on the principles dictated by their culture or the
society around them. Societal norms and a lot of aspects of our culture are contrary to the
word of God. The Christian family should take time to read and study the word of God
together. The parents should take time to instruct their children in the word of God; taking
time to explain to them the bases of the Christian faith. Attention should not only be paid to
reading and studying, emphasis should also be laid on practising what the word commands.
Christian parents should not contract out teaching their children the word of God to Sunday
School teachers and the pastor. Since children spend greater part of their lives at home, it is
the duty of parents to instruct the children in the ways of the Lord.

Point of Emphasis: The Christian home without the word of God is similar to flying a plane without navigation equipment.

Prayer Point: May the word of God take its rightful place in our homes in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Songs of Solomon 3-5

Wed. 13/3/2019 Pillar of Family Altar Job 1:1-5

The family altar is where the family members gather together to read God’s word and to
pray. Job took pains to pray for his children and to offer burnt offering on their behalf. We
do not have it recorded that he had his wife and children with him during those periods of
prayer. If a Christian home is going to stand and last, the home has to rest on the pillar of
the family altar. It has often been said “the family that prays together, stays together”.
When the family does not get too busy to pray together, the children are taught to depend
on God for directions and solutions to problems through the means of prayer. When the
family prays together, their prayer of agreement is more potent than when only one member
prays alone. The family altar provides avenue to fight together the battles which the enemy
raises to derail the home and to capture the children.

Point of Emphasis: The fire on the family altar should never be allowed to go out.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, rekindle the fire on our family altars; make our family altars places of victory for our homes.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Songs of Solomon 6-8

Thur. 14/3/2019 Pillar Of Commitment Matt. 5:31-32; 19:7-10

One of the reasons couples make their marriage become miserable is because they go into
the marriage without having a strong commitment to make the marriage work. Every
married person went into the union with the desire and expectation that the marriage would
be blissful without having to do anything special to bring that to pass. Beautiful marriages
do not happen by accident; Christian homes don’t just happen without people working hard
to make it happen. Christians need to accept that God does not want their marriage to fail.
Each partner in the marriage has to be committed to making necessary sacrifice to make the
marriage work. Marriage will work if each partner in the union is committed to making the
spouse happy and find fulfilment in the home. A marriage runs into trouble when one
spouse is interested in his or her own happiness without regard for the partner.

Point of Emphasis: Commitment means the man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife.

Prayer Point: Father, in your mercy, prop up all Christian homes that are tottering and are about to fall.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 1-3

Fri. 15/3/2019 Pillar Of Sexual Fidelity Prov. 6:20-29

Some Christian homes have crumbled because one of the spouses got involved in sexual
immorality. Sexual sin often does not happen suddenly, but starts gradually by one partner becoming dissatisfied with some particular thing in the life of the spouse. The partner then
finds someone outside the marriage willing to fill the gap; slowly a relationship begins
which eventually blossoms into sexual sin. The build up which leads to the physical activity
could have been nipped in the bud if there is adequate communication between husband
and wife. Sexual immorality destroys the home, demeans the person involved in the activity
and brings disaster and God’s wrath. For whatever reason God frowns on infidelity. God
will judge fornicators and adulterers (Heb. 13:4). Each partner in a marriage should render
the necessary affection to the spouse to forestall the temptation for infidelity (1 Cor. 7:3).

Point of Emphasis: Keep the marriage bed undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Prayer Point: God, grant unto every married person how to manage the home to forestall infidelity.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 4-6

Sat. 16/3/2019 Pillar Of Mutual Trust Prov. 31:10-15

The walls of a Christian home begin to crack when the husband does not trust the wife or
the wife does not trust the husband. Distrust creeps in when a partner in the home discovers
that the other partner is not completely open in the relationship. If both partners are genuine
Christians, they should be completely open to one another. “And they were both naked, the
man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Gen. 2:25). Distrust should not arise because
one partner assumes he or she knows why the other partner has taken some action without
first verifying through open discussion. Each partner needs to strive to ensure the trust the
other partner has in him or her is not broken. Once the trust is destroyed, it takes a long
time to earn it again. Trust is earned and not merely bestowed. A couple that does not trust
each other cannot work together to make the family successful, cannot plan together; in
essence cannot be effective in God’s hand.

Point of Emphasis: Do not destroy the trust your spouse has in you.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, consume with your fire all seeds of distrust that have been sown into our homes.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 7-9

Sun. 17/3/2019 Pillar Of Forgiveness Matt. 18:21-35

The people who are likely to offend one another most are probably two people joined in
marriage. They live close to each other and know each other’s weaknesses. Peter would
have thought he was being generous by forgiving an offending person seven times. Jesus
made him realize that one should be ready to forgive without taking count of the number of
times the person has offended. A Christian spouse is not expected to keep a diary of offences
of his or her partner. If a partner takes the spouse for granted and continues to willingly do
things that are offensive to the spouse, then the genuineness of that partner’s salvation and
profession to be a child of God are doubtful. When Christian spouses refuse to forgive one
another the devil is given the opportunity to sneak into the home and wreak havoc. Lack of
readiness to forgive in the home also hinders prayers offered by the family members; and
makes it impossible to receive forgiveness from God. Forgiveness is the oil which lubricates
the engine on which the family runs.

Point of Emphasis: Make up your mind to forgive your spouse, no matter the offence.

Prayer Point: I receive the grace to forgive whatever offence my spouse has committed in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 10-13

The foundation of a thing is very vital to its standing or not. The need for Christians
to build their family according to the plan and purpose ordained by God is the focus of this
week’s lesson.



The marital home is like several areas of life that can be likened to building a house.
If the marriage is established on the word of God—with both the husband and wife
committed to obeying the commands of God as found in the Bible—the marriage will
withstand every storm or deluge that rises against it. But if the partners in the marriage take
the word of God with levity and are not ready to obey the commands, the house will
eventually fall. God instituted the family and has given the operation instructions in the
Bible. The reason many marriages fail is because man has forsaken God’s laws; and has
fashioned his own laws as he deems fit. Some Christians rest their homes on pillars
sculptured by prevalent culture and societal norms. Such cultures and norms accommodate
man’s carnal desires where there is room for selfishness, pride, abuse of spouse etc. The rate
at which homes are breaking is on the increase; and the society is burdened with the
outcome of children being raised by single parents.
Commitment to obeying God’s commandments makes partners in marriage
relationship willing to sacrifice to make the home successful. Every married couple will
experience some form of storm or the other—inadequate income, delay in childbearing,
health challenges, problem in training children, unemployment, career demands, etc. The
Christian home will weather storms like any other home, but the Christian couple will
confront their problem using biblical principles. In the case of a couple who profess to be
Christians having irreconcilable differences, render their profession to be Christians


Agape or selfless love should be the cornerstone of the Christian home. The love is
not conditional, but rather focuses on the wellbeing of the other partner in the relationship.
Unbelievers in courtship are drawn to one another by erotic love and sometimes by
infatuation. Such love focuses on what a partner stands to gain in the relationship. After the
honeymoon the love begins to fluctuate and couples express doubt about the choice of
partner made. Christian courtship centres on selfless love for their spouses. This love accepts
the other partner—with his or her strength and weakness; it looks for avenue to help the
spouse become what God created the spouse to be.

The love the couple has for each other should be measured according to the biblical
standard. The love is patient and kind, should not be jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It
does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It
does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives
up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. When the
love between couples fails to pass this test, the couple needs to go back to God for renewal
of their vows to one another. The husband is especially commanded to love his wife like
Christ loves the church that He gave His life for the church.


In constructing a building, a careful preparation is required before the foundation is
laid. Jesus asked in Luke 14:28, “For which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not
down first and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it”.
In Judges 14:1-10, Samson made a fatal error that led to his spiritual failure and
physical death. The mistake he made had to do with the choice of a marriage partner. He
made the following errors: (1) He showed lack of concern for the word of God. He ignored
God’s law relating to mixed-marriage (2) He did not follow his parents’ instructions (3) He
refused to fellowship with God’s people. He preferred to enjoy the passing pleasure of sin.
He used his will and desires in a way not pleasing to God (4) He mis-appropriated God’s
endowment and empowerment for personal gain at the detriment of God’s will for His life.
Christians should build their home on ethics that glorify God for sustainability.
The wife is commanded to submit to the husband in the marriage relationship. This
submission does not imply slave or master or inferior or superior relationship. It is the
matter of differing to the husband as there can only be one person at the steering wheel of a
car at a particular time. Marriages have crumbled because the wife would not submit to the
husband—maybe she is equally or more educated than the husband, or her pay packet is
heavier than that of the husband, or maybe the husband is even unemployed, or maybe she
came from a higher social status than the husband. In a Christian home, a wife who submits
to her husband and respects him wields more power in the home than one who does not. A
wife’s gentle and quiet spirit is precious before God. By divine arrangement, the husband is
made the head of the home. A wise Christian husband knows very well that listening and
heeding the wife’s suggestions and pieces of advice saves him and his home from grievous
mistakes. But when the wife sets herself as a competitor against the husband, she is no
longer the help-meet God created her to be; the home will be tumultuous.


God designed the home to stand on some biblical principles. When these principles
are ignored, the home can neither stand nor achieve God’s purpose for it. The calamity
plaguing the society today is a repercussion of man forsaking these pillars. Each family can
go back to God and be committed to observing these pillars and building on them in order
to have peace and joy in the home.


1. Why do some marriages fail in the present time?
2. What makes marriage partners to make their home stand despite challenges?
3. Discuss the differences between unbelievers’ and Christians’ courtship.
4. Why did Samson fail physically and maritally?
5. Explain the submission expected of wives to their husbands in Christian families.

UNIT 2: Steps for Building a Christian Home

LESSON 4, 24/3/2019

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 271, 275
Devotional Reading: Heb. 13:4-6
Topic For Adults: Don’t Be A Marriage Destroyer
Topic For Youths: Prepare For A Glorious Marriage
Topic For Intermediate: Desire To Obey God
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 2:21-25; Heb. 13:4-6; Prov. 5:20; 18:22; Matt. 19:1-6

MEMORY VERSE: Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. (Heb. 13: 4) NKJV


Mon. 18/3/ 2019 Choose A Good Spouse Gen. 2:21-25

There is no way your ability to choose rightly will not have a positive effect on your making
heaven. Adam was able to recognise that Eve was the bone of his bone and flesh of his own
flesh. When God chooses for you, there will be conviction that it is truly yours. You will not
limp along in a relationship that will be characterised with chaos. You will truly cleave to
your spouse if you have a good one. Only God through the Holy Spirit can truly guide you
to have a good partner. You will not endure your spouse but enjoy him or her. Also both of
you will be a good companion of each other. You will have a legitimate, fruitful family that
will replenish the Earth. Definitely, your partner will have influence in your life either
towards righteousness or sin. Endeavor to wait on God to have a good spouse.

Point of Emphasis: Your partner will have either good or bad influence on you. Ensure you
choose a good spouse.

Prayer Point: Lord, help our young people to make the choices of a spouse that will have a positive effect on their fulfilment in life.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 14-16

Tue. 19/3/2019 No Trial Marriage Mk. 10:1-12

There is nothing like trial marriage for Christians. The people of the world device a means
of living together for a while to see whether they are compactible as couple. Sometimes they
do it to see how they can get along before they actually get married. In our passage for this
devotion, the Pharisees came to Jesus to tempt him by asking a question relating to putting
away of one’s wife (i.e. Divorce). Jesus answered them in verse 11 that “whosoever shall put
away his wife, and marry another commiteth adultery against her”. Since “divorce” and
“adultery” are not permitted in marriage, suffice to say that there is no room for trial
marriage in Christendom. Anyone who wishes to get married should wait upon the Lord for
guidance and God will surely lead him or her in the right direction.

Point of Emphasis: Trial marriage is a ‘taboo’ in Christendom.
Prayer Point: Lord, help our youths to know godly way in their marriage.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 17-19

Wed. 20/3/2019 God Gives Help And Comfort In Companionship Eccl. 4:9-11

There is no matured, eligible, grown up Christian that doesn’t need love, help comfort and
support of others. The best companionship where these needs can easily be met is in
marriage. The Scripture read says “Two are better than one”. The companionship of a
Christian husband and wife has many advantages with the support of God our Creator. Ties
of union of marriage is rewarding because they have a good reward for their toil. If one falls,
the other will lift him or her up. If the two lies together, they will get warm.

Point of Emphasis: With God’s support, ties of union of husband and wife is rewarding.

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, cause Christian couples to get reward for their toiling.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 20-22

Thur. 21/3/2019 No Couple’s Life Heb. 13:1-6

The Sanctity of Christian marriage makes it a solemn entity that should be void of pollution.
Some young people especially those in higher institution are in the habit of living a couple’s
life. It saddens one’s heart seeing that some of our young people are involved in this
practice. Christians should know that God has high standard for His people in marriage.
You must be ready to follow the due process. Abide with the warning against immorality.
Though the people in the world may be doing it, choose to be content with Bible principles.
The Lord will sustain those who make up their mind to remain incorruptible. Boldly say,
the Lord is your helper. He will not forsake you.

Point of Emphasis: Nothing like ‘couple’s life’ for students in higher institution in Christendom.

Prayer Point: Lord, be the helper of our students in higher institution so that they will not involve themselves in couple’s life.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 23-25

Fri. 22/3/2019 Purity Before Marriage 1 Thess. 4:1-7

It is good to develop principles in every aspect of our lives as Christians. Our passage speaks
about marital unfaithfulness. It behoves young people to know that, sex before marriage is
totally forbidden. All activities like kissing, necking and touching that can easily arouse the
passion of the opposite sex should be done away with. You may live in an environment
where sexual immorality is an acceptable lifestyle, don’t compromise God’s holiness. God
has not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness (verse 7). We are required to live by the
high standard of purity.

Point of Emphasis: Christians are required to live by the high standard of purity.

Prayer Point: Lord, despite the acceptability of immorality by many in our society, help us
to live a life of purity.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 26-28

Sat. 23/3/2019 Unequal Yoke Forbidden 2 Cor. 6:14-17

No real agreement or fellowship can exist between two people unless they come to term on
fundamental truths. This shows that there cannot be any meaningful co-existence between a
believer and non-believer. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbeliever, for what fellowship
has righteousness with unrighteousness...” (2 Cor. 6:14). If you have been entangled in alliance,
partnership or engaged in courtship with an unbeliever, it is better you break the
relationship. A broken courtship is better than a broken home. God doesn’t permit a
believer to marry an unbeliever. Don’t say I will change him or her later. It may be a
suicidal mission. Don’t marry an unbeliever for any reason.

Point of Emphasis: God does not permit a believer to marry an unbeliever.

Prayer Point: Father, let our young ones find your will within Christendom.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 29-32

Sun. 24/3/2019 God Expects You To Have Self Control 1 Cor. 6:18 – 7:5

Christians are required to reject sexual immorality by repeatedly saying ‘No’ to all forms of
ungodliness and worldly passions. Both married and unmarried Christians are to live
soberly, righteously and godly in this ungodly world (Tit. 2:12). Christians should not live in
the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of God. Those in Christ Jesus should live in
intimate union with God by abiding in His will. The Holy Spirit who strengthens us should
inculcate in us the will to have self-control. To make your calling and election sure, add to
your faith, virtue and to your virtue knowledge and to knowledge, self-control (2 Pet. 1:5-6).

Point of Emphasis: Self-control makes the election of Christians sure. It is a must have.
Prayer Point: Help me Lord to always exercise self-control in my marital and all issues relating to life.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 33-35

Marriage was instituted by God for man to find fulfilment in life. It is the oldest
institution in life. We read in Gen. 2:24 that a man will leave his father and mother and join
to his wife, and the two become one”. Perhaps, it is lack of understanding that has made
many to abuse this lofty and sacred institution over the years. This week’s lesson focuses on
enlightening Christians on the honourability of Christian marriage.


The marriage of Eve to Adam was the most honourable of all marriages. God
provided Eve for Adam. Both of them were God’s handwork, it was God’s own perfect
God having made man (i.e. Adam) in His image recognised that there was no perfect
help-meet among all the creatures. He thereafter created Eve. The woman was made out of

the rib of the side of Adam. By God’s providence, this proved that Eve was truly a help-
meet for Adam.

God instituted the ordinances of marriage (verse 24). He pronounced that “a man
must leave all his relations and cleave to his wife”. This bond binding on marriage is stronger than the law that governs all other created beings. Every marriage consummated after God’s pattern must follow God’s pronouncement.
The bond of marriage must not be broken or weakened by polygamy or divorce. God, the originator of marriage want the affection between husband and wife to transcend the intimacy between parents and their children. Husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies (Eph. 5:28).

The first marriage ever in history between Adam and Eve was consummated in purity and state of innocence. They were naked (open to each other) and they were not ashamed. They needed no cloth to cover their nakedness because they were covered with the glory of God. In view of this, nature around them did not work contrary to their comfort.
Though, there are many in the world today who do not understand how marriage was originated nor know its originator, Christians must ensure that they know Him intimately through Christ.


The woman was made out of the man. She was made in perfect resemblance of the
man. She was not inferior, infact, she possesses all the qualities that the man has. As a
being, she was like and equal to the man. She was an help-meet for the man.

God ordained marriage for the follow reasons:
 Companionship. Two are better than one, says the Scriptures (Eccl. 4:9) because they
will have good reward for their labour. Husband and wife support themselves in
order to prosper in life. They also comfort and keep each other warm. Ties of union
in marriage by a man and woman grant opportunity to succeed where they would
have failed had it been they were single.
 Procreation: It enhances producing children in a legitimate means (i.e. through
ordained family). God’s blessing of fruitfulness, multiplication and replenishing the
Earth are made fulfilled.
 Satisfaction of sexual desire: It is the way that God uses in dealing with the sin of
fornication and adultery. There is biological desire in matured adult to mate with
opposite sex. To curb the sin of sexual immorality. God ordained marriage.
Christians should note that marriage is meant for those who are matured
biologically, psychologically, mentally and financially. It is not for children.


Christian marriage is a means through which a born again man and woman are
united in a sacred wedlock with the approval of their parents and church. Every Christian
should know that God approved only monogamy (i.e. one man, one wife) for Christians.
This should be what anyone who wants to please God should desire. No matter how
rational the thought of anyone may be, if it is contrary to this, it is not Biblical. Do the
following to pick rightly:
 Receive your spouse from God. There is somebody that God has provided for you.
Let God guide you through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Prayerfully receive your
partner from God.
 Don’t rush to marry somebody you don’t know. Be in courtship for sometime. Let
your move be known to your pastor and spiritual leaders. It is not an old practice for
you to let them know everything relating to your move towards your marital issue.
 Ensure that during the period of courtship, you abstain from lustful pleasures.
 Carry out the engagement custom. Do the one that is in line with the standard of
 Don’t put yourself into debt because of marriage ceremony. Note that ceremony is
just a day but the marriage proper is forever. Do the ceremony that you can afford.
 Ensure you make a public vow to one another before God.
 Anyone who doesn’t pay the dowry of his wife is a kidnapper. Ensure you pay
yours. Those who got their wives before becoming Christian should go and do it
now if they have not done so. Anyone who refuses to pay the bride price of his wife
has not made his marriage honourable.


‘He who finds a wife, finds a good thing, and obtains favour from the Lord” (Prov.
18:22). God designed marriage as a valuable, precious institution that should not be
discarded at will. He wants marriage to be till death parts the man and the woman.
Satan is chief destroyer of marriage. He causes various ways to truncate the union
which God placed a very high premium on. This is contrary to the fundamental law of
marriage. God says a man shall leave his parents and cleave to His wife. They shall remain
one flesh.
The reason they should not put an end to their marriage are: Nobody ever hated
himself and cuts it off, but nourishes and cherishes it. What God has joined together let no
one put asunder.
Those who back up reason for divorce based on the sin of immoral sexual acts
should not forget the place of forgiveness in Christianity. If God has truly forgiven you, be
ready to forgive. Christians should realise that God neither wants His people to partake in
the sin of adultery nor that of fornication. Under the Old Testament, a stiff penalty of
stoning to death was enacted for those involved in the sin. Care should be taken not to be
involved in the sin. Marriage is honourable, let the bed remain undefiled.
Marriage is honourable. Protect the sanctity of your marriage. God’s purpose for
instituting marriage has not become obsolete. Make yours work. Do not do anything that
will truncate it. Hold it in high esteem.
1. How did God institute the ordinance of marriage?
2. Can you explain the condition of Adam and Eve when God joined them together in marriage?
3. Mention the reasons for Christian marriage.
4. Is it important for Christians to pay dowry? State reasons for your answer.
5. State the reasons Christians should not put an end to their marriage?

LESSON 5,  31/3/2019
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 209, 352
Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 3:1-12
Topic For Adults: Duties of Parents
Topic For Youths: The Useful Youth In A Christian Home
Topic For Intermediates: Why Must I Obey?
Lesson Scriptures: Eph. 5:25-33; 1 Tim. 5:8, Eccl. 9:7-9; Eph. 5:22-24; 1 Pet. 3;1-6; Tit. 2:3-
7; Prov. 30:17; Eph. 6:1-3

MEMORY VERSE: But if anyone does not provide for his own and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and worse than an unbeliever (1 Tim. 5:8) NKJV


Mon. 25/3/2019 Parents; Teach Your Children Deut. 6:4-9

The spiritual welfare of our children is one of the concerns of parents. This is one key way
to express genuine love for God. It is expected that parents should endeavour to bring their
children up to have faithful relationship with God. God wants His people to have intimate
fellowship with Him. He gave a command “And thou shall love the LORD thy God with
all thine heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy might”. This will make God’s people
to know Him deeply and enjoy His covenant relationship. Believers must give their children
God centred education in order to instil in them the fear of the Lord.

Point of Emphasis: Parental instruction to teach their children is to make them continue to have good relationship with God.

Prayer Point: Dear Lord, help parents to educate their children to love God. Lord, let our children take to godly teaching.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 36-38

Tue. 26/3/2019 Parents; Train Your Children Isa. 38:18-19

It is not optional for parents to teach our children the vitality of praising God. A trained
child is an asset to the family. Such children ensure continuity. ‘The dead cannot praise
God’. Since it is the living that can praise the Lord, Christian parents should make
necessary effort to produce children who will continue to praise God uncompromisingly. It
is expected that our children will succeed us. In view of this, we should train them to be the
future generation that will continue to praise God.

Point of Emphasis: The Living shall continue to praise God.

Prayer Point: By the grace of God, Christian parent will not cease to train their children to be the future generation that will praise God.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 39-41

Wed. 27/3/2019 Seek Healing For Our Children Mk. 5:35-42

Parents must seek the physical and spiritual wholeness of their children even when the
situation is seemingly hopeless. The effort made by the ruler of the Synagogue to seek the healing or restoration of his daughter is commendable. The daughter had died (verse 35) yet
he did not give up on her. He took a step of faith to come to Jesus. Though hope seemed to
be lost, he was encouraged in faith by the response of Jesus. “Be not afraid, only believe”.
Don’t give up on that sick child. God will give you needed faith and your child will be
delivered. All you need is to have the will and determination that your child will be well.
Miracle is coming your way (Amen)

Point of Emphasis: If you have the will, miraculous healing of your child will be a reality in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, let it be to me according to my faith over my children.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 42-44

Thur. 28/3/2019 Live Joyfully With Your Wife Eccl. 9:7-9

Husbands are commanded to live joyfully with the wives whom they love all the days of
their lives. It is the responsibility of Christian husband to live with joy and love their wives
throughout their lifetime. Men should note that all activities in life bring lasting joy and
happiness when one has personal relationship with God. Only God enables one to find
enjoyment in life. Instead of re-acting negatively as a result of unpleasant behaviour from
your spouse, please take your case to God. He will intervene, He knows what do in order to
turn the situation in your favour.

Point of Emphasis: It is the husband’s duty to live joyfully with his wife forever.

Prayer Point: Father, grant all Christian husbands the grace to live joyfully with their wives.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 45-47

Fri. 29/3/2019 Wives Display True Beauty 1 Pet. 3:1-6

Wives in Christian families should be submissive to their husbands and recognise them as
the head of the family irrespective of their temperament and financial status. Mother in the
house should make effort to win the husband and the children’s love to herself by her
behaviour. Though the outward adornment appear attractive to some men, but none
despises the inner beauty of the heart. The inner and enduring charm of a meek and quiet
spirit brings the best out of a godly husband. It is also precious to God. Christian wives
complete loyalty to God in this materialistic and manipulative world is by displaying true
beauty of the inner heart.

Point of Emphasis: True beauty is a matter of character not decoration.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, help our mummies in the house to adorn themselves with inner beauty.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 48-50

Sat. 30/3/2019 Perform Your God-given Task Prov. 31:10-31

The Bible passage read this morning rolled out the description and role of an ideal Christian
wife. Most vital among them are: She has compassion for those in need (verses 19-20)
shows her faithfulness and love towards her family (verse 27) loves and fears the Lord (verse
30). All the ideas mentioned may seem not unattainable by those that are self-willed. Those
who are ready to yield to God’s appointed task of submitting to their husband and God will make conscious effort to obey. Every member of the family should know that it is God- given task for everybody to submit to God. It is a general spiritual principle to be applied by all Christians. We must have mutual submission for each other. It must be the characteristics of each one of us.

Point of Emphasis: Make conscious effort to posses the good virtues of a good woman to carry out God-given tasks.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit help us to have mutual submission and respect for one another in our family.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 51-53

Sun. 31/3/2019 Children! Don’t Mock Your Parents Prov. 30:12-17

God’s commandment for children to honour their father and mother must not be handled
with levity. Honouring our parents entails that we should give them all necessary supports
and obey their instructions. God enacted death penalty in the Old Testament for anyone
who cursed his or her parent. Children must not speak abusive word against their parents.
There is no reason why you should be at longer-head with your parents. They gave birth to
you. There is nothing you can attain in life that is greater than this. If you have been aborted
in pregnancy, you will not be alive. God expects you to respect and obey your parents.
Don’t abandon them for any reason, no matter how reasonable it may seem to you. Those
who mock and abandon their parents will bring God’s curse on themselves (Prov. 30:17)

Point of Emphasis: Don’t mock your parents, it brings God’s curse.

Prayer Point: Lord God Almighty, grant unto our children grace to heed to God’s instruction concerning their parents.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 54-56

God the Father, the Originator of family spelt out the duties which each member of
the family should carry for the smooth running of the family. This week’s lesson focuses on
the roles of each family member. Progress in our families depend on the father, mother and
children’s response to their duties.

5:8; ECCL. 9:7-9

God appointed the husband as the head of the family. The husband must exercise his
role in love, gentleness and consideration to his wife and children. When there is problem
with the head, there is nothing that the righteous can do. For your family to meet up with
what God designed for it, you must not neglect your responsibilities which include:
 Love your wife and children as Christ loves the church that He gave Himself for her.
Husbands’ love towards their wives should be above erotic one. It should be agape in
nature (Eph. 5:25-27). In view of this, make every effort to make your wife and
children to be fulfilled in life.
 Seek for the general welfare of your family by providing for the needs of the family (1
Tim. 5:8)
 See to the spiritual development of members of your family.
 Dwell with your family with understanding. Pursue things that make your wife and
children happy. Don’t provoke them (Eph. 6:4)
 Honour your wife and children always (1 Pet. 3:7)
 Be a good mentor that leads in the way of righteousness, lead all your family
members to Christ and be a role model to them (Deut. 6:6-9)
 To enjoy and have true happiness, live joyfully with your wife with joy.
Wholeheartedly love her throughout your life.


The wife should know that God expects her to help her husband. God created her to
be a help-meet and nothing less. She must be submissive to her husband. There are other
God-given assignment that she is expected to carry out in order to make the family
function and succeed. These other functions include:
 She must develop a quiet and gentle spirit to exhibit a tender care for the family (1
Pet. 3:4)
 She must be a good wife and mother to the husband and children respectively (Tit.
 She must help her husband to bring up the children to develop godly way by training
the children in godly character and practical life skills. Children must be given home
 She must desire to possess the traits of a virtuous woman (Deut. 31:10-31)
 She must adorn herself with inner beauty of heart. These qualities will make her to
have godly character that will make her to be meek, quiet and gentle spirit (1 Pet.
 She must be a good keeper of her home. She must wade away danger and vices that
can affect the family negatively.
 She must be able to take care of her husband and children. She must be able to
translate the materials provided by the husband into product that gives comfort to the
 She must be prayerful, a good planner and administrator.
 She must not allow her secular job prevent her from performing her matrimonial duties.
The duties of a wife in the family is a challenging one but by relying on God’s grace,
Christian wives will perform and succeed exceptionally.


Christian children remain under their parental guidance until they grow up and are
eligible to form their own family. Children need to be taught to obey and honour their
With the backing of God, our children will display whatever training their parents
inculcate into them. Children of believers must obey their parent in the Lord, honour them
as well (Eph. 6:1-2a)
 Love your parents. Delight to be in their company. Remember that you came to life
through them. There is no gift or help that can be commensurate with the birth given you.
Older children should show love to their parents and honour them. They must
respect their parents. Don’t call them ‘old schools’. What makes their eyes deep is life experience. You may benefit from their wealth of experience.
 Honour them in their old age through care and financial support.
 God requires children to honour and obey their fathers and mothers to receive God’s blessings. Don’t mock them because mocking brings curse (Prov. 30:17)
 Don’t compare your parents with others. Don’t rebel against them. God ordained you to come through them. Resist youthful exuberance that can cause you to do contrary to God’s will.
 Follow their good examples. Don’t bring shame to your family.
 Do your duties as regarding keeping the house functioning to glorify God.
Blessed are you if you do what God expects you to do as duties in your family.
There is no duty of any family member that is not important for the well-being of the
family. In view of this, each member should perform his or her roles in order to avoid
lapses. Performing our duties will make our family to function and be fruitful.
1. How should the husband exercise his headship role?
2. Why should the husband provide for his family?
3. Mention some duties that wives should perform in the families.
4. Explain what it means for women to adorn themselves with inner beauty of the heart.
5. What are the duties of children in the family?

LESSON 6, 7/4/2019

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 213, 240
Devotional Reading: Jos. 24:1-15
Topic For Adults: Let Your Life Be Worthwhile
Topic For Youths: Don’t Make Yourself An Eye sore
Topic For Intermediates: Start On A Good Note
Lesson Scripture: 2 Thess. 3:6-14; Jn. 13:35; 1 Thess. 2:2-10; Mk. 10:9; Eph. 4:17-22

MEMORY VERSE: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16) NKJV


Mon. 1/4/2019 Live A Life Of Integrity 1 Sam. 12:1-5

The statement by Samuel in our text today is an excellent example that deserves to be
imitated. What a life of seamless integrity. He was not from another planet and did not
moult as insect; he grew from childhood, through adolescence, became a youth and also an
adult. As at the time of this statement, he was an old man who had seen it all. Imagine
someone who has lived through all those stages unsoiled and still confident of himself. He
had no dent in life and ministry, he did not cheat anyone, he did not oppress anyone by
virtue of his position and opportunities, he did not receive any bribe that could have
blindfolded his sense of judgment, and he lived a right life, taught the people the way of
God and pointed people to God and not himself. In summary, he had nothing wrong that
anyone could hold on to – what a life! What a model worth being followed and a life that
should be prayerfully coveted! Integrity is when your words, your life and your actions are
right and match one another. True to Samuel’s word, the people couldn’t find anything
against him. Live a life of integrity so that nothing will be found against you.

Point Of Emphasis: Integrity is when your words, your life and your actions are right and match one another.

Prayer Point: Help me today oh Lord to be a model of all that is good and godly.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 57-59

Tue. 2/4/2019 Don’t Compromise – Stand Out Dan. 1:3-15

Daniel and his colleagues were slaves from Israel. They were carried to Babylon. In spite of
their predicament, they chose to stand for God and that is why they remained a reference
point for us. They stand as a good example and a check for people who are passing through
unpalatable situations and want to compromise. The Hebrew slaves had a purpose, a sense
of identity. Though they were selected to be taught a foreign way of life that would replace
what hitherto they had known, they did not compromise. They were exposed to delicacies
and juicy things of life that were meant to make them lose hold of their background and also
forget their God. The training altogether was to make them fit for the earthly king’s service.
They purposed in their heart not to defile themselves with the portion of the earthly king so
that they would not be rejected by the Heavenly King. Daniel and his colleagues made up
their mind from the beginning not to spoil themselves with the king’s delicacies. There was
no parent around them to guide them, yet their love for God and what they had been taught was so paramount in their heart. They stood out and never compromised. Set a legacy
worthy of emulation by not compromising your faith.

Point Of Emphasis: If God cannot trust you during hard times, He cannot take you to high places.

Prayer Point: Lord, help me to stand and never compromise my stand and belief in you because of the passing pleasures of the world.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 60-62

Wed. 3/4/2019 Invest In Your Family And People Jos. 24:1-15

Models are good examples to be emulated. The nation of Israel was finding it difficult to do
the will of God despite the very many good things He had done for them. Joshua was
already an old man, he was about to die. He had invested in the people and his family. He
did not want to fail in his primary constituency by losing his family. He was of the opinion
that he must labour first in his home and then on the people. He believed that he and his
family would stand for God and be a model to other families around. He was in charge of
his home; he could confidently say that his wife was on God’s side and likewise his
children. First lead your family to follow God. Let your words first find relevance in your
home and then the people around will be positively influenced by the attitude of your
family. Train your family first in the way of the Lord and then the people and not the other
way round. Those who fail at home cannot be respected outside. Failure to lead your family
members to serve the Lord will mar your faith and will result to judgment and destruction.
To be a good model, invest in your family.

Point Of Emphasis: Train your family first in the way of the Lord and then the people and not the other way round.
Prayer Point: Lord, my family and I will serve you. My generation will forever be relevant with God and His service.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 63-65

Thur. 4/4/2019 Fear God; Turn From Evil Job 1:1-22

The credential of Job was so enviable that anyone called a Christian should not live less. He
set a model that we must all work to achieve. He was a man in the land of Uz, meaning he
was not an angel, he did not live in heaven, he was faced with the same challenges we face
as human. The foundation of Job’s uprightness is that he feared God and turned away from
evil. He had moral integrity and was totally committed to Him. God wants us also to stand
and be a light both for our contemporary time and for generations coming, just by our
lifestyle of godliness and uprightness in the faces of daunting challenges and odds. What is
being said about you today by your spouse, children, co-workers and neighbors? What has
heaven recorded in your account? Is God proud of you? As a father, mother and even a
child in a home, are you worth heaven’s applause? You must fear God and turn away from
evil. Doing this will make you a role model in Christendom.

Point Of Emphasis: We read about Job today as a man of an enviable testimony, what is being said about you?

Prayer Point: Lord, help me to be a good model with an enviable testimony both for this generation and generation unborn.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Isa. 66 – Jer. 2

Fri. 5/4/2019 Let Your Work Speak Acts 9:36-42; Jn. 13:35

Some people will die and people around them will breathe a sigh of relief that at last, the
despot and wicked oppressor is gone. Some will die and the whole community will be filled
with thanks to God for every remembrance of them. The latter was the case with Tabitha, a
generous woman, full of good works, full of charitable deeds who successfully touched the
lives of people around her positively. It is only those you have touched and pulled up while
you are up that will sustain you while you are weak. Those you trample upon are not
empowered to assist you. How are you touching people? How many people have benefited
from your elevated position or you believe you are elevated to trample upon people’s right
and ride upon or rob them. Everyone, irrespective of status, can offer help in diverse forms
as you are better off someone very close to you. What impact are you leaving on people?
Has anyone become happy or successful through you? Do good works and let your works
speak for you.

Point Of Emphasis: Whatever you live for will outlive you. Be a model of generosity as you are blessed to be a blessing to people around you.

Prayer Point: Lord, endow me with grace to be generous and offer help to everyone around me.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 3-5

Sat. 6/4/2019 Make Your Family Extra-ordinary Acts 18:1-3,24-28

Marriage to some is a nightmare and very frightening owing to the way some couples
around are living. But some couples are so interesting and so extraordinary that staying
around them creates a godly longing in singles around them for similar companionship.
Everything said about this couple we are studying today in the scripture is so encouraging.
Theirs was a home with purpose. They had godly virtues and character; they were dutiful
career people, able ministers who contributed to the success story of the ministry of Paul.
They were healthy complements and not rivals or competitors, godly mentors who
mentored Apollos in the way of God. They had a church in their house which their lifestyle
and attitude promoted. (1 Cor. 16:9; Rom. 16:3). A good father and mother will not only
tell us how to live – they show us! What type of family are you raising? Is it glorifying God?
Learn from our reference couple in this study. Working together allows for growth,
teamwork and greater efficiency both in career and ministry. You must work for the growth
of one another and be a good model to people around. By making every member of your family to be supportive to the church of God and the ministers, you are making them extra- ordinary.

Point Of emphasis: Make your family committed to the things of God.

Prayer Point: God give us Christian home; home where the father, mother and the children are models of all that is good and also supportive of God’s work.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 6-8

Sun. 7/4/2019 Have Good Virtues Matt. 1:18-25

The characters of Joseph and Mary were simply the cornerstone needed for the birth of the
Messiah. Mary’s virtue singled her out as a blessing to generations. Prophecies had gone ahead that a virgin would conceive and give birth to the Messiah, she was level headed
enough to allow the fulfilment. God would never have lowered His standard if she was not
a virgin – what a lesson for our young people. Our lifestyle and character play a big role in
fulfilment of destiny and divine purposes. Joseph was a just man and compassionate. By this
men will know you are disciples of Jesus when you show love and not when you relate with
your spouse, children and people around you with rules and legalism. How many men
really love their wives? How many men really love their family? Joseph was called father
and must take responsibility of a child This shows that he was selflessness, responsible and
humble to submit to God’s will.

Point of Emphasis: Mary and Joseph’s good virtues made them models from their generation till date. Strive to possess virtues that will make your name to be written in gold.

Prayer Point: Lord, help me to be totally sold out to the fulfilment of the divine agenda.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 9-11

A happy family is a haven of safety and security. A healthy family makes a strong
society. What happens in our contemporary society shows that most families have been
living below God’s expectation. The vices and immoralities prevailing currently
demonstrate that some homes are falling short of what they ought to be. There is conflict,
tension, abuse and immorality plaguing our society. In view of these, some youths are afraid
of constituting their own family. This week’s lesson centres on the need for members of
Christian home to live their lives in a way as to make themselves role models in the society.


Apostle Paul earlier commended the obedience of believers in Thessalonica. He went
further to give instruction to those who were found wanting among them. The admonition
which he gave them is relevant to the members of a Christian and church in our
contemporary time.
There were some among the Thessalonica brethren who walked disorderly. They
failed to conduct themselves according to the rule of Christianity. Every member of a
Christian family must walk worthy of the gospel.
 No member of a Christian family should be busy-body, idle, not working at all. It is
expected of every Christian to do good works in his or her family. The fact that we
expect the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ should not prevent anyone from
 It is not ideal to take the generosity of our family and church for granted. These
days, white colar jobs are not readily available, don’t stay idle. Find an hitch and fill
it. There is somebody around who needs what you can do and pay for your service.
Don’t be a burden to your family and church. Get something doing.
The body of Christ should note that Paul was not advocating that help should not be
given to those in real need but able-bodied believers must not stay idle. Any member of our
family who refuses to work must not eat. Christians must be industrious, diligent, and work
with their hand in order to serve as role models in our society.
Every member of a Christian family must show agape love to each other to show that
they are Christ’s disciples indeed (Jn. 13:35). In view of this, we must:
 do nothing with selfish ambition or wrong motive. We must have the mind of Christ – Phil. 2:5-8
 don’t result to blackmailing or get involved in unnecessary discussion. Everybody in the family should be able to trust one another.
 choose to be responsible. Love our family as Christ loves the church, endure and forebear with one another.
 don’t compromise our Christian ethics for any reasons. Friends, sinners and the world will entice us, but we must not consent.


Paul affirmed that the gospel was brought to the Thessalonians in truth and not with deceit. Though Paul had been slandered by his opponents accusing him of insincerity in his preaching of the gospel, he did not compromise with his conviction. This made him a role model in Christendom. He was bold to say ‘be ye my example as I am example of Christ.
 Each member of our family must make up their mind not to tolerate sin or compromise our belief in Christ because we want to please unbelievers around us.
 We must not allow societal values to determine the rightness and wrongness of our actions. We must be spirit-led. The Bible should be adopted to be our guide principles in whatever we do. The following questions should always be asked
when taking a decision:
 Will what I am about to do glorify God?
 Can this be done in the name of Jesus?
 Can what I am about to do bring sincere thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus?
 Is it what Christ will do if He happens to be in my position?
 Will it affect my testimony of being a child of God?
As a Christian, don’t do anything to please man or do anything that will bring reproach
to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be a role model to the people of faith and unbelievers.

PART 3: GROW IN GODLINESS – MK. 10:9; EPH. 4:17-22

Where there is a will, there is a way. Unbelievers and nominal Christians sometimes
break their marital vow on flimsy excuses that can be settled if they have allowed the
originator of family to intervene. Be a role model in your thought. Consider what would
have happened if God the originator of marriage has chosen to deal with you harshly and
divorce you when you failed to meet His standard.
Ensure that you don’t contribute anything that can disband what God has joined
together. God uses marriage and Christian home to depict the mystical union between
Christ and His church. Don’t do anything to disband it.
For a house to become a model building, the foundation is very essential. The whole
structure stands on the foundation. This is also true of a Christian. Who is your foundation?
Are you born again genuinely? Salvation changes man’s nature. When you are sanctified,
you grow in godliness. If there is any trait of consistent unrighteousness in your life, check
its foundation. You have to accept Jesus Christ into your life. Thereafter, ask the Lord to
help you bear spiritual fruits. This is what makes Christian life worthy model of emulation.

This lesson admonishes us to be good Christians. Allowing Jesus to control our lives
and families will make every trace of darkness to varnish. Our families and homes will
become a paradise on Earth worthy of emulation. Live your life as it becometh of true
followers of Christ. You and your household will become a family worthy to be set as an
example to follow.
1. What does it mean to walk disorderly?
2. Explain why Christians should not allow the expectation of Christ’s return prevent them from working.
3. Is it good to allow able-bodied Christians who refuse to work to eat?
4. Why is it not good to compromise our faith to please unbeliever?
5. Why is Christian foundation essential to the building of a Christian home?

LESSON 7, 14/4/2019
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 1, 25
Devotional Reading: Eph. 6:10-18
Topic For Adults: The Family That Prays Together, Stays Together
Topic For Youths Topic: Making Daily Family Altar Lively
Topic For Intermediate: Strengthened Through The Daily Family Altar
Lesson Scriptures: Jer. 33:1-3,; Prov. 1:10, 28-33; Acts 1:12-14

MEMORY VERSE: “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mk. 1:35) NKJV


Mon. 8/4/2019 An Altar For Divine Encounter Gen. 35:1-7; Prov. 4:20-23

Simply put, an altar is a place of spiritual encounter, where the creature meets with the
Creator. It is a place where the mortal meets with the immortal for spiritual renewal,
instructions, and divine guidance. An altar is a place of communion with God. God desires
us to make an altar for Him. The question is, do you have an altar for God in your family?
The altar built in Bible times were made of stones. Today, the altar that would be acceptable
to God will be the altar of your heart! What or who do you have in your heart, God or
Satan? For your altar to attract divine visitation, be holy and pure, do away with idols or
foreign gods, give God your prompt and total obedience and don’t go back to your idols
again. God is willing to abide on the altar of your heart, only if you will allow Him.

Point of Emphasis: God is willing to abide on the altar of your heart, only if you will allow Him.

Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, continue to make my heart and life Your dwelling place in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 12-14

Tue. 9/4/2019 Conquer With The Total Armor Of God Eph. 6:11-17

The world we are in is a world of battle. This battle is a very fierce one 24/7 and without
break or truce. Everyone on earth is engaged in this battle and no one can be neutral. The
battle is fiercer when you are a Christian. The word of God in the passage for this morning
devotion enjoins us to put on the whole or total armor of God; and this is because we
wrestle against invisible but formidable and highly organized powers of evil. These evil
powers are categorized as: principalities; powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in
high places. We can conquer or overpower these evil powers only when we put on the total
armor of God which includes: truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the
helmet of salvation, the word of God and prayer. One of the places to do so is in the place of
effective, lively and consistent family altar.

Point of Emphasis: Use your family altar to put on the total armor of God.

Prayer Point: Father, I receive the grace to put on Your total armor from now on in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 15-17

Wed. 10/4/2019 Create Adequate Time For Prayer 1 Thess. 5:17-22

One of the much talked-about but much neglected means of grace is prayer. The place of
prayer in the life and family of a Christian cannot be overemphasized. The family altar is a
place where the family is expected to meet with God on daily basis, both in the word and
prayers. It is a place to commit the day to the Almighty God, reject the things that are worth
rejecting and claim those that are worth of claiming. Negative dreams or revelations are to
be cancelled in prayers and positive ones are to be claimed and prayed into manifestation in
the place of the family altar. It is in the consistent and effective family altar that children
born into the family are brought unto salvation and trained in the art of prayers. Families
with effective, lively and consistent family altar have built intercessors around themselves.
Your family altar should not be a sleeps arena.

Point of Emphasis: Don’t turn your family altar to a sleep arena, rather use it for prayers.

Prayer Point: Father, turn every request I make in my family altar to testimony in Jesus’

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 18-20

Thur. 11/4/2019 Make Your Family Altar Lively Deut. 6:4-13

There are families where the family altar has become inconsistent, inactive and
uninteresting. To make the family altar an interesting and lively one, each member of the
family should have a role to play. For example, while the mother leads the opening prayer,
one of the children may lead the choruses; the Bible passage may be read verse by verse by
other members of the family, while the father may then lead the devotion. In a place where
the father or mother is the only one doing everything without involving others, members of
the family may feel left out and disinterested. The word of God and prayers should also be
given the place of preference in the family altar. You will give place to dozing and sleeping
when you don’t engage other members of the family in the family altar.

Point of Emphasis: To make the family altar an interesting and lively one, each member of the family should have a role to play in it.

Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, raise intercessors and teaching priests in my family through
our family altar in Jesus name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 21-23

Fri. 12/4/2019 Don’t Rush Out Without Meeting God Mk. 1:32-35

A lot of things happen in our world on daily basis. Many of such daily happenings are both
negative and unpalatable. Sometimes, children of God are also involved in such evil
occurrences and as a result, they suffer the negative consequences of such evils. It is true
that men can be guided, instructed and delivered from such evil occurrences if they have
taken time to meet with God in the word and in prayers before venturing into their activities
for the day. It is also true that when we make our family altar a consistent one, the
Almighty God will be there waiting to meet with us and give us divine guidance for our
daily activities. Only foolish people go out daily without consulting their maker for instructions as to what is to be done for the day. Don’t rush out without meeting God. You will not rush into evil in Jesus’ name.

Point of Emphasis: The Almighty God is daily waiting to meet you at the family altar, don’t fail to keep your appointment with Him.

Prayer Point: By your grace oh Lord; create a consistent spirit in my family members to always meet you at our family altar.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 24-26

Sat. 13/4/2019 Family Altar: The Home Church For The Entire Family Prov.22:3-6

Since it is called the family altar, then every member of the family must be involved in it.
There are instances when parents think their children are too young or immature to be
involved in the family altar. They think that the children cannot add anything meaningful to
the devotion and they should be left sleeping and not to be disturbed while the father,
mother and their grown children would go for the family altar. Experiences have shown that
babies can hear even while in the womb, hence, no child is too young to be involved in the
family altar. The family altar should be a place of fellowship and a mini-church for the
entire family. It is what you train your children to be that they will grow up to be. Your
family altar can be used to raise committed workers for the church of God, if handled

Point of Emphasis: It is what you train your children to be that they will grow up to be.

Prayer Point: Father, let my family altar be a training ground for all members of my family in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 27-29

Sun. 14/4/2019 God Answers Prayer Without Delay Isa. 58:1-8, 65:23-24

The only constraint to a Christian’s prayer is sin. God hates hypocrisy, conforming to the
ways of the world and neglecting the way of God. Anyone who indulges in sin always
experience doom. Let every member of your family keep to God righteous command and
abstain from things that are abominable to God. Sin and wickedness in the life of any
Christian puts a barrier and obstacles to his or her prayer. He that promised to answer
prayer is faithful. He says in verse 24 that “before they call, I will answer”. Take every request
to God in prayer. He will answer you.

Point of Emphasis: God answers prayers without delay if it is done in righteousness.

Prayer Point: Our Lord and God answer our prayer concerning (name them) in this family.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 30-32

One of the Christian virtues that have been cultivated and held in very high esteem
by successful Christians through the ages is meeting God daily in the place of the family
altar. It is at the family altar that divine guidance and instructions for the activities of the
day are received. Believers have testified to how successful their daily activities have been
when they maintained a consistent family altar with God. The reverse was the case when
they failed to make use of the privilege of the family altar. The lesson of this week is aimed at waking believers to making their family altars both consistent and lively, just as the
patriarchs of faith have done.


The family altar is a place of spiritual traffic. It is a place where the entire family
congregate on daily and regular basis to meet with God. It should be a place of meeting with
God to receive divine leading, guidance and direction. It is a place for the family to draw
divine strength to face the day and the challenges of life, as well as to receive divine power
to live and sail through the day without fear and without sinning. A child of God who
ventures into the day without asking from God is not better than a goat. This is because a
goat goes out at the break of day without acknowledging its owner or receiving directive
from him. Many children of God have rushed into avoidable negative situations and
circumstances simply because of their inability to tell God about their movements. The
Bible enjoins us to redeem the day, because they are full of evil. How can we do that when
we fail to meet with God daily in the place of the word and prayers? However, as important
as the family altar is, there are families that have totally neglected the art of joint fellowship
with God at the family altar. The family altar should be a virtue that should be cultivated by
every Christian family. How consistent is your own family altar?
Jeremiah 33:3 shows God’s readiness to answer prayer not only for the people of
Israel and Judah but every Christian family that prays He will restore us to peace, prosperity
and spiritual wholeness.


The benefits of a consistent and lively family altar cannot be overemphasized. It is at
the family altar that we draw power and strength to face the rigors of a new day. The family
altar prepares us to meet God on daily basis. It provides divine leading, guidance and
instructions; and it also grants the privilege of daily fellowship to the whole family.
However, many things are responsible for the inconsistent daily family altar in the homes of
many saints. Some of which are: (1) irregular time of gathering: In some homes, there is no
specific time for the daily family altar. When the father is ready, the mother is still sleeping.
This leads to discouragement and the altar is sometimes forsaken and forgotten altogether.
(2) Uncooperative spouses or children: When someone is leading and the other members of
the family are not following, it is no longer a family altar but an individual thing. When this
persists, the other person may lose interest in it. (3) Turning the family altar to a one-man
show: Perhaps it is only the man or the woman that is always leading and doing everything
at the family altar while other members are not involved. Maybe the only thing the other
members of the family have to do is to echo “Amen and Hallelujahs”, and then the altar
becomes boring and lacks interest. How is your own family altar? Is it a one-man show and
a place of monologue with no dialogue? Probe yourself and ask from your family why they
are too disinterested and unresponsive in your family altar.
The family members should resist every agent responsible for inconsistent family
altar in their family. They should develop a close relationship with God by nurturing their
spirit man through prayer and studying the word of God. They must know that disregarding
consistent family altar will bring tragic and unpleasant result to their family (Prov. 28:26).


We are all aware that the listening span of young children is very short. The way the
parents handle the family altar will, therefore, contribute to a large extent to their responses
to the family fellowship. Some of the points suggested hereunder can help you to make your
family altar lively and interesting to the entire family. (a) Acknowledge the presence of God:
In every gathering of the saints, we must acknowledge that the Almighty God is present
with us, either we see Him or not. This should be taught and communicated to every
member of the family. (b) Have regular time for family altar: maintaining a regular time for
the family altar shows our seriousness to it. Whatever the time the family has chosen should
be maintained as God will already be there waiting for you. (c) involve every family
member: It is called family altar for a purpose and as such, every member of the family
should be involved whenever we gather for the altar. While the man, who is the head of the
family, is expected to act as the priest of the family and in teaching the Bible to the family;
the wife who is his subordinate could lead prayers, the children could take turn leading the
worship or praises and the Bible could be read by the family verse by verse. It is true that
when every member of the family is involved, the family altar will be both lively and
interesting and as a result, everyone will look forward to it on daily basis. (d) Give time to
Bible reading and prayers: The family altar should be the first Bible school for every member
of the family, hence adequate time should be given to its teaching. Likewise, prayers must
be offered to God to internalize the lessons learnt and to commit the family to the able
hands of the Almighty God. Remember that when the family altar is lively and interesting,
there will be no reason for its inconsistency.
Every family member should know that those who wish their family the outpouring
of the Spirit to scale through the hurdles of life have the responsibility to commit themselves
to meet with God always. Family members can re-enact the Pentecost experience by their
self-devotion to the Lord.
The daily family altar could be the first place your children would hear the gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ that is able to save their souls, and how better for them to hear it from
you as their father or mother. As the parents and leaders they look up to, your action will go
a long way to shapen their interest or disinterest in the things of God. Handle your family
altar with all the seriousness and importance it demands and you will always see God in
1. In your own words, define the family altar.
2. Looking at your own family altar, how consistent and lively is it?
3. What are those factors making your family altar not interesting and inconsistent?
4. What are the action points you gained from this teaching that can help you make your family altar vibrant, lively, interesting and consistent?
5. What should your family do to receive the outpouring of God’s power to overcome problems in life?
6. What benefits are you deriving from your consistent family altar?

Quarter’s Theme: Building A Christian HomeUnit 3: Issues In Christian Home (Lessons 8-12)

LESSON 8, 21/4/2019

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 99, 323
Devotional Reading: 1 Sam. 1:1-18
Topic For Adults: Marital Challenges: The Way Out
Topic For Youths: God Has A Solution
Topic For Intermediates: Trust In God for Remedy
Lesson Scriptures: Gen.3:1-10; 1 Pet. 3:7-12 Prov. 24:3-4, 15:1-2, 18:21, 25:8-10.

MEMORY VERSE: Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband (Eph. 5:33) NKJV


Mon. 15/4/2019 Avoid Incompatibility in Marriage Ruth 1:1-5

Truly, there is no marriage without one challenge or the other. Some of these marital
challenges could be prayerfully and carefully avoided or prevented. One of such is
incompatibility in marriage. “Can two walk together, unless they agreed” (Amos 3:3). It is
important that a young person marry a mate with sound character, good spiritual
background and a complementary personality for the greatest fulfilment in marriage. Any
person who marries with the idea that he or she will change undesirable traits after the
wedding is inviting disaster. The individual who marries a person with a higher educational
qualification than him or her should engage in self-development and upgrade himself or
herself educationally. For happiness and the raising of healthy offsprings, the partners
should be biologically compatible. Biological incompatibility may lead to marital distress
and frustration. For instance, Elimelech, meaning my God is King who married Naomi,
(meaning pleasant, delightful and lovely), gave birth to Mahlon meaning weak, sickly and
Chillion meaning failing and pining. This suggests that though they were spiritually
compatible, they might not have been biologically compatible.

Point of Emphasis: Incompatibility is a bedrock of marital distress, prayerfully avoid it.

Prayer Point: O God, guide us by your Holy Spirit to avoid errors that can bring distress and regret into our lives.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 33-35

Tue. 16/4/2019 Crucify The Old Self Eph. 4: 17 -24

The old nature in every man is capable of destroying marriage. It is very imperative for
spouses to be thoroughly born-again, completely broken and totally transformed Negative
attitudes such as personal abuse, nagging, drunkenness, power struggles, carnality, pride and other vices in any of the spouses could pose a great threat and danger to peaceful co- existence. Adequate knowledge of the word of God with absolute obedience to divine injunctions and yielding self totally to the Holy Spirit will help everyone in marriage to control his or her temperament and display virtues that promote peace, love and harmony in matrimony. Individual should work on themselves to ensure that they totally crucify the old self. Each of them should see that they are renewed in knowledge, understanding and live a life of holiness.

Point of Emphasis: The word of God coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit will transform our character and enhance peace in our homes.

Prayer Points: Give us the grace o Lord to be renewed, love you, your word and obey your word for our own good.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 36-38

Wed. 17/4/2019 Wait On God Gen. 16:1-5

Though it is customary for couples who have delay in having children to be stigmatized by
people around them in some cultures, as a Christian, know that all things work together for
good for those who love God. Sarai’s suggestion to Abraham to raise children through
Haggai – a slave girl must have been influenced by Mesopotamian custom. A barren
woman can raise children by her handmaid. The children so raised belong to the family and
not to the handmaid. The problem of barrenness has caused havoc in some families. Don’t
be influenced negatively by what people say or their customs. Wait on God. You are not
barren. God will provide solution to your delay.

Point of Emphasis: Whatever the challenges, put your trust in God. He will make a way out for you.

Prayer Point: Lord, Jesus, answer the prayers of all our couples waiting on you for the fruit of the womb.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 39-41

Thur. 18/4/2019 Don’t Deny Each Other 1 Cor. 7:1-7

Sex is supposed to be a beautiful and enjoyable experience between husband and wife. It is
meant to further oil or lubricate the marriage relationship so that a man will always long for
his wife, making affection to grow from one to the other. Having babies is not the only
reason for couples to have sex. Sex took away man’s loneliness and offers the couple the
ability to experience wonderfully close relationship with each other. In fact, sex and
marriage have been an integral part of human life right from the very beginning.
Unfortunately, that which is meant to solidify marriage is now a major cause of friction in
most marriages with men often complaining that their wives have little or no interest in sex,
and women on their part complain of not being able to reach orgasms. Sex in marriage is a
duty. Then husband is to be available for his wife at her request and vice versa because
spouses do not have control of their own bodies but each exists for the pleasure of the other.
Don’t deprive each other. Neither of the couples should use sex as a weapon against his or
her spouse.

Point of Emphasis: Sex is extremely important and sacred – much more important and sacred than what many of us seem to realize.

Prayer Point: Lord, help us to overcome every temptation that may lead to marital infidelity and let there be no room for immorality in our homes in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 42-44

Fri. 19/4/2019 Always Examine Your Hearts And Desires 1 Tim. 6:3-10

The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evils. It should also be noted that the lack of it is equally the mother of all troubles. Basically, every family, Christians or non-Christians, need money and it has no substitute. It is either you have it and enjoy it or you lack it and suffer the consequence. Financial problems in the family may include lack of money to meet family needs, due to underemployment or unemployment of one of the couple or both of them. A couple’s attitude to money based on their different socio-economical background which may lead to compulsive and wasteful spending, flamboyant and extravagant living, unmet or unresolved emotional needs may cause serious conflict in the home. To overcome financial crises in the home, both spouses should engage in work, plan the spending well. Avoid living on credit, have a family goal and project and be faithful in tithes and general giving. Let godliness be your hallmark in respect of money and other
matters. Don’t be driven with the motivation of greed. Any action not in agreement with
Jesus’ teaching should be discarded. Always examine your heart and desire to see that it is
in agreement with Jesus’ teaching. Embrace godliness.

Point of Emphasis: Trust in God and pray to Him for your sustenance.
Prayer Points: Let your heaven of financial favour and blessings be opened to us in this family oh God.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 45-47

Sat. 20/4/2019 Deal Wisely With Third Party Interference Gen. 2:18-25

Instead of remaining under the protective custody of his parents, a man leaves them to be
with his wife and establishes a new family unit. Together, they are to form an inseparable
union, of “one flesh”. This is God’s original intention for couples. However, undue
interference from family, friends and foes has become an issue that must be dealt with. The
new couple should establish a new home separate from their parents, sometimes, the farther, the better. They are to look to each other and to God for wisdom in decision- making. Parental input may be sought on some occasions, but the issue under consideration must be decided by the couple with wisdom. Conversely, parents must relinquish control over the new couple and the couple with wisdom should depend less on their parents. This will stop or reduce in-laws problems that may constitute a barrier to the family.

Point of Emphasis: The principle of leaving becomes necessary when you see the havoc external interference has done to several marriages in our time.

Prayer Point: Father, give us wisdom to manage our home well and destroy every unnecessary interference from third party in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 48-50

Sun. 21/4/2019 Trust God To Prevail 3 Jn. 2-3

God’s intention and plan for believers is to live in good health. Jesus’ atonement is meant to
cover both physical and spiritual well-being. However, there are occasions when things
don’t work as expected. One of those unpleasant situations is when one member of the
family falls sick. All the family members must do something to alleviate the suffering resulting from the sickness. Both the sick and his or her people must not lose hope of total recovery. Even if the medical report is not encouraging. Christians must put their trust in God. We should know that sometimes unpleasant situations occur for God to be glorified. Your sickness is not unto death but for God to be glorified.

Point of Emphasis: God permitted what you are going through to glorify Himself.

Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, heal all the sick in our family in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jer. 51-52

Many homes are sick even to the point of death. Facts available indicate that success
in ministry, academics, business and politics is not synonymous with success in marriage.
There are visible and invisible forces that confront and challenge Christian homes and
marriages. Proper understanding of these little foxes and how they ravage Christian homes
will equip couples with the capability of handling them effectively. Failure to handle them
timely and properly may cause chaos and irreparable damage in our homes. It is only a
Christian that can have a Christian home. The home is a place where your Christian life is
tested and proved if it is for real. This week’s lesson teaches Christians how they can
confront challenges in their homes.



The devil is an avowed adversary of man and anything good coming his way. The
devil is behind the fall of man and the troubles in his home. He is the chief Architect of
every confusion and problem in the family. His sole business is to steal, to kill and to
destroy. He has so many weapons he uses to carry out his dangerous and destructive tasks
in the home. “Open eye” is one of them. ‘Open eye’ will not allow you to see God’s grace in
others, you will not see from the other’s point of view and this is the root cause of
unreasonable argument among couples.
The devil is also responsible for broken relationship with God. He knows that God’s
presence is the secret behind every sweet, successful and harmonious marital union. This is
the pillar or the pivot of Christian home. Remember that it is God that works in us both to
will and to do of His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). When God is removed, we are left with old,
rigid, stingy, selfish and sinful nature.
Faulty foundation is another satanic weapon that causes great challenge in the home.
Any marriage built on weak, faulty and unscriptural foundation cannot withstand the storm
of life. It will crumble and collapse (Matt. 7:24-27; Ps. 11:3). This type of foundation is
rooted in marriage done with premarital sex, inadequate preparation, trial and error, beauty,
physical attraction, financial and material interests. Disobedience to God’s word will lead to
marital distress.


Resolving marital problems is a skill every couple should learn because problems are
inevitable. Marriage, like any other human structure, can only be as successful as its participants wish it to be although, it is in the interest of couples to do all they can to prevent
problems from showing up in their marriages because preventive measures are always better
than curative solutions. If problems arise, the following suggestions will help you:
o Pray about the situation.
o Identify the issue without playing blame game.
o Be positive that there is solution and be ready to compromise so far it is not sinful.
o Have a forgiving Spirit and attitude and don’t allow the problem to mortgage your
o The other party must be willing to accept his or her fault and apologize.
o Avoid shouting, crying, discussing with family or friends. Don’t seek the counsel of
the ungodly.
Please do not use sex as a weapon of revenge and if necessary, consult your pastors.
The reason we see certain marriages as better than ours is because the parties in those
marriages are ready to pay certain prices to maintain peace in their homes.


Blood keeps your body alive, communication keeps your marriage alive. If blood
stops flowing through the body, the body will die. If communication ceases in the home,
then the relationship will die. One of the most important factors in a Christian home is good
and effective communication. Effective communication is the transmission of information
and feelings from one person to another.
Good communication is an art and a skill. Nobody is born a good communicator.
The art and skill of good communication must be learnt. We must learn new patterns of
communication that will blend together with our partner’s pattern to make a healthy and
wholesome marriage. Listening is the most important part of communication and also the
most difficult to learn to do well. To develop good listening skill, you must do the following.
o Decide that listening to your partner is the most important thing you must do at the
o Focus your full attention on what your partner is saying.
o Listen to the words, the body language and the tone of the voice. Listen with your
eyes, ears, mind and heart. Try to understand how he or she feels.
o Don’t interrupt while your partner is talking even if you feel what he or she is saying
is not accurate.
o Wait, listen, ask question, until you understand what he or she is saying

When your home is facing any marital challenge, the only one that can help you is
God. Go to Him in prayer and consult the Bible, the divine manual for marriage. God can
heal a broken home if allowed to do so in order to be immuned against negative societal
values. You must know and practise what the Bible says if you want your home to
experience peace. Beware of devil’s activities in your family, learn the skills of resolving
family crisis amicably and be as effective as you can in your interpersonal communication.
1. What is communication in marriage and how can you use it to resolve issues in homes?
2. Who is the author of conflict and confusion in Christian homes?
3. What are the weapons the devil uses to attack Christian homes?
4. Can there be a marriage without any challenge?
5. How should Christian couples handle challenges in their homes?

LESSON 9, 28/4/2019
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 16, 244
Devotional Reading: Jer. 35:1-19
Topic for Adults: Train Your Children To Give You Rest
Topic for Youths: Be Obedient To Godly Instructions
Topic for Intermediates: Shun bad Company
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 7:24-27, James 1:22-25, 1 Cor. 11:1, Deut. 6:4-9, Eph. 6:1-4; Lam.
2:19, Prov. 29:17, 22:6

MEMORY VERSE: “Train up your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) NKJV


Mon. 22/4/2019 Untrained Children Bring Shame Prov. 29:15-17

Any child not trained in the way of God will bring shame to his or her family. He or she will
also harm himself or herself. Sometimes, words of reproof alone are enough, at other times
the Bible says “that children can be corrected during their formative years with rod. However,
Christians should note that there are countries that see this as ‘child abuse’ and have
legislated against it. Parents should not take the law into their hands. They should continue
to intercede for their children and feed them with the word of God.

Point of Emphasis: Untrained children bring shame to their parents and harm to themselves.

Prayer Point: Father, give me wisdom to bring up my children in the way of the Lord.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Lam. 1-3

Tue. 23/4/2019 Pass On God’s Godly Instructions 1 Kgs. 2:1-4

As a parent, you must have a personal encounter with Jesus as Lord and Saviour and
always walk according to the word of God before you can raise godly children. Your
intimate relationship with God will enhance you to influence to your children to obey God.
David knew through painful experience and discipline that for someone to be successful in
life, the person must walk in the way of the Lord. In view of this, he instructed Solomon to
live in perfect obedience to God, though Solomon failed to heed the godly admonition given
him. This resulted to God’s judgment on him (1 Kgs. 11:1-13). Christian parents must not
fail in their responsibility to admonish their children with godly messages. The children too
must not refuse to walk in the godly advice given him.

Point of Emphasis: Christian parents should not fail to pass godly instructions to their children. The children must take to their parent’s advice.

Prayer Point: Help me Holy Spirit to perform the duty to guide my children right. Help the children to adhere to godly instructions.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Lam. 4- Ezek. 1

Wed. 24/4/2019 Effective Child Training Prov. 22:1-6

Effective child training is important and challenging. This is because of the following
reasons among others. First, all children are born sinners because of the fall of man (Rom.
3:23). Unless they are born-again, they will manifest the works of the flesh. Second, children
generally have self-will they want to exhibit. Unless their self-will is broken and made
submissive to the will of God, they will not be godly (Gal. 5:19-21). Third there are many
negative influences out there through; peers; mass media, and so on, therefore, parents must
lovingly, prayerfully, patiently and diligently train their children with the word of God and modeling.

Point of Emphasis: Train your children by example.

Prayer point: Give me the wisdom, patience and anointing to train my children. Also remove every attitude that is anti-Christian from my family in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 2-4

Thur. 25/4/2019 Lead Your Children To Receive Christ 2 Tim. 1:3-5; Jn. 3:3

One of the major responsibilities of parents is to lead their children to receive Christ as their
personal Lord and Saviour. It is a costly assumption to believe that the children are saved
because they have been going to church with you since they were born or they can recite
memory verses or they have joined the choir and the Sunday school work force. They can
be in any of the above but outside Christ! The decision to receive Christ and to become a
new creature must be taken by each person no matter who the parents are in the church.
Therefore, preach the gospel to your children in the power of the Holy Ghost, Give them
the opportunity to willingly receive Christ.

Point of Emphasis: It is your responsibility to lead your children to Christ.

Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, save all members of my family including my biological children and all those who live in my home in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 5-7

Fri. 26/4/2019 Protect Your Children Against Corrupting Influences 2 Sam. 13:1-15

Children face challenging and negative influences such as bad peers, internet pornography,
sinful T.V programmes, worldly dressing and fashion. These have influenced many children
into drug addiction, sexual immorality, armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, ritual killing,
cultism, prostitution and so on. Therefore, guide, enlighten and warn your children against
bad companionship. Allow your children to bring their friends to the house so that you can
know them. Note that many children who come from Christian homes have been
influenced badly in the school and in the society. Periodically, check the messages on their phones.

Point of Emphasis: Do not be deceived, evil company corrupts good habits (I Cor. 15:33).

Prayer Point: Father, separate my children from bad friends.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 8-10

Sat. 27/4/2019 Make Provision For Your Home 1 Tim. 5:8; Gal. 6:9-10

Make adequate provision for your family as God helps you. Provide food, clothing, shelter
and education for your children. Many children have been lured with money into
prostitution, armed robbery, kidnapping, rape because of the failure of the parents to
provide for them. Some children have been abused sexually and physically because their
parents sent them to hawk goods. Some children are unable to complete their studies
because of the failure of the parents to sponsor them. All parents should know that it is their
responsibility to finance the education of their children.

Point of Emphasis: Be a responsible and caring parent.

Prayer Point: Great provider, meet the needs of my family in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 11-13

Sun. 28/4/2019 Learn From The Rechabites Jer. 35:1-15

As God was proud of the Rechabites because of their loyalty and obedience to the
instruction of their father not to drink wine from generation to generation, we should
consistently use them to challenge and motivate our children to be obedient to the godly
instructions we give them. We should also instruct them to pass same to their children who
will in turn pass them to their own children and so on. Christian children should remain
true to their conviction, refusing to disobey the godly instructions their parents give like the
Rechabites. Jonadab gave the instruction that they may stay separate from the Canaanites.
So must our children stay separate from unbelievers.

Point of Emphasis: Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Prayer Point: Help my children to obey godly instructions oh Lord.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 14-16

Christian children should remain true to their conviction. They should not take to
ungodly instructions like the Rechabites. Jonadab gave the instruction that they should stay
separate from the Canaanites, so must our children stay separate from the conducts of
unbelievers. Parenting godly children is very challenging. It is a God’s given responsibility
which demands obedience, seriousness, diligence, prayer, love and so on. Parenting is much
more than giving birth to children. There are many children who have constituted
themselves to be nuisance, armed robbers, drug addicts, kidnappers, prostitutes and so on
because of lack of godly parenting. Every parent must bear in mind that the opportunity
God has given you to have one or more children, carries with it the great responsibility of
godly parenting. God who gives children, also gives the grace to raise godly children.

PART 1: GODLY AND MODEL PARENTS – MATT 7:24-27; JAM. 1:22-25; 1 COR.

Parents who will raise godly children must have an encounter with Jesus. They must
have received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. They must be new creatures as a result of
repentance and conversion. It is what you have that you can give to another person. It is
faith in Jesus that can empower parents to raise godly children.
Such parents must make the word of God the ruler of their lives in daily practice.
Their choices, decisions and ways of life must conform to the Bible. They must allow the
word of God to have the final say about everything they do. They must strive to bear all the
aspects of the fruit of the spirit as a lifestyle (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).
Moreover, parents who will raise godly children must live exemplary lives. They
must live lives worthy of emulation. Hypocrisy and duplicity have hardened the hearts of
some children. What they observe in the lives of their parents at home are contrary to the
message of the Pastors and the Sunday school teachers. Hence, they have been misled. The
parents who gossip, fight, backbite, curse or who are easily provoked cannot raise godly
children. Some husbands beat their wives, how sad!
As a parent, what your children see you do have greater impact on them than what
you preach. If you want your children to be honest, humble, and diligent, practise those
If you want your children to cultivate the habit of personal Bible study and prayer, let
them see you doing same. In Luke 11:1, when Jesus’ disciples saw him praying, one of them
said to him, Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples. This was what gave rise
to the popular model prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.

PART 2: HOW TO RAISE GODLY CHILDREN –DEUT. 6:4-9; EPH. 6:1-4; LAM. 2:19; PROV. 29:17, 22:6.

God will surely hold every parent accountable over every child who grows under
their care or watch. Every parent must raise children to be godly and fulfil God’s purpose.
On this note, a few suggestions will be made on how to parent godly children.
1. Intercession (Lam. 2:19, Lk. 22:31-32) - Every parent must diligently intercede for their
children right from when they are conceived in the womb. The devil targets every child
to steal, kill and destroy. Below are some of his devices:
o He attacks some children in the womb through sicknesses, deformities, demonic
possession and afflictions.
o He hardens the hearts of some children against the gospel.
o He influences many children to be addicted to drug, sex, violence and various
o He influences some children to be indolent, careless, pleasure seeking and so on.
Hence, every parent must intercede to raise godly children.
2 Modeling (1 Cor. 11:1) - Parents must be examples of godly virtues.
3. Consistent Teaching (Deut. 6:4-9, Eph. 6:4) - The Bible instructs parents to diligently
teach their children the word of God in order to be well established in the Lord,
overcome temptations and fulfil God’s purpose.
4. Discipline (Prov. 23:13-14) - Parents should appropriately correct their children when
they err with love. Let them know why you are correcting them. Beating children may
make the children to be hardened. If you have to use the rod, it must be with love and
not in anger or furry so that you don’t injure them. Note that there are countries that
have promulgated law against beating children. It is counted as child abuse. Parents in
such countries should not take law into their hands.
5. Protect your children against sexual immorality and rape (Prov. 6:20-35; 7:1-27, 1 Cor.
6:15-20, Heb. 13:4) - One of the potent tools that the devil is using to ruin the lives of people is sexual immorality, therefore, teach, enlighten and warn your children against
it. Give your children sex education early enough before their peers, mass media and
internet mislead them.
6. Encourage your children to be involved in church services and programmes (Heb. 10:25)
Don’t leave your children at home while going to church. This will definitely not help
the children. Encourage your children to identify their gifts and use them.
7. Encourage your children to cultivate the lifestyle of personal communion with God (Mk.
1:35) - They should set a particular time aside to praise God, study the word of God
consistently and offer prayers to God.
8. Teach your children to be diligent (Prov. 6: 6-11; 22:29; 26: 13-16) - One of the habits the
parents should inculcate in their children is diligence at work. Many children are lazy.
They are not interested in hardwork either at home or in their studies but they want to
eat the best food, put on good dresses and live in pleasure. Some girls cannot prepare
good food. This will give them problem when they get married.
9. Train them to have absolute trust and confidence in God (Matt. 7: 24-27, 1 Sam. 1: 8-18,
Heb. 11:11-12, Rom. 4:18-22, Heb. 13: 5-6) - As parents, we must put our total trust in
God in times of difficulties, problems and challenges of life. We must also teach our
children to do same.
10. Family devotion or Family altar (Deut. 6:4-7; 2 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 3:15) - Apart from the
personal devotion, every member of the family must come together before they leave the
house in the morning and before they sleep in the night to read the bible and pray
together. The family devotion strengthen the relationship among members of the family
and also enriches their relationship with God.


The Scriptures speaks of the need for parents to train their children in the way they
should go. Reasonable parents must adhere to this injuction. They should encourage their
children to seek God. There are four basic styles which parents use in training their children.
These styles were identified by Diana Baumrind – a clinical and developmental psychologist
The four types are briefly explained below:
1. Authoritative parenting: It allows enough freedom of expression for the development
of children. It maintains control over the children, deals with them according to the
level of their development. They teach by example not just dishing out commands.
2. Authoritarian parenting: This is a strict disciplinarian that exercise absolute control.
The communication is one way. They don’t allow the children to express themselves.
Children raised under this method seems to be obedient reluctantly, quiet and sad.
3. Permissive parents: Under this method, there is no control. Children are
overindulged to do whatever they like. Parents set rule but never enforce it. Children
are given all they want with a view to showing them love. The children raised under
this platform may likely lack manner and be responsible.
4. Uninvolved parenting: Children are provided with their basic needs but the parents
are not directly involved in the children’s growth and development. They are
emotionally distant from them. They put priority on their own need above the needs
of their children. In view of this, children raised with this style feel unimportant.
As a Christian parent, how successful are you in your parenting responsibility? It is
not too late for you to rectify whatever anomaly you observe. Train up your children
effectively in the way they should go.
It is important for Christian parents to train their children in the way of the Lord.
Any child that is not trained brings shame to his or her parent and harm to him or herself. It
is expedient for parents to not fail in their responsibility in parenting godly children.

1. What do you think parents must possess before they can raise godly children?
2. Explain how important intercession is in the upbringing of children.
3. Why do you think the society is filled with youths who are into drug addiction, prostitution, stealing, armed robbery and so on?
4. What is the place of unity between the husband and the wife in the upbringing of their children?
5. How important is obedience in the lives of children as their parents make effort to raise them up in goodly ways?

LESSON 10, 5/5/2019
Suggestion Hymns: G.H.B. 223, 259
Devotional Reading: Matt. 18:15-19
Topic for Adults: Forsake Wrath
Topic for Youths: Be Angry And Do Not Sin
Topic for Intermediates: No Harsh Words
Lesson Scriptures: Lk 6:27-37, Eph. 4:21-32, Col. 3:12-15, Matt. 5:21-25, Phil. 2:1-9

MEMORY VERSE: Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar....First be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift. (Matt. 5:23-24) NKJV.


Mon. 29/4/2019 Be Clothed With Humility 1 Pet. 5:5-11

To be truly humble is to submit to God. As a Christian, you are the righteousness of God in
Christ Jesus. When you know this, then you will abstain from any misunderstandings.
Don’t let Satan keep you groveling in the dust of false humility. Christian family members
should make humility their hallmark. Avail yourself of God’s protection by settling all your
misunderstandings with humility.

Point of Emphasis: Clothe yourself with humility.

Prayer point: Dear Lord, help me to be like Jesus in humility.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 17-19

Tue. 30/4/2019 Let Love Prevail 1 Cor 13:1-13

Christianity is not a religion but a way of life. It is established on love. The way of life of its
adherent is not in religious activities only. It is evident in the inner feeling as well as love
towards others. Due to our peculiarity, sometimes, misunderstanding do occur among us.
We should tend to the way of love. It suffers long. Since God values action done in love
with patience, don’t allow the wrongs done to you to dictate your response, rather let love
prevail. When any wrong is done to you by any member of the family or even an enemy,
react in a way that shows that you have value that centres on love and Christ.

Point of Emphasis: Don’t act in the spirit of hatred, let love prevail in all situations.

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, give me grace that will always make me to respond to issues with love

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 20-22

Wed. 1/5/2019 Bear With Each Other Col. 3:12-15

Members of the family must be ready to adapt to changes and situations in the family. Gone
are the days when some family members are not involved in keeping the home running. If
the wife is overburdened with household chores, every member of the house should be
ready to help her out. The practice of leaving all the housework to the wives alone as seen in
some cultures does not find its way in Christianity. Some women have suffered
tremendously under this practice. Christians should know that women or wives are not
slaves but helpmeets Let’s bear with each other, put on charity to do things in common
without partiality to any member of the family.

Point of Emphasis: Forbear one another.

Prayer Point: Lord, give us grace in our family to forbear one another.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 23-25

Thur. 2/5/2019 Act Like One Who Knows Christ 1 Jn. 2:1-11

Whenever you find yourself stumbling into any misunderstanding, check your love life. Ask
the Lord to show you if you are in strife with anyone or you have taken offence. Often
times, you discover that people get upset with you without a cause. The devil uses those
kind of offences to steal your peace. You must always remember that taking offence never
comes from God. We should be rooted and grounded in love, reject feelings of offence.
Always ask yourself, “if Christ is in my situation what will He do?” It is very vital for Christians
to act like Christ. If indeed you are a Christian, always act like Christ. Your action is the
acid test that proves whether you are of Christ or not. This will help you walk right on
through the situation without ever stumbling.

Point of Emphasis: Taking offence never comes from God, so reject those feelings of offence. 

Prayer Point: Father, help me to overlook offences in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 26-28

Fri. 3/5/2019 Don’t Allow the Strife To Linger Matt. 5:21-26

Throughout the scripture, God warns us against the danger of strife, yet it is still one of the
most common problems among believers. We let it get into our homes, work places, our
churches and everywhere. Of course we don’t wake up in the morning and say “I think I am
going to stir up some strife today” We just inadvertently allow irritation to come. You must
take a stand against strife. If you have the tendency to let things irritate you, decide to
overcome that tendency. Arm yourself against them with the knowledge that there are
people that are not going to be nice to you and are ready to stir you up and annoy you on
purpose or by accident. Make up your mind that by the power of God, you are not going to
let strife linger through you.

Point of Emphasis: Take a big stand against any opportunity for strife.

Prayer Point: Empower me to be patient with people dear Lord.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 29-31

Sat. 4/5/2019 Get Over Your Feelings: Forgive Lk. 6:27-37

Have you ever tried to forgive someone and found you simply couldn’t do it? You have
cried and prayed about it yet those old resentments just failed to go away. You need to put
your forgiveness on faith rather than feelings. True forgiveness doesn’t have anything to do
with how you feel. It is an act of the will. It is based on obedience to God and on faith in
Him. Once you have forgiven a person, you need to consider him permanently forgiven.
When old feelings rise up within you and Satan tries to convince you that you haven’t really
forgiven him, resist him. You must believe that you have received forgiveness and cleansing
from the sin of unforgiveness and from unrighteousness associated with it including any
remembrance of having been wronged. As you do that, the pains once caused by that
incident will disappear. The power of God will wash away the effect of it and you will be
able to leave it behind you once and for all. Learn to forgive and forget.

Point of Emphasis: Cleanse your feelings with the blood of Jesus. Forgive those that hurt you wholeheartedly.

Prayer Point: Let the peace of God fill my heart as I forgive wholeheartedly.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 32-34

Sun. 5/5/2019 Forgive Always Matt. 18:21-35

Only few people realise how closely connected faith and forgiveness are. Jesus taught about
that connection in His sermon on the mountain recorded in Mk. 11:24-25. Jesus backed
those two statements up on purpose. He wanted us to know that forgiving those who have
wronged us is fundamental to receiving from God. He wanted to impress on our hearts the
fact that we cannot have our prayers answered and hold grudge at the same time. We must
know that unforgiveness clogs the faith channel and keeps us powerless to climb the
mountain in our lives. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring any grudge that is hidden there to light.
Unclog the channel of faith and you will soon see things work well with you.

Point of Emphasis: Unforgiveness clogs the faith channel and keeps you powerless.

Prayer Point: I receive the grace to always forgive wholeheartedly in the name of Jesus.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 35-37

Misunderstanding breeds offences and offences breed wrath. It is true that Christians
should not have enemies but not with wrath. No one plans for offences but when it comes,
what do we do to handle it? The way out is spelt out in this week’s lesson.


PART 1: OFFENCES WILL COME - LK 6: 27-37; EPH. 4:31-32

As long as you are involved in relationships in this planet, the marriage relationship
not exempted, offences will come. Offences are part and parcel of living on this earth. No
matter how spiritual you are, whenever you remember the person that offended you, it
dampens you somehow. This is devil’s strategy to shut you down spiritually and cut you off
from the flow of your anointing. Therefore, settle your mis-understanding amicably without
any strings attached because it will definitely come. You may notice that things are not just
blending with you and your fellow brethren or spouse when both of you are moody.

Offences make your spiritual sensitivity blunt and make your faith weak. So learn to forgive.
Forgiveness is the weapon against offences. You might still feel bad even after
forgiving that person or your spouse who offended you. Forgiveness and the feeling of
offence are two different things. Forgiveness is a decision of the will and not a feeling. Many
people are in the habit of saying “I may forgive but I will never forget” That is a second-rate
kind of forgiveness that believers are not supposed to settle for. You are to forgive
wholeheartedly “even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you” (Eph.4:32). You need to do this
to release that person from guilt permanently and unconditionally and to operate as if
nothing has ever happened between you.
When you do this, something supernatural will happen within you. The pain once
caused by the incident will disappear. The power of God will wash away the effects of it and
you will be able to leave it behind. You must not become an emotional bookkeeper of the
wrongs you have suffered. Learn to forgive and forget.
Anywhere offences are allowed to stay, peace is given license to leave. Don’t ever
allow offences in your home. Stick to peace for your family to continue to experience the
peace of God.


As a child of God, if you must handle misunderstanding, you need to put on tender
mercies, kindness, humility, meekness and longsuffering bearing with one another and be
forgiving even as Christ forgave you.
By doing these, we must put on love so as to enable the peace of God rule our hearts. Be
informed that anger and unforgiveness contribute to physical illness because they release
deadly toxins into the body.
When people hurt you, there are four things you must do:
1. Talk to them, do it the right time in the right place and in a right way. Before you say
anything, ask God to guide your thoughts and your words. Then say what God puts
in your heart in a loving non-judgmental way. After that, leave the rest to God.
2. Don’t retaliate. When you are tempted to be angry with someone, stop and
remember the price Jesus paid to take away the sins you committed. Seeing the
offender through Gods eyes will help you to forgive.
3. Let go. As long as one keeps dwelling on an issue, it keeps hurting. You may let
someone off your hook, but that doesn’t mean he is off God’s hook. Always allow
God to do the needful, He knows the best.
4. Ask God to bless them. You have to do this genuinely because Jesus said it in Lk
6:27-28. Remember that when Jesus tells you to do something, He backs you up with
the grace to do it.


Solomon says: The beginning of strife is like releasing water. Therefore, stop
contention before a quarrel starts.”(Prov. 17:14). Children of God must not quarrel, instead,
they must be kind to everyone. Is there any dispute in your heart robbing you of peace? Here
is what Jesus said you are supposed to do “if you are offering your gift at the altar and you
remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there and go and be
reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift.

Don’t expect your brother to come to you. You have to take the initiative in case he
would not come. When you allow things on the other hand, may be you have decided to
sleep on the matter for now, the Bible says “Be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down
on your wrath” (Eph. 4:25-27).
The enemy is ready to hurt both of you by driving a wedge into your relationship. To
restore to normal relationship, forgive and overlook the offence. If you want God to bless
you and accept your gift, seek reconciliation without delay.


Some have the urge to be lovely with others but not with their family. They are
tempted to allow for selfish privileges as if it doesn’t count. There are people who are
courteous to outsiders than to their own family. This should not be in Christian homes. We
must learn to do things that bring harmony in our family. If we want the power of
agreement (Mat. 18:19) to work in our lives, we must not allow strife in our homes. Strife
drops the shield of faith, stops prayer results and invites Satan and his cohorts into homes.
Don’t allow the enemy to intrude into your family. Any misunderstanding not properly
handled can lead to disintegration of the family. Always give room for the Holy Spirit to
settle your misunderstanding to avoid a dreadful result.
In homes, misunderstanding sometimes occurs. Allowing it to linger causes homes to
have breach of peace and fruitfulness. Always nip your misunderstanding in the bud as soon
as it occurs. There shouldn’t be lingering misunderstanding where Christ is reigning.
1. How should Christians settle their misunderstanding?
2. Why is forgiveness a weapon against offences?
3. What are the things Christians must put on to resolve their misunderstanding?
4. Mention four things Christians must do whenever they are offended.
5. Why should Christians not do things that bring disharmony in their family?


LESSON 11 12/5/2019
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 83, 263
Devotional Reading: Mal. 2:14-16
Topic for Adults: Till Death Do us Part
Topic for Youths: For Better for Worse
Topic for Intermediate: Look Before You Leap
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 5:31-32, 19:1-8; Mal. 2:13-16; 1 Cor. 7:1-11
MEMORY VERSE; “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God
has joined together, let no man separate” (Matt. 19:6) NKJV.
Mon. 6/5/2019 God Hates Divorce Mal. 2:13-16
The word divorce is derived from the Hebrew word “Kerat”, which means “to cut off”.
Divorce really cuts off the marriage covenant and separates two partners that God joined
together. God hates divorce because it causes broken relationship that breaks the heart of
God and the partners involved. When people marry and then break up for reasons known to
them, it shows a lack of faithfulness to God. It is also undermining the commitment to the
covenant that He embedded in marriage. Divorce is awful and terrible because it is against
God’s words, it robs us of our spiritual blessing. It wrongs the partner to whom the covenant
promise is made. It ruins the continuation of a godly seed and generation. It is repulsive to
God and refuses to honour the permanent nature of marriage. Have the mind and courage
to make your marriage work.
Point of Emphasis: Lack of the knowledge of the word of God is the main secret behind any
Prayer Points: Lord, help us to remain faithful and committed to our marriage vows no
matter what happens.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 38-40
Tue. 7/5/2019 Divorce Is Unlawful Matt. 19:1-8
Many mis-interprete Jesus’ comment on divorce till date. Our passage today shows that He
re-affirms that divorce was not permitted in the beginning. The issue of divorce was not
mentioned in the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Number. It was later discussed in
Deuteronomy Chapter 22 and 24 due to unbelief, disobedience and the hardness of the
people’s heart. For the New Testament believers, Jesus’ statement that; “and I say unto
you...” nullifies whatever Moses permitted. Love of God is basic for continuing in
marriage. Christ did not love us because we were righteous, doing everything as He wanted
it. Love your wife just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself a ransom for her. Love
her even when she is unrighteous, unstable and un-submissive. That is the key of staying
together for life. The couple should be committed to their marriage vow. Stay together to
glorify God.
Point of Emphasis: Marriage is a lifelong union, it is the love of God that can sustain it.


Prayer Point: Oh God, Help us to love our spouse and family just as Jesus Christ loved the
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 41-43
Wed. 8/5/2019 Married Couple Say No To Divorce And Remarriage 1 Cor. 7:8-14; 39-40
Jesus was not having the clauses for separation of marriage deviced by the people of this
modern age. Some of these clauses are due to intolerance. He asked His disciples to follow
God’s original design and principles and never to sever the oneness of their marriage bond.
A Christian couple is to bear witness to the world by keeping marriage indissoluble. They
represent the truth of covenant love and should live and grow in a spirit of forgiveness and
reconciliation. The instruction from Paul’s epistles is very simple not ambiguous at all.
“Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord; a wife is not to depart from her
husband, but even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her
husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife” (1 Cor. 7:10-11) NKJV. The statement
nullified the writing of a certificate of divorce for the New Testament believer and the

permitted divorce has a strict regulation – no adultery, meaning there should be no re-
marriage in this case except to the one from whom she was previously divorced.

Point of Emphasis: Re-marriage is like sealing up un-forgiveness and blocking every
opportunity to reconcile.
Prayer Point: We bind and overcome every anti-marriage spirit of divorce and remarriage in
Jesus’ name.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 44-46
Thur. 9/5/2019 The Bitter Root Of Divorce Deut. 24:1-4
The real causes of divorce are hatred and un-forgiveness. Where there is the love of God,
there is nothing a spouse can do that cannot be overlooked. Love covers the multitude of
sins. Divorce is a climax and offshoot of hatred, deserting, bitterness, un-forgiveness, lack of
acceptance and loss of affection. In our passage, the driving force behind the accusation is
not even if there is a sin but hatred and unforgiving spirit within. “She finds no favour in his
eyes...” Divorce is a statement like “I am finished with her. I cannot and will never ever
forgive her! I have no hope anymore even in God changing her and working in her”. Can
you imagine going to heaven with such an unforgiving spirit? This permission was given to
the people because of the hardness of their heart. Is your heart hardened?
Point of Emphasis: There is nothing we cannot give to bring back the relationship between a
man and his wife.
Prayer Point: O Lord our God, give us the grace to love and forgive and restore us fully in
your love.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 47 – Dan. 1
Fri. 10/5/2019 The Tragedy Of Divorce Lk. 17:1-4
Divorce severs a relationship and has devastating effect on the lives of the spouses and
children that are involved. The agreement and covenant between them are broken. Extra
marital affairs often occur when a marriage is broken. If a spouse resorts to having an affair,
it is a form of serious rejection. Divorce is an unfortunate experience. Negative


communication is a serious factor in the fall of any marriage. Words are powerful, they can
break people’s heart and are capable of destroying people’s relationship. Harsh and
insensitive words can kill a marriage. No one is happy when a marriage fails. There is no
winner, everyone loses something significant because separation breaches God’s reason for
marriage. Divorce has the potential to disrupt godly seeds from taking their place in the
building of God’s kingdom. The offspring of divorce may also experience marital problem
in future. Therefore, believers should always forgive and avoid divorce.
Point of Emphasis: Nobody is happy when a marriage fails, future generations of God’s
seed would not be possible.
Prayer Points: Our Lord and Creator, let your power stop every demonic storm blowing
against our family relationship in Jesus’ name.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 2-4
Sat. 11/5/2019 Symptoms of Divorce Prov. 5:15-20
Marriages don’t break in one day. Divorce creeps in gradually. The bottom line is that
certain attitudes and behaviors work against the relationship. Failure to keep Christ and His
word at the center of the relationship may mark the unnoticed beginning of the breakdown.
No marriage can fail with Jesus Christ as its focal point because the tie that binds it all
together is Christ. Before divorce, there are several strange behaviours that take place in the
family. Such include lack of communication, avoiding contact with each other, separation
of room and bed, starvation of each other with sex, separation of accounts, undisclosed
projects and so on. When you notice any of these symptoms in your relationship, take
caution and address the problem before it gets out of hand.
Point of Emphasis: Divorce does not happen suddenly, it happens gradually and in phases.
Prayer Point: Father, help us to take caution never to allow anything to come in between us
in this family.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 5-7
Sun. 12/5/2019 Avoid Marriage Killer-Diseases Col. 3:5-14
There are some sinful patterns of living that are not helpful in marital relationship. The
Bible refers to them as “the old man” that deserves to be put off and crucified (vs. 9). They
sap the joy of marriage, kill the morale of marriage and are detrimental to a healthy
relationship. Some of them are: selfishness, unforgiving heart, making negative points of
reference, unfaithfulness, lack of trust, etc. The tendency to divorce and break relationship is
voluntary and not an impulse action. Avoid ephemeral things that can cause divorce. Trust
helps the couples to achieve matrimonial harmony and intimacy. Anything that will break
the trust and cause distrust should be avoided. They are marriage killer diseases that may
eventually cause separation or divorce.
Point of Emphasis: Intentionally “put off” the old nature in you and “put on” the new
nature in Christ so that the bliss in your marriage may last.
Prayer Point: Transform us oh Lord by the power of your word and the Holy Spirit in Jesus’
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 8-10


God the originator of marriage and family does not approve divorce and re-marriage.
It contradicts God’s plan and violates divine injunction on marriage. Believers must know
the predisposing factors to divorce and re-marriage and learn how to avoid them, accept
each other and continue to stay together in marriage. This week’s lesson focuses on divorce
and re-marriage.
The word translated ‘divorce’ in Old Testament is the Hebrew word ‘Kerat’ which
means “to cut off”. That exactly is what divorce means. It cuts off the marriage covenant
and the relationship of the couple joined together by God. In the New Testament, the word
‘apostasion’ translated “divorce” means “a defection”. The dictionary meaning of defect is
“to forsake a party”. God places the responsibility of leaving and cleaving on the man. He
leaves and cleaves to his wife. Divorce occurs when he is not able to cleave tightly enough
to become inseparable. Marriage rests on the shoulders of the man, just the same way
divorce also does. Whatever happens in the home is the man’s responsibility, although it
may not be his fault. (Gen. 2:24).
Broken homes break the heart of God and inflict un-ending pains on all parties
involved. Happiness and harmony are destroyed and the parties involved are spiritually and
emotionally wounded. Vows and commitment are broken, iniquities are committed and
there are tremendous incurable pain, a permanent scar, a distress and depression. Marriage
vow is unto death, it is the responsibility of Christians to keep their marriage vow (Eccl.
5:4,5; Pro 18:14,19; Pro. 17:4).
Many people have invested enormous energy in their families and their future, yet, some
marriages failed. Some factors responsible for divorce include the following: Ignorance,
inadequate knowledge of God’s word and God’s principles that make marriage work. Some
of the factors that can lead to divorce are (Mal. 2:16; 1 Cor. 7:10,11).
 Selfishness: Many go into marriage because of the benefits they intend to derive from
it not thinking of the cost (1 Cor. 7:3,4).
 Incompatibility: The union can be endangered due to the incompatibility of the
couples either spiritual, biological, educational or personality (Amos 3:3).
 Lack and Hardship: Poverty or mismanagement of limited financial resources can
cause problems that may lead to divorce.
 Marital Infidelity: Being unfaithful, disloyal and deceitful in marriage could lead to
mistrust and a breakdown of the union.
 Domestic Violence: The presence of physical, verbal and emotional abuse is a serious
threat to the sanctity of marriage.
 Barrenness: Some people allow the situation of childlessness to degenerate to
separation and divorce.


 Third party influence: Undue interference from family, friends and foes e.g. too
much parental influence and control and too much dependence on extended family
 Poor interpersonal relationship and communication.
Others include bad behaviors and attitude, unresolved hurts and offences, demonic
influence, long separation etc.
From all indications, divorce is not acceptable to God. It is not an option and even
when it happens, the Holy Bible does not permit re-marriage (1 Cor. 7:10,11). The only case
when re-marriage is allowed is when one of the spouse dies. (1 Tim. 5:11-14). Forgiveness
can solve the problem of sexual immorality on the part of one of the spouses. Therefore,
Christian couples should learn how to get along no matter the situation, bearing in mind
that if re-marriage or singlehood is considered, you will probably encounter the same
problem again. Regret will hurt you in your lifetime. It is also going to be a stigma. You
may always suffer from a broken and wounded spirit, bitterness and deep seated resentment
which will have a negative effect on your spiritual and prayer life and hinder you from
making heaven. Your children will be affected greatly. They may also end up having broken
God is the architect, the designer, the initiator and creator of the oldest institution
called marriage. He is the only one that can help in making marriage work. His plans and
purposes are for us to comfort each other, enjoy life to the fullest and not to endure it. Give
Him a chance to manage and control your home. Get along in your marriage at all cost,
avoid factors that lead to marriage failure and tenaciously hold your marriage from failing.

1. What is divorce?
2. What are the factors that can lead to divorce?
3. Is there anything a believer can benefit from divorce?
4. What are the pains associated with divorce?
5. How can we prevent divorce in our marriage?

LESSON 12, 19/5/2019
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 226, 242
Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 5:7-10
Topic For Adults: There Is Meaning To Life
Topic For Youths: Grow In Grace To Have Good Legacy
Topic For Intermediates: God’s Grace Is For The Righteous
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 71:9-14; Prov. 15:21-25; Tit. 2:2-3; Col. 3:12-17; Isa. 46:4

MEMORY VERSE: “Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you (Isa. 46:4) NKJV


Mon. 13/5/2019 Walk Worthy Col. 1:9-11

One of the ingredients needed in being filled with the knowledge of God’s will is praying
always and having absolute resolution to remain in the will of God. Also, we must
continually have fellowship with Him. The act of doing His will result in having spiritual
wisdom that transforms our hearts and lives (verse 19). Christians must learn to pray for
each other under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to have spiritual wisdom and the
knowledge of God’s will. Doing this will make us to be filled with the fullness of God and
experience the nearness of Christ. Strengthened with all might according to the glorious
power of God will give us power to overcome sin, Satan and the world. Our whole life will
radiate and depend on God’s grace. Nothing will stop us from bearing fruit for the Lord.

Point of Emphasis: Walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.

Prayer Point: Father strengthen me with your power so that I can walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 11 – Hos. 1

Tue. 14/5/2019 Don’t Be Ethnocentrical Acts 10:9-23

Our text today speaks about the vision which Peter had when he went to pray. It is
commendable. The Bible urges believers to continue faithfully in prayer (Rom. 12:12). Peter
was hungry and fell into a trance, the voice that spoke with him must have been the Holy
Spirit. He was not in any doubt to recognise that as can be deduced from his response in
verse 14. His main problem was that he had not come to the term that ‘what God hath
cleansed, should not be undermined: It is a pity that some Christians have prejudice against
some people. They find it difficult to relate with people that are not from their clan, tribe
and nation. If you want to live your life well and be free with everybody, don’t be ethnocentrical.

Point of Emphasis: Ethnocentrism brings unwarranted hatred, don’t involve yourself in it.

Prayer Point: Help me O Lord not to be biased against anybody in your household.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 2-5

Wed. 15/5/2019 Don’t Give Place To The Devil Eph. 4:23-27

There is bond to be disagreement between couples and family members. There is no point to
get emotionally unstable or exaggerate the problem beyond proportion. Involving ourselves
in any of these will give room to the devil. Learn to settle your differences amicably, don’t
go to sleep without settling your differences, no matter how minor it may be. Maintain the
unity of faith in your family by speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15)

Point of Emphasis: Settle your differences amicably, don’t give room to the Devil.

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, give my family the grace to settle our differences without giving room to the devil.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 6-8

Thur. 16/5/2019 Use The Three (3) Watchwords Always Prov. 15:21-25

It is a fact, nobody likes to be treated as an object of ridicule. Respect is reciprocal. The
three watchwords please, sorry, thank you (PST) are magical words that heal what could
have translated into crisis. Verse 23 of our text says “a man hath joy by the answer of his
mouth: and ‘a word spoken in due season how good is it’. Don’t speak nagging word to
each other. Learn to listen very well. If you do, it is possible that you will see your fault and
there may be need for you to apologise. Make use of P.S.T (please, sorry, thank you)
always. You will see the wonders this will do to your inter-personal relationship.

Point of Emphasis: Use the three watchwords appropriately.

Prayer Point: Help me Holy Spirit to apply the three watchwords whenever there is need for it.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 9-12

Fri. 17/5/2019 Don’t Seek Pleasure In Worldly Way Heb. 3:7-13

The Israelites above 20 years aside from Joshua and Caleb were bared from entering into
the promise land because of the hardness of their hearts and unbelief. The Holy Spirit speaks
to believers these days not to resort to worldly pleasures. Ignoring His warning will make
commitment to truth and righteous living not a priority. One would seek pleasure in the
way of the world rather than the way of God. Note: Don’t get to the point of no return
where there will be no remedy. Examine yourself, is there a heart of unbelief in you (verse
12). Repent now and God will forgive and re-instate you.

Point of Emphasis: Worldly pleasures will prevent you from fulfiling your purpose on Earth, don’t be involved in it.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, I depend on you, give me grace not to be involved in or seek worldly pleasures.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 13 – Joel 1

Sat. 18/5/2019 Long For Pure Nourishment 1 Pet. 2:1-3

A deep desire to feed on the living and abiding word of God is the means through which a
believer can remain spiritually healthy. Members of the family that want to remain fruitful
and watchful must not allow their spiritual hunger and thirst for God’s word to diminish.
You must always desire the sincere milk of the word of God as a new born baby. This is the way for you to grow. You must not be careless to allow your relationship with Christ to slip
off. Continue to nourish your soul through the undiluted word of God.

Point of Emphasis: Create in me a deep desire to feed on the word of God.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, help me and my family to continue to feed on the living and abiding word of God.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Joel 2 – Amos 1

Sun. 19/5/2019 Honour And Celebrate Elderly Parents Isa. 46:4; Eph. 6:2-3

There is no magic or two ways about it. If the parents which you term as ‘old school’ had
not given birth to you or had aborted you when you were still in the womb; maybe you will
not be alive today. Do not despise your father and mother just because they have grown old.
Instead, have a deep love for them. Though God is the source of life, but without our
parents, we would not exist. There is nothing that we can give our parents that is precious as
‘life’ itself. Think of the self-sacrifice, anxious care, expense, and loving attention they have
exercised in bringing you up. The word of God that says “Honour your father and mother
that it may go well with you” cannot be jettisoned. While the children honour their parents,
the parents in return should pray for their children. Locate your parents, do something for
them. Parents, pray wholeheartedly for your children.

Point of Emphasis: Honour thy father and mother... that it might be well with you.

Prayer Point: Thank you God for my parents, it shall be well with them in their old age and I will be fruitful and succeed them in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Amos 2 – 4

Many view life as a mystery, full of crisis with nothing to enjoy. Those that are not of
Christ Jesus may perceive life like this, but Christians should have a different perspective
about life. It was created to be enjoyed and not to be endured. Obeying Christ’s direction as
revealed in the word of God will save us from a lot of insurmountable burdens confronting
the people that are outside Christ in the world. This week’s lesson assures Christ’s people
that the Holy Spirit of God will lead them through life even to the time of their old age.
Whatever problem they are confronted with will be borne by God’s grace. Their life story
will be a success and will be written in gold as they grow in grace and be watchful.



Protecting yourself and your family from the world’s destructive influence is
something that you must not handle with levity. First, Christians must endeavor to have a
loving family bounds by love that makes their home a safe haven or paradise on Earth.
Every member of the family must grow up hating everything displeasing to God.
There are challenges in life, but these challenges mean different things to people.
Some view challenges as a stepping stone to their breakthrough while to some, it is a
blockage to their success. The way we view and what we do with challenges in life is a
determinant of what we get from it.
The passage read for this division was a prayer by someone who faced life challenges
and needed help. He knew that God’s help was needed to overcome the problem. He prayed to God to rescue him from his enemies and afflictions. It can be deduced from the content of
his prayer that he had walked in God’s way since childhood (verses 5-6, 17). Though he had
experienced many troubles, he maintained his faith and confidence in the Lord. He was
determined to live the rest of his life with confidence that God would deliver him from all
his troubles.
Any believer or family who maintains a godly devotion with God and do His will
grow in grace and also be watchful that nothing pollutes their godliness. Assuredly,
godliness is rewarding. It is beneficial for all things, as it holds promises pertaining to life
now and in the life to come. Following the godly direction in the Bible will give your family
happiness. Hope in God constantly irrespective of what comes your way. Hope in Christ
does not disappoint (Rom. 5:5)
Those who fear God turn from evil and build their lives around the instruction of
God. They take delight in God and hope in Him always. To have lasting joy and succeed in
life, put your hope in God. Doing this will make your family to be blessed (Ps. 1:1-3). Be
determined to live the rest of your life with the confidence that God will take care of
everything that concerns you.


Due to differences in temperament, some find it difficult to remain calm when
discussing or when settling a misunderstanding. Some get emotionally unstable and
exaggerate issue beyond proportion.
In such a situation, Christian must follow the Biblical injuction that says that we
should speak the truth in love and be watchful that we do not sin; let not the sun go down
upon your wrath. This, therefore, entails that Christians should settle their difference
amicably as soon as possible.
Whenever problem or misunderstanding occurs in the family, Christians should trash
it out. Don’t give room to ‘triangulation’ or ‘detouring’. This has no positive value to your
existence. Rather, it makes the family to grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30). Ignoring the
presence of the Holy Spirit will lead to animosity.
‘Triangulation’ is a technical word which means a situation in a family when a group
of three people exclude the third e.g. A mother may form a coalition against the father or
vice versa. This is unhealthy, stop it immediately if you are involved in the practice.
“Detouring” is another word for ‘scapegoating’. It has to do with ignoring dealing
with a serious problem. It is to be occupied with a lesser issue. It applies to a situation when
parents keep themselves busy with trivial matters rather than their common objective. They
do this to avoid the pain of dealing with serious problems.
Family members should learn to communicate better in order to develop a better
relationship so as to address issues amicably using Bible principles to arrive at decision that
will promote their family’s stability.
Family members should learn not to nag or embark on souring relationship that can
give room to Satan in their family. When differences occur, learn to listen carefully to one
another. The one who is at fault should be able to see his or her mistake and there may be
need to say sorry, please, or thank you. These are three watchwords that heals wound in the
society. Each family member should know how to control his or her utterance.


The word ‘sober’ from the passage read carried two meanings in the New Testament
times. Literarily it connotes abstinence, self-restraint or control.
Aged men are to be examples of faith while the aged women must put on good
conduct befitting godly people. There are various aspects relating to family issues that
require self-control in order to grow in grace. Self-control: Restraining one’s spirit;
exercising self-control is very important for those who want to grow in grace. Some of these
 Finance. Spend the income within your means. As much as you can, don’t allow
your family to go into debt by spending above your income and resources.
 Build good identity for yourself and family to impact the next generation.
 Work on your health. Pray for good health. If there is need to, seek for physical
check up. It is not a sin. Have regular check up with competent physicians.
 Determine to leave a good legacy. This will empower you to forge ahead. It will
enable you to attach true meaning to life.
 Have positive attitude towards aging: people do not age the same way. Human
beings age by their experiences, culture and expectations. Aging is a thing of the
mind. Whatever may be your age; you can still be relevant. Ronald Reagan became
the President of The United States of America at seventy.
 Don’t accept setbacks, don’t just sit doing nothing. Forge ahead.

PART 4: HONOUR THE AGED ONES – COL. 3:12-17; ISA. 46:4

As Christians, we must not despise our parents because they have grown old. We
must keep loving and celebrating them. We must put on tender affection of mercy, kindness
and love to care for the aged ones.
The Lord our Creator is the giver of old age. He promised to carry and deliver us
from every problem in life. He has been catering for them since the beginning of their lives.
He is able to continue to act on our behalf even in our old age (Isa. 46:4).
Our parents gave birth to us; without them, most probably we wouldn’t be existing.
There is nothing greater we can give them that can equate the life given us. Think of what
they have done for you. Honour your father and mother that it may go well with you (Eph.
Contrary to the gods of unbelievers which are carried by hands, God has promised to
care for us from the beginning of our lives to the end. He is able to carry and deliver us (Isa.
46:4). All we need is to grow in grace and be watchful
There are ingredients that Christians must exhibit in order to grow in grace. Satan
and his cohorts remain a threat to family success. If Christians can stand firm in faith, we are fully equipped to defeat his schemes which he has enacted against our happy co-existence.

1. How can one enjoy his or her family and not endure it?
2. How can Christians protect their family from worldly destructive influence?
3. What is the fate of a family which maintains a godly devotion and does God’s will?
4. Discuss the word ‘triangulation’ and ‘detouring’.
5. What is watchful and of what importance is it to the family members?
6. How can Christians celebrate the aged one?

(MONDAY, MAY 20, 2019 TO SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019)
MONDAY, MAY 20, 2019


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 32, 50
Devotional Reading: Gen. 2:18-32
Topic For Adults: Your Family Is A Gift From God
Topic For Youths: God Is The Perfect Foundation For The Family
Topic For Intermediates: God Purposefully Put You In A Family
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 1:26-28; 2:18-23; Matt. 19:1-9

MEMORY VERSE: And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I
will make him a helper comparable to him.” (Gen. 2:18) NKJV

SUMMARY: God planned that through the family set up His purpose for man to “fill the
earth and subdue it” will be fulfilled. The institution of the family was not an ad-hoc
programme which God thought about later, but the institution started right from the
beginning of creation. The distortions which man introduced into the institution only
brought frustration, pain and heartache. For the family to fulfil God’s mandate, it is
necessary to go back to examine God’s purpose for the first family to find the blueprint.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 62, 99
Devotional Reading: Gen. 1:22; 2:18-25
Topic For Adults: Make Your Family An Example Of A Christian Family
Topic For Youths: Decide To Build A Christian Family
Topic For Intermediates: Play Your Part To Make Your Family A Christian Family
Lesson Scriptures: 2 Cor. 6:14-18; 2:21-25; 18:17-19; 1 Sam. 3:27-31

MEMORY VERSE: Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what
fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with
darkness? (2 Cor.6:14) NKJV

SUMMARY: The malady plaguing the society today is a reflection of the dearth of
Christian families who ought to influence the society for God. The Christian family would
be a fertile ground for inculcating the fear of God, providing support for individual family
members, ensuring an atmosphere that discourages sexual immorality and spiritual
backsliding. God is still counting on His children to uphold spiritual standards in their

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Amos 5 – 7

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 197, 210
Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 3:10-17
Topic For Adults: Home Where Christ Is Lord
Topic For Youths: Home Built On Solid Foundation
Topic For Intermediates: Be Part Of A Godly Home
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 7:24-28; 1 Cor. 13:1-8; 1 Pet. 3:1-6

MEMORY VERSE: So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God
has joined together, let not man separate. (Matt. 19: 6) NKJV

SUMMARY: God designed the home to stand on some biblical principles. When these
principles are ignored, the home can neither stand nor achieve God’s purpose for it. The
calamity plaguing the society today is a repercussion of man forsaking these pillars. Each
family can go back to God and be committed to observing these pillars and building on
them in order to have peace and joy in the home.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 271, 275
Devotional Reading: Heb. 13:4-6
Topic For Adults: Don’t Be A Marriage Destroyer
Topic For Youths: Prepare For A Glorious Marriage
Topic For Intermediate: Desire To Obey God
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 2:21-25; Heb. 13:4-6; Prov. 5:20; 18:22; Matt. 19:1-6

MEMORY VERSE: Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but
fornicators and adulterers God will judge. (Heb. 13: 4) NKJV

SUMMARY: Marriage is honourable. Protect the sanctity of your marriage. God’s purpose
for instituting marriage has not become obsolete. Make yours work. Do not do anything
that will truncate it. Hold it in high esteem.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Amos 8 – Obadiah


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 209, 352
Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 3:1-12
Topic For Adults: Duties of Parents
Topic For Youths: The Useful Youth In A Christian Home
Topic For Intermediates: Why Must I Obey?
Lesson Scriptures: Eph. 5:25-33; 1 Tim. 5:8, Eccl. 9:7-9; Eph. 5:22-24; 1 Pet. 3;1-6; Tit. 2:3-
7; Prov. 30:17; Eph. 6:1-3

MEMORY VERSE: But if anyone does not provide for his own and especially for those of
his household, he has denied the faith and worse than an unbeliever (1 Tim. 5:8) NKJV

SUMMARY: There is no duty of any family member that is not important for the well-
being of the family. In view of this, each member should perform his or her roles in order to avoid lapses. Performing our duties will make our family to function and be fruitful.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 213, 240
Devotional Reading: Jos. 24:1-15
Topic For Adults: Let Your Life Be Worthwhile
Topic For Youths: Don’t Make Yourself An Eye sore
Topic For Intermediates: Start On A Good Note
Lesson Scripture: 2 Thess. 3:6-14; Jn. 13:35; 1 Thess. 2:2-10; Mk. 10:9; Eph. 4:17-22

MEMORY VERSE: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16) NKJV

SUMMARY: This lesson admonishes us to be good Christians. Allowing Jesus to control
our lives and families will make every trace of darkness to varnish. Our families and homes
will become a paradise on Earth worthy of emulation. Live your life as it becometh of true
followers of Christ. You and your household will become a family worthy to be set as an
example to follow.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Jonah 1 – 4

THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 1, 25
Devotional Reading: Eph. 6:10-18
Topic for Adults: The Family That Prays Together, Stays Together
Youth Topic: Making Daily Family Altar Lively
Intermediate: Strengthened Through The Daily Family Altar
Lesson Scriptures: Jer. 33:1-3; Prov. 1:10, 28-33; Acts 1:12-14

MEMORY VERSE: “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He
went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mk. 1:35) NKJV

SUMMARY: The daily family altar could be the first place your children would hear the
gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that is able to save their souls, and how better for them to
hear it from you as their father or mother. As the parents and leaders they look up to, your action will go a long way to shapen their interest or disinterest in the things of God. Handle
your family altar with all the seriousness and importance it demands and you will always
see God in action.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 99, 323
Devotional Reading: 1 Sam. 1:1-18
Topic For Adults: Marital Challenges: The Way Out
Topic For Youths: God Has A Solution
Topic For Intermediates: Trust In God for Remedy
Lesson Scriptures: Gen.3:1-10; 1 Pet. 3:7-12 Prov. 24:3-4; 15:1-2; 18:21; 25:8-10.

MEMORY VERSE: Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as
himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband (Eph. 5:33) NKJV

SUMMARY: When your home is facing any marital challenge, the only one that can help
you is God. Go to Him in prayer and consult the Bible, the divine manual for marriage.
God can heal a broken home if allowed to do so in order to be immuned against negative
societal values. You must know and practise what the Bible says if you want your home to
experience peace. Beware of devil’s activities in your family, learn the skills of resolving
family crisis amicably and be as effective as you can in your interpersonal communication.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Micah 1 – 3

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2019


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 16, 244
Devotional Reading: Jer. 35:1-19
Topic for Adults: Train Your Children To Give You Rest
Topic for Youths: Be Obedient To Godly Instructions
Topic for Intermediates: Shun bad Company
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 7:24-27, James 1:22-25, 1 Cor. 11:1, Deut. 6:4-9, Eph. 6:1-4; Lam.
2:19, Prov. 29:17, 22:6

MEMORY VERSE: “Train up your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he
will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) NKJV

SUMMARY: It is important for Christian parents to train their children in the way of the
Lord. Any child that is not trained brings shame to his or her parent and harm to him or
herself. It is expedient for parents to not fail in their responsibility in parenting godly


Suggestion Hymns: G.H.B. 223, 259
Devotional Reading: Matt. 18:15-19
Topic for Adults: Forsake Wrath
Topic for Youths: Be Angry And Do Not Sin
Topic for Intermediates: No Harsh Words
Lesson Scriptures: Lk 6:27-37, Eph. 4:21-32, Col. 3:12-15, Matt. 5:23-24, Phil. 2:1-9

MEMORY VERSE: Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that
your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar....First be
reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift. (Matt. 5:23-24) NKJV.

SUMMARY: In homes, misunderstanding sometimes occurs. Allowing it to linger causes
homes to have breach of peace and fruitfulness. Always nip your misunderstanding in the
bud as soon as it occurs. There shouldn’t be lingering misunderstanding where Christ is

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Micah 4 – 6

SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019


Suggested Hymn: G.H.B. 83, 263
Devotional Reading: Mal. 2:14-16
Topic for Adults: Till Death Do us Part
Topic for Youths: For Better for Worse
Topic for Intermediate: Look Before You Leap
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 5:31-32; 19:1-8; I Cor. 7:1-11; Mal. 2:13-16

MEMORY VERSE; “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God
has joined together, let no man separate” (Matt. 19:6) NKJV.

SUMMARY: God is the architect, the designer, the initiator and creator of the oldest
institution called marriage. He is the only one that can help in making marriage work. His
plans and purposes are for us to comfort each other, enjoy life to the fullest and not to
endure it. Give Him a chance to manage and control your home. Get along in your
marriage at all cost, avoid factors that lead to marriage failure and tenaciously hold your
marriage from failing.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 226, 242
Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 5:7-10
Topic For Adults: There Is Meaning To Life
Topic For Youths: Grow In Grace To Have Good Legacy
Topic For Intermediates: God’s Grace Is For The Righteous
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 71:9-14; Prov. 15:21-25; Tit. 2:2-3; Col. 3:12-17; Isa. 46:4

MEMORY VERSE: “Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry
you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you (Isa. 46:4) NKJV

SUMMARY: There are ingredients that Christians must exhibit in order to grow in grace.
Satan and his cohorts remain a threat to family success. If Christians can stand firm in faith, we are fully equipped to defeat his schemes which he has enacted against our happy co-existence.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Micah 7 – Nahum 2

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019
Pray on the twelve lessons. 

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hab. 1 – 3

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