

God's Whispers

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:2

All during my early married life, my wife set the example for me and my family, as to what a Christian should be like, and I let her lead our family, and be the Christian influence. I went through the motions and went to church, but did not feel the need to do anything else. However, for years before I accepted Christ; I felt "Him" tugging at my heart; I heard the whisper of "His" voice .. but I chose to ignore "Him." But then when I finally decided to accept Christ as my savior my world changed. I recall reading a story about a twelve-year-old boy who accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord during a weekend revival meeting. The next week, his school friends questioned him about the experience. "Did you hear God talk?" one asked. "No," the boy said. "Did you have a vision?" another asked ."No," the boy replied. "Well, how did you know it was God?" a third friend asked. The boy thought for a moment and then said, "It's like when you catch a fish. You can't see the fish or hear the fish; you just feel him tugging on your line. I felt God tugging on my heart." This is much like the experience I had. I then quickly learned that just going to Church wasn't enough for me, and that I needed to spend time with God each day, reading my Bible and spending time in prayer. Your world will change when you accept Jesus as your savior. It is our faith that compels us to believe, even when we cannot explain to others why or how. By our faith we know in Whom we trust which is sufficient, as when we accept Jesus as our Savior, that is all that matters.

Pastor Robert William Brock, Jr.
December 8

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