


©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Jeremy was my neighbor. We were both teenagers. I had a serious crush on him and you could attribute that to the volume of romantic novels I had read at the young age of 12. Mum and Dad were civil servants who always returned in the evening. After school, the school bus would drop me off at the house and since I had been given an extra key, I would help myself in.
Mum would have prepared and kept my lunch in a warmer. I had been taught to use the microwave if I wanted the food hotter.

Therefore, my daily routine was simple...After school, I get my food from the warmer, put it in the microwave, I go take a shower, I sit eating on the dining table while doing my homework. Most times by 3:30pm or 4:00pm, I would have been through with my assignment.

Idleness sets in. I was never a cartoon person but I loved to watch movies and read novels. A friend introduced me to some highly erotic romance novels at school and it started out as fun but along the line, I became addicted to it. We even held competitions on the fastest reader. This competition made it possible for me to read three of such novels in a week. I would sleep reading the novels and wake up reading it.

It therefore won’t be a surprising thing to say that at 13 years old, I had become sexually active in my mind. Anytime I saw boys, I wanted to kiss them and experiment all I had read in the romance novels, but the fear of disappointing my parents did not let me have a boyfriend like my friends.

When I turned 14, My friend who had introduced me to the novels, took it further by showing us porn videos on her phone. That further worsened everything for me.

I desperately wanted to experience the feeling of what this thing called Sex was, and since Jeremy was the closest boy to me, I started seducing him by putting on skimpy skirt in the compound.

Like me, his parents were not always around during the day. In the compound, between 2:30 -7pm, we were always alone in the compound with the security man who was always too busy with his mini mart in front of the house.

I had learnt a lot of seductive ways of luring a boy to sleep with a girl through the different characters I had met in the novels...

One day, I slept off in the living room while reading one of the romance novels. As I drifted off into the dream land, a young handsome man walked up to me. He introduced himself as Greg and instantly I recognized him to be the character in the novel I was reading. He kissed me and one thing led to the other till i had sexual intercourse in my dream. I woke up feeling very much in need of Sex. It felt like the Greg in my dream had defiled me and planted the quest of Sex in me.

I stood up and walked towards Jeremy’s flat like I was being controlled, I knew I was under a strong influence. I picked up the Ludo game from the dining table.

I knocked at his door and on opening he was surprised to see me in a very short gown with a game of Ludo in my hands.

“ Hello Favour” Jeremy had said

“ Hi, Jeremy, my parents are not around and I feel very bored, do you mind playing this game with me?” I asked seductively

“ I am actually doing my home work, you can come back in 30 minutes” he said

“ Ok, better still let me stay out here” I didn’t wait to hear his approval, I took their veranda chair and took my seat. He went in and came out after about 10 minutes.

“ You can come in” Jeremy said opening the door for me to come in.

I placed the Ludo game in between us, I had chosen this game on purpose, because my intention was to sit opposite him and spread my legs open in front of him. I did exactly this and instantly I knew he had received the signal I sent to him, as I saw him moving uncomfortably on his chair, but all of a sudden, he stood up...

“ My parents and my younger ones will be back soon, I need to do some chores”. He stepped to the door and opened the door which was a polite way of asking me to step out of his house.

I went back to my house and self relieved myself, but I wasn’t content. I never knew what I had done was called Masturbation.

The next time I paid Jeremy a visit sealed the deal. I had returned from school and I had inserted a Movie a friend had given me in school. She told me it was a blockbuster. When I was through with the movie, I found myself in the same state I was the first time I had visited Jeremy. This time around I had dozed off and I had seen the male lead in the movie I was watching in my dream, he had asked me out and just like in the movie, he made love to me like he did to his girlfriend. I woke up feeling like I should have someone do to me what I saw in my dream.

I went to Jeremy’s house with the game, I sat across him and before I knew what was happening he had raped me.

After the whole incident I felt really bad and I realized Sex wasn’t worth it.

Three months later, my life became a mess as my mother found out I was pregnant..

To be continued

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Photo credit:Internet

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